Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2014
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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Schofield, Josie
School district 35 (Langley)
- Financial reporting, review by Auditor General (Corrigan) 12:0930 (Jones, R.) 12:0930
Seckel, Allan
- Role in government coverage of Basi-Virk legal fees (Dodds, S.) 9:0955
Seismic upgrades
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts See Public Accounts, Select Standing Committee on
Services card See B.C. services card
Setting Priorities for the B.C. Health System report See Government priorities under Health – Health care system
Shackell, Jane
- Board resourcing and development office
- Capilano University
- Post-secondary education, universities, colleges and institutes
Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS)
Simpson, Shane (Vancouver-Hastings)
- Alberta
- Basi-Virk court case re alleged breach of trust
- special indemnity agreements
- B.C. Medical Association
- Deloitte and Touche Inc.
- review of government information technology costs 12:1455-1500
- Education, school districts and boards of education
- financial management of working capital
- Financial Institutions Commission
- funding and surplus funds 11:1040
- oversight role re credit unions, staffing and review activities 11:1035-1040
- Government
- financial management of working capital by SUCH sector entities
- information technology
- Income assistance, disability benefits
- Loukidelis, David
- role in government coverage of Basi-Virk legal fees 9:1010
- MLAs
- constituency assistants and experience with disability benefits program cases 12:1050
- Physicians
- relationship with government 11:1415
- Public Accounts Committee
- role and responsibilities 11:0930-0935
- witnesses
- proposal to call witnesses re special indemnity agreements 11:0930-0935
- Public service
- special indemnity agreements
- review by Auditor General and recommendations 9:1120
- solicitor-client privilege and access to records 9:1120
- special indemnity policy, eligibility principles 9:1005
- Riverview Hospital
- Whitmarsh, Graham
- role in government coverage of Basi-Virk legal fees 9:1010
Social Development and Social Innovation, Ministry of
Special indemnity agreements See Public service
Specialists See Physicians
STARS See Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS)
Student loans See Student financial assistance under Post-secondary education
SUCH sector entities
- Financial management of working capital See Government
Sullivan, Sam (Vancouver–False Creek)
- As subject
- election as Deputy Chair of Public Accounts Committee 7:1005 (Eby) 7:1005 (Ralston) 7:1005
- participation in subcommittee on agenda and procedure (Ralston) 11:0905
- Disabled and handicapped persons
- programs and services, funding 12:1040
- Government
- financial management of working capital by SUCH sector entities
- investment of funds and interest issue 10:1410
- investment of funds, losses and guidelines 10:1410
- records, online access and searchability 7:1025-1030
- records, retention and disposal 7:1025-1030, 7:1040
- Income assistance, disability benefits
- consultation process and white paper 12:1040
- Motions and resolutions
- resolution on Riverside Hospital records 12:1535
- Public Accounts Committee
- election of Chair and Deputy Chair 7:1005
- meeting schedule
- performance measurement 11:0900-0905
- review of Auditor General reports, special indemnities audit report
- subcommittee on agenda and procedure 11:1540-1545, 11:1555
- subcommittee on agenda and procedure, process and effectiveness 11:0900-0905
- witnesses
- proposal to call witnesses re special indemnity agreements 11:0930
- Public documents committee
- Riverview Hospital
- records
- records, historical value and preservation 7:1040
Supreme Court of British Columbia
- Ruling on access to records re Basi-Virk court case (Dodds, S.) 9:0910
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