Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2014
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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ICM See Integrated case management system under Government
Income assistance – Disability benefits
- Accessibility
- accessibility (Harrington, M.) 12:0945-0950, 12:1025, 12:1320 (Hatt, L.) 12:0935-0940 (Huntington) 12:1020-1025 (Ralston) 12:1320 (Reimer) 12:1050 (Simpson) 12:1050
- advocates See role of third parties below under this subheading
- application approvals and appeals (Corrigan) 12:1125-1130, 12:1335 (Galbraith, D.) 12:1335 (Harrington, M.) 12:1125-1135, 12:1310-1315 (Ralston) 12:1310 (Yap) 12:1130-1135
- client communications and satisfaction survey (Galbraith, D.) 12:0940-0945
- English and other languages (Galbraith, D.) 12:1315-1320 (Ralston) 12:1315-1320
- improvements (Galbraith, D.) 12:1135-1140 (Robinson) 12:1135-1140
- office accessibility (Huntington) 12:1305-1310
- offices and hours of operations (Eby) 12:1025-1030, 12:1325 (Galbraith, D.) 12:1025-1030, 12:1325
- online information (Corrigan) 12:1120-1125 (Galbraith, D.) 12:0945, 12:1125 (Hatt, L.) 12:1125
- physical accessibility (Galbraith, D.) 12:0955
- role of nurse practitioners (Eby) 12:1325-1330 (Harrington, M.) 12:1325-1330
- role of third parties (Galbraith, D.) 12:1135 (Harrington, M.) 12:1135 (Robinson) 12:1135 (Taylor, S.) 12:1135 (Yap) 12:1135
- telephone service (Corrigan) 12:1125 (Eby) 12:1150 (Galbraith, D.) 12:0950, 12:1125, 12:1150, 12:1305, 12:1325 (Hatt, L.) 12:1325 (Ralston) 12:1150, 12:1320 (Robinson) 12:1305
- Benefit amount (Harrington, M.) 12:1100-1105, 12:1155 (Morris) 12:1100-1105 (Simpson) 12:1155 (Throness) 12:1010
- Benefit amount and meeting of basic needs (Corrigan) 12:1005-1010 (Harrington, M.) 12:1010 (Hatt, L.) 12:1010
- Benefit amount for shelter (Harrington, M.) 12:1155, 12:1300-1305 (Robinson) 12:1300-1305 (Simpson) 12:1155
- Benefits, deduction of child support payments (Eby) 12:1330 (Harrington, M.) 12:1330
- Bus passes (Simpson) 12:1155
- Consultation process and white paper (Galbraith, D.) 12:1320 (Harrington, M.) 12:0945 (Hatt, L.) 12:1040 (Sullivan) 12:1040
- Data collection See Evaluation of program below under this main heading
- Earnings exemption (Harrington, M.) 12:1015, 12:1055-1100, 12:1150-1155 (Simpson) 12:1055, 12:1150-1155 (Throness) 12:1015
- Earnings exemption and pensions (Jones, R.) 12:1100 (Newton, S.) 12:1100 (Ralston) 12:1100
- Eligibility and decision-making process (Bellringer, C.) 12:1005 (Galbraith, D.) 12:0955 (Harrington, M.) 12:0955 (Hatt, L.) 12:0935-0940, 12:1005 (Robinson) 12:1005
- Eligibility and residency (Harrington, M.) 12:1140 (Throness) 12:1140
- Employment programs (Harrington, M.) 12:1055, 12:1145 (Simpson) 12:1050-1055 (Throness) 12:1140
- Employment programs, evaluation (Harrington, M.) 12:1000, 12:1035-1040 (Hatt, L.) 12:1035
- Evaluation of program (Eby) 12:1030 (Harrington, M.) 12:0955-1000, 12:1030 (Hatt, L.) 12:0935-0940
- Fraud and risk-based approach (Corrigan) 12:1330-1335 (Harrington, M.) 12:1335 (Jones, R.) 12:1330
- Persons with persistent multiple barriers (Harrington, M.) 12:1035
- Recipients
- addiction issues (Harrington, M.) 12:1145 (Ralston) 12:1145
- Canada Pension Plan recipients (Harrington, M.) 12:1140 (Throness) 12:1140
- community living services (Harrington, M.) 12:1140 (Throness) 12:1140
- mental health conditions (Harrington, M.) 12:1140-1145 (Throness) 12:1140
- number and trends (Dalton) 12:1040-1045 (Eby) 12:1035, 12:1145-1150 (Harrington, M.) 12:1015-1020, 12:1045-1050, 12:1100-1105, 12:1145 (Morris) 12:1100-1105 (Throness) 12:1015
- outcomes (Hatt, L.) 12:0935-0940
- Review by Auditor General (Hatt, L.) 12:0935-0940 (Jones, R.) 12:0930 (Ralston) 12:0930
- Review by Auditor General, government response (Galbraith, D.) 12:0940-0955 (Harrington, M.) 12:0945-1000 (Taylor, S.) 12:0940, 12:1000
- Staff (Dalton) 12:1050 (Galbraith, D.) 12:1050
- Staff training (Galbraith, D.) 12:0950 (Hatt, L.) 12:0940, 12:1000 (Robinson) 12:1000-1005
- White paper See Consultation process and white paper above under this main heading
Indemnity agreements See Special indemnity agreements under Public service
- Data linking by government, privacy issues See Information-sharing by government under Privacy
- Government information technology See Information technology under Government
- Information-sharing by government, privacy issues See Privacy
Integrated case management system See Government
Interpretation Act
- Provisions (Mitchell, G.) 8:1020
Irvine, Linda
- Public service, special indemnity agreements
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