Province of British Columbia
Fourth Session, 39th Parliament – 2011-12
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
| A
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Members' statements See Private members' statements; Statements; Statements by members (Standing order 25B)
Metal Dealers and Recyclers Act
- (Bill 13) (Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General) 1R, 8564; 2R, 8667-85, 8729-37; C, 8775-99, 8810-5; 3R, 8815; RA, 9096-7
- Debate, speakers (Barnett) 8731 (Bond) 8564, 8667-8, 8736-7, 8775-99, 8810-5 (Corrigan) 8668-71, 8775-98, 8810-5 (Dalton) 8678-9 (Farnworth) 8676-8 (Gentner) 8729-31 (Hammell) 8683-4 (Hayer) 8671-2 (Howard) 8681-3 (Krog) 8679-81 (Pimm) 8733-4 (Ralston) 8735-6, 8788 (Routley, B.) 8731-3 (Routley, D.) 8672-4 (Simons) 8734-5 (van Dongen) 8684-5 (Yap) 8674-6
Ministerial statements
- Abbott, Hon. George (Minister of Education)
- Classroom composition and class organization fund 7939 (Austin) 7939-40
- Bloy, Hon. Harry (Minister of State for Multiculturalism)
- Clark, Hon. Christy (Premier)
- Diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II 9123 (Dix) 9123
- Government response to report on deaths of Schoenborn children 9629-30 (Dix) 9630
- Pink Shirt Day and prevention of bullying 9569-70 (Dix) 9570
- Thomson, Hon. Steve (Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations)
- Heritage Week and energy in B.C. 9279-80 (Macdonald) 9280
- Rebuilding efforts in Japan and Canada-Tohoku reconstruction project 9019-20 (Macdonald) 9020
- Yamamoto, Hon. Naomi (Minister of Advanced Education)
- Response to earthquake and tsunami in Japan 9950 (Corrigan) 9950
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 2011
- (Bill 19) (Attorney General) 1R, 8709; 2R, 8815-44; C, 8995-9008, 9053-65, 9078-86; 3R, 9086; RA, 9096-7
- Debate, speakers (Bond) 8709, 8815-6, 8995, 9083-5 (Coleman) 9060-5, 9078-81 (Corrigan) 9083-6 (Donaldson) 8824-8, 9000, 9004-5, 9064-5, 9078-80 (Falcon) 9082-3 (Farnworth) 9082 (Fleming) 8828-31 (Fraser) 8837-40, 8995-8 (Gentner) 8841-3 (Horgan) 8843-4, 9060-5, 9082-3 (Huntington) 8835-7, 9007, 9055, 9057-8 (Krog) 8816-7 (Lake) 9081-2 (Macdonald) 8821-4, 8998-9004, 9080-2 (McRae) 9005-8 (Polak) 8995-8 (Popham) 8817-21, 9005-8, 9053-6 (Ralston) 9083 (Routley, D.) 8840-1 (Sather) 8831-5, 9055-7, 9059-60, 9081-2 (Thomson) 8998-9005, 9053-60
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2012
- (Bill 25) (Minister of Justice and Attorney General) 1R, 9806; 2R, 10596-600; C, 10821-43, 10877-9; 3R, 10879; RA, 11911
- Debate, speakers (Bond) 9806, 10596-7, 10600, 10821 (Chong) 10824-35 (Coleman) 10821 (Corrigan) 10829-31, 10835, 10841-3 (Krog) 10597-8, 10821-9, 10831-4, 10837 (Lake) 10835-43, 10877-9 (McRae) 10821-4 (Popham) 10598 (Sather) 10598-600, 10835-41, 10877-9
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2012
- (Bill 41) (Minister of Justice and Attorney General) 1R, 11340; 2R, 11507-27, 11580-92; C, 11731-54, 11783-94, 11813-35, 12074-100, 12073-4; 3R, 12074; RA, 12693
- Divisions: sec. 14 approved 11754-5; sec. 80 approved 12073; sec. 84 approved 12073-4; sec. 85 approved 12074
- Debate, speakers (Bennett) 11586-8 (Bond) 11340, 11507-9, 11592, 11826-7, 12076-100 (Brar) 11590-2, 12078 (Chandra Herbert) 11588-90 (Chong) 11736-54 (Coleman) 11783-94, 11813-26 (Corrigan) 11524-6, 12077-8, 12080-2, 12086-9, 12093-9 (de Jong) 11731-2 (Falcon) 11827-9 (Farnworth) 11731-2 (Fleming) 11783-9, 11813-6 (Gentner) 11738-40 (Horgan) 11789-93, 11816-8 (Huntington) 11736-8, 11752-4 (Krog) 11509-17, 12075-80, 12082-93 (Macdonald) 11582-6, 11747-51, 11829-30, 11833-5 (Mungall) 11732-6, 11740-6 (Ralston) 11826-33, 11835 (Routley, B.) 11517-21, 11830, 11835, 12075-6 (Simpson, S.) 11526-7, 11580-2, 11819-26 (Thomson) 11829-35, 12075-6 (Trevena) 11521-3 (Yamamoto) 11732-5
Motion Picture Amendment Act, 2012
- Government motions
- Adoption of government business schedule (Standing order 81.1)
- Amendments to Nisga'a final agreement (Motion 24)
- Amendments to Nisga'a final agreement (Motion 40)
- Appointment of Ombudsperson (Motion without notice)
- Appointment of Representative for Children and Youth (Motion without notice)
- Appointment of Special Committee on Timber Supply (Motion without notice)
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint a Conflict of Interest Commissioner and Merit Commissioner (Motion without notice)
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint an Auditor General (Motion without notice)
- Appointment of Special Committee to Appoint an Ombudsperson (Motion without notice)
- Appointment of Special Committee to Inquire into the Use of Conducted Energy Weapons and to Audit Selected Police Complaints
- Changes to legislative sitting hours (Motion 46)
- Changes to legislative sitting hours and Committee of Supply to sit in three sections (Notice of motions)
- Notice given (Coleman) 11783
- Committee of Supply to sit in three sections (Motion 47)
- Committee of Supply to sit in two sections (Motion 27)
- Government apology for Japanese Canadian internment during World War II (Motion without notice)
- Legislative sitting hours (Motion without notice)
- Membership and powers of Parliamentary Reform Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership change for Finance Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership change for Health Committee
- Membership of Finance and Government Services Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership of select standing and special committees
- Membership, powers and role of Children and Youth Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership, powers and role of Cosmetic Pesticides Special Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership, powers and role of Finance and Government Services Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership, powers and role of Health Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership, powers and role of Public Accounts Committee (Motion without notice)
- Membership, powers and role of Representative for Children and Youth Appointment Special Committee (Motion without notice)
- Permission for Mr. Rick Hansen to address the House (Motion without notice)
- Ratification of membership of select standing and special committees (Motion without notice)
- Referral of Insurance Act revision to Parliamentary Reform Committee (Motion without notice)
- Schedule for debate on Bill 22 (Standing order 81.1)
- Support for Aveos aircraft maintenance workers (Motion without notice)
- Private members' motions
- Access to DriveABLE program (Motion 26)
- B.C. credit rating and borrowing costs (Motion 31)
- Carbon offset costs for public sector organizations (Motion 42)
- Extracurricular school activities (Motion 44)
- Government settlement with Boss Power Corp. (Motion 16)
- Group home closings (Motion 5)
- Investment in ports and transportation corridors (Motion 39)
- Local government accountability and transparency for taxpayers (Motion 14)
- Mining industry employment (Motion 35)
- Net zero mandate and government spending (Motion 30)
- Pacific north coast integrated management area (Motion 45)
- Representation in Legislature (Motion 32)
- Resource extraction in western Canada (Motion 48)
- Review of smart-metering program (Motion 7)
- Support for repeal of federal long-gun registry (Motion 18)
- Timeline for elimination of harmonized sales tax (Motion 23)
- Other motions
- Appointment of Assistant Deputy Speaker
- Appointment of Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole
- Appointment of Deputy Speaker
- Appointment of select standing committees
- Motion that the House do now adjourn
- Printing of Votes and Proceedings
Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2012
- (Bill 46) (Minister of Justice and Attorney General) 1R, 11492-3; 2R, 11592-607; C, 12543-50; 3R, 12550; RA, 12693
- Debate, speakers (Bond) 11492-3, 11592-3, 11607, 12543-9 (Corrigan) 11593-5, 12543-9 (Fleming) 11601-3 (Horgan) 11599-600 (Huntington) 11603-5 (Lali) 11598-9 (Macdonald) 11600-1 (Mungall) 11605 (Simpson, S.) 11606 (Trevena) 11595-8
Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2), 2012
- (Bill 52) (Minister of Justice and Attorney General) 1R, 11571; 2R, 11664-86; C, 12550-4; 3R, 12691; RA, 12693
- Divisions: 3R approved 12691
- Debate, speakers (Bond) 11571, 11664, 11685-6, 12551-4 (Brar) 11677-9 (Corrigan) 11664-7, 12550-4 (Krog) 11667-71 (Macdonald) 11675-7 (Routley, D.) 11671-2 (Sather) 11672-5 (Simons) 11679-82 (Trevena) 11682-5
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