Province of British Columbia
Fourth Session, 39th Parliament – 2011-12
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
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| I
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| K
| L
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| P
| Q
| R
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| T
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| Z
Regulatory Reporting Act
- (Bill 7) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 8356; 2R, 8740-7, 8751-64, 8955-66; C, 9086-7; 3R, 9087; RA, 9096-7
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 8753-7 (Brar) 8960-2 (Donaldson) 8757-9 (Falcon) 8356, 8740-1, 8964-6, 9086 (Fleming) 8962-4 (James) 8743-6 (Karagianis) 8762-4, 8955-6 (Ralston) 8741-3, 9086 (Routley, D.) 8746-7, 8751-3 (Sather) 8956-60 (Simpson, S.) 8759-62
Representative for Seniors Act, 2011
Rulings and statements by Chair or Speaker
- Krueger, Kevin, requested to come to order 9436
- Legislature
- bills process, second reading
- confine remarks to bill 11522
- debate to be on merits and substance of bill 12197
- debate to be on principles of bill 8473, 9885
- debate to be relevant to bill under discussion 8446, 8450, 8452, 8456, 8471, 8821, 8825, 8839, 8893, 9126, 9171, 9181-2, 9891, 10583, 11352, 11377, 11409-10, 11665, 11673, 11675-6, 11678-83, 11999, 12036-7, 12046, 12064, 12143, 12186-8, 12190, 12192, 12199
- purpose 11682
- recess 12059
- bills process, committee stage
- debate to be relevant to amendment under discussion 10180
- debate to be relevant to section under discussion 10139, 10196, 10357-8, 10432, 12345, 12551
- debate to relate to section under discussion 8263, 8328, 12538
- repetitive questions 10101-2, 10116, 10126-7, 10131, 10182, 10422-3, 10425-6, 10432, 10551, 11740
- sections passed on division 8329
- standing division on amendment deferred 10281, 10288
- topics previously canvassed 10398-9, 10402
- voting against a section instead of amending to delete 10449
- committee system, appointment of select standing committees 10515
- estimates process
- debate on legislation 10703, 10800, 12136, 12609
- debate on legislative committees 10515
- debate on policy issues 10408
- endeavor to link questions to budget where feasible 11458
- hypothetical questions 10465, 10515, 11104
- move on to new line of questioning 12238, 12378
- question has been answered 10455, 10513, 12378
- recess 10789
- relevance of debate 10295, 10366, 10374-5, 10380-3, 10408, 10455, 10556, 10603, 10787-9, 10793, 10862, 10864, 11454, 12378, 12626, 12657
- repetitive debate 10299, 11146
- topic has been canvassed 12238-9
- language used in House
- apology requested 11966
- choice of language 12193
- latitude in debate 9171
- members to be careful in choice of words 10575, 12511
- parliamentary language 8211, 9776, 9816, 11197, 11673
- Premier to be careful in choice of words 8104
- unacceptable comments 11679
- withdrawal of comments requested 8028, 8309, 8464, 9174, 10635, 10638, 11118, 11345
- members' conduct and debate
- consumption of food in the chamber 9873
- direct remarks to Chair and not the gallery 11519
- member not to impugn another member 8603
- member not to make inferences that are unparliamentary 8160
- member to be careful 8571
- members must be in seats to join debate 8440, 10635
- members not in seats and joining debates shall cease 8440
- members not to read letters in their entirety 9233
- members not to refer to absence or presence of other members 8423, 9831, 9874, 9922-3, 11680
- members not to refer to members as "you" or "you guys" 9469
- members not to refer to members by name 9196, 9207, 9467, 9542, 10763, 10950
- members not to talk about terminological inexactitudes 11304
- members to allow debate to be heard 7981, 8929, 8975, 9428, 10101, 10319, 11678
- members to listen to speaker who has the floor 9433
- members to refer to members by titles or ridings 9874, 9877
- members to show courtesy to member who has the floor 11679
- members to take visiting outside the chamber 10542
- reading from prepared text 9428
- use of electronic devices in chamber 8107, 9122, 10418, 11482
- motions, private members' motions must not impose a cost on government 8502
- private members' statements
- private members' time
- debate to be non-partisan 11549-50
- expression of opinions on policy 11549
- privilege matters, requirements 8023
- question period
- members not to discuss legislation currently before House 9524
- members to allow questions and answers to be heard 8601
- members to have brief questions and answers 8211, 9348
- members to listen to questions and answers 11878
- questions taken on notice 11809
- use of electronic devices, BlackBerrys 8214, 9122, 10418
- standing orders 66 and 67, provisions on resolutions not recommended by Crown 8502
- statements by members (standing order 25B)
- members to allow statements to be heard 10908
- two-minute statements 10908
- South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Amendment Act, 2012, time allocation for debate 12630
- Speaker's statements
- van Dongen, John, status as MLA 10419
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