Province of British Columbia
Fourth Session, 39th Parliament – 2011-12
INDEX (Business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
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Fall Fixed Election Amendment Act, 2011
- (Bill M205) (Simpson, B.) 1R, 8864-5
- Debate, speakers (Simpson, B.) 8864-5
Family Day Act
- (Bill 53) (Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government) 1R, 11656; 2R, 12400-7; C, 12535-9; 3R, 12539; RA, 12693
- Divisions: 2R approved 12407
- Debate, speakers (Chong) 12406-7 (Chouhan) 12401, 12535 (Huntington) 12406 (Lee) 12401-2 (MacDiarmid) 11656, 12400-1, 12407, 12535-9 (Simpson, B.) 12404-6, 12535-7 (van Dongen) 12402-4, 12537-8
Family Law Act
- (Bill 16) (Attorney General) 1R, 8709; 2R, 8845-61, 8873-99; C, 8927-54, 9024-52; 3R, 9052; RA, 9096-7
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 8879-80 (Bond) 8709, 8845-6, 8898-9, 8928-54, 9024-52 (Chandra Herbert) 8886-8 (Corrigan) 8881-3, 9032 (Donaldson) 8897-8 (Gentner) 8891-93 (Hawes) 8878-9 (Krog) 8846-51, 8928-45, 8950-4, 9024-51 (Letnick) 8883-6 (McIntyre) 8874-5 (McNeil) 8881 (Penner) 8893-6 (Polak) 8851-5 (Routley, B.) 8896-7 (Sather) 8875-8 (Simons) 8859-61, 8873-4, 8947-50 (Sultan) 8888-91 (Thornthwaite) 8858-9 (Trevena) 8856-8, 8929-30, 8936-7, 8944, 8946-7, 9050
Finance, Ministry of
Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2011
- (Bill 17) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 8653; 2R, 8966-71; C, 9087-96; 3R, 9096; RA, 9096-7
- Debate, speakers (Falcon) 8653, 8966-8, 8970-1, 9087-96 (Mungall) 8970 (Ralston) 8968-9, 9087-96
Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2012
- (Bill 23) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 9712; 2R, 10654-61; C, 11118-35; 3R, 11135; RA, 11911
- Debate, speakers (Cadieux) 10656-7 (Falcon) 9712, 10654-5, 10661, 11119-35 (Hogg) 10660-1 (Ralston) 10655-6, 11119-35 (Simpson, S.) 10657-60
Flathead Watershed Area Conservation Act
- (Bill 2) (Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) 1R, 7930; 2R, 8024-39, 8049-63; C, 8606-16; 3R, 8616; RA, 8748
- Amdts: 2 amdts to sec. 1 (Thomson) 8606, 8610, approved 8608, 8610; 2 amdts to sec. 5 (Thomson) 8614-5, approved 8615
- Debate, speakers (Bennett) 8027-31 (Donaldson) 8036-9 (Fleming) 8024-7, 8606-8, 8610-6 (Gentner) 8051-4, 8611-2, 8614-5 (Hawes) 8033-6 (Lali) 8060-2 (Macdonald) 8031-3 (McIntyre) 8049-51 (Penner) 8058-60 (Sather) 8608-10, 8613-4 (Thomson) 7930, 8024, 8062-3, 8606-16 (Trevena) 8056-8 (Yamamoto) 8054-6
FNCIDA Implementation Act
- (Bill 43) (Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation) 1R, 11467; 2R, 11627-42; C, 12395-400; 3R, 12400; RA, 12693
- Debate, speakers (Donaldson) 11633-7 (Fraser) 11628-30, 12395-400 (Huntington) 12396, 12398-9 (James) 11641-2 (Lali) 11639-41 (McIntyre) 11630-3 (Polak) 11467, 11627-8, 11642, 12395-400 (Sultan) 11637-9
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Ministry of
- Estimates
- debate 11294-312, 11328-35, 11377-92, 11442-65
- speakers (Chandra Herbert) 11461-2 (Coons) 11442-3 (Donaldson) 11378-83 (Fraser) 11458 (Horgan) 11456-7 (Macdonald) 11295-9, 11301-4, 11307-11, 11328-35, 11377, 11383-91, 11455, 11464-5 (Mungall) 11462-3 (Popham) 11461 (Routley, B.) 11330-1, 11443-55, 11464 (Sather) 11459-61 (Simpson, B.) 11299-301, 11304-6, 11383 (Thomson) 11294-312, 11329-35, 11377-92, 11443-65
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Statutes Amendment Act, 2011
- (Bill 6) (Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) 1R, 7930-1; 2R, 8348-53, 8364-96, 8406-23; C, 8539-48, 8549-61, 8572-86; 3R, 8586; RA, 8748
- Amdts: 2 amdts. to sec. 4 (Simpson, B.) 8557-8, negatived 8558-9
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 8392-6 (Cantelon) 8364-5 (Foster) 8377-9 (Gentner) 8384-8 (Krog) 8396, 8406-9 (Lali) 8413-7 (Macdonald) 8349-53, 8539, 8542-5, 8558-60, 8574-5, 8579-80, 8582-6 (Routley, B.) 8365-77, 8541-2, 8544-8, 8549-54, 8560, 8575-7, 8580-5 (Routley, D.) 8418-21 (Sather) 8409-13 (Simpson, B.) 8379-83, 8540-1, 8554-9, 8572-4, 8577-9 (Slater) 8383-4 (Thomson) 7931, 8348-9, 8421-2, 8540-8, 8549-61, 8572-86 (Trevena) 8388-92, 8544
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Statutes Amendment Act, 2012
- (Bill 26) (Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) 1R, 9859; 2R, 10661-83, 10757-74, 10879-89; C, 11195-205; 3R, 11205; RA, 11911
- Amdts: sec. 13 (Thomson) 11202, approved 11204; amdts to sec. 13.1 and 14 (Thomson) 11204, approved 11204
- Debate, speakers (Bains) 10772-4, 10879-82 (Donaldson) 10761-4 (Fraser) 10682-3, 10757-61 (Huntington) 11203 (Krog) 10884-8 (Lali) 10768-72 (Macdonald) 10662-6, 11195-202 (Routley, B.) 10666-70, 11196-8, 11201-5 (Routley, D.) 10764-8 (Sather) 10678-82 (Simons) 10882-4 (Simpson, B.) 10674-8 (Thomson) 9859, 10661-2, 10888-9, 11195-205 (Trevena) 10670-4
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act, 2011
- (Bill 3) (Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government) 1R, 7932; 2R, 8063-77, 8130-43, 8145-61, 8214-29; C, 8245-52, 8261-81, 8311-37, 8339-48; 3R, 8348; RA, 8748
- Amdts: sec. 8 (Routley, D.) 8263, negatived 8264; sec. 8, sec.26(d) (Routley, D.) 8265-6, negatived 8266; sec. 8, sec. 26(e) (Routley, D.) 8270, negatived 8271; sec. 8, sec. 26(g) and(h) (Routley, D.) 8274, negatived 8274; sec. 9, sec. 27(1) (Routley, D.) 8279, negatived 8279
- sec. 9, sec. 27(2) (Routley, D.) 8279, negatived 8279; sec. 10 (Routley, D.) 8314, ruled out of order 8314; sec. 33.1(1)(q) (Routley, D.) 8316-7, negatived 8318, sec. 19 (Routley, D.) 8325, negatived 8325, sec. 25, sec. 69(5.6) (Routley, D.) 8332, negatived 8332
- sec. 25, sec. 69(9) (Routley, D.) 8332, negatived 8333; sec. 26, sec. 69.2(2) (Routley, D.) 8335, negatived 8335; sec. 26, sec. 69.2(3) (Routley, D.) 8336, negatived 8336; sec. 71(1) (Routley, D.) 8340, negatived 8341
- Divisions: 2R approved 8229; amdt. to section 8 negatived 8264
- Debate, speakers (Bloy) 8150-2 (Cantelon) 8133-7 (Conroy) 8152-5 (Coons) 8224-7 (Corrigan) 8218-21 (Farnworth) 8268-9 (Gentner) 8137-41 (Hansen) 8141-3, 8145-7 (MacDiarmid) 7932, 8063-4, 8227-9, 8245-52, 8262-81, 8311-37, 8339-48 (Macdonald) 8147-50 (McNeil) 8155-6 (Ralston) 8221-4, 8246-7, 8251, 8265, 8269 (Routley, D.) 8064-77, 8130-3, 8245-52, 8262-7, 8270-81, 8311-36, 8339-48 (Sather) 8156-60 (Sultan) 8160-1 (Trevena) 8214-8
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