Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 35th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 18, 1993 to March 14, 1994
- See: University of British Columbia
UBC Real Estate Corp.
- See: Union of British Columbia Municipalities
- See: United Cooperatives of Ontario
- See: Urban Development Institute
- See: United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union
- See: United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
- See: University of Northern British Columbia
- See: Urban Representative Body of Aboriginal Nations
U.TV-CKVU, Vancouver, B.C.
Ultraviolet radiation
- Effects of, study of (Cashore) 6528 (Tyabji) 6528
- Increase in (Tyabji) 6517, 6518
- Monitoring stations (Cashore) 6519
- Protection against, public education re (Cashore) 6519 (Tyabji) 6519
Unclaimed Money Act
- Unclaimed money deposits under act, statement re tabled (Clark) 8486
Underground storage
- Tanks, legislation on (Tyabji) 6941
- Tanks, local government's jurisdiction over (Cashore) 6940 (Wilson) 6945
- Alberni constituency (Janssen) 5186
- Cooperatives for re-employment of unemployed, task force on (Smallwood) 7537
- Elk Valley (Jarvis) 7155
- Interior of B.C. (Clark) 5888 (Jarvis) 7155 (Lali) 5203
- Williston Lake unemployment and logging industry layoffs (Farrell-Collins) 8434 (Fox) 8434 (Sihota) 8434
- Job loss, impact of (Tyabji) 5119
- Jobs lost in Canada (Zirnhelt) 5068
- Merritt (Stephens) 6392
- Northern B.C. (Clark) 5888 (Jarvis) 7155 (Lali) 5203
- Port Alberni (Janssen) 5000
- Rate (Anderson) 4869, 5031 (Cowie) 8446 (Jones, B.) 5036 (Serwa) 5683
- Rossland-Trail constituency (Conroy) 5164
- Shuswap constituency (O'Neill) 4822
- Unemployment (Fox) 4775-6 (Petter) 5162 (Ramsey) 5146 (Randall) 5170 (Zirnhelt) 5266
- See also entries under Employment
Unemployment Insurance Act (Canada)
Unemployment Insurance Commission
- See: Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Union College
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 7196
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
- B.C. Treaty Commission, representation on (Petter) 6494 (Weisgerber) 6493 (Wilson) 6494, 6495
- Forums on policy (Petter) 7238
- Negotiations with (Anderson) 7172, 7184, 7236 (Petter) 7049, 7172, 7173, 7174, 7177, 7184-5, 7238 (Weisgerber) 7175
- Treaty negotiation process, participation in (Petter) 7074-5 (Wilson) 7074
- Treaty negotiations and Treaty Commission process (Weisgerber) 7175
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 7241, 7242 (Petter) 7043 (Smallwood) 7514, 7516, 7517 (Wilson) 7242, 7244 (Zirnhelt) 8254
Union of British Columbia Municipalities
- Consultation with (Blencoe) 8393-4, 8786
- Fraser Basin Management Board, participation in (Cashore) 6354
- Health care, capital costs, task force on (Cull) 9064, 9078, 9114, 9115
- Land Title Act amendments, support for (Gabelmann) 9011, 9016, 9017 (Weisgerber) 9012
- Legislation, consultation re (Fox) 9307
- Meetings with (Gabelmann) 4753
- Memorandum of understanding with re treaty negotiations (Anderson) 4720-1 (Beattie) 4771 (Petter) 4720, 6440, 6500, 7041, 7187, 7238 (Weisgerber) 4721
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1993, views on (Blencoe) 8793
- Public Sector Employers' Council meetings, attendance at (Clark) 9207, 9208 (Gingell) 9208 (Hanson) 9207
- School Amendment Act, 1993, consultation re (Dalton) 6544 (Hagen) 6544
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 5288 (Blencoe) 7441, 7712, 7740, 8060, 8061, 8062, 8192, 8196, 8396, 8451, 8455, 8480, 8531, 8532, 8534, 8549, 8550, 8929, 8934, 8935, 9292, 9295, 9300, 9307, 9310, 9319, 9371, 9373, 9375, 9377 (Cashore) 6523, 6560, 8878 (Charbonneau) 6779, 7301 (Clark) 7615, 8858 (Cowie) 4862, 7438, 7741, 8202, 8204, 8934, 8936, 9291, 9300 (Cull) 5818, 5829, 6056, 6095, 7716, 7832, 9074, 9089, 9093 (De Jong) 9375 (Dosanjh) 5095 (Fox) 5290, 7722, 8192, 8544, 8549, 8550, 8932, 8933, 9074, 9306 (Gabelmann) 7790, 8525, 8965, 8966, 8967 (Hagen) 5289, 5290, 5376 (Hurd) 6729 (Jones, B.) 8999 (Kasper) 8857 (Miller) 5475 (Mitchell) 9374 (Serwa) 9004, 9013 (Warnke) 8967 (Zirnhelt) 6729
Union of Concerned Scientists
- "Global Warning" quoted (Lovick) 4862
Union Steamships Ltd.
United Bank of Alaska
- Mentioned: (Gingell) 9178
United Church of Canada
United Cooperatives of Ontario
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 6595
United Farm Workers
United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7462 (Chisholm) 7454
United Food and Commercial Workers (International) Union
- Fundraising activities (Hanson) 7488 (Streifel) 7487-8, 7489
- Leukemia research, work on behalf of (Streifel) 7487
- Mentioned: (Hanson) 8266 (Streifel) 8243
United Manufactured Home Owners' Association in British Columbia
United Mine Workers of America
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 6163
United Nations
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child
- Article 27 mentioned (Anderson) 8473
United Nations World Heritage Committee
- Tatshenshini River, world heritage site designation for. See entries under name of river
- Mentioned: (Warnke) 8028, 8029
United Native Nations
United States
- Constitution (Warnke) 7072
- Flag, desecration of, courts' decision on referred to (Hurd) 7427
- Lumber imports, duty on. See entries under Lumber trade
- Trade with (Gingell) 6568
United States. Commerce, Department of
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 6565 (Miller) 6732
United States. Congress
- House Committee on Un-American Activities mentioned (De Jong) 7375
- Mentioned: (Perry) 7158
United States. Environmental Protection Agency
- Carbon dioxide emissions, work on (Serwa) 6528
United States. Federal Power Commission
United States. International Trade Commission
United States. Marine Corps
United States. National Park Service
- Mentioned: (Marzari) 6065
United States. Navy
United States. Securities and Exchange Commission
United States. Senate
United States. Supreme Court
- Appointments to, process for (Farrell-Collins) 7404
United Steelworkers of America
United Way of the Lower Mainland
- Endowment fund (MacPhail) 6837
- Funding for and Vancouver Foundation (MacPhail) 6836-7
- Vancouver Foundation Amendment Act, 1993. See name of act
- Work of (Cowie) 6837
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 8372 (Edwards) 4999 (Hagen) 5383 (Tanner) 5711 (Weisgerber) 8807
United World Colleges
Unitel Communications Inc.
- Kamloops operation (Charbonneau) 5085
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7868 (Charbonneau) 6908 (Jones, K.) 7869
Universal General Insurance Co.
- Assets and liabilities, problems re (Gingell) 8727 (Hobart) 8727
Universities and colleges
- Access to (Perry) 8128
- Admission standards (De Jong) 8138 (Perry) 7999-8000, 8130-1, 8131, 8138, 8139 (Wilson) 7993, 7998, 8000, 8001, 8130, 8131, 8139
- Advanced Education, Training and Technology Statutes Amendment Act, 1993. See name of act
- Arts courses, funding for (Perry) 7997-8 (Wilson) 7997
- Auditors, selection of (Clark) 8710
- Capital construction costs and fair wage policy (Perry) 8126, 8126-7, 8127 (Wilson) 8126, 8127
- Changes in (Anderson) 8039 (Perry) 8040
- College boards, appointment process (Fox) 8121, 8122, 8123 (Perry) 8121-2, 8122-3, 8123
- College boards commended (Perry) 8175
- College boards, nominations by MLAs (Perry) 8122
- College boards, responsiveness to communities' needs (De Jong) 8041 (Perry) 8041
- Colleges, access to and GAIN recipients' access (Anderson) 7513
- Colleges, affiliation with secondary schools (Hagen) 5296
- Colleges, capital construction projects (Clark) 4888 (Kasper) 5184 (Perry) 8126, 8132
- Colleges, capital construction projects, cost overruns on (Perry) 8126, 8127 (Wilson) 8126
- Colleges, capital construction projects, funding for (Ramsey) 5147
- Colleges, community advisory committees (Anderson) 8035 (Perry) 8035
- Colleges, community colleges (Anderson) 8034, 8035 (De Jong) 8040-1 (Perry) 8034, 8035
- Colleges, courses taught at private sector worksites (Perry) 7997, 8124, 8125
- Consultation with (Wilson) 7994
- Cooperative education (Perry) 8006, 8035, 8040
- Curricula (Perry) 7996, 7998, 8038 (Wilson) 7998
- Curricula, duplication of (Perry) 8129 (Wilson) 8128, 8129
- Curricula, sustainability concept in (Perry) 7999 (Wilson) 8000
- Degree programs, selection of (Fox) 8124, 8124-5 (Jarvis) 8127 (Perry) 8124, 8127-8
- Enrolment projections (Perry) 7995 (Wilson) 7993, 7995
- Expenditures, power over (Perry) 8035
- Facilities, community use of (Perry) 8125
- Facilities, environmentally sensitive facilities (De Jong) 8137-8 (Perry) 8137, 8138
- Freedom-of-information legislation, application of (Gabelmann) 7711 (Jones, B.) 9000 (Mitchell) 9005 (Warnke) 9001
- Funding for (Anderson) 8035 (Charbonneau) 5083 (Clark) 4885, 5228 (Dosanjh) 5095 (Evans) 4970 (Perry) 5028, 8038, 8129 (Wilson) 6215-6, 7993-4, 7995-6, 8129
- Funding for, allocation of funds (Perry) 8001
- Funding for, capital funds (Dosanjh) 4740 (Doyle) 4711 (Ramsey) 5147
- Funding for, federal funds (Clark) 4884
- Funding formula for (Perry) 7999, 8001 (Wilson) 7999, 8001, 8002, 8128
- Fundraising by (Perry) 6222 (Wilson) 6217
- Funds, administration of (Throne speech) 4705
- Human resource development project report mentioned (Perry) 8131
- Indians, courses for Indians (Perry) 8131-2 (Wilson) 8131
- Indians, post-secondary institutions (Perry) 7991-2
- Institutes, types of (Wilson) 7994-5
- Institutions, establishment of and student loans, Law Society case (Perry) 8010 (Wilson) 8010
- Instructors, collective bargaining (Perry) 8129, 8129-30, 8130 (Wilson) 8129, 8130
- Instructors' upgrading and research (Anderson) 8039 (Perry) 8037
- Labour relations, powers in (De Jong) 7879
- Planning and student demands (Perry) 7996 (Wilson) 7996, 7998
- Post-secondary education, benefits of (MacPhail) 8473
- Post-secondary education, consultation re (Evans) 4970
- Post-secondary education in north, economic benefits (Perry) 8003-4 (Wilson) 8003, 8004
- Post-secondary education, need for (Perry) 7999-8000
- Post-secondary education, participation rate (Gingell) 4727
- Post-secondary education system (Perry) 5025
- Research (Perry) 8137 (Reid) 8174
- Research, funding for (Perry) 8040, 8135-6, 8136 (Wilson) 8133
- Strikes and lockouts and funding for institutions (Gingell) 8508 (Perry) 8508
- Strikes and lockouts, arbitration costs (Gingell) 8509
- Strikes and lockouts, costs to institutions (Gingell) 8507, 8508 (Perry) 8506, 8507, 8508, 8508-9, 8509 (Warnke) 8506, 8509
- Strikes and lockouts, funds saved (De Jong) 8509 (Perry) 8509
- Strikes and lockouts, funds saved, disposition of (Hurd) 8504 (Perry) 8504
- Strikes and lockouts, funds saved, recovery of (Cowie) 6219 (De Jong) 6217, 6218, 8510 (Gingell) 6218-9 (Hurd) 6220 (Mitchell) 6219-20, 8510 (Perry) 5586, 6213, 6222, 8510 (Symons) 6221 (Wilson) 6214-5
- Strikes and lockouts, funds saved, recovery of privately donated funds (De Jong) 8509-10 (Perry) 8510
- Strikes and lockouts, government's attitude to (Mitchell) 6220
- Strikes and lockouts, legal expenses, case cited (Gingell) 8509 (Perry) 8508-9
- Strikes and lockouts, profits as result of (Hurd) 8505 (Perry) 8505 (Serwa) 8505, 8505-6 (Warnke) 8506
- Student spaces (Anderson) 4869, 5031 (Lovick) 4973 (Perry) 7992, 7994 (Wilson) 7995
- Student spaces, funding for (Charbonneau) 5083 (Clark) 4885
- Students turned away (Gingell) 4727 (Mitchell) 6219 (Reid) 8173-4
- Technical courses, funding for (Perry) 7997-8 (Wilson) 7997
- Tuition fees (Anderson) 4871, 5031 (Gingell) 4727 (Neufeld) 4801, 8089 (Perry) 8002, 8003 (Weisgerber) 4736, 8222 (Wilson) 8002, 8003
- Universities and university colleges, roles of (Perry) 8036, 8036-7, 8040
- Universities, benefits to local communities (Wilson) 7107
- Universities, disputes, role of Lieutenant-Governor as arbitrator (Mitchell) 8510-1, 8511, 8512 (Perry) 8511, 8512
- Universities, establishment criteria (Perry) 8038 (Tyabji) 8038
- Universities, Lieutenant-Governor as visitor to (Mitchell) 6219 (Perry) 5586, 6213 (Wilson) 6216
- Universities, matching-grant program mentioned (Weisgerber) 4736
- Universities, ombudsman's jurisdiction over (Mitchell) 8511 (Perry) 6213-4
- Universities, visitor to, role of (Perry) 6213 (Wilson) 6216
- University for Fraser Valley (Perry) 8036, 8038
- University for south-central interior (Perry) 8036, 8038, 8039 (Tyabji) 8036, 8037-8, 8038
- University transfer students (Perry) 7993, 8130 (Wilson) 7998-9, 8130
- Work-study programs (Anderson) 8035 (Perry) 8035
University Act
University Club of Vancouver
University College of the Cariboo
University College of the Fraser Valley
- Community role (De Jong) 8040, 8041 (Perry) 8041
- Disabled students (De Jong) 8173
- Facilities, need for additional facilities (De Jong) 8041
- Mission campus (Streifel) 4844, 4845
- Mentioned: (Perry) 8119, 8122, 8175
University Endowment Lands
University Foundations Act
University Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
- Acute care hospital status for (Cull) 6313
- Board, community representatives on (Cull) 6172
- Board members (Cull) 6313
- Community hospital status for (Cowie) 6172 (Cull) 6126, 6172
- Emergency room services (Cull) 6126, 6313
- Funding for (Cull) 5795
- Future of, consultation re (Cull) 6083 (Reid) 6083
- Public trustee, appointment of (Cull) 9109
- Report quoted (Reid) 5712
- Role of (Cowie) 6126 (Cull) 6126
- Vancouver General Hospital, merger with (Cull) 6083, 6084, 6126, 6172, 6313, 9076 (Reid) 6083, 6084, 6313
- Vancouver General Hospital, merger with, impact on patient services (Cull) 6314 (Reid) 6314
- Vancouver General Hospital, merger with, savings on (Cull) 6313, 6317 (Reid) 6313, 6317
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 5446 (Cull) 5447, 5449, 5451, 6129, 6306 (Fox) 5442, 6129 (Reid) 5453, 6038, 6306 (Wilson) 6164
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
- Accountability of (Perry) 5028
- Architecture and planning schools, proposal re (Cowie) 4847
- Centre for Human Settlement mentioned (Blencoe) 8447
- Centre for Human Settlement, report referred to, quoted (Anderson) 7738, 7819
- Dioxin study (Cashore) 6557 (Serwa) 6556, 6557
- Drug research and development (Zirnhelt) 6741, 6741-2
- Genetic medicine, research lab for (Cull) 6246 (Perry) 6260-1
- Housing for faculty (Perry) 8014 (Wilson) 8014
- Housing for students (Perry) 8013
- Incinerator (Cashore) 6610 (Cowie) 6610
- Korean centre (Harcourt) 5730
- Lam, Hon. David See-Chai, gifts to university (Harcourt) 8379
- Location of (Cowie) 4846
- Medical school, family practice program (Cull) 5452, 5453, 6184 (Mitchell) 6184 (Reid) 5437, 5452, 5452-3
- Medical students, internship program (Reid) 5019
- Medicine 2000 program (Reid) 8174
- Property tax (Cull) 7105-6
- Science 1 program (Perry) 8040, 8135
- Shaughnessy Hospital closing, consultation re (Cull) 5453 (Reid) 5453
- Strike in 1992 mentioned (Gabelmann) 6265 (Gingell) 8508 (Mitchell) 6219 (Perry) 8505
- Strike in 1992, funds saved, recovery of (Perry) 6213
- Strike in 1993 mentioned (Gingell) 8508
- Traffic to (Cowie) 4846
- Vancouver-Quilchena constituency, impact on (Cowie) 4847
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 5724, 7830 (Barlee) 7363, 7565, 7572 (Blencoe) 8447 (Boone) 7870 (Cashore) 5079, 6593 (Charbonneau) 6929 (Clark) 9213 (Cowie) 6219, 6777 (Cull) 5724, 5833, 6016, 6052, 6126, 6313, 8588, 9076 (Dalton) 7228, 7915 (Denhoff) 8737 (Fox) 5797 (Gingell) 4727 (Hagen) 5419 (Harcourt) 5729, 5817, 9410 (Hurd) 7215 (Marzari) 6150 (Miller) 5396 (Mitchell) 6184 (Perry) 5456, 6222, 7915, 7998, 8120, 8124, 8128, 8132, 8133, 8136, 8137 (Petter) 6536 (Reid) 6038, 6052, 7969 (Serwa) 9268 (Sihota) 8210, 8799 (Streifel) 5227 (Symons) 7294 (Weisgerber) 7915 (Wilson) 5276, 6164, 8130
University of Calgary
University of Lethbridge
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 5079
University of Northern British Columbia
- Campuses, funding for (Fox) 8125 (Perry) 8125
- Completion of (Giesbrecht) 4953 (Perry) 4953, 7992
- Construction costs (Farrell-Collins) 4839-40
- Construction of (Boone) 5061, 5216
- Dormitories, funding for (Fox) 8125 (Perry) 8125
- Establishment of (Fox) 4774 (Neufeld) 5065
- Evaluation of (Gingell) 8704
- Funding for (Clark) 4885 (Fox) 8125 (Perry) 8125
- Interim governing council, replacement of (Fox) 8123, 8124 (Perry) 8123-4
- Midwifery program, proposal re (Reid) 6263
- Museum (Ramsey) 5148
- Property tax, grant in lieu of (Clark) 7107 (Cull) 7105
- Support for (Boone) 5061
- Mentioned: (Barnes) 4996 (Boone) 7860, 7871 (Farrell-Collins) 7858, 7861 (Perry) 6214, 6222, 7994, 7997, 8003, 8004, 8013, 8040, 8175, 8510 (Wilson) 7994, 8001, 8031
University of Northern British Columbia Act
University of Oregon
University of Regina
University of Toronto
University of Victoria
- Hotel school (Marzari) 4779
- Peptic ulcer disease, research on (Perry) 6261
- Political science department, sexism in (Tyabji) 6292-3
- Political science department, sexism in, action on (Tyabji) 6292, 6293 (Wilson) 8139
- Political science department, sexism in, investigation into (Tyabji) 6293-4
- Political science department, sexism in, report on (MacPhail) 6293
- Property taxes and municipal services to (Clark) 8725, 8770 (Cull) 7106
- Property taxes, grant in lieu of (Clark) 7106-7 (Cull) 7105-6
- Property taxes, municipal revenue loss (Cull) 7106
- Sechelt, relocation to (Wilson) 7107
- Social services project (Smallwood) 7546
- Tourism industry training, school for (Marzari) 6065, 6068, 6069, 6081, 6157 (Tanner) 6068, 6081
- Women's centre, work of (Cull) 4818
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7581, 8171 (Cowie) 6426 (Cull) 6243 (Gabelmann) 5241, 5313 (Hagen) 5309 (Harcourt) 5816 (Perry) 6214, 6261, 7994, 8013, 8040, 8126, 8132, 8133, 8137 (Warnke) 5904 (Wilson) 8001, 8126 (Zirnhelt) 6356
University of Virginia
- Mentioned: (Jones, B.) 8573
University of Washington
- Educational workshop, attendance at (Hurd) 7878
University of Western Ontario
Upper Levels Highway
- See entries under Highway 1
- Mining, moratorium on (Beattie) 5412 (Symons) 5365
- Uranium Moratorium Act. See name of act
Uranium Moratorium Act
- (Bill M214) (Symons) 1R, 5365
Urban, Judy
- B.C. Hydro board, appointment to (Edwards) 4999 (Warnke) 4999
Urban Development Institute, Vancouver, B.C.
Urban Representative Body of Aboriginal Nations
Ursus Creek, B.C.
- Logging of area (Miller) 5467
Used cars
- Damage to, disclosure of, proposal re (Fox) 7267
- Damage to, problems re for dealers (Fox) 7952 (Sihota) 7952-3
- Liens on and protection of purchasers (Sihota) 7262
- Liens on, problems re, incidence of (Sihota) 7262
- Liens on, registration of (Fox) 7267
- Liens on, removal of (Fox) 7267
- Sale of and consumer protection (Farrell-Collins) 5656
- Sale of privately (Hanson) 9198
- Sale of, regulation of (Farrell-Collins) 7265, 7953 (Sihota) 7953
- Vehicle Transfer Consumer Protection Act. See name of act
Used goods
User charges
- Agricultural fees and licences, increase in (Chisholm) 5006
- Impact of, evaluation of (Farrell-Collins) 6430
- Increase in (Chisholm) 5005 (Dalton) 5062-3 (Farrell-Collins) 4840 (Fox) 4775, 7942, 9232 (Gingell) 4896, 4899 (Hurd) 5099-100, 5101 (Neufeld) 6745 (Symons) 5081 (Weisgerber) 4902
- Increase in by order-in-council (Gingell) 6884
- Increase in, studies prior to (Farrell-Collins) 6431
- Purpose of (Zirnhelt) 6746
- Review process for (Farrell-Collins) 6431 (Zirnhelt) 6393, 6431
- Reviews of (Farrell-Collins) 6431 (Zirnhelt) 6431
- Small business fees (Neufeld) 6746
- Treasury Board subcommittee on (Zirnhelt) 6728
UtiliCorp United Inc.
Utilities Commission Act
- Amendments to (Edwards) 6309, 6784
- Environment assessment provisions, repeal of (Tyabji) 7138, 7141
- Projects under act (Cashore) 8250
- Regulated project, definition of (Hurd) 8250
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 8249, 8869 (Edwards) 8260 (Lovick) 7036 (Ramsey) 6788 (Tyabji) 6791 (Wilson) 8261, 8286
Utilities Commission of British Columbia
- See: British Columbia Utilities Commission
Utzig, Harry
- Mentioned: (Streifel) 5227 (Weisgerber) 5227
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