Province of British Columbia
2nd Session, 35th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 18, 1993 to March 14, 1994
BBDO Retail (Canada) Inc.
- See: British Columbia Investment Office
- See: British Columbia Institute of Technology
BCIT Forest Technicians' Club
- See: British Columbia Rail Ltd.
BCR Group
- See: British Columbia Railway Group of Companies
- See: British Columbia Teachers for Association
- See: British Columbia Teachers' Federation
- See: British Columbia Television Broadcasting System
BKD (Fish disease)
- See entries under Fisheries
- See: British North America Act
BS fund
- See: Budget stabilization fund
BTY Group
- Prince George jail construction, contingency fund for wage policy (Farrell-Collins) 6679, 7858
Babine River, B.C.
- Salmonid enhancement and sport fishery (Wilson) 7570-1
Baby boomers in British Columbia
- See entries under British Columbia -- Population
Bacall, Lauren
- Mentioned: (Hammell) 8471
Back-country recreation
- See entries under Outdoor recreation
Back to the Future (Moving picture)
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8234 (Tanner) 8238
Backhouse, John
Baehr, Brian
Baigent, John
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 8234
Bailey, Stella
Bailey, Stuart
- Report quoted (Anderson) 5726
Baisakhi Day
Baker, Linda
- Mentioned: (Weisgerber) 4733
Bakewell, Ann
Baldry, Keith
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 9064
Ballard Power Systems Inc.
- Daimler-Benz, memorandum of understanding with (Cashore) 5080
- Fuel cell, funds for development of (Clark) 8745 (Symons) 8745
- Fuel cell technology (Cashore) 5080 (Perry) 8133
- Fuel cell, use of in transit (Clark) 7884, 8745 (Symons) 8745
- Fuel cell, use of in transit, operating costs (Clark) 8745 (Symons) 8745
- Partnership with California (Cashore) 6592
- Transportation technology work (Cashore) 6591-2, 6597 (Edwards) 7787 (Schreck) 6597 (Tyabji) 6591, 6592
- Mentioned: (Tyabji) 8132
Ballem, Penny
Balmer mine
- See entries under Westar Mining Ltd.
Bamberton, B.C.
- Development and official community plan (Blencoe) 7914 (Fox) 7914
- Development, application of Environmental Assessment Act to (Tyabji) 7141 (Wilson) 7131, 7132
- Development, approval by Hon. Robin Blencoe and possible conflict of interest (Blencoe) 6834 (Harcourt) 6889, 6985 (Wilson) 6834, 6889, 6985
- Development, approval by Hon. Robin Blencoe, ruling on conflict-of-interest issue (Harcourt) 6889 (Wilson) 6889
- Development, contaminated site cleanup (Blencoe) 8553-4
- Development, correspondence with Cowichan Valley Regional District re (Blencoe) 8554 (Tanner) 8554
- Development, Cowichan Valley Regional District hearing on (Wilson) 7131
- Development, density of, impact of (Wilson) 6958
- Development, drainage for (Blencoe) 8553
- Development, environmental impact assessment (Blencoe) 8553 (Cashore) 6959 (Fox) 8553 (Wilson) 6958, 6959
- Development, environmental review process for (Cashore) 6958, 8262, 8287, 8291 (Fox) 8291 (Serwa) 7145 (Wilson) 6958-9, 7131, 8262, 8287
- Development, environmental review process for, government involvement in (Cashore) 6959 (Wilson) 6959
- Development, impact of (Blencoe) 8554 (Fox) 8553
- Development, impact on transportation (Blencoe) 8553 (Fox) 8553
- Development, incorporation of (Blencoe) 8554 (Fox) 8554
- Development, lobbying on behalf of (Wilson) 7133
- Development mentioned (Cowie) 7889-90, 9304
- Development, public hearings re (Blencoe) 8554 (Wilson) 8923
- Development, review of (Blencoe) 7914, 8553 (Fox) 7914
- Development, road construction for (Wilson) 7131
- Development, trade union involvement in (Serwa) 7145-6
- Development, waste management plan for (Blencoe) 8554 (Wilson) 7131
- Development, water issues (Wilson) 6958, 6959, 7131
- Site, possible contamination of (Wilson) 6954
Bamberton Investments Ltd.
- Carpenters' pension funds, investment in corporation (Sihota) 7319 (Wilson) 7319
Bamfield, B.C.
- Road, funding for paving of (Charbonneau) 7008 (Symons) 7008
Banda Singh Bahadur
Banff National Park
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 7714
Bank of Canada
- Interest rates, policy on (Clark) 8766
- Interest rates, policy on, cost of (Clark) 8629
- Monetary policy, study on impact of (Clark) 8629 (Gingell) 8629
- Mentioned: (Clark) 4884 (Gingell) 5559, 8731 (Lali) 4855
Bank of Montreal
- Increase in (Chisholm) 5005
- Number of (Zirnhelt) 6355
- Subsidiary companies from out-of-province, employees' salaries in cases of bankruptcy (Farrell-Collins) 5854 (Sihota) 5854
Bankruptcy Act (Canada)
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 7936
Banks and banking
- Deposits, guarantee of (Tanner) 8731
- Deposits, inactive deposits, provisions re (Gingell) 8731
- See also: Merchant banks
Bannerman, Gary
- Mentioned: (Pullinger) 5210
Barbers' Association of British Columbia
Barcham, Don
Barer, Morris
- Toward Integrated Medical Resource Policies for Canada mentioned (Cull) 6018, 6020
Bargaining units
- See entries under Collective bargaining
Barkerville Historic Park
Barkley, Bill
- Mentioned: (Marzari) 6066
Barlee, Hon. Bill N.L. (Okanagan-Boundary) Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- Address in Reply 4806-8
- Agricultural community, advocacy role for 7491, 7492 (Fox) 7491, 7492
- Agricultural Land Commission, annual report tabled 5509
- Agricultural Land Commission, funding for 7351, 7352
- Agricultural Land Commission, legislation on 7348
- Agricultural Land Commission, members 7498-9, 7500
- Agricultural land development assistance program, consultation with B.C. Federation of Agriculture re 7557
- Agricultural land development assistance program, environmental portion 7556, 7557
- Agricultural land development assistance program, funding for 7349, 7352, 7556, 7557, 7566
- Agricultural land, preservation of 7567
- Agricultural land reserve, benefits of 7348
- Agricultural land reserve, bond posted re non-agricultural use 7501
- Agricultural land reserve, Crown land exchanges 7474
- Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from 7498, 7499
- Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from, applications 7475
- Agricultural land reserve, exclusions from, applications, appeals re 7498, 7498-9, 7499
- Agricultural land reserve, legislation on 7499, 7617
- Agricultural land reserve, Okanagan area situation 7471, 7473, 7474
- Agricultural land reserve, preservation of 7567, 7617
- Agricultural lands in reserve, municipal services between 7500-1
- Agriculture, burning regulations 7467
- Agriculture, federal off-loading of costs 7348
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, annual report tabled 7875
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, appropriation, 1993-94 fiscal year 7348, 7494
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, employment equity initiatives 7349, 7355
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, estimates 7347-9, 7350, 7351, 7352, 7353, 7354, 7354-5, 7355, 7356, 7357, 7358, 7359, 7359-60, 7360, 7360-1, 7361, 7362, 7363, 7363-4, 7364, 7364-5, 7365, 7365-6, 7366, 7367, 7442, 7443, 7444, 7445, 7446, 7446-7, 7447, 7448, 7448-9, 7449, 7450, 7451, 7452, 7453, 7453-4, 7454, 7454-5, 7455, 7455-6, 7456, 7456-7, 7457, 7458, 7459, 7459-61, 7461, 7462, 7463, 7464, 7465, 7465-6, 7466, 7467, 7468, 7468-9, 7469, 7470, 7470-1, 7471, 7472, 7472-3, 7473, 7473-4, 7474, 7475, 7476, 7477, 7489, 7490, 7491, 7492, 7493, 7494, 7494-5, 7495, 7496, 7496-7, 7497, 7497-8, 7498, 7498-9, 7499, 7500, 7500-1, 7501, 7552, 7553, 7553-4, 7554, 7555, 7556, 7557, 7558, 7558-9, 7559, 7559-60, 7560, 7560-1, 7561, 7562, 7563, 7363-4, 7564, 7565, 7565-6, 7566, 7567, 7568, 7569, 7570, 7571, 7571-2, 7572, 7573, 7574, 7575, 7576, 7577, 7578, 7579, 7616-8
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, freedom-of-information policy implementation, funding for 7352
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, funds, allocation of 7350, 7351, 7352, 7353, 7355, 7356, 7359
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, jobs in industries 7616
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry operations, funding for 7350
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, public information funding, reduction in 7352
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry staff 7348, 7353, 7494
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry staff, Okanagan staff commended 7470-1
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry staff salaries 7358
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry staff travel, cost of 7351, 7352, 7357, 7367, 7496-7
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Statutes Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 24) 1R, 6309-10; 6938-9, 7211, 7212, 7213
- Agriculture industry 7490, 7558
- Agriculture industry, assistance programs for 7496
- Agriculture industry, bankruptcy rate 7490, 7493, 7494, 7552, 7553, 7571, 7578, 7617, 7618
- Agriculture industry, burning regulations for 7467, 7491, 7492
- Agriculture industry, cabinet support for 7556
- Agriculture industry, employment in 7348, 7616
- Agriculture industry, employment in, job loss in 7348
- Agriculture industry, environmental issues 7349
- Agriculture industry, interprovincial trade barriers 7477, 7489, 7490
- Agriculture industry, revenue 7351, 7578, 7616
- Agriculture industry, revitalization strategy 7470-1
- Agriculture industry, student employment in 7351, 7352
- Agriculture industry, tariffication in 7470
- Agriculture industry, taxes and fees 7477, 7490, 7491, 7493, 7494, 7553-4
- Agriculture industry, value of 7347-8
- Agriculture legislation, consultation with farmers re 7578
- Agriculture, slide risks and development pressures 7475
- Agrifood regional development subsidiary agreement, replacement of 7476
- Animal Disease Control Act, amendments to 6310, 6938
- Animal diseases, inspection and quarantine system for 6938-9
- Apples, export revenue 7472
- Apples, marketing agency for 7555
- Apples, Okanagan growers, problems of 7363
- Aquaculture, Crown land leases 7453
- Aquaculture, farm-fish, labelling and testing 7452, 7453, 7455-6, 7456, 7459
- Aquaculture, fish farmers, communication among 7449, 7450
- Aquaculture, fish farms, licensing of and NDP policy 7451
- Aquaculture, fish farms, location of 7452, 7454, 7462, 7464
- Aquaculture, fish farms, monitoring of in Echo Bay 7463
- Aquaculture, fish farms, quarantines of 7454
- Aquaculture, fish farms, size of 7463
- Aquaculture industry 7348
- Aquaculture industry in Desolation Sound 7462
- Aquaculture industry, monitoring of 7456, 7457, 7458
- Aquaculture industry, moratorium on expansion of 7451
- Aquaculture, inquiries re to Health and Environment ministries 7453-4
- Asia, visit to 7575, 7576 (Jones, K.) 7575
- Atlantic salmon, importation of 7463
- Atlantic salmon in fish farms 7451
- Atlantic salmon, introduction of into B.C. waters 7451
- Beef cattle, Peace River area 7353, 7558
- Beef cattle, Prince George area 7466
- Beef, U.S. countervail on imports of 5098, 7470
- Bison industry 7362, 7467
- Blueberry industry in B.C. 7348
- Boundary Bay wildlife management area, impact on farmers 7476
- B.C. Cattlemen's Association, meeting with 7466
- B.C. Cattlemen's Association, workers' compensation, negotiations re 7491
- British Columbia, description of 4806
- B.C. Egg Marketing Board, replacement of 7571-2
- B.C. Ferry Corporation, food served on ferries, use of B.C. products 7359, 7495, 7563, 7566
- B.C. Holiday Meals, Buy B.C. program 7348
- B.C. Marketing Board, appeals to 6939, 7211, 7212, 7213
- B.C. Salmon Marketing Council, funding for 7357
- B.C. Salmon Marketing Council, Indian fishers, levies from 7360
- B.C. 21, allocation of funds to agriculture and fisheries industries 7357
- Budget debate 5096-9
- Burning regulations 7467, 7491, 7492
- Buy B.C. program 4806-7, 7560, 7560-1, 7562, 7563, 7565, 7577
- Buy B.C. program, advertising agent for 5816, 5868, 5940, 6533, 7564, 9151
- Buy B.C. program, application process 7564
- Buy B.C. program, costs of 7563
- Buy B.C. program, fisheries and aquaculture industry applications 7351, 7352, 7357, 7358
- Buy B.C. program, funding for 7348, 7561, 7563-4, 7564
- Buy B.C. program, government purchases 7349
- Buy B.C. program in government buildings and schools 7565
- Buy B.C. program, logo 7561, 7565
- Buy B.C. program, pilot projects 4807, 7348, 7560, 7561, 7562, 7617
- Buy B.C. program, public education 7561
- Buy B.C. program, restaurant program 7358
- Buy B.C. program, T-shirts 5868, 7560
- Columbia River dams, impact of 7617
- Columbia River Treaty, negotiations re 7461
- Cranberry industry in B.C. 7348
- Cross-border shopping. See entries under Shopping
- Dairy farm inspectors 7567
- Dairy farming industry in B.C. 7553-4, 7554
- Dairy farming industry, regulations 7565
- Dams, impact on fish 7459-60
- Debt, federal debt 5098
- Deer, impact on tree fruit industry 7566
- Egg industry 7572
- Ethanol industry, development of 7558, 7559
- Farm business management program, funding for 7349, 7559
- Farm equipment, tax-exempt equipment 7552
- Farm income insurance fund, abolition of 7569
- Farm income insurance fund, changes in 7472
- Farm income insurance fund, funding for 7353, 7356, 7363
- Farm produce, U.S. produce in B.C. 7469
- Farmers, credit for 7572
- Farmers, crop insurance 7365, 7569
- Farmers, loans to 7556, 7557
- Farmers, new farmers, education programs for 7572
- Farmers, number of in Canada 7559
- Farming, organic farming, regulating of 7571
- Farms, bankruptcies 4807-8
- Farms, capital tax on 7553, 7554
- Farms, land clearing, assistance for 7556
- Farms, drainage systems 7552
- Farms, experimental farms 7572
- Farms, nitrate problems 7557
- Farms, property tax, minimum income requirement for farm status 7558
- Farms, right-to-farm legislation 7475, 7571
- Farms, septic systems 7555
- Farms, taxation on household 7558
- Farms, waste management 7354-5, 7566
- Farms, zero till 7362, 7365, 7467
- Fescue, variety trials in Peace River area 7353, 7558, 7562
- Fish, farm and wild stock, interaction of, studies on 7456, 7457
- Fish processing in B.C. 7362, 7366, 7443, 7449
- Fish processing in B.C., funding for enhancement of 7449
- Fish processing in B.C., legislation on 7362
- Fish processing, plant inspections 7361
- Fish taken illegally 7458
- Fisheries, buying stations 7465
- Fisheries, conservation 7366, 7447, 7465
- Fisheries, driftnets, use of 7468
- Fisheries, Fraser River fishery 7465
- Fisheries, groundfish industry 7442, 7443
- Fisheries, groundfish, marinated groundfish project 7449
- Fisheries, IHN, impact of disease 7454-5, 7455
- Fisheries industry 7348, 7455
- Fisheries industry, communications with Ross Reid re 8571
- Fisheries industry, licensing of 7459
- Fisheries industry, monitoring of 7458
- Fisheries industry, revenue 7616
- Fisheries inspections 7360, 7450
- Fisheries inspections, memorandum of understanding re 7444, 7457, 7458, 7459
- Fisheries, landing stations 7359, 7359-60
- Fisheries, markets 7449
- Fisheries, markets in Japan and trade visits by Fisheries minister 7448
- Fisheries, Newfoundland fish stocks 8571
- Fisheries, Pender Harbour officer, transfer of 7464
- Fisheries, research and development, provincial role in 7574
- Fisheries technology, new technologies, funding for 7450
- Fisheries, U.S., treaties with 7460-1, 7461
- Fisheries, vending licences 7360
- Food industry, revenue 7616
- Food industry market development program 8046-7
- Food industry market development program, benefits of 8046
- Food industry market development program, cost-sharing of 8046
- Food industry market development program, funding for 7359
- Food industry market development program, logo 8046
- Food industry market development program, slogan 8046
- Food labelling for country of origin 7573
- Food packaging, environmental packaging 7348
- Food production, environmentally sustainable technologies for 7348
- Food products 7565, 7573, 7616
- Food products, markets in Asia 7448-9
- Food products, markets in Japan 7575
- Food products, new products, development of 7349, 7573
- Food products, use of pesticides on 7573
- Food, quality of in B.C. 7349
- Fraser River, value of 7617
- Free trade agreement with U.S., impact of 5098
- Free trade agreement with U.S., impact on agriculture industry 7468-9
- Fruit processing industry in Okanagan 7474
- Gasoline taxation policy under Social Credit Party administration 7576
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, impact on agriculture industry 7348, 7468-9, 7469, 7470, 7496
- Golf courses, agricultural land reserve exclusions, applications approved 7579
- Golf courses, use of agricultural land for 7234, 7235
- Government advertising, contracts for 6533
- Government purchasing, food, use of B.C. products 7359, 7495
- Grand Banks, fishing rights on 7461
- Grazing fees, increase in and ranchers' off-farm income 6312
- Green Plan 7468
- Green Plan, use of funds 7349, 7468
- Hake fishery in B.C. 7348, 7362, 7443, 7574, 7575
- Hake markets in Japan 7448
- Hake production and jobs 4807
- Hake, total allowable catch 7443
- Herring markets in Japan 7449
- Hog industry, Peace River area 7354
- Hogs, tariff on 7354
- Indian land claims, communication with agricultural community re 7494-5, 7495
- Indians, aquaculture ventures, assistance re 7464
- Indians, fisheries strategy, impact on economy of B.C. 7366, 7367
- Indians, fisheries strategy, negotiations re 7465
- Indians, fisheries strategy, provincial involvement in 7360, 7465
- Indians, fishing, commercial fishing 7446, 7448
- Indians, fishing, Fisheries ministry policy on 7465-6, 7466
- Indians, fishing, jurisdiction over 7447, 7448
- Indians, fishing, monitoring of 7465
- Indians, fishing rights, negotiations re, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry involvement in 7447
- Indians, land claim settlement process, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry involvement in 7446, 7446-7, 7447, 7494
- Indians, shellfish harvesting 7458
- Job creation 4808, 5096-7
- Job creation, pilot project 5097
- Kelowna, agricultural land reserve 7499, 7501
- Kemano power project, impact of 7466, 7467
- Kemano power project, T. Murray Rankin report on 7466 7466
- Lefeaux-Valentine, Bill, Pacific Salmon Treaty negotiations, participation in 7361, 7460
- Livestock, use of drugs on 7574
- Marketing boards, decisions, appeals to B.C. Marketing Board 6939
- Marketing boards, supply management in B.C. 6939, 7468, 7470, 7496
- Meat-packing, Vancouver Island packer 7568
- Minister's Council on the Food Industry, establishment of 4808
- Minister's Council on the Food Industry, function of 7348
- Minister's Council on the Food Industry, participants in 7358
- Ministers' offices, appropriations for, overruns on 5311
- Morison Creek land sale, impact on salmon spawning grounds 7456-7
- NAFTA and water exports 5098
- NAFTA, impact of 7617
- NAFTA, impact on agriculture industry 5098, 7348, 7468-9, 7469
- NAFTA, Liberal Party's vote on 7497, 7617
- Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act, amendments to 6310, 6938
- Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act, penalties under act 6939, 7213
- Net income stabilization account program, expansion of 7559
- NDP, election campaign statements 7451
- Nurseries industry in B.C. 7348
- Okanagan, tourism in 7473
- Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority, annual report tabled 6938
- Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority, financial statements tabled 7914
- Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority, funding for 7354, 7567
- Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority, role of 7471, 7568
- Oliver, agricultural land reserve proposal 7500-1
- Pacific Salmon Commission, Canadian position on 7814, 7815
- Pacific Salmon Treaty, importance to B.C. 6534
- Pacific Salmon Treaty, negotiations re 6534-5, 7361, 7385, 7459-61, 7617
- Palmer Jarvis Retail Advertising Ltd., contract for Buy B.C. program 5940
- Parliament buildings, dining room, B.C. products 7359, 7495
- Parliament buildings, dining room, Okanagan wines 7473
- Peace River area agricultural industry, assistance to 7353, 7362, 7364, 7365, 7558
- Peace River area agricultural industry, diversification of 7362, 7363, 7364, 7365, 7365-6, 7467, 7558, 7558-9
- Peace River area agricultural industry, problems 7362, 7363, 7364, 7364-5, 7365, 7467
- Peace River area, regional strategic planning in 7348
- Pest control, integrated pest management 7349, 7351
- Press release quoted (Jones, K.) 7575
- Public accounts, addition to tabled 4857
- Ranchers, fees and licences, increase in 6312
- Ranchers, income 6312
- Restaurant and Foodservices Association, Buy B.C. program 4807
- Restaurant and Foodservices Association, growth of 7358
- Restaurant industry 5097
- Restaurant meals, sales tax on 5097, 7358
- Restaurant meals, sales tax on elsewhere 5868, 9190
- Restaurants, Buy B.C. pilot project in Victoria 4807
- Roberts Bank backup lands, farmers' leases 7476
- Roberts Bank backup lands, land use 7566
- Rose, Guy, Indian land claim negotiations, role in 7495
- Royal City Foods Ltd., move to Mexico, impact on local farmers 7476
- Russia-United States summit in Vancouver, benefits to tourist industry and Okanagan wineries 7473
- Sales tax increase, impact on farm produce sales 9190
- Sales tax rate, comparisons with elsewhere 9190
- Salmon, Atlantic and Pacific salmon, mixing of 7463
- Salmon, Columbia and Fraser rivers, history of fishing in 7459-61
- Salmon farming industry 7348
- Salmon, Fraser River fish stocks 7386
- Salmon health program, cooperative assessment of 7450
- Salmon resource, B.C. share of 7052
- Salmon resource, U.S. share of 6534
- Salmon, steelhead fishery 7571
- Salmonid enhancement program, funding for 7357, 7358, 7570
- Salmonid enhancement program, B.C. 21 funding for 7445
- School meals program, use of B.C. products 7565-6
- Seafood industry in B.C. 7348
- Shark industry in B.C. 7449
- Shellfish, contaminated shellfish, poaching of 7052
- Shellfish farming, licensing process 7444
- Shellfish, illegal harvesting 7458
- Shellfish processing in B.C. 7444
- Shellfish processing plants, inspection of 7444, 7457
- Shopping, cross-border shopping and gasoline price in B.C. 7576
- Shopping, cross-border shopping, impact of 7468, 7562, 7617
- Shopping, cross-border shopping, prevention of 7576, 7577, 7617
- Shrimp market in Japan 7449
- Social Service Tax Amendment Act (1993) 9190
- Sparrow, Ronald Edward v. the Queen, ruling in case 7366
- Sterile insect release program, Okanagan facility and program 7574, 7575
- Summerland agricultural research station 7471
- Summerland area, slide risks 7475
- Tatshenshini River, salmon fishing 7461
- Thompson, J. Walter, Co. Ltd., agreement with 9151
- Thompson, J. Walter, Co. Ltd. contract 9229
- Thrifty Foods Ltd., Buy B.C. program 4807, 7348, 7358, 7560, 7617
- Tourist industry in B.C. 5097
- Tourist trade, agritourist project 5097
- Tree fruit growers, assistance to 7353, 7363, 7363-4, 7472
- Tree fruit industry 7354, 7571
- Tree fruit industry, bankruptcy rate 7571
- Tree fruit industry, replant program 7354, 7568
- Tree fruit industry, wildlife damage 7566
- Turnbull, Douglas, death of 7911
- Vegetable growers, Fraser Valley 7579
- Vegetables, greenhouse vegetable industry in B.C. 7348
- Vintners' Quality Alliance program 7473
- Vintners' Quality Alliance wines, sale of 4807
- Waste management on farms, consultation with B.C. Federation of Agriculture re 7355
- Water licence fee, increase in and ranchers' off-farm income 6312
- Wildlife, problem wildlife 7566
- Windrim Kleyn and Lim, Buy B.C. contract to 9151
- Wine industry 7472-3, 7473
- Wine industry, B.C. wines, use of 7563
- Wine industry, estate wineries 7352
- Wine industry, farm-gate industry 7473-4
- Wine industry, Okanagan industry 7473
- Wine industry, Okanagan wine tour 7567
- Wine, tax on B.C. wines 7354
Barna, George
- Frog in the Kettle: What Christians Need to Know About Life in the Year 2000, references to (De Jong) 5254, 5255
Barnes, Emery (Vancouver-Burrard)
- AIDS, education re, Education ministry involvement in 5226
- AIDS, funding for services 5225, 5226
- AIDS, Health ministry study 5226
- AIDS network forum in Vancouver 5225
- AIDS prevention, education re at post-secondary level5226
- AIDS prevention, Surrey Family Services program 5226
- AIDS, risk of contracting from blood transfusions 5224-5, 5225
- AIDS Secretariat, establishment of 5225, 5226
- AIDS Secretariat, funding for 5225
- AIDS Secretariat, mandate 5225
- AIDS virus 5225
- Background 4993-4, 4994, 4996
- Blood banks, safety of blood supplies 5224-5
- Budget debate 4993-6
- Business improvement area, Salmon Arm, history of 6876
- Business improvement areas 6876
- Business improvement associations 6875, 6877
- Children, hungry children, action on 4994, 4994-5
- Day care for students' children 4996
- Debt, increase in 4995
- Democracy, citizens' rights and responsibilities 4995
- Democratic process 4994
- Democratic society and change 4994
- Dent, Hartley, death of 8569
- Deputy Speaker, appointment as (Sihota) 4706
- Dropouts, inner-city schools 4995-6
- Economy, impact of citizens' health and education on 4994
- Education funding 4996
- Free trade agreement with U.S., impact of 4995
- Government, public participation in 4993
- Government, role of 4995
- Harrison Hot Springs business 6876-7
- Health care system 4996
- Health ministry funds, allocation of 5225, 5226
- Hemophiliacs, risk of exposure to AIDS virus 5225
- Homeless people's problems 4995
- Homelessness, young people 4995
- Human Rights Amendment Act (1993) 7067-70
- Human Rights Amendment Act, 1993, and freedom of speech 7067
- Human rights, protection of 4995
- Illiteracy 4995
- Insurance Corporation of B.C., costs, increase in 4995
- Lam, Hon. David See-Chai, remarks prior to throne speech 4993
- Landlords, rights of 4996
- Legislature, disturbance during throne speech 4993
- Lieutenant-Governor, role of 4993
- Multiculturalism 4995
- NAFTA, impact of 4995
- Parliamentary rights 4994
- Politicians, public's perception of 4994
- Population of B.C., growth 4993
- Property tax, deferral of 4995
- Property tax, increase in, impact on high-value properties 4995
- Racism 4993, 7068
- School meals program 4994
- Schools, inner-city schools 4995-6
- Secondary schools, student spaces 4996
- Small business, employees, work of 4996
- Small business, failure rate 6876
- Small business, job creation 6876
- Small business, requirements for success 6875
- Tenancy agreements, violations of 4996
- Tenants' rights 4996
- Vancouver-Burrard constituency, population growth 4993
Barnet-Hastings project
- See entries under Burnaby, B.C.
Barnet Highway
Barrett, David
Barrière, B.C.
- Water supply system (Jackson) 5252
Barroby, Harold
Bars and bar rooms
- Pubs, competition with government liquor stores (Gabelmann) 6205 (Hurd) 6205
- Pubs, distance from road in rural areas (Fox) 8344 (Gabelmann) 8344
- Pubs, location of, zoning and land use bylaws (Fox) 8344 (Gabelmann) 8344-5
- Pubs, noise at closing time (Anderson) 8336 (Gabelmann) 8336
Basi, David
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 8249
Bateman, John
- Mentioned: (Marzari) 6102
Bates, David
Battel, Linnea
- Mentioned: (Streifel) 5228
Batteries, Lead-acid
Baum, Mary-Lynn
Bawlf, Sam
- Bawlf Cooper Associates, relationship to (Mitchell) 8167
- Crown corporations secretariat, role in (Mitchell) 8716
- St. Ann's Academy involvement and Bawlf Cooper Associates (Boone) 8147, 8148 (Clark) 8716, 8717 (Mitchell) 8147, 8147-8, 8716, 8717
- St. Ann's Academy plan, report on (Boone) 7814 (Tanner) 7814
- Salary (Mitchell) 8717
- Victoria accord, involvement in (Boone) 7809 (Tanner) 7809
- Victoria accord involvement, payment for (Boone) 7810, 8149 (Jones, K.) 7809 (Mitchell) 8149
- Mentioned: (Farrell-Collins) 9272
Bawlf Cooper Associates
Bearcub Feldspar mine project
- Mentioned: (Edwards) 7695
- Bear-parts, trade in, ban on (Cashore) 5044 (Clark) 7002 (Copping) 9134
- Bear-parts, trade in, investigation of (Cashore) 6335
- Glacier bear sightings in B.C. (Jarvis) 7787
- Grizzly bears, protection of habitat (Cashore) 5044, 5079 (Clark) 7001
- Haines triangle, bear population (Jarvis) 7787
Beattie, James L.S.(Okanagan-Penticton)
- Address in Reply 4770-2
- Agricultural Land Commission decisions, appeals re 6878
- Agricultural land reserve, Crown land exchanges 7474
- Agricultural land reserve, Okanagan area 7474
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, estimates 7470, 7471, 7472, 7473, 7474, 7475
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ministry, Okanagan staff commended 7471
- Agriculture industry, revitalization strategy 7470, 7475
- Agriculture, Okanagan industry 7475
- Agriculture, regulations 6878
- B.C. Transportation Financing Authority, business plan 5749
- Build BC Act 5255-6, 5749-50
- Build BC Act, funds under act, accountability for use of 5749
- Build BC Act, referral to select standing committee 5749-50
- Build BC Act, second reading six months hence 5255-6
- Climate in B.C. 5413
- Commission on Resources and Environment process 4860
- Commission on Resources and Environment, tribute to 4770
- Community, decentralization 4860
- Computers, benefits in telecommunications 4861
- Crown corporations, investments 5255-6
- Debt 5256
- Debt and private debt in Canada 5256
- Economic Development, Small Business and Trade ministry, reorganization of 4770
- Farm income insurance fund 7472
- Farm produce, processing in B.C. 7470
- Farm produce, promotion of 6878
- Farming, high-risk aspects 6878
- Farming profession 6878
- Farming, right-to-farm legislation 6878, 7475
- Farming, slide risks and development pressures 7475
- First Citizens' Fund, access to funds 7239
- First Citizens' Fund, history of 7239
- First Citizens' Fund, loans 7240
- First Citizens' Fund, recommendations re 7239, 7240
- First Citizens' Fund, review by select standing committee 7238-9
- Fruit processing industry in Okanagan 7474
- Government, role of 4772
- Government services, decentralization of 4770
- Health care system, reform of 4771
- Health care, user fees 4771
- Highway 5, Okanagan connector, completion of 5255
- Highway 5, Okanagan connector, cost of 5750
- Highway 97, four-laning of 5255
- Highways, capital construction, funding for 5256
- Indians, suicide rate 5708
- Indians, treaty negotiations, municipalities' role in 4771
- Job creation, role of government in 5255
- Land use problems 4770
- Manufactured homes, review of, petition re recommendations 8168
- Medicare, history of in Saskatchewan 4771
- MLAs, responsibilities 4860-1
- Mining industry in B.C. 4771
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, funding for communities 4860
- NAFTA, impact on agriculture industry 6878
- Okanagan, agriculture industry and economy of province 7470
- Okanagan Lake, 2,4-D in lake 5412
- Okanagan, tourism in 7473
- Okanagan Valley, population growth, funding for studies 5412
- Okanagan Valley, regional growth strategy, work on 5412
- Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority, role of 7471, 7475
- Penticton, development cost charges to developers 5412-3
- Penticton, growth strategy, development of 5412
- Penticton, land use and environment 5412
- Penticton Women's Centre, funding for 4771
- Planning, regional planning 4770
- Planning, regional planning, legislation on 4770-1
- Preventive medicine 4771
- Public health, Penticton facility 4771
- Regional districts, cooperation on regional basis 4860
- Regional economic development officer, Penticton 4770
- Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, recommendations 7239, 7240
- Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, report 7238-9, 7240
- Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, terms of reference 7238-9
- Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, work of 7239
- Select standing committees, hearings, cost of 5749
- Social programs, funding for 4771
- Suicide rate in Canada, comparison with U.S. rate 5708
- Suicide, youth suicide, impact of 5707
- Suicide, youth suicide, prevention of 5708
- Suicide, youth suicide rate 5708
- Summerland agricultural research station 7471
- Summerland, slide risks in area 7475
- Tree fruit growers, assistance to 7470, 7472
- Tree fruit industry, replant program 7470
- Union of B.C. Municipalities, memorandum of agreement with 4771
- Uranium mining, moratorium on 5412
- Vintners' Quality Alliance program 7473
- Water, discussion paper on 4771
- Watersheds, protection of 5413
- Wine industry, farm-gate industry 7473
- Wine industry in B.C. 7472, 7473
- Women's Equality ministry, work with Okanagan-Penticton constituency 4860
- Young people, abuse of 5708
- Young people, concerns about future 5707-8
- Young people, Greater Vancouver Mental Health Service study 5708
Beattie Peaks, B.C.
Beatton River, B.C.
- Bridge. See entries under Fort St. John, B.C.
Beauchesne, Arthur
- Rules and Forms of the House of Commons of Canada mentioned (Jarvis) 5843 (Mitchell) 4782 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 5659, 6723
- Rules and Forms of the House of Commons of Canada quoted (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 5286
Beaver fever
Beaver Lodge trust lands, Campbell River, B.C.
- Crown land in area (Tyabji) 6942-3, 6987
- Decision re (Cashore) 6706, 6706-7 (Tyabji) 6706
- Designation as trust land (Cashore) 7503-4
- Development of (Gabelmann) 6271 (Hurd) 6271
- Dispersal of, time frame for (Cashore) 8500 (Hurd) 8500
- Elk River Timber mainline road mentioned (Cashore) 8501
- Experimental forest designation for (Cashore) 8282, 8502 (Hurd) 8283, 8502 (Tyabji) 8282
- Fletcher Challenge Canada Ltd. lands (Cashore) 8500 (Hurd) 8500
- Funds for, source of (Cashore) 8281 (Hurd) 8502
- Gabelmann, Hon. Colin, role of (Cashore) 6707, 6707-8, 6708 (Serwa) 8284 (Tyabji) 6707, 6708
- Hilchey Road mentioned (Cashore) 8501
- History of (Cashore) 8281 (Fox) 8283 (Gabelmann) 6271 (Hurd) 8282-3 (Serwa) 8283
- Increase in (Cashore) 8281, 8500, 8502 (Hurd) 8500 (Serwa) 8284 (Symons) 8502
- Increase in and title transfer (Cashore) 8501 (Hurd) 8501
- Increase in, expropriation powers re (Cashore) 8282, 8501 (Hurd) 8501 (Serwa) 8284
- Increase in, funds for (Cashore) 7504
- Land alienated from original trust (Cashore) 8500 (Hurd) 8500 (Serwa) 8284
- Legislation on (Cashore) 6706, 6708 (Gabelmann) 6271 (Hurd) 6271 (Tyabji) 6708
- Letter re referred to (Tyabji) 8282
- Nanaimo ecosystem representation in (Serwa) 8283-4
- Petersen Road mentioned (Cashore) 8501
- Roads, access roads on lands (Cashore) 8281, 8500, 8501 (Hurd) 8283, 8500, 8501
- Use of (Cashore) 8281, 8281-2 (Fox) 8283 (Hurd) 8282
- Use of for airport runway extension (Hurd) 8282
- Use of for North Island College campus (Cashore) 8281 (Hurd) 8282 (Serwa) 8283, 8284
- Use of for residential development (Serwa) 8283, 8284
- Use of for school (Cashore) 8281
- Use of, resource use plan (Cashore) 8281
- Mentioned: (Perry) 8126
Beaver Lodge Trust Lands Renewal Act
- (Bill 52) (Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks) 1R, 7503-4; 2R, 8281-5; C, 8500-2; 3R, 8502; RA, 8410
- Speakers: Cashore 8281-2, 8284-5, 8500, 8501, 8502; Fox 8283; Hurd 8282-3, 8500, 8501, 8502; Serwa 8283-4; Symons 8502; Tyabji 8282
- Mentioned: (Wilson) 8102
Beban Park
- See entries under Nanaimo, B.C.
Beck, Nuala
- Shifting Gears: Thriving in the New Economy mentioned (Wilson) 6215, 6216
- Mentioned: (O'Neill) 4821 (Wilson) 7996, 8134
Becker, Helmut
Beckmann, Phil
Bed and breakfast accommodations
Beecher Bay Indian band
- Casino resort complex mentioned (Weisgerber) 5510
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 5994 (Jones, K.) 5992
Beeching, Mary K.
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 5898
Beedle, Bronwen
- Mentioned: (Neufeld) 5405
- U.S. countervail on imports (Barlee) 5098, 7470
Beef cattle
- Feedlots, regulation of under Environmental Assessment Act (Chisholm) 7151 (De Jong) 7126 (Neufeld) 8311, 8312
- Industry, costs (Zirnhelt) 6431
- Industry, impact of U.S. countervail on imports (Barlee) 7470
- Peace River area (Barlee) 7353, 7558
- Prince George area industry (Barlee) 7466 (Ramsey) 7466
Beehive burners
- See entries under Wood waste
Beer, Anne
- American beer deliveries, provisions re (Gabelmann) 8049 (Warnke) 8049
- Cold beer, sale of in government outlets (Gabelmann) 6205, 6205-6, 6271-2 (Hurd) 6205 (Tanner) 6271
- Cold beer, sale of in privately owned stores (Gabelmann) 5914, 6205 (Serwa) 5914
- Warehousing of (Gabelmann) 8049 (Warnke) 8049
Beer bottles
- Refillable bottles (Serwa) 6527
Begbie, Matthew Baillie
Bell, Don
Bell, Larry
Bell Canada Enterprises Inc.
Bell Helicopter International Inc.
Bell Road Elementary School, Mission, B.C.
- Funding for (Streifel) 4843
Bella Coola, B.C.
- Canada Sea-to-Sea Park, opening of mentioned (Ramsey) 6603
- Health care delivery system (Cull) 7717
Bellingham, Wash.
- Incentives to industry to relocate to (Cowie) 6682
Bellward, Gail
Belmont High School, Sooke, B.C.
- Day care, provision of (Kasper) 4750 (Sihota) 4745
Bennett, James (Jim)
Bennett, R.J.
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6002
Bennett, William Andrew Cecil
- Columbia River Treaty, signing of (Jarvis) 8467
- Kenndy, John F., meeting with (Jackson) 4863
- Quoted (De Jong) 5254 (Petter) 5164
- Tribute to (Simpson) 4877
- Water, views on (Serwa) 4864
- Mentioned: (Clark) 5772, 7165, 8626, 8816 (Giesbrecht) 5177 (Harcourt) 8234, 8235 (Hurd) 4748 (Jones, K.) 5525 (Lali) 5202 (Lovick) 4909 (Mitchell) 5536 (Neufeld) 4801, 5785 (Petter) 5163, 5164, 7199 (Serwa) 5251, 9268 (Sihota) 5687 (Streifel) 5244 (Symons) 5744, 5745, 5746 (Tanner) 5087, 5518, 8238 (Throne speech) 4706 (Weisgerber) 8626 (Wilson) 5175, 6945, 8103
Bennett, William Richards (Bill)
Bennett Remediation Services
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 7245
Bentall Group Ltd.
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 7872
Berger, Thomas R.
- Jericho Hill School for the Deaf students, legal advice re (Dalton) 7056 (Hagen) 7055
- Work of (Hagen) 7055
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 6542
Bernyeat, Grant
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 5817
- See also names of berries, e.g. Cranberries
Best Babies program
- See entries under Esquimalt Neighbourhood House, Esquimalt, B.C.
Beston, Henry
Bethlehem Resources Corp.
- Revelstoke mine, property assessment of (Fox) 9364, 9367, 9372
Better Business Bureau
- Mediation program mentioned (Warnke) 6279
- Mentioned: (Sihota) 5850
"A Better Way"
- See entries under New Democratic Party
Beverage containers
- Disposal of, strategy for (Tyabji) 4792
- Aid to, case cited (Hanson) 7738
- Contents of and Human Rights Amendment Act, 1993 (Anderson) 7652-3
- Genesis quoted (Lovick) 7095-6
- Mentioned: (De Jong) 6330 (Symons) 7655, 7669 (Warnke) 7654
- Sales tax exemption for (Clark) 8621, 8725
- Transport of through George Massey Tunnel (Clark) 8840 (Symons) 8840
- Transport on commuter rail system (Streifel) 8855
Big White Ski Resort Ltd.
- Mentioned: (Sihota) 5847
"Bill Good Show"
- Mentioned: (Wilson) 8608
Bills, Legislative
Bilston Creek, B.C.
- Pollution of (Cashore) 7269 (Farrell-Collins) 7269 (Tyabji) 7269
- Electronic bingo (Boone) 9353 (Gabelmann) 9354 (Jones, K.) 9353
- Indian bands, bingo operations (Jones, K.) 9353, 9357-8
- Social costs (Anderson) 9356 (Boone) 9356
- Video bingo (Boone) 9353 (Jones, K.) 9353
- Video bingo in bars (Boone) 9355 (Jones, K.) 9355
- Video bingo, take (Jones, K.) 9354
- See also: Gambling; Starship Bingo, Vancouver, B.C.
Binkley, Clark
Biomedical materials
- Waste, disposal of, review of (Cull) 8592
Biomedical Research Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
Birch, Gary
Birds, Protection of
- Lead shot, banning of (Copping) 9134
- Migratory birds, jurisdiction over (Cashore) 6415
Birks Jewellers Canada Ltd.
- Mentioned: (Smallwood) 4931
Birks v. the City of Montreal
- Hunting of (Weisgerber) 6420
- Hunting by Treaty 8 hunters (Weisgerber) 6467
- Peace River area industry (Barlee) 7362, 7467 (Perry) 8003-4
- Pink Mountain hunt, investigation of (Cashore) 8780 (Serwa) 8780
- Pink Mountain hunt, participation of Indians in (Cashore) 8780 (Serwa) 8780
- Research on (Perry) 8003-4, 8037
Black, Bill
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 8493
Black, Karen
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 6874
Black Ball Ferries Ltd.
Black Forest, Germany
- Acid rain problem (Cashore) 7003
Black Tusk Village, Whistler, B.C.
Black's Law Dictionary
- Contempt, definition of (Warnke) 7667
- Or, references to use of word (Wilson) 7665
- Quoted (Farrell-Collins) 6658 (Mitchell) 8065
- Mentioned: (Sihota) 6658 (Warnke) 7674
Blatherwick, John
Blencoe, Hon. Robin (Victoria-Hillside) Minister of Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing
- Air quality management in lower mainland 8476
- Amax of Canada Ltd., tax assessment of, impact of 9375
- Arbutus rail line, jurisdiction over 6894
- Assessment Act, amendment to 7712, 8786, 8793
- Assessment Act, can be used, deletion of words 9372
- Assessment Act, industrial improvement, definition of 8786
- Assessment and Property Tax Reform Act (No. 2), 1990, industrial improvement, definition of 9365
- Assessment Appeal Board of B.C., annual report tabled 4896
- Assessment Authority of B.C., annual report tabled 4896
- Assessment Authority of B.C., B.C. system, export of expertise in 8461
- Assessment Authority of B.C., court cases 9364
- Assessment Authority of B.C., property information service, tax levy for 8462
- Assessment Authority of B.C., St. Petersburg, Russia, memorandum of understanding with 8461
- Assessment of industrial improvements 9362, 9374
- Assessment of industrial property 8786, 8793, 9374, 9375
- Assessment of industrial property, closure allowance 9373
- Assessment of industrial property, court case cited 8786, 8793, 9367
- Assessment of industrial property when non-operational 9362, 9366, 9373, 9374
- Assessment of land 4980
- Assessment process 8455-6, 8540, 9362, 9364, 9371
- Assisted home-ownership program 8546
- Bamberton development and official community plan 7914
- Bamberton development, appeals to ombudsman re 6834
- Bamberton development, approval of, conflict-of-interest issue 6834 (Harcourt) 6889, 6985 (Wilson) 6889, 6985
- Bamberton development, approval of, ruling on conflict-of-interest issue (Harcourt) 6889 (Wilson) 6889
- Bamberton development, contaminated site cleanup 8553-4
- Bamberton development, correspondence with Cowichan Valley Regional District re 8554
- Bamberton development, decision of Cowichan Valley Regional District re 8553
- Bamberton development, drainage for 8553
- Bamberton development, environmental impact assessment 8553
- Bamberton development, impact on transportation 8553
- Bamberton development, incorporation 8554
- Bamberton development, public hearings re 8554
- Bamberton development, regional impact 8554
- Bamberton development, review of 7914, 8553
- Bamberton development, waste management plan for 8554
- B.C. Building Code, secondary suites, revisions re 8396, 8530-1
- B.C. Housing Management Commission, changes in 8395, 8575
- B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd., property information service 8462
- B.C. 21, funding for housing for homeless 8533
- B.C. 21, funds, use of in regions 8538
- Budget, prebudget consultation re tax increases 4997
- Bulkley-Nechako Regional District, election process, paper re 8198
- Burnaby, Oaklands land, use of 8396, 8531
- CRD Consortium, Commonwealth Games contract 8643
- Canadian Property Tax Association, meeting with 9362, 9367, 9370, 9374
- Capital Regional District, Happy Valley amalgamation issue 8479
- Capital Regional District, regional fire and police services 8552
- Capital Regional District, regional strategic planning 8394, 8474, 8475
- Capital tax on small business 8477
- Cominco Ltd., tax rates, local governments' powers re 7432, 7434, 8793
- Cominco Ltd., tax relief for 7432, 7434, 7854
- Commonwealth Games, 1994, Victoria, surfacing contract 8643
- Condominiums, rental by owner 8545, 8546
- Crime victims, assistance to 9385
- Crown corporations, export of expertise 8461-2
- Crown corporations, joint ventures with private sector 8462
- Crown land, use of 8542
- Dalby, David, Happy Valley amalgamation issue 8479
- Downtown revitalization program, funding for 8544
- Economic indicators for B.C. 8446
- Electrical safety, ministerial responsibility for 8451
- Engineering inspection 8397
- Environmental assessments, requirement for 9390
- Fire Academy, funding for 8540, 8541, 8542, 8574-5
- Fire commissioner, local assistants, appointment of 6034, 6320
- Fire commissioner's office, operations of 6320
- Fire departments, regional firefighting services 8553
- Fire Services Act, amendments to 8393, 8397
- Fire Services Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 11) 1R, 6034; 6320, 6851
- Firefighters, training of, funding for 8540, 8541, 8542, 8574-5
- Firefighters, training of, mobile unit for 8540, 8541
- Firefighters, training of, North Okanagan facility 8540, 8541
- Fires, reporting requirements 6034, 6320
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, implementation of 8462
- GO B.C., grants 8453
- Georgia basin, growth management strategy for, funding for 8474
- Georgia basin, population of area 8460
- Georgia basin study, Municipal Affairs ministry involvement in 8460
- Government publications, depository system 8397
- Greater Vancouver Regional District, regional planning 8446-7, 8474, 8475
- Greater Vancouver Regional District, regional planning grant to 8394
- Greater Vancouver Regional District, The Liveable Region system 8474
- Green, Jim, work of 8533
- Gulf Islands, property assessments 8540
- Happy Valley, amalgamation of 8450, 8479
- Historic sites, compensation for 9390
- Historic sites, development permits 9390
- Home Adaptations for Seniors' Independence program, grants 8396
- Home Owner Grant Act, amendments to 8393
- Home Owner Grant Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 23) 1R, 6833-4; 6894-5, 6896, 7434, 7435, 7436, 7436-7, 7437, 7438, 7438-9, 7439, 7440, 7441, 7442
- Homelessness 8396, 8533
- Homeowner grant, abolition of for high-value homes, consultation re 4997
- Homeowner grant, administrative office 6895, 6896, 7437, 7439
- Homeowner grant and school tax 7441, 7442
- Homeowner grant, appeals process 6895, 7435
- Homeowner grant, applications for, cross-referencing of 6833, 6895, 7438
- Homeowner grant, computer system for 7439
- Homeowner grant, eligibility for 6833, 6894, 8552
- Homeowner grant, funding for 7440
- Homeowner grant, grant administrator, definition of 7434, 7435
- Homeowner grant, handicapped, eligibility of 7815
- Homeowner grant, increase in 4980
- Homeowner grant, ineligible claimants 6894
- Homeowner grant, municipal liability for errors 7436-7, 7440, 7441, 7442
- Homeowner grant, principal residence, definition of 7435
- Homeowner grant, purpose of 6894
- Homeowner grant, reclaiming of from ineligible recipients 6895
- Homeowner grant, restriction on, savings resulting from 6833, 6894, 7437
- Homeowner grant, seniors, grant to 4997
- Homeowner grant, seniors in complexes under Society Act, eligibility of 7815
- Homeowner grant, widows, grant to 7436
- Hope airport, option to repurchase 6321
- Hope airport, ownership transfer to regional district 6321
- Hope airport, takeover of by federal government 6034
- Housing, access to 8546
- Housing, affordable housing 7712, 8394, 8530-1
- Housing, affordable housing, land for 7712
- Housing, affordable housing, provision of by local government 8394-5, 8781-2
- Housing agreements and registration of agreements 8782
- Housing cooperatives, subsidized units 8396
- Housing, Crown land for 8396, 8531
- Housing densities on islands under Islands Trust 8930-1
- Housing, density bonuses for developers 8781
- Housing department, function of 8395
- Housing, downtown housing strategy 8396
- Housing for abused women 8394, 8395
- Housing for homeless 8533
- Housing for people at risk 8395
- Housing, funding for 8395, 8396-7
- Housing, funding for, federal funding 8396-7, 8782
- Housing, funding for, matching-grant funds 8396
- Housing, Islands Trust Act amendments re 8930-1
- Housing legislation, revision of 8478
- Housing, multi-unit housing 8477
- Housing, Municipal Act amendments re 8932
- Housing policy 8575
- Housing policy, minister's advisory council 8396, 8575
- Housing policy, minister's advisory council, members 8396
- Housing programs elsewhere 8533
- Housing, responsibility for 8934
- Housing, special needs housing 8547
- Housing, special needs housing, interministry committee on 8395
- Housing, zoning for and official community plans 8781-2
- Housing, zoning for, prezoning 8781
- Industrial safety 8397, 8451
- Invermere, industrial development agreement 6034, 6321
- Invermere, loan repayment 6321
- Islands Trust Act, review of 9317
- Islands Trust, administration of 8929
- Islands Trust bylaws, validation of 7431-2
- Islands Trust, enabling legislation for 8929, 8930
- Islands Trust, funding for 8539
- Islands Trust, land use decisions 7113, 7431
- Islands Trust, Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council powers 9376, 9377
- Islands Trust, planning grants 8539
- Islands Trust, policy statement, impact on official community plans 8458
- Islands Trust, powers 8539, 8929, 8930, 8930-1, 8931
- Islands Trust, review of 8457, 8459
- Islands Trust, trust fund board members, selection of 8929-30
- Jericho Hill School for the Deaf students, health and social services for 6034, 6321
- Job protection commissioner, role in property assessment issues 9362
- Kootenay-Boundary Regional District, variable tax rate plan 7113
- Land subdivision, densities and services 8936-7
- Land subdivision, development cost charges 8532-3
- Land subdivision, development permits, requirement for 8786
- Land subdivision, land use contracts 8785, 8786, 8930
- Land subdivision, minimum limits 9390
- Land use, local responsibility for 8535
- Land use planning 8931-2
- Langford, incorporation of 8058, 8450, 8479
- Laumann, Silken, role as ambassador for youth in sport 8398
- Libraries, funding for 8453
- Libraries, InterLink project 8397
- Libraries, public library system 8397, 8543
- Libraries, reform of, consultation re 8397
- Library Act, White Paper on 8397
- Library boards, review of legislation re 8397
- Library Foundation of British Columbia Act (Bill 75) 1R, 8484; 8806, 8807, 8938, 8939, 8940, 8941, 8947, 8948, 8949, 8950, 8951, 8952, 8953, 8954
- Library Foundation of B.C., board, appointments to 8938, 8939, 8948
- Library Foundation of B.C., board, appointments to, role of B.C. Library Association in 8940
- Library Foundation of B.C. board bylaws, powers re 8949
- Library Foundation of B.C. board chair, appointment of 8939, 8940
- Library Foundation of B.C. board meetings, quorum 8947
- Library Foundation of B.C. board members, number of 8939
- Library Foundation of B.C., borrowing powers 8949, 8950, 8952
- Library Foundation of B.C., corporation, status as 8949, 8950
- Library Foundation of B.C., donations to, tax deductibility for 8484, 8806, 8947
- Library Foundation of B.C. funds, expenditure of principal 8952, 8953
- Library Foundation of B.C. funds, use of 8484, 8806, 8948
- Library Foundation of B.C., investments 8950, 8951, 8953, 8954
- Library Foundation of B.C., operating costs 8951
- Local election candidates and electoral organizations 8199-200, 8200, 8201, 8202, 8209
- Local election candidates, challenges to nominations 8198, 8199, 8199-200, 8200, 8201
- Local election candidates, eligibility of felons 8190, 8191
- Local election candidates, eligibility of persons on probation 8190
- Local election candidates, financial agents 9297
- Local election candidates, municipal employees 8191-2, 8192, 8194
- Local election candidates' occupations, listing of on ballot 8202, 8203, 8204, 8205
- Local election candidates, political affiliation of 8206
- Local election candidates, presence of in polling stations on election day 9308
- Local election candidates, restriction on elected offices held 8194
- Local election candidates, salaried officer, use of term 8193
- Local elections, ballots, mail ballots 7114, 7739, 9307
- Local elections, ballots, marking of 7739, 9310
- Local elections, businesses, votes of owners 8177, 8178, 8180
- Local elections, campaign contributions, anonymous contributions 9299, 9300, 9300-1
- Local elections, campaign contributions, disclosure of 7739, 9294-5, 9295, 9295-6, 9301, 9311
- Local elections, campaign contributions, use of federal and provincial party funds 9293-4, 9298, 9298-9, 9299, 9310-1
- Local elections, campaign contributions, workers on paid leave 9301
- Local elections, campaign expenses, disclosure of 7114, 7739
- Local elections, corporations, votes of 8066, 8070
- Local elections, cost of, cost-sharing arrangements 8061
- Local elections, election writ period 8195, 8196, 8197
- Local elections, electoral organizations 9297
- Local elections, electoral organizations and ward system 8206
- Local elections, electoral organizations, members 8203, 8206, 8207
- Local elections, Indian reserves, tenants' voting rights 8067
- Local elections, lease holders, voting rights 8062, 8063, 8064, 8065, 8067, 8067-8, 8068, 8069, 8069-70, 8070
- Local elections, legislation, revision of 8393
- Local elections, non-resident property owners, voting rights 7114, 7739, 7740, 8066, 8067
- Local elections, notice to public re 8061-2
- Local elections, political parties at local level 7757
- Local elections, polling stations, opening of 9309
- Local elections process, abuse of, penalty for 7114
- Local Elections Reform Act, 1993 (Bill 35) 1R, 7114; 7739-40, 7756-7, 8056, 8057, 8058, 8059, 8060, 8060-1, 8061, 8061-2, 8062, 8063, 8064, 8065, 8066, 8067, 8067-8, 8068, 8069, 8069-70, 8070, 8176, 8177, 8177-8, 8178, 8179, 8179-80, 8180, 8181, 8182, 8183, 8188, 8189, 8189-90, 8190, 8181, 8181-2, 8192, 8192-3, 8193, 8193-4, 8194, 8195, 8196, 8197-8, 8198, 8199, 8199-200, 8200, 8201, 8202, 8203, 8203-4, 8204, 8205, 8206, 8207, 8208, 8209, 9291, 9292, 9293, 9293-4, 9294-5, 9295, 9295-6, 9296, 9297, 9298, 9298-9, 9299, 9300, 9300-1, 9301, 9301-2, 9305, 9306, 9307, 9308, 9309, 9310, 9310-1, 9311, 9312, 9313, 9314, 9315, 9316, 9316-7, 9317, 9318, 9319
- Local Elections Reform Act, 1993, commencement of, news release re 9319
- Local Elections Reform Act, 1993, commencement of, retroactivity of 9319
- Local Elections Reform Act, 1993, consultation re 7114, 7739-40, 7740
- Local Elections Reform Act, 1993, language used in 7739
- Local Elections Reform Act, 1993, penalties under act 7739
- Local Elections Reform Act, 1993, vote, use of term 8057
- Local elections, students, voting rights 8069
- Local elections, tenants, voting rights 7739
- Local elections, voters, assistance in marking ballots 7739
- Local elections, voters, election-day registration of 7739
- Local elections, voters list 7739, 8189-90
- Local elections, voters, persons on probation 8190
- Local elections, voters, prisoners in electronic custody 8191
- Local elections, voters, residency requirement 7740, 8181, 8182
- Local elections, voters, registration of 8182, 8183
- Local elections, voters, residents without fixed address 8181
- Local elections, voters, translators for 9308
- Local elections, votes, recount of ballots 7739
- Local elections, voting, advance voting 7114, 7739, 9306
- Local elections, voting age 7114, 7739, 8188, 8189
- Local elections, voting, curbside voting 7739
- Local elections, voting machines 7739
- Local elections, voting places, access for handicapped 7739
- Local government, consultation with 8393
- Local government, freedom-of-information legislation for 8463
- Local government, funding for 8394, 8536
- Local government, growth management 8394
- Local government, housing planning grants 8532, 8535
- Local government, infrastructure grants 8538, 8538-9
- Local government, legislation, amendments to 8786
- Local government, members' expenses 9377, 9378
- Local government, office holders, disclosure rules for 9302
- Local government, office holders, persons on probation 8190
- Local government, office holders, residency requirement for 8190
- Local government, planning by 8936
- Local government, powers of 8534-5, 8536, 8786
- Local government, regional planning grants 8474-5, 8475, 8476
- Local government, remuneration rules 8786, 8793, 9378
- Local government services division, funding for 8476
- Local government, term of office 8060-1
- Logging on private land 8458
- Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation program, Peat Marwick Thorne report on 7386
- Maple Ridge, burn unit 8540
- MLAs, expenses 9377
- Millstream industrial park bylaw 9304
- Mining Association of B.C., meeting with 9362, 9367, 9374
- Mining industry, definition of ore 9375
- Municipal Act, amendments to 7712, 8393, 8786
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry funds, allocation of 8459
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, B.C. 21 funding 8453
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, estimates 8392-9, 8446, 8446-7, 8448, 8449, 8450, 8451, 8452, 8453, 8453-4, 8454, 8455, 8455-6, 8456, 8457, 8458, 5459, 8460, 8461, 8461-2, 8462-3, 8474-5, 8475, 8476, 8477, 8477-8, 8478-9, 8479, 8480, 8481, 8530-1, 8531, 8532, 8532-3, 8533, 8533-4, 8534-5, 8535, 8536, 8537, 8538, 8538-9, 8539, 8540, 8541, 8542, 8543, 8544, 8545, 8546, 8547, 8548, 8549, 8549-50, 8551, 8552, 8552-3, 8553-4, 8554, 8574-5
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, freedom-of-information legislation, impact of 8462-3
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, information and privacy branch 8462-3, 8463
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, legislation, modernization of 8786, 8804, 8806
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, mandate 8392
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry operations, funding for 8461
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, planning branch, funding for 8476
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, policy and research branch, funding for 8476
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry, responsibilities of 8393, 8451
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry staff 8459, 8460
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing ministry staff commended 8575
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing Statutes Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 57) 1R, 7712; 8781-2, 8785-6, 8929, 8929-30, 8930, 8930-1, 8931, 8931-2, 8932, 8933, 8934, 8934-5, 8935, 8936, 8936-7, 8937
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing Statutes Amendment Act, 1993, consultation re 8936
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 1993 (Bill 58) 1R, 7712; 8786, 8793, 9362-3, 9363, 9363-4, 9364-5, 9365, 9365-6, 9366, 9366-7, 9367, 9370, 9370-1, 9371, 9372, 9373, 9374, 9375, 9376, 9377, 9378, 9385, 9386, 9387, 9388, 9389, 9389-90, 9390, 9391
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing Statutes Amendment Act (No.2), 1993, industrial improvement, definition of 9365
- Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993, Union of B. C. Municipalities' views on 8793
- Municipal finance, consultation re 8549
- Municipal finance, funding for health services 8552
- Municipal finance, funds, emergency funding 8551
- Municipal finance, funds, use of 8551
- Municipal finance, grants 4979, 8393-4
- Municipal finance, grants, unconditional grants 8393, 8547, 8548
- Municipal finance, revenue-sharing account and budget stabilization 8393
- Municipal finance, revenue-sharing funds 8547, 8548, 8549, 8575
- Municipal finance, revenue-sharing, policy on 8550
- Municipalities, amalgamation votes 8057
- Municipalities, amalgamations 8448, 8449
- Municipalities, amalgamations in process 7854, 8476
- Municipalities, board of variance rulings on rural land, appeals of 9388
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No. 2) Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 12) 1R, 6034; 6320-1, 6321, 6852
- Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No. 2) Amendment Act (No. 2), 1993 (Bill 43) 1R, 7113-4; 7431-2, 7434, 7852-3, 7853, 7853-4, 7854, 7855
- Municipalities, environmental assessments, requirement for 9390
- Municipalities, incorporation of 8059, 8060
- Municipalities, leases 8932
- Municipalities, leases, 99-year leases 8932, 8933
- Municipalities, parkland, development cost charges for purchase of 9391
- Municipalities, powers of 8931-2, 8933
- Municipalities, reduction in area of, vote on 8059
- Municipalities, restructuring of 8056
- Municipalities, victim assistance agreements 9385
- Nanaimo, Beban Park, transfer of 6034, 6321
- 9-1-1 emergency system, regional districts' powers re 7712, 9387
- Okanagan Landing, restructuring of municipality 8058
- Ombudsman, jurisdiction over local government 8463
- Planning, regional planning 8446, 8448
- Police, regional policing 8552-3
- Population growth directed from metropolitan areas 8532, 8538, 8538-9
- Prince George, property taxes 8454, 8480, 8481
- Property tax, capping of 8477, 8480, 8481
- Property tax, deferral of 4980
- Property tax rate, variable rates 8480
- Property tax, surtax on high-value homes, prebudget consultation re 4997
- Provincial Commission on Housing Options, recommendations 8530, 8534, 8545, 8929, 8931-2
- Provincial Commission on Housing Options, recommendations, implementation of 7712, 8395, 8396, 8477, 8478, 8545, 8574, 8575, 8782, 8931-2
- Public affairs branch, function 8459
- Public affairs branch, funding for 8459
- Public affairs branch, staff 8459
- Public housing, funding for, federal funds 8533
- Public housing, non-profit organizations' proposals 8395
- Railway Act, amendments to 6853, 8393, 8397
- Railway Act, penalty under act 6853
- Railway Act, safety sections, change to 6853
- Railway Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 14) 1R, 6531-2; 6853, 6891-2, 6892, 6893, 6894
- Railway bridges on farms, standards for 6893
- Railway bridges, tunnels and viaducts, powers re 6892, 6893
- Railway crossings, standards for 6853
- Railway crossings, train speeds on level crossings 6893, 6894
- Railway fencing 6891-2, 6892
- Railway tunnels, standards for 6853
- Railways safety code 6531-2, 6853, 6892, 6893
- Railways, safety standards 6532
- Recreation, benefits of 8398
- Recreation commissions in Indian communities 8398
- Recreation commissions in rural areas 8398
- Recreation, funding for 8397, 8398, 8453
- Recreation, ministerial responsibility for 8451
- Recreation, strategic plan for 8398
- Regional districts, amalgamation of 8448
- Regional districts, board members, remuneration for 9386
- Regional districts, bylaws 7431-2, 7852-3, 9389, 9389-90
- Regional districts, community and regional plans 9387, 9388
- Regional districts, development permits 9390
- Regional districts, economic development, promotion of 9387
- Regional districts, extended services 9387
- Regional districts, growth management strategies 8474-5, 8475, 8476, 8574, 9388, 9389
- Regional districts, intergovernmental agreements 9387
- Regional districts, land use decisions 7113, 7431
- Regional districts, powers 8934, 8935
- Regional districts, services 8786
- Regional government 8447
- Regional planning, environmentally sensitive areas and official community plans 8786
- Regional planning, official community plans 7852-3, 7853
- Rental assistance 8547
- Rental housing, secondary suites 8395-6, 8396, 8397, 8530-1, 8531, 8932
- Rental housing, standards 8478
- Renter's tax credit, abolition of 8534, 8547
- Revelstoke, downtown revitalization 8544
- Roads, funding for 8453, 8551
- Safety and standards branch, work of 8397
- Safety engineering services division, revenue 8451
- School boards, candidates for 8192
- School boards, teachers' eligibility for election to 9312, 9313, 9315
- School boards, vacancies, obligations re elections 9316
- Schubert, Saul, appointment to B.C. Housing Management Commission 7386
- Schubert, Saul, role of 8395
- Sewer and water grants to municipalities 8538, 8551
- Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program cheques, receipt of 4882
- Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, funding for 8461
- Sidney, port development 6034
- Sidney, port, validation of leases, licences and agreements 6321, 6852
- Sport, access to 8398
- Sport and Recreation Advisory Council, members 8397-8
- Sport and recreation division, function of 8398
- Sport B.C., funding for 8453-4
- Sport Discovery, evaluation system 8397
- Sport, funding for 8397, 8454, 8574
- Sport, multisport games in B.C. 8398, 8574
- Sport organizations, evaluation of 8397
- Surrey, CUPE municipal staff meetings on election strategy 8403
- Tait, J.D., role in Bamberton development 6834
- Tax base, stability of 9362, 9365, 9366-7, 9367, 9371, 9374
- Tax burden, distribution of 9362, 9364, 9364-5
- Taxation in B.C. 9371, 9373
- Trail, economic plan for 7113, 7432
- Trail, municipalities in area, amalgamation of 7853-4
- Trail, services in area, regionalization of 7853
- Transit, regional districts' powers re 7712
- Transportation, ministerial coordination re 8452
- Trees, removal of, regulation of 8458
- Union of B.C. Municipalities, consultation with 8393-4, 8786
- University Endowment Lands, incorporation of 8456
- Vancouver, auditors, certified general accountants as 8804
- Vancouver, building bylaws 8804
- Vancouver, bylaw on tax rebates 8456
- Vancouver Charter Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 59) 1R, 7712-3; 8804, 8806, 8937, 8938
- Vancouver Charter, amendments to 7712, 8393
- Vancouver Charter, emergency powers 8456
- Vancouver councillors, number of 9317, 9318
- Vancouver, debt management, 7712-3, 8804
- Vancouver, heritage buildings and development 7713, 8804
- Vancouver, legislation for, amendments to 8804, 8937
- Vancouver, levies for local improvements 8938
- Vancouver, property purchases without voters' assent 8804
- Vancouver, property taxes, capping of 8477, 8480
- Vancouver, property taxes, impact of increase in 4979
- Vancouver Public Library, funding for 8806
- Vancouver, saltwater pumping stations 8804
- Vancouver, ward system 7714, 9318
- Vanderhoof airport, federal funds for 7854
- Vanderhoof airport, transfer of ownership of 7113-4, 7432, 7854, 7855
- Vernon, restructuring of municipality 8058
- Whistler, incorporation of 8059
- Whistler, strata title owners, votes of 8177, 8180
- White Rock, amalgamation with South Surrey 8057, 8058
- Zoning bylaws 8937
- Zoning bylaws and community plans 9388, 9389
- Zoning, development zoning 8478, 8532
- Zoning, prezoning 8532
- Zoning, public input on 8937
- Fundraising on behalf of (Gabelmann) 9344 (Warnke) 9344
Blind Persons Contribution Act
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 8641
Block Watch
- See entries under Neighbourhood Watch
Blood -- Transfusion
- Blood transfusion system in B.C. (Lord) 5224 (Reid) 5224
Blood banks
- Safety of blood supplies (Barnes) 5224-5 (Lord) 5224 (Reid) 5223
- Screening of donations (Reid) 5223
Blue Jays (baseball team)
Blue Lead Creek, B.C.
- Logging of area (Tyabji) 7142
- Mentioned: (Evans) 6856 (Miller) 5465
Blue Mountain, B.C.
Blue River, B.C.
- Water supply system (Jackson) 5252
- Industry in B.C. (Barlee) 7348
Bluegrass festival
- Mentioned: (O'Neill) 4822
Bluenose (Vessel)
Board of Brand Commissioners
Boards, commissions, etc.
- See entries under Government
Boats and boating
- Marine Watch programs (Cashore) 6718 (Wilson) 6718
Boeing Co.
Bogart, Humphrey
- Mentioned: (Hammell) 8471
Bombardier Inc.
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 9346
- Bonding Act. See name of act
- Claim period (Clark) 6798
- Performance security, provisions re (Clark) 6424, 6798
Bonding Act
- (Bill 17) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 6424; 2R, 6798; C, 6831; 3R, 6831; RA, 7487
- Speakers: Clark 6798; Gingell 6798; Weisgerber 6798
- Language in act (Clark) 6798 (Weisgerber) 6798
- Regulations under act (Clark) 6798
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 8641
- B.C. savings bond issue in future (Clark) 6882
- B.C. savings bonds (Clark) 5041, 6882 (Warnke) 5041
- B.C. savings bonds, interest rate on (Anderson) 5248 (Clark) 8767 (Gingell) 5515, 5558, 8767
- B.C. savings bonds, maximum purchase, change in (Clark) 8767
- B.C. savings bonds redeemed (Anderson) 5248 (Clark) 8767
- B.C. savings bonds, revenue generated by (Doyle) 4711
- B.C. savings bonds, sale to smaller investors (Clark) 8767
- B.C. savings bonds, secondary market (Clark) 8767-8 (Gingell) 8767
- Burning of referred to (Tanner) 5087, 5519
- Canada savings bonds mentioned (Clark) 8767
- Canadian Bond Rating Service Ltd., warnings of (Gingell) 4890
- Credit rating agencies' attitude to B.C. (Neufeld) 5064
- Credit rating of bonds in Canada in future (Weisgerber) 6474
- Credit rating of B.C. (Chisholm) 5006 (Clark) 6473, 6882, 8628 (Farnworth) 5247 (Gingell) 4898, 6473-4 (Hanson) 5590 (Weisgerber) 4733, 4903, 6474
- Manitoba, credit rating (Clark) 6796
Bonner, Robert
Bonneville Power Authority
Book publishers
- See: Publishers and publishing
Boon, Shirley Anne
Boone, Hon. Lois (Prince George-Mount Robson) Minister of Government Services
- Agricultural land reserve, use of land 7857-8
- Air ambulances, contracts in B.C. interior 8155
- Air ambulances, funding for 8150, 8151, 8155, 8156
- Air ambulances, helicopter services 8155
- Air ambulances, services 8145, 8150, 8151
- Air travel, frequent flyer points for personal use (Neufeld) 5043
- Alcoholic beverages, tax revenue, use of 7905
- Bawlf Cooper Associates, St. Ann's Academy contract 8147, 8148
- Bawlf, Sam, involvement in St. Ann's Academy 8147, 8148
- Bawlf, Sam, involvement in Victoria accord 7809
- Bawlf, Sam, payment to 7810, 8149
- Bingo, electronic bingo 7899, 7901, 9353
- Bingo, social costs 9356
- Bingo, video bingo 9353, 9355
- B.C. archives and records service, commissioner, position of 7687
- B.C. archives and records service, computer imaging and access project 7581, 7687, 7688, 7689, 8171
- B.C. archives and records service, cost savings by 8169-70
- B.C. archives and records service, disaster preparedness 7683, 7684
- B.C. archives and records service, documents, disposal of 7686, 7686-7
- B.C. archives and records service, documents, preservation of 7683, 7685
- B.C. archives and records service, documents, storage of 7580, 7686
- B.C. archives and records service, freedom of information and protection of documents 7686, 7687
- B.C. archives and records service, freedom-of-information legislation, implementation of 7687
- B.C. archives and records service, freedom-of-information staff 7687
- B.C. archives and records service, information system 7683
- B.C. archives and records service, management issues 8146
- B.C. archives and records service, mandate 8146
- B.C. archives and records service, space requirements and planning 7684, 7685, 7685-6
- B.C. archives and records service staff 7685
- B.C. archives and records service, workload 8146
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, annual report tabled 7875
- B.C. Buildings Corporation assets, valuation of 7856, 7863
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, Crown corporations secretariat, funding for 7808
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, employment equity program 7810
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, employment for disadvantaged groups 7810-1, 7811
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, function of 7684, 7684-5, 7685, 8144
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, office space, leasing of 7808
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, office space, non-rentable space 7857
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, Victoria accord, funding and staffing for 7803, 7804
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, Victoria accord, involvement in 7805
- B.C. Buildings Corporation, work of 7581, 8170
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, advertising agent for 6533
- B.C. Lottery Corporation advertising, monitoring of results of 7904
- B.C. Lottery Corporation advertising, public reaction to 7903
- B.C. Lottery Corporation advertising, targets of 7902, 7903
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, breakopen lottery, chance of winning 8163
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, breakopen lottery machines 7901
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, Crown corporations secretariat, funding for 7808
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, fact-finding committee, report to 7900
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, gaming machines, revenue from 7902
- B.C. Lottery Corporation grants, chair's powers re 8571
- B.C. Lottery Corporation grants, policy on 8570
- B.C. Lottery Corporation head office, location of 5061, 7871
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, lotteries in B.C., expansion of 7903
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, objectives 7900, 7904
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, policy, development of 7899, 7900
- B.C. Lottery Corporation programs 8163, 8164
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, revenue, deposition of 9357
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, work of 7581
- B.C. Systems Corporation, board 7869, 7870
- B.C. Systems Corporation, B.C. Lottery Corporation, relationship with 7894
- B.C. Systems Corporation, contracts 7869
- B.C. Systems Corporation, Crown corporations secretariat, funding for 7808
- B.C. Systems Corporation, dividend 7868
- B.C. Systems Corporation, fibre optics, use of 7894, 8161, 8162
- B.C. Systems Corporation, government information systems 8143
- B.C. Systems Corporation, private sector, relationship with 7869, 7871
- B.C. Systems Corporation, regional development 7872
- B.C. Systems Corporation, services, charge for and market rate 7868
- B.C. Systems Corporation, services, integrated services 7873, 8162, 8163
- B.C. Systems Corporation, work of 7871
- B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd., services to B.C. Systems Corporation 7868, 7869
- B.C. 21 funds, use of in regions 5061
- B.C. 21, lottery funds 7904
- Budget debate 5060-1
- Build BC Act 5216-7
- Build BC Act, second reading six months hence 5216-7
- Burnaby, Oaklands land, planning re 7807
- Burnaby, Oaklands land redevelopment, process re 7864
- Burnaby, Oaklands land, use of 7864
- Cabinet planning secretariat, allocation of funds 8145
- Cabinet planning secretariat, function of 8145
- Canada Games, 1993, Kamloops, lottery funds for 8570
- Capital Mental Health Association, GO B.C. funds for 4924
- Carson Air Ltd., contract with 8155, 8156
- Chambers of commerce, work of in regions 7608
- Chilliwack courthouse, construction of new courthouse 7810
- Civil service employees, number of 5060
- Civil service employees, telephone charges by 5043
- Civil service, hiring freeze 7584
- Civil service pensions and Pension Benefits Standards Act 9030
- Civil service pension credits, transfer of 9030
- Civil service pension plans, administration of 7908, 7909
- Civil service pension plans, governance of 7580, 7906, 7907, 7908, 7909, 8170
- Civil service pension plans, registration of under Income Tax Act 9030
- Civil service pensions, employer contributions 9030
- Civil service pensions, government policy 7906
- Civil service pensions, part-time and seasonal workers 9030
- Civil service pensions, pension boards, establishment of 7580
- Civil service pensions, reform of 7906, 7907
- Civil service pensions, unfunded liability 7906-7
- Civil service pensions, vesting period 9030
- Civil service, senior personnel, charging of personal phone calls 4998
- Clayoquot Sound, logging of area, flyer on, cost of 7588
- Clayoquot Sound, logging of area, flyer on, tendering process for 7605
- Cloverdale court facilities, occupancy of 7810
- Colony Farm, land use decision, area involved 7855, 7856
- Colony Farm, land use decision, B.C. Buildings Corporation involvement in 7855
- Colony Farm site, use of 7856, 7857-8
- Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service and Public Sector, report 7907
- Commission on Resources and Environment, flyer re 7590
- Commission on Resources and Environment, flyer re, contract for 7607
- Community grants program 7582, 7586
- Computers, fibre optic network, tendering on 8162
- Computers, government systems, compatibility of 7581
- Computers, government systems, upgrading of 8162
- Conservation officers 5060
- Crown Corporations Committee, function of 8149
- Crown corporations, dividends to government 7808
- Crown corporations, investments 5216
- Crown corporations, regional development, investment in 5061
- Crown corporations secretariat, B.C. Buildings Corporation, relationship with 8149
- Crown corporations secretariat, coordinating function for purchases 8143
- Crown corporations secretariat, Crown corporations, audits of 8149
- Crown corporations secretariat, Crown corporations, relationship with 8149, 8150
- Crown corporations secretariat, funding for 7804, 7808, 8149
- Crown corporations secretariat, role of 7804, 8148, 8150
- Crown corporations secretariat, work of 7804
- Crown corporations, senior administrators, salaries 5060
- Cultural Foundation of British Columbia Act 9047
- Deficit 5060
- Deputy ministers, salaries 5060
- Drugs, bulk storage of 7580, 7611, 8169
- Drugs, purchase of 7611
- Education funding 5060
- Employment, applications for, declaration of disability or aboriginal descent 7811
- Employment equity program 7581, 7810, 7810-1, 7811, 7811-2, 8170
- Employment equity program, speech impairments 7612
- Enquiry B.C., assessment of 7690
- Enquiry B.C., calls to, number of 7689, 7690
- Enquiry B.C., cost of 7690
- Enquiry B.C., expenditure cuts 7582
- Enquiry B.C., purpose 7689, 7690, 8170-1
- Enquiry B.C., staffing 7689
- Enquiry B.C., work of 7581
- Environmental Assessment Act 8307
- Expenditures under Social Credit Party administration 5061
- Expo 86, liabilities re 7905
- Forest industry, problems 5216
- Forests ministry, Burnaby office staff, relocation costs 7815
- Forests ministry, Nanaimo building, cost of 7815
- Fort St. James fire department, GO B.C. funds for 4924
- Freedom-of-information legislation, implementation of 7580, 7585, 8170
- Freedom-of-information legislation, implementation of, funding for 7585, 7683
- GO B.C. grants 4924, 4925, 7582, 7586, 7904, 7905
- Gaming, government policy on 7899, 7900
- Gaming, illegal machines 7901, 7901-2, 7902
- Gaming, review of 7899
- Glendale Lodge site, use of 7857
- Government advertising, expenditures on 7586
- Government air services, charter flights 8156, 8157, 8159
- Government air services, competition with commercial airlines 8154
- Government air services, coordinated regional flights 8154, 8156
- Government air services, medical flights 8145, 8151
- Government air services, ministers' use of for Seattle trip 8151, 8152, 8153
- Government air services, revenue and costs 8156, 8157
- Government aircraft, Commonwealth Games flights 8158
- Government aircraft, fuel costs 8158, 8159
- Government aircraft, MLAs' use of, costs 8153
- Government aircraft, passengers, number of 8151
- Government aircraft, pilots' positions, applicants for 4999
- Government aircraft, pilots' positions, women applicants for 4999, 8159, 8159-60
- Government aircraft, pilots' qualifications 8159
- Government aircraft, purchase of new aircraft 8154
- Government aircraft, use of 8152, 8153, 8157, 8158
- Government aircraft, use of by government employees 8153, 8154, 8156, 8170
- Government aircraft, use of for medical flights 8150
- Government aircraft, Vancouver-Victoria run 8151
- Government assets, sale of, revenues from 8161
- Government automobiles, disposal of 8142
- Government automobiles, disposal of to unlicensed dealers 9383
- Government automobiles, maintenance of 8160, 8169
- Government automobiles, number of 8160
- Government automobiles, purchase of 8142-3, 8143
- Government automobiles, purchase of four-cylinder vehicles 8188
- Government automobiles, purchases, price range of vehicles 8167
- Government automobiles, specialty fleet, selling of 8143
- Government buildings written off 7808
- Government communications office, contracts 7587-8, 7607-8
- Government communications office, contracts, tendering process 7589, 7589-90, 7590, 7605
- Government communications office, expenditures 7586, 7604
- Government communications office, function of 7587, 7589, 7604-5
- Government communications office, funding for 7587, 7603, 7680
- Government communications office, hiring process 7587, 7609, 7679
- Government communications office, mailouts 7588, 7590
- Government communications office, opposition parties' mailouts 7589
- Government communications office, plain language policy 8171
- Government communications office, regional information officers 7587, 7608, 7608-9
- Government communications office, salaries 7603
- Government communications office, staff 7587
- Government communications office, travel costs 7604
- Government information systems, coordination of 8143
- Government office space 7806
- Government office space in Victoria 7806
- Government office space, non-rentable space 7857
- Government office space planning 7810
- Government office space, private sector construction of 7807, 7808
- Government office space, procurement procedure re 7806, 7806-7, 7807, 7808
- Government property, sale of 7612, 7808, 7857
- Government property, sale of, revenue from 7808
- Government purchasing and supply functions 8144
- Government purchasing, bulk purchases 7611, 8143
- Government purchasing, Buy Smart program 5061, 7580, 7586, 7611, 7894, 7895, 7898, 8170
- Government purchasing, Buy Smart program, funding for 7895
- Government purchasing, Buy Smart program, monitoring of 7895, 7896
- Government purchasing, Buy Smart program, software for 7898, 7898-9, 7899
- Government purchasing, Buy Smart program, staff for 7898
- Government purchasing, Buy Smart program, steering committee 7894
- Government purchasing contracts, performance bonds 7606
- Government purchasing, credit cards, misuse of 7896
- Government purchasing, credit cards, use of 5061, 7580, 7895, 7896, 7897, 7898, 8170
- Government purchasing, decentralization of 8161
- Government purchasing, electronic bidding system 7898
- Government purchasing, environmentally sound products 7580, 8170
- Government purchasing, interprovincial purchasing 7611, 7612
- Government purchasing, local minor purchase order system 7896, 7897
- Government purchasing, operational reviews 8144
- Government purchasing policy 7894
- Government purchasing practices 8170
- Government purchasing practices for photocopiers, etc., review of 7609, 7610, 7611, 8145, 8149
- Government purchasing, purchases from small and regional businesses 7608, 7608-9
- Government purchasing, tendering process 7605, 7606, 7607
- Government purchasing, U.S. suppliers 7612
- Government Services minister, performance as (Jones, K.) 8169
- Government Services ministry, acting deputy minister position 7583
- Government Services ministry, annual report tabled 9227
- Government Services ministry, appropriation, 1993-94 fiscal year 5060, 7580
- Government Services ministry, consolidated maintenance program 7580
- Government Services ministry, employment equity in 7581
- Government Services ministry, estimates 7579-81, 7582, 7583, 7584, 7585, 7586, 7587, 7587-8, 7588, 7589, 7589-90, 7590, 7603, 7604, 7604-5, 7605, 7606, 7607, 7607-8, 7608, 7608-9, 7609, 7610, 7611, 7612, 7679-80, 7680, 7681, 7682, 7683, 7684, 7684-5, 7685, 7685-6, 7686, 7686-7, 7687, 7688, 7689, 7690, 7802, 7803, 7894, 7804-5, 7805, 7806, 7806-7, 7807, 7808, 7809, 7810, 7810-1, 7811, 7811-2, 7812, 7855, 7856, 7857, 7857-8, 7858, 7859, 7859-60, 7860, 7861, 7861-2, 7862, 7862-3, 7863, 7864, 7865, 7865-6, 7866, 7867, 7868, 7869, 7869-70, 7870, 7871, 7872, 7873, 7894, 7895, 7896, 7897, 7898, 7898-9, 7899, 7900, 7901, 7901-2, 7902, 7903, 7904, 7905, 7906, 7906-7, 7907, 7908, 7909, 8140, 8140-1, 8141, 8141-2, 8142, 8142-3, 8143, 8144, 8145, 8146, 8147, 8148, 8149, 8150, 8151, 8152, 8153, 8154, 8155, 8155-6, 8156, 8157, 8158, 8159, 8159-60, 8160, 8161, 8162, 8163, 8164, 8169-71
- Government Services ministry, expenditures 7582, 7583, 7586, 7679-80
- Government Services ministry, pins and flags 7582, 7583, 7679
- Government Services ministry, plain language program 7581
- Government Services ministry, planning function, funding for 7685
- Government Services ministry programs, postponement of 7584, 7585
- Government Services ministry, responsibilities 7580, 8169
- Government Services ministry, special warrant, use of funds 4924, 4925
- Government Services ministry staff, hiring of 7584, 7609
- Government Services ministry staff, number of 7580, 7584
- Halfback program, funding for 4925
- Harcourt, Hon. Michael, salary 5060
- Health care, community-based care 5842
- Health care, funding for 5060
- Health ministry, estimates 5842, 6134
- Helicopters, government contracts for 8155
- Highways, capital construction, funding for 5061, 5216
- Historic buildings, restoration of, funding for 8147
- Jack Davis Building, B.C. Buildings Corporation's statement of claim re 7802, 7803
- Jack Davis Building, completion of 7802
- Jack Davis Building, cost of 7802
- Jericho lands, planning for 7808
- Kamloops Indian band, GO B.C. grant to 8945-6
- Kemano power project and Environmental Assessment Act 8307
- Legislative Assembly Allowances and Pension Act, annual report of business done under act tabled 7875
- Library Foundation of B.C., establishment of 8484
- Logging practices in B.C., criticisms of in Europe 5217
- Lotteries, players 7903
- Lotteries, revenue to government 7903
- Lotteries, video lottery and bingo, pilot project 8163
- Lotteries, video lottery terminals 7901
- Lotteries, video lottery terminals, purchase by B.C. Lottery Corporation 8163
- Lottery funds, community grants 7905
- Lottery funds, use of 7904, 7905, 9047
- Lottery funds, use in health care field 7904
- Lottery funds, use of, Treasury Board involvement in 7905
- Lottery ticket, definition of 9352
- Maritime Bicentennial program, funding for 4925, 7905
- Medivac travel assistance program, use of 8145
- MLAs, constituency offices, telecommunication service for 7873
- MLAs' salaries, freeze on 5060
- Ministers, air travel on commercial flights 8154
- Ministers, phone calls by relatives charged to government 4998
- Ministers' salaries, reduction in 5060
- Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) (1993) 9352, 9352-3, 9353, 9354, 9354-5, 9355, 9355-6, 9356, 9357
- NOW Communications Ltd., contracts with 7589, 7590, 7607
- Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society, kickbacks to, allegations re 8995
- Parliament buildings, recycling program 7607
- Pension (College) Act, annual report of business done under act tabled 7875
- Pension (Municipal) Act, annual report of business done under act tabled 7875
- Pension (Public Service) Act, annual report of business done under act tabled 7875
- Pension (Teachers) Act, annual report of business done under act tabled 7875
- Pension Benefits Standards Act, compliance with 8484
- Pension Benefits Standards Act, proclamation of 9033, 9034
- Pension Statutes Amendment Act, 1993 (Bill 60) 1R, 8484; 9030, 9033-4, 9369, 9369-70, 9370
- Pensions, multi-employer plans 9370
- Pensions, pensionable age, definition of 9369
- Pensions, vesting period, five-year period, cost of 9369
- Physicians, billings, extra-billing, Prince George physicians 6134
- Physicians, funding for 5060
- Policy coordination office, polling, distribution of results of 7682
- Policy coordination office, polling function 7680, 7681
- Postal and distribution services branch, courier services contract 8144
- Postal and distribution services branch, review of 7580, 8144, 8169
- Premier's Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities, expenditures 8141
- Premier's Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities, mandate 8140
- Premier's Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities, meetings of 7586
- Premier's Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities, work of 7811, 8140-1, 8141-2
- Prince George Regional Correctional Centre, construction of, contingency fund for wage policy 7858, 7861, 7863
- Product distribution centre, costs of 8161
- Product distribution centre, employment equity 7581, 8170
- Product distribution centre, pharmaceutical storage 7580, 7611, 8169
- ProvNet system 7894, 8162
- Public opinion polls, government polls, cost of 7680, 7681
- Public opinion polls, government subscriptions to, distribution of 7681, 7682
- Public Service Commission, annual report tabled 9381
- Purchasing Commission, master purchase orders 7611
- Purchasing Commission, operation of 7610, 7611
- Purchasing Commission, review of 8144
- Purchasing Commission, services of, cost savings in 8169
- Queen's Printer, purchases by 8160
- Recycling program 7607
- Riverview Hospital site, future use of 7857
- Roads and tourist industry 5217
- St. Ann's Academy, funding for 8147
- St. Ann's Academy, report on 7809, 7814
- St. Ann's Academy, responsibility for 7809
- St. Ann's Academy, restoration of, tendering process for 8148
- Sandbar Construction Ltd., contract with 7802
- Sea to Sea program, funding for 4925, 7905
- Shell Canada Ltd., government business with, policy on 7234
- Silviculture project under Build BC Act 5217
- Small business, taxation 5061
- Social workers, number of 5060
- South central health unit, water samples, couriering of 7611
- Stammering, assistance for sufferers 7612
- Starship Bingo, operation of 9353, 9354, 9356, 9357
- Superannuation Commission 7908
- Superannuation Commission, reporting by 7908
- Superannuation Commission, reorganization of 7580
- Superannuation Commission, role of 7580, 7907
- Superannuation commissioner, role of 7908
- Supply Act (No. 1) (1993) 4924, 4925
- Tax burden, distribution of 5061
- Taxation, changes in 5060-1
- Telecommunications work 7873
- Telecommuting 7872
- Telecommuting, benefits of 7811
- Telecommuting project in Langford 5061, 7580-1, 7811, 7872, 8170
- Telephones, third-party billings, problem of 5043
- Tobacco tax revenue, use of 7905
- Treasury Board, operational reviews by 8144
- University of Northern B.C., construction of 5061, 5216
- University of Northern B.C., support for 5061
- Vehicle management services branch, fuel billing 7580, 8169
- Victoria accord 7803, 7805, 7806
- Victoria accord and government buildings 7803
- Victoria accord, cost of 7804
- Victoria accord, Crown corporations' involvement in 7804
- Victoria accord, Crown corporations secretariat's role in 7804-5, 7805, 8149
- Victoria accord, responsibility for 7809
- Victoria, downtown core, plans for 7803
- Victoria, Inner Harbour, ferry terminal plans 7803
- Victoria, Inner Harbour, plan for 7805
- Victoria, James Bay area 7803
- Victoria, Old Town, plans for 7867
- Victoria, parking 7866
- Victoria, Q lot, new buildings 7866, 7867
- Victoria, Q lot, plans for 7865, 7865-6
- Victoria traffic 7867
- Victoria, transportation study 7866, 7867
- Victoria, Y lot 7803, 7805, 7809
- Victoria, Y lot development, parking for 7866
- Victoria, Y lot, new buildings 7866, 7867
- Wages, fair wage policy 7802
- Wages, fair wage policy, impact on capital construction 7859, 7859-60, 7860, 7861, 7861-2, 7862, 7862-3
- Wages, public works contracts, pre-tender cost analysis for 7054
- Warehouses, shared space 7612
- Warehousing 8161
- West Richmond Community Association, GO B.C. funds for 4924
- Williams, Robert A., role of 8162
- Williams, Robert A., role of in Victoria accord 8148
Boothroyd Indian band
- Road right-of-way dispute, use of resumption clause (Petter) 7175
Borovoy, Alan
- When Freedoms Collide referred to, quoted (Tyabji) 7377, 7378-9
Bosa Bros. Construction Ltd.
- Developments (Cowie) 7888
Bose, Bob
Botterell, Rob
- Bottle return system (Cashore) 6527 (Serwa) 6527
- Refillable bottles (Serwa) 6527
Bouchard, BenoÅ’t
Boucher v. the King
Boundary Bay, B.C.
- The Boundary Bay Wildlife Management Area, An Act to Establish. See name of act
- Brant goose hunt, ban on (Cashore) 5044, 5079
- Foreshore title and ministerial jurisdiction (Cashore) 7004 (Serwa) 7004
- Habitat protection (Clark) 7001-2 (Serwa) 7004
- Land use study, Transportation and Highways ministry participation in (Charbonneau) 7025 (Gingell) 7025
- Legislation re and agricultural community (Cashore) 6712 (Gingell) 6711-2
- Planning process for (Cashore) 5512, 6710, 6711, 6712 (Gingell) 5512, 6710, 6711
- Ramsar designation for area (Cashore) 6711, 7005 (Gingell) 6711, 7476
- Roberts Bank backup lands. See entries under Roberts Bank, B.C.
- Wildlife management area, establishment of (Cashore) 6711, 6712, 7004 (Gingell) 6711, 6711-2, 6712 (Lortie) 4719
- Wildlife management area, impact on farmers (Barlee) 7476 (Gingell) 7476
Boundary Bay Airport, Delta, B.C.
- Management of (Cowie) 7854
- Plane crash (Cowie) 7854
- Mentioned: (Gingell) 7025
Boundary Bay Airport Commission
- Mentioned: (Gingell) 7025
The Boundary Bay Wildlife Management Area, An Act to Establish
- (Bill M202) (Lortie) 1R, 4719
- Mentioned: (Gingell) 5512
Boundary health unit
Bourinot, Sir John George
- Parliamentary Procedures and Practice mentioned (Farrell-Collins) 4795
Bovey, John
Bowen Island, B.C.
- Bus service on island (Denhoff) 8841 (Symons) 8841
- Islands Trust trustees, number of and population (Mitchell) 9316
Bower, Bobbi
Boyanowsky, Ehor
Boyd, Bert
Boyd, Rob
Boydell, Tony
- Celgar Pulp air emissions review (Cashore) 6561
Boyes, David
Bozoian, Ann
Braid, Kate
Bralorne, B.C.
- Fire hall, funding for (Lali) 4855
Brand, Henry Bouverie William
- Mentioned: (Mitchell) 8091
Brant Festival, Parksville, B.C.
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 5079
Brant goose
- Boundary Bay hunting, ban on (Cashore) 5044, 5079
- Parksville area brant (Cashore) 5079
Breach of the peace
- Emergency Program Act and civil unrest (Gabelmann) 8964
Breakopen lottery
- See entries under British Columbia Lottery Corporation
Brennan, Bev
Brewin, Gretchen (Victoria-Beacon Hill)
- Fort Victoria, anniversary of 6289
- Helicopters, federal purchase 5370-1
- Parliament buildings, anniversary of construction of 6290
- Political correctness 4984
- Pressure groups, support for 4984
- Select Standing Committee on Justice, Constitutional Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, report tabled 7914
- Songhees people, history of 6289
- Third World, federal assistance to 5371
- Victoria, anniversary of founding of 6289
- Victoria, anniversary of founding of, Indian events 6290-1
- Victoria, capital of B.C., designation as 6289
- Victoria, history of 6288-9
- Victoria, nuclear-weapons-free zone 5370
Brewing industry
- Recycling of bottles and cans (Cashore) 6527
Bridge, Richard
- Crown corporations secretariat, status as employee of (Clark) 8713, 8714, 8724 (Gingell) 8724
- Mentioned: (Clark) 8712
The Bridge Film Studios, Burnaby, B.C.
- Funding for (Zirnhelt) 6451
- Use of (Zirnhelt) 6456
- Mentioned: (Stephens) 6452
- Construction of, funding for (Harcourt) 9304-5 (Weisgerber) 9304
- Construction of, privatization of (Harcourt) 9304 (Weisgerber) 9304
- First Narrows, new crossing at (Mitchell) 4787
- Improvements to (Charbonneau) 7313
- Inspection program (Charbonneau) 6807 (Symons) 6807
- Lower mainland area (Cowie) 5165
- Maintenance of (Charbonneau) 7296 (Jones, K.) 7296
- Rehabilitation (Charbonneau) 6809 (Symons) 6809
- Tolls, use of (Charbonneau) 6820, 7313, 7314 (Jarvis) 5138-9, 6820 (Symons) 7323 (Weisgerber) 4903 (Wilson) 5175
- See also bridges by name, e.g., Lions Gate Bridge
Brilliant Dam
- Mentioned: (Edwards) 7766
Britco Structures Ltd.
British Columbia
- Capitalism in B.C. (Serwa) 5120
- Description of (Barlee) 4806
- Early settlers, contribution of (Serwa) 5120, 5121
- Future of (Garden) 4825
- Hazardousness of life in B.C. (Gabelmann) 7789
- Hazards and emergency preparedness (Gabelmann) 5898
- Regionalization of, proposal re (Tyabji) 7733-4
- 60-year plan for (Tyabji) 4956
- Sustainable society (Lord) 4714-5 (Perry) 5027
British Columbia -- Economic conditions
- Asia-Pacific growth, impact of (Harcourt) 5729
- B.C. Rail, role in economy (Harcourt) 9151 (Weisgerber) 9151
- Budget, role in economy (Kasper) 5183 (Warnke) 8079
- Build BC Act, impact on economy (Farrell-Collins) 5204 (Tanner) 5518 (Warnke) 5198-9
- Continentalization of economy (Wilson) 4834
- Crime, incidence of and economy (Gabelmann) 4922 (Warnke) 4922
- Crown corporations, role in economy (Clark) 4888-9 (Gingell) 4725 (Pullinger) 5016 (Reid) 5743
- Culture, impact on economy (Marzari) 8954 (Serwa) 8957
- Debt servicing, impact on economy (Wilson) 5047
- Economic development (Jarvis) 5677 (Neufeld) 5523 (Stephens) 4815, 4816 (Symons) 5534 (Weisgerber) 4733
- Economic development, regional development (Clark) 5534 (Dalton) 5670, 5671 (Lovick) 5140 (Serwa) 5734-5 (Stephens) 5769 (Warnke) 5737
- Economic development, strategic planning workshop (Lali) 5202
- Economic growth (Clark) 6473 (Dalton) 5671 (Dueck) 5051 (Gingell) 6473-4 (Neufeld) 5065 (Stephens) 6360 (Zirnhelt) 5068, 5069, 5195, 6355
- Economic growth, basis for calculation of (Chisholm) 5610 (Gingell) 9177 (Jarvis) 5554
- Economic growth, rate of growth (Warnke) 4975
- Economic indicators (Blencoe) 8446 (Cowie) 8446, 8447
- Economic plan for province (Anderson) 5031 (Chisholm) 4799 (Gingell) 4717, 4724, 4725, 4898 (Jarvis) 5123, 5124, 5552 (Pullinger) 5209 (Reid) 5154, 5155 (Stephens) 4816 (Tanner) 4773 (Tyabji) 4790, 4792-3, 4956 (Warnke) 4976 (Wilson) 5047, 5049, 5171 (Zirnhelt) 4959, 6359
- Economy, impact of state of economy on people (Anderson) 4869-70
- Economy of province (Cashore) 5078 (Chisholm) 5527, 5663 (Clark) 4883-4, 6473 (Cowie) 5166 (De Jong) 4761 (Doyle) 4711, 4712, 4714 (Dueck) 5051 (Farnworth) 4849, 4961 (Fox) 4773-4 (Garden) 4825 (Giesbrecht) 4856 (Gingell) 4898, 9177-8 (Hurd) 4747 (Jarvis) 4767 (Jones, B.) 5036 (Lali) 4563 (Lord) 4714, 4715 (Lovick) 4972 (MacPhail) 4805 (Marzari) 4779 (Miller) 5038 (Neufeld) 4800-1, 8228 (O'Neill) 4821, 4822 (Pement) 4765 (Perry) 5027 (Pullinger) 5015-6, 5016-7 (Ramsey) 5146, 5147 (Schreck) 4764-5 (Serwa) 5120, 8111 (Sihota) 4742, 8100 (Smallwood) 7508, 7531 (Stephens) 4992 (Symons) 5530 (Tanner) 4772 (Throne speech) 4704 (Warnke) 4759, 5198-9, 9131 (Weisgerber) 6795 (Zirnhelt) 4827, 6355
- Economy of province and global economy (Jarvis) 5123 (Tyabji) 5120 (Warnke) 6395
- Economy of province, diversification of (Lali) 5202 (Pullinger) 5209 (Tyabji) 5495, 5496, 5765 (Wilson) 5172, 5760-1, 5888
- Economy of province, northern and interior B.C. (Farnworth) 4961
- Economy of province, regional economies (Evans) 4968, 4968-9 (Garden) 5118 (Pullinger) 5016, 5208-9 (Streifel) 5244 (Tyabji) 5119 (Zirnhelt) 5068
- Economy of province, sustainable economy (Perry) 5028
- Education of citizenry, impact on economy (Barnes) 4994
- Employment Standards Amendment Act, 1993, impact on economy (Fox) 8236 (Hanson) 8216-7 (Warnke) 8223
- Environmental Assessment Act, impact on economy (Hurd) 7119 (Serwa) 7034-5 (Weisgerber) 7031
- Forest industry and economy (Hurd) 5733 (Neufeld) 5734
- Government, role in economy (Hammell) 5197 (Warnke) 5199
- Government spending and economic growth (Stephens) 6984 (Weisgerber) 5509
- Health of citizenry, impact on economy (Barnes) 4994
- Immigration to B.C. and economy (Farnworth) 4849 (Gingell) 9178
- Income tax, increase in and economy (Weisgerber) 6794
- Investment, impact on economy (Warnke) 5199
- Labour Relations Code and economy (Hanson) 8216
- Natural resources and economy of province (Sihota) 4743 (Zirnhelt) 5069
- Recession, Hon. David Zirnhelt's statement re (Fox) 9057 (Zirnhelt) 9057
- Road system and economy (Fox) 4774
- Sales tax increase, impact on economy (Fox) 9183, 9185 (Gingell) 9177 (Jarvis) 9194
- Sales tax on labour services, impact on economy (Neufeld) 9193
- Small business and economy (De Jong) 4989 (Fox) 5092 (Stephens) 6876 (Tyabji) 4790 (Zirnhelt) 4980
- Summit on economy. See Premier's Summit on Trade and Economic Opportunity
- Taxation and economy (Clark) 4829 (Farrell-Collins) 4841 (Gingell) 6884 (Tyabji) 5119 (Weisgerber) 4828-9
- Tourist industry and economy (Tanner) 4773
- Transportation and economy (Jarvis) 5138
- See also: Regional economic development
British Columbia -- History
- Heritage legislation (Marzari) 6066, 6146, 6148, 6149, 6155, 6212 (Tanner) 6155, 6155-6
- Heritage resources, conservation of (Marzari) 6066, 8264
- Heritage resources, consultation re, symposium with first nations (Marzari) 6066
- Historic sites, preservation of (Streifel) 5227 (Weisgerber) 5227-8
- Settlement of B.C. (Streifel) 5227 (Weisgerber) 5228
British Columbia -- Industries
- Bellingham, incentives to industry to relocate to (Cowie) 6682
- Bulkley Valley-Stikine constituency industry, sustainability of (Pement) 4766
- Development of, private sector funds for (Zirnhelt) 6456
- Development of, promotion of (Lovick) 7036-7
- Developments, socioeconomic impact studies (Stephens) 6391 (Zirnhelt) 6391
- Environmental assessment of industrial projects. See entries under Environmental assessment
- Government funds for and evaluation of projects (Fox) 6385 (Zirnhelt) 6385
- Health and safety inspections, ministerial responsibility for (Cashore) 6620 (Chisholm) 6620
- High-tech industry, promotion of (Stephens) 6367
- High-tech industry, transfer to Washington State (Stephens) 9183
- Highway tolls and industries in interior (Serwa) 5976
- Industrial growth policy (Stephens) 6360-1
- Infrastructure for, government investment in (Fox) 6385 (Zirnhelt) 6385
- Loan guarantees to industry. See entries under Government lending
- Local taxation, relief from for industry (Jones, K.) 7433
- Location of, political considerations in (Fox) 6384 (Zirnhelt) 6384, 6385
- Northern B.C., industries (Pement) 5144
- Promotion of and impact on competitors (Fox) 6385 (Zirnhelt) 6385
- Property taxes, impact of (Hurd) 6727 (Zirnhelt) 6727 (Weisgerber) 8792
- Regionalization of (Stephens) 6367 (Zirnhelt) 6367-8
- Resource industries (Chisholm) 4798 (Fox) 7117 (Gingell) 4717 (Jarvis) 5554 (O'Neill) 4821
- Resource industries, electric power rate to (Sihota) 5861-2 (Weisgerber) 5861
- Resource industries, foreign investment in (Jarvis) 6386 (Zirnhelt) 6386
- Resource industries, importance of (Jarvis) 5124
- Resource industries in north (Neufeld) 8850 (Pement) 8848-9 (Warnke) 8849
- Resource industries, job loss in (Jarvis) 5123
- Resource industries, land management strategy (Chisholm) 4798
- Resource industries, loss of (Chisholm) 5610
- Resource industries, planning by (Stephens) 4936
- Resource industries, policy on (Hurd) 4747
- Resource industries, revenue to province (Serwa) 5122
- Resource industries, tax assessments of (Fox) 8788 (Weisgerber) 8792
- Resource industries, value-added industry (Chisholm) 5007 (Edwards) 7691, 7697-8, 7699 (Jarvis) 5124 (Lord) 4714
- Resource-based communities. See: Resource-based communities
- Special economic zones for (Stephens) 6744 (Zirnhelt) 6744
- See also industries by name, e.g. Forest industry
British Columbia -- Population
- Baby boomers, problems of (Cowie) 7481, 7482 (MacPhail) 7481-2
- Demographic changes (Anderson) 4870 (Lord) 4714
- Growth (Barnes) 4993 (Clark) 5228 (Cowie) 8446 (Fox) 8236 (Hagen) 5053 (Harcourt) 8235 (Jones, B.) 5035 (Miller) 5038 (Perry) 5028 (Schreck) 4765 (Tanner) 8237-8 (Wilson) 5045
- Growth directed from metropolitan areas (Blencoe) 8532, 8538, 8538-9 (Cowie) 8531-2, 8532 (Fox) 8537, 8537-8, 8538, 8573
- Growth, impact on water supply (Tyabji) 6601
- Growth, planning for and limits to (Cashore) 6602 (Tyabji) 6601, 6602
- Immigration to B.C. (Hagen) 5229 (Hanson) 5021 (Pullinger) 5017 (Serwa) 5121-2 (Smallwood) 7531
- Visible minorities (Anderson) 4870, 5384, 8795
British Columbia, Northern
- Communities in north and interior (Pement) 5144-5
- Northern ministers' conference, Smithers (Pement) 4766
- Revenue from and returns to (Weisgerber) 8628
British Columbia Aboriginal Health Advisory Council
- Establishment of (Cull) 6301
- Role of (Cull) 6302
British Columbia Accelerator Technology Supplier Group
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 7927
British Columbia Advanced Systems Institute
- Desalination research (Perry) 8133
British Columbia Agricultural Research and Development Corp.
British Columbia Ambulance Service
- Administration of (Cull) 6086 (Reid) 6086
- Campbell River ambulance service (Cull) 6127, 6128 (Fox) 6127, 6128
- Campbell River ambulance service contract, cost of (Fox) 6128
- Cost of (Fox) 6128
- Fees (Neufeld) 5759
- Funding for (Cull) 6119
- Heroin addicts, BCTV coverage of story re (Anderson) 7813
- Kamloops, staff and number of calls (Fox) 6249
- Kelowna, staff and number of calls (Fox) 6249
- Patients, delays in delivery of patients at hospitals (Fox) 6317
- Prince George service (Cull) 6250 (Fox) 6249, 6250
- Prince George service, delay in, case cited (Fox) 6250
- Review of (Cull) 6249, 6250, 6317 (Fox) 6249
- Service (Cull) 6127
- Mentioned: (Doyle) 4711
British Columbia and Yukon Association of Women's Centres
British Columbia and Yukon Chamber of Mines
British Columbia and Yukon Society of Transition Houses
British Columbia and Yukon Territory Building and Construction Trades Council
- Members, requirement for employment of (Farrell-Collins) 4840
- Mentioned: (Clark) 9217
British Columbia archives and records service
- Archives and records information system (Boone) 7683
- Auditor general's review mentioned (Boone) 8145
- Backlog (Boone) 8146 (Mitchell) 8146, 8147
- Buildings' disaster preparedness (Boone) 7683, 7684 (Jones, K.) 7683, 7683-4
- Commissioner, position of (Boone) 7687
- Computer imaging and access project (Boone) 7581, 7687, 7688, 7689, 8171 (De Jong) 7688-9 (Jones, K.) 7687, 7687-8, 7688, 7689
- Cost savings by (Boone) 8169-70
- Disposal of documents (Boone) 7686, 7686-7 (Jones, K.) 7686
- File storage (Boone) 7580
- Freedom of information and protection of documents (Boone) 7686, 7687 (De Jong) 7687 (Jones, K.) 7686
- Freedom-of-information legislation, impact of (Gingell) 9141 (Jones, K.) 7683 (Mitchell) 8146, 9005
- Freedom-of-information legislation, implementation of (Boone) 7687 (De Jong) 7687
- Freedom-of-information staff (Boone) 7687 (De Jong) 7687
- Management issues (Boone) 8146 (Mitchell) 8146, 8147
- Mandate (Boone) 8146 (Mitchell) 8146, 8147
- Preservation of documents (Boone) 7683, 7685 (Jones, K.) 7685
- Recommendations in reference to (Gingell) 9384
- Records, access to, problems re (Mitchell) 9280
- Space requirements and planning (Boone) 7684, 7685, 7685-6 (De Jong) 7687 (Jones, K.) 7684, 7685
- Staffing levels (Boone) 7685 (Jones, K.) 7685
- Storage, transfer of documents (Boone) 7686 (Jones, K.) 7686
- Tour of operations (Boone) 7582 (Jones, K.) 7582
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7584
British Columbia Arts Board
British Columbia Assessment Authority
- See: Assessment Authority of British Columbia
British Columbia Association for Community Living
- Mentioned: (Smallwood) 7637 (Wilson) 7634
British Columbia Association of Laboratory Physicians
British Columbia Association of Optometrists
- Board of examiners (Anderson) 8585
British Columbia Association of Performing Arts Festivals
British Columbia Association of Private Care Facilities
British Columbia Association of Social Workers
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 6534
British Columbia Automobile Association
British Columbia Aviation Council
- Funding for (Charbonneau) 7306-7, 7309 (Symons) 7306, 7309
- Mapping project, reimbursement for costs of (Charbonneau) 7309 (Symons) 7309
British Columbia Bearing Engineers Ltd.
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 7927
British Columbia Board of Parole
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 6225
British Columbia Building Code
British Columbia Buildings Corporation
- Annual report tabled (Boone) 7875
- Assets, sale of (De Jong) 8168-9
- Assets, valuation of (Boone) 7856, 7863 (Jones, K.) 7856, 7857, 7863
- Colony Farm land use decision, involvement in (Boone) 7855 (Jones, K.) 7855
- Crown corporations secretariat, funding for (Boone) 7808 (Clark) 8715 (Jones, K.) 7804
- Employees, disadvantaged groups (Boone) 7810-1, 7811 (Jones, K.) 7810, 7811
- Employees, women employees (Jones, K.) 7810, 7812
- Employees, workplace diversity program (Boone) 7810
- Fair wage policy (Jones, K.) 7802 (Sihota) 5853
- Forests ministry building in Nanaimo (Boone) 7803 (De Jong) 7807 (Jones, K.) 7803
- Forests ministry building in Nanaimo, cost of (Boone) 7815 (Hurd) 7815
- Forests ministry building in Nanaimo, land purchase for (Hurd) 8570
- Forests ministry building in Nanaimo, occupancy of (Hurd) 8642 (Miller) 8642
- Function of (Boone) 7684, 7684-5, 7685, 8144 (Jones, K.) 7684, 7685, 8144
- Jack Davis Building, statement of claim filed re (Boone) 7802, 7803 (Jones, K.) 7802, 7803
- Oaklands property, tendering process (Boone) 7864, 7865 (Jones, K.) 7864, 7865
- Office space acquisition for ministries, procedure for (Boone) 7806, 7806-7, 7807, 7808 (De Jong) 7806, 7807, 7807-8
- Office space, leasing of (Boone) 7808
- Office space, non-rentable space (Boone) 7857 (De Jong) 7857
- Office space, occupancy of (Fox) 5212
- Parliament buildings, recycling program (Boone) 7607
- President's salary (Jones, K.) 6980
- Projects and Build BC Act (Fox) 5887
- Property taxes, payment of (Clark) 8725
- Reputation of (Jones, K.) 7867
- Responsibility for (Farrell-Collins) 7860
- St. Ann's Academy, funding for (Boone) 8147 (Mitchell) 8147
- St. Ann's Academy, report on (Boone) 7809, 7814 (Tanner) 7814
- Tendering process (De Jong) 8168
- Tendering process, low-bid policy (Clark) 8717 (Mitchell) 8717
- Victoria accord, funding and staffing for (Boone) 7803, 7804 (Jones, K.) 7803, 7804
- Victoria accord, involvement in (Boone) 7805 (Jones, K.) 7805
- Work of (Boone) 7581, 8170
- Mentioned: (Blencoe) 8531 (Boone) 7580, 7683, 7684, 7808, 7809, 7810, 7867, 7869, 7873, 8147, 8148, 8149 (Cashore) 5080 (Charbonneau) 6768, 6866 (Clark) 8712, 8717, 8745, 9201 (Cowie) 9111 (Cull) 5451, 6053, 6089 (Farrell-Collins) 5774, 6679 (Fox) 8537 (Gabelmann) 5913, 6280 (Hanson) 5589 (Janssen) 5186 (Jones, K.) 5545, 6458, 7810 (Mitchell) 8147, 8716, 8717 (Neufeld) 9240 (Perry) 8125 (Petter) 7200, 7201, 7202, 7203 (Priddy) 7980, 7981 (Serwa) 5735 (Sihota) 5774, 5775 (Stephens) 5630 (Tanner) 7809 (Wilson) 5639 (Zirnhelt) 5264, 6458, 6459
British Columbia Business Council
British Columbia Business Network
- Abolition of (Janssen) 5000
British Columbia Cancer Control Agency
- See: Cancer Control Agency of British Columbia
British Columbia Cattlemen's Association
- Meeting with Hon. Bill Barlee (Barlee) 7466 (Ramsey) 7466
- Workers' compensation, negotiations re (Barlee) 7491
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7495 (Cashore) 6756 (Chisholm) 6312, 7553 (De Jong) 7556 (Hurd) 6756 (Miller) 5578 (Zirnhelt) 6693
British Columbia Central Credit Union
- Mentioned: (Stephens) 6360 (Zirnhelt) 6700
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
British Columbia Chamber of Commerce
- Cross-border shopping, recommendations re (Stephens) 6437
- President quoted (Weisgerber) 4904
- Speech to quoted (Serwa) 8109-10
- Mentioned: (Blencoe) 8179 (Chisholm) 5611, 5662 (Giesbrecht) 5176 (Hagen) 5422 (Stephens) 5629 (Weisgerber) 9204 (Zirnhelt) 6743
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
British Columbia Claims Task Force
- Members, tribute to (Harcourt) 6541 (Weisgerber) 6492
- Participation in (Wilson) 6495
- Recommendation quoted (Petter) 6492
- Recommendations (Anderson) 6478 (Petter) 5287, 6379, 6438, 6486, 6492, 6493, 6536 (Weisgerber) 6540 (Wilson) 6445, 6446, 6484, 6494
- Report (Anderson) 6539 (Petter) 6487, 6537
- Work of (Weisgerber) 6540
- Mentioned: (Petter) 6484 (Weisgerber) 6443, 6444
British Columbia Coalition of Disabled Persons
- Violence task force recommendations (Stephens) 7988
British Columbia Coalition of Motorcyclists
- Motorcycle awareness programs (Janssen) 5709
British Columbia College of Chiropractors
British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
British Columbia Construction Association
British Columbia Council for the Family
- Suicide awareness and intervention program (Symons) 5707
- Mentioned: (Smallwood) 7544
British Columbia Council of Human Rights
- Access to (Anderson) 5382 (Hagen) 5382
- Actions of (Sihota) 7397
- Appointments to (Cowie) 7409 (Farrell-Collins) 7402, 7403-4 (Gingell) 7417 (Hagen) 7430 (Tyabji) 7411 (Wilson) 7420-1
- Appointments to, term of appointment (Farrell-Collins) 7404
- Awards to children (Hagen) 5387
- Board of inquiry and complaints against employers (Anderson) 5381, 5382 (Hagen) 5382
- Cases heard, public perception of accused (Anderson) 7389
- Chair, appointment of (Wilson) 7420
- Civil service hiring policy, possible challenge re (Clark) 9334
- Complaint procedure (Hagen) 7058
- Complaints to, cost of unsubstantiated complaints (Tyabji) 7675
- Education programs (Hagen) 5382
- Establishment of (Wilson) 7420
- Expansion of office (Hagen) 5233, 5234, 5381, 5386
- Funding for (Anderson) 5380-1, 5386 (Hagen) 5233, 5386
- Human Rights Act, violations of, powers re (MacPhail) 7339
- Human Rights Amendment Act, 1993, interpretation of (Wilson) 7660
- Legislation on (Wilson) 7342
- Levies, imposition of (Anderson) 7389
- Powers of (Evans) 7340 (Hagen) 7058 (Pullinger) 7426-7 (Wilson) 7342, 7420, 7421
- Powers to determine public interest (Wilson) 7345
- Professional services, funding for (Anderson) 5386 (Hagen) 5386, 5387
- Remediation, provision for (Evans) 7340 (Hagen) 7058
- Rulings (Weisgerber) 7064
- Rulings, judicial review of (Hagen) 7058, 7667
- Staff (Anderson) 5381 (Hagen) 5381
- Travel, funding for (Anderson) 5386 (Hagen) 5386
- Vancouver office hearing room (Hagen) 5386
- Work of (Hagen) 5233, 7057-8, 7430
- Work of commended (Pullinger) 7427
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 7390 (Barnes) 7069 (Clark) 9175 (Dalton) 7372 (Dosanjh) 7062 (Farrell-Collins) 7402 (Hagen) 7669 (MacPhail) 7338 (Symons) 7669 (Wilson) 7345, 7423
British Columbia Council on the Food Industry
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7565 (Chisholm) 7564
British Columbia Court of Appeal
British Columbia Crown Counsel Association
- Salaries, issue of, settlement re (Gabelmann) 6274-5 (Mitchell) 6274
British Columbia Cultural Foundation
- Establishment of (Marzari) 8483
- Purpose of (Marzari) 8483
British Columbia Day
- Mentioned: (Edwards) 7782
British Columbia Dental Hygienists' Association
- Health Professions Council, application to (Cull) 6178
British Columbia Development Corporation
British Columbia Eating Disorders Association
British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority
- Board of directors, delegation of powers (Clark) 7165
- Borrowing by (Chisholm) 5005
- Establishment of (Clark) 8626
- Report tabled (Clark) 8046
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 5608 (Hagen) 5301, 5302 (Jones, K.) 5303, 5544, 5545 (Neufeld) 5522 (Zirnhelt) 5264
British Columbia Egg Marketing Board
- Replacement of (Barlee) 7571-2
British Columbia Egg Producers' Association
- Quoted (Chisholm) 7571
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 7497
British Columbia Electric Co.
- Mentioned: (Giesbrecht) 5177
British Columbia Endowment Fund
- B.C. Trade Development Corporation, funds to (Clark) 8724, 8724-5 (Stephens) 8724
- Funds, use of (Neufeld) 7599 (Serwa) 5736
- Funds, use of under Build BC Act (Symons) 5607
- Investments (Stephens) 5770
- Investments, return on (Clark) 8768, 8769, 8770 (Gingell) 8768
- MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. shares, purchase of (Gingell) 5430-1 (Mitchell) 5010
- Purpose of (Doyle) 4711
- Use of (Clark) 4889
- Westcoast Energy Inc. shares, purchase of (Clark) 8632-3, 8633 (Hurd) 5941, 8632, 8633 (Mitchell) 5010
- Mentioned: (Clark) 5658 (Gingell) 7936 (Hurd) 5583, 5658, 8097 (Kasper) 5185 (MacPhail) 5159 (Serwa) 9033 (Stephens) 7927, 8716, 8724
British Columbia Endowment Fund Act
- Mentioned: (Mitchell) 5658
British Columbia Energy Council
- Chair, basis for appointment of (Neufeld) 7149
- Electric power export policy, recommendations (Edwards) 7704
- Electric power export, report re (Edwards) 7759, 7766, 7767 (Hurd) 5691 (Jarvis) 7758 (Neufeld) 7759 (Sihota) 5690, 5691
- Electric power producers, review of (Hanson) 5698 (Sihota) 5698
- Energy plan (Edwards) 7773, 7773-4
- Establishment of (Neufeld) 4800
- Function of (Edwards) 7773, 7818 (Hurd) 7772-3, 7773
- Function of and Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry function (Edwards) 7773 (Hurd) 7772-3
- Ministerial responsibility for (Sihota) 5810-1
- Report mentioned (Cashore) 6522
- Report, release of (Sihota) 5811
- Staff (Jarvis) 7759
- Mentioned: (Edwards) 4742, 7691, 7692, 7760, 7777 (Hurd) 8720 (Jarvis) 6697 (Jones, K.) 8117 (Neufeld) 6749, 6750, 7777, 7778 (Sihota) 5810 (Tyabji) 6522, 6791 (Weisgerber) 5809, 5810, 8778, 9382 (Zirnhelt) 6359, 6697, 6749, 6750
British Columbia Enterprise Corporation
- Mentioned: (Zirnhelt) 6452
British Columbia Entrepreneurs Conference
British Columbia Environmental Information Institute
British Columbia Environmental Network
British Columbia Environmental Technology Supplier Group
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 7927
British Columbia Federation of Agriculture
- Agricultural land development assistance program, consultation re (Barlee) 7557 (De Jong) 7557
- Waste management on farms, consultation re (Barlee) 7355
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7493, 7566 (Chisholm) 5783, 5784, 7566 (Clark) 6828 (Lortie) 7881 (Sihota) 5584, 5782, 5784
British Columbia Federation of Dairymen's Associations
British Columbia Federation of Labour
British Columbia Ferry and Marine Workers' Union
- B.C. Ferry Corporation, relations with (Charbonneau) 6930 (Symons) 6930
- Strikes, impact on tourist industry (Symons) 6928
- Strikes, prevention of (Charbonneau) 6928 (Symons) 6928
- Wildcat strike (Charbonneau) 6928 (Symons) 6927, 6928 (Weisgerber) 4735
- Wildcat strike, damages suit, ruling on (Symons) 6928
- Wildcat strike, impact of (Marzari) 6154 (Symons) 6154
- Wildcat strike, impact on truckers (Symons) 6928
- Wildcat strike, motive for (Charbonneau) 6929 (Symons) 6928, 6929
- Wildcat strike, revenue loss from (Symons) 6927
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 9031
British Columbia Ferry Corporation
- Accident at Departure Bay terminal (Charbonneau) 6929 (Symons) 6929
- Accident at Departure Bay terminal, costs re (Charbonneau) 6973
- Accident at Departure Bay terminal, grievances filed re (Symons) 6929, 6930
- Accidents, causes of (Charbonneau) 6929, 6930 (Symons) 6929, 6930
- Accidents, collision with Sealink vessel (Symons) 4981
- Accidents, disciplinary action re (Charbonneau) 6929, 6930 (Symons) 6929, 6930
- Administration costs (Charbonneau) 5074, 6973 (Symons) 5074, 5133, 6973
- Annual report mentioned (Charbonneau) 6933
- Annual report tabled (Charbonneau) 8188
- Assured loading (Charbonneau) 6979 (Jones, K.) 6979 (Wilson) 6972
- Bicycles, free passage for (Charbonneau) 6968 (Mitchell) 6968
- Borrowing by (Charbonneau) 6963 (Gingell) 6963
- B.C. Ferry and Marine Workers' Union, relations with (Charbonneau) 6930 (Symons) 6930
- Capital tax (Charbonneau) 6973
- Commercial travel card (Charbonneau) 6965
- Commuter tickets, availability of (Charbonneau) 6972 (Wilson) 6972
- Construction technology (Charbonneau) 6931
- Contracts, bidding process for (Charbonneau) 6976, 6977 (Symons) 6975-6, 6976, 6976-7, 6977, 6977-8
- Contracts, use of unionized companies (Charbonneau) 6977 (Symons) 6977
- Credit cards, acceptance of (Charbonneau) 6965 (Gingell) 6965 (Symons) 6965
- Crown corporations secretariat, contribution to (Charbonneau) 6930 (Gingell) 6930 (Mitchell) 6965
- Crown corporations secretariat, services from (Charbonneau) 6966 (Mitchell) 6965-6
- Cyclists, service for (Marzari) 6142 (Tanner) 6141-2, 6142
- Departure Bay terminal, relocation of (Charbonneau) 6931, 6965, 6978 (Gingell) 6965 (Symons) 6978
- East Ladner bypass, funding for (Gingell) 6964
- Employee, wrongful dismissal suit (Symons) 6974
- Employees, collective agreements and Employment Standards Amendment Act, 1993 (Farrell-Collins) 8428 (Sihota) 8428
- Employees, management staff (Symons) 6929
- Employees reaping personal benefit, prevention of (Charbonneau) 6974 (Symons) 6974, 6974-5
- Employees, senior executives, cost of attendance at Gorbachev dinner (Farrell-Collins) 5055
- Employees, wage increase (Charbonneau) 6962-3
- Expenditures, 1992-93 fiscal year (Charbonneau) 6973
- Fares (Charbonneau) 6963 (Chisholm) 5005, 5660 (Dalton) 5604 (Farrell-Collins) 5055 (Symons) 7323 (Wilson) 5491
- Fares policy, review of (Charbonneau) 6931
- Fares, poll re services and fare increases (Charbonneau) 4981 (Symons) 4981
- Fares, seasonal reductions (Charbonneau) 6964, 6970 (Wilson) 6971
- Fares, setting of (Wilson) 5174
- Fares, student fares (Charbonneau) 6972
- Food service, use of B.C. products (Barlee) 7359, 7495, 7563, 7566
- Food service, size of cafeteria napkins (Charbonneau) 6979, 7324 (Jones, K.) 6978, 6979
- Gambling on ferries (Charbonneau) 6980, 6981 (Jones, K.) 6980, 6980-1
- Guide dog, use of term (Charbonneau) 6973 (Wilson) 6973
- Gulf Islands fares (Charbonneau) 6970, 6971
- Gulf Islands, northern routes, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927
- Gulf Islands service (Charbonneau) 6931 (Gingell) 6931
- Horseshoe Bay sailings (Charbonneau) 6967-8 (Mitchell) 6967
- Horseshoe Bay sailings, all-night sailings (Charbonneau) 6967 (Mitchell) 6967
- Horseshoe Bay sailings, all-night sailings, study on (Mitchell) 6966 (Symons) 6978
- Horseshoe Bay sailings, weekend sailings, surcharge on (Charbonneau) 6967-8
- Horseshoe Bay terminal (Charbonneau) 6967 (Mitchell) 6967
- Horseshoe Bay terminal, approach to (Charbonneau) 6964 (Gingell) 6964, 6965
- Horseshoe Bay terminal, design work for (Charbonneau) 6978 (Symons) 6978
- Horseshoe Bay terminal, impact on community (Charbonneau) 6978 (Symons) 6978
- Indian art, display of (Anderson) 6146 (Marzari) 6146-7
- Interior ferries, free passage on (Charbonneau) 6971 (Wilson) 6971, 6971-2
- Interior ferries, operating costs (Charbonneau) 6971
- Labour-management relations (Charbonneau) 7324
- Losses (Gingell) 6963 (Symons) 5133 (Tanner) 5591
- Lyall Harbour dock reconstruction (Charbonneau) 6975, 6978 (Symons) 6975, 6978
- Ministerial responsibility for (Charbonneau) 6768 (Symons) 6768, 7323, 7893
- News-stands, sale of B.C. books (Marzari) 6146-7, 8955
- Operating costs and revenue (Symons) 6927
- Operation of, self-supporting operation and fares (Charbonneau) 6927, 6964 (Gingell) 6964 (Symons) 6927 (Wilson) 6970
- Planning (Charbonneau) 6931
- President's salary (Jones, K.) 6980
- Property taxes, grants in lieu of (Clark) 8725
- Purpose of (Charbonneau) 6927 (Symons) 6927
- Research staff (Charbonneau) 6966 (Mitchell) 6966
- Revenues and expenditures, comparisons to other years (Charbonneau) 6933, 6962, 6963 (Gingell) 6933, 6962, 6963
- Route 1, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927, 6969
- Route 1, truck ferry (Charbonneau) 6979 (Jones, K.) 6979
- Route 2, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927, 6969
- Route 2 fares (Charbonneau) 6969 (Wilson) 6969, 6970
- Route 3, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927
- Route 3, free passage on (Wilson) 6972
- Route 3, hazardous cargo sailing (Charbonneau) 6973 (Wilson) 6973
- Route 3, late-night sailing (Charbonneau) 6972 (Wilson) 6972
- Route 5, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927
- Route 5, passengers using employees' access (Charbonneau) 6978 (Symons) 6978
- Route 7, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927
- Route 7, free passage on (Wilson) 6972
- Route 7 schedule, midday sailing (Charbonneau) 6972 (Wilson) 6972
- Route 8, bicycles, free passage for (Mitchell) 6968
- Route 11, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927
- Route 17 fares (Charbonneau) 6969, 6970 (Wilson) 6969, 6969-70
- Route 17, ferry berth, Hon. Michael Harcourt's statements re (Charbonneau) 6968-9 (Wilson) 6968, 6969, 6970
- Route 17, ferry berth mentioned (Charbonneau) 7011
- Route 17, ferry berth, relocation of (Wilson) 5800
- Route 17, petition re (Wilson) 9383
- Route 17 schedule (Wilson) 6969, 6970
- Route 17, student fare (Charbonneau) 6972 (Wilson) 6972
- Route 18 fares (Charbonneau) 6971 (Wilson) 6971
- Route 26, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927
- Route 30, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927
- Route 30, establishment of (Charbonneau) 6927
- Route 30, late-night and early morning sailings (Charbonneau) 6964
- Routes, cost recovery on (Charbonneau) 6927, 6970 (Gingell) 6931 (Symons) 6927
- Safety issues (Symons) 7323
- Safety issues and initiatives (Charbonneau) 6928, 6929 (Symons) 6928, 6929
- Safety issues, minutes of meetings on (Charbonneau) 4981 (Symons) 4981, 5196
- Sailings, all-night sailings (Charbonneau) 6964 (Gingell) 6964
- Sailings, late departures (Charbonneau) 6979 (Jones, K.) 6979
- Sailings, scheduling of (Charbonneau) 6929 (Symons) 6929
- Service disruptions (Sihota) 5849 (Stephens) 5849 (Symons) 7323
- Service, mid-Island service (Symons) 6927
- Service on new routes (Charbonneau) 6926 (Symons) 6926, 6927
- Services, model for study of (Charbonneau) 6930-1, 6963
- Services, reduction in (Charbonneau) 5075 (Symons) 5075
- Shareholders' equity, decrease in (Charbonneau) 6933 (Gingell) 6933
- Staffing levels on ferries (Charbonneau) 6928, 6929, 6932 (Gingell) 6931, 6932 (Symons) 6928, 6928-9
- Strike. See entries under British Columbia Ferry and Marine Workers' Union
- Subsidy to (Charbonneau) 6927, 6933, 6963 (Gingell) 6933, 6963 (Symons) 6927
- Subsidy to, cross-subsidies for smaller runs (Charbonneau) 6963, 6970, 6971
- Swartz Bay terminal contract, conflict-of-interest case re (Charbonneau) 6976 (Symons) 6975-6
- Terminals, consultation with local communities re (Charbonneau) 6968, 6978 (Mitchell) 6968 (Symons) 6978
- Terminals, motor exhaust fumes in area of (Charbonneau) 5131 (Cowie) 5131
- Transportation task forces (Symons) 6978
- Trucking industry, consultation with (Charbonneau) 6964 (Gingell) 6964
- Tsawwassen sailings, 6 a.m. sailing (Charbonneau) 6964 (Gingell) 6964
- Tsawwassen sailings, reservation system for truckers (Charbonneau) 6964
- Tsawwassen terminal (Gingell) 6965
- Tsawwassen terminal, access to and Indian land (Charbonneau) 6932 (Gingell) 6932
- Tsawwassen terminal, causeway, liability for (Charbonneau) 6932-3 (Gingell) 6932
- Tsawwassen terminal, causeway, use of (Charbonneau) 6932, 6932-3 (Gingell) 6932
- Tsawwassen terminal, slip construction contract (Charbonneau) 6976 (Symons) 6976
- Vessels (Charbonneau) 6974 (Symons) 6973-4, 6974
- Vessels, construction contract (Farrell-Collins) 4840 (Weisgerber) 4736
- Vessels, construction in B.C. (Sihota) 4743
- Vessels, new vessels (Charbonneau) 6931 (Gingell) 6931
- Vessels, superferries (Charbonneau) 6974 (Symons) 6973
- Vessels, superferries, B.C. content (Hammell) 5198
- Vessels, superferries, construction of (Charbonneau) 6931, 7324 (Gingell) 6931 (Sihota) 4743
- Vessels, superferry, cost recovery for (Charbonneau) 6931 (Gingell) 6931
- Vessels, superferry mentioned (Weisgerber) 5264
- Vessels, superferry, public response to (Charbonneau) 6974
- Victoria-Seattle service (Charbonneau) 6975 (Symons) 6975
- Video games on ferries (Charbonneau) 6980 (Jones, K.) 6980
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7895 (Charbonneau) 5084, 6769, 6770, 6809 (Chisholm) 8047 (Clark) 5883, 5958, 5967, 5971, 5981, 9201, 9214 (Gingell) 4725, 5558 (Hanson) 5589, 5958 (Harcourt) 8379 (Janssen) 5001, 5186, 5709 (Jones, K.) 5545 (Marzari) 6152, 6153, 7321 (Neufeld) 9240 (Sihota) 5853 (Symons) 6152, 6814 (Tanner) 5710 (Weisgerber) 9151 (Wilson) 5958, 5971, 6955
- See also: Ferries
British Columbia Festival of the Arts, 1993, Trail, B.C.
- Benefits of (Conroy) 6009
- Events (Conroy) 6009
- Participants (Conroy) 6009 (Tanner) 6010
British Columbia Festival of the Arts, 1994, Campbell River, B.C.
British Columbia Festival of the Arts Society
- Board, appointments to (Conroy) 6009
- Mentioned: (Marzari) 6066
British Columbia Film Development Society
- See: Film Development Society of British Columbia
British Columbia Fire Chiefs' Association
British Columbia First Nations Gaming Commission
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 5994
British Columbia Food Marketing Council
British Columbia Forest Museum, Duncan, B.C.
British Columbia Forest Resources Commission
British Columbia Forest Service
British Columbia Friends of Schizophrenics Society
British Columbia Fruit Growers' Association
- Deer control, recommendations re (Cashore) 6960 (Tyabji) 6960
- Wildlife committee report quoted (Tyabji) 6960
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7475, 7569 (Chisholm) 7568, 7571
British Columbia Games
- Mentioned: (Garden) 8469
- See also: British Columbia Summer Games; British Columbia Winter Games
British Columbia Games for the Physically Disabled
- Mentioned: (Blencoe) 8398
British Columbia Gaming Commission
- Reporting by (Jones, K.) 7908
- Role of (Gabelmann) 5932, 5934, 5936 (Jones, K.) 5932
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 5931, 5994, 8315, 8513, 8520, 8833, 9354 (Gingell) 9384 (Jones, K.) 5932, 7900
British Columbia Gas Inc.
- Holding company, powers re (Edwards) 6309, 6784, 6898 (Jarvis) 6785
- Rate schedules and B.C. Health Services Ltd. (Edwards) 6739 (Reid) 6573
- Shares, ownership of (Edwards) 6784 (Jarvis) 6785
- Work of (Edwards) 7777
- Mentioned: (Clark) 7885 (Edwards) 7692, 7773, 7774, 7787 (Gingell) 6805 (Hurd) 7774 (Neufeld) 8791 (Perry) 8015 (Sihota) 4757, 5687, 5812, 5858, 5864, 5865 (Wilson) 5639
The British Columbia Gazette
British Columbia Government Employees' Union
- Eden Intermediate Care Home strike. See entries under name of facility
- Pension plan, unfunded liability (Clark) 7101
- Salaries (Charbonneau) 6811 (Symons) 6811
- Wage settlement (Farrell-Collins) 4840, 4841 (Fox) 5091 (Gingell) 4724 (Warnke) 4759
- Wage settlement mentioned (Hanson) 6811
- Work week and Hospital Employees' Union work week (Cull) 6315 (Fox) 6315
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6336 (Chisholm) 5528, 8945 (Clark) 4926, 8712, 9330 (Cull) 9123 (De Jong) 6217 (Dueck) 6043 (Edwards) 6785 (Farrell-Collins) 6108, 8214, 9025 (Fox) 6126 (Gabelmann) 5910 (Gingell) 4729, 4730, 6652, 9330 (Neufeld) 5968, 6903, 9161 (Perry) 7991 (Reid) 4926, 5020, 5439 (Serwa) 6648, 6923, 6924, 6952, 8110, 8812 (Sihota) 5614, 5625 (Smallwood) 6889 (Stephens) 8078, 8220 (Symons) 6671 (Tanner) 5501 (Tyabji) 5160 (Warnke) 6282, 6890 (Weisgerber) 4733, 4734, 4900, 4901, 6036, 8485
British Columbia Government News
British Columbia Government Professional Employees' Association
British Columbia Grain Producers' Association
British Columbia Hazardous Waste Management Corporation
- Review of by Crown corporations secretariat (Gingell) 8713
- Mentioned: (Wilson) 5639
British Columbia Health Association
- Mentioned: (Cull) 4786, 4820, 5449, 5714, 5830, 5833, 6055, 6058, 6178, 6240, 6242, 6307, 7831, 9089 (Edwards) 6739 (Fox) 8576
British Columbia Health Care Research Foundation
- Name change (Clark) 7328 (Gingell) 7328
- Purposes of (Gingell) 7328
British Columbia Health Research Foundation
British Columbia Health Services Ltd.
- B.C. Gas Inc. rate schedules, complaints re (Edwards) 6739 (Reid) 6573
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 9031
British Columbia Heritage Trust
- Financial statements tabled (Marzari) 8315
- Mentioned: (Streifel) 5227, 5228
British Columbia Holiday Meals
- Buy B.C. program (Barlee) 7348
British Columbia House, London, Eng.
- Salaries and benefits, cost of (Stephens) 6364
- Staff, basis for appointment of (Gingell) 7935 (Harcourt) 7935
- See also entries under Rose, Mark
British Columbia House, Ottawa, Ont.
- Cost of (Stephens) 6364 (Zirnhelt) 6364
- Funding for (Zirnhelt) 6460
- Professional services, contracting of (Stephens) 6460 (Zirnhelt) 6460
- Staff vacancy, appointment to (Farrell-Collins) 8024 (Harcourt) 8024
- Staff vacancy, selection process for (Farrell-Collins) 8024
- Value-for-money audit of (Stephens) 6364
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 7918
British Columbia Housing and Employment Development Financing Authority
- Abolition of (Clark) 4886
- Report tabled (Clark) 8046
British Columbia Housing Management Commission
- Changes in (Blencoe) 8395, 8575
- Expenditures (Tanner) 5591
- Housing allocations in interior (O'Neill) 5706
- Salmon Arm public housing development (O'Neill) 5705
- Schubert, Saul, appointment of (Blencoe) 7386 (Fox) 7386
- Mentioned: (Blencoe) 8394, 8533 (Cowie) 6880 (Cull) 6175 (Fox) 8547
British Columbia Human Rights Coalition
- Human Rights Amendment Act, 1993, stand on (Garden) 7407 (Warnke) 7070
- Quoted (MacPhail) 7338
- Mentioned: (Giesbrecht) 7416
British Columbia Human Rights Commission
- Mentioned: (Jones, B.) 5036
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
- Accountability of (Hurd) 5682
- Accounting practices (Hurd) 5813
- Apprentices (Clark) 5881, 5886 (Weisgerber) 5886
- Assets (Weisgerber) 5859
- Billing, trial Daffron system, cost of (Farrell-Collins) 5855 (Sihota) 5855, 5863
- Billing, trial Daffron system, pre-evaluation of (Farrell-Collins) 5856 (Sihota) 5856-7
- Billing, trial Daffron system, problems with (Farrell-Collins) 5855-6 (Sihota) 5855, 5856
- Billing, trial Daffron system, review of, cost of (Farrell-Collins) 5856 (Sihota) 5856
- Board (Gingell) 7417 (Hurd) 8718
- Board, appointments to and citizenship requirements (Edwards) 4999 (Warnke) 4999
- Board, appointments to and Public Service Act (Neufeld) 9251
- Board decisions, Labour and Consumer Services minister's involvement in (Farrell-Collins) 5857-8 (Sihota) 5858
- Board, dismissal of (Gingell) 8722
- Bonds, refinancing of (Clark) 8766
- Bonus system (Hanson) 5686 (Sihota) 5684, 5686
- B.C. Transit, commercial ventures with (Clark) 9347 (Gabelmann) 9344 (Serwa) 9347
- B.C. 21, implementation of, role in (Sihota) 5613
- Capacity, extra capacity (Sihota) 5808 (Weisgerber) 5808
- Capital projects (Sihota) 5860, 5863, 5864 (Weisgerber) 5860
- Capital tax (Jarvis) 4768
- Changes underway, role of Crown corporations secretariat in (Hurd) 8719
- China, opportunities in (Harcourt) 5730
- Clayburn substation project (Sihota) 5863
- Columbia River basin symposium, participation in (Evans) 8467
- Competition with other utilities (Hanson) 5688 (Sihota) 5688
- Corporate strategic plan (Neufeld) 5785 (Sihota) 5785
- Costs (Weisgerber) 5860
- Crown corporations secretariat, benefits of (Weisgerber) 8715
- Crown corporations secretariat levy (Clark) 8715 (Weisgerber) 8715, 8716
- Dams, property tax on (Hurd) 5549
- Debt (Farrell-Collins) 5854, 5855 (Sihota) 5854-5
- Debt-servicing costs (Sihota) 5854-5, 5860
- Dividend and rates (Neufeld) Q. 4881 (Weisgerber) 5859, 5862
- Dividend, 1993-94 fiscal year (Weisgerber) 4902
- Dividend policy (Farrell-Collins) 5855 (Sihota) 5689, 5854 (Weisgerber) 5858, 5860-1
- Economy of B.C., role in (Sihota) 5613, 5689, 5863, 5873 (Weisgerber) 5862
- Electric power supplies (Edwards) 7763, 7766 (Weisgerber) 7762, 7765, 7766
- Electric power supplies, reserve capacity (Edwards) 7764-5, 7765 7817-8 (Weisgerber) 7764, 7765
- Electrical systems operation review (Cashore) 6620 (Edwards) 7760 (Evans) 8468 (Garden) 9136
- Electricity plan, revised plan (Edwards) 7762, 7765, 7766, 7767
- Eliesen, Marc. See name of individual
- Employees, fair wage policy (Sihota) 5853
- Employees, hiring practices, information re (Gingell) 4729
- Employment equity (Farrell-Collins) 5789 (Neufeld) 5785 (Sihota) 5785
- Energy conservation, home audit program (Sihota) 5858
- Energy planning function (Edwards) 7773-4 (Hurd) 7773
- Expenditures under Social Credit Party administration (Sihota) 5863
- Field, power for (Sihota) 5850
- Generating capacity (Weisgerber) 8778
- Herbicides, use of (Wilson) 7281
- Independent power producers, position on (Hurd) 5690 (Sihota) 5690-1
- Independent power producers, purchases from (Edwards) 7758, 7762
- Independent power producers, revenue loss to (Hurd) 5692, 5693 (Sihota) 5692
- Interest charges (Farrell-Collins) 5856 (Hurd) 5693 (Sihota) 5693, 5857
- Kemano power, purchase of (Harcourt) 8777
- Loss (Tanner) 5591
- Operations, review of (Sihota) 5851
- Peace River dam, use of B.C. Rail communications facilities (Jones, K.) 6909
- Pension funds, rate of return on (Clark) 8770
- Poles, charge for (Neufeld) 5786 (Sihota) 5786
- Portland, agreement with (Sihota) 5691
- Power Smart program. See name of program
- Powers of (Tyabji) 5764 (Wilson) 5763-4
- Prince George substation (Fox) 4774
- Profits and general revenue (Farrell-Collins) 5854, 5855 (Sihota) 5854
- Projects (Clark) 5873
- Property taxes (Clark) 8725, 8770 (Gingell) 8769
- Quality Plus program (Cowie) 6790
- Quality Plus program, standards for walling and windows (Cowie) 6790
- Rate of return (Hurd) 5812, 5813 (Sihota) 5687-8, 5688, 5812, 5813, 5858, 5859 (Weisgerber) 5858, 5859, 5860, 5862, 5864
- Rate of return, comparison to private utilities (Hanson) 5869 (Schreck) 5865 (Sihota) 5858, 5864, 5872 (Weisgerber) 5858, 5862, 5865
- Rate stabilization account (Sihota) 5860
- Rates (Sihota) 5689, 5698, 5814, 5861, 5862 (Weisgerber) 4735
- Rates, comparisons with elsewhere (Sihota) 5862, 5863, 5864-5, 5873 (Weisgerber) 5862
- Rates for industrial users (Sihota) 5814
- Rates, future rates (Sihota) 5860, 5861 (Weisgerber) 5859, 5860
- Rates, increase in (Edwards) 7778 (Farrell-Collins) 5789 (Gingell) 4897 (Hanson) 4817 (Hurd) 5812, 5813 (Neufeld) 4801, 7778, 7786 (Sihota) 5789, 5813 (Weisgerber) 4902, 5859, 7764
- Rates, increase in, cap on (Edwards) 7706 (Hanson) 5687, 5688, 5688-9, 5869 (Neufeld) 7707 (Sihota) 5687, 5688, 5813, 5859, 5861, 5863, 5864, 5865, 5872
- Rates, increase in, impact on conservation (Sihota) 5862
- Rates, increase in, impact on industry (Sihota) 5861 (Weisgerber) 5861
- Rates, increase in, impact on investment (Weisgerber) 5864
- Rates, increase in, impact on school districts (Gingell) 5323
- Rates, increase in, industrial users' appeal re (Hurd) 5812, 5812-3, 5813 (Sihota) 5813, 5814
- Rates, increase in, past increases (Hanson) 5687, 5688 (Sihota) 5689 (Weisgerber) 5859
- Rates, increase in, revenue (Neufeld) Q. 4881, 5066 (Sihota) A. 4881-2
- Rates under Social Credit Party administration (Sihota) 5862
- Regional economic development, role in (Sihota) 5863-4
- Regulation of (Neufeld) 4757 (Sihota) 4757
- Resource Smart program. See name of program
- Revenue to province (Sihota) 5684 (Weisgerber) 8716
- Sales (Weisgerber) 5859, 5862
- Site C dam mentioned (Jones, K.) 5525 (Weisgerber) 5808, 7767
- Staff, presence at Labour and Consumer Services ministry estimates (Farrell-Collins) 5854, 5857, 5870 (Sihota) 5854 (Weisgerber) 5858
- Staff, salaries, executive salaries (Sihota) 5684
- Three Gorges project in China, involvement in (Harcourt) 6739 (Jarvis) 6739
- Turbines, upgrading of (Sihota) 4744
- Vice-president for regional economic development (Sihota) 5851
- Water export plans (Cashore) 6759, 6760 (Tyabji) 6759, 6760
- West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., negotiations re supply to (Hanson) 5697 (Sihota) 5697
- West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., rate to (Sihota) 5697, 5698
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7870, 7873, 7895, 8163 (Cashore) 6522, 6620, 6759 (Charbonneau) 5084 (Chisholm) 5527, 5662 (Clark) 5534, 5879, 5952, 5961, 5983, 8626, 8767, 9201, 9240 (Cowie) 5152, 5550 (De Jong) 6892, 6893 (Edwards) 6898, 7692, 7758, 7760, 7766, 7768, 7769, 7787 (Fox) 4775, 5414, 5750, 6361, 6384 (Gabelmann) 9274 (Garden) 9136 (Giesbrecht) 5176, 5177, 5757 (Gingell) 4730, 5558, 8810 (Hagen) 5510 (Hanson) 5589 (Harcourt) 5152, 7929, 7937, 8866 (Hurd) 5549, 5550, 5681, 7774, 8720 (Janssen) 5186 (Jarvis) 5367, 6620, 7320, 7704 (Jones, K.) 5525, 5545, 6909 (Miller) 5463 (Neufeld) 5167, 5520, 5522, 6749, 7760, 8791, 9240 (Perry) 8015 (Serwa) 5250, 5734, 5735, 9267 (Sihota) 5684, 5685, 5698, 5703, 6789, 9382 (Stephens) 5630, 6461 (Symons) 5082 (Tanner) 5710 (Tyabji) 6753, 6759, 6762, 6791 (Warnke) 5683, 5685 (Weisgerber) 5886, 7760, 7933, 8027 (Wilson) 5885, 5966, 5969 (Zirnhelt) 5264, 6359, 6368, 6384, 6461, 6462, 6697, 6749
British Columbia Hydro International Ltd.
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 7922
British Columbia Inc.
- Mentioned: (Mitchell) 8150
British Columbia Institute for Studies in International Trade
British Columbia Institute of Technology
- Canada Health Initiative mentioned (Harcourt) 7927
- Expansion of (De Jong) 8118 (Perry) 8119
- Strike in 1992, funds saved, recovery of (Perry) 6213
- Strike in 1992 mentioned (Mitchell) 6219 (Perry) 8505
- Strikes and lockouts, costs of to institution (Gingell) 8507 (Perry) 8506, 8507 (Warnke) 8506
- Strikes and lockouts, funds saved, disposition of (Hurd) 8504 (Perry) 8504
- Strikes and lockouts, funds saved, recovery of (De Jong) 8510 (Mitchell) 8510 (Perry) 5586, 6213, 8510
- Strikes and lockouts in future (Hurd) 6220, 6221
- Strikes and lockouts, profits as result of (Hurd) 8505 (Perry) 8505 (Serwa) 8505, 8505-6 (Warnke) 8506
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6520 (Clark) 8858-9 (Cowie) 6219 (Cull) 6130 (De Jong) 8040, 8509, 8510 (Farnworth) 7878 (Hurd) 6220, 7216 (Miller) 7214 (Perry) 5586, 7992, 7994, 7998, 8013, 8126, 8175 (Petter) 7171 (Reid) 7969 (Stephens) 6361, 6743 (Throne speech) 4704 (Wilson) 5276, 7993, 8140
British Columbia Investment Office
- Budget for (Zirnhelt) 5071
- Establishment of (Stephens) 4992 (Zirnhelt) 5070-1
- Need for (Stephens) 6388 (Zirnhelt) 6388-9
- Operation of, case cited (Stephens) 5673-4
- Regional development corporation (Zirnhelt) 5071
- Role of (Gingell) 4732 (Stephens) 4992
- Role of and B.C. Trade Development Corporation (Stephens) 4992
- Staff (Zirnhelt) 5070
- Work of (Clark) 4889 (Stephens) 5770, 6366, 6388 (Throne speech) 4705 (Zirnhelt) 5071, 6357, 6366, 6366-7, 6367, 6384, 6388
- Mentioned: (Kasper) 5185 (Stephens) 6462 (Zirnhelt) 6690, 6696, 6747, 6748, 6749
British Columbia Jockey Club
- Contract with city of Vancouver (Weisgerber) 9277
- Negotiations with (Gabelmann) 9252, 9400 (Warnke) 9254 (Weisgerber) 9277
- Role of (Warnke) 9392
- Settlement with, cost of (Jones, K.) 9400
- Tribute to (Gabelmann) 9274
- Mentioned: (Cowie) 9277 (Gabelmann) 9279 (Serwa) 9266, 9267 (Warnke) 9254, 9256
British Columbia Law Reform Commission
British Columbia Law Reports
- Mentioned: (Gingell) 9366
British Columbia Legislative Library
- Annual report tabled (Speaker) 6938
- Staff thanked (Sihota) 9411
- Mentioned: (Mitchell) 9266
British Columbia Library Association
British Columbia Lottery Corporation
- Advertising agent for (Boone) 6533 (Chisholm) 6533
- Advertising, monitoring of results of (Boone) 7904 (Jones, K.) 7903-4
- Advertising, public reaction to (Boone) 7903 (Jones, K.) 7903
- Advertising targets (Boone) 7902, 7903 (Jones, K.) 7902, 7903
- Breakopen lottery (Jones, K.) 9355
- Breakopen lottery, chance of winning (Boone) 8163 (Jones, K.) 8163
- Breakopen lottery machines (Boone) 7901 (Jones, K.) 7901
- B.C. Systems Corporation, relationship with (Boone) 7894 (Jones, K.) 7894
- Crown corporations secretariat levy (Boone) 7808 (Clark) 8715
- Fact-finding committee, report to (Boone) 7900 (Jones, K.) 7900
- Gaming machines, revenue from (Boone) 7902 (De Jong) 7902
- Grants, chair's powers re (Boone) 8571 (Fox) 8570-1
- Grants, policy on (Boone) 8570 (Fox) 8570
- Head office, location of in Kamloops (Boone) 5061, 7871
- Lotteries in B.C., expansion of (Boone) 7903 (Tanner) 7903
- Objectives (Boone) 7900, 7904 (Jones, K.) 7900, 7904
- Policy, development of (Boone) 7899, 7900 (Jones, K.) 7899, 7900
- Programs, new programs (Boone) 8163, 8164 (Jones, K.) 8163, 8164
- Revenue (Boone) 7903 (Tanner) 5591
- Revenue, use of (Boone) 9357 (Gabelmann) 5935
- South Sa-hali Elementary School, grant to (Fox) 8779 (Harcourt) 8779
- Starship Bingo, provision for operation of (Anderson) 9357 (Boone) 9353, 9354, 9356, 9357 (Gabelmann) 9357 (Jones, K.) 9353, 9357
- Video lottery terminals. See entries under Lotteries
- Work of (Boone) 7581
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7580, 7909, 8149 (Clark) 9201 (Gabelmann) 4924, 5991 (Hanson) 5589 (Jones, K.) 5934, 5936, 6121, 8169 (Mitchell) 9265 (Warnke) 5991
British Columbia Lottery Fund
British Columbia Marketing Board
- Appeals to (Barlee) 7211 (Hurd) 7211
- Appeals to, awarding of costs (Barlee) 6939, 7211, 7212, 7213 (Hurd) 7211, 7212, 7213
- Appeals to, filing fee for (Barlee) 6939, 7211, 7212 (De Jong) 6939, 7212 (Hurd) 7211, 7212
- Appeals to, time frame for (Barlee) 6939, 7211, 7212 (De Jong) 6939, 7211-2 (Hurd) 7211
- Decisions, appeals to courts (Barlee) 6939
- Funding for (Chisholm) 7351, 7352
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7591 (Chisholm) 7560 (Jones, K.) 8117
British Columbia Medical Association
- Agreement with, continuance of benefits (Cull) 5836 (Reid) 5836
- Agreement with, continuance of terms of (Cull) 5835 (Reid) 5835
- Agreement with, dispute resolution clauses (Cull) 5838, 6133 (Reid) 5838, 5839
- Agreement with, master agreement (Cull) 5835, 5836 (Reid) 5835, 5836
- Dispute with (Reid) 6318
- Dispute with, settlement of (Cull) 6133 (Dueck) 6042 (Reid) 6132-3
- Fee-for-service issue, stand on (Reid) 5436
- Health Authorities Act, 1993, access to (Fox) 7721
- Health Authorities Act, 1993, consultation re (De Jong) 7840
- Negotiations with (Cull) 4785, 4786, 5074, 5444, 5835-6, 5838, 5839, 6132, 6133 (Ramsey) 4866 (Reid) 4786, 5074, 5440, 5838-9 (Symons) 4866
- Negotiations with, dispute resolution (Cull) 5074 (Reid) 5074 (Symons) 4866
- Quoted (Reid) 5440
- Mentioned: (Beattie) 4771 (Cull) 5444, 5449, 5833, 6020, 6022, 6090, 6131, 6240, 7813 (Mitchell) 6181 (Reid) 5438, 5440, 5837
British Columbia Medical Journal
- Quoted (Reid) 6058
- Mentioned: (Cull) 6058
British Columbia Mental Health Communications Council
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 6038
British Columbia Mental Health Society
- Employees, number of and civil service counts (Clark) 9348, 9350
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7857 (Cashore) 5080
British Columbia Milk Marketing Board
- Milk price setting (De Jong) 9261
- Producers, price paid to, case cited (De Jong) 7211-2
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7469
British Columbia Motels Campgrounds Resorts Association
- Letter quoted (Tanner) 6154
British Columbia Museums Association
British Columbia Nurses' Union
- Agreement with health care employees' unions. See entries beginning Employees under Hospitals
- Document sent to quoted (Fox) 6315
- Press release quoted (Reid) 6037
- Role of (Cull) 6177 (Fox) 6177
- Mentioned: (Clark) 9330 (Cull) 6135, 6315, 8996 (Fox) 6252 (Reid) 4926, 6135, 7116 (Wilson) 5820
British Columbia Packers Ltd.
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 7454
British Columbia Pavilion Corporation
- B.C. Transportation Museum, involvement in (Marzari) 6196, 6198
- Capital investment, funding for (Stephens) 6451, 6452 (Zirnhelt) 6451, 6452
- Crown corporations secretariat studies on (Gingell) 6742 (Zirnhelt) 6742
- Facilities, debt servicing of capital costs (Fox) 6453 (Zirnhelt) 6453
- Facilities, expenditures on maintenance of (Fox) 6454 (Zirnhelt) 6454
- Facilities, marketing of (Fox) 6453 (Zirnhelt) 6453
- Facilities, utilization rate (Zirnhelt) 6453
- Funding for (Stephens) 6365 (Zirnhelt) 6365, 6451
- Funding for, action on reduction in (Stephens) 6452, 6455 (Zirnhelt) 6452, 6455
- Funding for, savings on (Fox) 6454 (Stephens) 6455 (Zirnhelt) 6454, 6455
- Funding for, source of funds (Stephens) 6452 (Zirnhelt) 6452
- Management of commended (Zirnhelt) 6742
- Management team, function of (Zirnhelt) 6724
- Offices, funding for (Stephens) 6451 (Zirnhelt) 6451
- Operating deficit (Stephens) 6451, 6454, 6455 (Zirnhelt) 6451, 6454, 6455
- Staff, information re (Fox) 6453 (Zirnhelt) 6453, 6455
- Mentioned: (Clark) 9201 (Hanson) 5589 (Jones, K.) 6458, 6459 (Zirnhelt) 6451, 6459, 6723
British Columbia Petroleum Corporation
- Annual report tabled (Edwards) 8997
- Mentioned: (Clark) 9201
British Columbia Pharmacists Society
British Columbia Place, Vancouver, B.C.
- Expo land, cleanup of (Serwa) 6952 (Wilson) 6955
- Expo land, cleanup of, liability for (Cashore) 7275 (Jones, K.) 7275
- Expo land, cleanup of, movement of soil (Cashore) 6715 (Gingell) 6715
- Expo land mentioned (Boone) 7864
- Expo land, sale of (Wilson) 5048
B.C. Place Stadium, Vancouver, B.C.
- Baseball stadium, use as (Fox) 6454 (Zirnhelt) 6454
- Corporate sponsorships (Zirnhelt) 6452
- Facilities, expenditure on (Stephens) 6452 (Zirnhelt) 6452
- Funding for (Zirnhelt) 6451
- Marketing of (Fox) 6453
- Turf, replacement of (Zirnhelt) 6452
- Upgrading of (Zirnhelt) 6452
- Utilization rate (Fox) 6456 (Zirnhelt) 6456
- Visitors to, number of (Zirnhelt) 6453
British Columbia Police Commission
- Annual report tabled (Gabelmann) 5369
British Columbia Press Council
British Columbia Pricare
British Columbia Principals' and Vice-Principals' Association
British Columbia Provincial Council of Carpenters
- Mentioned: (Gingell) 4729
British Columbia Racing Commission
- Annual report (Warnke) 9402
- Appointments to (Gabelmann) 9273 (Warnke) 9276
- Function of (Gabelmann) 5934, 5936
- Horse-racing industry, regulation of (Gabelmann) 9275
- Inspection, powers of (Gabelmann) 9403 (Warnke) 9403
- Licences, appeals re (Gabelmann) 9402 (Warnke) 9402
- Licences, powers re (Cowie) 9277
- Licensees, actions against, time limit on provision of reason for (Gabelmann) 9404 (Warnke) 9404
- Licensees, testing of, powers re (Gabelmann) 9403-4, 9404 (Gingell) 9404 (Warnke) 9403
- Mandate (Gabelmann) 9252
- Powers of (Gabelmann) 9402 (Jones, K.) 9278 (Warnke) 9402 (Weisgerber) 9277
- Racing days, powers re (Gabelmann) 9398
- Recommendations (Gabelmann) 9252, 9274
- Rulings of, appeals process for (Cowie) 9277-8 (Gabelmann) 9279, 9404 (Serwa) 9404 (Warnke) 9276 (Weisgerber) 9277
- Staff (Jones, K.) 9278 (Warnke) 9277
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 8466, 9252, 9400 (Jones, K.) 5934
British Columbia Rail Ltd.
- Board of directors (Charbonneau) 6910, 6911 (Jones, K.) 6910 (Symons) 6911
- B.C. Transit, commercial ventures with (Clark) 9347 (Gabelmann) 9344 (Serwa) 9347
- Business plan commended (Clark) 8723
- Cabinet involvement in (Charbonneau) 6911-2
- Capital tax, impact of (Symons) 6904
- Crown corporations secretariat levy (Clark) 8715 (Weisgerber) 8715
- Crown corporations secretariat, relationship with (Charbonneau) 6910, 6911 (Jones, K.) 6911
- Crown land, property development (Mitchell) 6990
- Diversification (Charbonneau) 6905, 6907, 6909, 7324 (Symons) 6905, 6906, 6907, 7323
- Economy, role in (Harcourt) 9151 (Weisgerber) 9151
- Employees, status as public sector employees (Charbonneau) 9056 (Hanson) 9055-6
- Employees, wage offer to (Charbonneau) 9056 (Hanson) 9056
- Executives, salaries and benefits (Charbonneau) 6913 (Jones, K.) 6913
- Fort Nelson extension and industry in Fort Nelson (Charbonneau) 6907 (Neufeld) 6906-7
- Fort Nelson extension, subsidy to (Symons) 6904
- Fort Nelson extension, viability of (Charbonneau) 6907 (Neufeld) 6906-7, 6907
- Freedom-of-information legislation, exemption from (Gabelmann) 9288 (Jones, K.) 9288, 9288-9, 9289 (Serwa) 9288 (Warnke) 9002
- Howe Sound route, problems (Symons) 6904
- Indian land claims, impact of (Charbonneau) 6912 (Symons) 6912
- Kelly Douglas and Co. Ltd. contract (Charbonneau) 6906 (Symons) 6906
- Labour dispute (Charbonneau) 8266 (Symons) 8266, 9206
- Labour dispute, action on (Charbonneau) 8943, 9150, 9227, 9228, 9303, 9304 (Farrell-Collins) 9227 (Harcourt) 9227 (Stephens) 8865 (Symons) 8266, 8943, 9150, 9303, 9303-4 (Weisgerber) 9228 (Zirnhelt) 8266, 8865
- Labour dispute, caboose issue (Hanson) 9056 (Symons) 9150 (Weisgerber) 9228
- Labour dispute, Hon. Arthur Charbonneau's instructions to management (Charbonneau) 8570 (Weisgerber) 8570
- Labour dispute, Hon. Arthur Charbonneau's statement re (Charbonneau) 9228, 9383 (Symons) 9383 (Weisgerber) 9228
- Labour dispute, illegal picket line, action on (Sihota) 8314 (Symons) 8314
- Labour dispute, revenue loss (Symons) 8314 (Weisgerber) 8570
- Labour dispute, settlement of (Charbonneau) 9383 (Symons) 9383
- Loss (Tanner) 5591
- Passenger service, subsidy to (Charbonneau) 6904 (Symons) 6904
- Pension funds, rate of return on (Clark) 8770
- President, bonus provisions for (Charbonneau) 6911 (Jones, K.) 6911
- President, salary (Jones, K.) 6980
- Profit (Charbonneau) 4883, 6905 (Symons) 6904
- Property taxes (Clark) 8725
- Public Service Act, application of (Clark) 9250 (Mitchell) 9250
- Rail lines, closing of (Charbonneau) 6912 (Symons) 6912
- Repair centre, transfer of jobs (Charbonneau) 6912 (Symons) 6912
- Revenue to province (Charbonneau) 6904 (Symons) 6904
- Service, designation as essential (Harcourt) 9151 (Weisgerber) 9151
- Southern Railway of British Columbia Ltd., purchase of (Charbonneau) 6904 (Symons) 6904
- Squamish port development (Charbonneau) 6912, 7310, 7324 (Symons) 6912
- Tank cars, safety inspections of (Charbonneau) 6904 (Symons) 6904
- Telecommunications (Charbonneau) 6907 (Symons) 6907
- Transportation and Highways ministry funding (Symons) 6904
- Trucking contract in Williams Lake (Charbonneau) 6906 (Symons) 6905, 6906
- Trucking industry, competition in (Charbonneau) 6906 (Neufeld) 6905 (Symons) 6905
- Trucking operations, subsidizing of (Charbonneau) 6905 (Neufeld) 6905
- Vancouver Wharves Ltd., purchase of (Charbonneau) 4883, 6904 (Clark) 8723 (Gingell) 8723 (Harcourt) 4895-6 (Mitchell) 4895, 5010 (Symons) 4883, 6904, 6905
- Westel Telecommunications. See name of company
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7868, 7873, 8163 (Charbonneau) 5084, 6766, 7025, 7310 (Chisholm) 8047 (Clark) 5879, 5958, 5961, 5967, 9201 (Farrell-Collins) 8429 (Gabelmann) 9274 (Giesbrecht) 5757 (Hanson) 5589, 5958 (Janssen) 5186 (Jones, K.) 5545, 7869, 8858 (Mitchell) 6651, 6989 (Neufeld) 9240 (Perry) 8015 (Serwa) 5734, 6266 (Sihota) 8429 (Symons) 5082, 5531, 6814, 7302, 9345 (Tanner) 5710 (Weisgerber) 5886, 7933, 8027 (Wilson) 5970
British Columbia Railway Group
- Annual report tabled (Charbonneau) 5817
- Mentioned: (Symons) 6907
British Columbia Rapid Transit Company Ltd.
- Collective agreement with employees (Denhoff) 8738
British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association
- Mentioned: (Blencoe) 8398
British Columbia Regional Hospital Districts Financing Authority
British Columbia Report
British Columbia Research Corp.
- Closing of mentioned (Hurd) 4748
- Funding for (De Jong) 5191 (Gingell) 4729-30 (Weisgerber) 4734, 7915
- Government assistance to (Clark) 5126
- President, dismissal of (Weisgerber) 4733
- Pulp mill emissions testing, contract for (Cashore) 6562
- Purchase of (Dalton) 7915 (Perry) 7915 (Weisgerber) 7915
- Report on (Gingell) 4729 (Weisgerber) 4734
- Work of (Weisgerber) 4733
- Mentioned: (Weisgerber) 4722, 4736
British Columbia Research Council
British Columbia Research Foundation
- Indians, health issues, research on (Anderson) 6304 (Cull) 6301, 6304
British Columbia Resources Investment Corp.
- Mentioned: (Stephens) 5516
British Columbia Road Builders' Association
British Columbia Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
- Recommendations (Cowie) 8475
- Report on education (Perry) 7999 (Wilson) 8000
- Sustainability, definition of (Lord) 8846
- Water study mentioned (Cashore) 7003
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6032 (Petter) 6536 (Wilson) 8300
British Columbia Safety Council
- Mentioned: (Janssen) 5709
British Columbia Salmon Farmers' Association
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 7450 (Wilson) 6717
B.C. Salmon, Herring and Other Fish Species Landing, Counting and Processing Requirement (Magnuson Formula) Act
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 7448
British Columbia Salmon Marketing Council
- Funding for (Barlee) 7357 (Chisholm) 7357
- Indian fishers, levies from (Barlee) 7360 (Chisholm) 7360
British Columbia School District Secretary-Treasurers' Association
British Columbia School Districts Capital Financing Authority
- Borrowing by (Chisholm) 5526
- Role of (Hagen) 5325
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 5659 (Jones, K.) 5546 (Neufeld) 5522 (Zirnhelt) 5264
British Columbia School Trustees' Association
- Employers' association, status as, problems re (Clark) 9214 (Gingell) 9213
- Quoted (Dalton) 5269
- School boards, withdrawal from association (Clark) 9207, 9214 (Gingell) 9019, 9206, 9213
- Mentioned: (Dalton) 5270 (Farrell-Collins) 6658 (Fox) 5290, 5376, 6551, 8455 (Gingell) 6653 (Hagen) 5234, 5289, 5290, 5291, 5336, 5337, 5343, 5376, 8667 (Hanson) 6662, 6673 (Hurd) 6399, 6637 (Jones, K.) 5337 (Serwa) 6008, 6664 (Sihota) 6381, 6662 (Weisgerber) 9020
"The British Columbia Science and Technology Program Review"
- Review (Perry) 8132, 8133, 8135, 8137 (Tyabji) 8132
- Mentioned: (Perry) 7993, 7996, 8175
British Columbia Securities Commission
- Cost-recovery policy for (Clark) 8635
- Expenditures (Clark) 8637 (Gingell) 7333, 8637 (Hyndman) 8637
- Function of, information re (Hyndman) 8634
- Funding for (Clark) 6881, 6883
- Legal expenses, payment of (Clark) 8637 (Gingell) 8636 (Hyndman) 8636
- MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. shares, advice re purchase of (Gabelmann) 5366 (Neufeld) 5366
- Ombudsman's report on (Clark) 8772 (Gingell) 8772
- Profit (Clark) 8635, 8636 (Gingell) 8635, 8635-6 (Hyndman) 8635, 8636
- Revenue (Clark) 6883, 7333 (Gingell) 7333
- Staff morale (Gingell) 8635
- Staff, number of (Gingell) 8634 (Hyndman) 8634
- Staff, organizational structure of (Gingell) 8634 (Hyndman) 8634-5
- Staff, reclassification review of (Gingell) 8635 (Hyndman) 8635
- Staff, salaries (Clark) 8636 (Gingell) 8636
- Staff, women employees (Clark) 8618
- Vancouver Stock Exchange inquiry, inclusion in (Clark) 8772
- Work of commended (Clark) 6236
- Mentioned: (Clark) 6236, 8631, 8634 (Gingell) 8633 (Hurd) 5941, 8633 (Sihota) 5941
British Columbia Seniors' Games
British Columbia Standardbred Association
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 9394 (Serwa) 9394
British Columbia Steamship Company (1975) Ltd.
- Status of (Marzari) 6151 (Symons) 6151
- Mentioned: (Tanner) 6153
British Columbia Student Film and Video Association
British Columbia Summer Games
- Mentioned: (De Jong) 8846 (Giesbrecht) 8847
British Columbia Summer Games, 1993, Chilliwack, B.C.
- Harcourt, Hon. Michael, attendance of (Chisholm) 8866 (Harcourt) 8866
British Columbia Systems Corporation
- Administration costs (Symons) 5133
- Annual report tabled (Boone) 8266
- Board (Boone) 7869, 7870 (Jones, K.) 7869, 7869-70, 7870
- Board, work of (Boone) 7870, 7871 (Jones, K.) 7870, 7871
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, relationship with (Boone) 7894 (Jones, K.) 7894
- B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd. services, purchase of (Boone) 7868, 7869 (Jones, K.) 7869
- Contracts (Boone) 7869 (Jones, K.) 7869
- Crown corporations secretariat, funding for (Boone) 7808
- Dividend (Boone) 7868 (Jones, K.) 7868
- Education ministry, staff seconded to (Hagen) 5335 (Jones, K.) 5335
- Fibre optics, use of (Boone) 7894, 8161, 8162 (Jones, K.) 7894, 8161
- Finance and Corporate Relations ministry payments to (Clark) 8630 (Gingell) 8629, 8630
- Finance and Corporate Relations ministry's use of services of (Clark) 8630 (Gingell) 8630
- Government computers, compatibility of (Boone) 7581
- Government information systems (Boone) 8143 (Jones, K.) 8143
- Governmentwide integrated services (Boone) 7873, 8162, 8163 (Jones, K.) 7873, 8162, 8163
- Open Systems Show mentioned (Boone) 7870
- President's salary (Jones, K.) 6980
- Private sector, relationship with (Boone) 7869, 7871 (Jones, K.) 7869, 7871, 7871-2
- Profits (Symons) 5133
- Regional development, role in (Boone) 7872 (Jones, K.) 7872
- Services, charge for and market rate (Boone) 7868 (Jones, K.) 7868, 7868-9, 7869
- Work of (Boone) 7871 (Jones, K.) 7871
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7580, 7582, 7804, 7808, 7896, 7898, 8149 (Chair) 6407 (Clark) 8630, 8712, 9201, 9348 (Costello) 8710 (De Jong) 4998 (Gabelmann) 5903 (Jones, K.) 4852, 5546, 6909, 7898, 8169 (Perry) 8015 (Sihota) 5620
British Columbia Task Force on Family Violence
British Columbia Teachers' Federation
- College of Teachers of B.C.'s role, duplication of (Hagen) 8487, 8666, 8669
- Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service and Public Sector, submission to (Serwa) 6007
- Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service and Public Sector, submission to quoted (Weisgerber) 6476
- Control of, allegation re (Serwa) 8489
- Educational Programs Continuation Act, role in drafting of (Serwa) 6648
- Government's relationship with (Mitchell) 6650 (Serwa) 6648
- Hagen, Hon. Anita, relationship to federation (Serwa) 8488
- Independent School Amendment Act, 1993, purpose of and federation (Serwa) 6400
- Letter quoted (Dalton) 5340
- NDP election campaign, role in (Serwa) 6007
- Powers of (Serwa) 8490
- Professionalism of teachers and federation (Serwa) 8666, 8668
- Role of (Serwa) 8488-9
- Role as trade union (Symons) 8490
- Role in government (Serwa) 8488
- Teacher education programs, funding for (Fox) 8669 (Hagen) 8667, 8669 (Serwa) 8667, 8668
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6521 (Cowie) 5377, 6572 (Dalton) 5329 (De Jong) 6331 (Farrell-Collins) 4843, 6382 (Fox) 6329, 9313 (Gingell) 6474, 6652, 6653 (Hagen) 5234, 5336, 5337, 7114, 8666 (Hanson) 6163, 6164, 6379, 6662, 6673 (Hurd) 6310, 6399, 6571, 6637 (Jones, K.) 5336, 5337 (Mitchell) 6652 (Serwa) 5815, 6648, 6664, 8667, 9124 (Sihota) 6035, 6036, 6381, 6474, 6662 (Stephens) 6401 (Weisgerber) 4733, 4901, 6035, 6476, 6532, 6533, 6631, 6632, 6633
British Columbia Teachers for Association
British Columbia Telephone Co. Ltd.
- B.C. Hydro poles, use of (Neufeld) 5786
- B.C. Systems Corporation, services to (Boone) 7868, 7869 (Jones, K.) 7869
- Property information service, establishment of (Blencoe) 8462
- Telephone line installation, cost of (Neufeld) 5786
- Tourism ministry, partnership with (Marzari) 6067, 6212 (Tanner) 6211
- Tourism ministry's 1-800 number, investment in (Hanson) 6069, 6070 (Marzari) 6068, 6069, 6097 (Tanner) 6068
- Tourists, travel information and reservation system for (Marzari) 4779
- Mentioned: (Boone) 4998, 7868, 8161 (Charbonneau) 6908 (Cowie) 9331 (Fox) 7942 (Gingell) 4730 (Hanson) 6069, 6071 (Jones, K.) 6908, 7868, 7869 (Marzari) 6064, 6068 (Perry) 8015 (Sihota) 7942 (Tanner) 6068 (Weisgerber) 5858, 5865
British Columbia Television Broadcasting System
British Columbia Tomorrow Benevolent and Education Association
- Bingo licence (Warnke) 8996
British Columbia Trade Development Corporation
- Annual report, tabling of (Gingell) 7922 (Harcourt) 7914
- B.C. Endowment Fund, funds to (Clark) 8724, 8724-5 (Stephens) 8724
- Cost recovery (Gingell) 7923 (Harcourt) 7923
- Crown corporations secretariat, benefits to corporation (Mitchell) 7937, 7938
- Crown corporations secretariat, payment to (Gingell) 7937 (Harcourt) 7937, 7938, 8027 (Mitchell) 7937, 7938 (Weisgerber) 8027
- Crown corporations secretariat's work for (Gingell) 7937 (Harcourt) 7937 (Weisgerber) 8027
- Economic Development, Small Business and Trade ministry, relationship to (Stephens) 4992
- Expenditures (Gingell) 7925 (Harcourt) 7925
- Export training and counselling (Stephens) 7928
- Farm produce, markets for (Chisholm) 6693
- Funding for (Gingell) 7924, 7925 (Harcourt) 7916, 7924, 7925 (Lovick) 5142
- Government expertise, revenue return on marketing of (Gingell) 7923, 7937 (Harcourt) 7937
- Investments, policy on (Gingell) 7936 (Harcourt) 7936-7
- Loan guarantee program (Clark) 8725 (Gingell) 7936 (Harcourt) 7936
- Loan guarantees, finder's fee for bank loans (Gingell) 6936 (Harcourt) 7054
- Loan guarantees, loans in default (Clark) 8768 (Gingell) 7936 (Harcourt) 7936
- Market development fund, abolition of (Gingell) 7925
- Responsibility for (Zirnhelt) 5070
- Role of (Gingell) 4732 (Harcourt) 7924 (Stephens) 5770 (Zirnhelt) 4894, 5071
- Role of and B.C. Investment Office (Stephens) 4992
- Staff, information re (Harcourt) 7932-3 (Weisgerber) 7932
- Staff, language skills (Gingell) 7934 (Harcourt) 7934
- Trade offices, responsibility for (Zirnhelt) 5071
- Williams, Robert A., relationship to corporation (Harcourt) 7938 (Serwa) 7938
- Work of (Clark) 4889 (Gingell) 6936 (Harcourt) 6936, 7054, 7916 (Kasper) 5185 (MacPhail) 4805 (Stephens) 6388 (Zirnhelt) 6366
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7357 (Clark) 5954, 8728, 9201 (Hanson) 5589 (Harcourt) 5729, 7932, 7935, 8022, 8024 (Hurd) 5815 (Jones, K.) 8117 (Miller) 5568, 5569 (Neufeld) 4955 (Pement) 8850 (Sihota) 5941 (Stephens) 8716, 8724 (Zirnhelt) 6359, 6364, 6696, 6734, 6744
British Columbia Trade Export Award
- Winner mentioned (O'Neill) 4822
British Columbia Transit Act
- Amendment to (Clark) 5655
- Mentioned: (Clark) 8486 (Gabelmann) 8641 (Petter) 6507
British Columbia Transit Corporation
- Accidents, fatalities (Symons) 8837
- Accidents, Kootenay loop accident, action on (Clark) 8838 (Symons) 8837
- Accidents, number of (Symons) 8836
- Accidents, punitive action re and union (Clark) 8838 (Symons) 8837
- Accidents, Williamson study (Symons) 8837
- Accidents, Williamson study, implementation of recommendations (Clark) 8837 (Symons) 8837
- Administrative costs (Clark) 7885, 8714, 8734 (Denhoff) 8737, 8737-8 (Symons) 8737
- Annual report and financial statements tabled (Clark) 8486
- Award for transit services (Clark) 4786
- Board (Hurd) 8718
- Board member, travel by (Clark) 4786 (Symons) 4786
- Board members (Clark) 7893 (Symons) 7893
- B.C. Hydro, commercial ventures with (Clark) 9347 (Gabelmann) 9344 (Serwa) 9347
- B.C. Rail, commercial ventures with (Clark) 9347 (Gabelmann) 9344 (Serwa) 9347
- Bus drivers, family-member passes, negotiations re (Denhoff) 8839 (Symons) 8838, 8839
- Bus drivers, overtime, banking of (Denhoff) 8838-9
- Bus drivers, sick leave, negotiations re (Denhoff) 8838-9 (Symons) 8838
- Bus drivers, sick leave taken (Clark) 8739, 8740 (Denhoff) 8738 (Symons) 8739 (Weisgerber) 8740
- Bus drivers, sick leave taken, comparisons with transit companies elsewhere (Clark) 8739 (Symons) 8739 (Weisgerber) 8740
- Butchart Gardens, bus service to and private operators (Clark) 8736, 9346
- Chief executive officer, hiring of (Clark) 8719
- Commercial ventures, provisions re (Clark) 9344, 9345, 9347 (Gabelmann) 9344 (Mitchell) 9344 (Serwa) 9347 (Symons) 9344, 9345
- Commercial ventures, revenue, use of (Gabelmann) 9344 (Mitchell) 9344
- Cowichan Valley, service in (Clark) 7885
- Crown corporations secretariat levy (Clark) 8715
- Employment Standards Act, cost of compliance with (Denhoff) 8740 (Weisgerber) 8740
- Expenditures, postponement of and alleged savings (Symons) 8836-7
- Expenditures, savings on (Gingell) 8810
- Fares, increase in (Symons) 8839
- Fares, level of and fares elsewhere (Symons) 8839
- Funding for (Clark) 7883, 7884
- Funding for, funding method (Gingell) 8810, 8811
- Funding for, property tax (Symons) 8734
- Head office, relocation of (Clark) 8744, 8862 (Gingell) 8810 (Symons) 8836, 8862
- Head office, relocation of, cost of move (Denhoff) 8743 (Symons) 8743
- Head office, relocation of, radio room construction cost (Denhoff) 8743
- Head office, rental costs (Denhoff) 8743
- Head office, rental costs in future (Clark) 8744, 8862 (Denhoff) 8743-4 (Symons) 8862
- Head office, rented space (Denhoff) 8744 (Symons) 8744
- Head office, rented space in future (Clark) 8744 (Denhoff) 8743 (Symons) 8744
- Independent Canadian Transit Union collective agreement (Denhoff) 8738
- Independent Canadian Transit Union collective agreement and Employment Standards Act (Clark) 8740 (Weisgerber) 8740
- Independent Canadian Transit Union collective agreement, expiry date (Denhoff) 8738 (Weisgerber) 8738
- Independent Canadian Transit Union collective agreement, sick leave and overtime provisions (Denhoff) 8738 (Weisgerber) 8738
- Northeast sector community advisory committee report (Clark) 7886
- Office and Technical Employees' Union collective agreement (Denhoff) 8738
- Payroll department in Victoria, closing of (Denhoff) 8737
- Penticton, low-floor buses (Clark) 7884
- Private transportation companies, competition with (Clark) 9345-6, 9346 (Weisgerber) 9345, 9346
- Property development by (Clark) 9344 (Symons) 9344
- Purposes of (Mitchell) 9344
- Revenue, allocation of (Clark) 9347 (Warnke) 9347
- Safety initiatives (Clark) 7885
- Safety record (Clark) 8837 (Symons) 8837
- Senior personnel, trip to Europe (Clark) 5511 (Cowie) 5511 (Gingell) 4890
- Senior personnel, responsibility for decisions re (Clark) 8718
- Services, duplication of (Denhoff) 8737 (Symons) 8737
- Services, money-losing routes (Clark) 8839
- Services, reduction in routes (Clark) 7884 (Cowie) 7886
- Services, request stop service (Clark) 8840 (Symons) 8840
- Strike (Weisgerber) 4735
- Strikes, illegal work stoppages (Clark) 8838 (Symons) 8838
- Strikes, threatened strike re family-member transit passes (Symons) 8838
- Subcommittees (Clark) 7890, 7893
- Subsidy to (Gingell) 8810
- Transit stations, land purchases in area of (Clark) 7889
- Vancouver transit. See entries under name of city
- Victoria transit. See entries under name of city
- Mentioned: (Boone) 7804, 7805, 7895 (Charbonneau) 6764, 6766, 6911 (Clark) 5958, 5967, 6881, 7110, 8714, 8722, 8723, 8745, 8856, 9201 (Gingell) 6963 (Hanson) 5589, 5958 (Jones, K.) 5545, 6911, 7804 (Neufeld) 8859, 9240 (Sihota) 5853, 6789 (Smallwood) 7549 (Wilson) 5958
- See also: HandyDART system
British Columbia Transportation Financing Authority
- Accountability of (Charbonneau) 6770 (Clark) 5970, 5971, 5972 (De Jong) 5191 (Hanson) 6770 (Lovick) 5141-2 (Weisgerber) 5143 (Wilson) 5970, 5971, 5972
- Accounts, audit of (Clark) 5970, 5971, 5971-2 (Jones, K.) 5524, 5544 (Wilson) 5493, 5970, 5970-1, 5972
- Agreements with other jurisdictions (Charbonneau) 6771 (Clark) 5965-6, 5966 (Wilson) 5965, 5966
- Agreements with other levels of government (Wilson) 5493
- Appropriation for (Symons) 5135
- Board of directors (Chisholm) 5528 (Clark) 5953, 8773 (Dalton) 5189 (Gingell) 5514 (Jones, K.) 5524, 5526 (Symons) 5532 (Tanner) 5641, 5642 (Wilson) 5637, 5953
- Board of directors, accountability of (Wilson) 5492
- Board of directors, costs (Jarvis) 5257
- Board of directors, members (Chisholm) 5660-1 (Clark) 5954 (Dalton) 5672 (Fox) 5556 (Jarvis) 5678 (Jones, K.) 5544 (Symons) 5607, 5747 (Wilson) 5878, 5953-4
- Board of directors, powers (Anderson) 5665 (Chisholm) 5609 (Farrell-Collins) 5208 (Symons) 5747-8 (Wilson) 5492, 5762
- Board of directors, quorum (Tanner) 5968
- Board of directors, relationship to Committee on Building B.C.'s Future (Clark) 5954 (Wilson) 5954
- Board of directors, remuneration for (Jarvis) 5553 (Symons) 5748
- Board of directors, telecommunications facilities, use of (Tanner) 5968 (Wilson) 5968
- Borrowing (Anderson) 5982, 5983 (Chisholm) 5528, 5528-9 (Clark) 5945, 5983, 8773, 8774 (Cowie) 5165 (Farrell-Collins) 5207 (Jones, K.) 5526 (Neufeld) 5166, 5167 (Stephens) 5516 (Wilson) 5175, 5638
- Borrowing and provincial debt (Anderson) 5182, 5248 (Chisholm) 5526, 5608, 5659 (Clark) 5771 (Cowie) 5550, 5551, 5667 (Dalton) 5187, 5188, 5190, 5259, 5261, 5603, 5672 (Farrell-Collins) 5204 (Fox) 5212, 5555, 5556, 5751, 5752 (Gingell) 5514, 5515, 5558-60 (Hanson) 5590 (Hurd) 5547, 5679, 5680-1 (Jarvis) 5139, 5256, 5257, 5258, 5553, 5675 (Jones, K.) 5523, 5524, 5545, 5753 (Miller) 5215 (Neufeld) 5166, 5520 (Reid) 5155, 5593, 5594 (Serwa) 5249-50, 5597-8, 5736 (Stephens) 5630 (Symons) 5135-6, 5530-1, 5532, 5604-5 (Tanner) 5519 (Tyabji) 5159, 5513, 5631, 5634, 5766 (Warnke) 5200, 5201 (Weisgerber) 5142, 5143, 5143-4, 5263, 5667-8 (Wilson) 5172, 5174, 5491, 5638, 5963
- Borrowing, interest costs on (Serwa) 5734
- Borrowing, limit on (Clark) 5980, 5981, 5982 (Hanson) 5981 (Wilson) 5980, 5981-2, 5982
- Borrowing powers (Charbonneau) 5133 (Chisholm) 5005, 5608, 5609, 5661 (Clark) 4888, 5535, 5953, 5957, 5959, 5960, 5960-1, 5980, 5982, 5983 (Dalton) 5603 (Hanson) 5589 (Hurd) 5680 (Stephens) 5769 (Symons) 5135, 5606, 5745 (Tanner) 5960, 5983 (Wilson) 5762, 5763, 5957, 5959, 5960, 5961, 5969, 5979-80, 5980, 5983
- Build BC Act. See name of act
- Business plan (Beattie) 5749 (Charbonneau) 5133 (Chisholm) 5661 (Wilson) 5763
- Chief executive officer, appointment of (Wilson) 5968
- Committee on Building B.C.'s Future, role of (Clark) 5924 (Wilson) 5924
- Company Act, exemption from (Anderson) 5985 (Clark) 5985
- Company Clauses Act, exemption from (Anderson) 5985 (Clark) 5985
- Corporate seal (Clark) 5957 (Wilson) 5957
- Cost of (Dalton) 5671 (Hurd) 5679
- Cost of, administrative costs (Wilson) 5969
- Crown corporations in transportation field, relationship to (Clark) 5958 (Hanson) 5958
- Crown corporations secretariat, role of (Clark) 5887
- Debate re and ministerial jurisdiction (Chair) 6811, 6812 (Charbonneau) 6812 (Hanson) 6812 (Symons) 6812
- Debt (Symons) 5135 (Weisgerber) 5142
- Debt and provincial deficit (Symons) 5134
- Debt, calculation of (Clark) 5985
- Debt, interest costs on (Fox) 5212 (Gingell) 8774 (Weisgerber) 5144
- Debt, reporting of (Wilson) 5984, 5985
- Establishment of (Anderson) 5248 (Charbonneau) 5084, 5132 (Clark) 4888, 4891, 5771, 5952 (Dalton) 5188, 5259, 5261, 5603 (Jackson) 5252 (Jones, K.) 5544, 5545 (Kasper) 5183 (Lali) 5093, 5202 (Lovick) 5141 (Miller) 5213 (Mitchell) 5537 (Ramsey) 5148 (Stephens) 5516, 5769 (Streifel) 5243 (Symons) 5607 (Tyabji) 5159 (Weisgerber) 5142 (Wilson) 5951-2 (Zirnhelt) 5264
- Expropriation powers (Anderson) 5182 (Chisholm) 5528, 5609, 5660 (Clark) 5961 (Jones, K.) 5526, 5755 (Symons) 5747 (Tanner) 5961 (Tyabji) 5495, 5635, 5767 (Wilson) 5173-4, 5492, 5493
- Fiscal year (Wilson) 5972
- Funding and projects (Clark) 5961 (Tanner) 5961
- Funding for roads (Charbonneau) 6812, 6812-3, 6813, 6818, 7224, 7226, 7324 (Hanson) 6812 (Symons) 6812, 6813, 7323
- Funding, forecast of revenue (Clark) 5959 (Wilson) 5959
- Funding, source of (Anderson) 5665 (Charbonneau) 5133 (Chisholm) 5526, 5609, 5661 (Clark) 4888, 5535, 5771, 5954, 5955, 8773-4 (Dalton) 5189, 5603-4 (Edwards) 5179 (Fox) 5212, 5556, 5557 (Gingell) 5514, 5515, 5558 (Hanson) 5954, 5955 (Hartley) 5136 (Hurd) 5547, 5548 (Janssen) 5186 (Jarvis) 5257, 5258, 5675, 5677 (Jones, K.) 5544, 5753 (Lali) 5093 (Lovick) 5141 (Neufeld) 5758 (Pullinger) 5016 (Reid) 5155 (Serwa) 5683 (Stephens) 5769 (Symons) 5745, 5748 (Tanner) 5592 (Warnke) 5737, 5739 (Weisgerber) 5144 (Wilson) 5637-8, 5953
- Funds for land acquisition for roads (Charbonneau) 6779 (Cowie) 6780
- Funds, transfer of from Transportation and Highways ministry (Gingell) 5514
- Funds, use of (Farrell-Collins) 5208 (Gingell) 8774
- Grants, powers re (Wilson) 5493
- Investments, restrictions on (Clark) 5979
- Investments, sale of securities (Clark) 5983 (Wilson) 5983
- Loans and loan guarantees, powers re (Clark) 5964, 5965 (Tanner) 5964, 5965 (Wilson) 5493, 5964, 5965
- Loans, collection of (Clark) 5965 (Wilson) 5965
- Officers, liability of (Wilson) 5985
- Powers (Chisholm) 5528, 5660 (De Jong) 5191 (Hanson) 5588-9 (Jones, K.) 5526, 5755 (Schreck) 5969 (Wilson) 5968-9
- Private sector, joint ventures with (Clark) 5966-7 (Wilson) 5966
- Projects, financing of and repayment of funds (Charbonneau) 6773 (Symons) 6772, 6773
- Projects, planning of (Charbonneau) 6772, 6773 (Hanson) 6772-3
- Property transactions, powers re (Clark) 5967 (Wilson) 5967
- Purpose of (Charbonneau) 5132-3, 6769, 6770, 6773, 7312 (Clark) 4888, 5957-8 (Dalton) 5261 (Hanson) 6770 (Jackson) 5253 (Petter) 5163 (Pullinger) 5208 (Streifel) 5243 (Symons) 5747, 7312 (Wilson) 5957 (Zirnhelt) 5069
- Records and accounts, inspection of (Symons) 5748
- Report (Chisholm) 5661
- Sinking funds (Chisholm) 5528 (Clark) 5984 (Stephens) 5770 (Tanner) 5984 (Wilson) 5175, 5984
- Staff (Charbonneau) 6769, 6770 (Clark) 5952, 5969 (Symons) 6769, 6770 (Wilson) 5492, 5969
- Staff, cost of (Stephens) 5630
- Staff, responsibilities of (Charbonneau) 6773
- Subsidiary corporations, powers re (Chisholm) 5609, 5660 (Clark) 5966 (Hurd) 5220 (Jones, K.) 5544 (Neufeld) 5968 (Stephens) 5516 (Symons) 5747 (Wilson) 5966, 5967
- Transportation and Highways ministry and authority (Charbonneau) 6772 (Symons) 6772 (Hanson) 5962
- Williams, Robert A., role of (Wilson) 5887
- Mentioned: (Charbonneau) 6764, 7014, 7023, 7228 (Clark) 5772 (Dalton) 5670, 5671 (Gingell) 5560 (Lovick) 7014 (Symons) 5531, 6768, 6769 (Wilson) 5877, 5892, 5925
British Columbia Transportation Museum, Cloverdale, B.C.
- Closing of (Gingell) 4717
- Closing of, cost of (Jones, K.) 6195, 6195-6 (Marzari) 6195
- Closing of, savings on (Stephens) 6454, 6455 (Zirnhelt) 6454, 6455
- Lease arrangements (Jones, K.) 6455, 6458 (Zirnhelt) 6455, 6458, 6724
- Manager, cost of salary of (Jones, K.) 6455 (Zirnhelt) 6455
- Operating costs (Jones, K.) 6195, 6455 (Marzari) 6195 (Zirnhelt) 6458
- Site, cleanup of (Jones, K.) 6197, 6198, 6458, 6459 (Marzari) 6198 (Zirnhelt) 6458, 6459
- Transfer of, documentation for (Jones, K.) 6458-9
- Vehicles, destinations of (Jones, K.) 6196 (Marzari) 6195, 6196, 6197
- Vehicles, sale of (Clark) 4723 (Jones, K.) 4723
- Vehicles, sale of, revenue from (Jones, K.) 6195, 6195-6, 6196 (Marzari) 6195, 6196, 6197
- Mentioned: (Jones, K.) 7433, 8249 (Zirnhelt) 6723
British Columbia Travel Corporation
- Establishment of, problems re, case cited (Stephens) 5673-4
British Columbia Treaty Commission
- Access to Information Act and Protection of Privacy Act, application to commission (Anderson) 6497 (Petter) 6497
- Accounts, audit of (Petter) 6502, 6508, 6509 (Schreck) 6509 (Wilson) 6508, 6509
- Agreement (Anderson) 6478 (Petter) 6489, 6536
- Agreement, amendments to (Anderson) 6478, 6489-90, 6490, 6510 (Petter) 6478, 6481, 6490, 6510, 6511 (Wilson) 6481, 6510-1, 6511, 6511-2
- Agreement and role of commission (Petter) 6438 (Wilson) 6483
- Agreement and Treaty Commission Act (Petter) 6449 (Wilson) 6445
- Agreement quoted (Wilson) 6445
- Agreement, status of and Treaty Commission Act (Petter) 6481, 6492 (Wilson) 6481
- Budget (Anderson) 6502 (Petter) 6502 (Wilson) 6502
- Budget approval process (Petter) 6507, 6507-8 (Wilson) 6507
- Changes to, requirement for legislation on (Anderson) 6479 (Petter) 6479
- Chief commissioner (Petter) 6493
- Chief commissioner, appointment of (Petter) 6505 (Wilson) 6505
- Chief commissioner, designation of replacement for (Mitchell) 6504 (Petter) 6504
- Chief commissioner, neutrality of (Petter) 6505
- Chief commissioner, powers of (Wilson) 6503
- Chief commissioner, role of (Petter) 6495
- Chief commissioner, vote of (Anderson) 6505 (Petter) 6505 (Wilson) 6505
- Commissioners (Petter) 6439, 6536-7
- Commissioners, appointment of (Anderson) 5288 (Petter) 5287, 6504 (Serwa) 5288 (Wilson) 6504
- Commissioners, liability of (Anderson) 6503 (Petter) 6503
- Commissioners, pensions (Wilson) 6499
- Commissioners, remuneration (Anderson) 6503 (Petter) 6503, 6504 (Wilson) 6504
- Commissioners, votes of (Anderson) 6506 (Petter) 6506 (Wilson) 6506
- Decisions of (Petter) 6438, 6495-6, 6505 (Wilson) 6495, 6505
- Dispute resolution, provision for (Petter) 6501 (Wilson) 6500-1
- Establishment of (Harcourt) 6541 (Lali) 4854 (Petter) 6379, 6438, 6535 (Ramsey) 6603 (Wilson) 6415
- Federal legislation on (Petter) 6496 (Wilson) 6496
- Function of (Petter) 5287, 6379, 6438, 6439, 6482, 6537, 7040, 7045, 7237 (Wilson) 6447
- Funding for (Anderson) 6502 (Petter) 6505 (Wilson) 6504-5
- Independence of (Petter) 6439, 6537
- Legislative basis for (Petter) 6478
- Mandated, definition of in context of commission (Jones, K.) 6488 (Petter) 6488
- Negotiations (Petter) 6439, 6498, 6498-9 (Weisgerber) 6444 (Wilson) 6498
- Negotiations, cost of (Wilson) 6499
- Negotiations, funding for, source of (Anderson) 6502 (Petter) 6502 (Wilson) 6499
- Negotiations, information to public re (Petter) 6449, 6501 (Weisgerber) 6443, 6540 (Wilson) 6447, 6501
- Negotiations, third-party consultation process (Jones, K.) 6489 (Petter) 6439, 6489, 6500 (Wilson) 6500
- Negotiations, third-party interests, obligations re (Weisgerber) 6444
- Powers of (Petter) 6496, 6502 (Wilson) 6501-2
- Reporting by (Petter) 6439, 6508, 6509-10, 6537 (Wilson) 6508, 6509, 6510
- Representation on (Jones, K.) 6488 (Petter) 6485, 6488, 6489, 6491, 6492-3, 6493, 6494, 6495 (Weisgerber) 6492, 6493, 6494 (Wilson) 6485, 6491, 6494
- Representation on, First Nations Congress (Wilson) 6495
- Representation on, Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs (Petter) 6494 (Weisgerber) 6493 (Wilson) 6494, 6495
- Staff, number of (Mitchell) 6507 (Petter) 6507
- Staff, terms and conditions of employment (Mitchell) 6507 (Petter) 6507
- Treaties, approval process for (Anderson) 6490-1 (Petter) 6491 (Wilson) 6499
- Treaties, deadline for (Petter) 6499
- Treaty Commission Act. See name of act
- Treaty, definition of (Anderson) 6490 (Petter) 6490
- Treaty, function of (Petter) 6490
- Work of (Anderson) 6490 (Jackson) 6608 (Petter) 6490
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6353 (Harcourt) 7919 (Marzari) 6151, 6155 (Petter) 4720, 6476, 7042, 7043, 7046, 7047, 7075, 7187, 7197, 7208, 7209 (Tyabji) 6760, 7029 (Wilson) 7079, 7093
British Columbia Truck Loggers' Association
B.C. 21
- Agriculture and fisheries industries, funds for (Barlee) 7357 (Chisholm) 7357
- Benefits of program (Schreck) 5002
- Construction projects (Neufeld) 5068
- Cost of (Weisgerber) 4904
- Debt (Chisholm) 5006 (Gingell) 8075 (Hanson) 5021 (Symons) 5081-2
- Employment programs (Anderson) 7512
- Employment programs and poverty (Lovick) 9135
- Employment programs, funding for (Smallwood) 7508, 7512
- Employment programs, GAIN recipients employed (Fox) 7627 (Smallwood) 7627
- Employment programs, student summer employment (Perry) 8011, 8013, 8138 (Wilson) 8011-2, 8013
- Establishment of (Charbonneau) 5084 (Gingell) 4890 (Symons) 5081 (Tanner) 5087, 5088
- Estimates, ministry's estimates for discussion of (Hagen) 5301 (Tyabji) 5301
- Forest worker development program. See name of program
- Fund (Farnworth) 4961-2 (Warnke) 4976
- Funding for (Pullinger) 5016
- Funding for and provincial debt (Chisholm) 5005 (Clark) 5126 (Gingell) 4890
- Funds, use in Delta North constituency (Lortie) 5059
- Funds, use in regions (Blencoe) 8538 (Boone) 5061 (Clark) 5126, 5127 (Jarvis) 5124
- Highway construction, funding for (Clark) 5126-7
- Housing for homeless, funding for (Blencoe) 8533
- Implementation of and B.C. Hydro (Sihota) 5613
- Indians, training of, funding for (Petter) 7177
- Investments (Clark) 4888
- Job creation (Zirnhelt) 5068
- Job creation, role in (Clark) 4889 (Garden) 5118
- Lottery funds (Boone) 7904
- Projects (Charbonneau) 6812, 6813, 6817 (Clark) 4888-9 (Janssen) 5001 (Lali) 5094 (Pullinger) 5016 (Symons) 6812
- Projects, funding for (Charbonneau) 6770, 6771, 6772 (Hanson) 6770, 6771 (Symons) 6772
- Projects, funding for, transfer of funds between projects (Charbonneau) 6771 (Symons) 6772
- Projects, naming of (Charbonneau) 6771-2, 7020 (De Jong) 7020 (Hanson) 6771
- Purpose of (Charbonneau) 6773 (Mitchell) 5011 (Pullinger) 5015-6 (Tyabji) 5301
- Regional growth and B.C. 21 fund (Farnworth) 4961 (Hagen) 5300
- Role of (Clark) 4889 (Lortie) 5059
- Social capital facilities, authorization for (Clark) 4888
- Staff (Weisgerber) 4904
- Studies on need for (Chisholm) 4980 (Stephens) 4894 (Zirnhelt) 4894, 4980
- Tolls (Dalton) 5062
- Tourism and community development (Marzari) 6065, 6075, 6212-3
- Tourism ministry, training for Indians (Marzari) 6149, 6151
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 7622 (Barlee) 7449, 7570 (Chair) 6811, 6812, 7445 (Charbonneau) 6771, 6779 (Cowie) 6780 (Fox) 8383 (Gingell) 4899, 8074, 9178 (Hanson) 5024, 6770, 7323, 9046 (Harcourt) 8944 (Jones, K.) 5302 (Lovick) 7013 (Mitchell) 8876 (Neufeld) 7599, 7600 (Priddy) 5086 (Sihota) 8099 (Smallwood) 5012, 7053, 7511, 7534, 7592, 7597, 7622 (Symons) 6771 (Tyabji) 5300, 6942, 7735, 7837 (Warnke) 8079 (Wilson) 7570, 7994, 8387
British Columbia Utilities Commission
- B.C. Hydro rates, review of (Hanson) 5689 (Hurd) 5812, 5813 (Sihota) 5687, 5688, 5812, 5813, 5814, 5858, 5860, 5861, 5862, 5863, 5864, 5872 (Weisgerber) 5865
- Function of and B.C. Energy Council function (Edwards) 7773 (Hurd) 7773
- Funding to interveners, provision for (Edwards) 6309
- Kemano power project, review of. See entries under name of project
- Proceedings, payment of costs of expert witnesses (Edwards) 6903, 6903-4 (Neufeld) 6903
- Proceedings, payment of Indians' costs by participants (Neufeld) 6787
- Proceedings, payment of interveners' costs (Edwards) 6784-5, 6793, 6903 (Hurd) 6902-3 (Jarvis) 6785 (Neufeld) 6787 (Ramsey) 6788, 6789 (Tyabji) 6792
- Vancouver Island transmission line, hearing on, case cited (Edwards) 6903 (Neufeld) 6903
- Water issues review, hearings for (Cashore) 6761, 6762
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 8313 (Edwards) 4742, 6309, 6739, 6784, 6898, 7161, 7691, 7692, 7760, 7761, 7771, 7776 (Fox) 6581 (Gingell) 5323 (Harcourt) 8572 (Hurd) 6898 (Jones, K.) 8117 (Sihota) 4757, 4882, 5690, 5697, 5698, 5859 (Tyabji) 6762 (Weisgerber) 4735, 7760
British Columbia-Washington Environmental Cooperation Council
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6618
British Columbia Wildlife Federation
- Hunting and fishing guidelines, input into (Cashore) 6412, 6413-4 (Serwa) 6412
- Indians, consultation with (Petter) 7042
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7451 (Cashore) 6420, 6470, 7004 (Petter) 7206 (Serwa) 6413, 6962, 7004, 7006 (Weisgerber) 4721, 6421, 6961
British Columbia Wine Institute
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7563 (Chisholm) 7359
British Columbia Winter Games
- Mentioned: (Giesbrecht) 8847
British Columbia Wood Specialties Group
- Mentioned: (Harcourt) 7927
British Columbia Young Liberals
British Columbia Youth Advisory Council
- Funding for, withdrawal of (Anderson) 5032 (Clark) 4886 (Perry) 5029
- Report card on NDP government quoted (Anderson) 4871
- Work with government (Perry) 5028-9
British Medical Journal
British North America Act (Great Britain)
British Petroleum Co. PLC
Britton, Dorothy
Brodeur, Nigel D.
- Accountability of in trade and underwriting of stocks (Gingell) 8638
Brooks Junior Secondary School, Powell River, B.C.
- Construction of new school, funding for (Wilson) 5278
Broughton Archipelago, B.C.
- Fish farming (Chisholm) 7005
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6335
Brousson, David
- Death of (Throne speech) 4703
Brown, Colin
- GAIN fraud, action on statements re (Hurd) 6425 (Smallwood) 6425
Brown, Dennis
- Quoted (Chisholm) 7454
- Mentioned: (Wilson) 7570
Brown, Glen
- Mentioned: (Charbonneau) 6926
Brown, Hans
- Appeals division transfer, role in (Farrell-Collins) 5614, 5870 (Hanson) 5847, 5848-9, 5870 (Sihota) 5848
- Contract (Farrell-Collins) 5510, 5870 (Hanson) 5941 (Sihota) 5941
- Contract, length of (Farrell-Collins) 5647 (Sihota) 5645, 5647
- Contract, severance arrangements (Sihota) 5940 (Weisgerber) 5940
- Duties (Farrell-Collins) 5644, 5645, 5647 (Sihota) 5645, 5646, 5647, 5848
- Employment standards review, appointment as commissioner of (Farrell-Collins) 5613, 5614, 5656 (Sihota) 5614, 5656
- Labour Relations Board, appointment to (Farrell-Collins) 5776, 5870, 5940 (Harcourt) 5940 (Mitchell) 6660, 8241 (Sihota) 5776
- Labour Relations Board, appointment to, process used (Farrell-Collins) 5614, 5614-5, 5615, 5616, 5643, 5644, 5645-6, 5646, 5646-7, 5647 (Sihota) 5614, 5615, 5615-6, 5643, 5644
- Labour Relations Board, services to (Sihota) 5614, 5848
- Labour Relations Board, vice-chair, appointment as (Sihota) 5872
- NDP election campaign statement, author of (Farrell-Collins) 5940 (Harcourt) 5940
- Salary (Farrell-Collins) 5616, 5647, 5774, 5776 (Sihota) 5614, 5647, 5776
Brown, Michael
Brown, Ron
Browning, Scott
Bruce, Lenny
- Possible charges under Human Rights Amendment Act, 1993 (De Jong) 7374
Brummet, Anthony J. (Tony)
- Mentioned: (Weisgerber) 7961
Brundtland, Gro Harlem
Brunswick Beach, B.C.
- Nude sunbathing, problems re (Gabelmann) 6274 (Mitchell) 6273
Bryce, Kathy
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6335
Buchanan Lodge, New Westminster, B.C.
- Beds, new beds (Cull) 5716
Buckland, P.G.
Buckland and Taylor Ltd.
- Lions Gate Bridge report mentioned (Charbonneau) 7293 (Schreck) 6164
- Lions Gate Bridge report quoted (Dalton) 7227
Buckley, Warren
- Mentioned: (Zirnhelt) 6454
- Advertisements re, cost of (Jones, K.) 5366 (Stephens) 8078
- Balanced budget (Cowie) 5485 (Gingell) 8074 (Hurd) 5100, 5101 (Mitchell) 5009, 5283 (Pullinger) 5015 (Tyabji) 5635 (Warnke) 8081 (Weisgerber) 5144
- Balanced budget, Hon. Glen Clark's statements re (Hurd) 5099
- Balanced budget, legislation on requirement for (Mitchell) 5009-10
- Balanced budget, NDP election platform (Gingell) 4898 (Weisgerber) 4901
- Balanced budget, requirement for (Mitchell) 5008, 5283-4
- Budget, 1992-93 budget (Evans) 4967
- Budget, 1992-93 budget, impact of (De Jong) 4991 (Stephens) 4991
- Budget, 1993-94 budget, changes to (Farrell-Collins) 8083
- Budget, 1993-94 budget, impact of (Clark) 5041 (De Jong) 4991 (Dueck) 5050 (Stephens) 4991 (Warnke) 5041
- Budget, 1993-94 budget, impact on seniors (Anderson) 4980-1
- Budget, 1993-94 budget, impact on small business (Zirnhelt) 5070
- Budget, 1993-94 budget, public reaction to (Dalton) 4984 (De Jong) 4990 (Dueck) 5051-2 (Farrell-Collins) 5056 (Giesbrecht) 5176 (Hagen) 5052 (Stephens) 4991 (Warnke) 5201 (Wilson) 5153
- Budget, 1993-94 budget, public reaction to, seniors' reaction (Anderson) 5030
- "Budget '93: Choices and Challenges" mentioned (Boone) 7587, 7590
- Budget process (Anderson) 5030 (Clark) 5042 (Farrell-Collins) 5056 (Lovick) 4973 (Perry) 5027 (Warnke) 5041
- Circular re, cost of (Clark) 7114-5 (Gingell) 7114, 7115
- Complaints re, mailing address for (Gingell) 4899-900
- Content (Anderson) 5030 (Clark) 8620 (Gingell) 8620
- Deficit, inclusion of information re (Gingell) 8620
- Economy, role in (Kasper) 5183 (Warnke) 8079
- Federal budget, Hon. Glen Clark's remarks re (Symons) 5747
- Fixed budget day (Mitchell) 8092 (Tyabji) 8093
- Harcourt, Hon. Michael, TV broadcast (Warnke) 5041
- Harcourt, Hon. Michael, TV broadcast, cost of (Farrell-Collins) Q. 4895, 4909
- Income taxes, inclusion of information re (Gingell) 8620
- Prebudget consultation (Blencoe) 4997 (Cowie) 4997, 4998 (Dalton) 5260 (Farnworth) 4961 (Hurd) 5099, 5681 (Gingell) 6883-4 (Perry) 5025 (Tanner) 5087-8 (Tyabji) 5513, 5767-8
- Pre-election budget, forecast re (Tanner) 9179
- Term, origin of (Warnke) 8079
- Zero-base budgeting, use of (Clark) 8773 (Gingell) 8773
Budget address
The Budget, An Act to Balance
- (Bill M213) (Mitchell) 1R, 5283-4
Budget debate
- 4889-90, 4896-905, 4960-77, 4989-96, 5000-26, 5027-39, 5045-71, 5078-101, 5117-27; approved 5127. Amdt. (Stephens) 4992, negatived 5033
- Speakers: Anderson 5029-30; Barlee 5096-9; Barnes 4993-6; Boone 5060-1; Cashore 5078-80; Charbonneau 5083-5; Chisholm 5005-7; Clark 5126-7; Cowie 4965-7; Dalton 5061-4; De Jong 4977, 4989-91; Dosanjh 5094-6; Dueck 5049-52; Evans 4967-71; Farnworth 4960-3; Farrell-Collins 5054-8; Fox 5089-92; Garden 5117-8; Gingell 4889-90, 4896-900, 5029; Hagen 5052-4; Hanson 5021-4; Hurd 5099-101; Janssen 5000-2; Jarvis 5123-5; Jones, B. 5032-3, 5033-6; Jones, K. 5125-6; Krog 4963-5; Lali 5092-4; Lortie 5058-60; Lovick 4971-4; Miller 5036-9; Mitchell 5007-11; Neufeld 5064-8; Perry 5024-6, 5027-9; Priddy 5085-7; Pullinger 5014-8; Reid 5018-21; Schreck 5002-5; Serwa 5120-3; Smallwood 5011-4; Stephens 4991-3; Symons 5081-3; Tanner 5087-9; Tyabji 5118-20; Warnke 4974-7; Weisgerber 4900-5; Wilson 5045-9; Zirnhelt 5068-71, 5078
Budget Measures Implementation Act, 1990
Budget Measures Implementation Act, 1993
- (Bill 4) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 4891; 2R, 6580-2; C, 6803-6, 6825-7; 3R, 6827; RA, 7487
- Amdts: sec. 7 (Gingell) 6825, withdrawn 6826
- Divisions: 1R, 4891
- Speakers: Clark 6580-1, 6582, 6804, 6804-5, 6805, 6806, 6825, 6826, 6827; Fox 6581-2; Gingell 6581, 6804, 6805, 6806, 6825, 6826, 6827; Weisgerber 6804, 6805, 6806, 6826-7
- Section 7, amendment to (Gingell) 6581
- Sections 1 to 3 stood down (Clark) 6804
- Mentioned: (Tanner) 9179
Budget Rent a Car
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 5986
Budget stabilization fund
- Mentioned: (Chisholm) 5526, 5528, 5529, 5608, 5610, 5660, 5661 (Clark) 6827 (Dalton) 5673 (Dosanjh) 5253 (Farrell-Collins) 5056 (Gingell) 4899, 5514, 8076 (Hurd) 5218 (Jarvis) 5256, 5257, 5258, 5552 (Mitchell) 5536 (Pullinger) 5017, 5209 (Reid) 5155, 5487 (Symons) 5135 (Tanner) 5518, 5641, 5642 (Tyabji) 5768 (Warnke) 4976 (Weisgerber) 6826-7 (Wilson) 5494
Build BC Act
- (Bill 3) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 4891; 2R, 5131-49, 5153-92, 5196-221, 5243-67, 5483-97, 5513-37, 5543-60, 5588-612, 5629-43, 5659-83, 5734-73; C, 5873-96, 5917-31, 5944-86; 3R, 5987; RA, 6542
- Amdts: 2R (Warnke) 5201, negatived 5538; 2R (Jones, K.) 5545, negatived 5640; 2R (Tanner) 5642, out of order 5659; 2R (Chisholm) 5662; sec. 2 (Gingell) 5873, out of order 5873; sec. 3 (Gingell) 5894, negatived 5895; sec. 5 (Gingell) 5920, negatived 5922-3; sec. 5 (Wilson) 5925, out of order 5925; sec. 7 (Gingell) 5944, negatived 5945; sec. 8 (Gingell) 5946, negatived 5947
- Divisions: 1R, 4891; 2R, 5538, 5640, 5769, 5773; C, 5922, 5947, 5977, 5986; 3R, 5986-7
- Speakers: Anderson 5181-3, 5247-9, 5643, 5664-5, 5982, 5983, 5986; Beattie 5255-6, 5749-50; Boone 5216-7; Charbonneau 5131-3; Chisholm 5526-9, 5608-12, 5659-64; Clark 5534-5, 5770-2, 5873, 5874-5, 5875, 5876, 5876-7, 5877-8, 5879, 5880, 5881, 5881-2, 5882, 5883, 5884, 5885, 5886, 5887, 5888, 5889, 5889-90, 5890, 5890-1, 5891, 5892, 5893, 5894, 5895, 5896, 5918, 5919, 5919-20, 5920, 5920-1, 5921, 5922, 5923, 5924, 5925, 5926, 5927, 5927-8, 5928, 5929, 5930, 5931, 5944, 5945, 5946, 5947, 5948, 5949, 5950, 5950-1, 5951, 5952, 5952-3, 5953, 5954, 5954-5, 5955, 5955-6, 5956, 5957, 5957-8, 5958, 5959, 5960, 5960-1, 5961, 5961-2, 5962, 5963, 5963-4, 5964, 5965, 5965-6, 5966, 5966-7, 5967, 5967-8, 5968, 5969, 5970, 5971, 5971-2, 5972, 5972-3, 5973, 5974, 5975, 5976, 5976-7, 5977, 5979, 5980, 5980-1, 5981, 5982, 5983, 5984, 5984-5, 5985, 5986; Conroy 5164-5; Cowie 5165-6, 5484-6, 5550-2, 5665-7; Dalton 5187-90, 5259-62, 5600-4, 5669-73; De Jong 5190-2, 5254-5, 5743-4, 5919, 5950, 5972, 5976; Dosanjh 5253-4; Edwards 5179-80; Farnworth 5245-7; Farrell-Collins 5204-8, 5883-4, 5884; Fox 5211-3, 5555-7, 5750-2, 5887; Garden 5156-8; Giesbrecht 5176-9, 5756-7; Gingell 5514-6, 5557-60, 5873, 5875, 5875-6, 5876, 5882, 5893-4, 5894, 5920, 5927, 5928, 5928-9, 5929, 5930, 5944, 5946; Hammell 5196-8; Hanson 5258-9, 5588-90, 5949, 5954, 5958, 5962, 5981; Hartley 5136-7; Hurd 5217-21, 5546-50, 5678-82; Jackson 5251-3; Janssen 5185-7; Jarvis 5137-9, 5256-8, 5552-5, 5675-8; Jones, B. 5893; Jones, K. 5523-6, 5543-6, 5752-5; Kasper 5183-5; Lali 5201-3; Lovick 5139-42; MacPhail 5158-9; Miller 5213-6, 5979; Mitchell 5535-7, 5955, 5956, 5956-7; Neufeld 5166-9, 5520-3, 5757-60, 5949, 5950, 5968, 5986; Pement 5144-6; Petter 5162-4; Pullinger 5208-11; Ramsey 5146-9; Randall 5169-71; Reid 5153-6, 5486-90, 5593-7, 5739-43; Schreck 5969; Serwa 5249-51, 5597-600, 5682-3, 5734-6, 5975, 5975-6, 5976, 5977; Sihota 5532-4; Stephens 5516-7, 5629-31, 5673-5, 5769-70; Streifel 5243-5; Symons 5133-6, 5529-32, 5604-8, 5744-9, 5922, 5947-8, 5948, 5948-9; Tanner 5517-20, 5590-3, 5640-3, 5882-3, 5883, 5919, 5920, 5926, 5927, 5930, 5946-7, 5947, 5960, 5961, 5963, 5964, 5964-5, 5965, 5968, 5972, 5982, 5983-4, 5984, 5985; Tyabji 5159-61, 5494-7, 5513-4, 5631-6, 5764-8, 5882, 5892, 5893, 5962, 5962, 5693; Warnke 5198-201, 5736-9; Weisgerber 5142-4, 5262-4, 5667-9, 5873-4, 5875, 5885-6, 5886, 5894, 5894-5, 5895, 5945, 5957; Wilson 5171-5, 5490-4, 5636-40, 5760-4, 5877, 5878, 5879, 5880, 5881, 5884-5, 5885, 5886-7, 5887, 5887-8, 5888, 5888-9, 5889, 5890, 5891, 5892, 5895-6, 5917-8, 5918, 5921, 5921-2, 5922, 5923, 5924, 5925, 5925-6, 5928, 5929, 5945, 5947, 5950, 5951, 5951-2, 5952, 5953, 5953-4, 5954, 5957, 5958, 5958-9, 5959, 5960, 5961, 5963, 5964, 5965, 5966, 5967, 5968, 5968-9, 5969, 5970, 5970-1, 5971, 5972, 5973, 5973-4, 5974, 5979-80, 5980, 5981-2, 5982, 5983, 5984, 5985; Zirnhelt 5264-7
- Bill, consultation re (Cowie) 5550, 5552 (Dalton) 5256 (Gingell) 5515 (Hanson) 5589 (Hurd) 5546-7, 5547, 5549, 5550 (Jones, K.) 5545 (Reid) 5489, 5594 (Symons) 5532 (Tanner) 5591, 5642 (Tyabji) 5631, 5767
- Bill, municipal politicians' reaction to (Hurd) 5218
- Bill, purpose of speed in passage of (Chisholm) 5661 (Cowie) 5667 (Dalton) 5600-1, 5670, 5672 (Gingell) 5514 (Jarvis) 5675 (Jones, K.) 5754 (Neufeld) 5522 (Reid) 5596, 5740, 5741 (Stephens) 5629 (Symons) 5746 (Tanner) 5518 (Tyabji) 5764 (Wilson) 5760
- Bill, referral to select standing committee (Anderson) 5664-5 (Beattie) 5749-50 (Chisholm) 5662-4 (Cowie) 5665-7 (Dalton) 5669-73 (De Jong) 5743-4 (Fox) 5750-2 (Giesbrecht) 5756-7 (Hurd) 5678-82 (Jarvis) 5675-8 (Jones, K.) 5752-5 (Neufeld) 5757-60 (Reid) 5739-43 (Serwa) 5682-3, 5734-6 (Stephens) 5673-5 (Symons) 5744-9 (Tanner) 5642 (Tyabji) 5764-8 (Warnke) 5736-9 (Weisgerber) 5667-9 (Wilson) 5760-4
- Bill, second reading, reasoned amendment to (Chisholm) 5608-12 (Cowie) 5550-2 (Dalton) 5600-4 (Fox) 5555-7 (Gingell) 5557-60 (Hanson) 5588-90 (Hurd) 5546-50 (Jarvis) 5552-5 (Jones, K.) 5545-6 (Reid) 5593-7 (Serwa) 5597-600 (Stephens) 5629-31 (Symons) 5604-8 (Tanner) 5590-3 (Tyabji) 5631-6 (Wilson) 5636-40
- Bill, second reading six months hence (Anderson) 5247-9 (Beattie) 5255-6 (Boone) 5216-7 (Chisholm) 5526-9 (Clark) 5534-5 (Cowie) 5484-6 (Dalton) 5259-62 (De Jong) 5254-5 (Dosanjh) 5253-4 (Farnworth) 5245-7 (Farrell-Collins) 5204-8 (Fox) 5211-3 (Gingell) 5514-6 (Hanson) 5258-9 (Hurd) 5217-21 (Jackson) 5251-3 (Jarvis) 5256-8 (Jones, K.) 5523-6 (Lali) 5201-3 (Miller) 5213-6 (Mitchell) 5535-7 (Neufeld) 5520-3 (Pullinger) 5208-11 (Reid) 5486-90 (Serwa) 5249-51 (Sihota) 5532-4 (Stephens) 5516-7 (Streifel) 5243-5 (Symons) 5529-32 (Tanner) 5517-20 (Tyabji) 5494-7, 5513-4 (Warnke) 5201 (Weisgerber) 5262-64 (Wilson) 5490-4 (Zirnhelt) 5264-7
- B.C. Buildings Corporation projects and act (Fox) 5887
- Bureaucracy, increase in under act (Anderson) 5182, 5664 (Chisholm) 5609, 5662 (Clark) 5877 (Cowie) 5165-6 (Dalton) 5188, 5259, 5260, 5602, 5603, 5671, 5672 (De Jong) 5191 (Fox) 5212, 5213 (Gingell) 5514, 5515, 5560, 5876, 5944 (Jarvis) 5137-8 (Neufeld) 5168 (Reid) 5594, 5742 (Stephens) 5516, 5629, 5630 (Symons) 5133-4, 5530, 5532, 5605 (Tyabji) 5159-60, 5160, 5161 (Weisgerber) 5669 (Wilson) 5877
- Consultation re (Reid) 5154
- Economy of B.C. and act (Farrell-Collins) 5204 (Tanner) 5518 (Warnke) 5198-9
- Education ministry estimates, relation to (Hagen) 5303 (Jones, K.) 5302, 5303 (Tyabji) 5301
- Funds for private contractors under act (Clark) 5891 (Wilson) 5891
- Funds under act, accountability for use of (Anderson) 5181, 5248, 5643, 5665 (Beattie) 5749 (Chisholm) 5527, 5529, 5611, 5661, 5664 (Clark) 5772, 5879, 5923 (Cowie) 5165, 5485, 5486, 5666 (Dalton) 5187, 5188, 5189, 5259, 5601, 5672 (De Jong) 5192, 5744 (Edwards) 5179-80 (Garden) 5158 (Giesbrecht) 5176, 5757 (Gingell) 5559 (Hurd) 5218-9, 5219, 5220, 5547, 5547-8, 5550, 5680, 5682 (Jarvis) 5257, 5552, 5553, 5555, 5675, 5677 (Jones, K.) 5524, 5544, 5545, 5752, 5753 (Lovick) 5141-2 (Mitchell) 5536, 5537 (Pement) 5145 (Pullinger) 5209 (Randall) 5170-1 (Reid) 5486, 5489, 5153-5, 5156, 5593-4, 5595, 5596, 5739, 5740, 5741, 5742 (Serwa) 5249-50, 5251, 5598-9, 5737 (Stephens) 5516, 5517, 5629, 5630, 5673, 5770 (Symons) 5134, 5530, 5532, 5745-7, 5748, 5948 (Tanner) 5518, 5519, 5592, 5641, 5883 (Tyabji) 5497, 5635, 5766, 5767 (Warnke) 5200, 5201, 5738 (Weisgerber) 5143, 5669, 5875 (Wilson) 5172, 5174, 5175, 5490, 5493, 5494, 5636, 5638-9, 5639, 5762-3
- Funds under act, audit by auditor general (Symons) 5745, 5748
- Funds under act, B.C. Endowment Fund funds (Symons) 5607
- Funds under act, use for political purposes (Chisholm) 5664 (Dalton) 5671 (Farrell-Collins) 5207 (Fox) 5556 (Hurd) 5218, 5219, 5220 (Jarvis) 5256, 5552, 5553, 5677 (Reid) 5490 (Symons) 5530 (Weisgerber) 5669 (Wilson) 5890
- Funds under act, use for political purposes, allegations re (Chisholm) 5608 (Dalton) 5603 (Reid) 5597 (Symons) 5604 (Warnke) 5738
- Health care facilities, construction of and act (Cull) 5826 (Wilson) 5826
- Opposition to (Chisholm) 5611, 5662 (Cowie) 5665-6 (Jarvis) 5677 (Neufeld) 5758 (Stephens) 5629 (Symons) 5746-7
- Patronage appointments and act (Jarvis) 5137, 5138
- Projects under act (Charbonneau) 5132-3 (Conroy) 5164-5 (Dalton) 5261, 5262 (De Jong) 5191 (Dosanjh) 5253-4 (Edwards) 5179 (Farnworth) 5245, 5246, 5247 (Farrell-Collins) 5204 (Fox) 5555 (Garden) 5156-7, 5157, 5158 (Giesbrecht) 5177-8 (Hanson) 5258, 5589 (Hartley) 5136 (Hurd) 5219 (Jackson) 5252 (Janssen) 5186 (Jones, K.) 5525 (Kasper) 5183, 5183-5 (Lali) 5202, 5203 (Lovick) 5141, 5142 (Miller) 5213, 5214, 5353 (Petter) 5163 (Pullinger) 5208 (Ramsey) 5148 (Randall) 5170 (Reid) 5154 (Serwa) 5682, 5734 (Streifel) 5243-4, 5244, 5245 (Symons) 5745 (Tyabji) 5161 (Warnke) 5200, 5201 (Weisgerber) 5262 (Wilson) 5172-3 (Zirnhelt) 5264
- Projects under act and ministerial jurisdiction (Anderson) 5643, 5664 (Chisholm) 5526-7, 5608-9, 5660 (Clark) 5874, 5875, 5944 (Cowie) 5485, 5666 (Dalton) 5601-2 (Fox) 5555, 5557, 5750 (Gingell) 5560 (Hanson) 5588, 5589 (Hurd) 5547, 5549 (Jones, K.) 5545, 5754 (Reid) 5486-7, 5488, 5489, 5593, 5594, 5596 (Serwa) 5597-8, 5735 (Stephens) 5516, 5629, 5631, 5769 (Symons) 5605, 5606, 5607-8 (Tanner) 5590, 5592, 5641, 5883 (Tyabji) 5631 (Weisgerber) 5874, 5875 (Wilson) 5636, 5761-2, 5878
- Projects under act and private sector unions (Serwa) 5735
- Projects under act and role of Economic Development ministry (Clark) 5876, 5876-7 (Gingell) 5875-6
- Projects under act and role of Women's Equality ministry (Clark) 5882
- Projects under act, community projects (Clark) 5949, 5950 (De Jong) 5950 (Hanson) 5949 (Neufeld) 5949
- Projects under act, contractors, eligibility of (Wilson) 5881
- Projects under act, employees, requirements to be met (Clark) 5881 (Wilson) 5880
- Projects under act, resource enhancement (Clark) 5949-50 (Neufeld) 5949 (Warnke) 5201 (Wilson) 5173, 5637
- Projects under act, signs for (Gingell) 5946
- Projects under act, waste management (Wilson) 5951
- Purpose of (Charbonneau) 5131-2 (Clark) 5770-1, 5874, 5875, 5884 (Dalton) 5669-70 (Farrell-Collins) 5883, 5884 (Gingell) 5558 (Lovick) 5139-40 (Symons) 5133 (Weisgerber) 5142, 5874, 5875 (Wilson) 5490-1, 5878, 5879, 5881
- Purpose of, promotion of trade unionism (Gingell) 5882
- Schools, capital projects for (Tyabji) 5301
- Shipbuilding in Esquimalt and act (Fox) 5555 (Hanson) 5589 (Sihota) 5532-3 (Wilson) 5636-7, 5761
- Source of (Tyabji) 5892, 5893
- Title of bill (Dalton) 5259 (Serwa) 5251 (Tanner) 5518
- Vancouver Board of Trade hearing on (Stephens) 5516
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 6989 (Charbonneau) 6764, 6771, 6820, 7228 (Chisholm) 6694 (Cowie) 6989 (Farrell-Collins) 5540 (Gingell) 8773 (Hanson) 6770 (Neufeld) 6277 (Symons) 6765, 6769 (Tanner) 9179 (Tyabji) 6592, 6940, 6942, 8095 (Wilson) 5278, 8388
Build B.C. special account
- Administration costs (Clark) 5951 (Jarvis) 5256 (Wilson) 5951
- Attorney General ministry, funding to (Warnke) 6279-80
- Audit by auditor general (Wilson) 5491
- Build BC Act. See name of act
- Capital projects at local level. See also projects by subject, e.g. Schools
- Economic Development, Small Business and Trade ministry, funds to (Fox) 6742 (Zirnhelt) 6742
- Establishment of (Charbonneau) 5132 (Clark) 4888, 4891, 5771, 5874, 5879, 5883, 5927 (Gingell) 5927 (Pement) 5145 (Reid) 5487 (Stephens) 4992, 5769
- Expenditures, accountability for (Clark) 5923, 5927
- Expenditures, approval for (Clark) 5920-1, 5921, 5922 (Gingell) 5921, 5946 (Jones, K.) 5754 (Symons) 5922 (Tanner) 5947 (Wilson) 5921, 5921-2, 5947
- Expenditures, responsibility for (Serwa) 5251
- Expenditures, review of (Clark) 5923, 5924, 5925 (Wilson) 5923, 5923-4, 5924, 5925
- Expenditures, tabling of details of (Wilson) 5925
- Funding for (Anderson) 5181, 5664 (Charbonneau) 5132 (Chisholm) 5528, 5609, 5659 (Clark) 5535, 5771, 5927 (Cowie) 5165 (Dalton) 5189 (Garden) 5158 (Gingell) 5514, 5515, 5558, 8075 (Hurd) 5547, 5550 (Jackson) 5252 (Jones, K.) 5526, 5543 (Lali) 5202 (Miller) 5213, 5214 (Pullinger) 5208 (Randall) 5170 (Reid) 5155 (Stephens) 5769 (Streifel) 5244, 5245 (Symons) 5134, 5607 (Tanner) 5927 (Warnke) 5737-8, 5739 (Wilson) 5172, 5490, 5491, 5637, 5928
- Funding for in future (Clark) 5920, 5944
- Funding for, source of funds (Clark) 5944 (Gingell) 5944 (Miller) 5215 (Tanner) 5930 (Warnke) 5200
- Funding for, special warrant funds (Gingell) 5930
- Funds to regions (Neufeld) 6748 (Zirnhelt) 6748
- Funds, use of (Clark) 5890, 5929, 5930 (Gingell) 5920, 5929, 5930 (Weisgerber) 5945 (Wilson) 5491-2
- Housing pilot project for homeless. See entries under Housing
- Projects, beneficiaries of (Farrell-Collins) 5207
- Purpose of (Clark) 6806 (Gingell) 6686 (Zirnhelt) 4980, 6686
- Silviculture project. See entries under Forests and forestry
- Social infrastructure, expenditure on (Charbonneau) 5132 (Hartley) 5136 (Lovick) 5141
- Staff for administration of (Clark) 5951
- Student summer employment program. See entries under Students
- Mentioned: (Anderson) 8595 (Chisholm) 6693, 6694, 7577 (Clark) 5879, 8773 (Farrell-Collins) 9189 (Gingell) 8074 (Hurd) 5393 (Jarvis) 6387 (Miller) 5481 (Neufeld) 6857 (Pullinger) 5016 (Reid) 8382, 8597, 8599 (Serwa) 8602 (Stephens) 6984 (Symons) 8116 (Tyabji) 4956, 4957, 5300, 7735, 7837 (Warnke) 8079, 8601 (Wilson) 5892, 7010, 7570, 8387 (Zirnhelt) 4959
Buildings, Public
Bulkley-Nechako Regional District
- Election process, paper re (Blencoe) 8198 (Mitchell) 8198
Bulkley-Nechako Regional Hospital District
- Capital funds, use of (Fox) 9078
Bulkley Valley School District
- See: School District 54 (Bulkley Valley)
Bulkley Valley-Stikine constituency
- Cassiar, impact of mine closure (Neufeld) 4800-1
- Description (Pement) 4766
- Industry, sustainability of (Pement) 4766
Bundy, Ted
- Mentioned: (Stephens) 7989
- Accountability of (Serwa) 8519
- Agenda of (Serwa) 8518-9
- Growth of (Mitchell) 9164 (Tyabji) 5160 (Weisgerber) 9324
- Increase in and Build BC Act (Anderson) 5182, 5664 (Chisholm) 5609, 5662 (Clark) 5877 (Cowie) 5165-6 (Dalton) 5188, 5259, 5260, 5602, 5603, 5671, 5672 (De Jong) 5191 (Fox) 5212, 5213 (Gingell) 5514, 5515, 5560, 5876, 5944 (Jarvis) 5137-8 (Neufeld) 5168 (Reid) 5594, 5742 (Stephens) 5516, 5629, 5630 (Symons) 5133-4, 5530, 5532, 5605 (Tyabji) 5159-60, 5160, 5161 (Weisgerber) 5669 (Wilson) 5877
- Reduction in (Tanner) 7485
Burke, Mount, B.C.
- Park for area (Farnworth) 4849
- Protected-areas strategy for (Farnworth) 4849
Burke Mountain Naturalists
- Mentioned: (Copping) 4815 (Farnworth) 4849
Burke-Smith, Tricianne
Burlington Northern Inc.
Burnaby, B.C.
- Barnet Highway, high-occupancy-vehicle lanes (Charbonneau) 7226 (Symons) 7226
- Barnet-Hastings people-moving project, funding for (Copping) 4815
- Barnet-Hastings people-moving project mentioned (Charbonneau) 6766, 7324 (Symons) 7226
- Big Bend area mentioned (Gabelmann) 9273
- Broadway connector (Charbonneau) 7225 (Symons) 7225
- Clarke corridor mentioned (Symons) 7225
- Como Lake Avenue mentioned (Symons) 7225
- Curtis-Parker road mentioned (Charbonneau) 7226
- Development planning (Cowie) 8782
- Gaglardi connector (Charbonneau) 7226 (Symons) 7226
- Gaglardi Way mentioned (Symons) 7225
- Jericho Hill School for the Deaf students, municipal services for (Blencoe) 6034, 6321
- North Road mentioned (Symons) 7225
- Oaklands land mentioned (Boone) 7808
- Oaklands land, planning re (Boone) 7807
- Oaklands land redevelopment mentioned (Boone) 7581
- Oaklands land redevelopment process (Boone) 7864 (Cowie) 8400 (Jones, K.) 7863-4
- Oaklands land, use of (Blencoe) 8396, 8531 (Boone) 7864 (Fox) 8537 (Jones, K.) 7864 (MacPhail) 7482
- Simon Fraser University property taxes (Clark) 7106-7 (Cull) 7105-6
Burnaby Hospital, Burnaby, B.C.
Burnaby Mountain Preservation Society
- Mentioned: (Copping) 4815
Burnaby School District
- See: School District 41 (Burnaby)
Burnaby South 2000, Burnaby, B.C.
Burnaby Villa, Burnaby, B.C.
- Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6002
Burning of slash
Burns Bog, B.C.
- Ecological reserve, petition re (Lortie) 7914
- Industrial dump sites (Cashore) 6714 (Gingell) 6714
- Landfill site, reduction in use of (Cashore) 6714 (Gingell) 6713
- Racetrack proposal. See entries under Western Delta Property Corp.
- Study of area (Cashore) 6714 (Gingell) 6714, 7025
- See also entries under Racetracks (Horse racing)
speech) 4703
Brown, Colin
- GAIN fraud, action on statements re (Hurd) 6425 (Smallwood) 6425
Brown, Dennis
Burns Bog Conservation Society
- Petition (Lortie) 7914
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6714
Burns-Clark, Tracey
- Mentioned: (Cashore) 6752
Burns Lake, B.C.
- College building (Pement) 5145
- Mental health services (Cull) 6176
Burns Lake Minor Hockey Association
Burns Lake Native Development Corp.
Burns Lake Specialty Wood Ltd.
Burrard Thermal power station
- Zero-emission buses (Cashore) 5080 (Clark) 8745 (Symons) 8745
- See also entries under Vancouver Regional Transit Commission
Busey, Shell
- Commended (Sihota) 5857
- Mentioned: (Cowie) 6790 (Farrell-Collins) 5857
Bush, George
- Government's relationship with (Weisgerber) 4904
- Interests of, representation for in cabinet (Stephens) 4757 (Zirnhelt) 4757
- Role of at community level (Fox) 5751
- See also: Small business
Business Council of British Columbia
Business Council on National Issues
- Mentioned: (Stephens) 8220
Business expansion program
- Funding for (Zirnhelt) 6684
- Mentioned: (Gingell) 6684
Business improvement areas
- Business improvement areas (Barnes) 6876 (Stephens) 6876
- Salmon Arm BIA, history of (Barnes) 6876
Business improvement associations
Business in Vancouver
Business information centres
- Concept, marketing of (Harcourt) 7922, 7923
- Support for (Zirnhelt) 6358
Butchart Gardens, Victoria, B.C.
- B.C. Transit bus service to and private operators (Clark) 8736, 9346
Butler, Donald Victor
- Court case mentioned (Priddy) 7989
Butler, Michael
Buy B.C. program
- Advertising agent for (Barlee) 5816, 5868, 5940, 6533, 9151 (Chisholm) 5816, 5868, 6533, 9150-1, 9151 (Gingell) 5940 (Hurd) 6436
- Advertising for (Barlee) 7564 (Chisholm) 7564
- Advisory committee. See: Minister's Council on the Food Industry
- Application process (Barlee) 7564 (Chisholm) 7564
- Costs of (Barlee) 7563 (Chisholm) 7563
- Fisheries and aquaculture industry applications (Barlee) 7351, 7352, 7357, 7358 (Chisholm) 7352, 7357, 7358
- Funding for (Barlee) 7348, 7561, 7563-4, 7564 (Chisholm) 6692, 7561, 7563, 7564 (Zirnhelt) 6692
- Government buildings and schools, use of B.C. products in (Barlee) 7565 (Chisholm) 7565
- Government purchases (Barlee) 7349
- Implementation of (Chisholm) 4798
- J. Walter Thompson Co. Ltd., payment to (Barlee) 9229 (Chisholm) 9228-9
- Logo, creation of (Barlee) 7561, 7565 (Chisholm) 7560, 7561
- Pilot projects (Barlee) 7348, 7560, 7561, 7562, 7617 (Chisholm) 7561-2
- Program (Barlee) 4806-7, 7560, 7560-1, 7562, 7563, 7565, 7577 (Chisholm) 7560, 7561, 7562-3, 7563, 7565 (De Jong) 7562 (Gingell) 4726 (Janssen) 5001 (Jones, K.) 4852
- Public education (Barlee) 7561 (Chisholm) 7560, 7561
- Restaurant program (Barlee) 7358 (Chisholm) 7358
- T-shirts (Barlee) 5868, 7560
- Mentioned: (Barlee) 7350, 7353, 7450, 7552, 7556 (Chisholm) 8047 (De Jong) 7556 (Farrell-Collins) 9187 (Fox) 7495 (Sihota) 6790
- See also entries under Farm produce
Buy Smart program
- See entries under Government purchasing
Byfield, Ted
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