Province of British Columbia
33rd Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 4, 1985 to March 10, 1986


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Qualicum School District

See: School District 69 (Qualicum)

Quaw family

Mentioned: (Strachan) 5129


Aluminum development (Davis) 5315

Quebec Hydro

Mentioned: (Williams) 6846

Quebec Stock Savings Plan

Plan (Curtis) 7235, 7235-6, 7257-8 (Mitchell) 7254-5 (Stupich) 7237, 7238

Queen Alexandra Hospital for Children, Victoria, B.C.

Adolescent unit (Barnes) 5422 (Blencoe) Q. 5650, 5887 (Nielsen) 5887

Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C.

Medical care (Cocke) 6253

School tax, increase in (Rose) 5875

Queen Elizabeth School, New Westminster, B.C.

Traffic in area (Cocke) 5932

Queen Mary Community School, North Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Barnes) 6052 (Brown) 5415

Queen of Alberni (Vessel)

Vehicle deck added (Fraser, A.) 6457

Queen of Esquimalt (Vessel)

Tourism brochures (MacWilliam) 6711

Queen of the North (Vessel)

Fares (Kempf) 6469

Sailings, daytime scheduling of (Fraser, A.) 6457, 6465

Tourist facilities for passengers (Gabelmann) 5224

Visit to Victoria and open house (Fraser, A.) 6465, 6468-9 (Kempf) 6469 (Lockstead) 6465

Mentioned: (Howard) 6470 (Kempf) 6470 (Lockstead) 6462, 6717

Queen of Victoria (Vessel)

Captain and crew congratulated on rescue operation (Fraser, A.) 5925 (Stupich) 5925

Queen's Printer

Mentioned: (Mowat) 5354

Quintette Coal Ltd.

Coal production (Michael) 6744 (Williams) 6065

Coal shipments (McClelland) 6149 (Michael) 6182

Denison Mines Ltd., involvement of (Phillips) A. 5819 (Williams) Q. 5819

Environmental studies and protection (Pelton) 6070

Geologist, advertisement for (Williams) Q. 6065

Loan guarantee for (Bennett) A. 6018 (Lea) Q. 6018 (Williams) Q. 6065

Meetings, discussions with company (McClelland) 6149 (Phillips) A. 5405 (Williams) Q. 5405, 6149

Mine site (Bennett) A. 6017-8 (Fraser, A.) 5389 (Phillips) 5325, A. 5819, 6065 (Rogers) A. 5383 (Skelly) 5383 (Williams) Q. 5382-3, Q. 5819, Q. 6017

Operations (Howard) 6044 (Rogers) 6043

Pollution control permits, non-compliance (Pelton) 6069-70

Problems (Lea) 6044 (McClelland) 6149 (Williams) 6148-9

Provincial aid to (Bennett) A. 6018 (Lea) Q. 6018, 6044

Repair station, effluent discharge (Pelton) 6070

Waste management, guidelines for (Pelton) 6059, 6060 (Williams) 6059, 6060

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6676 (Phillips) 6832