Province of British Columbia
33rd Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 4, 1985 to March 10, 1986


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway


See: Employment-bridging assistance program

EDP Industries Ltd.

Expo 86 contract (Richmond) 6450


See: Economic and regional development agreement

Eagle High Alternative School, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brown) 6007

Eagle Ridge Hospital and Health Care Centre, Port Moody, B.C.

Emergency facility (Parks) 5373

Location of, decision on (Nielsen) 5803

Management of (Parks) 5373

Opening of (Nielsen) 5794

Mentioned: (Cocke) 5810-1 (Nielsen) 5801

East Kootenay Regional College

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 5667

Eaton, T., Co. Ltd.

Boycott (Fraser, R.) 5361

Mentioned: (Brown) 5174

Eatwell, John

Quoted (Nicolson) 5316

Eckardt, Lawrence S.

Royal Commission on Electoral Reform, 1978. See name of commission

Economic and regional development agreement

Agreement (Bennett) 5271 (Curtis) 5281, 5284 (Fraser. R.) 5360 (Howard) 5343-4 (Kempf) 5167 (Lockstead) 5365 (McClelland) A. 5568 (Michael) 5367 (Pelton) 5155 (Williams) Q. 5568

Agricultural and rural development agreement (Bennett) 5271 (Sanford) Q. 5346 (Schroeder) A. 5346

Agricultural and rural development agreement funds, use of (Sanford) Q. 5725 (Schroeder) A. 5725

Appropriation for (McClelland) 6768

Aquaculture industry, funds for (Schroeder) 6326

Economic renewal program. See name of program

Federal funds available, 1984-85 fiscal year (Williams) Q. 5724

Forestry development agreement (Bennett) 5271, A. 5708 (Curtis) 5284 (Howard) Q. 5124, 5343, Q. 5427 (MacWilliam) Q. 5170, 5180 (Michael) 5367 (Smith) A. 5427 (Waterland) A. 5124, A. 5170-1, 5173 (Williams) Q. 5568, Q. 5708

Forestry development agreement, funds (D’Arcy) 5447 (Howard) Q. 5306 (Waterland) A. 5306, A. 5724 (Williams) Q. 5724, 6150

Forestry development agreement, funds for Vancouver Island (Wallace) Q. 6765, 6768

Forestry development agreement projects, requirements re (Howard) Q. 5124

Forestry development agreement, provincial funds for (D’Arcy) 5447 (Michael) 5367

Forestry development agreement, signing of (Waterland) A. 5724 (Williams) Q. 5724

Forestry development agreement, termination of (Howard) Q. 5125 (Waterland) A. 5125

Forestry development agreement, terms of and funds (Howard) Q. 5125 (Waterland) A. 5125

Funds (McClelland) 6147, 6148, 6149 (Michael) 6181 (Williams) 6148, 6161

Funds under agreement, reduction in (Waterland) A. 5306 (Williams) Q. 5306

Industrial and tourism development agreement (Bennett) 5271 (MacWilliam) 6705, 6769-70 (Richmond) 5213, 5403, 6705-6

Joint management committee (McClelland) 6769 (Williams) 6768

Mineral development agreement (Lockstead) 6768-9 (McClelland) 6769 (Rogers) 6510

Negotiation of (McClelland) 6147

Provincial contribution to (Stupich) 5303

Signing of (Curtis) A. 5346 (Stupich) Q. 5346

Small business, assistance to (McClelland) 6375, 6377 (Phillips) 6218

Subagreements (McClelland) 6147, 6148, 6149 (Michael) 6181 (Williams) 6148

Termination of, provision for (Howard) 5344

Mentioned: (Bennett) 7061 (D’Arcy) 6188 (McClelland) 6149, 6178, 6188, 6189, 6374 (Michael) 7129 (Skelly) 6185 (Williams) 6854

Economic Council of Canada

“The Contribution of Education to Economic Growth” quoted (Rose) 6080

Exports, predictions re (Phillips) 5235

Taxis, recommendations re licensing (Davis) 5599, 5600

Mentioned: (Brown) 6690, 6691 (Davis) 6528 (Rose) 5775

Economic renewal program

Estimates 6768-70

Speakers: Lockstead 6768-9, 6769; McClelland 6768, 6769; MacWilliam 6769-70; Wallace 6768; Williams 6768

Economic and regional development agreement. See name of agreement


Quoted (Davis) 5915, 6835 (Williams) 6148

Economy of B.C.

See: British Columbia — Economic conditions

Economy of Canada

See: Canada — Economic conditions


Mentioned: (Curtis) 5531

Eden, Anthony

Mentioned: (Stupich) 7021

Edgewater Inn, Seattle, Wash.

Mentioned: (Williams) 5521

Edmonton, Alta.

Transit system (Williams) 5940, 5992


Adult basic education (McGeer) 6077

Advances in (Gabelmann) 5744

California, education system (Rose) 5310

Changes in (Gabelmann) 5744 (Schroeder) 7125

Courses, reduction or elimination of (Lockstead) 5749 (Mitchell) 5687

Culture in school system, funds for (Rose) 5620

Economic benefits of (Lea) 5731 (Rose) 5310, 5620

Economy and education (Lea) 6083, 6084 (McGeer) 6085 (Rose) 6079-80 (Stupich) 5737

Economy, world economy and education (Lea) 7126

Education and class structure (Gabelmann) 5743

Education system (Barnes) 6052 (Dailly) 5165 (Fraser, R.) 5194-5 (Gabelmann) 5223 (Hanson) 5445 (Heinrich) 5348, 5351 (Johnston) 5128 (Nicolson) 5316, 6076 (Phillips) 5324 (Reynolds) 5140 (Rose) 5310, 5311, 5313 (Sanford) 5321-2 (Skelly) 5136

Education system, centralization of (Cocke) 5673 (Davis) 5675-6 (Heinrich) 5720 (MacWilliam) 5732 (Rose) 5311, 5614, 5617 (Sanford) 5718 (Skelly) 6729

Education system, change in (Mitchell) 5682

Education system, cost-efficiency of (Barnes) 5609

Education system, diversity in (Rose) 5770, 5775

Education system, future of (Barnes) 5606-7 (Lockstead) 5752 (Rose) 5776

Education system, importance of (Wallace) 5264

Equal opportunity for (Lea) 6084

Human Resources ministry responsibilities and education system (Brown) 5951 (Howard) 5945 (Lauk) 5944 (Rose) 5952

Humanities, importance of (Lauk) 5327

Importance of (Barnes) 5607 (Cocke) 5674 (Hanson) 5688 (Lea) 374 (Lockstead) 5752 (Mitchell) 5694

Investment in (Lea) 6412 (Stupich) 6418

Jobs in education sector (Skelly) 5379, 5385, 6728

Libraries, importance of (Mitchell) 5687-8 (Rose) 5775

New Democratic Party, education policy (Hanson) 5690-1 (Lea) 6733 (Rose) 5623

New Democratic Party, education proposals (Rose) 5251, 5312

Opportunities for in B.C. (Stupich) 7228

Pacific Rim countries, education in (Rose) 5697

Policy on (Hanson) 5688

Post-secondary education (Veitch) 5228-9

Post-secondary education, access to in B.C. (Hanson) 6086, 6087 (MacWilliam) 5698 (Rose) 5623, 5623-4

Post-secondary education, participation rate in B.C. (D’Arcy) 5662 (Davis) 5628 (Hanson) 5690, 7141 (Heinrich) 5624, 5628, 5631-2, 5663, 5668 (MacWilliam) 5698 (Nicolson) 5667, 5668 (Rose) 5622-3, 5670-1, 7070 (Skelly) 6735 (Wallace) 5628-9

Programs, elective programs (Barnes) 6608

Programs, special programs (Fraser, R.) 7120

Purpose of (Lea) 6083 (McGeer) 6085

Quality of education (Barnes) 5607 (Hanson) 5688 (Lockstead) 5749 (MacWilliam) 5698 (Rose) 5775 (Sanford) 5718, 5719

Role and importance of (Fraser, R.) 7118-21

Royal commission on, proposal for (Blencoe) 5754, 5755, 5756 (Heinrich) 5758

School services, reduction in (Hanson) 5444 (Rose) 5309 (Stupich) 5296

School system, use of for health education (Nielsen) 5888

Schools, increase in responsibilities (Rose) 5616, 5770

Skilled workforce, need for (Rose) 5622, 5623

Special-needs children, funding for (Davis) 5767 (Heinrich) 5716, 5738, 5769

Special-needs classes, importance of (Mitchell) 5681

Support services, loss of (D’Arcy) 5773 (Lockstead) 5749 (Rose) 5617, 5699, 5775

Technological change and education (Blencoe) 5755 (Stupich) 5739

Unemployment and education system (Davis) 5752

Voucher system for education, proposal for (Davis) 5676 (Heinrich) 5677 (Rose) 5680

See also: Examinations; High schools; Private schools; Schools; Students; Teachers; Universities and colleges; Vocational education; Youth

Education — Curricula

Changes in, compulsory courses (Gabelmann) 5744

Controversial issues, school programs on (Heinrich) 5660

Core curriculum (Nicolson) 6074

Curriculum coordinators, duties (Rose) 5680

Curriculum development (Heinrich) 5661

Democracy, course in concepts of (Gardom) 5771-2

Grades 11 and 12 curricula content (Heinrich) 5635

Law course in secondary school, proposal for (Gardom) 5771-2

Nuclear warfare and peace, school programs on (Dailly) 5660

Program cancellations, problems re (Brown) 5765 (Wallace) 5630-1

Education — Finance

Capital account funds, use of non-shareable account (Heinrich) 6064

Capital projects, funds for (Heinrich) 5727 (Lea) 5727

Costs, control over (Heinrich) 5350, 5617, 5618

Costs, increase in with added programs (Gabelmann) 5744

Costs per pupil (Brummet) 5336 (Davis) 5676 (Heinrich) 5349 (Richmond) 5403

Costs per pupil, variation in (Heinrich) 5608, 5674, 5700 (Rose) 5625

Expenditure on (Gabelmann) 5222 (Rose) 5250

Expenditure on and number of school children in B.C. (Heinrich) 5757-8 (Rose) 5770

Expenditure on, comparisons to elsewhere (Blencoe) 5755 (Davis) 5628 (Heinrich) 5618-9, 5628 (Lockstead) 5750 (MacWilliam) 5698 (Nicolson) 5318 (Nielsen) 5679 (Rose) 5309-10, 5680, 5770, 5775

Expenditure on, control over (Heinrich) 5608

Expenditure on, decrease in (Heinrich) 5731, 5735 (Lea) 5731 (Rose) 5776 (Stupich) 5734

Expenditure on, increase in (Heinrich) 5608, 5617, 5720 (Michael) 5694

Expenditure on, increase in and inflation (Rose) 5614, 5619, 5696 (Wallace) 5629

Expenditure on, percentage of gross provincial product (Hanson) 5690 (Nicolson) 5667

Expenditure on, percentage of provincial budget (Rose) 5614, Federal EPF funds, statutory accountability for (McGeer) 6082 (Rose) 6082

Federal EPF funds, use of (Hanson) 5691 (Heinrich) 5626 (Rose) 5619, 5624, 5626

Federal funds, data for evaluation of use of (Rose) 6427

Federal funds for (McGeer) 6080-1 (Rose) 6079

Federal funds for post-secondary education, use of (Rose) 5249

Fiscal year, change to (Heinrich) 5618

Funding formula, proposal for (Davis) 5753

Funding formula, provision for inflation (Heinrich) 5702 (MacWilliam) 5702

Funding of (Barnes) 5607 (Blencoe) 5755 (Davis) 5676, 5677-8, 5753 (Heinrich) 5605, 5677, 5692, 5739-40 (Lockstead) 5750 (MacWilliam) 5698-9 (Michael) 5695 (Rose) 5615, 5620, Q. 5875

Funding of, basis for (Rose) 5312

Funding of from general revenue (Skelly) 5378

Funding of, general revenue grants (Heinrich) 5348

Funding of, homeowner grant (Davis) 5676 (Heinrich) 5677

Funding of, increase in (Hewitt) 5417 (Pelton) 5320 (Veitch) 5395

Funding of, NDP proposals for (Davis) 5753 (Hanson) 5691

Funding of, property tax (Davis) 5676, 5677, 5716-7, 5753 (Heinrich) 5625-6, 5677, 5718, 5738, 5739 (Rose) 5623, 5625 (Stupich) 5739

Funding of, reduction in (MacWilliam) 5181 (Rose) 5249, 6266 (Skelly) 5379 (Stupich) 6410

Funding of, source of funds (Fraser, R.) 7118, 7120 (Heinrich) 5348 (Rose) 5248, 5312

Grade 12, use of federal funds for (Heinrich) A. 5227, 5467 (Rose) Q. 5227, 5467, 6425 (Stupich) 5299

Lobbying and lobby groups (Rose) 5695

Post-secondary education, funds for (Veitch) 5229

Referenda, time restrictions on use of (Heinrich) 5350-1

Referenda, use of (Heinrich) 5738 (Pelton) 5320 (Stupich) 5739, 5740

Restraint program, application of to education (Heinrich) 5731 (Lea) 5730-1 (Rose) Q. 6064

School districts, appropriation for (Curtis) 5285

School districts, budgets. See entries under School districts

School districts' costs, dispersion factor (Heinrich) 5702

School tax, increase in (Rose) 5875

School tax, mill rate increases (Heinrich) 5738 (Stupich) 5737, 5739

School tax, non-residential property (Davis) 5676, 5753 (Heinrich) 5633, 5739-40, 5759 (Stupich) 5740

School tax on industrial and commercial property, reduction in (Curtis) 5282 (Kempf) 5309 (Stupich) 5301

School tax on machinery and equipment, removal of (Cocke) 5673 (Curtis) 5281-2 (Davis) 5753 (Heinrich) 5348, 5604, 5625, 5674, 5677, 5731-2, 5734, 5740

School tax on new industrial improvements, reduction in (Curtis) 5281 (Johnston) 5441 (Veitch) 5394

School tax on non-municipal area industrial facilities, reduction in (Curtis) 5283

School tax, residential property (Curtis) A. 6813 (Johnston) Q. 6813

School tax, residential property in Greater Vancouver (Heinrich) A. 6815 (Ree) Q. 6815

User fee for students (Barnes) 5609

Voucher system for education, proposal for (Davis) 5676 (Heinrich) 5677 (Rose) 5680

Education, Ministry of

Estimates 5604-9, 5613-36, 5659-71, 5673-82, 5687-5706, 5716-22, 5726-47, 5749-60, 5764-77

Speakers: Barnes 5606-7, 5608-9; Blencoe 5754-6, 5760; Brown 5764-5, 5766; Cocke 5673-4, 5675, 5773-4; Dailly 5659-60; D'Arcy 5661-2, 5664, 5772-3; Davis 5628, 5675-7, 5677-8, 5716-7, 5752-4, 5767-8, 5769; Gabelmann 5742-3, 5743-4, 5745-6; Gardom 5689-90, 5756-7, 5771-2; Hanson 5688-9, 5690-1; Heinrich 5604-6, 5607-8, 5613, 5617-9, 5620-2, 5624, 5625-6, 5627, 5628, 5629, 5631-2, 5632, 5633, 5634, 5635, 5660-1, 5662-4, 5664-5, 5665, 5666, 5667-8, 5668, 5669, 5670, 5671, 5674-5, 5677, 5682, 5691-3, 5699-5700, 5701, 5702-3, 5703-4, 5705-6, 5717-8, 5719-20, 5722, 5726, 5727, 5729, 5729-30, 5730, 5731-2, 5733-4, 5735-6, 5737-8, 5739-40, 5741-2, 5743, 5744-5, 5746, 5747, 5750, 5752, 5757-60, 5765-6, 5766-7, 5768-9, 5774; Howard 5633-4, 5634, 5634-5, 5635, 5635-6; Lea 5665, 5666, 5726, 5727, 5727-8, 5730, 5730-1; Lockstead 5749-50, 5750-2; MacWilliam 5697-9, 5701-2, 5703, 5704-5, 5706, 5732-3; Michael 5694-5; Mitchell 5681-2, 5687-8, 5693-4; Nicolson 5666-7, 5668; Nielsen 5678-80; Passarell 5740-1; Rose 5613-7, 5619-20, 5622-4, 5624-5, 5626-7, 5627-8, 5668, 5669-70, 5670-1, 5680, 5695-7, 5699, 5700-1, 5728-9, 5729, 5747, 5769-71, 5774-7; Sanford 5718-9, 5720-2, 5746-7; Stupich 5734-5, 5736-7, 5738-9, 5740; Wallace 5628-9, 5629-31, 5632, 5632-3, 5633; Williams 5757

Annual report, 1983-84, tabled (Heinrich) 5406

Appropriation, increase in (Heinrich) 5348

“Background on the Funding of Public Schools” quoted, referred to (Lockstead) 5750

Budget review management advisory team, reason for (Heinrich) 5669 (Rose) 5669

Budget review management advisory team, report (Heinrich) 5606, 5668 (Rose) 5668

Budget review management advisory team, use of (Heinrich) 5467 (Rose) 5467

Financial aspects, emphasis on (Dailly) 5659 (Heinrich) 5661 (Rose) 5770

“Let's Talk About Schools” (Barnes) 5152, 5606, 5608 (Heinrich) 5621-2 (Lockstead) 5244 (Parks) 5 184 (Rose) 5249, 5310, 5614, 5622, 5625, 5669, 5770, 5774, 5775, 5776 (Wallace) 5632

“Let's Talk About Schools”, brief re quoted, referred to (Blencoe) 5754-6

“Let's Talk About Schools” process (Blencoe) 5754-5

“Let's Talk About Schools”, responses to (Heinrich) 5351, 5605-6, 5621, 5661, 5758

Minister, powers of (Rose) 5311

Minister's office, reduction in vote by $1, M. (Rose) 5777, negatived 5777

Ministry expenses, reduction in (Heinrich) 5349

Polling by Goldfarb Consultants Ltd., information re (Hanson) Q. 6576, 6563, 6581 (Heinrich) A. 6576

Polling for Provincial School Review Committee (Heinrich) 5621 (Rose 5614

Polling results, publication of (Heinrich) 5606, 5661, 5758

Provincial School Review Committee (Heinrich) 5606, 5621 (Parks) 5185

Reorganization of (Dailly) 5659 (Heinrich) 5661 (Rose) 5770

School buildings manual (Rose) 5770

Size of ministry, reduction in (Heinrich) 5604, 5661

Special warrant for (Heinrich) 5466-7 (Rose) 5466, 5467

Staff, reduction in (Heinrich) 5349

Education (Interim) Finance Act

Sunset clause (Cocke) 5675 (Heinrich) 5626, 5665, 5666 (Lea) 5665 (Rose) 5614, 5, 625

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 5729, 6005 (MacWilliam) 5653 (Rose) 5227, 5309, 5728, 7103 (Stupich) 6135

Egby, Bob

Mentioned: (Davis) 5912

Eileen Corbett Reception Centre, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brown) 6007

Einstein, Albert

Mentioned: (Lauk) 5327

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Mentioned: (Lauk) 5534 (Macdonald) 7083

El Paso Natural Gas Co.

Mentioned: (Rogers) 6529


See: Aged

Election Act

Mentioned: (Brown) 7138 (Chabot) 6581, 6582 (Chairman and Deputy Chairman) 6583, 6584 (Hanson) 6581, 7200 (Smith) 5652 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 6778


Election campaign, 1983, CBC reports on (Reynolds) 7091

Federal election (Strachan) 5130

Spending limits, amendments re (Hanson) 5272

Voting age (Chabot) 6585 (Barnes) 5153, 6584, 6585 (Blencoe) 5216 (Hanson) 5272, 6581, 7141, 7200 (Skelly) 5138 (Smith) 7142

Voting age and age of majority (Barnes) 6585 (Chabot) 6585

Voting age and Charter of Rights (Barnes) 6584

Voting, postal ballot (Hanson) 6581

Elections Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Hanson) 7200

Electoral districts

Boundaries (Skelly) 5135

Charter of Rights and two-member ridings (Macdonald) Q. 5567 (Smith) A. 5567 (Williams) 6582, 6583

Redistribution, constitutionality of (Macdonald) Q. 5489

Rural constituencies (Chabot) 6583

See also names of districts, e.g. Coquitlam-Moody constituency

Electric batteries

Lithium-molybdenum batteries (Fraser, R.) 5359 (Michael) 5263 (Nicolson) 5317 (Pelton) 5155 (Phillips) 5325 (Throne speech) 5118

Electric heating

Vancouver Island heating systems, conversion of (Skelly) 5137 (Stupich) 5144

Electric power

Coal, power generation from in north (Passarell) 7088

Cost, predictability of and attraction of industry (Davis) 6542, 6542-3

Diesel power for remote communities (Rogers) 6285

Discount rate, aluminum smelter (Rogers) 6508

Discount rate and water licence fee (Stupich) 6848

Discount rate, B.C. Utilities Commission's powers re (D’Arcy) 6849, 6850 (Rogers) 6849-50

Discount rate, conversion from use of petroleum products (Rogers) 6503

Discount rate, criteria for eligibility (Rogers) 6502, 6503 (Wallace) 6506

Discount rate, decisions on eligibility (D’Arcy) 6503, 6849, 6850 (Rogers) 6849-50 (Wallace) 6506, 6506-7

Discount rate, extension of to all users 6504

Discount rate for new industries (Johnston) 5128 (Throne speech) 5119

Discount rate, forest industry (Rogers) 6509

Discount rate, LNG project (Rogers) 6508

Discount rate, municipal partnership areas (Wallace) 6506

Discount rate, plant modernization (Rogers) 6503

Discount rate, pulp mill (Rogers) 6508

Discount rate, restriction of to large-scale users (D’Arcy) 6503-4, 6848 (Rogers) 6848 (Wallace) 6506

Discount rate to industry (Blencoe) 5791

Expo 86, discount rate for (Lank) 6504-5

Farm production costs, electric power (Stupich) 6324

Geothermal power generation, work on (Cocke) 6545 (Rogers) 6545

Hydroelectric power project, development of (Rogers) 6542

Industrial Electricity Rate Discount Act. See name of act

Meters, manufacture of in B.C. (McGeer) 6124 (Nicolson) 6124

Power-intensive industry (Davis) 6542, 6542-3, 6851

Power projects, small-scale projects (Davis) 5315-6

Price, basis for (Williams) 6505

Production costs (Davis) 6542 (Williams) 6505

Quebec, special power rate (Davis) 6507

Rates for mining industry, reduction in (Kempf) 5308-9

Rates, proposal for reduction in (Skelly) 5385

Rosewood community, power for (Howard) 6285 (Rogers) 6285

Supply, low-cost power in B.C. (Williams) 6160

Supply of during cold weather (Rogers) 7196

Surplus of in B.C. (Mitchell) 5259 (Stupich) 5143

Vancouver Island rates and natural gas, referendum on (Rogers) A. 5305 (Skelly) Q. 5305

Vancouver Island rates, reduction in (Gabelmann) 5224 (Hanson) 5273 (Rogers) A. 5190, A. 5305 (Skelly) 5137, Q. 5190, Q. 5305 (Stupich) 5144

Vancouver Island, surplus power (Lockstead) 5244

Waste, power generation (Wallace) 6023, 6037

Water licence fee. See entries under Water Wind power generation, work on (Cocke) 6545 (Rogers) 6545


Electronics industry in B.C. (McClelland) 6800, 6819, 6822 (McGeer) 6071

Elizabeth Fry Society

Letter quoted (MacWilliam) 5994

Mentioned: (Smith) 5474, 5484

Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 5216

Elks Lodge

Mentioned: (Hanson) 6103

Elliott, Colin

Mentioned: (MacWilliam) 6793

Ellis, Len

Mentioned: (MacWilliam) 6979


See: Diplomatic and consular service

Emergency care in hospital

See entries under Hospitals

Emergency health services

Cost increases (Cocke) 5889 (Nielsen) 5889

Emergency Health Services Commission

Ambulances, replacement of (Curtis) 5285 (Mowat) 5355

Emerson, David L.

Mentioned: (Curtis) 6407 (Skelly) 7028

Eminent domain

Expropriation of land (Heinrich) 7129 (Nicolson) 7115

White Paper on expropriation (Fraser, A.) 6476 (Wallace) 6475

Employee ownership

Employee-owned enterprises, development of (Blencoe) 6381


Business enterprises, employee ownership (Blencoe) 5219

Costs of, non-wage costs (Curtis) 6211, 6219 (Hewitt) 6216 (Lea) 6213 (Phillips) 6217 (Ree) 6214 (Stupich) 6212

Employee cooperatives (Gabelmann) 5340

Employment tax credit. See entries under Small business

Physical fitness programs (MacWilliam) 5874

Employers' Council of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 7247


Arts industry, employment in (Barnes) 6179, 6180

Budget and unemployment (Gabelmann) 5338

Charter of Rights and B.C.-first employment policy (Gabelmann) 6369, 6370 (Reynolds) 6369-70

Charter of Rights and provincial affirmative action programs (Gabelmann) 6674

Charter of Rights, mobility of labour rights (Davis) 6687 (Gabelmann) 6676

Employment, government's plan re (Bennett) A. 7061, A. 7062 (Curtis) 7228-9 (McClelland) A. 7147 (Skelly) Q. 7061, Q. 7062, Q. 7147 (Stupich) 7228-9, 7229

Employment in B.C., obligations re local hiring (Gabelmann) 6677 (Michael) 6678

Employment in B.C., out-of-province workers (Segarty) 6675

Employment, NDP plan for (Stupich) 7228

Employment opportunities in B.C. (Nicolson) 5209 (Skelly) 5136

Employment tax credit. See entries under Small business

Forests, proposal for employment in (Michael) 6678

Full employment and increase in revenue (Gabelmann) 5339

Full employment in B.C. (Davis) 6687 (Gabelmann) 5223, 5339, 6672 (Michael) 6677 (Mitchell) 5259 (Segarty) 6674 (Skelly) 5136

Government projects (Curtis) 7228-9 (Gardom) 7105

Government projects, B.C.-first employment policy for (Gabelmann) 6368-9, 6370

High-technology industry, labour aspects (Nicolson) 6124-5

Income Tax (Small Business Employment Tax Credit) Amendment Act, 1985. See name of act

Industry, concessions to and job creation (Lockstead) 6524 (Skelly) 5136

Industry, modernization of and employment (Lea) 5375, 5431, 6411-2

Job creation (Brummet) 5240 (Curtis) 5289 (Fraser, R.) 6787 (Howard) 7133-4 (Johnston) 5127-8 (Kempf) 6788 (McClelland) 6147-8, 6185 (Michael) 6182, 6216, 6678, 6743-5, 7128 (Mitchell) 5259 (Pelton) 5155 (Reynolds) 6799, 6995 (Richmond) 5214 (Skelly) 6728, 6785 (Williams) 6185, 6186

Job creation and B.C. Hydro layoffs (Skelly) 6786

Job creation and economy (Lea) 5430-1 (Skelly) 7241

Job creation and exports (Phillips) 5235

Job creation and investments (Mitchell) 5261

Job creation, cost per job (Bennett) 6748 (Williams) 6747

Job creation, government initiatives (Throne speech) 5117

Job creation, government's failure re (Hanson) 5445

Job creation, increase in (Michael) 5263

Job creation initiatives, comparisons of (Curtis) 5448 (Stupich) 5296

Job creation, legislation re (Gardom) A. 7105 (Howard) 7168 (Skelly) Q. 7105

Job creation, make-work projects (Mowat) 5201

Job creation, NDP policy on (Skelly) 5135-6

Job creation, private sector (Brummet) 5211, 5337 (Howard) 5196 (Richmond) 5400

Job creation, resource-based industries (Curtis) 5448 (D’Arcy) 6504

Job opportunities elsewhere in Canada (Skelly) 7147

Jobs in B.C., decline in number of (D’Arcy) 5446, 5447, 6187 (Skelly) 6182, 6183, 7031, 7059, 7061, 7167 (Stupich) 7227

Jobs in B.C., increase in number of (Curtis) 7228-9 (Michael) 7128, 7129 (Phillips) 5236

Jobs, new jobs in B.C. (Curtis) 5279, 5448 (Michael) 5366 (Mowat) 5356 (Phillips) 5324 (Reynolds) 5434-6

Jobs, projections re future jobs (Rose) 5776

Manitoba, decline in number of jobs (Michael) 6216

Manitoba, job creation (Skelly) 5906

Megaprojects, impact of on employment (Dailly) 5164 (Williams) 6839

Municipal Amendment Act, 1985, impact of on employment (Skelly) 7059

Municipal partnership program, job creation (Blencoe) 5780 (Ritchie) 5788

Okanagan, job creation plans (Bennett) A. 5464 (MacWilliam) Q. 5464

Resource-based industries, job creation (Curtis) 5448 (D’Arcy) 6504

Road construction and reconstruction, job creation (Fraser, A.) 6457

Silvicultural program, job creation in (Lockstead) 6968-9, 6970 (Waterland) 6972

Small business, job creation (Howard) 5197 (Lea) 6412 (Lockstead) 5244 (McClelland) 6371 (MacWilliam) 6214 (Parks) 5372 (Stupich) 5303

Small manufacturers' incentive program, jobs created (McClelland) 6386

Tax credit for employers (Bennett) 6730

Tax credit, NDP proposal for (MacWilliam) 6214

Tax relief measures and job creation (Curtis) A. 5347, 5448, 5449 (D’Arcy) 5447 (Gabelmann) 5339, 5340 (Hanson) 5443 (Pelton) 5320 (Stupich) 5296, 5301, Q. 5347

Taxation, consultation re and job creation (Pelton) 5319

Tourist industry, employment in (MacWilliam) 6702, 6703 (Richmond) 6703

Workforce, continued employment for (Cocke) 5159

Workforce, increase in (Michael) 5694

Workforce, reduction in (Michael) 5695

See also: Unemployment

Employment-bridging assistance program

Work of (Mitchell) 5260

Workers, coverage under Workers' Compensation Board (Segarty) 6698 (Wallace) 6698

Employment Co-operatives Act

(Bill M214) (Blencoe) 1R, 6381-2

Employment Standards Act

Domestic workers, coverage of (Brown) 6652 (Smith) 6652

Mentioned: (Brown) 5604, 7138 (Gabelmann) 6680, 6681 (Segarty) 6143

Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C.

Juvenile's theft of coins from (Mitchell) 5497

Endako Mines Ltd.

Mentioned: (Kempf) 5308, 5309

Endicott Centre, Creston, B.C.

Patient, medical opinion on level of care required for (D’Arcy) 5953-4, 5954-5 (McCarthy) 5954

Patient, transfer of to extended-care facility (Brown) 5851 (D’Arcy) 5953-4, 5954-5 (McCarthy) 5954, 5955 (Nielsen) 5852

Enemark, Tex

Mentioned: (Lockstead) 5363

Energy conservation

Equipment, sales tax exemption for (Curtis) 6429

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Ministry of

Estimates 6508-11, 6519-31, 6535-45

Speakers: Cocke 6545; D'Arcy 6524-6, 6527-8, 6530; Davis 6528-9, 6541-2, 6542-3; Lockstead 6510-1, 6520-2, 6523-4, 6535-6, 6537-8; Michael 6538-9; Passarell 6539, 6540; Rogers 6509-10, 6519-20, 6522-3, 6524, 6526-7, 6529-30, 6531, 6537, 6538, 6539-40, 6540-1, 6542, 6543-4, 6544, 6545; Wallace 6530-1, 6543, 6544, 6544-5

Annual report, 1983-84 fiscal year, tabled (Rogers) 5515

Appropriation, increase in (Lockstead) 6522

Mineral and petroleum records, computerization of (Curtis) 5286

Energy policy

Energy costs, proposal for reduction in (Skelly) 5385, 5386

Federal energy agreement, guarantees re use of funds (Lockstead) Q. 5568 (Rogers) A. 5568

Federal energy agreement, revenue to B.C. companies (Lockstead) Q. 5568

Federal energy policy (Bennett) 5270 (Cocke) 5159 (D’Arcy) 6530 (Rogers) 5525 (Throne speech) 5118

Western Accord (Lockstead) 6535

Western Accord, absence of guarantees (Lockstead) 6536

Western Accord and monitoring of petroleum industry (Lockstead) 6538 (Rogers) 6537

Western Accord, cost of in jobs (Lockstead) 6538

Western Accord, effect of on drilling rigs (Rogers) 6537

Western Accord mentioned (Phillips) 7164

Western Accord, negotiation of (Rogers) 6510

Western Accord, revenue loss to federal government (Lockstead) 6536

Energy resources

Energy prices in B.C. (D’Arcy) 6528

Energy supply in B.C. (D’Arcy) 5446 (Rogers) 6784-5

Job creation, energy field (Johnston) 5128

Taxation, level of in B.C. (D’Arcy) 5446

See also names of resources, e.g. Electric power

Engel, Howard

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 5150


Education of (Lea) 6084

Employment of in research (Davis) 6186

Employment opportunities (Davis) 6246 (McGeer) 6124 (Nicolson) 6073-4, 6124

Engineering services, export of (Rogers) 6509

Quebec engineering firms, work outside Canada (Fraser, R.) 7157

Need for and work opportunities (Brummet) 5210

Unemployment (Fraser, R.) 7157 (Rose) 7157

English language — Study and teaching

English-as-a-second-language program (Barnes) 5420 (Brown) 5999 (Chabot) 6621 (Davis) 5767 (Fraser, R.) 5195, 5360-1, 7120 (Heinrich) 5757, 5926 (Rose) 5249, 5614, 5699 (Williams) 5757

Enoch, Robert

Mentioned: (MacWilliam) 6601

Enrolment, School

See: School attendance

Environment, Ministry of

Estimates 6020-40, 6053-60, 6066-70

Speakers: Cocke 6036; D'Arcy 6066-7, 6067; Davis 6031-2, 6055-6; Hanson 6056-7; Kempf 6026-7, 6028-9; Lea 6029-30, 6060; Lockstead 6035-6; Mitchell 6039-40, 6040; Nicolson 6067; Passarell 6067-8; Pelton 6020-2, 6024-5, 6026, 6027-8, 6029, 6030-1, 6032, 6034, 6035, 6036, 6036-7, 6038-9, 6040, 6054-5, 6056, 6057-8, 6058, 6058-9, 6059, 6060, 6067, 6068, 6069, 6069-70, 6070; Rose 6032-4, 6034-5, 6035; Sanford 6068-9, 6069; Wallace 6022-4, 6025-6, 6026, 6037-8, 6039, 6053-4, 6058, 6059, 6070; Williams 6059, 6060, 6070

Annual report, 1983-84 fiscal year, tabled (Pelton) 5515

Annual report, responsibility for statement in (Howard) Q. 5763

Capital projects, expenditures on (Pelton) 6070 (Williams) 6070

Communications program (Howard) Q. 5763

Conservation offices and officers, reorganization of (Pelton) 6021, 6028

Employees, ministerial policy on consultation with (Pelton) 6058-9 (Wallace) 6058 (Williams) 6059

Estimates, examination of by standing committee (Wallace) 6022

Minister's office, appropriation (Pelton) 6059 (Wallace) 6059

Organization, decentralization of (Pelton) 6030-1

Pesticides, purchase and use of (Pelton) A. 5834-6 (Wallace) Q. 5834

Staff, tribute to (Pelton) 6020

Environment and Land Use Act

Mentioned: (MacWilliam) 5413

Environment and Land Use Committee

Economic planning (Williams) 6275

Land use planning (McClelland) 6276

Secretariat, abolition of (MacWilliam) 6327, 6328-9 (Schroeder) 6329

Mentioned: (Pelton) 7223 (Rogers) 6042

Environment Management Act

Mentioned: (Pelton) 6021 (Rogers) 6548

Environmental Appeal Board

Mentioned: (Pelton) 6021

Environmental protection

Appeals, fees charged to appellants (Nicolson) 6067 (Pelton) 6039 (Wallace) 6038

Atlin area sawmill operation, perk test requested (Passarell) 6068 (Pelton) 6068

Commitment to (Johnston) 5129

Crown corporations, pollution standards (Davis) 6055

Crown counsel, environmental (Pelton) 6028

Environment, improvements in (Richmond) 5412

Environmental management (Pelton) 6020

Environmental protection (Davis) 6055 (Pelton) 6020, 6057

Forest environment, protection of under Forest Act (Hanson) 6057

Government policy on (Wallace) 6022

Industry, pollution standard requirements (Davis) 6055

National standards for (Davis) 6055

Okanagan Lakes basin, protection of (MacWilliam) 5711-2, 5713 (Pelton) 5712-3

Pollution control permits, monitoring of (Lea) 6060

Pollution costs, payment of by polluter (Davis) 6031 (Rose) 6032

Sewerage assistance program, proposal for (MacWilliam) 5713

Tourist trade and protection of environment (MacWilliam) 5411 (Richmond) 5412


Research on (Hanson) 5870 (Nielsen) 5871-2

Epp, Garry

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 5918

Epp, Jake

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 5895, 5956


Mentioned: (Barnes) 6879

Equity Investment Plan

Companies eligible (Cocke) 7257 (Curtis) 7236, 7258 (Lauk) 7256

Economy, benefits to (Cocke) 7257 (Curtis) 7235, 7257 (Mitchell) 7255

Federal government reaction to (Curtis) 7257 (Stupich) 7236

Funds for, use of (Mitchell) 7255 (Stupich) 7237

Incentive, repayment of (Curtis) 7235

Incentive to share purchasers (Curtis) 7204 (Stupich) 7237

Incentive, use of (Stupich) 7237

Objectives (Curtis) 7235

Participants, income level of (Curtis) 7235, 7236 (Lea) 7239 (Stupich) 7236

Participants leaving province and incentive (Curtis) 7257 (Stupich) 7237

Poor, benefits to (Stupich) 7236-7, 7237

Premiers' conference, presentation of plan to (Curtis) 7235, 7257

Equity Investment Plan Act

(Bill 73) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 7203-4; 2R, 7235-9, 7253-8; C, 7262-3; 3R, 7263; RA, 7263

Speakers: Cocke 7256-7; Curtis 7235-6, 7257-8; Lauk 7255-6, 7262; Lea 7238-9; Mitchell 7253-5; Stupich 7236-8

Divisions: 2R, 7258; C, 7262 Act, drafting of (Lauk) 7255, 7256 Act, proclamation of (Lauk) 7256

B.C. companies, investment in (Curtis) 7204 (Lauk) 7255-6

British Columbia Resources Investment Corp., investment in (Mitchell) 7254

British Columbia Resources Investment Corp. shares, losses on (Mitchell) 7254

British Columbia Resources Investment Corp. shares, value of (Stupich) 7237

Cabinet, powers of under act (Cocke) 7257 (Lauk) 7256

Companies, review of companies eligible (Curtis) 7236, 7258

Companies, use of investment to pay off debts (Cocke) 7257

Economic benefits of plan (Cocke) 7257 (Curtis) 7235, 7257 (Mitchell) 7255

Economy of B.C. (Stupich) 7236

Employment, creation of (Stupich) 7237

Expenditures, restraint program (Mitchell) 7254

Incentive to share purchasers (Curtis) 7204 (Stupich) 7237

Lottery tickets, promotion of (Stupich) 7238

New Democratic Party, economic policy (Lea) 7239

Participants, income level of (Curtis) 7235, 7236 (Lea) 7239 (Stupich) 7236

Participants leaving province and incentive (Curtis) 7257 (Stupich) 7237

Penalties (Lauk) 7256

Plan, federal government reaction to (Curtis) 7257 (Stupich) 7236

Plan, funds for, use of (Mitchell) 7255 (Stupich) 7237

Plan, objectives of (Curtis) 7235

Poor, benefits of plan to (Stupich) 7236, 7237

Premiers' conference, Regina, presentation of plan to (Curtis) 7235, 7257

Quebec Stock Savings Plan (Curtis) 7235, 7235-6, 7257-8 (Mitchell) 7254-5 (Stupich) 7237, 7238

Regulations under act (Curtis) 7258 (Stupich) 7237

Repayment of incentive to government (Curtis) 7235

Savings, use of to benefit economy (Lea) 7238

Social assistance rates, increase in, benefits of (Stupich) 7238

Stock market losses, tax write-off provisions for (Lauk) 7256

Vancouver financial centre, development of (Curtis) 7235, 7258

Vancouver Stock Exchange (Curtis) 7235, 7258

Erdman, Karl

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 6078

Erickson Gold Mining Corp.

Mentioned: (Passarell) 6540


Prairie topsoil, loss of (Sanford) 6315 (Schroeder) 6316

Soil erosion (Sanford) 6314, 6317 (Schroeder) 6316

Soil erosion in Canada (Sanford) 5597 (Schroeder) 5597-8

Soil erosion, rainfall and rivers elsewhere (Sanford) 6317

Escort service

Victoria escort service investigation (Macdonald) Q. 6576 (Smith) A. 6576

Victoria escort service investigation, approval for (Lea) Q. 7194 (Smith) A. 7194

Victoria escort service investigation, costs of (Lea) Q. 7194

Esquimalt, B.C.

Graving dock (Mitchell) 6855, Q. 7195

Partnership program, participation in (Mitchell) 5787 (Ritchie) 5787

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway

Advertising of (Wallace) 6721

Passenger service, tourist information re (Richmond) A. 6195 (Sanford) Q. 6195

Right-of-way, spraying of (Wallace) 6038, 6070

Steam train, proposal for (Wallace) 6721

Esquimalt-Port Renfrew constituency

MLA, representation for constituency (Williams) 6582

Essential Service Disputes Act

B.C. Rail Ltd. dispute, use in settlement of (Gabelmann) 6106, 6107, 6130, 6131, 6132 (Lea) 6108 (Macdonald) 6108

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 7261 (Heinrich) 7115, 7129

Esso Resources Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 5398

Established programs financing

See entries under Federal-provincial fiscal relations

Estate Administration Act

Audit requirement (Smith) 6653

Mentioned: (Brown) 5604

Estimates of expenditure

See entries under Expenditures, Public; for estimates of individual ministries see ministries by name


Famine relief, funds raised in B.C. (Nielsen) 5869 (Sanford) 5868-9

Provincial funds for (Nielsen) A. 5254, 5869 (Sanford) Q. 5254, 5868-9, 5869, 6318

“Tears are Not Enough” record mentioned (Rose) 6364

“Tears are Not Enough” record, sales tax on (Curtis) 5333, A. 6301 (Sanford) Q. 6223, 6318 (Stupich) 5333

Eurocan Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Skelly) 7061 (Stupich) 7227

European Common Market

Agricultural products, problems re (Phillips) 6855

Anuga food show (Schroeder) 6306

Great Britain, Common Market membership (Phillips) 6854 (Williams) 6854

Evans, Bob

Quoted (Dailly) 5808

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 5808

Evans, Douglas

Mentioned: (Waterland) 6944

Evergreen Girl Guides

Mentioned: (Rose) 5820

Evergreen Hall, Chilliwack, B.C.

Mentioned: (Schroeder) 5257

Evergreen Sportswear Mfg. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Richmond) 6762

Evidence Act

Medical records, confidentiality of and act (Lauk) 7186 (Smith) 7186

Ewert family

Mentioned: (Strachan) 5129


Provincial examinations (Heinrich) 5605, 5635, 5661 (Rose) 5614

Exell, Robert

Mentioned: (Lockstead) 5506

Expenditures, Public

Capital projects, expenditures on (Davis) 5314-5, 6416 (Williams) 6441

Decline in, 1984-85 fiscal year (Curtis) 6431

Estimate of, 1985-86 fiscal year (Curtis) 5280, 5284

Estimates, debate on prior to expenditures (Blencoe) 5453 (Curtis) 5453 (Hanson) 5452

Estimates, discussion of in standing committee (Wallace) 6332

Estimates, format of (Cocke) 5889

Government spending policy (Gabelmann) 5339 (Hanson) 5274 (Lauk) 5328 (Lea) 5377 (Nicolson) 5208 (Richmond) 5402

Government spending policy, opposition attacks on (Bennett) 5269

Gross provincial product, percentage of (Davis) 5314, 6416

Increase in (Howard) 6413 (Nicolson) 5667 (Stupich) 5734, 5739

Increase in and inflation (Curtis) 6419

Increase in, 1984-85 fiscal year (Nicolson) 6429

Increase in, 1985-86 fiscal year (Stupich) 6408, 6410

Megaprojects, decisions on (Dailly) 5164

Megaprojects, economics of (Davis) 6417

Megaprojects, expenditures on (Dailly) 5164 (Gabelmann) 5339 (MacWilliam) 6277 (Mitchell) 5261 (Nicolson) 6076 (Stupich) 6145, 6418 (Williams) 5198-9

Megaprojects, impact of on employment (Williams) 6839

Reduction in, NDP proposals for (Mitchell) 5259

Restraint on, policy development (Phillips) 6992

Restraint program (Barnes) 5152 (Bennett) 6742 (Brummet) 5210-1 (Cocke) 5159, 6437 (Curtis) 5277, 5279, 5284-5 (Dailly) 5162 (Howard) 5195-6, 5341 (MacWilliam) 5181-2 (Mitchell) 7254 (Nicolson) 5208 (Phillips) 5234 (Richmond) 5400 (Schroeder) 5256-7 (Skelly) 6740 (Williams) 5199

Restraint program, application of to education (Heinrich) 5731 (Lea) 5730-1

Restraint program, basis for (MacWilliam) 5181

Restraint program, effects of (Barnes) 5151 (Gabelmann) 5340 (Hanson) 5443 (Lauk) 5333 (Skelly) 5378 (Stupich) 5296, 5297

Restraint program, need for (Gabelmann) 5223

Social programs, expenditures on (Davis) 6416, 6417

Special warrant funds, inclusion of in budget (Davis) 5452-3, 5462

Special warrant No. 2, use of funds (Curtis) 5466

Special warrant No. 3, issuing and cancellation of (Curtis) 5456, 5460, 5461, 5468 (Howard) 5456 (Lauk) 5460, 5468, 5469, 5470 (Lockstead) 5452 (Macdonald) 5468 (Passarell) 5452, 5456, 5460 (Wallace) 5461

Special warrant No. 5, use of funds (Curtis) 5466

Special warrant No. 8, use of funds (Brown) 5466 (McCarthy) 5466

Special warrant No. 10, date of (Curtis) 5457 (Lauk) 5457

Special warrant No. 10, use of funds (Curtis) 5454, 5455, 5456, 5457 (Howard) 5454, 5455, 5456

Special warrant No. 11, use of funds (Curtis) 5461-2, 5468 (Reynolds) 5461

Special warrant No. 12 (Lauk) 5457 (Smith) 5458

Special warrant No. 16, use of funds (Curtis) 5466

Special warrant No. 17, use of funds (Curtis) 5466

Special warrants, debate on in estimates (Lauk) 5454

Special warrants, information re (Howard) 5455, 5455-6

Tax reductions, expenditure increases due to (Curtis) 5280

Expo 67, Montreal, P.Q.

Commended (Richmond) 6755

Loss (MacWilliam) 6753

Mentioned: (Richmond) 5215

Expo 85, Tsukuba, Japan

Canadian and B.C. participation (Phillips) 5347-8 (Williams) 5348

Participation in, appropriation for (Phillips) 6851, 6851-2

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra visit, funding for (Chabot) 6587-8

Expo 86, Vancouver, B.C.

Advertising, appropriation for (Chabot) 6570 (Hanson) 6581

Advertising contract (Bennett) A. 6361-2, A. 6362 (Lauk) Q. 6361, Q. 6362 (Richmond) 6450, 6878-9

Advertising contract to Beautiful British Columbia magazine (Bennett) A. 6362 (Lauk) Q. 6361, Q. 6362

Advertising for (Chabot) A. 5594 (Cocke) Q. 5594

Benefits of (Curtis) 5184 (Mowat) 5355 (Parks) 5183 (Richmond) 5215 (Throne speech) 5119

Benefits of, spinoffs at local level (Lockstead) 6717 (Richmond) 6718 (Williams) 6747

Benefits of to construction industry (Richmond) 6754

Benefits of to tourist trade (MacWilliam) 6757 (Richmond) 5215, 6754

Board, conflict-of-interest guidelines (Bennett) A. 6361 (Lauk) Q. 6361 (MacWilliam) 6421, 6449, Q. 6575, Q. 6724, Q. 6814 (Richmond) 6421, 6449, A. 6576, 6725, 6861

Board, expense accounts and spending policies (Macdonald) Q. 6421 (Richmond) A. 6421

Board meetings, minutes of (MacWilliam) Q. 6576 (Richmond) A. 6576

Board, salaries (Macdonald) Q. 6421 (Richmond) A. 6421

B.C. Invites the World program (Richmond) 7177

British Columbia Pavilion (Passarell) 5238 (Phillips) 5237 (Richmond) 6718, 6756, 6758, 6877

British Columbia Pavilion, retention of (Richmond) 5531

B.C. Place, rent payment to (Williams) 6441

Budget overrun (Skelly) 6202

Buildings, decommissioning of (MacWilliam) 6754, 6756, 6760, 6876 (Richmond) 6755, 6758

Buildings, retention of (Richmond) 5530-1, 6756

California, marketing information to (MacWilliam) Q. 6422 (Richmond) A. 6422

California, participation of (Richmond) 7177

Canada Pavilion (Richmond) 6763

Canadian Pacific Railway roundhouse (Richmond) 5531, 6756, 6763, 6877

Casinos on site (Barnes) Q. 5709 (Richmond) A. 5709

Communities, local organizations (Fraser, R.) 5194 (Parks) 5182-3 (Ree) 5246 (Richmond) 6700, 6758

Construction, value of (Richmond) 7177

Construction workers (Gabelmann) 6674 (Richmond) 7177

Contractors, Surrey companies (Johnston) 5127, 5442

Contracts, bidding procedure (Bennett) 6362

Contracts to Pattison companies (Macdonald) Q. 6421 (Richmond) A. 6421, A. 6421-2, 6449-50

Cost-benefit analysis of (MacWilliam) 6702, 6754, 6756, 6758, 6760, 6761, 6763, 6764, 6876, Q. 6929 (Richmond) A. 6929

Cost of (Stupich) 5143

Costs, increase in (MacWilliam) 6754

Countries, participation of (Richmond) 6700, 6754, 6756

Cultural groups visiting B.C., funds for (Chabot) 6587, 6608

Currie Coopers and Lybrand reports on (MacWilliam) 6760, 6761 (Richmond) 6785

Economic impact of (MacWilliam) 6753, 6759, 6876 (Richmond) 6754, 6755

Electric power discount rate for (Lauk) 6504-5

Employment on site (Richmond) 7177

Employment, young people (Richmond) 6755

Entertainment booked (Richmond) 7177

Expenditures on (Williams) 5199

Expo Centre (Richmond) 6756, 6877

Expo Centre, dome leaks (Lauk) Q. 5531 (Richmond) A. 5531, A. 5709 (Williams) Q. 5709

Expo Centre, expenditure on (Lauk) Q. 5531 (Richmond) A. 5531

Expo Centre, retention of (Richmond) 5531

Food exhibition (Johnston) 5129 (Mowat) 5355 (Schroeder) 5258 (Throne speech) 5118

Food sales and Chinatown restaurants (Williams) 6761-2

Funds for, source of (MacWilliam) 6658 (Mowat) 5355, 5356 (Richmond) 5402, 6658

Gates, location of (Richmond) 6763 (Williams) 6761-2

Gates, North Gate (Richmond) 6763 (Williams) 6761-2

General Motors Corp., designation as official car manufacturer (Richmond) 6450

Highway of the Future design, tendering on (MacWilliam) Q. 5530 (Richmond) A. 5530

Highway of the Future, expenditure on (MacWilliam) Q. 5530 (Richmond) A. 5530

Job creation (Hewitt) 5149 (Mowat) 5202, 5355 (Reynolds) 5437 (Richmond) 5215 (Skelly) 5907

Labour relations in construction of (Mowat) 5202 (Skelly) 5139

Loss (Rose) 5776 (Stupich) 6410

Loss, calculation of (MacWilliam) 6756-7

Loss, forecast re (MacWilliam) 6756, 6757, 6759 (Richmond) 6757 (Stupich) 5299

Loss, source of funds for (Stupich) 5299

Lottery funds for (Hanson) 6592 (Stupich) 5144

Manitoba, participation of (Richmond) 5215

New Democratic Party policy on (Bennett) 5270, 7062 (Skelly) 5139, 5906-7

Ontario pavilion (Richmond) 5213, 5215, 6754

Opening celebration (Richmond) 6700

Opening celebration, expenditure on (Brown) 5903, 5904, 5997 (Lauk) 5971 (McCarthy) 5904 (Mitchell) 5902 (Sanford) 5970 (Skelly) 5907

Opening celebration, expenditure on and media coverage (MacWilliam) Q. 6422 (Richmond) A. 6422

Opening ceremonies, competition for design of (MacWilliam) 6658

Opening ceremonies, contract for staging of (MacWilliam) Q. 6658 (Richmond) A. 6658

Participation in, communities (Reynolds) 5437 (Richmond) 7177

Participation in, corporations (Mowat) 5202, 5355 (Richmond) 6700, 6758

Participation in, countries (Mowat) 5202, 5355 (Reynolds) 5437 (Richmond) 7177

Participation in, provinces (Mowat) 5202

Policing costs (Lank) 5508, 5539 (Smith) 5508, 5539

Preview Centre, cost of (Williams) 6747

Promotion of (Richmond) 6700

Property tax exemption for site (Curtis) 5288, 5934, 5935, 6137 (Stupich) 5936, 6137 (Williams) 6137

Property taxes, proposal for grant in lieu of (Stupich) 5936

Public school system, information program for (Barnes) 6587

Revenue, food revenues (Williams) 6761

Signs in French language (Parks) Q. 6928 (Richmond) A. 6928

Site, cost of land and rental costs (MacWilliam) 6756, 6758 (Richmond) 6758

Souvenirs, contract for (Lauk) 6780

Souvenirs, guidebook contract (MacWilliam) Q. 6658, Q. 6724

Souvenirs, lapel pin (Howard) 6837

Souvenirs, markups on (Williams) Q. 6724

Souvenirs, purchases in B.C. (Richmond) 6657

Souvenirs, returns to Expo on sales (Richmond) 6575, 6657, 6762

Souvenirs, review of by Premier (Bennett) A. 6724 (Williams) Q. 6724

Souvenirs, Specialty Mfg. Ltd. contract (Bennett) A. 6724 (MacWilliam) Q. 6575, Q. 6657, Q. 6658, Q. 6724, 6761, 6763, 6764, 6878 (Richmond) A. 6575, 6762 (Williams) Q. 6724, 6762

Souvenirs, suppliers for (MacWilliam) 6764 (Richmond) 6575, 6762-3 (Williams) 6762

Souvenirs, T-shirts (MacWilliam) Q. 6657, Q. 6658, 6764 (Richmond) A. 6657, 6762

Souvenirs, tendering on (MacWilliam) Q. 6575, Q. 6657, Q. 6658 (Richmond) A. 6575, A. 6657, A. 6658

Staff, British Columbians in senior staff positions (MacWilliam) 6448

Staff, dismissal of senior staff (MacWilliam) Q. 6447-8 (Richmond) A. 6448

Staff, hiring of senior staff (MacWilliam) Q. 6448 (Richmond) A. 6448

Staff, salaries of senior staff (Macdonald) Q. 6421 (Chabot) A. 6421

Student employment, advertisement re (Segarty) A. 6382 (Skelly) Q. 6382

Students, employment opportunities for (Veitch) 5230

Success of (Bennett) 5270, 5337 (Brummet) 5241-2 (Phillips) 5237

Telephone information, French language number (Richmond) 6928

Tickets, advance sale of (Richmond) 6755, 6877, 6929, 7177

Tickets, free tickets (Barnes) 6878 (Richmond) 6878

Tickets, free tickets for charity raffles (Barnes) 6878, 6879 (Richmond) 6878

Tickets, price of (MacWilliam) 6877 (Richmond) 6877, 6878

Vice-president of planning, dismissal of (Williams) 6187

Victoria, visitors to (Reynolds) 6643

Vintage car show (Passarell) Q. 6448 (Richmond) A. 6448, A. 6861

Visitors, foreign visitors (Throne speech) 5117

Visitors, handicapped (MacWilliam) 6879 (Richmond) 6879-80

Visitors, hotel room rates (Cocke) 6401 (Hewitt) 6401, 6402 (Macdonald) 6401 (MacWilliam) 6710 (Richmond) 6710

Visitors, invitations issued (Richmond) 6754

Visitors, package tour visitors (Richmond) 6700

Visitors, price-gouging of tourists (MacWilliam) 6710 (Richmond) 6710

Visitors, projected number of (MacWilliam) 6754, 6756, 6757, 6876 (Richmond) 6700, 6755, 6756, 6877

Mentioned: (Barnes) 5422 (Bennett) 7063 (Blencoe) 6359, 6667 (Brown) 6691 (Brummet) 5210, 6338 (Chabot) 6566 (Chairman and Deputy Chairman) 5907 (Cocke) 7043, 7057 (Curtis) 5279, 5284, 7229 (Davis) 6483, 6514 (Fraser, A.) 6463, 6474, 7145 (Gabelmann) 5339, 5957, 5962, 5976 (Gardom) 7105 (Hanson) 5691, 6562, 6625, 6626 (Howard) 5197, 7178 (Johnston) 5128, 5129 (Lauk) 5231, 5232, 5328, 7183 (Lea) 5375 (Lockstead) 6465, 7145 (McCarthy) 5914, 5984, 6198 (Macdonald) 6859 (MacWilliam) 6278, 6431, 6875 (Michael) 5369 (Mitchell) 6343 (Nicolson) 5209 (Passarell) 6459 (Pelton) 5155, 5321 (Phillips) 5237, 5348, 7164 (Ree) 6472 (Reynolds) 5435, 5437, 5710, 6364, 6643, 6799, 6996, 7124 (Richmond) 5214 (Rose) 5249, 5989, 6363, 6364, 6365, 6557 (Skelly) 5134, 5386, 5908, 6184, 6727, 6730 (Smith) 5171, 5512, 5518, 6889, 7133 (Strachan) 5131 (Stupich) 5912, 6302, 6590, 7229 (Throne speech) 5119 (Wallace) 6376 (Waterland) 6899 (Williams) 5991, 6163, 6186, 6828, 6899

See also names of local programs, e.g. Go for Gold Expo 86 Corporation

Advertising, appropriation for (Hanson) 6129

Auditor-general, report on (Richmond) 6658

Borrowing by (Stupich) 5299

Mentioned: (MacWilliam) 6488

Export sales

Competition for export markets (Curtis) 5278

Competitiveness of B.C. products (Curtis) 5279 (Michael) 5262 (Phillips) 5235, 5323, 6807-8 (Veitch) 5228-9

Currency devaluations, problems re (Michael) 6182-3

Embassies and consulates, representation in (Bennett) A. 5123, A. 5707 (Phillips) 6807 (Skelly) Q. 5123 (Throne speech) 5119 (Williams) Q. 5707, 6808

Export corporation, proposal for (Lea) 5220

Export market (Schroeder) 5257-8

Exports from B.C. (Bennett) 6727 (Curtis) 5278

Exports from Canada (Phillips) 6832

Foreign markets, access to (Bennett) 6734

Forest industries, products (Williams) 5830, 5832, 5893

Government projects to further trade (Phillips) 6741

Importance of to B.C. (Fraser, R.) 5362 (Phillips) 5829

Importance of to Canada (Phillips) 5235

Increase in (Brummet) 5241 (Curtis) 5280 (Kempf) 5308 (Phillips) 6781 (Strachan) 5131

Job creation, source of (Phillips) 5235

Market research (Phillips) 5894

Marketing, need for targeted marketing (Williams) 5830

Offices abroad, other provinces' offices (Phillips) 6807

Pacific Rim countries, dealings with (Williams) 5829-30, 5894

Pacific Rim countries, trade with (Bennett) 6739 (Hewitt) 5150 (Phillips) 5235-6, 6807, 6827 (Ree) 5246

Prices of B.C. products, decline in (Curtis) 5278

Product development for export (Williams) 5831, 5893

Protectionism, growth of (Curtis) 5278

Raw materials, export of (Howard) 6837

Reliability of B.C. as supplier (Phillips) 6741

Research and staff work (Phillips) 6829 (Williams) 6828

Tonnage exported (Kempf) 5167

Trade missions (Rogers) 6509

Trade promotion abroad (Phillips) 6852 (Williams) 6852

United States, protectionist policies (Davis) 6835

Expropriation Act

Mentioned: (Brown) 5604

Expropriation of property

See: Eminent domain

Extended care

Beds, increase in number of (Nielsen) 5794

Costs and costs of group-home care (D’Arcy) 5955 (McCarthy) 5954, 5955

Facilities (Nielsen) 6284

Hospital employees quoted (Dailly) 6283-4

Long-term care, history of (Dailly) 6283

Payment for, new system (Dailly) 5860 (Nielsen) 5860

Private facilities, cost of service (Nielsen) 5859

Private facilities, mortgages (Dailly) 5859 (Nielsen) 5860

Private facilities, use of (Dailly) 5860 (Nielsen) 5859, 5860

Rates, hardship cases (Mitchell) 5884 (Nielsen) 5885

Restraint program and long-term care (Dailly) 6283-4

System commended (Nielsen) 6284

Volunteers, role of (Dailly) 6284 (Nielsen) 6284

Extradition Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Smith) 5485