Province of British Columbia
30th Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
October 17, 1972 to October 27, 1972
McClelland, Robert H.
Fraser valley farmland must be preserved 376.
Government liquor act, An act to amend (Bill 11) (2R) 242, 243.
Health warning on packages of tobacco products should be stronger 368.
Health warnings about tobacco use on radio, TV 368.
Open space preservation act (Bill 18) (1R) 64; (2R) 376.
Tobacco advertising ban on national basis sought 365.
Tobacco advertising not necessary for media 214, 215.
Tobacco products act (Bill 10) (2R) 214-216; (C) 368.
Macdonald, Alexander B.
Address in reply 70-73.
Billboard and sign advertising of tobacco products ban 368.
B.C. telephone: nationalization 72, 73.
B.C. telephone: stock price decline 72.
Government liquor act, An act to amend (Bill 11) (1R) 8; (2R) 237; 245.
Health warning about tobacco use on radio, TV. 368, 369.
Health warning on tobacco products' packages should be stronger 368.
Industry: need for research and care in establishing secondary industry 71, 72.
Land registry act, An act to amend (Bill 1) (1R) 6; (2R) 98.
Liquor advertising; Attorney-General denies 'deal' 238.
Mediation commission act, An act to amend (Bill 5) (2R) 112, 113, 253, 254.
Powers of Minister of Labour under the Mediation commission act 112, 113.
Regulations to be made under the Tobacco products act (Bill 10) 199, 200.
Tobacco advertising ban on national basis sought. 365.
Tobacco advertising restraint act repeal act (Bill 9) (1R) 7; (2R) 220, 221; Amdt. (sec. 1) 364, 365.
Tobacco products act (Bill 10) (1R) 8; (2R) 198-200; 219; Amdt. (sec. 3) 299-301.
McGeer, Patrick L.
Address in reply 36-45.
Address in reply; adjournment asked 36, 38.
Aged need free drugs, medical appliances, etc. 328.
British Columbia energy board; dissolution 42, 43.
Gift tax act, An act to amend (till 2) (2R) 233, 234.
Guaranteed minimum income assistance act (Bill 3) (2R) 328, 360.
Handicapped persons income assistance act (Bill 4) (2R) 348, 349.
Industry; need for industrial development 41.
Legislative procedure and practice inquiry act (Bill 12) (2R) 195, 196 Amdt. (sec. 2) 302, 308.
Legislature — Procedure; Appointment of standing committees 15, 17, 18, 43; 44.
Male minimum wage act, An act to amend (Bill 6) (2R) 143, 144.
Mediation commission act, An act to amend (Bill 5) Amdt. (sec. 11l) 253.
Nursing homes; effect of increase in minimum wage 144.
Opting-out of federal programs may be necessary 329.
Perry report (Higher education) 42.
Property taxes should be eased for aged 328.
Premier (Barrett) ; statements on growth, nationalisation, taxation, electric power criticized 39, 40.
Provincial alliance of businessmen 41.
Public schools act, An act to amend (Bill 7) (2R) 165, 166; (C) 293.
Questions on notice; Speaker's ruling questioned 138.
Representation on committees concerned with re-drafting House rules 302.
Revenue from succession duties 233.
Teachers — Salaries 166, Televising proceedings of the House 196.
Tobacco products act (Bill 10) (2R) 211.
Willingdon school 41.
McIlvenny, Gerald
Death (Speaker) 355.
Male minimum wage act, An act to amend
(Bill 6) (Minister of Labour)
1R, 9; 2R, 142-161; C, 288-290; 3R, 290; R.A. 390.
Speakers: (1R) King 9; (2R) Anderson, D.A. 150-153; Barrett 144, 145; Bennett
144; Brousson 148; Brown 154, 155; Chabot 142, 143; Gabelmann 148-150; Jordan
157, 158; King 142, 160, 161; Lea 158, 159; Lewis 159; McGeer 143, 144; Nimsick
147; Phillips 155, 156; Rolston 153, 154; Wallace 145-147; Young 156, 157; (C)
Anderson, D.A. 288, 289; Barrett 288-290; Wallace 288.
Exemptions under the Act, (Anderson, D.A.) 152, 153; (King) 160.
Title of Act (King) 160.
Marketing boards
Effect on food prices (Anderson, D.A.) 27.
Meat-packing plant
Peace River area (Smith) 77, 78.
Mediation commission
Dismissal of commissioners (Chabot) 108; (Gardom) 117; (King) 132; (McGeer) 42, 43; (Strachan) 125; (Wallace) 112.
Labour disputes referred to (Chabot) 107.
Mediation commission act, An act to amend
(Bill 5) (Minister of Labour)
1R, 9; 2R, 104-133; C, 249-260; 271-287; 3R, 287; R.A. 390.
Speakers: (1R) King 9; (2R) Anderson, D.A. 121, 122; Anderson, G.H. 120-122;
Barrett 128, 129; Brousson 109, 110; Chabot 105-109, 129; Gabelmann 114-117;
Gardom 117-119; King 104, 105, 130-133; Levi 119, 120; Macdonald 112, 113, Nunweiler
123, 124; Phillips 126, 127; Radford, 113, 114; Strachan 125, 126; Wallace 110-112;
Williams, L.A. 124, 125. Amdt. (sec. 11) (Williams, L.A.) Anderson, D.A. 251,
252, 257, 258, 277, 278; Barrett 256, 257; Brousson 276, 277; Chabot 259, 260,
271-273; Gabelmann 254, 255, 274, 275; King 252, 253, 273, 274; Lauk 256; Macdonald
253, 254; McGeer 253; Radford 254, 275, 276; Strachan 258, 259; Wallace 277;
Williams, L.A. 250, 255, 256, 260. Negatived 278. Amdt. (sec. 12) (Chabot) Chabot
278, 279; King 279; Lauk 279; Phillips 280; Sanford 279, 280. Negatived 280,
281. Amdt. (sec. 12) (Williams, L.A.) Anderson, D.A. 285, 286; Brousson 284;
King 285; Wallace 284, 285; Williams, L.A. 282, 283. Negatived 286, 287. Amdt.
(sec. 12, s.s.3) (Williams, L.A.) withdrawn 287.
Divisions: 2R, 133; Amdt. 278, 280, 281, 286, 287; 3R 287.
Power of Minister of Labour under the Act: see Discretion.
Mediation services act
See: Mediation commission act, An act. to amend (Bill 5)
Mental hospitals
Motion (Richter) 388, 389; Debate adjourned. (Cocke) 389.
Merilees, Harold
Death (Throne speech) 6; (Wallace) 32.
Minimum wage — British Columbia
See: Male minimum wage act, An act to amend (Bill 6)
Minister of labour (Administrative power under Mediation commission act
See: Discretion
Ministerial responsibility
See: Discretion
Mobile homes, An act respecting
(Bill 20) (Smith)
1R, 64; 2R 377, 378. Out of order, 378.
Speakers: (1R) Smith, 64; (2R) Smith 377, 378.
Morrison, Newell R.
Gift tax act, An act to repeal (Bill 16) (1R) 63; (2R) 374.
Guaranteed minimum income act (Bill 25) (1R) 101; (2R) 382, 383.
Legislation, proposal to introduce, 7.
Probate fee act, An act to amend (Bill 14) (1R) 63; (2) 373.
Request to withdraw Bill 63.
Succession duty act, An act to repeal (Bill 15) (1R) 63; (2R) 373.
Motions on order
No. 2 (Automobile Insurance) (Smith) out of order 387, 388.
No. 3 (Discharge of mental patients) (Richter) . (Cocke) 389; (Richter) 388, 339; Debate adjourned, 389.
Municipal act, An act to amend
(Bill 8) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 10; 2R, 102-104; C,
249; 3R, 249; R.A., 390.
Speakers: (1R) Lorimer, 10; Curtis, 104; Fraser 103; Liden 103; Lorimer 102,
104; Williams, L.A. 103.
Municipal finance authority of British Columbia, An act to amend
(Bill 23) (Jordan) 1R, 65; 2R, 380, 381. Out of order, 381.
Speakers: (1R) Jordan 65; (2R) Jordan 380, 381.
Municipal government
Majority requirement for passage of zoning by laws see under: Municipal Act, An act to amend (Bill 8)
Municipalities aid act, An act to amend
(Bill 19) (Fraser) 1R, 64; 2R, 377. Out of order, 377.
Speakers: (1R) Fraser 64; (2R) Fraser 377.