Province of British Columbia
30th Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
October 17, 1972 to October 27, 1972
Barrett, David
Aged from other provinces unlikely to move to B.C. just because of financial benefits 324.
Aged need sense of security 327.
B.C. telephone. Nationalization 56.
Canada assistance plan; statement by Premier 223.
Charitable exemptions under Gift tax act outlined 357.
Chronic care facilities under B.C.H.I.S. 290.
Columbia river treaty, renegotiation 55.
Committees appointed 18.
Cost of Guaranteed minimum assistance act program 327.
Elford, Mrs. Frances 356, 357.
Exemptions for existing assets allowed tinder Guaranteed minimum assistance act 326.
Financial Times advertisement of former government supported 55, 56.
Federal share under Canada assistance plan needs to be greater in B.C. to meet higher cost of living 335.
Gift tax act, An act to amend (Bill 2) (1R) 9; (2R) 225, 234-236; Amdt. (sec .2) 356, 357.
Government liquor act, An act to amend (Bill 11) (2R) 245.
Guaranteed minimum income assistance not (Bill 3) (2R) 323-328.
Guaranteed monthly income or $200 will be paid 223.
Handicapped; effect of increase in minimum wage 144, 145.
Handicapped parsons income assistance act (Bill 4) (PR) 345, 346.
Husband and wife both eligible for $ guaranteed income 325.
Industry welcomed on government's terms; no subsidies 57.
Legislative procedure and practice inquiry not (Bill 12) Amdt. (sec .2) 304.
Letters received from J.V. Clyne and others 128.
Liberal party of Canada 'an alliance for power 326.
Liquor problem to be referred to House committee 245.
MacEachen statement re federal sharing under Canada assistance plan quoted 325.
Male minimum wage act, An act to amend (Bill 6) (2R) 144, 145; (C) 288-290.
Mediation commission act, An act to amend (Bill 5) (2B) 128, 129; Amdt. (sec .11) 256, 257.
Natural resource exports should ray fair share of taxes 324.
New industries welcomed 55.
NDP policy criticized: statement of Grace McCarthy quoted 323.
Newspapers criticized for distortion of news 257.
Night sittings of Legislature 96, 97.
Oral question Period 13.
Overtaxation by federal and provincial governments 324.
Pension supplement will create employment 57.
Private hospitals should not be operating in the public health-care field 289.
Private members' bills 373.
Public welfare; minimum wage increase to ease welfare 144, 145.
Representation on committees concerned with re-drafting House rules 304, 305.
Service clubs; role in charity 290.
Strikes will continue to take place 128.
Subsidies for private hospitals 290.
Surplus revenue policy criticized 37.3.
Welfare state has inherent dangers 326.
William's, L.A. role in Gift tax tax amendment 356, 357.
Woodward foundation; succession duties cannot be restored 357.
Bennett, William Andrew Cecil
Gardom suggest Bennett appointment to Senate 85.
Handicapped; effect of minimum wage increase 144.
Legislative procedure and practice inquiry act (Bill 12). Amdt. (sec .2) (McGeer) 308.
Male minimum wage act, An act to amend (Bill 6) (2R) 144.
United Nations day 179.
See: Advertising
Opposition bills not printed by Queen's Printer (Phillips) 140, 141; (Hall) 141.
Private members' bills (Barrett) 373.
Request to withdraw bill (Morrison) 63.
Speaker may rule a bill out of order Then motion is made or if a point of order is raised prior to the motion 374.
British Columbia — Cabinet
Executive assistants (Anderson, D.A.) 30.
British Columbia — Economic conditions
Business community should be encouraged (Smith) 79, 80.
Business difficulties and stock decline since NDP election (Jordan) 65, 66.
Economic policy of NDP and the government (Anderson, D.A.) 57, 58.
Economic recession fault of former government (Strachan) 93, 94.
Opposition remarks damaging economy (Strachan) 91.
British Columbia — Finance
Surplus revenue policy criticized (Barrett) 323.
British Columbia — Government
Organization (Anderson, D.A.) 29.
British Columbia — Government — Cabinet
See: British Columbia — Cabinet
British Columbia — Highways. Department of
Overexpenditure of previous government (Strachan) 94.
British Columbia — Industry
Financial Times advertisement inserted by former government supported (Barrett) 55, 56.
Industrial development incentives (McGeer) 41.
Industries welcome (Barrett) 55.
Need for research and care in establishing secondary industries (Macdonald) 71, 72.
Need for secondary industry incentives ignored by former government (Wallace) 80.
Need to establish and need for research into industries (Young) 75.
Record of former government (Strachan) 93.
Subsidies refused (Barrett) 57.
British Columbia — Mediation commission
See: Mediation commission
British Columbia — Resources
Export of raw materials (Strachan) 92.
British Columbia, Northern
Conditions and cost of living (Lea) 22.
Transportation (Lea) 23.
British Columbia development corporation act
(Bill 17) (Phillips) 1R, 64; 2R, 374, 375; Out of order 375.
Speakers: (1R) Phillips 64; (2R) Phillips 374, 375.
British Columbia electric railway company
Social Credit takeover (Barrett) 56.
British Columbia energy board
See: Energy board
British Columbia railway
Railroad rates too high (Anderson, D.A.) 27.
British Columbia telephone company
Nationalization (Barrett) 56; (Macdonald) 72, 73.
Premier Barrette statements re nationalization of B.C. telephone and other companies criticized: (Anderson, D.A.) 28, 57, 58; (Chabot) 47; (Gardom) 86, 87; (Jordan) 66; (McGeer) 39; (Williams, L.A.) 74.
Profit (Nunweiler) 349.
Stock price decline (Macdonald) 72.
Brousson, David M.
Construction industry; industrial relations; statement by Thomas Dohm 110.
Education — Finance; 'Four-tenths formula' 170.
Handicapped benefit from agencies providing employment 350.
Handicapped need concise explanation or assistance available to them 350.
Handicapped persons income assistance act (Bill 4) (2R) 349, 350.
Legislative procedure and practice inquiry act (Bill 12) (2R) 196, 197.
Male minimum wage act, An act to amend (Bill 6) (2R) 148.
Mediation commission act, An act to amend (Bill 5) (2R) 109, 110; Amdt. (sec .11) (Williams, L.A.) 276, 277; (sec .12) (Williams, L.A.) 284.
Minimum wage increase; effect on small business 148.
Powers of Minister of Labour under Mediation commission act 109, 110.
Powers of search granted Minister under Mediation commission act criticized by retiring president of Amalgamated Construction Association 276, 277.
Public schools act, An act to amend (Bill 7) (2R) 170, 171; (C) 294, 295.
School board budgeting for 1972-73 (qu.) 294.
School board; number of members required to approve bylaw for financing 171, 295.
Brown, Rosemary
Government liquor act, An act to amend (Bill 11) (2R) 243.
Guaranteed minimum income net (Bill 25) (2R) 338, 339.
Handicapped persons income assistance act (Bill 4) (2R) 350, 351.
Male minimum wage act, An act to amend (Bill 6) (2R) 154, 155.
Burrard inlet
Third crossing (Chabot) 48, 49.
Minimum wage increases; of effect on small business (Gabelmann) 148; (Brousson) 148.