Province of British Columbia
41st Parliament – 2017
Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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Gabias, Mary Ellen
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Federation of the Blind 13:0830-0840
- Canadian Federation of the Blind
- Charities, charitable foundations, role in disability rehabilitation 13:0830-0840
- Disabled persons, employment 13:0830
- Eye health and visual impairment, rehabilitation services and funding 13:0830-0840
- Capital reimbursement program See Industry funding model below
- Casinos, money-laundering prevention (Goudron, P.) 6:0820-0830 (Milobar) 6:0825-0830
- Charitable activities by gaming operators (Keeling, C.) 6:0825
- Charities' access to gambling revenues See Gaming grants for community organizations under Communities
- Industry funding model (Goudron, P.) 6:0830 (Keeling, C.) 6:0825 (Leonard) 6:0830
- Media coverage of industry (Goudron, P.) 6:0830 (Milobar) 6:0825-0830
- Problem gambling prevention and programs (Goudron, P.) 6:0825
- Revenues to government and role in economy (Keeling, C.) 6:0825 (Stuart, S.) 6:0820
Gaming See Gambling
Gaming policy and enforcement branch
Gardom, Garde
- Comments on establishment of Ombudsperson (Chalke, J.) 22:1140
Gateway See Asia-Pacific gateway
Genome B.C. See also Spothelfer, Pascal
- Presentation to committee 3:1530-1540
- Education initiatives (Spothelfer, P.) 3:1535-1540
- Recommendations on government budget (Redies) 3:1540 (Spothelfer, P.) 3:1540
- Research activities, funding and plan (Spothelfer, P.) 3:1530-1540
George Massey Tunnel See Highway 99
Geoscience See Science and technology
Geoscience British Columbia Society See also Salas, Carlos
Gerzon, Mark
- Comments in Leading Through Conflict (Salvo, V.) 10:1725
Giesbrecht, Jason
- Comments on physician supply (Turner, R.) 12:1805
Giroux-Schmidt, Colleen
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Innergex Renewable Energy 14:1600-1610
- California, market for B.C. clean energy 14:1605-1610
- Climate change, action on climate change 14:1605-1610
- Energy
- clean energy, First Nations clean energy business fund and projects 14:1610
- hydroelectric power development and First Nations involvement 14:1600-1610
- independent power producers 14:1600
- power supply, demand due to transition from fossil fuels 14:1610
- Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, role of electrification 14:1605-1610
- Innergex Renewable Energy Inc., activities, partnerships and projects 14:1600-1610
Golden Ears Bridge
- Tolls, elimination (James) 2:1235
Golf and golf courses
Gordon, Jason
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Association for Child Development and Intervention 13:1005-1015
- Autism services, accessibility 13:1010
- B.C. Association for Child Development and Intervention
- Children and Family Development Ministry
- contract funding and multi-year action plan 13:1005-1015
- service indicators reporting framework 13:1015
- Children and youth
- early childhood development, child development centres 13:1005-1010
- infant development program, accessibility 13:1010
Goudron, Peter
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Gaming Industry Association 6:0820-0830
- B.C. Gaming Industry Association, members and role 6:0820-0825
- B.C. Lottery Corporation, activities and role 6:0820-0830
- Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre, oversight of gaming operations 6:0820
- Gambling
- casinos, money-laundering prevention 6:0820-0830
- industry funding model 6:0830
- media coverage of industry 6:0830
- problem gambling prevention and programs 6:0825
- Gaming policy and enforcement branch, activities and role 6:0820-0825
Gourley-Cramer, Alyson
- Presentation to committee on behalf of College of New Caledonia 8:1435, 8:1445
- B.C. by region, northern B.C.
- post-secondary education and skills training 8:1445
- College of New Caledonia, digital delivery initiative 8:1445
- Post-secondary education, distance education and online learning 8:1445
- Administrative fairness office See Ombudsperson
- Agencies, boards and commissions
- executive salaries (Sims, K.) 11:0845
- Capital projects (James) 2:1230-1235
- Debt See Public debt
- Employees See Public service
- Financial management (Botterell, R.) 14:1700-1705 (Model, E.) 7:1810
- Programs and services, funding (Cadieux) 8:1645 (D'Eith) 7:1745 (Faoro, P.) 8:1640-1645
- Programs and services, online services and access (Benedict, J.) 3:1455 (Leonard) 3:1455
- Public-private partnerships See Business
- Revenues and revenue sources (Carruthers, B.) 9:0940 (Edge, C.) 5:0905
- Spending, control (James) 2:1250 (Redies) 2:1250
Graduate Student Society at Simon Fraser University See also Baroody, Heather; Cenerelli, Pierre
Graff, Anndra
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Northern Lights College 5:1155-1205
- B.C. by region, northern B.C., post-secondary education and trades training 5:1155-1200
- Northern Lights College
- Post-secondary education, education of Indigenous persons 5:1200
- Post-secondary education funding
- Aboriginal education 5:1200
- funding, multi-year funding 5:1200
- Post-secondary institutions, student housing 5:1200
- Skills training
- alignment with labour market needs 5:1155
- trades training 5:1155
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, recommendations 5:1200
Graham, Mandi
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Engage Sport North Society 8:1430
- As subject
- experience with services from sport organization 8:1430 (D'Eith) 8:1430
- Engage Sport North, role and services 8:1430
Grant Thornton LLP
- Audit of Auditor General office (Ashton) 23:1445
Gravett, Paul
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Heritage B.C. 3:1030-1045
- Budgets
- 2018-19 budget priorities 3:1045
- Heritage B.C.
- Heritage sites
- benefits of heritage conservation 3:1030-1040
- government funding and support 3:1035-1045
- heritage conservation and interpretation 3:1040
- heritage conservation projects 3:1030
- heritage legacy fund 3:1030
- Tourism
- heritage-related tourism 3:1035
Grazing land See Rangeland
Greater Victoria See South Island under Vancouver Island
Greater Victoria Regional Child Care Council See also Elliot, Enid; Hrechka Fee, Jessica
- Presentation to committee 4:2045-2100
- Recommendations on government budget and policies (Ashton) 4:2100
Green economy See Sustainable development under Economy
Green energy See Energy
Green Party of British Columbia
Greenhouse gas emissions See also Climate change
- Emissions from oil and gas sector, methane and fugitive emissions (Bruce, I.) 6:1025-1030
- Reduction
- Reduction, role of electrification (Giroux-Schmidt, C.) 14:1605-1610
- Research (Salas, C.) 8:1410
Greenhouse industry See Agriculture
Gregson, Sharon
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Coalition of Child Care Advocates of B.C. 13:1015-1030
- Children and youth
- child care
- early childhood development, government investment 13:1015
- early childhood educators, wages and supply 13:1020-1025
- Coalition of Child Care Advocates of B.C., recommendations on government budget and policies 13:1015-1030
- Finance and Government Services Select Standing Committee recommendations, child care system 13:1015
- Labour market participation by parents, role of child care 13:1020, 13:1030
Griffith, Colin
- Presentation to committee on behalf of NEBC Resource Municipalities Coalition 5:1210
- B.C. by region, northeast B.C., resource development 5:1210
- Energy resources 5:1210
- NEBC Resource Municipalities Coalition, membership and activities 5:1210
- Resource development 5:1210
Grizzly bears See Wildlife
Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia See also Ellis, Scott
- Guide-outfitting and guide areas (Ellis, S.) 6:1140-1145
Gutray, Bev
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Mental Health Association, B.C. division 4:1835-1850
- Alcohol-related health issues 4:1840
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Health care facilities and hospitals, hospitalization rates for low-income persons 4:1840
- Health care funding, federal funding and health transfers for mental health 4:1845
- Health care system, emergency services, use 4:1845
- Mental health
- mental health and addiction
- mental health of children and youth, mental health and addiction services 4:1845
- programs and services
- Poverty, mental health and addiction issues for persons living in poverty 4:1835-1840
Gyte, Brittany
- Presentation to committee 4:2025-2030
- As subject
- Speech disorders
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