Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2016
Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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W.A.C. Bennett Dam
- Impacts and compensation (Paille, G.) 105:1315
Wachiay Friendship Centre See also Colclough, Michael; Kishi, Roger
Wachiay Multimedia
Wachiay Studio
Wages and salaries See also Income
Walk-in clinics See Health care facilities and hospitals
Walk-In Clinics of British Columbia See also McKeen, Katharine; McLoughlin, Michael
Wallin, Gail
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Invasive Species Council of B.C. 106:0940-0955
- Agriculture, horticulture industry, role in invasive species control 106:0945
- Climate change, impact on invasive species 106:0940
- Invasive species
- Invasive Species Council of B.C.
- Plants
- Port of Prince Rupert, development and expansion, impact of shipping traffic 106:0955
Walls, David
- Presentation to committee on behalf of College of the Rockies 98:0925-0940
- College of the Rockies, funding and operations 98:0925-0940
- Nurses, supply and training 98:0930
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary education funding 98:0930, 98:0940
- Sexual violence on post-secondary campuses, prevention and policies 98:0935
- Skills training 98:0930-0940
Warshawski, Tom
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Childhood Obesity Foundation of B.C. 100:0950-1000
- Beverages and beverage industry, sugar-sweetened drinks
- Canadian Beverage Association, information 100:0950-1000
- Childhood Obesity Foundation
- Diabetes incidence and prevention 100:0955-1000
- First Nations, type 2 diabetes incidence 100:1000
- Mexico, impact of tax on sugar-sweetened drinks 100:0955
- Obesity
- Rethink Sugary Drinks Coalition, members and activities 100:0950, 100:1000
- Tobacco, smoking prevention and reduction 100:0955
Washington State
Waste management
- Brownfields See Contaminated sites below
- Contaminated sites, assessment and remediation funding (Ray, C.) 105:1725
- Sewage treatment, Victoria proposal See Capital regional district
Water Sustainability Act
- Implementation and impact on salmon (Riddell, B.) 97:1150-1155
Weed control See Invasive species control under Plants
Weed Control Act
Welfare See Social welfare
Welsh, Michael
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Bar Association, B.C. branch 100:1210-1225
- B.C. by region, rural B.C.
- Canadian Bar Association
- Corrections system, restorative justice programs 100:1225
- Justice system
- Lawyers and legal services
- pro bono work and retired lawyers 100:1225
- supply and training, rural education and access to lawyers program 100:1215-1225
- supply and training, student loan forgiveness program 100:1220
Wendling, Lorna
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Prince George Chamber of Commerce 105:1725-1730
- Enbridge Pipelines Inc., proposal for oil pipeline from Alberta to Kitimat, review process and five conditions 105:1725-1730
- Oil and gas, pipeline proposals, review process and five conditions 105:1725-1730
- Prince George Chamber of Commerce, recommendations on government budget 105:1725-1730
Western Canada Theatre See also Marchand, Lori
- Presentation to committee 99:1720-1730
- Activities and funding (Marchand, L.) 99:1720
- Recommendations to committee on government budget (Marchand, L.) 99:1725
Western Convenience Stores Association See also Klukas, Andrew
Western, Nola
- Election Act
- Elections
- Elections B.C.
- Government
- financial reporting, public accounts 113:1405
- Legislature
- Officers of the Legislature
- Politics and politicians
- constituency associations, deregistration during election period 93:0830-0835
Wheelchair sports See Sports and recreation
Whitemarsh, M.J.
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Common Ground Alliance 110:1110-1120
- B.C. Common Ground Alliance, membership 110:1110
- B.C. One Call, excavation safety activities and call system 110:1110-1120
- Construction industry, excavation work, protection of underground infrastructure and information call system 110:1110-1120
- Integrated Cadastral Information Society, municipal mapping activities 110:1115
Wiefelspuett, Richard
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping 103:1510-1525
- As subject
- B.C. by region, north and central coasts, moratorium on oil tankers in area waters 103:1520-1525
- Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping
- Environment, spill preparedness and response, marine spills 103:1515-1520
- Oil and gas, pipeline proposals, five conditions 103:1515
- Shipping industry
Wild Pacific Trail
- Damage to farmland See Agriculture
- Fees and licences, revenues to government (Froehlich, B.) 100:1005-1010 (Martin, A.) 110:1450
- Habitat protection See also Habitat protection under Environment
- Habitat protection, impact of development (Froehlich, B.) 100:1005
- Hunting See Hunting
- Moose, protection (Gibson) 105:1325 (Paille, G.) 105:1325
- Populations, status and management (Froehlich, B.) 100:1005-1015 (Halliday, T.) 102:1530-1540 (Heyman) 100:1015 (Snyder, D.) 105:1750-1755
- Ungulates, predators (Paille, G.) 105:1325-1330
- Wildlife management, funding (Berdusco, J.) 98:0945-0950 (Heyman) 98:0950, 110:1455 (James) 98:0955 (Martin, A.) 110:1450-1455
- Wildlife management, inventories (Berdusco, J.) 98:0945-0950 (Snyder, D.) 105:1755
Wildlife branch See Fish and wildlife branch
Williston Lake dam See W.A.C. Bennett Dam
Wilson, Elizabeth
- Presentation to committee on behalf of North Coast Literacy Now 104:1455-1510
- B.C. by region, north coast, literacy programs and services 104:1455-1510
- Decoda Literacy Solutions Society, funding and role 104:1455
- Finance and Government Services Committee, recommendations on literacy funding 104:1455
- Literacy
- North Coast Literacy Now, funding and programs 104:1455-1510
- Skills training, supply of skilled workers, role of literacy programs 104:1500-1505
Wilson, Greg
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Retail Council of Canada 101:1755-1805
- Sales
- online shopping 101:1800
- retail industry issues and role of independent retailers 101:1800-1805
- retail industry revenue to government and cross-border shopping 101:1800-1805
- Sales tax, revenues to government 101:1800
- Small business, succession planning and demographic trends 101:1805
- Trade
- imported goods, de minimis rate re customs and taxes 101:1800-1805
- interprovincial trade agreement 101:1800
Wind power See Energy
Wine and wine industry
- Research and markets (Hamilton, J.) 100:0940
Winter, John
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Prostate Cancer Canada 107:1800-1815
- Cancer, prostate cancer
- Medical Services Plan coverage, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test 107:1810-1815
- Prostate Cancer Canada, organization 107:1800
Wirth, Leslie Ann
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Engage Sport North 106:0955-1015
- B.C. by region, northern B.C., sports opportunities 106:0955-1015
- Education, physical education and physical literacy programs 106:1000-1010
- Engage Sport North
- Sports and recreation
Witherly, Rhoda
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Society of Notaries Public of B.C. 105:1930-1945
- Divorce, role of notaries 105:1945
- Legal services, accessibility and affordability 105:1930-1935, 105:1945
- Mortgage Brokers Act, amendments 105:1945
- Mortgages, consumer protection and role of notaries 105:1935, 105:1945
- Notaries Act, revision 105:1930, 105:1940-1945
- Notaries public, role and scope of profession 105:1930-1935, 105:1945
- Society of Notaries Public of B.C., recommendations on government policies 105:1940
Witness Blanket
- Art project on residential schools (Newman, C.) 110:0910
Wood, Josiah
- Review of police complaint process See Police complaint process, review by Josiah Wood under Police and policing
Wood, Paddi
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Parkinson Society B.C. 110:1620-1625
- Health care system, surgical services, deep brain stimulation 110:1620
- Parkinson's disease, treatment services and therapies 110:1625
- Vancouver Island Health Authority, movement disorder services and neurologists 110:1625
Wood stove exchange program See Wood smoke exposure in houses under Housing
Woolf, Virginia
- Comments on income in A Room of One's Own (Tavender, R.) 97:0905
Workers compensation
- Game network operations (Hamilton, J.) 100:0940
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