Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2016
Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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Back health See also Spinal cord conditions and injuries
Bacon, Gord
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Kamloops and District Fish and Game Association 99:1735-1745
- Chilcotin River, steelhead protection 99:1735
- COSEWIC, designation of species at risk 99:1745
- Fish, species-at-risk designation 99:1745
- Fish, steelhead, protection 99:1735-1745
- Species at Risk Act (federal) 99:1745
- Thompson River, steelhead protection and hatchery proposal 99:1735-1745
Banks See Financial services industry
Bardua, Denice
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Quesnel District Teachers Association 106:1040
- Education
- School district 28 (Quesnel), funding 106:1040
Barker, Philip
- Presentation to committee on behalf of UBC Okanagan campus 100:0920-0930
- Manufacturing industry, composite manufacturing 100:0925-0930
- UBC, Okanagan campus (Kelowna), innovation precinct and manufacturing partnership project 100:0920-0930
Barra, Mary
- Comments on change in automobile sector (Qualey, B.) 100:1240
Barrable, Bill
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Rick Hansen Institute 101:1630-1645
- Rick Hansen Institute
- Spinal cord conditions and injuries
Basketball See Sports and recreation
Bateman, Jordan
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Taxpayers Federation 109:1650-1700
- Beverage industry, sugar-sweetened drinks, health promotion tax proposal 109:1655
- Budgets, surpluses 109:1650
- Canadian Taxpayers Federationz 109:1650
- Denmark, tax on sugar-sweetened drinks 109:1655
- Health care funding models, funding from income tax revenues 109:1700
- Infrastructure, government investment and federal funding 109:1655-1700
- Medical Services Plan
- Public debt levels and comparison to household debt 109:1650
- Public sector employees, MSP premiums 109:1655-1700
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority, plebiscite on funding model 109:1700
- Transit services, funding 109:1700
- Wages and salaries, payroll taxes 109:1700
Baxter, Dan
BCAC See British Columbia Agriculture Council
BCBC See Business Council of British Columbia
BCCPAC See British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
BCGEU See British Columbia Government and Service Employees Union
BCREA See British Columbia Real Estate Association
BCSPCA See British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
BCSTA See British Columbia School Trustees Association
Bealing, Rod
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Private Forest Landowners Association 108:1025-1040
- Forests and forest industry, private lands
- Property tax, taxation of private forest land 108:1025-1035
Beaumont Studios Artist Society
Bella Coola, B.C.
Bellavia, Tony
- Presentation to committee on behalf of North Island Students Union 108:1005-1015
- Education, adult basic education, accessibility and fees 108:1005-1015
- North Island College
- Nuxalk Nation, adult basic education and funding application process 108:1010-1015
- Post-secondary education
Bellringer, Carol See also Auditor General
- Accountants
- Auditor General
- audit services
- budget and operations
- information technology, costs and projects 113:1455-1500
- office space, renovations 95:0815
- office space, renovations and utilization of space 113:1450-1455, 113:1505-1510
- organizational review and workforce surveys 95:0805, 95:0825, 113:1450-1455
- reports, use of templates 95:0820
- service plan, performance indicators 95:0800-0810
- staff training 95:0830
- staffing 113:1445
- staffing and staff retention 95:0805-0815, 95:0825-0830, 113:1445-1500
- Climate change
- government action, Auditor General review 113:1515
- Health authorities
- financial reporting, Auditor General review 113:1455
- Kearsey, Stephen, position with Auditor General 113:1445
- Manitoba
- Saskatchewan
- Provincial Auditor operations 95:0830
Benedict, Jenny
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Association of B.C. Library Directors 107:1720-1725
- Association of B.C. Library Directors, recommendations on government support for libraries 107:1720-1725
- Libraries
Bennett Dam See W.A.C. Bennett Dam
Bennett, Tim
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Prince George school district 105:1825-1835
- Education funding
- Finance and Government Services Committee, recommendations on education funding 105:1825
- Poverty
- School district 57 (Prince George)
- School districts
- Schools
Benton, Mark
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Legal Services Society 99:1600-1615
- Children and youth, child protection system, early intervention pilot project 99:1605
- Corrections system, restorative justice programs 99:1610-1615
- Justice system
- aboriginal persons in justice system 99:1610-1615
- community court system, First Nations courts 99:1610-1615
- courts and court services, evening services 99:1615
- criminal justice system, early intervention pilot project 99:1605
- family justice system, mediation services 99:1615
- family justice system, services 99:1605
- legal aid services and funding 99:1600-1615
- legal aid, telephone and in-person service pilot project 99:1605
- reforms, pilot projects 99:1605
- system, conditions and reform 99:1605-1610
- Kamloops, First Nations community court initiative 99:1610
- Legal Services Society, funding and pilot projects 99:1600-1610
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, report recommendations for justice system 99:1610
Bercic, Carrie
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Families Against Cuts to Education 97:1435
- Education
Berdusco, Jeff
- Presentation to committee on behalf of East Kootenay Wildlife Association 98:0945-0955
- East Kootenay Wildlife Association, role and recommendations on government budget 98:0945-0950
- Fish and wildlife management and funding 98:0945-0950
- Fishing and hunting fee revenue allocation 98:0950-0955
- Resource use and conservation, user fee proposal 98:0950
Berringer, Sharon
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Prince of Wales Mini School 110:1355
- Education, special education and special needs, gifted education 110:1355
- Prince of Wales Mini School, mini-school model 110:1355
Bettauer, Robert
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence 110:1700-1715
- Children and youth, healthy lifestyle and physical fitness 110:1705-1710
- Education, physical education and physical literacy programs 110:1715
- Olympic Games, B.C. Olympic and Paralympic athletes 110:1700-1705
- Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence
- Public health, healthy lifestyle, physical literacy and activity 110:1705-1710
- Sports and recreation
Beuschel, Rebecca
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Literacy Quesnel 106:1055-1110
- Decoda Literacy Solutions Society, funding and role 106:1055
- Finance and Government Services Committee, recommendations on literacy funding 106:1055
- Literacy
- Literacy Quesnel Society, funding, role and programs 106:1055-1110
- Quesnel, literacy programs and funding 106:1055-1110
Beverages and beverage industry
- Processing sector and technology (Donaldson, J.) 102:1520
- Sugar-sweetened drinks
Biketoria See Victoria, B.C.
Biking See Cycling
Bill 5 See Miscellaneous Statutes (Signed Statements) Amendment Act, 2016
Bill 17 See Local Elections Campaign Financing (Election Expenses) Amendment Act, 2016
Biodiversity See Environment
Bioeconomy See Economy
Blake, Jean
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Parkinson Society B.C. 110:1615-1625
- Health care funding for Parkinson's disease services 110:1615-1620
- Health care system, surgical services, deep brain stimulation 110:1620-1625
- Parkinson's disease
- PharmaCare program, coverage of Duodopa medication therapy 110:1620
- UBC movement disorders clinic and physiotherapy training 110:1615-1620
Blueprint for skills training See Government skills and training plan under Skills training
Blyth, Sian
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Spinal Cord Injury Network 105:1850-1855
- B.C. Spinal Cord Injury Network 105:1850-1855
- Prince George, wheelchair sports 105:1855
- Spinal cord injuries, integrated support services 105:1850-1855
- Sports and recreation, Let's Play program and wheelchair sports 105:1855
Boats and boating
Bodnar, Faith
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Inclusion B.C. 101:1905-1915
- Children and youth, special needs children, funding for services and wait-lists 101:1910-1915
- Community Living B.C., funding and caseload 101:1910-1915
- Disabled persons, community living services, persons 19 and older, transition from children's services 101:1910-1915
- Housing
- affordable housing, government investment 101:1915
- housing for disabled persons, government investment 101:1910-1915
- Inclusion B.C.
- Income assistance, disability benefits, benefit amounts 101:1915
- Robinson, Angie and Robert, deaths and access to autism services 101:1910
Boegman, Anton
- Elections
- advance voting 113:1425
- advertising and communications 113:1410
- district electoral officers 93:0835-0840
- electoral boundaries redistribution, maps 93:0835
- electoral boundaries redistribution, project 113:1405-1410
- electoral districts, demographic profiles 93:0840, 113:1425
- enumeration and list of voters 113:1405-1410, 113:1425
- enumeration and list of voters, tracking relocated voters 93:0830
- enumeration and list of voters, under-represented groups 93:0840
- general elections, preparations for 2017 general election 113:1405-1435
- local government elections, campaign financing and spending limits 113:1410
- local government elections, preparations for 2018 elections 113:1405-1410
- process, accessibility 113:1425
- voter education 113:1410
- voting areas 93:0835
- voting areas, number of people and waiting times 113:1425-1430
- voting pattern analysis 113:1425-1430
- Elections B.C.
- Electoral Boundaries Commission
- Legislation
- citizens' initiatives, initiative petitions 117:1010
BOKS See Build Our Kids' Success
Bomben, Corinne
- Presentation to committee on behalf of city of Prince Rupert 104:1540-1550
- B.C. by region, northwest B.C., LNG development and infrastructure needs 104:1540-1545
- Hays, Charles, transportation vision 104:1540-1545
- Infrastructure, government investment 104:1545-1550
- Liquefied natural gas development, infrastructure needs 104:1540-1550
- Port of Prince Rupert, development and expansion 104:1545
- Prince Rupert
- Prince Rupert Airport, ferry service and infrastructure needs 104:1545-1550
Bonkowski, Mike
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Nanaimo Youth Services Association 110:0920
- Children and youth, employment and training programs for vulnerable youth 110:0920
- Nanaimo Youth Services Association, programs and services 110:0920
Bonner, Avery
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Vancouver Island University Students Union 108:1015-1025
- Education, adult basic education, accessibility and fees 108:1020
- Post-secondary education
- Vancouver Island University
- Vancouver Island University Students Union
Boomer, Carolynn
- Presentation to committee on behalf of PacificSport Interior B.C. 99:1805-1820
- Education, physical education programs and funding 99:1820
- Olympic Games, B.C. athletes and Paralympic Games 99:1805-1810
- PacificSport Interior B.C., role and partnerships 99:1805-1820
- Pendrel, Catharine, athletic accomplishments 99:1810
- Sports and recreation
- ViaSport B.C., role and PacificSport network 99:1805
Boon, Kevin
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Cattlemen's Association 99:1750-1805
- Agriculture, insurance programs for farmers 99:1800
- Agriculture Ministry advisory committee 99:1800
- Climate change, water supply impacts and adaptation fund proposal 99:1750, 99:1800-1805
- Infrastructure, water management infrastructure and investment 99:1750, 99:1800-1805
- Plants, invasive species control and funding 99:1755
- Ranching industry, highway fencing program and water use 99:1755-1800
- Rangeland, invasive plant control 99:1755
Booth, William
- Presentation to committee on behalf of DTES Adult Literacy Roundtable 97:1225-1230, 97:1240
- Downtown Eastside Adult Literacy Roundtable, funding and programs 97:1225-1230
- Finance and Government Services Committee, recommendation on literacy funding 97:1225
- Government programs and services, web-based services and access 97:1230
- Literacy
- Vancouver, Downtown Eastside, literacy programs 97:1230
Botterell, Rob
Bouman, Sheila
- Presentation to committee on behalf of ViaSport B.C. 105:1840-1850
- B.C. by region, northern B.C., sports opportunities and participation by disabled persons 105:1840-1850
- Education, physical education and physical literacy programs 105:1850
- Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and athletes 105:1840-1845
- Sports and recreation
- ViaSport B.C.
Bounce Back program See Programs and services under Mental health
Boundary area See Okanagan area
Boundary Invasive Species Society See also Stewart, Barb
Bourcheix-Laporte, Mariane
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Pacific Association of Artist-Run Centres 97:1535-1550
- Arts and culture
- B.C. Arts Council
- budget and funding allocation 97:1545
- Finance and Government Services Committee, recommendations on arts and culture funding 97:1540
- Pacific Association of Artist-Run Centres, membership 97:1540
- Vancouver, arts organizations, leasing issues 97:1550
Bowman, John
- Presentation to committee on behalf of North Island College 108:0915-0930
- Education, adult basic education 108:0925
- First Nations, language preservation program 108:0925
- North Island College
- Post-secondary education
- education of First Nations people 108:0915-0930
- funding for aboriginal education 108:0925
- participation and completion, male First Nations students 108:0930
- Post-secondary institutions
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, recommendations on education 108:0920
Boyd, Anne
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Campbell River Literacy Association 108:1110-1115
- Campbell River Literacy Association
- Campbell River, literacy programs and funding 108:1110
- Literacy programs and funding 108:1110
Brain health
- Brain injuries
- awareness and incidence (Heyman) 99:1625, 105:1655 (Johnson, D.) 99:1620-1630 (Jones, D.) 105:1650-1655 (Rice) 99:1630 (Sing, G.) 110:1630
- community residential supports See Supportive housing under Housing
- funding and services (Austin) 110:1640 (Heyman) 99:1625 (Johnson, D.) 99:1620-1625 (Jones, D.) 105:1645-1700 (Sing, G.) 110:1635-1640 (Stone, T.) 99:1645-1650
- housing for persons with brain injuries See Supportive housing under Housing
- prevention and use of helmets (Ashton) 99:1625, 99:1655 (Gibson) 99:1630 (Johnson, D.) 99:1620-1630 (Jones, D.) 105:1650-1700 (Stone, T.) 99:1645-1655 (Tegart) 105:1655
- research and services (Johnson, D.) 99:1630 (Tegart) 99:1630
- treatment and rehabilitation See funding and services above
Brain Injury Alliance See also Stone, Terry-Lynn
British Columbia See also British Columbia by region
- Population, impact of aging population See Impact of demographic trends under Budgets; Impact of demographic trends under Health care system; Small business, succession planning and demographic trends under Business
- Population, persons 55 and over (Oates, G.) 110:1640
British Columbia Aboriginal Justice Council
British Columbia Agriculture Council See also Driediger, Rhonda; Ens, Reg
British Columbia Arts Council
British Columbia Association for Child Development and Intervention See also Gordon, Jason
British Columbia Association of Farmers Markets See also O'Hara, Heather
British Columbia Association of School Business Officials
- Report on school district costs (Tablotney, D.) 104:1705
British Columbia Auto Sector Alliance
- Website information (Qualey, B.) 100:1230
B.C. Business Council See Business Council of British Columbia
British Columbia by region
- Interior B.C.
- North and central coasts
- North coast
- Northeast B.C.
- ambulance service and health care workers (Leahy, J.) 106:1115-1120 (Rice) 106:1120
- Fair Share agreement renewal (Griffith, C.) 105:1445-1450
- hunting activities and local economy (Paille, G.) 105:1315
- justice system services and accessibility (Cardinal, B.) 103:1325-1335
- mining industry (Cox, B.) 102:1045-1050
- oil and gas industry (Mobley, M.) 105:1335
- resource development and community planning (Ackerman, L.) 105:1435-1445 (Griffith, C.) 105:1435-1445
- resource development and wildlife protection (Paille, G.) 105:1315-1330
- services for persons with spinal cord injuries (Harris, P.) 105:1855
- Northern and rural B.C.
- Northern B.C.
- Northwest B.C.
- housing affordability (Kristiansen, U.) 104:1525-1540
- infrastructure needs and planning (Veldman, K.) 104:1615-1620
- liquefied natural gas development
- road maintenance (Austin) 105:1355
- Rural B.C.
- early childhood development services (Nelson, R.) 100:1030 (Rice) 100:1030
- economic development (Steele, F.) 100:1045
- health professional supply (Walls, D.) 98:0930
- infrastructure in small communities (Robertson, F.) 107:1730
- lawyer supply and access to justice (Rice) 100:1225 (Welsh, M.) 100:1215-1220
- optometrist supply (Austin) 103:1530
- post-secondary education (Austin) 98:0925 (Kaun, J.) 98:0915-0925
- retention of residents after post-secondary training (Gibson) 107:1700-1705 (Gough, S.) 107:1700-1705
- rural dividend program (Ackland, S.) 107:1635-1640 (Hamilton) 107:1735 (Robertson, F.) 107:1735 (Welsh, M.) 100:1215
- transportation infrastructure (Austin) 106:0910 (Morris-Reade, J.) 106:0905-0910
British Columbia Cattlemen's Association See also Boon, Kevin
British Columbia Centre for Training Excellence in Mining
British Columbia Chamber of Commerce See also Baxter, Dan
- Presentation to committee 110:1000-1015
- Policy review committees, role (Hancott, D.) 97:0920
- Position on taxation of credit unions (Skinner, L.) 110:1050
- Written submission to committee (Baxter, D.) 110:1000
British Columbia Chiropractic Association See also Robinson, Jay
B.C. Colleges See also Trotter, Lane
British Columbia Common Ground Alliance See also Whitemarsh, M.J.
British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
British Columbia Construction Association See also McLachlan, Manley
- Presentation to committee 97:1155-1210
- Membership and role (McLachlan, M.) 97:1155
- Promotion of trades careers to youth (James) 97:1205
- Promotion of trades careers to youth, Project Shop Class program (McLachlan, M.) 97:1205-1210
- Recommendations (McLachlan, M.) 97:1200-1205
British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer
- Membership (Hancott, D.) 97:0915-0920
- Report on post-secondary student transfer system (Walls, D.) 98:0930
British Columbia Cycling Coalition See also Campbell, Richard
British Columbia Dental Association See also Johnston, Jocelyn; Staschuk, Rob
B.C. Doctors of Optometry See also Leekha, Gurpreet
British Columbia Federation of Labour See also Ekman, Aaron
British Columbia Federation of Students See also Marshall, Simka
British Columbia Food Processors Association See also Donaldson, James; Gagner, Rick
B.C. Friends program See Anxiety in children and youth under Anxiety disorders
British Columbia Fruit Growers Association See also Lucas, Glen; Steele, Fred
British Columbia Games Society
British Columbia Gaming Industry Association See also Keeling, Chuck; Stuart, Shiera; Yee, Ernest
British Columbia Government and Service Employees Union See also Scott, Megan; Smith, Stephanie
British Columbia Hazelnut Growers Association See also O'Dell, Thom
British Columbia Healthy Living Alliance See also Collins, Mary
British Columbia Housing Management Commission See also Housing
- Administration of housing subsidies (Armstrong, T.) 110:1430
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
- Call for clean power (Kariya, P.) 101:1850
- Energy purchase agreements with independent power producers (Foster) 105:1910 (Giroux-Schmidt, C.) 105:1900, 105:1915 (Yap) 105:1915
- Financial management and forecasting of power demand (Hadland, A.) 105:1400-1405
- Mandate and clean power initiatives (Kariya, P.) 101:1900
- Standing offer program reinstatement (Kariya, P.) 101:1855
B.C. job grant See Funding, Canada–B.C. job grant under Skills training
B.C. knowledge development fund See Research infrastructure under Research and development
British Columbia Liberal Party government
British Columbia Lottery Corporation
British Columbia Lung Association See also McDonald, Scott
British Columbia Non-Profit Housing Association See also Roy, Kishone
B.C. One Call
- Excavation safety activities and call system (Whitemarsh, M.) 110:1110-1120
British Columbia Pediatric Society See also Poynter, Aven
British Columbia Principals and Vice-Principals Association See also Reimer, Kevin
British Columbia Public School Employers Association
B.C. Pulp and Paper Coalition See also Lindstrom, Robert
British Columbia Real Estate Association See also Stathonikos, Damian
- Presentation to committee 109:1955-2000
- Advocacy on real estate issues (Olson, S.) 102:0950-0955
- Members and role (Stathonikos, D.) 109:1955
- Recommendations on government budget and policies (Stathonikos, D.) 109:1955
B.C. Rivers Day
B.C. School Sports See also Abney, Jordan
British Columbia School Trustees Association See also Swan, Gordon
British Columbia Seniors Games Society See also Oates, Gordon
British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals See also Daniell, Craig
British Columbia Spinal Cord Injury Network See also Blyth, Sian; Harris, Pat; McBride, Chris
British Columbia Teachers Federation See also Hansman, Glen
B.C. training and education savings grant program
British Columbia Utilities Commission
British Columbia Wildlife Federation See also Martin, Alan
Brown, A.J.
- Presentation to committee 97:1640
- As subject
- committee response to presentation 97:1640
- deduction of pension benefits from disability benefits (Tavender, R.) 97:0905
- experience living with disability on income assistance (Brown, B.) 97:1625-1640
- presentation to committee (Ashton) 97:1640 (Hamilton) 97:1640 (James) 97:1635
Brown, Barbara
- Presentation to committee 97:1625-1640
- As subject
- recommendations to committee on government budget and disability benefits policies 97:1635 (Austin) 97:1635
- Brown, A.J., experience living with disability on income assistance 97:1625-1640
- Disabled persons, human rights protection 97:1630-1635
- Income assistance, disability benefits 97:1625-1640
Browne, Leanne
- Experience as teacher (Chaddock-Costello, G.) 102:1340
Brownfields See Contaminated sites under Waste management
Bruneau, William
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Public Education Network Society 97:1010-1020
- Democracy, role of public education 97:1010
- Education
- Education funding
- funding for independent schools 97:1020
- funding formula and funding allocation system 97:1015
- impact on school district budgets and operations 97:1010-1015
- Public Education Network Society, recommendations on government budget and policies 97:1015-1020
Build Our Kids' Success
- Children's physical activity program (Stride, L.) 99:1815
Bullying See Violence
Burger, Corey
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition 110:1650-1700
- Cycling
- Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition, work of organization 110:1650
- Tourism, cycling tourism 110:1655
- Transportation, active transportation infrastructure and networks 110:1650
- U.S., scenic bikeways in Oregon and Washington 110:1655
- Vancouver, cycling infrastructure 110:1650
- Victoria, Biketoria cycling infrastructure project 110:1655
Bus pass program See Transit services
Buses and bus service See School buses under Schools; Transit services
Business See also Corporations
- Consultation by government (Hasanen, B.) 99:1705
- Costs and taxation (Baxter, D.) 110:1005
- Establishment of head offices, corporations and HQ Vancouver project funding (Rees, R.) 97:1455-1500
- Investment See Investment
- Public-private partnerships (Hadland, A.) 105:1400, 105:1410
- Small business See also particular sectors
- Social enterprises (Colclough, M.) 108:0900, 108:0910-0915
- Use of solar power systems See Solar power under Energy
- Venture capital (Conte, R.) 109:1825 (Rees, R.) 97:1455
Business Council of British Columbia See also Peacock, Ken
Buszard, Deborah
- Presentation to committee on behalf of UBC Okanagan campus 100:0915-0920, 100:0930
- Post-secondary education
- UBC, Okanagan campus (Kelowna)
Buy Local program
By-elections See Elections
Byford, Jenny
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Cancer Society B.C.and Yukon branch 102:1430
- Public health, immunization for HPV, vaccine 102:1430
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