Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2015
Select Standing Committee on Health
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McGrail, Kim
- Research on physician practices (Cohen, M.) 18:1030
McGregor, Margaret
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Vancouver Division of Family Practice 18:0900-0905, 18:0915-0925, 18:0935-0940
- Cancer care, diagnosis and communications 18:0920
- Deloitte, cost assessment on frail patients 18:0925
- Dementia and frailty
- PATH paradigm for diagnosis and staging 18:0925
- screening, staging and communications 18:0915-0925
- Frailty, diagnosis and definition 18:0920
- Health care system
- Home care services 18:0935
- Hospice and palliative care, end-of-life care
- McPhee, John, health care services case 18:0900
- PATH Clinic, health care and palliative services for frail elderly 18:0920-0925, 18:0940
Mackenzie, Isobel
- Presentation to committee as seniors advocate 14:1100-1130, 14:1145-1155
- Dementia, data analysis of seniors with dementia 14:1115-1120
- Dental health, access to dental care, seniors 14:1150
- Europe, seniors demographic information and home care 14:1130
- Gawande, Atul, comments on end-of-life care in Being Mortal 14:1110-1115
- Health care system, services for seniors, patient choice 14:1115, 14:1130
- Health, social determinants, seniors 14:1105-1110
- Home care
- Income
- Long-term and residential care
- Seniors
- Vancouver Island Health Authority, home care pilot project 14:1125
McPhee, John
- Health care services case (McGregor, M.) 18:0900
Matieschyn, Zak
- Work as nurse practitioner (Burton, A.) 16:0900
Medical orders for scope of treatment information See End-of-life care under Hospice and palliative care
Medical Services Commission
- Payment schedule changes (Patterson, T.) 15:0915
Mental health
Metro Vancouver Cross-Cultural Seniors Network
- Information, Chinese and Punjabi language translations (Grewal, M.) 16:1025 (Larson) 16:1025
Morris, Rebecca
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Alzheimer Society of B.C. 16:1135-1140, 16:1155
- Alzheimer Society of B.C., work of organization 16:1135-1140, 16:1155
- Alzheimer's disease
- Dementia care and management 16:1135-1140, 16:1155
- Guardianship, representation agreements, information and planning 16:1140
- Health care system, advance care directives and planning 16:1140
- Hospice and palliative care, end-of-life care
Morris, Wanda
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Dying with Dignity Canada 14:0905-0925, 14:0935-0955
- Assisted dying
- Bentley, Margot, advance care case 14:0920-0925, 14:0950
- British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, work on assisted dying issues 14:0955
- Canadian Medical Association, comments on assisted dying 14:0935-0940
- Criminal Code (federal), amendments 14:0910, 14:0945-0950
- Dying With Dignity Canada
- Health care system, advance care directives and planning
- Ontario, assisted dying regulation 14:0915
- Oregon, assisted dying regulation 14:0955
- Quebec, palliative care and assisted dying regulation 14:0910-0915, 14:0940
- Supreme Court of Canada, ruling on assisted dying 14:0905-0915
MOST form information See End-of-life care, medical orders for scope of treatment information under Hospice and palliative care
Motions and resolutions
- Motion for appointment of subcommittee on dying with dignity, approved 11:0855
- Motion for timeline extension for submissions on dying with dignity, approved 17:1155
- Motion that the Chair present report to Legislative Assembly at earliest opportunity, approved 20:1110
- Motion to approve and adopt report, approved 20:1110
- Motion to go in camera, approved 13:1000, 19:0905, 19:1020, 20:0905, 21:1010
Munk, Peter
- Cancer care and cementoplasty work (Hawley, P.) 16:1115
My Voice publication See Advance care directives and planning under Health care system
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