2015 Legislative Session: Fourth Session, 40th Parliament
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
10:00 a.m.
Douglas Fir Committee Room
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.
Present: Linda Larson, MLA (Chair); Judy Darcy, MLA (Deputy Chair); Donna Barnett, MLA; Dr. Doug Bing, MLA; Sue Hammell, MLA; Richard T. Lee, MLA; Jennifer Rice, MLA; Bill Routley, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Dr. Darryl Plecas, MLA; Dr. Moira Stilwell, MLA
1. The Chair called the Committee to order at 10:03 a.m.
2. Resolved, that the Committee meet in-camera to consider submissions to the Committee. (Donna Barnett, MLA)
3. The Committee met in-camera from 10:03 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.
4. The Committee continued in public session at 10:50 a.m.
5. The Committee discussed its upcoming meeting schedule.
6. The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 10:55 a.m.
Linda Larson, MLA Chair | Susan Sourial |
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Issue No. 13
ISSN 1499-4224 (Print)
ISSN 1499-4232 (Online)
Page | |
Committee Meeting Schedule | 175 |
Chair: | Linda Larson (Boundary-Similkameen BC Liberal) |
Deputy Chair: | Judy Darcy (New Westminster NDP) |
Members: | Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin BC Liberal) |
Dr. Doug Bing (Maple Ridge–Pitt Meadows BC Liberal) | |
Sue Hammell (Surrey–Green Timbers NDP) | |
Richard T. Lee (Burnaby North BC Liberal) | |
Dr. Darryl Plecas (Abbotsford South BC Liberal) | |
Jennifer Rice (North Coast NDP) | |
Bill Routley (Cowichan Valley NDP) | |
Dr. Moira Stilwell (Vancouver-Langara BC Liberal) | |
Clerk: | Susan Sourial |
The committee met at 10:03 a.m.
[L. Larson in the chair.]
L. Larson (Chair): Good morning, everyone. Thank you very much for being here. I’d like to start this morning a little bit unusually. Could we have a motion, please, to go in camera?
D. Barnett: So moved.
L. Larson (Chair): Thank you, Donna.
The committee continued in camera from 10:03 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.
[L. Larson in the chair.]
Committee Meeting Schedule
L. Larson (Chair): We have compiled a starting point of consultation groups and organizations to be asked to come in the next few weeks to this committee to make presentations. Because of the size of the province of British Columbia and because the Legislature is currently sitting in Victoria, we will focus first on those that are closest to where we are to prevent there being huge travel conditions for people in the other parts of the province, and then we will move out from there once the Legislature is no longer sitting. That list will be distributed to the members of this committee for a recheck.
The problem we have is: what days are we available? This is always the major issue when we’re here in Victoria, because we do have more than one committee attached to most of us.
There were some dates. I’m going to turn it over to Susan. She had a list of dates. Some of them were good, and some of them were iffy.
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): Originally we had looked at Wednesdays. At the moment we have left April 29, May 13 and May 27.
L. Larson (Chair): So we have three Wednesdays on our calendar at the moment that were generally acceptable with everybody. And they were okay with me too. No, they weren’t okay with me, but it’s all right.
D. Barnett: So they were April 29, May the…?
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): So Wednesday, April 29; Wednesday, May 13; and Wednesday, May 27 — those three dates.
D. Barnett: Yup, good with me. They’re already in my calendar.
L. Larson (Chair): Okay. They’re already there.
Bill, they were all right with you?
And Jennifer, okay with you too?
J. Rice: I’m sorry. I can’t remember the dates. You’ll have to tell me them. So the 29th?
L. Larson (Chair): April 29, 13th and 27th of May.
D. Barnett: The 13th and 27th of April.
L. Larson (Chair): No, of May. The 29th of April; 13th and 27th of May.
Yes, you’ve got it, Donna.
J. Darcy (Deputy Chair): I may have an issue. I believe Health estimates are the entire last week, so I will just need to double-check.
L. Larson (Chair): Yeah. That’s the Wednesday. Thursday is our last day, right? So we’ll see. If there is an issue, we’ll….
J. Rice: The 27th, the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth meet, and I’m on that.
L. Larson (Chair): Oh, do they, on that day?
J. Rice: I have from nine to one.
L. Larson (Chair): So the 27th — we’ll just pull that one at the moment.
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): So that only leaves us two Wednesdays.
L. Larson (Chair): That leaves us two Wednesdays. If we say 15 minutes for the presentation, 15 minutes for us to ask questions, are you comfortable with that time frame? Do you think that’s…?
D. Barnett: Is that the 29th?
L. Larson (Chair): No, no, the 27th of May is the last Wednesday we’re here.
So my question is: is 15 minutes to do a presentation…? Do you feel that that is a comfortable amount of time for someone to present.
J. Darcy (Deputy Chair): I think it depends on the organization. And if we are now inviting some of the larger ones….
I have another suggestion that I’d just reiterate from earlier that maybe we also pick a day, a Friday, in Vancouver.
[ Page 176 ]
L. Larson (Chair): Yes. That we can probably do.
J. Darcy (Deputy Chair): Yeah. I’m just looking at the 15th of May. That’s a possibility? Anyway, we don’t….
L. Larson (Chair): The 15th I think will work for me.
Yes, let’s look at that, then.
J. Darcy (Deputy Chair): Scheduling by committee is often not the most successful, but let’s put out….
L. Larson (Chair): I think that’s a very smart idea. If we can get two of the days into the Legislature here, the 29th and the 13th, see who we can see, and then pick one Friday in May that would work. So if you would look at your calendars and….
S. Sourial (Committee Clerk): I’ll send an e-mail.
L. Larson (Chair): Susan will send an e-mail out. Take a look at your Fridays, and see if we can’t do one on a Friday morning in Vancouver. That will still allow some of us who live in the nether lands to go home later in the day. Does that sound reasonable, Judy?
J. Darcy (Deputy Chair): Absolutely.
L. Larson (Chair): Anything else for the committee this morning? I think we’ve got our work cut out for us, and I think the biggest thing is that we must make that commitment to be here to start listening to those submissions.
D. Barnett: We should give these letters back so they don’t get lost in the….
L. Larson (Chair): Yes, give back the letters that were circulated, please.
Donna has moved to adjourn.
The committee adjourned at 10:55 a.m.
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