First Session, 41st Parliament – 2017
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; sec. - section; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
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James, Carole (Victoria–Beacon Hill)
- As subject
- B.C. Liberal Party government
- B.C. NDP
- Butterfield, David, life and legacy 4B:1355-1400
- Child care, funding and spaces 4B:1610, 9B:1350
- Clark, Christy
- Consumers, cost of living 4B:1615, 4B:1625
- Education system, conditions 4B:1615-1620
- Elections
- campaign financing, reform and government action 4B:1620
- general election, May 9, 2017, results 4B:1600
- Food banks, use 4B:1615
- Home support services 4B:1610
- Housing
- affordable housing, government action 4B:1605
- rental housing, protections for tenants 4B:1605
- Income disparity 4B:1610-1615
- Introductions by members 4B:1330, 6B:1335
- Legislature, Standing Order 45A(1) motions, unanimous consent to move directly to a vote on throne speech 4B:1630
- Long-term and residential care, care standards 4B:1610
- Oral questions
- Physicians, family physicians, supply and accessibility 4B:1605
- Saini, Mac, child care death case 4B:1610, 9B:1350
- Social support system for vulnerable persons 4B:1610-1615
- Statements by members
- Throne speech content 4B:1600-1625
- Throne speech debate 4B:1600-1630
- Victoria, rental housing market 4B:1605
- Victoria–Beacon Hill constituency and area, housing, seniors renoviction cases 4B:1605
Johal, Hon. Jas (Richmond-Queensborough)
- As subject
- documentary work 4B:1645
- experience as immigrant and journalist 4B:1630
- family, constituents and volunteers thanked 4B:1630
- meeting with 17th Karmapa 4B:1640-1645
- meetings with high-technology industry stakeholders 4B:1645-1650
- 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, visit to B.C. 4B:1640-1645
- Agriculture, additional farmland 4B:1640
- Air pollution and health issues 4B:1645
- B.C. Liberal Party government, priorities 4B:1630-1650
- Carbon tax, rate increase 4B:1640
- Children and youth
- child care initiatives 4B:1635
- early childhood education, government investment 4B:1635
- China, air quality 4B:1645
- Climate change, government action 4B:1640-1645
- Consumers, cost of living 4B:1635
- Economy, growth 4B:1630-1635
- Education
- Elections, campaign financing, ban on corporate and union donations 4B:1640
- First speeches by members 4B:1630-1650
- Ganges River, role 4B:1645
- Health care system, initiatives 4B:1640
- High-technology industry, government tech strategy 4B:1645-1650
- Housing, affordable housing, supply 4B:1635
- Income assistance
- benefits, rate increase 4B:1635
- single-parent employment initiative 4B:1635
- India, air quality 4B:1645
- Introductions by members 7B:1335
- Richmond-Queensborough constituency and area
- Thrangu Buddhist Monastery 4B:1640
- Throne speech content 4B:1630-1650
- Throne speech debate 4B:1630-1650
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