First Session, 41st Parliament – 2017
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; sec. - section; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
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Heyman, George (Vancouver-Fairview)
- B.C. Liberal Party government, priorities and public confidence 3B:1055
- Housing, rental housing, protections for tenants 7B:1400
- Introductions by members 4B:1330
- Lower Mainland
- traffic congestion and impact on economy 3B:1045
- transit services and transportation initiatives 3B:1045-1055
- Oral questions
- Affordable housing and protections for renters 7B:1400
- Private members' statements
- Reid, Johanna, issues as rental housing tenant 7B:1400
- Residential tenancy branch, budget and operations 7B:1400
- Shum, Ed, contributions to Riley Park community 9B:1345
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority, funding, work of Mayors Council and memorandum of understanding 3B:1045
- Statements by members
- Ed Shum and Riley Park community garden 9B:1345
- Transit services, expansion and government investment 3B:1045-1055
- Vancouver, Riley Park community gardens 9B:1345
Horgan, John (Langford–Juan de Fuca)
- As subject
- Barlee, Gwen, life and contributions 4B:1335
- B.C., issues 7B:1350-1355
- B.C. Liberal Party, fundraising activities and payments to Premier 7B:1510
- B.C. Liberal Party government
- B.C. NDP, priorities 7B:1510-1515
- Child care, funding and spaces 7B:1510
- Clark, Christy, fundraising activities and income from B.C. Liberal Party 7B:1510
- Climate change, action on climate change 7B:1515
- Consumers
- Democracy, parliamentary democracy, governing and majority support 7B:1455
- Education system 7B:1455
- Elections
- Employment and unemployment
- Environmental protection, advocacy 4B:1335
- Families, government support 7B:1505
- Financial services industry, tax credits to banks through Advantage B.C. program 7B:1350-1355
- First Nations and Indigenous persons, Aboriginal rights and title 7B:1515
- Forests and forest industry
- Government, programs and services, government investment and support 7B:1350-1355
- Housing, rental housing
- Income assistance
- benefits, rates 7B:1500
- disability benefits, case of recipients in relationship 7B:1505
- Introductions by members 6B:1335
- Langford–Juan de Fuca constituency and area, constituency and name changes 7B:1450-1455
- Long-term and residential care
- beds, availability 7B:1510
- facilities, staffing levels and resources 7B:1515
- Lower Mainland, transit services and transportation initiatives 7B:1510
- Medical Services Plan premiums 7B:1455
- MLAs
- Mental health, addiction and recovery minister of state, establishment 7B:1510
- Oral questions
- Plecas, Darryl, election as Speaker 10B:1020
- Poverty incidence and government action 7B:1500
- Seniors care and support, case 7B:1510
- Substance use and addiction, opioid overdoses, response 7B:1510
- Thomson, Steve, election as Speaker 1B:1020-1025
- Throne speech
- Throne speech debate 7B:1450-1515
- Tributes
- Vancouver Island, ferry services 7B:1500
- Workers, service workers 7B:1510
Hunt, Marvin (Surrey-Cloverdale)
- As subject
- campaign team, staff, constituents and family thanked 6B:1745-1750
- door-to-door campaigning during elections 6B:1750
- experience as UBCM president 6B:1750
- Alberta, clean electricity itinerary with B.C. 6B:1810-1815
- Automobiles
- B.C. Liberal Party, election platform 6B:1750
- B.C. Liberal Party government, financial management 6B:1750-1755
- Caregivers, family caregivers, tax credits 6B:1815
- Climate change, government action 6B:1810-1815
- Communities, urban and rural communities 6B:1750
- Credit rating, B.C. rating 6B:1755
- Economy
- Education system 6B:1800-1805
- Election Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 3), opposition position 6B:1755-1800
- Elections
- 2017 general election, results 6B:1750
- campaign financing, ban on corporate and union donations 6B:1755-1800
- Employment and unemployment, entry-level jobs and role of technology 6B:1805
- Energy
- Greenhouse gas emissions reduction 6B:1800, 6B:1815
- Health care system, initiatives 6B:1815
- Home ownership, rent-to-own program 6B:1810
- Housing
- Liquefied natural gas development, First Nations consultation and involvement 6B:1815
- Local government, housing development approval process 6B:1810
- Lower Mainland, transit services and projects 6B:1800
- MLAs, cooperation 6B:1755
- Mental illness and addiction services and funding 6B:1815
- Private members' statements (response)
- Public debt, operating debt 6B:1755
- Restaurant and food services industry, fast food restaurants, jobs and role of technology 6B:1805
- Ride-sharing and ride-hailing, industry 6B:1805
- Royal Commission on Education, establishment 6B:1805
- School district 36 (Surrey), capital projects and portable use 6B:1800-1805
- Science and technology, role in economy and society 6B:1805
- Seniors care and support 6B:1815
- Site C power project 6B:1810
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority
- Canada Line and Evergreen Line 3B:1050
- capital projects and funding 3B:1050
- Surrey, mental health and addictions services 6B:1815
- Teachers role 6B:1805
- Throne speech content 6B:1750-1755
- Throne speech debate 6B:1745-1815
- Transit services, expansion and government investment 6B:1800
- Transportation
- Weaver, Andrew, position on campaign finance reform legislation 6B:1755
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