First Session, 41st Parliament – 2017
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
speeches by Members; topics debated
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; sec. - section; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
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Isaacs, Joan (Coquitlam–Burke Mountain)
- As subject
- constituents, family and supporters thanked 5B:1125
- experience as business and investment professional 5B:1140
- experience of child care system and role as parliamentary secretary 5B:1130
- B.C. Liberal Party government, financial management and priorities 5B:1140-1150
- Caregivers, family caregivers, tax credits 5B:1135
- Children and youth
- child care, initiatives 5B:1130
- early childhood education, government investment 5B:1130
- Construction industry, home-renovation tax credit 5B:1135
- Coquitlam, description and businesses 5B:1125-1130, 5B:1140
- Coquitlam River Watershed Society 5B:1145
- Coquitlam Search and Rescue, work and volunteers 5B:1130, 6B:1340-1345
- Cunnings, Ian, work as search and rescue volunteer 6B:1345
- Debt, consumer debt 5B:1140
- Economy, role of government 5B:1140-1145
- Emergencies, search and rescue services, volunteers 6B:1340-1345
- Employment and jobs 5B:1140
- Environmental protection 5B:1145
- Financial planning and investment services 5B:1140
- First speeches by members 5B:1125-1150
- High-technology industry, government tech strategy 5B:1140
- Home support services 5B:1135
- Housing
- affordable housing, government initiatives 5B:1145-1150
- rental housing, protections for tenants 5B:1150
- Income assistance, single-parent employment initiative 5B:1145
- Kinder Morgan Canada Inc. oil pipeline expansion project, allocation of payments to environmental protection 5B:1145
- Long-term and residential care, government initiatives 5B:1135
- Lower Mainland, transit services and projects 5B:1145
- Marijuana, legalization, allocation of revenues 5B:1135
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth, services and Foundry program 5B:1135
- mental illness and addiction, services and funding 5B:1135
- Mental health, addiction and recovery minister of state, establishment 5B:1135
- Non-profit sector, non-profit organizations 5B:1130
- Parks system, funding and staffing 5B:1145
- Parliamentary Secretary for Early Childhood Education, role 5B:1130
- Seniors care and support 5B:1135
- Sherwin, Brad, comments on financial management 5B:1140
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority, Evergreen Line and funding 5B:1145
- Statements by members
- Throne speech debate 5B:1125-1150
- Transit services, expansion and government investment 5B:1145
- Volunteers and volunteer sector 5B:1130
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