Province of British Columbia
3rd Session, 36th Parliament -- Debate on Nisga'a Final Agreement Act
November 1998 -- April 1999
Subject INDEX
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y
Hansard Sittings by Page Number
Nass River
- Fish resources See Nisga'a treaty fisheries provisions under Fisheries
- Water volumes specified in Nisga'a treaty See Nisga'a treaty water provisions under Water
Nass wildlife area
- Boundary changes
(Coell) 11732
(Plant) 11732
(Wilson, G.) 11732-3
- Commercial guiding activities, role of Nisga'a people
(Coell) 11747-8
(Dosanjh) 11748
(Plant) 11748
(Wilson, G.) 11747-8
- Habitat management
(Coell) 11749
(Dosanjh) 11749
- Minister's management obligation
(Plant) 11738-9
(Wilson, G.) 11739
- Nisga'a hunting entitlements See Nisga'a treaty wildlife provisions under Wildlife
- Bonds between humans and land
(Walsh) 10970
(Zirnhelt) 11017
New Democratic Party
- Government
- moral authority to proceed with Indian land claims
(van Dongen) 11011
- Historical position on Indian land claim settlements
(Evans) 10978
- Principles
(Plant) 12012
New York Times
- Editorial quoted on Nisga'a treaty
(Waddell) 10929
New Zealand
- Treaty settlement with Maori peoples
(Farnworth) 10891
Nisga'a Final Agreement Act See also Treaty, final agreement under Nisga'a people
- (Bill 51) (Premier) 1R, 10812-3; 2R, 10817-27, 10833-53, 10861-76, 10885-96, 10901-3, 10908-24, 10959-80, 10987-99, 11008-25, 11031-50, 11056-66; C, 11075-86, 11089-111, 11115-35, 11137-48, 11153-74, 11179-200, 11209-19, 11225-42, 11245-67, 11269-79, 11285-304, 11309-28, 11337-47, 11354-71, 11416-33, 11435-46,
- 11624-34, 11638-58, 11663-82, 11689-98, 11704-24, 11729-50, 11751-61, 11768-87, 11793-812, 11821-31, 11838-56, 11860-78, 11883-95, 11902-23, 11979-81; 3R, 11981-8, 11995-2015; RA, 12043
- Divisions: 2R approved 11066; sec. 1 approved 11097; sec. 2 approved 11123-4; sec. 3 through 10 approved 11979-81; sec. 11 through 70, amdts. standing in minister's name, schedule, preamble and title approved 11981; 3R approved 12014-5
- Debate, speakers
(Abbott) 10861-4, 11310-1, 11627-34, 11638-58, 11663-81, 11689-93, 11695-8, 11705-10, 11712-5, 11717-8, 11720-2, 11786, 11806-8, 11810-2, 11825, 11828-30
(Anderson) 10873-6, 11164-7
(Barisoff) 10932-3, 11262-5
(Boone) 10866-8, 11885-6, 11888-92, 11895
(Bowbrick) 10871-3
(Calendino) 10988-91
(Campbell) 10913-9, 11082-3, 11249-53, 11257-8, 11261-2, 11998-2000
(Cashore) 10842-4, 11995-7
(Chong) 10949-51
(Clark, C.) 10995-7, 11987-8
(Clark, G.) 10812-3, 11031-9, 11076-82, 11084-6, 11092, 11097-8, 11102, 11106-10, 11158-63, 11165-73, 11183-9, 11192, 11259-64, 11665-6, 11770-1, 12013-4
(Coell) 10938-40, 11292-4, 11298-300, 11313-7, 11319-20, 11718-20, 11722-4, 11729-38, 11740-50, 11751-7
(Coleman) 11022-5
(Conroy) 10919-21
(Dalton) 10889-90, 11906-7
(de Jong) 10821-4, 11076-8, 11083-6, 11090-4, 11096-7, 11099-101, 11108-11, 11115-9, 11121-2, 11124-30, 11133-5, 11137-45, 11154-8, 11160-3, 11165-70, 11180-5, 11188-95, 11198-200, 11216-7, 11228-30, 11232-41, 11253-4, 11258-61, 11265-7, 11271, 11294-303, 11310-3, 11317, 11320-3, 11325-8, 11340-1, 11345-7, 11354-5, 11361-3, 11365, 11415-20, 11427-8, 11436-7, 11439-43, 11445-6, 11759-61, 11770-2, 11774-7, 11781-2, 11785-7, 11793-7, 11799-800, 11802-4, 11807-8, 11821-3, 11825-8, 11830-1, 11838-41, 11846-7, 11851-4, 11863, 11866-9, 11893, 11908-9, 11913-8, 11920-1, 11981-6
(Dosanjh) 11059-61, 11098-105, 11109-10, 11119-23, 11131-3, 11137-43, 11145-8, 11153-8, 11163, 11166-7, 11173, 11180-2, 11185, 11187-90, 11214-9, 11226-32, 11240-1, 11247-8, 11258, 11269-71, 11273-8, 11285-8, 11290-1, 11302-4, 11311-4, 11328, 11337-45, 11347, 11354-5, 11358, 11366-71, 11420-1, 11428, 11430, 11440-1, 11443-5, 11650-1, 11738-40, 11742-3, 11748-9, 11774, 11776-9, 11781-7, 11793-9, 11801-3, 11821-31, 11838-43, 11846-51, 11853-6, 11861, 11864-71, 11889, 11893-5, 11906, 11921-3
(Doyle) 10991-5
(Evans) 10977-80, 11264-7
(Farnworth) 10890-3
(Farrell-Collins) 11039-42, 11861
(Giesbrecht) 10844-7
(Gillespie) 10824-5
(Gingell) 10997-9, 11277-8
(Goodacre) 10825-7
(Hammell) 10933-4
(Hansen) 10839-40, 11823-4, 11875-7, 11883-4, 12007-10
(Hartley) 10921-3
(Hawkins) 10972-4, 11910-2
(Hogg) 11042-4, 11902-4
(Janssen) 10924-8
(Jarvis) 10849-50, 11271-6, 11278, 11285, 11321, 11323-5, 11366, 11865-6
(Kasper) 10869-71
(Krueger) 10868-9, 11795-6, 11842-3
(Kwan) 10963-6
(Lali) 10836-9
(Lovick) 10817-21, 11063-6, 11075-6, 11082, 11084, 11089-97, 11115-9, 11124-30, 11133-5, 11138-9, 11153, 11163-7, 11179-80, 11191-2, 11194-200, 11209-14, 11217, 11229-30, 11232-42, 11246, 11249-58, 11287, 11293, 11297-8, 11309-10, 11313-21, 11327, 11337, 11345-7, 11356-66, 11851-3, 11986-7
(McGregor) 10946-9, 11246-7, 11271-3, 11275, 11279, 11288-303, 11310-1, 11321-8
(McKinnon) 11011-2
(MacPhail) 10940-2
(Masi) 10987-8
(Miller) 10885-6, 11631, 11633-4
(Nebbeling) 10923-4, 11863-5
(Nettleton) 11017-9
(Neufeld) 10840-2, 11274, 11276-9, 11286-7, 11292-3, 11316, 11655, 11761, 12002-4
(Orcherton) 10959-63
(Penner) 10901-3
(Petter) 10911-3, 11235-6, 11908-10, 12000-2
(Plant) 11056-9, 11078, 11084-6, 11090, 11095-6, 11098-9, 11101-3, 11120-1, 11123, 11127-8, 11132-3, 11137-42, 11144-8, 11153-4, 11156-61, 11163-4, 11166-8, 11170-4, 11179-83, 11185-8, 11190, 11196-200, 11209-16, 11247, 11254, 11256-7, 11269-71, 11287-92, 11297, 11301-4, 11313-9, 11327-8, 11337-45, 11354-5, 11368-71, 11421-2, 11430, 11440-1, 11444-5, 11632, 11650-2, 11656-7, 11671-5, 11679, 11690-1, 11693-5, 11697, 11706-7, 11709-12, 11715-6, 11730-2, 11734-6, 11738-41, 11743, 11745-9, 11753-9, 11768-9, 11777-9, 11782-5, 11794-8, 11804-6, 11812, 11821, 11824-7, 11840-2, 11844-5, 11867-9, 11873-5, 11890-1, 11905-6, 11909-10, 11915-23, 12010-3
(Priddy) 11021-2, 11875-7, 11883-4
(Pullinger) 10850-3, 11872-5
(Ramsey) 10951-4, 11903-7
(Randall) 10968-70
(Reid) 11044-6
(Reid, J.) 11061-3
(Reid, L.) 11846-9, 11884-95
(Robertson) 10942-5
(Sanders) 11012-4
(Sawicki) 10893-5
(Sihota) 11048-50
(Smallwood) 10864-6
(Stephens) 10945-6, 11800-2, 11849-51
(Stevenson) 10974-7
(Streifel) 10886-8
(Symons) 11046-8, 11759-61, 11768-70, 11772-5, 11865
(Thorpe) 10847-9, 11912-3
(van Dongen) 11008-11, 11355-68, 11425-33, 11435-9, 11442-5, 11624-6
(Waddell) 10928-32, 11913, 11915-6, 12004-7
(Walsh) 10970-2
(Weisbeck) 11019-21, 11907-8
(Weisgerber) 10833-6, 11079-80, 11082, 11104-8, 11122-3, 11130-2, 11141-2, 11171-2, 11187, 11217-9, 11225-8, 11247-9, 11254-5, 11416-7, 11422-4, 11779-81, 11808-10, 11911, 11997-8
(Whittred) 10966-8, 11854-6, 11860-3, 11869-73, 11904-5
(Wilson, G.) 10908-11, 11080-1, 11091-2, 11097-8, 11103-4, 11122, 11153-5, 11157-62, 11164, 11168-9, 11191, 11195-6, 11230-2, 11242, 11245-7, 11265, 11416-20, 11422-33, 11435-46, 11624-34, 11642, 11644, 11652-4, 11656-8, 11663-4, 11672-5, 11679, 11681, 11697, 11704-12, 11718-24, 11729-48, 11750, 11751-61, 11768-75, 11780, 11795-6, 11800-12, 11823, 11839-40, 11842-5, 11861-5, 11873-5, 11877, 11884-7, 11891-2, 11902-3, 11906-8, 11910-21
(Wilson, J.) 10954-6, 11630, 11653-4
(Zirnhelt) 11014-7, 11638-51, 11653-6, 11663-72, 11674-81, 11689-98, 11704, 11707-18
- Capital transfer formulas, spending before final agreement
(Dosanjh) 11137
(Plant) 11137
- Change of minister responsible and resumption of debate
(de Jong) 11415-6
- Consequential amendments
(Plant) 11919-20
(Wilson, G.) 11919-20
- Debate on bill
- closure of debate See also Time allocation on Bill 51 (Motion 62) under Motions
(Campbell) 11897-8, 11930-4, 11998-2000
(Clark, C.) 11987-8
(Clark, G.) 11928-9
(de Jong) 11899-900, 11981-6
(Farrell-Collins) 11728-9, 11899, 11938-43
(Giesbrecht) 11960
(Gingell) 11944-5
(Hansen) 12007-10
(Jarvis) 11971-3
(Krueger) 11961-5
(Lovick) 11986-7
(McKinnon) 11968
(MacPhail) 11728
(Miller) 11898-900
(Neufeld) 12002-4
(Plant) 12010-3
(Smallwood) 11946
(Stephens) 11948-50
(Weisgerber) 11971, 11997-8
(Wilson, G.) 11900
- conduct of government MLAs
(Farrell-Collins) 11041-2
- debate
(Campbell) 11931-3
(Farrell-Collins) 11937
(Krueger) 11960-1
(Stephens) 11957-8
(Weisgerber) 11416, 11969-71
- debate in B.C. Legislature
(Clark, G.) 11032
(de Jong) 11137-8
(Hawkins) 10972
(Krueger) 10868
(Lovick) 11063, 11138
(Plant) 11138
(Weisgerber) 11004
- Liberal Party questioning
(Campbell) 11934
(Dosanjh) 11947
(Farrell-Collins) 11938-9
(Giesbrecht) 11959
(Krueger) 11961
(Smallwood) 11946-7
(Wilson, G.) 11975-7
- media coverage
(Goodacre) 11956
- nature of debate
(Lovick) 11986
- opportunity for debate
(Campbell) 11998-2000
(Hansen) 12007-10
(Neufeld) 12002-4
(Plant) 12010-3
(Waddell) 12005
(Weisgerber) 11997-8
- sequencing of chapters
(Abbott) 11626
(Plant) 11626
(Wilson, G.) 11626
- suspension following appointment of Hon. Gordon Wilson as Aboriginal Affairs minister
(Abbott) 11397-400
(Campbell) 11386-9
(Clark, C.) 11389-92
(Dalton) 11400-1
(de Jong) 11380-3
(Farrell-Collins) 11376-80
(Hawkins) 11401-3
(Krueger) 11392-7
(Thorpe) 11403-5
(Weisgerber) 11383-6
- time spent on debate
(Clark, G.) 11928-9
(Dosanjh) 11947-8
(Farrell-Collins) 11942
(Jarvis) 11971-3
(McKinnon) 11967
(Stephens) 11948-50
(Weisgerber) 11969
(Wilson, G.) 11974, 11976-7
- timing of debate
(Farrell-Collins) 11040
- usefulness
(de Jong) 11984
- Entrenchment of clauses in constitution
(Plant) 11056
- Impact on other legislation
(Plant) 11056
- Liberal Party position
(Clark, G.) 11929-30
(Dosanjh) 11947
(Giesbrecht) 11960
(Miller) 11935
(Wilson, G.) 11974, 11976
- Political use
(Gingell) 11944
(McKinnon) 11967
(Weisgerber) 11970
- Potential for future court action
(Farrell-Collins) 11940
- Principle of bill
(Lovick) 10818
- Public concerns
(Krueger) 11962, 11964
- Schedule
- Structure of bill
(Lovick) 11075-6
Nisga'a Highway
- Construction and maintenance
- capitalization on project
(Symons) 11773
(Wilson, G.) 11773
- construction agreement
(Clark, G.) 11771
(de Jong) 11771-2
(Wilson, G.) 11771-2
- construction and maintenance
(Symons) 11759, 11768
(Wilson, G.) 11759
- costs
(Clark, G.) 11770
(de Jong) 11770-2
(Symons) 11769-70, 11772
(Wilson, G.) 11769-72, 11774-5
- land expropriation
(Symons) 11773
(Wilson, G.) 11773
- Indemnity for Nisga'a nation
(Symons) 11773
(Wilson, G.) 11773
- Ownership of corridor
(Plant) 11768-9
(Symons) 11768
(Wilson, G.) 11768-9
- Route
(de Jong) 11770
(Symons) 11769-70
(Wilson, G.) 11769-70
Nisga'a Memorial Lava Bed Park
Nisga'a Nation Fiscal Financing Agreement
- Content
(Hansen) 11883
(Plant) 11890-1
(Priddy) 11883
(Wilson, G.) 11891
- Provisions on education funding
(Plant) 11906
(Ramsey) 11906
- Quoted on payment of Medical Services Plan premiums
(Hansen) 11883
Nisga'a Nation Taxation Agreement
- Document tabled
(MacPhail) 10815
Nisga'a people
- Access to Crown lands
(de Jong) 11354
(Dosanjh) 11354-5
(Plant) 11354-5
- Agreement-in-principle
- B.C. Liberal Party position
(Streifel) 10888
- changes, public input
(Clark, G.) 11079
(Weisgerber) 11079
- changes to address Delgamuukw assertions on aboriginal title
(Weisgerber) 11226-7
- Applicability of laws of general application
(Coell) 11730
(Plant) 11730-1
(Wilson, G.) 11730-1
- Cultural traditions
- preservation and regulation
(Dosanjh) 11869
(Plant) 11869
- return of Nisga'a artifacts
(McGregor) 10946
(MacPhail) 10940-1
(Sawicki) 10895
- Delegated agreement with province on provision of services for children and families
(Boone) 11886, 11888-90
(Reid, L.) 11886-90
(Wilson, G.) 11886-7
- Family issues
- Governance structures
- Government, self-government
- accountability
(Lovick) 11851
(Stephens) 11851
- accountability, financial accountability
(de Jong) 11802-4
(Dosanjh) 11803
(Wilson, G.) 11802-4
- accountability of social systems
(Dosanjh) 11801-2
(Stephens) 11801-2
- accountability to non-Nisga'a people on Nisga'a land
(de Jong) 11796-7
(Dosanjh) 11796-8
(Plant) 11797-8
- appeal and review of administrative decisions of public institutions
(de Jong) 11821
(Dosanjh) 11821-5
(Plant) 11812, 11821, 11824-5
(Wilson, G.) 11812
- application of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to Nisga'a government
(Clark, G.) 11158-63
(de Jong) 11157-8, 11160-3
(Dosanjh) 11157-8
(Plant) 11158-61
(Wilson, G.) 11158-60, 11162
- assembly's composition and authority
(Abbott) 11812
(Wilson, G.) 11812
- collective ownership versus individual rights
(de Jong) 11828
(Dosanjh) 11828
- communities' powers, comparison to community charter concept
(Wilson, G.) 11157
- constitutional validity of self-government model
(de Jong) 11775-6
(Dosanjh) 11776
- consultations on changes to Nisga'a law
(de Jong) 11346
(Lovick) 11346
- costs associated with self-government model
(de Jong) 11776-7
(Dosanjh) 11777-8
(Plant) 11777-8
(Weisgerber) 11779-81, 11808-10
(Wilson, G.) 11780, 11808-10
- dispute resolution
(Abbott) 11808
(Wilson, G.) 11808
- establishment of village governments
(Abbott) 11806-7
(Wilson, G.) 11806-7
- evolution
(de Jong) 11782
(Dosanjh) 11782-3
(Plant) 11782-3
- federal paramountcy
(Lovick) 11065
- financial side-agreements
(Plant) 11804-5
- individual rights and federal or provincial government intervention
(de Jong) 11180
(Dosanjh) 11180
- intergovernmental relations
(de Jong) 11781-2, 11786
(Dosanjh) 11781-3, 11786
(Plant) 11783
- jurisdiction and authority, development
(Dosanjh) 11840
(Plant) 11840
- jurisdictional concerns
(Abbott) 10862-3
(Anderson) 10874
(Calendino) 10990-1
(Campbell) 10915-7
(Chong) 10950
(Clark, G.) 11036-7, 11080, 11081-2
(Coell) 10939
(Dalton) 10889
(de Jong) 10822-3, 11237
(Dosanjh) 11104
(Doyle) 10991-2
(Farnworth) 10890
(Giesbrecht) 10846-7
(Gingell) 10997
(Hansen) 10839
(Hawkins) 10972
(Hogg) 11044
(Kwan) 10965
(Lali) 10838
(Lovick) 11064-5, 11237
(McKinnon) 11012
(Nettleton) 11018-9
(Neufeld) 10841
(Orcherton) 10961-2
(Penner) 10901-2
(Plant) 11056-8
(Priddy) 11021
(Pullinger) 10852-3
(Reid) 11044-5
(Sanders) 11013-4
(Symons) 11048
(Thorpe) 10848-9
(van Dongen) 11009
(Waddell) 10930
(Weisbeck) 11020-1
(Weisgerber) 10834, 11079, 11082
(Whittred) 10967-8
(Wilson, G.) 10908-9, 10911, 11081, 11103-4
- lawmaking authority
(Coell) 11740-1
(Dosanjh) 11739-40, 11779, 11795, 11843
(Krueger) 11795, 11842-3
(Plant) 11739-40, 11779, 11844-5, 11905-6, 11920, 12011-2
(Wilson, G.) 11741, 11796, 11842-5, 11920
- lawmaking authority and enforcement powers
(de Jong) 11920-1
(Dosanjh) 11921
(Wilson, G.) 11921
- lawmaking authority, regulation of education
(de Jong) 11863
(Dosanjh) 11855-6, 11861
(Whittred) 11855-6, 11860-3
(Wilson, G.) 11861-3
- lawmaking, role of assembly members
(Abbott) 11825
(Dosanjh) 11825
- laws registry
(de Jong) 11822-3
(Dosanjh) 11822-3
- legal status of Nisga'a government and exceptions
(de Jong) 11785-6
(Dosanjh) 11786
- mechanism for review and change
(Clark, G.) 11105-8
(Dosanjh) 11105
(Weisgerber) 11104-8
- municipal style of government
(de Jong) 11785
(Dosanjh) 11784-5
(Plant) 11783-4
- Nisga'a constitution
(de Jong) 11786, 11793-4
(Dosanjh) 11787, 11793-4
(Plant) 11794
- Nisga'a constitution, amendments
(Plant) 11806
(Wilson, G.) 11806
- Nisga'a constitution, conflict-of-interest provisions
(Plant) 11804-5
- Nisga'a constitution, equality provisions
(Dosanjh) 11800-1
(Stephens) 11800-1
(Wilson, G.) 11800-1
- Nisga'a constitution, inclusion of non-Nisga'a people on Nisga'a land
(de Jong) 11799
(Dosanjh) 11799
- Nisga'a constitution, ratification
(Plant) 11805
(Wilson, G.) 11805
- number of government members
(Abbott) 11810-1
(Wilson, G.) 11810-1
- operating costs and own-source revenue
(Clark, G.) 11170-2
(de Jong) 11169-70
(Plant) 11170
(Weisgerber) 11171-2
- paramount rights in prescribed areas of authority
(Doyle) 10992
(Hawkins) 10973
(Pullinger) 10853
- powers
(Dosanjh) 11784
- regulation of alcohol sales and consumption on Nisga'a land
(de Jong) 11913-5
(Plant) 11915-6
(Thorpe) 11912-3
(Waddell) 11913, 11915
(Wilson, G.) 11913-6
- regulation of Nisga'a land
(de Jong) 11854
(Dosanjh) 11854
- relationship between council of elders and Nisga'a government
(de Jong) 11807
(Wilson, G.) 11807
- relationship with federal and provincial governments
(de Jong) 11237, 11840-1
(Dosanjh) 11841-2
(Lovick) 11237
(Plant) 11841-2
- relationship with non-Nisga'a residents on Nisga'a land, obligation to consult
(de Jong) 11825
(Dosanjh) 11825-6
- representation for non-Nisga'a residents on Nisga'a land
(Abbott) 11811
- responsibility for social services
(Dosanjh) 11870-1
(Plant) 11873-5
(Pullinger) 11872-5
(Whittred) 11869-73
(Wilson, G.) 11873-4
- responsibility to protect Nisga'a citizens' right to privacy and access to information
(de Jong) 11235-6
(Petter) 11235-6
- revenues from traffic fines, disposition
(Dosanjh) 11865
(Symons) 11865
- self-government model
(Weisgerber) 11969
- structure of government
(Abbott) 11808
- urban locals
(Dosanjh) 11777
(Plant) 11777
- urban locals, representation of constituents
(de Jong) 11807
(Wilson, G.) 11807
- village governments
(de Jong) 11794-5
(Dosanjh) 11794-5
(Plant) 11795
(Wilson, G.) 11795
- voting of Nisga'a citizens not living on Nisga'a land or in urban locals
(de Jong) 11807
(Plant) 11805
(Wilson, G.) 11805, 11807
- Health care services See Nisga'a treaty health care provisions under Health care
- Historical ties to the land
(de Jong) 11238
(Walsh) 10970
- History
(Kwan) 10963-4
- Income assistance See Income assistance, assistance for Nisga'a people under Social welfare system
- Lisims government See Government, self-government above
- Nisga'a citizenship
- Nisga'a Highway See name of highway
- Nisga'a land
- access by non-Indians
(Pullinger) 10852
(Streifel) 10888
- access by public
(Lovick) 11337
- access by public, determination of "reasonable" right of access
(de Jong) 11340-1
(Dosanjh) 11339-41
(Plant) 11339-41
- access by public, health and safety issue
(Coell) 11719
(Wilson, G.) 11719
- access by public, hunting and fishing opportunities
(de Jong) 11345
(Dosanjh) 11341-5
(Lovick) 11345
(Plant) 11341-5
- access by public, knowledge of terms and conditions
(de Jong) 11345-7
(Dosanjh) 11347
(Lovick) 11345-7
- access by public, liability issue
(Dosanjh) 11337-9
(Plant) 11337-9
- access by public, rights of access on navigable waters
(Plant) 11347
- additions to Nisga'a land
(de Jong) 11271
(Dosanjh) 11271
(Plant) 11269-70
- agricultural leases on Nisga'a land
(McGregor) 11279
(Neufeld) 11279
- application of tenancy legislation to Nisga'a land
(Lovick) 11052
- buildings and structures, regulation
(Dosanjh) 11864
(Nebbeling) 11863-5
(Wilson, G.) 11864-5
- category B fee simple lands, value
(Clark, G.) 11259
(de Jong) 11253-4, 11258-9
(Lovick) 11253-4, 11256-7
(Plant) 11254, 11256-7
- commercial recreation tenures
(Coell) 11314-6
(Lovick) 11314-6
(Neufeld) 11316
(Plant) 11316
- compensation for land expropriated from mineral tenure holders
(Neufeld) 11287
- contaminated sites
(Coell) 11300
(McGregor) 11300
- contaminated sites, cleanup responsibility
(Coell) 11299-300
(de Jong) 11302-3
(Dosanjh) 11302-4
(McGregor) 10936, 11299-302
(Plant) 10936, 11303-4
- contaminated sites, identification of sites in treaty
(Abbott) 11311
(de Jong) 11300-1
(McGregor) 11300-3, 11311
(Plant) 11301-2
- contaminated sites under special use permits
(Abbott) 11310-1
(McGregor) 11310-1
- creation of leasehold interests
(Dosanjh) 11103
(Plant) 11103
- designation of private land
(McGregor) 11271
(Plant) 11270-1
- encumbrances, impact on economic development
(Dosanjh) 11248
(Lovick) 11249
(Weisgerber) 11248-9
- expropriation
(Coell) 11314
(de Jong) 11311-3
(Dosanjh) 11311-4
(Plant) 11313-4
- forest fire control and suppression
(Abbott) 11689-91
(Plant) 11690-1
(Zirnhelt) 11689-91
- heritage sites and key geographic features
(Coell) 11316-7
(de Jong) 11317
(Lovick) 11316-8
(Plant) 11317-9
- initial surveys
(Lovick) 11314-5
(Plant) 11314-5
- interests on Nisga'a land
(Dosanjh) 11290
(McGregor) 11290-2
(Plant) 11289-92
- land title and registry system
(Plant) 11328
- laws governing mineral resource industry on Nisga'a land
(Dosanjh) 11285-7
(Jarvis) 11285
(Neufeld) 11286
(Plant) 11287-8
- mineral, oil and gas resources
(Dosanjh) 11274
(Neufeld) 11274, 11276-7
- mineral resource agreements, dispute mechanism
(Dosanjh) 11278
(Jarvis) 11278
- mineral resources
(Dosanjh) 11272-7, 11288
(Gingell) 11277-8
(Jarvis) 11272-3, 11275-6
(McGregor) 11272-3, 11275
(Neufeld) 11274, 11276 -8
(Plant) 11287-8
- mineral value on Nisga'a land, Price Waterhouse study
(Plant) 11288
- ownership issues
(de Jong) 11852-4
(Dosanjh) 11270, 11853-4
(Lovick) 11852-3
(Plant) 11269-70
- private ownership of land
(Conroy) 10919
- roads and rights of way See Roads and rights of way on Nisga'a land below
- submerged land, definition and ownership issues
(McGregor) 11288-9
(Plant) 11288-9
- traditional territory
(de Jong) 11126-7
(Dosanjh) 11217-9, 11226
(Lovick) 11126-7, 11211-3
(Plant) 11127, 11211-3
(Weisgerber) 11217-9, 11225-6
- value of natural resources
(Coleman) 11024
- vehicle licensing and insurance requirements
(Dosanjh) 11865-6
(Jarvis) 11865-6
- Nisga'a nation, meaning of term
(Lovick) 11127
(Plant) 11127
- Position on forest practices in B.C.
(Clark, G.) 11665
- Property rights of Nisga'a women
(Dosanjh) 11850-1
(Lovick) 11851
(Stephens) 11849-51
- Rights of bloodline and adopted Nisga'a
(Wilson, G.) 10910-1
- Roads and rights of way on Nisga'a land
- access and safety regulation
(de Jong) 11774
(Wilson, G.) 11774
- access to private roads
(Symons) 11775
- area covered
(de Jong) 11759-60
(Wilson, G.) 11759-60
- Nisga'a Highway See name of highway
- province's rights of way
(de Jong) 11760
(Dosanjh) 11774
(Neufeld) 11761
(Symons) 11760-1, 11773-4
(Wilson, G.) 11760-1, 11774
- regulation of signage
(de Jong) 11774
(Wilson, G.) 11774
- rights of way to existing gravel pits
(Symons) 11775
(Wilson, G.) 11775
- taxation powers and signage fees
(de Jong) 11761
(Wilson, G.) 11761
- tolls
(Symons) 11768
(Wilson, G.) 11768
- traffic regulation
(Symons) 11773
(Wilson, G.) 11773
- Self-government See Government, self government above
- Timber harvesting on Nisga'a land See Nisga'a treaty forestry provisions under Forest industry
- Treaty
- application of Indian Act after treaty in effect
(Plant) 11173
- certainty for resource industries
(Dosanjh) 11273-6
- cost in cash and land settlements
(Hansen) 10839
(Nebbeling) 10923-4
(Thorpe) 10849
(Weisgerber) 10834
- cost of compensation
(Clark, G.) 11035
(Coleman) 11023-4
(Gingell) 10998
(Reid) 11045-6
(van Dongen) 11008-9
(Waddell) 10930
(Weisbeck) 11020
(Wilson, J.) 10954-5
- cost of compensation, comparison with costs of Columbia River treaty
(Evans) 10978
- cost of not ratifying treaty
(Clark, G.) 11034-5
- costs
(Campbell) 10916-8
(Chong) 10950-1
(Clark, G.) 11083-4
(Dalton) 10890
(de Jong) 11083-4, 11092, 11785
(Lovick) 11092
(McKinnon) 11967
(MacPhail) 10941
(Penner) 10902
(Plant) 11314
(Wilson, J.) 10954-5
- costs, affordability
(de Jong) 11417-8
- costs, future costs
(van Dongen) 11009-10
- cost-sharing arrangement, value of B.C. contribution
(Campbell) 11257-8, 11261-2
(Clark, G.) 11259-62
(de Jong) 11259-61
(Dosanjh) 11258
(Lovick) 11256-8
(Plant) 11256-7, 11716
(Zirnhelt) 11716-7
- economic opportunities provided by treaty settlement
(Bowbrick) 10872
(Cashore) 10842
(MacPhail) 10941
(Pullinger) 10853
(Sawicki) 10895
- history
(Clark, G.) 11929
(Dosanjh) 11947
(Miller) 11936
(Weisgerber) 11968-9
- impact on future society
(Reid, J.) 11062
- impact on lives of Nisga'a people
(Coleman) 11023
- impact on Nisga'a citizens living away from traditional lands
(Plant) 12013
- nature of a treaty
(Lovick) 11318
- overlapping claims
(Weisgerber) 11417
(Wilson, G.) 11417
- provisions, fundamental negotiating positions
(Cashore) 10844
- public information initiatives
(McGregor) 10947-8
- public opposition, impact on treaty-making process
(Campbell) 11082-3
(Clark, G.) 11076-9
(de Jong) 11076-7, 11083
(Plant) 11078-9
(Weisgerber) 11079
- reasons underlying need for treaty
(Doyle) 10994-5
(Evans) 10977-8
(Hartley) 10922-3
(Lovick) 10819-20
(Nettleton) 11019
(Sihota) 11050
(Symons) 11046
(Walsh) 10971-2
- redress for past wrongs
(Cashore) 11995-7
(Clark, G.) 11039, 12014
(Janssen) 10926-8
(Kwan) 10965-6
(Masi) 10988-9
(Petter) 12000-2
(Plant) 12010-1
(Stevenson) 10974-5
(Waddell) 12004-7
(Walsh) 10971
- settlement of rights
(Dosanjh) 11181-2
(Plant) 11181-2
- Victoria delegation and ceremonies to mark treaty debate
(Clark, G.) 11031
(Hartley) 10921
(McGregor) 10946
(Nebbeling) 10923
(Ramsey) 10951
(Sawicki) 10893-4
(Smallwood) 10864-5
(Stevenson) 10975
- Treaty, final agreement See also Nisga'a Final Agreement Act
- ability of Nisga'a to make laws
(de Jong) 11154-5
(Dosanjh) 11155
(Wilson, G.) 11155
- adoption standards and practices See Nisga'a treaty adoption provisions under Adoption
- amendment by consent of all parties
(Plant) 11056
- amendment provisions
(de Jong) 11232-5
(Lovick) 11232-5
- apartheid allegations
(Clark, G.) 11037
(Kasper) 10870
(Kwan) 10966
(Lali) 10837
(Masi) 10988
(Stevenson) 10975-6
- application of federal and provincial laws
(Lovick) 11163-4
(Plant) 11163-4
(Wilson, G.) 11164
- application to Nisga'a in Alaska
(Clark, G.) 11172-3
(Plant) 11172-3
(Weisgerber) 11172
- approval, free vote
(Weisgerber) 11970
- approval, public referendum
(Dosanjh) 11061
(Farnworth) 10892
(Plant) 11058-9
(Stephens) 10945
(Weisgerber) 11970
(Wilson, J.) 10954
- approval, public referendum, Liberal Party positions
(Boone) 10867
(Miller) 10886
(Petter) 10912
(Ramsey) 10953
(Robertson) 10944
- approval, public referendum, petition tabled
(Campbell) 11245
- approval, public referendum versus vote in B.C. Legislature
(Barisoff) 10932-3
(Calendino) 10990
(Campbell) 10917-8
(Cashore) 10843-4
(Clark, C.) 10995-7
(Clark, G.) 11036
(Coleman) 11023
(de Jong) 10823-4
(Evans) 10978-9
(Giesbrecht) 10846
(Gillespie) 10824
(Hansen) 10839-40
(Hartley) 10921
(Jarvis) 10840
(Lali) 10837-8
(Lovick) 10818-9
(Masi) 10987-8
(Orcherton) 10960-1
(Pullinger) 10852
(Randall) 10968-9
(Stevenson) 10976-7
(van Dongen) 11010-1
(Waddell) 10929
(Weisgerber) 10834-5
- approval, ratification by Nisga'a people, voter numbers
(Clark, G.) 11189
(de Jong) 11188-90
(Dosanjh) 11189-90
- areas of legislative jurisdiction other than as specified in schedule
(Plant) 11920
(Wilson, G.) 11920
- assets transferred from federal and provincial governments, valuation
(de Jong) 11839-40
(Dosanjh) 11839
(Plant) 11840
(Wilson, G.) 11839-40
- certainty issue
(de Jong) 11191-2
(Lovick) 11191-2
- changes to text of agreement
(Chair) 11075
(Clark, G.) 11084-6, 11092
(de Jong) 11076, 11084-6, 11090-1
(Lovick) 11089-92
(Plant) 11084-6, 11090
(Wilson, G.) 11091-2
- child and family services, comparable standards requirement
(Boone) 11886, 11888-9
(Reid, L.) 11886-9, 11891-2
(Wilson, G.) 11886-7, 11891-2
- child and family services, funding arrangements
(Boone) 11890-1
(Plant) 11890-1
(Wilson, G.) 11891
- child and family services, status of services during transition period
(Boone) 11885-6
(Reid, L.) 11884-6
(Wilson, G.) 11884-5
- codification of cultural traditions
(de Jong) 11128-9
(Lovick) 11129
- comparison with Treaty 8 issues
(Lovick) 11197
(Plant) 11197
- compromises needed to achieve current agreement
(Clark, G.) 11038-9
- constitutional validity
(Campbell) 10915-6
(Cashore) 10843
(Dalton) 10889
(de Jong) 11775-6
(Dosanjh) 11061, 11776
(Giesbrecht) 10846
(Plant) 11059
(Waddell) 10929-30
(Wilson, J.) 10955
- constitutional validity, court challenge
(Anderson) 10874
(Campbell) 11999-2000
(de Jong) 10823
(Lovick) 11064
(Penner) 10902
(Stevenson) 10975
(Symons) 11046-7
- constitutional validity, court challenge, decision
(Dosanjh) 11421
(Plant) 11421-2
- constitutional validity, court challenge, impact on agreement
(de Jong) 11180
(Dosanjh) 11180
- court, policing and other justice-related powers
(Orcherton) 10962-3
- Crown apology not part of treaty
(de Jong) 11129-30, 11133-4
(Lovick) 11130-1, 11133-4
(Weisgerber) 11130-1
- culture and language provisions, impact on status of Nisga'a children
(de Jong) 11847-8
(Dosanjh) 11847-9, 11889, 11894
(Reid, L.) 11846-9, 11889, 11893-4
- debate in B.C. Legislature See Nisga'a Final Agreement Act
- definitions, "aboriginal title"
(Dosanjh) 11131-3
(Plant) 11132-3
(Weisgerber) 11131-2
- definitions, "incidental harvest"
(van Dongen) 11428-9
(Wilson, G.) 11429
- definitions, "Nisga'a contractor"
(Abbott) 11646
(Zirnhelt) 11646-7
- definitions, "Nisga'a lands"
(Clark, G.) 11085
(Plant) 11085
- definitions, "Nisga'a nation"
(Dosanjh) 11138-42
(Lovick) 11138
(Plant) 11138-42, 11156-7
(Weisgerber) 11141-2
- definitions, "party"
(Lovick) 11138
(Plant) 11138
- devolution of cultural property
(de Jong) 11916-8
(Plant) 11916-20
(Wilson, G.) 11916-20
- economic benefits
(Hammell) 10933
(Waddell) 10931
- economic considerations, restoration provisions
(Abbott) 11709-10, 11712
(Plant) 11710-2
(Wilson, G.) 11709-12
(Zirnhelt) 11710-2
- education provisions See Nisga'a treaty education provisions under Education
- education rights re culture and language
(Clark, G.) 11143-5
(de Jong) 11143-5
(Plant) 11144-5
- emergency preparedness
(de Jong) 11920
(Wilson, G.) 11920
- enforcement of child support orders
(Dosanjh) 11801
(Stephens) 11801
- environmental assessment and protection provisions See Nisga'a treaty environmental assessment and protection provisions under Environment
- equal rights for Nisga'a women
(Dosanjh) 11850-1
(Hammell) 10933-4
(Lovick) 11851
(Stephens) 11849-51
- federal contribution as cost-benefit for B.C.
(Clark, G.) 11172
(Weisgerber) 11172
- federal transfers, continuation after treaty in effect
(Weisgerber) 11171
- finality not guaranteed by present treaty
(Anderson) 10874-5
(Coell) 10939-40
(Coleman) 11024
(Neufeld) 10840-1
(Penner) 10902
(Symons) 11047
(Thorpe) 10848
(van Dongen) 11009
(Weisbeck) 11020
- financial risk management plan
(Hansen) 11883
(Priddy) 11883
- fiscal relations, eligibility for federal and provincial programs
(Clark, G.) 11168-9, 11170, 11173
(Plant) 11170-3
(Wilson, G.) 11169
- fiscal relations, transition of programs to Nisga'a responsibility
(Clark, G.) 11167-8
(de Jong) 11167-8
(Plant) 11167-8, 11171
(Wilson, G.) 11169
- fisheries provisions See Nisga'a treaty fisheries provisions under Fisheries
- forestry provisions See Nisga'a treaty forestry provisions under Forest industry
- freedom-of-information and privacy provisions
(de Jong) 11235-6
(Petter) 11235-6
- gambling and gaming on Nisga'a land See Gambling
- general provisions quoted re impact on Constitution
(Randall) 10968
- government advertising
(Clark, C.) 10996
(Dalton) 10889
(de Jong) 10917
(Farrell-Collins) 11040-1
(McKinnon) 11011-2
(Neufeld) 10841-2
(Sanders) 11012-3
(Symons) 11048
(Thorpe) 10847-9
(Wilson, J.) 10955
- government advertising, cost
(Campbell) 11931
(de Jong) 11092-4, 11096-7
(Lovick) 11092-7
(Plant) 11095-6
- history of events leading to negotiated settlement
(Cashore) 10842-3, 11995-7
(Clark, G.) 11031-2
(Conroy) 10920-1
(Dosanjh) 11059-61
(Evans) 10978
(Giesbrecht) 10845-6
(Gillespie) 10824-5
(Gosnell) 10859-61
(Kwan) 10964-5
(Lali) 10836
(Orcherton) 10960
(Petter) 10911-2, 12000-2
(Pullinger) 10851-2
(Sihota) 11049-50
(Thorpe) 10847
(Weisgerber) 10833
(Whittred) 10966
- human resource development, delivery of skills training programs
(de Jong) 11863
(Dosanjh) 11855-6, 11861
(Whittred) 11854-6, 11860-3
(Wilson, G.) 11861-3
- impact of Gitanyow court case decision
(Dosanjh) 11421-2
(Plant) 11421
- indemnity provision
(Clark, G.) 11185-8
(de Jong) 11185
(Dosanjh) 11188
(Plant) 11185-8
- initialling ceremony in New Aiyansh
(Stevenson) 10974
- initialling ceremony in New Aiyansh cited
(de Jong) 11229
(Plant) 11216
- investor certainty benefits See Investment climate under Investment
- Kincolith band challenge
(de Jong) 11139-40
(Dosanjh) 11140
(Lovick) 11139
- land entitlement, agricultural land component
(Barisoff) 11262-3
(Clark, G.) 11262-3
- land entitlement, court challenge by Gitanyow Indian band See Gitanyow Indian band
- land entitlement, fee simple ownership
(de Jong) 11238-9
(Lovick) 11238-9, 11242
(Wilson, G.) 11242
- land entitlement, final settlement amount
(de Jong) 11240-1
(Dosanjh) 11240-1
(Lovick) 11240-1
- land entitlement, overlap with traditional territory of other Indian peoples
(Campbell) 10918
(Coell) 10939
(de Jong) 11216-7, 11228-30
(Dosanjh) 11214-19, 11226-31
(Giesbrecht) 10845
(Gingell) 10997
(Lovick) 11209-14, 11217, 11229-30
(Petter) 11235-6
(Plant) 11058, 11209-16
(Stephens) 10945
(Symons) 11047
(Weisgerber) 10834-5, 11217-9, 11225-8, 11423-4
(Wilson, G.) 10910, 11230-1, 11424-5
- land entitlement, permanency of Nisga'a jurisdiction and residual title
(Dosanjh) 11247-8
(Lovick) 11246, 11249
(McGregor) 11246-7
(Plant) 11247
(Weisgerber) 11247-9
(Wilson, G.) 11245-7
- land entitlement, rights and obligation of Nisga'a in respect of public access
(de Jong) 11340-1, 11345-7
(Dosanjh) 11337-45, 11347
(Lovick) 11345-7
(Plant) 11337-45
- land entitlement, valuation process and outcome
(Campbell) 11251-3, 11261-2
(Clark, G.) 11259-62
(Coell) 11313
(de Jong) 11253-4, 11258-61
(Lovick) 11251-4, 11256-7, 11309, 11313, 11327
(Plant) 11254, 11256-7, 11327
- land entitlement, value of forgone revenues to government
(Lovick) 11255
(Weisgerber) 11254-5
- legal certainty
(Clark, G.) 11079-80
(Randall) 10968
(Weisgerber) 11079-80
- liability of Nisga'a government and its agents
(de Jong) 11921
(Dosanjh) 11921-2
(Plant) 11922
- matters other than as specified in schedule
(de Jong) 11920-1
(Dosanjh) 11921
(Wilson, G.) 11921
- mechanisms to handle overlapping land claims
(Dosanjh) 11421
(Plant) 11421
(Wilson, G.) 11423
- moral argument for settling treaty
(Farrell-Collins) 11041-2
(Sihota) 11048-9
- negotiations between parties to treaty, process
(de Jong) 11236-7
(Lovick) 11236-7
- Nisga'a citizenship, Canadian citizenship requirement
(de Jong) 11165-6
(Lovick) 11165-6
- Nisga'a citizenship, definition of "participant"
(Anderson) 11165-7
- Nisga'a citizenship for non-Nisga'a
(Dosanjh) 11153-4
(Plant) 11154
(Wilson, G.) 11153-4
- Nisga'a citizenship, rights and limitations
(de Jong) 11846
(Dosanjh) 11846
- Nisga'a citizenship, rights of entry to Canada
(Clark, G.) 11166
(de Jong) 11166
(Dosanjh) 11166
(Wilson, G.) 11168-9
- Nisga'a property in Nisga'a lands, intent of provisions
(de Jong) 11851-4
(Lovick) 11851-3
- Nisga'a women's concerns
(Stephens) 11958
- objectives of treaty
(Campbell) 10811
(Clark, G.) 10810-1, 10813
(de Jong) 10821-2
(Gillespie) 10825
(Goodacre) 10826-7
(Lovick) 10818, 10821
(Petter) 10913
(Plant) 11003
(Weisgerber) 10812
(Wilson, G.) 10811-2
- obligation to consult
(Clark, G.) 11192
(de Jong) 11191-5, 11198-9
(Lovick) 11192, 11194-9
(Plant) 11196
(Wilson, G.) 11195
- obligation to make efforts to resolve matter if provision legally struck down
(Dosanjh) 11173
(Plant) 11173
- other provinces and territories not bound by agreement
(Dosanjh) 11922-3
(Plant) 11922-3
- parks and ecological reserves See Parks and ecological reserves on Nisga'a land under Parks
- power to amend Canadian constitution
(Clark, G.) 11035-6, 11097-8
(de Jong) 11154, 11156
(Dosanjh) 11154
- preamble, certainty clause
(Lovick) 11128
(Plant) 11128
- preamble, content
(Plant) 11132-3
- preamble, reference to "land question"
(de Jong) 11127-8
(Lovick) 11127-8
- province's obligation to consult before amending or enacting legislation
(de Jong) 11840-1
(Dosanjh) 11841-2
(Krueger) 11842-3
(Plant) 11841-2
(Wilson, G.) 11842-3
- provincial government liability for not fulfilling treaty provisions
(de Jong) 11142-3
(Dosanjh) 11143
- provision for equality
(Lovick) 11064
- provisions for development of Nisga'a governing powers
(Dosanjh) 11840
(Plant) 11840
- public views
(Anderson) 10875
(Campbell) 11082-3
(Coell) 10938
(Evans) 10979-80
(Krueger) 10868-9
(McGregor) 10948-9
(Randall) 10970
- public views, North Island mayors
(Robertson) 10944-5
- public views, vote by Prince George residents
(Hansen) 11115
(Lovick) 11115
- ratchet-up clause not included in treaty
(Dosanjh) 11231-2
(Wilson, G.) 11231-2
- reconciliation objective
(de Jong) 11134-5
(Lovick) 11134-5
- remedies and replacement rights
(de Jong) 11228
(Dosanjh) 11227-8, 11230-1
(Weisgerber) 11227-8
(Wilson, G.) 11230-1
- rights, aboriginal right to tax exemptions
(de Jong) 11183-5
- rights, "cede, release and surrender" wording
(Clark, G.) 11183-4, 11186
(Lovick) 11200
(Plant) 11190, 11200
(Weisgerber) 11187
- rights, codification of agreed-upon existing and new rights
(Clark, G.) 11097-8, 11109-10
(de Jong) 11099-101, 11108-11, 11119-22, 11121-2
(Dosanjh) 11098-101, 11104, 11109-10, 11119-23, 11133
(Plant) 11099
(Weisgerber) 11122-3
(Wilson, G.) 11097-8, 11103-4, 11122
- rights for Nisga'a citizens
(Dosanjh) 11145-6
(Plant) 11145-6
- rights held collectively
(Dosanjh) 11142
(Plant) 11142
- rights, "other" section 35 Charter rights
(Lovick) 11190
(Plant) 11190
- rights, "release" provision
(Clark, G.) 11184
(de Jong) 11188
- rights, section 35 Charter rights
(Clark, G.) 11081-2, 11097-8, 11183
(de Jong) 11099-100, 11156, 11182-3
(Dosanjh) 11121, 11145-8, 11182
(Plant) 11099, 11123, 11128, 11145-8, 11153, 11182-3
(Weisgerber) 11082
(Wilson, G.) 11081-2, 11097-8, 11103-4, 11153-4
- rights, special rights
(van Dongen) 11010
- rights, "within the meaning of sections 25 and 35"
(Clark, G.) 11097-8
(de Jong) 11099-100, 11128
(Dosanjh) 11098-9, 11122
(Lovick) 11128
(Plant) 11099, 11101, 11128
(Wilson, G.) 11097-8, 11122
- roads and rights of way See Roads and rights of way on Nisga'a land under Nisga'a people above
- self-government provisions See Government, self-government under Nisga'a people above
- social services provisions
(Dosanjh) 11870-1
(Pullinger) 11872-3
(Whittred) 11869-73
- spiritual leaders' statement on treaty See Religion
- taxation issues See Nisga'a treaty tax provisions under Taxation; Sales tax
- template for treaties with other Indian peoples See Treaties under Indians
- traffic and transportation provisions
(Dosanjh) 11865-6
(Jarvis) 11865-6
(Symons) 11865
- treaty implementation project, role
(de Jong) 11096, 11115-9, 11124-5
(Lovick) 11095-6, 11115-9, 11124-5
(Plant) 11095-6
- treaty rights for non-Nisga'a citizens
(de Jong) 11838-9
(Dosanjh) 11146-8, 11838-9
(Plant) 11146-8
- treaty rights of non-Nisga'a Indians
(Dosanjh) 11153
(Plant) 11153
- voting and other rights of non-Indians living on Nisga'a land
(Abbott) 10863
(Calendino) 10991
(Campbell) 10915
(Clark, C.) 10996
(Clark, G.) 11037-8
(Coell) 10939-40
(Coleman) 11024
(Dalton) 10889-90
(Dosanjh) 11826
(Doyle) 10992
(Hawkins) 10973-4
(Hogg) 11043-4
(Orcherton) 10962
(Plant) 11058, 11826
(Whittred) 10967
(Wilson, G.) 10909
- voting and other rights of non-Indians living on Nisga'a land, federal government's agreement to treaty's provisions
(de Jong) 11826-8
(Dosanjh) 11826-8
- voting and other rights of non-Indians living on Nisga'a land, participation on public boards
(Abbott) 11828-30
(de Jong) 11830-1
(Dosanjh) 11829-31
(Wilson, G.) 11830
- water licences and rights See Nisga'a treaty water provisions under Water
- watershed restoration provisions See Watersheds
- wildlife provisions See Nisga'a treaty wildlife provisions under Wildlife
- workability
(Campbell) 10913-4, 10918-9
(Gingell) 10998-9
(Hogg) 11042
(Weisbeck) 11019-20
- Treaty negotiation process
- Writs of execution against Nisga'a nation or village
(Dosanjh) 11922
(Plant) 11922
- Youth
- access to provincial programs and services
(Boone) 11885
(Reid, L.) 11884-5
(Wilson, G.) 11884-5
Nisga'a Valley health board
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