Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 5th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
May 7, 1991 to June 27, 1991
USA Today, Washington, D.C.
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 12164
Ucluelet, B.C.
Timber, access to (Janssen, G.) 13216
Underwood, Derek
Mentioned: (Perry) 12621
Boundary-Similkameen constituency (Barlee) 12173, 13101
Forest industry, unemployment in (Miller) 12433
GAIN recipients, number of and unemployment rate (Jacobsen) 12997 (Janssen, G.) 13052 (Marzari) 12997, 13000
Kamloops (Clark) 13144
Men over age 50, technological redundancy (Smallwood) 12934, 13052
Nelson (Clark) 13144
Ontario (Bruce) 12675, 12676 (Clark) 12681
Port Alberni (Clark) 13144 (Janssen, G.) 12143 (Jones) 12298
Prince George (Clark) 13144
Problem (Boone) 12224-5 (Cashore) 12203 (Clark) 12232, 12233 (D’Arcy) 12224 (Jones) 12298 (Lovick) 12188
Rate in B.C. (Barlee) 11980 (Clark) 12130, 12681, 13144
Rate in B.C. during NDP administration (Barlee) 12173
Redundancies (Boone) 12225
Resource industries, job loss in (Clark) 12232, 12233
Retraining of unemployed (Jacobsen) 13127 (Smallwood) 13127
Unemployment Insurance Commission
See: Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Union Carbide Corp.
Mentioned: (Rose) 12969
Union of British Columbia Municipalities
“Provincial-Municipal Housing Meeting — Proposed Initiatives” (Blencoe) 13095, 13097, 13098, 13099-100, 13124-5, 13126 (Cull) 13199 (Jacobsen) 13097, 13098
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 13159, 13163 (Cull) 13201 (Fraser) 13159, 13163 (Sihota) 13159 (Zirnhelt) 13213
United Church of Canada
Mentioned: (Miller) 12829 (Strachan) 12832
United Effort Order commune, Lister, B.C.
Lottery grant to (Clark) Q.12615 (Veitch) A.12615
United Nations
Declaration of the Rights of the Child (Jacobsen) 12946 (Smallwood) 12945-6, 12946, 12947, 12950
Declaration of the Rights of the Child, application of to B.C. (Smallwood) 13012
Declaration of the Rights of the Child mentioned (Smallwood) 13012
Declaration of the Rights of the Child quoted (Smallwood) 13009
Mentioned: (Barnes) 12053 (Chalmers) 12692 (Jones) 12399 (Mercier) 12502 (Pullinger) 11967 (Vander Zalm) 12164
United Native Nations
Mentioned: (Jacobsen) 13010
United States
Health care system (Strachan) 12464
Memorandum of understanding. See entries under Lumber trade
Shopping in U.S. by B.C. residents. See entries under Shopping
United States. Forest Service
Mentioned: (Barlee) 12175
United Way
Mentioned: (Perry) 12724
Universities and colleges
Access for All program (Dirks) 12133 (Dueck) 12751 (Jansen, J.) 12116 (Johnston) 12105 (Parker) 12142 (Strachan) 12148-9 (Throne speech) 11934 (Vant) 12021
Access for All program, funding for (Brummet) 12069
Access for All program mentioned (Dueck) 12395, 13184 (Hagen, S.) 12191, 12192 (Jones) 13184
Chilliwack, location of university in (Jansen, J.) 12741
Colleges and institutes, funding for (Jansen, J.) 12116 (Parker) 12142
Colleges, boards, appointment of (Cull) 12473 (Strachan) 12472-3
Colleges, boards, election of (Cull) 12473
Colleges, capital works program (Hagen, S.) 12192
Colleges, degree-granting status (Hagen, S.) 12192 (Michael) 11962
Colleges, degrees granted (Throne speech) 11935
Colleges, programs, cancellation of (D’Arcy) 12223
Colleges, university courses (Harcourt) 11958 (Parker) 12142
Fraser Valley university, proposal re (Dueck) 12286 (Hagen, S.) 12192 (Jansen, J.) 12116 (Jones) 12044-5 (Peterson) 12261 (Savage) 12013 (Throne speech) 11935
Fraser Valley university, site for (Jansen, J.) 12741
Funding for (Jones) 12046
Funding for, budget planning (Jones) 12325
Funding for, capital funds (Michael) 12245
Post-secondary education (Cull) 12030-1
Post-secondary education, participation rate, Fraser Valley (Brummet) 12069 (Jones) 12044-5
Post-secondary education, participation rate, interior students (Edwards) 12181
Post-secondary institutions and global economy (Dueck) A.12524 (Michael) Q.12524
Student spaces, increase in (Dueck) 12395, 12397, 13184 (Hagen, S.) 12192 (Jones) 13184-5
Students turned away (Cull) 12030-1 (Jones) 13184
Tuition fees, increase in (Clark) 12130 (Janssen, G.) 12144 (Jones) 12046
Universities, benefits of to local communities (Cull) 12741 (Jansen, J.) 12741
Universities, funding for (Dueck) 13184 (Jansen, J.) 12116 (Jones) 13184-5 (Parker) 12142
Universities, funding for, matching fund program (Hagen, S.) 12192 (Jansen, J.) 12116
Universities, property taxes, grants in lieu of (Cull) 12740
Universities, student spaces, increase in (Dueck) 12397
Universities, women employees and pay equity (Clark) 12666
University Act
Mentioned: (Smallwood) 12668
University Endowment Lands, Vancouver, B.C.
Residents, health services for (Marzari) 12153 (Perry) 12622-3 (Strachan) 12623, 12624
Mentioned: (Cull) 12740
University Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
Women's health centre, establishment of (Strachan) 12457
Mentioned: (Perry) 11975, 12623 (Strachan) 12624, 12770, 12921
University of British Columbia
Alternative Citizens' Forum mentioned (Perry) 13224
Employee, attendance of at NDP event (Gran) A. 12662 (Vant) Q.12662
Employee, harassment of (Gran) A. 12691 (Vant) Q. 12691
Engineering faculty, female students (Marzari) 12603
Health ministry funding for teaching positions, proposal re (Perry) 12625-6
Law school, female students (Johnston) 12106
Medical school, funding for, proposal re (Perry) 12833 (Strachan) 12833
Student spaces, increase in (Dueck) 13184
Mentioned: (Barnes) 12265 (Clark) 12130 (Cull) 12740 (Hagen, S.) 12192, 12511 (Harcourt) 12109 (Marzari) 11985, 12994 (Mercier) 13253 (Miller) 12272, 13191 (Perry) 12008, 12011, 12256, 12385, 12623, 12704, 12763, 12819 (Peterson) 12475 (Rabbitt) 12867 (Smith) 12266 (Strachan) 12459, 12465, 12479, 12763, 12830, 12831
University of Louisville
Mentioned: (Dueck) 12825
University of Michigan
Mentioned: (Dueck) 12286
University of Northern British Columbia
Board of governors, representation on (Strachan) 12147-8
Construction of (Parker) 12142
Establishment of (Hagen, S.) 12191-2, 12192 (Harcourt) 11958 (Jansen, J.) 12112, 12116 (Kempf) 11953 (Parker) 12141 (Strachan) 12147-8 (Vant) 12021
Funding for (Dueck) 12395
Funding for, capital funds (Strachan) 12687
Public health administration, degrees in (Strachan) 12834
Mentioned: (Dueck) 13184 (Jansen, J.) 12741 (Jones) 12395 (Miller) 12833 (Savage) 12013 (Strachan) 12148, 12832, 12833, 12906 (Throne speech) 11935
University of Toronto
Mentioned: (Michael) 12524
University of Victoria
Benefits of to local community (Cull) 12741 (Jansen, J.) 12742
Housing for Commonwealth Games (Cull) 12741 (Jansen, J.) 12742
Property taxes and costs to municipalities (Cull) 12740
School of Public Administration mentioned (Smith) 12267
School of Social Work mentioned (Lovick) 12944, 12945
Space, shortage of (Cull) 12397
Student spaces, increase in (Cull) 12396-7 (Dueck) 13184
Students, funding for, unfunded students (Cull) 12397
Students turned away (Cull) 12030, 12336
Mentioned: (Clark) 12130 (Dueck) 12397 (Hagen, S.) 12192 (Harcourt) 12109 (Sihota) 12790 (Strachan) 12456, 12643
University of Washington
Mentioned: (Perry) 12763
Urban Development Institute
Housing, proposals for (Blencoe) 13125, 13126
Mentioned: (Cull) 13201 (Veitch) 12228
Use of CFCs, An Act to Ban (Proposed)
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 12103
User charges
Increase in (Boone) 12136-7 (Edwards) 12061, 12349 (Hagen, A.) 12248 (Harcourt) 11961 (Jansen, J.) 12115 (Janssen, G.) 12144 (Jones) 12650 (Pullinger) 12302, 12649 (Sihota) 12646 (Smallwood) 12242
Usher, Budsy
Mentioned: (Reid) 12003
Utilities Commission
See: British Columbia Utilities Commission
Utility lines
See: Public utilities — Right of way