Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 5th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
May 7, 1991 to June 27, 1991


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Dailly, Eileen

Mentioned: (Jones) 12043

Dalhousie University

Mentioned: (Marzari) 11985

Dalon, Richard L.

Mentioned: (Clark) 12401

D'Arcy, Christopher (Rossland-Trail)

Adoptees, birth parents, right of access to information re 12857, 12857-8

Adoption Amendment Act (1991) 12857, 12857-8, 12858

B.C. Lottery Fund, purpose of 12729

Budget debate 12222-4

Castlegar, bridge over Columbia River 12222

Castlegar hospital, expansion of 12222

Champion Lakes Provincial Park, work on 12222

Colleges, programs, cancellation of 12223

Davis, Jack, tribute to 12222

Debt 12222, 12224

Downtown Eastside Residents' Association, lottery grant application 12729

Economy of B.C. 12222

Forest industry, problems 12222

GAIN recipients, earnings exemption 12223

Government, telephone calls to re complaints 12224

Growth and Opportunities B.C. program, establishment of 12729

Highway 3B, Salmo-Fruitvale section, work on 12222

Highway 3B, Trail-Rossland section, work on 12222

Highway 22A, Waneta Junction — U.S. border section, work on 12222

Industry in B.C., problems 12222-3, 12224

Job training, funding for 12223

Legislature, night sittings 12853

Lottery grants, advisory committee on, establishment of 12729, 12730

Lottery grants, advisory committee on, members 12730

Lottery grants, advisory committee on, report to auditor-general re 12730

Lottery grants, information re 12729

Mexico, free trade agreement with 12223

Pulp industry, West Kootenay industry 13197

Referendums, use in provincial election Q. 13240

Revenue, source of 12223

Semiahmoo House Society, lottery grant to 12729

Shopping, cross-border shopping 12223

Smelting industry, tax on electricity 12223

Sopow, Eli, report on alleged bias of media, access to Q.12825

Supply Act (No. 2) (1991) 13197

Syringa Creek Provincial Park, work on 12222

Trail, highway bypass, construction of 12222

Unemployment, problem 12224

Water, safe supply of 12223-4

Water supply, funding for 12223-4

Wood chips, export of 12224, Wood waste, disposal of 13197

Wood waste, use of 13197

Data processing

See: Electronic data processing

Davidson, K. Walter (Delta)

B.C. Hazardous Waste Management Corporation, remuneration for chairmanship of (Mercier) A. 12216, A. 12280, A. 12281, A. 12282 (Sihota) Q. 12216, Q. 12280, Q.12280-1, Q.12281, Q.12282, Q.12498

Davis, Jack

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry building, name for (Throne speech) 11931 (Weisgerber) 12077

Popular Politics quoted (Bruce) 11982

Tribute to (Bruce) 11982 (D’Arcy) 12222 (Fraser) 11978 (Miller) 12095 (Rabbitt) 12083 (Richmond) 11940 (Rose) 11940 (Throne speech) 11931 (Weisgerber) 12077

Mentioned: (Perry) 13208

Davis, William

Mentioned: (Rose) 12870

Dawson, Fabian

Mentioned: (Marzari) 11986

Dawson Creek, B.C.

Health centre (Strachan) 12458

Day care

Advisory Council on Community-Based Programs for Women, recommendations, funding for (Jacobsen) 13121

Advisory Council on Community-Based Programs for Women, report (Jacobsen) 13088 (Marzari) 13088

Appropriation for, 1990-91 fiscal year (Clark) 12308

Appropriation for, 1990-91 fiscal year, overspending of (Jacobsen) 12382, 12383 (Marzari) 12382, 12383, 12384

Central Fraser Valley, number of spaces (Dueck) 12898 (Pullinger) 12898

Day care (Brummet) 12069 (Gran) 13210 (Huberts) 11951 (Marzari) 13123, 13204 (Pullinger) 11967-8 (Throne speech) 119334

Facilities (Throne speech) 11934

Facilities, capital costs (Marzari) 13089, 13121

Facilities, employees, screening of (Strachan) 12457

Facilities, illegal operations (Pullinger) 12903

Facilities, inspection of (Jacobsen) 13097 (Marzari) 12895-6 (Strachan) 12896

Facilities, inspection of, cases cited (Cashore) 13096-7

Facilities, inspection of, delays in (Cashore) 13096-7

Facilities, inspection of, staff for (Marzari) 12896, 12897 (Strachan) 12896-7

Facilities, licensing of (Jacobsen) 13097 (Pullinger) 12902 (Throne speech) 11934

Facilities, licensing of, staff for (Marzari) 12896 (Strachan) 12896

Facilities, need for (Pullinger) 12902-3

Facilities, standards for (Marzari) 12897 (Smallwood) 13075

Facilities, standards for, checklist for parents (Marzari) 12899 (Strachan) 12899

Funding for (Barnes) 12262 (Clark) 12131 (Gran) 11996, 12221-2 (Jacobsen) 12931, 13087, 13088 (Marzari) 12154, 12998, 13087, 13204 (Parker) 12141 (Strachan) 12903

Funding for in Women's Programs ministry (Marzari) 12426

GAIN recipients, operation of facilities by (Marzari) 12895

Infants, cost of care for (Marzari) 13122

Infants, day care for (Marzari) 13121

Infants, subsidy for (Jacobsen) 13122

Inspectors, workloads (Marzari) 12895, 12897 (Pullinger) 12903

Jurisdiction over, proposal re (Marzari) 12154

Licensed facilities (Dueck) 12898 (Jacobsen) 13088 (Marzari) 13087, 13089 (Pullinger) 12898

Licensed facilities, number of spaces (Marzari) 13086

Parents, role of in day care standards (Dueck) 12898, 12898-9 (Strachan) 12897-8, 12899, 12904

Social Services and Housing ministry's role in provision of (Jacobsen) 13120 (Marzari) 13120

Spaces, shortage of (Jacobsen) 13087, 13121 (Marzari) 13085-6

Subsidy (Jacobsen) 12931, 13087, 13120-1, 13123 (Marzari) 12998, 13087, 13089, 13121 (Strachan) 12896

Subsidy, delays in payment of (Jacobsen) 13089 (Marzari) 13089

Subsidy, eligibility for (Jacobsen) 13090 (Marzari) 13089-90

Subsidy, funding for (Jansen, J.) 12117 (Strachan) 12903

Task Force on Child Care. See name of task force

Unlicensed facilities (Dueck) 12898 (Jacobsen) 13087 (Marzari) 12895-6, 12899, 13204 (Strachan) 12899, 12903

Unlicensed facilities, inspection of (Marzari) 13088

Vancouver program (Marzari) 13088

Women's Programs ministry's role in provision of (Jacobsen) 13123


Interpreters for (Pullinger) 12353

Medical care, deaf in need of, cases cited (Perry) 12203

Medical interpreters for, court case re (Strachan) 12202

Medical interpreters for, coverage for cost of (Perry) 12201

See also: Hearing impaired

Dean, John

Blind Ambition mentioned (Fraser) 12235

Deas Island tunnel

See: George Massey Tunnel under Highway 99

Dease Lake, B.C.

Airport, night use of (Guno) 12086

DeBeck, Ned

Tribute to (Bruce) 11981-2

Debtor and creditor

Debtors, protective measures for, misuse of (Fraser) 12787

Debts, Public

Debt (Barlee) 12173 (Blencoe) 12360, 12361, 12678 (Boone) 12226 (Brummet) 12207 (Cashore) 12204 (Clark) 12125, 12128, 12230-1, 12231, 12673 (Couvelier) 12155 (D’Arcy) 12222, 12224 (Dueck) 12284 (Edwards) 12348 (Gabelmann) 12237, 12238 (Gran) 12219 (Hagen, A.) 12247 (Harcourt) 11961, Q. 12110 (Jansen, J.) A.12110, 12680 (Janssen, G.) 12312, 12313 (Michael) 11963, 12244 (Pullinger) 12300, 12344, 12650 (Reid) 12092 (Sihota) 12219, 12341 (Smallwood) 12242 (Strachan) 12146 (Throne speech) 11932

Debt and B.C. Ferry Corporation debt (Lovick) 13167 (Sihota) 13167-8

Debt and gross domestic product (Jansen, J.) 12304, 12655 (Peterson) 12260

Debt, direct debt (Clark) 12231

Debt, hidden debt (Harcourt) Q. 12109 (Jansen, J.) A. 12109-10

Debt, increase in (Clark) 12118, 12126-7, 12128 (Jansen, J.) 12114 (Janssen, G.) 12144

Debt, interest on (Couvelier) 12155 (Dueck) 12284 (Jansen, J.) 12114, 12304, 12655 (Michael) 12332 (Peterson) 12260

Debt, public debt in Canada (Throne speech) 11932

Debt, reduction in (Jansen, J.) 12114 (Weisgerber) 12079

Deficit, 1990-91 fiscal year (Clark) 12231, 12308, 12308-9, 12312 (Edwards) 12347 (Miller) 12269 (Pullinger) 12343 (Sihota) 12341

Deficit, 1991-92 fiscal year (Barlee) 12173 (Blencoe) 12678 (Boone) 12138 (Brummet) 12207 (Cashore) 12204 (Clark) 12118, 12125, 12128, 12254, 12673, 13145 (Crandall) 12184-5 (Cull) 12336 (De Jong) 12272 (Dueck) 12284 (Guno) 12290 (Hagen, A.) 12246-7, 12318 (Hanson, L.) 12241, 12242 (Harcourt) 11961 (Jansen, J.) 12114, 12305 (Janssen, G.) 12143, 12145, 12312, 12313, 12803, 13218 (Jones) 12297, 12318-9, 12324 (Lovick) 12187, 12648 (Marzari) 12152 (Michael) 12244 (Miller) 12329 (Pullinger) 12300, 12344, 12347, 12649 (Reid) 12176 (Sihota) 12218, 12340, 12343 (Smallwood) 12242 (Vander Zalm) 12162 (Zirnhelt) 12035, 12159, 12334

Deficit, 1991-92 fiscal year, financing of (Jansen, J.) 12114

Federal debt (Jansen, J.) 12113 (Johnston) 12106 (Weisgerber) 12078

Federal deficit, impact of social programs on (Miller) 13059

Ontario debt (Dueck) 12285 (Jacobsen) 12088 (Jansen, J.) 12304, 12362, 12674 (Johnston) 12106 (Rabbitt) 12083 (Reid) 12089 (Savage) 12015 (Vant) 12020 (Weisgerber) 12078-9

Ontario deficit (Bruce) 12671, 12675, 12676 (Crandall) 12185 (De Jong) 12272 (Dirks) 12135 (Fraser) 12233, 12234, 12685, 12798 (Hagen, S.) 12190, 12579, 12609 (Huberts) 11951 (Jacobsen) 13127 (Jansen, J.) 12112-3, 12304, 12672, 12680, 12803 (Johnston) 12106 (Kempf) 11952, 12678 (Messmer) 12042 (Michael) 12245 (Reid) 12176 (Reynolds) 12292 (Savage) 12015 (Smith) 12684 (Strachan) 12687 (Vander Zalm) 12162 (Vant) 12020 (Veitch) 11989, 12228-9 (Weisgerber) 12078

Ontario deficit, basis for calculation of (Clark) 12673 (Jansen, J.) 12674

Ontario deficit, impact of elsewhere (Bruce) 12671 (Jansen, J.) 12672

Ontario deficit, protest re (Dirks) A. 12111 (Mowat) Q.12110-1

De Jong, Harry (Central Fraser Valley)

Abbotsford Air Show Society, Tradex centre 12272

Abbotsford, hospital, construction of 12272

Address in Reply 12036-8

Agricultural Land Commission 12038

Agriculture, impact of free trade agreement on 12038

Budget, balanced budget, five-year plan for 12273

Budget debate 12272-4

Chilliwack River, flood 12036-7

Compensation Fairness Act, need for 12037

Constitution of Canada 12037

Crime rate, increase in 12735

Criminals, legal aid for 12735

Criminals, protection of and assistance to 12735

Deficit, 1991-92 fiscal year 12272

Family violence, services to victims 12037-8

Family's immigration to Canada 12734

Grain growers, GRIP agreement 12038

Groundwater, level of 12902

Health ministry, estimates 12901, 12902

Heart surgery, cases cited 12901

Legal aid, restriction on, proposal re 12736

Multiculturalism 12037

Nooksack River, flood 12036-7

Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority, establishment of 12038

Ontario, deficit 12272

Ontario, taxation 12038

Rick Hansen Secondary School, construction of 12272

School lunch program 12273

Septic tank fields and groundwater levels, regulations re 12901, 12902

Septic tanks, Fraser Valley 12901, 12902

Sexual assault victims, services to 12037-8

Tree-fruit industry, assistance to 12038

Delgam Uukw et al. v the Queen

Judgment in case (Guno) 12291 (Weisgerber) 12078

Deloitte Haskins Sells and Associates

Mentioned: (Strachan) 12770

Delta Hospital, Delta, B.C.

Mentioned: (Perry) 12203


Democracy (Serwa) 12007

Deputy Ministers' Committee on Social Policy

Mentioned: (Strachan) 12465, 12772

Desharnais, Wayne

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 12485

Despot, Walter

Mentioned: (Perry) 12757

Development regions

Regional development (Boone) 12039

Regionalization of province (Parker) 12139 (Pullinger) 12346 (Strachan) 12148 (Vander Zalm) 12163-4

Regionalization of province, government policy on (Boone) 12436 (Clark) 12128

Regionalization of province, special warrant for (Boone) 12137 (Miller) 12096, 12328

Development, Trade and Tourism, Ministry of

Appropriation for (Boone) 12436

Devine, Grant

Mentioned: (Perry) 12914

Dewdney constituency

Constituency assistant, employment of as census taker (Rose) Q.12500


Control, out-patient teaching centres (Perry) 12772

Dirks, Hon. Howard (Nelson-Creston) Minister of Development, Trade and Tourism

Access for All program 12133

B.C. Stena Line Ltd., contract with A.12455

B.C. Trade Development Corporation, annual report tabled 13238

Budget debate 12132-5

Education, funding for 12133

Fish-processing industry and GATT 12988

Government loan programs, review of 12438

Government loans, applications for, processing of 12438

Health care, funding for 12133

Intrepid Security Ltd., Music '91 security contract A. 13081

Investments, Canadian investments abroad 12989

Mexico, free trade agreement with, advice to federal government re A.12662

Mexico, free trade agreement with, advisory committee on 12824

Mexico, free trade agreement with, correspondence with federal government re A.12824-5

Mexico, free trade agreement with, government position on A.12524, A.12824, 12988-9

Mexico, free trade agreement with, submissions from public re A. 12662, 12824

Music '91, contracts, review of A.13240-1

Music '91, entertainers, contracts A. 13081

Music '91, food services contract A.13081

Music '91, funding for A.12323, 12437

Music'91, personnel, resignations A.12323

Music '91, security contracts, awarding of A. 13081

Ontario, credit rating for province 12133, 12135

Ontario, deficit 12133, 12135

Ontario, deficit, protest re A.12110

Ontario, NDP government 12133

Sick, treatment, travel costs for 12133

Small business loans program, applications, processing of 12436

Small business loans program, review of 12436

Supply Act (No. 1) (1991) 12436, 12437, 12438

Victoria-Seattle ferry service 12455

Western Star Trucks Inc., National Defence contract, bid on A.12690


See: Handicapped

Disabled children

See: Handicapped children

Disorders of speech

See: Speech, Disorders of

Dittler Bros. Inc.

Mentioned: (Smith) 12686


Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne approved 12108; amdt. to negatived 12049

Budget approved 12305; amdt. to negatived 12240

Health ministry, vote 38 approved 12926

Motion that the committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again negatived 12371, 12395, 13138, 13169-70

Motion that the committee should sit approved 13138

Motion that the House, at its rising, stand adjourned for five minutes approved 12374

Motion that the House, at its rising, stand adjourned until 9 a.m. tomorrow negatived 13156

Motion that the question be now put on second reading of Supply Act (No. 2) , 1991 approved 13218

Motion that the question be now put on sec. 1 of Supply Act (No. 2) , 1991 approved 13268-9

Motion that the question be now put on vote 38 approved 12926

Motion that the question be now put on vote 52 approved 13137

Motion that the question be now put on vote 53 approved 13140

Pension Benefits Standards Act, amdt. to sec. 2 negatived 12966; sec. 78 approved 12982

Select standing committees, appointment of, M., amdt. to approved 11939

Supply Act (No. 1) , 1991, 2R approved 12362; M. to refer bill to Committee of the Whole House approved 12362-3; sec. 1 approved 12368; schedule 1 approved 12384; schedule 2 approved 12450

Supply Act (No. 2) , 1991, 2R approved 13219; title approved 13269

Vote 53 approved 13141

Doctor-patient relationship

See: Physician and patient


See: Physicians

Doe, Derek

Mentioned: (Strachan) 12770

Dollar, Canadian

Forest industry and value of dollar (Parker) 12140-1

Interest rates and value of dollar (Janssen, G.) 12142

Dominion Bond Rating Service Ltd.

Report (Huberts) 11951

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 12568 (Peterson) 13183

Dominion Stores Ltd.

Pension fund, court case re (Rose) 12870-1

Mentioned: (Marzari) 12980 (Rose) 12979

Donald, Maureen

Mentioned: (Perry) 12202

Donnelly, Martha

Quoted (Perry) 12703, 12704

Mentioned: (Perry) 12704 (Strachan) 12703

Douglas, Clifford

Mentioned: (Miller) 12367 (Perry) 12367

Douglas, Thomas Clement (Tommy)

Quoted (Pullinger) 12300

Mentioned: (Clark) 11944 (Gabelmann) 12237

Douglas College

Student spaces, increase in (Dueck) 13184

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 12192, 12584 (Jones) 12045 (Perry) 12392, 12462

Dowding, Gordon

Mentioned: (Speaker) 12307

Downtown Eastside Residents' Association Housing Society

Lottery grant, application for (D’Arcy) 12729

Mentioned: (Jacobsen) 12932, 13020, 13021

Downtown Eastside Youth Activities Society

Work of (Jacobsen) 13066

Mentioned: (Perry) 12008

Drake Office Overload

Mentioned: (Rose) 12428

Driftnet fishing

See entries under Fishing


Dropout rate (Hagen, S.) 12191, 12517 (Reid) 12093

Dropouts (Barnes) 12052, 12262 (Brummet) 12072 (Hagen, S.) 12517-8 (Marzari) 12518

Stay-in-School program (Hagen, 8.) 12517


Cost of to hospitals, proposal re (Perry) 12837

Cost of to working poor (Perry) 12631, 12631-2 (Weisgerber) 12632, 12633

High-cost drugs, coverage for cost of (Perry) 12631 (Weisgerber) 12631

High-cost drugs, proposals for reduction in cost of (Perry) 12632

Patients, self-administered drugs and savings to hospitals (Jones) 12634

TPN patient, cost of drugs to (Jones) 12634

Drugs — Prescribing

Cholesterol-lowering drug, prescribing of (Perry) 12257


Rural pharmacies (Strachan) 12458

Drury, C.M. (Bud)

Mentioned: (Perry) 12625

Ducks Unlimited

Mentioned: (Clark) 12738 (Jansen, J.) 12738-9

Dueck, Hon. Peter A. (Central Fraser Valley) Minister of Advanced Education, Training and Technology*

Access for All program 12751

Advanced Education, Training and Technology, appointment as minister of (Edwards) 12349 (Jones) 12395 (Richmond) 12306

Bakker, Martin, extradition of Q.12254

B.C. Institute of Technology courses, elimination of 12396

Budget debate 12284-7

Camosun College day care centre, funding for A. 12663

Central Fraser Valley constituency, description of 12286

Day care, central Fraser Valley, number of spaces 12898

Day care, licensed facilities 12898

Day care, parents, role of in day care standards 12898, 12898-9

Day care, unlicensed facilities 12898

Debt 12284

Debt, interest on 12284

Deficit, 1991-92 fiscal year 12284

Economy of B.C. 12284, 12285

Egan, Kieran, award to 12825

English-as-a-second-language courses, funding for 12398

English-as-a-second-language courses, provision of 12398

Fraser Valley College commended 12286

Health care system, cost of 12284

Health ministry, estimates 12898, 12898-9

Immigration to B.C. 12285

Job creation 12285

Kaons project, funding for 12400

Literacy programs, funding for 12399

Ontario, debt 12285

Ontario, NDP government 12284

Post-secondary institutions and global economy A. 12524

Property speculation, tax on 12285

Social programs, funding for 12284

Supply Act (No. 1) (1991) 12395, 12395-6, 12396, 12397, 12398, .12399, 12400

Sweden, taxation rate 12285

Travel expenses, clearing of in allegations re 12149-50 (Bruce) 11985 (Brummet) 12208, 12209 (Clark) 12149 (Johnston) 12149

Universities and colleges, student spaces, increase in 12395, 12397

Universities and colleges, student spaces, increase in, funding for 13184

Universities, student spaces, increase in 12397

University, Fraser Valley, proposal re 12286

University of Northern B.C., funding for 12395

Vancouver Community College, English-as-a-second-language program 12398

Vancouver Community College, funding for A. 12751, A.12929-30

Vancouver Community College, programs A. 12929-30

Vancouver Community College, student spaces A. 12751, 13184

Volunteers, work of 12286-7

*Appointed May 29, 1991.

Duffey Lake Road

Mentioned: (Rabbitt) 12083

Dunahee family

Mentioned: (Huberts) 11951

Dye, Kenneth

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 12109