Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 4th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
April 5, 1990 to March 22, 1991


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Yahk, B.C.

Natural gas for (Edwards) 8924

Yale-Lillooet constituency

Highways, maintenance, problems re (Sihota) 9145-6

Lottery grants to (Rabbitt) 9255, 9256

Roads (Rabbitt) 8870

Yanow, Robert

Salary (Clark) 11711

Status of (Sihota) Q.11703 (Veitch) A.11703

Mentioned: (Clark) 11820, 11833, 11834, 11853 (Hagen, A.) 11822 (Veitch) 11823

Year 2000 program

Program (Brummet) 9529, 9530

Program, implementation of (Brummet) 9565-6, 9567 (Pullinger) 9565, 9566, 9567

Report mentioned (Brummet) 9636

Report quoted (Brummet) 9551

Teachers, training of (Brummet) 9566 (Pullinger) 9566-7

Work on (Brummet) 9527

Mentioned: (Brummet) 9517, 9553, 9628 (Cull) 9450 (Hagen, A.) 9546, 9599 (Harcourt) 9473 (Janssen, G.) 9605 (Jones) 9415 (Lovick) 9564

Year of Music 1991

Advertising agency for, choice of (Michael) 11333 (Pullinger) 11333

Events (Michael) 11331, 11332, 11333 (Pullinger) 11331, 11332, 11333

Funding for (Michael) 11332, 11333 (Pullinger) 11332, 11333

Funds, use of (Michael) 11332 (Pullinger) 11332, 11333

Music '91, ads for (Rose) 11434

Music '91, sponsorship of (Perry) 11496

Planning of (Michael) 11333 (Pullinger) 11333

Promotion of (Michael) 11331, 11333 (Pullinger) 11331, 11333 (Rose) 11434

Promotion of, contents of newspaper (Pullinger) 11333-4

Mentioned: (Michael) 9172-3, 11324

Yellowhead Highway

See: Highway 16

Yellowstone National Park

Mentioned: (Messmer) 9008

York University

Mentioned: (Marzari) 10133

Yorke, Peter

Quoted (Hagen, A.) 9503

Yorkshire Trust Co.

Closing of (Williams) 10169, 10170

Young offenders

See: Juvenile delinquents; also entries under Juvenile corrections

Young Offenders Act (Canada)

Amendments to (Smallwood) 11138

Offenders released from prison under act (Fraser) A. 11442 (Mercier) Q.11441-2

Mentioned: (Sihota) 11120 (Smith) 9926, 10549

Young, Phyllis F.

Mentioned: (Gran) 10460, 10498 (Rose) 10498, 10500 (Veitch) 10499

Young, Thomas

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 11633

Your Better Health

Content (Jansen, J.) 11399

Mentioned: (Cashore) 11553 (Jansen, J.) 10179, 11415, 11417, 11495, 11499, 11501, 11503, 11554 (Perry) 11495


Alcohol and drug programs in north (Boone) 11311

Problems of (Barnes) 9775

Youth — Employment

Environment Youth Corps. See name of corps

Youth Advisory Council

Mentioned: (Strachan) 9426

Youth crime

See: Juvenile delinquency

Youth gangs

See: Gangs


Indian land claims, third-party interests in settlement of (Hanson, G.) 10835 (Weisgerber) 10838

Yusko, Gordon

Tribute to (Perry) 11395