Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 4th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
April 5, 1990 to March 22, 1991
See: Union of British Columbia Municipalities
UGCC Holding Ltd.
Mentioned: (Parker) 11255
USA Today
Mentioned: (Barlee) 11286
Ulkatcho Indian band
Carrier Lumber Ltd., negotiations with (Zirnhelt) 8996
Mentioned: (Richmond) 10869, 10873, 10874 (Vant) 8967, 10522
Ulkatcho-Kluskus tribal council
Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 10819
U'Mista Museum, Alert Bay, B.C.
Mentioned: (Serwa) 9936
Unclaimed Money Act
Statement of unclaimed deposits tabled (Couvelier) 10282
Undertakers and undertaking
Funeral services, restriction on selling of (Jacobsen) 11306
Boundary-Similkameen constituency (Barlee) 9141, 9258
Cariboo constituency (Zirnhelt) 9291
Farm work, seasonal, employment in (Dueck) 9770 (Smallwood) 9770-1 (Smith) 9770
Indians (Clark) 9071 (Guno) 9339
Interior communities (Clark) 10942
Kamloops (Clark) 11690 (Richmond) 11691
Kootenays (Clark) 9069
New Democratic Party administration, unemployment during period of (Barlee) 9141-2, 11678
Northwestern B.C. (Guno) 9339
Okanagan (Barlee) 11677, 11904, 11905 (Clark) 9069 (Messmer) 11905
Okanagan South constituency (Serwa) 9330
Ontario (Veitch) 11919
Rate (Barlee) 9141-2 (Couvelier) 9055 (Crandall) 9336 (Hagen, S.) 9210 (Jansen, J.) 9309 (Vander Zalm) 11449
Vancouver area (Clark) 10942 (McCarthy) 10941
Unemployment insurance
See: Insurance, Unemployment
Unemployment Insurance Act (Canada)
Amendments to and parental leave (Rabbitt) 11745
Mentioned: (Rabbitt) 11861
Unemployment Insurance Commission
See: Canada. Unemployment Insurance Commission
Unger, Ike
Assistance to (Reid) 11623
Mentioned: (Sihota) 11577, 11621
Uniform Law Conference of Canada
Mentioned: (Fraser) 11476 (Smith) 10680, 10681, 10682
Uniglobe Advance Travel Ltd.
Use of by B.C. Trade Development Corporation (Jones) 10761, 10762 (Veitch) 10761, 10762
Union Carbide Corp.
Bhopal accident (Cashore) 10317, 10324
Mentioned: (Cashore) 10343
Union Club
Membership in and women as members (Barnes) 9205 (Gran) A. 9122 (Marzari) Q. 9122 (Vander Zalm) A. 9122
Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 9242
Union mine
Heap-leaching operation (Barlee) 10349 (Reynolds) 10349
Union of British Columbia Municipalities
Public Sector Collective Bargaining Disclosure Act, consultation re (Blencoe) 11512, 11513 (Edwards) 11514
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 10186, 10187, 10243, 11077, 11172, 11469 (Brummet) 9596 (Clark) 10900 (Couvelier) 9059, 10050, 10219, 10243 (Cull) 11107, 11176 (D’Arcy) 10219 (Edwards) 11364 (Fraser) 11098 (Hanson, L.) 10091, 10899, 10903, 11078, 11168, 11169, 11172, 11173, 11181 (Marzari) 11080 (Reynolds) 10259 (Serwa) 9330
United Chinese Community Enrichment Service Society
SUCCESS program (Clark) 11102
United Church of Canada
Indian people, apology to (Cashore) 9944
Mentioned: (Marzari) 9178
United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union
Mentioned: (Miller) 10733
United Mobile Home Owners' Association
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 10009 (Jacobsen) 10009
United Nations
Security Council resolution No. 660 mentioned (Jansen, J.) 11645 (Richmond) 11644 (Sihota) 11645
Mentioned: (Cashore) 11616 (Chalmers) 10181 (Harcourt) 10106 (Loenen) 9580 (Lovick) 10109 (McCarthy) 8932 (Pullinger) 10599 (Reynolds) 11759 (Savage) 9027 (Smallwood) 9997 (Smith) 9006, 10681 (Throne speech) 8850
United Native Nations
Grant to (Weisgerber) 10816
Mentioned: (Smith) 9785, 9787, 10554, 10561, 10737 (Vant) 10522 (Weisgerber) 8911, 10853, 10854
United Services Advisors' Inc.
Prospector Fund, share sales to (Clark) 10191-4
Mentioned: (Clark) 10198
United States
Border-crossing for shopping (Barlee) 11799, 11904-5 (De Jong) 11798 (Reid) 11869
Border-crossings and free trade agreement (Barlee) 11799
Exports to (Veitch) 10743
Grand Forks, cross-border traffic (Barlee) 11677
President's Commission on Privatization mentioned (Loenen) 10646
United States. Coast Guard
Mentioned: (Savage) 11110
United States. Congress
Mentioned: (Cull) 11747
United States. Education, Department of
Mentioned: (Jones) 9750
United States. Energy, Department of
Mentioned: (Edwards) 9212
United States. Environmental Protection Agency
Mentioned: (Cashore) 11553 (Perry) 10265
United States. Forest Service
Staff (Miller) 10883 (Richmond) 10887
Mentioned: (Richmond) 10887 (Zirnhelt) 10887
United States. National Park Service
Mentioned: (Perry) 10492
United States. Senate
Committee on Agriculture mentioned (Savage) 10830
Mentioned: (Cull) 11747
Unitel Communications Inc.
Long-distance network, impact of on telephone rates (Rose) 10569-70, 10570
Mentioned: (Rose) 10616
Universityé de Montreal
Massacre of women students (Barnes) 9205 (Gran) 9202
Universities and colleges
Access for All program (Chalmers) 9239 (Clark) 9075 (Edwards) 9214 (Jones) 9430 (Serwa) 9332 (Strachan) 9424, 9426 (Throne speech) 8850 (Vander Zalm) 9051
Access for All program, funding for (Couvelier) 9057 (Hagen, S.) 9207-8 (Jones) 9655 (Lovick) 9726-7 (Strachan) 9187-8, 9727, 9655-6, 9727
Access for All program mentioned (Cull) 8938 (Edwards) 8923 (Hagen, S.) 9210 (Jones) 9660, 9662 (Lovick) 8894, 9725 (Strachan) 9187, 9188, 10364 (Vant) 8948
College system (Jones) 9743-4 (Lovick) 9725, 9730 (Strachan) 9422, 9428, 9437, 9658, 9730
Colleges, admission to (Rose) 9656, 9657 (Strachan) 9656, 9657-8
Colleges, boards of governors, appointment of (Jones) 9426, 9743, 9744-5, 10531, 11222 (Strachan) 9745-6, 9746, 11222
Colleges, boards of governors, women members (Jones) 9745 (Strachan) 9745-6
Colleges, business development centres, closing of (Cull) Q.10026 (Strachan) A.10026
Colleges, courses, grades for in junior years (Rose) 9656 (Strachan) 9656-7
Colleges, courses, university transfer status for (Jones) 9654 (Strachan) 9654
Colleges, degree-granting status (Serwa) 9332 (Strachan) 9422, 9431 (Throne speech) 8850 (Vant) 8948
Colleges, degree-granting status, enrolments (Lovick) 9729 (Strachan) 9730
Colleges, degree-granting status, funding for (Lovick) 9727, 9729 (Strachan) 9727, 9729
Colleges, degree-granting status, problems with faculty (Jones) 9654, 9655 (Strachan) 9654-5
Colleges, employees of and Compensation Fairness Act (Edwards) 11835 (Veitch) 11835
Colleges, faculty positions, applicants for (Perry) 9731
Colleges, faculty salaries (Perry) 9731
Colleges, faculty salaries and teachers' salaries (Strachan) 11740
Colleges, funding for (Edwards) 9214 (Lovick) 9727 (Strachan) 9658, 9732
Colleges, funding for and University of Northern B.C. (Miller) 10375
Colleges, labour disputes (Jones) 9436-7, 9653 (Strachan) 9437-8, 9653
Colleges, students turned away (Jones) 9746, 10645
Colleges, tuition fees (Clark) 9075
Colleges, university transfer program (Couvelier) 9057 (Edwards) 8923-4, 9214 (Jones) 9426 (Strachan) 9422
Colleges, women's studies programs (Jones) 9745
Fraser Valley, post-secondary education facilities (Peterson) 9647, 9648 (Strachan) 9189, 9647-8
Fraser Valley, post-secondary education, student spaces (Strachan) 9648
Funding for (Jones) 10645 (Loenen) 10645-6 (Strachan) 9437
Funding for, capital funds (Jones) 9663 (Strachan) 9188, 9663
Funding for, capital funds during NDP administration (Strachan) 9188, 11741
Funding for, federal funds (Rose) 9656 (Strachan) 9657
Funding for, voucher system for (Loenen) 10644-5, 10646
Kootenays, university for (Edwards) 10528
Post-secondary education (Fraser) 8900, 9652 (Hagen, S.) 8982 (Jones) 9425-6 (Loenen) 9273 (Strachan) 9426 (Vander Zalm) 9051
Post-secondary education, access to (Edwards) 8924 (Fraser) 9246 (Jones) 9429, 9430 (Loenen) 10644 (Lovick) 9730 (Rabbitt) 9687 (Strachan) 9431, 9730
Post-secondary education, cost of (Cull) 8938
Post-secondary' education, courses available (Loenen) 10644
Post-secondary education, definition of and age of students (Jones) 11218 (Strachan) 11218
Post-secondary education, forum for, proposal re (Jones) 9429
Post-secondary education, goals of (Jones) 10645
Post-secondary education, information re to highschool students (Cull) 9739 (Strachan) 9740
Post-secondary education, participation rate (Chalmers) 9239 (Clark) 9444 (Cull) 9739 (Jones) 9131, 9429, 9435, 9437, 9655, 9660, 9746, 10373, 10645 (Miller) 10373 (Strachan) 9431, 9435, 9435-6, 9436
Post-secondary education, participation rate, northern B.C. (Jones) 9436
Post-secondary education, study of (Dirks) 8976-7
Purpose of (Loenen) 10644
Staff, support staff (Strachan) 9425
Staff, support staff, wage levels (Strachan) ' 11740
Student spaces, increase in number of (Jones) 9659, 9659-60 (Strachan) 9659, 9660, 9727
Student spaces, increase in number of, funding for (Hagen, S.) 9208 (Jones) 9658-9, 9659, 9662 (Strachan) 9659, 9662
Students, number of (Hagen, A.) 8904
Tuition fees and operating costs (Clark) 9443-4, 9444
Universities, benefits of to local communities (Couvelier) 10205 (Cull) 10205
Universities, boards of governors, alumni representatives (Jones) 9742 (Strachan) 9742, 9743-4
Universities, boards of governors, appointments to (Strachan) 9444
Universities, boards of governors, women members (Strachan) 9745-6
Universities, centres-of-excellence awards (Jones) 9425-6 (Strachan) 9423, 9427
Universities, centres of excellence, funding for (Strachan) 10545-6, 10548
Universities, degrees granted per capita (Jones) 9655
Universities elsewhere, visit to (Strachan) 9190
Universities, enrolment per capita (Jones) 9655
Universities, faculty, age of (Jones) 9426
Universities, faculty, recruitment of (Perry) 9731, 9732 (Strachan) 9732
Universities, faculty, salary levels (Strachan) 11740
Universities, faculty, tenure (Loenen) 10644
Universities, female faculty members (Jones) 9426
Universities, funding for (Clark) 9075 (Cull) 9739 (Jones) 9433 (Strachan) 9437
Universities, funding for, 1972 to present (Jones) 9432, 9436
Universities, funding for, capital funds (Strachan) 9661
Universities, funding for, comparisons with elsewhere (Jones) 9436
Universities, funding for, matching fund program (Couvelier) 9057
Universities, relationship between universities (Strachan) 9423, 9428, 9740
Universities, research, funding for (Strachan) 9427
Universities, role of (Miller) 10376
Universities, students, choice of courses (Jones) 9430
Universities, students turned away (Jones) 9130, 9313, 9430, 9432, 9746, 10645 (Strachan) 9431
Universities, tuition fees (Clark) 9075, 9443, 9445 (Cull) 8938 (Jones) 9130, 9313, 9432-3 (Strachan) 9433-4
Universities, tuition fees and participation rates (Jones) 9434-5 (Strachan) 9434
Universities, tuition fees, comparisons with fees elsewhere (Jones) 9432 (Strachan) 9434
University graduates, import of (Jones) 10645
University graduates, number of in B.C. (Jones) 9429
University in north (Fraser) 8900 (Throne speech) 8850 (Vant) 8948 (Veitch) 8917
University in north. See also University of Northern British Columbia
Women in administrative positions (Strachan) 9427
Women students (Hagen, A.) 9681, 9684-5
See also institutions by name, e.g. University of Northern British Columbia
Universities Council of British Columbia
Mentioned: (Fraser) 9652
University Act
Quoted (Strachan) 9743
Mentioned: (Clark) 11227 (Jones) 10532, 10533, 10534 (Peterson) 11216 (Strachan) 9444, 9649, 9744, 10001, 10365, 10366, 10367, 10368, 10529, 10533, 11226 (Veitch) 11829
University Endowment Land Park Act
Mentioned: (Perry) 9282
University Endowment Lands
Mentioned: (Cull) 10205 (Marzari) 9377
University Foundations Act
Mentioned: (Perry) 10103 (Strachan) 10534
University Golf Club, Vancouver, B.C.
Lease of (Parker) 11254, 11255 (Williams) 11254, 11255
University Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
Shaughnessy site mentioned (Perry) 11501
Shaughnessy site, spinal cord injury unit (Mowat) Q. 10831
Shaughnessy site, women's health centre (Jansen, J.) 11500 (Perry) 11499
Mentioned: (Marzari) 10710 (Mowat) 9041 (Perry) 9705, 11500 (Sihota) 9043
University Hospital, London, Ont.
Mentioned: (Perry) 11405
A University in Northern British Columbia, 1990, An Act to Establish
(Bill M201) (Boone) 1R, 8909
University, establishment of (Boone) 8909
Mentioned: (Veitch) 8917 (Weisgerber) 8910
University of Alaska
Mentioned: (Brummet) 9554
University of Alberta
Mentioned: (Perry) 9734, 10479 (Strachan) 9434, 9443, 9732
University of British Columbia
Acid mine drainage chair (Perry) 10264 (Reynolds) 10261, 10264
Centres-of-excellence awards (Jones) 9425 (Strachan) 9423, 9427
Disability resource centre (Reynolds) 10177
Engineers (Barnes) 9205
Faculty, housing for (Perry) 9732-3
Faculty, salaries (Perry) 9731 (Strachan) 9731
Forestry faculty (Perry) 10264 (Williams) 10126
Forestry faculty, enrolment (Miller) 9695-6, 9696, 10866 (Strachan) 9696
Forestry faculty, evaluation of (Miller) 9696 (Strachan) 9696
Golf club. See: University Golf Club, Vancouver, British Columbia
Hampton Place development (Perry) 9732-3, 9733 (Strachan) 9733, 9734
Institute of Animal Resource Ecology, funding for (Perry) 10264
Medical school faculty, funding for (Perry) 9734 (Strachan) 9735
Native Indian teacher education program (Brummet) 9554, 9555 (Guno) 9555
Student housing (Perry) 9733 (Strachan) 9733
Mentioned: (Barnes) 9736 (Blencoe) 11180 (Brummet) 9560 (Cashore) 10284, 10402 (Clark) 9443 (Couvelier) 9057 (Cull) 10205 (Fraser) 9246, 9652 (Hagen, A.) 9361 (Hagen, S.) 9210, 9593, 11882 (Hanson, G.) 9931 (Harcourt) 10370, 10371 (Jansen, J.) 10963, 11501, 11553 (Jones) 9432, 9745, 10456 (Loenen) 10644 (Lovick) 10109 (McCarthy) 8933 (Marzari) 9447 (Miller) 10375, 10925 (Perry) 9731, 11234, 11416, 11426, 11495, 11500, 11501, 11502 (Reynolds) 10481 (Richmond) 10955 (Sihota) 11575 (Strachan) 9423, 9433, 9434, 9436, 9696, 9731, 10367, 10533, 10694, 11217, 11231 (Throne speech) 8850 (Vander Zalm) 9051, 9497 (Williams) 9091
University of Lethbridge
Mentioned: (Edwards) 10528 (Strachan) 9190, 10365
University of New Brunswick
Mentioned: (Strachan) 9434
University of Northern British Columbia
Aboriginal studies (Boone) 9334, 10526-7
Adults, educational opportunities for (Boone) 10526
Board of governors, aboriginal representation on (Jones) 10529-30, 10530 (Miller) 10375 (Strachan) 10366, 10530
Board of governors, appointment of (Jones) 10530 (Strachan) 10531
Board of governors, representation on (Strachan) 10001, 10366
College of New Caledonia faculty and university (Boone) 9677-8, 9728 (Lovick) 9727-8 (Strachan) 9678, 9679-80, 9728, 9728-9
Colleges in north, relationship of with university (Jones) 9673-4, 9675 (Strachan) 9674
Cost of, future costs (Jones) 9742
Development plan (Jones) 10532, 10533 (Strachan) 10532, 10533
Development plan and section 80 of University Act (Jones) 10532, 10533 (Strachan) 10533
Education faculty (Strachan) 10366
Enrolment (Jones) 10373, 10533, 10533-4 (Strachan) 10368, 10533, 10534
Establishment of (Jones) 9743, 10372-3 (Strachan) 9186-7, 10001, 10364-6, 11248 (Vant) 11773
Establishment of, history of (Jones) (Strachan)
Faculty (Clark) 9443
Forestry school (Boone) 9334, 9335 (Miller) 10376 (Strachan) 9442, 9696, 10366
Forests, research on utilization of (Boone) 10526
Funding for (Boone) 9333-5, 9440, 10527 (Couvelier) 9057 (Jones) 9742, 10374 (Strachan) 9186-7, 9440, 9658, 9727, 9742, 10367-8, 10533, 11741
Interim governing council (Strachan) 9674-5 (Weisgerber) 8910
Interim governing council, dissolution of (Jones) 10529, 10530 (Strachan) 10529-30, 10530
Legislation on (Boone) 9729 (Strachan) 9187, 9729
Ministerial responsibility for (Jones) 10531-2 (Strachan) 10532
Native languages institute (Harcourt) 10372 (Weisgerber) 9947
Northern B.C., benefits to (Harcourt) 10371-2 (Strachan) 10368-70
Nursing program (Jansen, J.) 9309 (Jones) 9680 (Perry) 9286, 9735 (Strachan) 9680, 9735
Opening of (Boone) 9334, 9335 (Clark) 9442
Operating costs (Clark) 9443 (Strachan) 9443, 9444, 9448
Petition in support of (Strachan) 10370
President, appointment of (Strachan) 9677
Prince George, benefits to (Boone) 10525-6 (Harcourt) 10371-2 (Jones) 10373 (Strachan) 10368-70
Programs, course offerings (Clark) 9442 (Strachan) 9442, 10366-7
Resource management program (Strachan) 9442, 10366-7
Site for (Boone) 9440 (Strachan) 9440-1
Social work program (Jacobsen) 10028
Status of as university (Strachan) 9441, 9676
Students (Strachan) 10367
Students, diploma students, transfer arrangements for (Strachan) 10368
Students, third- and fourth-year degree program (Boone) 9677, 9678 (Jones) 9675-6, 9676-7 (Strachan) 9676, 967Z 9679
Students, travel costs (Miller) 10374
Support for (Harcourt) 10370-2
Tuition fees (Blencoe) 9446 (Clark) 9444, 9445 (Strachan) 9444, 9445
University of Northern British Columbia Act. See name of act
University society, role of (Boone) 9333
Urban Dahllof study (Harcourt) 10371 (Jones) 10373 (Strachan) 9187, 10364
Mentioned: (Jones) 9436, 9649, 9663, 9665, 9746, 11223 (Strachan) 9189, 9431, 9435, 9652, 9665, 9734, 9740
University of Northern British Columbia Act
(Bill 40) (Minister of Advanced Education, Training and Technology) 1R, 10001; 2R, 10363-76, 10525-9; C, 10529-34; 3R, 10534; RA, 10763
Speakers: Boone 10525-7; Edwards 10528; Harcourt 10370-2; Jones 10372-4, 10529, 10530, 10530-1, 10531, 10531-2, 10532, 10532-3, 10533, 10533-4; Miller 10374-6; Strachan 10363-70, 10528-9, 10529-30, 10530, 10531, 10532, 10533, 10534; Vant 10527-8
Cariboo regional development advisory council, work of (Vant) 10527
College of New Caledonia, board, appointments to (Strachan) 10531
College of New Caledonia, funding for (Jones) 10373-4
College of New Caledonia, university transfer courses, enrolment in (Jones) 10373
Colleges, boards of governors, appointment of (Jones) 10531
Colleges, funding for and University of Northern B.C. (Miller) 10375
Educational facilities, Kootenays (Edwards) 10528
Forests institute, proposal re (Harcourt) 10371, 10372
Interior University Society, work of (Strachan) 10001
Northern Native Broadcasting, funding for (Miller) 10375, 10376
Northwest College, funding for (Jones) 10373-4 (Miller) 10375
Post-secondary education, participation rate, northern and interior students (Jones) 10373 (Miller) 10373
Prince George, children's choirs (Strachan) 10369
Prince George, library (Strachan) 10369
Prince George, population, growth in (Vant) 10527
Professionals in north (Miller) 10375-6
School District 57, applicants to, teachers (Strachan) 10368
School District 92, establishment of (Miller) 10375
Transportation system (Miller) 10374-5
Universities, role of (Miller) 10376
University for Kootenays (Edwards) 10528
University of Northern B.C., aboriginal studies, school of (Boone) 10526-7
University of Northern B.C., adults, educational opportunities for (Boone) 10526
University of Northern B.C., board of governors, aboriginal representation on cones) 10529-30, 10530 (Miller) 10375 (Strachan) 10366, 10530
University of Northern B.C., board of governors, appointment of (Jones) 10530 (Strachan) 10531
University of Northern B.C., board of governors, representation on (Strachan) 10001, 10366
University of Northern B.C., development plan for (Jones) 10532, 10533 (Strachan) 10532, 10533
University of Northern B.C., development plan for and section 80 of University Act (Jones) 10532, 10533 (Strachan) 10533
University of Northern B.C., education faculty (Strachan) 10366
University of Northern B.C., enrolment (Jones) 10373, 10533, 10533-4 (Strachan) 10368, 10533, 10534
University of Northern B.C., establishment of (Jones) 10372-3 (Strachan) 10001, 10364-6
University of Northern B.C., forestry school (Miller) 10376 (Strachan) 10366
University of Northern B.C., forests, research on utilization of (Boone) 10526
University of Northern B.C., funding for (Boone) 10527 (Jones) 10374 (Strachan) 10367-8, 10533
University of Northern B.C., interim governing council, dissolution of (Jones) 10529, 10530 (Strachan) 10529-30, 10530
University of Northern B.C., ministerial responsibility for (Jones) 10531-2 (Strachan) 10532
University of Northern B.C., native languages institute (Harcourt) 10372
University of Northern B.C., northern B.C., benefits to (Harcourt) 10371-2 (Strachan) 10368-70
University of Northern B.C., petition in support of (Strachan) 10370
University of Northern B.C., Prince George, benefits to (Boone) 10525-6 (Harcourt) 10371-2 (Jones) 10373 (Strachan) 10368-70
University of Northern B.C., programs, course offerings (Strachan) 10366-7
University of Northern B.C., resource management program (Strachan) 10366-7
University ' of Northern B.C., students (Strachan) 10367
University of Northern B.C., students, diploma students, transfer arrangements for (Strachan) 10368
University of Northern B.C., students, travel costs (Miller) 10374
University of Northern B.C., support for (Harcourt) 10370-2
University of Northern B.C., Urban Dahllof study (Harcourt) 10371 (Jones) 10373 (Strachan) 10364
Mentioned: (Rose) 10077 (Prorogation address) 11929 (Throne speech) 8850
University of Saskatchewan
Mentioned: (Strachan) 9434
University of Toronto
Mentioned: (Davis) 11361 (Perry) 9067, 9734 (Strachan) 9190, 11231
University of Victoria
Business administration school (Couvelier) 9057 (Cull) 9738-9 (Hagen, S.) 9208 (Strachan) 9739
Centres-of-excellence award (Strachan) 9427
Faculty, salaries (Cull) 9738
Faculty, women (Cull) 9738
Fire protection, false alarms (Couvelier) 10205
Funding for (Cull) 9737, 9738, 9739 (Strachan) 9739
MacLaurin Building, phase 3 (Strachan) 9739
Philosophy department, head's letter quoted (Lovick) 9725
Philosophy department, transfer arrangements with Malaspina College (Lovick) 9725, 9726 (Strachan) 9725, 9725-6, 9726, 9727
Saanich municipality, cost of university to (Couvelier) 10205 (Cull) 10205
Social sciences faculties (Cull) 9739
Space, shortage of (Cull) 9738 (Strachan) 9739-40
Student costs (Cull) 9738
Students, housing for (Cull) 9737-8 (Strachan) 9740
Taxes, payment of grants in lieu of (Cull) 10205
Mentioned: (Brummet) 9560 (Clark) 9072 (Couvelier) 9057, 11910 (Cull) 8937, 11908, 11909 (Dirks) 9688 (Fraser) 9246, 9652 (Guno) 9039 (Hanson, G.) 9931 (Hanson, L.) 11169 (Harcourt) 10371 (Jones) 9432, 9745, 10373 (Perry) 10264 (Smith) 10556 (Strachan) 9423, 9434, 9657, 9726, 9728, 10533, 10545 (Vant) 8948
University of Waterloo
Mentioned: (Strachan) 9434
University of Western Ontario
Mentioned: (Strachan) 9434
Upper Levels Highway
See entries under Highway 1
Mining, moratorium on, status of (Davis) 11376 (Edwards) 11376
Urban Development Institute, Vancouver, B.C.
Mentioned: (Blencoe) 9853, 9966, 9967 (Cull) 9831, 9964, 11204 (Dueck) 9846 (Edwards) 11363 (Harcourt) 10222 (Jacobsen) 9967
Urban policy
Urban environment, protection of (Cull) 9830-1, 9832-3
Urban growth, problem of (Cull) 8938
Urban policy (Cull) 9833
Urban problems
See: Urban policy
Urban Regions, Ministry of (Proposed)
Proposal for (Williams) 11203
Urquhart, Jerry
Mentioned: (Vant) 9463
The Use of CFCs, An Act to Ban
(Bill M210) (Cashore) 1R, 9849
Speakers: Cashore 9849
Chlorofluorocarbons, ban on use of (Cashore) 9849
User charges
Increase in (Blencoe) 11922 (Boone) 9335, 11831-2 (Clark) 8950, 9068, 10187, 11864-5 (Edwards) 9214, 11921 (Janssen, G.) 9087, 11685, 11685-6 (Sihota) 11913-4
User fees
See: User charges
UtiliCorp United Inc.
Gas and oil turbine operation, site for (Barlee) 10351 (Reynolds) 10351
See: Public utilities
Utilities Commission
See: British Columbia Utilities Commission
Utilities Commission Act
Mentioned: (Davis) 11002 (Edwards) 10999, 11363, 11555 (Fraser) 11266
Utzig, Gregory
Mentioned: (Barlee) 9400