Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 2nd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 9, 1987 to March 11, 1988


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Union of British Columbia Municipalities


See: Urban Transportation Development Corporation

Unclaimed Money Act

Statement tabled (Couvelier) 4925

Underhill and Underhill

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 4644

Undertakers and undertaking

Funeral services, purchase of by American organizations (Blencoe) 4013

Legislation on (Blencoe) 4013-4 (Hanson, L.) 4002, 4015

Ontario legislation re (Blencoe) 4001, 4014

Phone solicitation by (Blencoe) 4001-2, 4013-5, 4015 (Hanson, L.) 4002, 4015

Phone solicitation by, letters quoted (Blencoe) 4001-2, 4013-4


Kamloops, unemployment (Clark) 3647 (Richmond) 3572, 3787 (Stupich) 3591, 3632

Nass Valley, unemployment (Guno) 3731

Ontario, unemployment rate (Guno) 3731 (Miller) 3714

Port Alberni area, unemployment (Skelly) 3566

Prince George, unemployment (Strachan) 3549

Unemployment (Barnes) 3763 (Brummet) 3555 (Cashore) 3546 (Couvelier) 3621, 3775 (Guno) 3731 (Hagen, A.) 3785, 4041 (Hagen, S.) 4042 (Harcourt) 5092 (Loenen) 3464 (Lovick) 3528 (McCarthy) 4481-2 (Miller) 3714 (Peterson) 3677 (Rabbitt) 3467 (Richmond) 3787 (Stupich) 3632

Wage increases and unemployment (Lovick) 3526

West Kootenays, unemployment (Clark) 3647 (Stupich) 3632

Young people, unemployment (Barnes) 3539, 4051 (Clark) 3647 (Hagen, S.) 4071 (Jones) 4071 (Marzari) 3581 (Williams) 4455

Unemployment insurance

See: Insurance, Unemployment

Unemployment Insurance Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Richmond) 3854

Unicorn Pub, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Williams) 4502, 4503

Union boards of health

Taxing powers (Boone) 5038, 5039 (Dueck) 5038

Union Carbide Corp.

Bhopal accident (Lovick) 5265

Union Gas Ltd.

Mentioned: (Davis) 5369

Union of British Columbia Municipalities

Pub plebiscites, guidelines for (Hagen, A.) 4687

Pubs, committee on (Hagen, A.) 4688

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 3497, 3498, 4083, 4901, 4911, 4929, 4931, 5096, 5097, 5098, 5281 (Cashore) 4220, 5511 (Couvelier) 4119 (Davidson) 3779 (Edwards) 4119 (Gran) 4931 (Hanson, L.) 4248, 5274, 5299 (Harcourt) 4909, 5096 (Johnston) 4927, 4932, 4934, 4937, 5279, 5281 (Jones) 4467, 4943, 5488, 5489 (Lovick) 4725 (McCarthy) 5291 (Sihota) 3479, 4091, 5097 (Smith, B.R.) 3901 (Strachan) 5511 (Vander Zalm) 5096, 5489

United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry

Collective agreement (Clark) 3520

United Church of Canada

Mentioned: (Smallwood) 4603

United Communications Research Inc.

Mentioned: (Jones) 5491

United Nations

Mentioned: (Cashore) 3814 (Gabelmann) 4992, 5141 (Rose) 4867 (Smallwood) 3612, 5256 (Williams) 5339

United States

Canadian investment in (McCarthy) 4528 (Michael) 4527 (Rose) 4529

Exports to (Michael) 4527, 4528

Forest policy (Parker) 4762 (Williams) 4762

Market economy (Rose) 4522, 4529

Trade legislation (Richmond) 3573

Trade with (Dirks) 3590

United States. Agriculture, Department of

Mentioned: (Rose) 4523

United States. Army Corps of Engineers

Columbia River Treaty reservoirs, management of (Edwards) Q. 3461

Mentioned: (Edwards) 4251, 4666, 4667 (Strachan) 4666, 4667

United States. Atomic Energy Commission

Mentioned: (Strachan) 4604

United States. Commerce, Department of

Mentioned: (Michael) 4527 (Williams) 4489

United States. Congress

House Ways and Means Committee mentioned (Williams) 4517

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 5520 (Smith, B.R.) 3600 (Williams) 4517

United States. Forest Service

Mentioned: (Parker) 4762

United States. Navy

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 3708

United States. Securities and Exchange Commission

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 5520 (Sihota) 4171

United States. Senate

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 4526 (Rose) 4525

United Way

Mentioned: (Loenen) 5174

Universities and colleges

College boards, appointment of (Rose) 4058

College boards, election of (Marzari) 5190

College boards, role of (Lovick) 3697

College pension plan, compulsory enrolment provisions (Veitch) 5177

College pension plan, funding of (Veitch) 5177

College programs, cutbacks in (Hagen, A.) 3492

College system in B.C. (Hagen, S.) 4060, 5190

Colleges and institutes, funding for (Bruce) 3666 (Clark) 3649-50 (Couvelier) 3623 (D’Arcy) 3669-70 (Edwards) 3773 (Fraser, R.) 3681 (Gran) 3713 (Guno) 3733 (Hagen, A.) 3664-5 (Hagen, S.) A. 3859, 4057-8 (Harcourt) 3708, 4065 (Jones) 3652 (Lovick) 3697 (Marzari) 3727, Q. 3720, Q. 3859, 4031, 4048, 4057, 5189 (Smallwood) 3769 (Stupich) 3630 (Throne speech) 3457 (Vander Zalm) A. 3720 (Vant) 3730 (Veitch) 3704

Colleges, budgets (Marzari) 5189

Colleges, business development centres (Hagen, S.) 4058

Colleges, enrolment, overcrowding (Marzari) 5190

Colleges, five-year plans (Marzari) 5189

Colleges, funding for and economy (Hagen, S.) 5190 (Marzari) 5190

Colleges, funding for and enrolment (Hagen, S.) 5190 (Marzari) 5189 (Rose) 4058

Colleges, funding for and new programs (Hagen, A.) 4043

Colleges, funding for, capital funds for (Hagen, S.) 4070

Colleges, funding for, formula for (Marzari) 5189

Colleges, government policy on (Marzari) 3582-3

Colleges, instructors, workload (Edwards) 4075

Colleges, Medical Services Plan premium costs (D’Arcy) 3669

Colleges, planning for, use of committees (Marzari) 5190

Colleges, privatization of courses (Hagen, S.) 4060 (Marzari) 4060

Colleges, programs, cutbacks in (Marzari) 4078

Colleges, student registrations, duplication in (Hagen, S.) 4059 (Rose) 4059

Colleges, students, part-time students (Marzari) 3728

Colleges, students turned away (Clark) 3649-50 (Hagen, A.) 4044 (Hagen, S.) 4059 (Marzari) 4031, 4059 (Rose) 4058 (Smallwood) 3769

Colleges, task force on funding and enrolment (Hagen, A.) 3859 (Hagen, S.) 4058, 4059, 4060 (Marzari) 4057, 4059-60

Colleges, task force on, proposal for (Hagen, S.) 4077 (Marzari) 4077

Colleges, tuition fees (Marzari) 4048, 4056

Donations to, private sector donations (Serwa) 3694 (Throne speech) 3457 (Veitch) 3704

Economy and post-secondary education (Marzari) 3582

Faculty, age of (Marzari) 3727

Faculty, retirement of (Marzari) 3727

Faculty, retirement plan for (Marzari) Q. 3570, 4031 (Savage) A. 3570

Faculty, salary levels (Hagen, S.) 4070 (Harcourt) 4064

Funding for and matching grants (Hagen, S.) A. 4292 (Jones) Q. 4291, Q. 4292

Funding for, operating grants under NDP (Jones) 4072

Funding for, private sector funding (Stupich) 3593

Funding for, source of funds (Harcourt) 4063-4

Planning for (Hagen, S.) A. 4512 (Jones) Q. 4512 (Marzari) 3727, 4031-2

Post-secondary education, funding of and Meech Lake accord (Clark) 5543 (Marzari) 5546

Post-secondary education, quality of (Marzari) 4078

Post-secondary institutions, establishment of under NDP (Edwards) 4075 (Hagen, S.) 4071

Private colleges, tuition fees (Marzari) 3728

Student housing, funding for (Hagen, S.) 4074 (Jones) 4074

Students, access to post-secondary education (Boone) 4060-1 (Hagen, S.) 4061, 4062 (Harcourt) 4063, 4064-5 (Marzari) 4059, 4077 (Serwa) 3694

Students, out-of-province students (Fraser, R.) 3505

Students, participation rate in post-secondary education (Boone) 3576 (Brummet) 4341 (Clark) 3649 (Hagen, S.) 4072 (Jones) 4072, 4330, 4341, 4342 (Marzari) 4077 (Stupich) 3630

Task force on post-secondary education (Hagen, S.) 4030

Universities, access to, committee on (Hagen, S.) 4061

Universities, donations to (Couvelier) 3623 (Hagen, S.) 4030

Universities, funding for (Bruce) 3666 (Couvelier) 3623 (Gran) 3713 (Harcourt) 3708, 4065 (Marzari) 3727, 4031, 4048 (Stupich) 3630 (Throne speech) 3457 (Vander Zalm) 5289 (Vant) 3730 (Veitch) 3704

Universities, funding for and economy of B.C. (Hagen, S.) 4076-7 (Marzari) 4076

Universities, funding for, capital funds (Hagen, S.) 4070, 4810

Universities, funding for, federal funds (Hagen, S.) 4073 (Jones) 4073

Universities, military research contracts (Hagen, S.) A. 5251, A. 5252 (Marzari) Q. 5251 (Rose) Q. 5252

Universities, military research, government policy on (Hagen, S.) A. 5251 (Marzari) Q. 5251

Universities, morale (Marzari) 4077

Universities, ten-year plan for (Hagen, S.) 4070

Universities, tuition fees (Hagen, S.) 3492, 4071 (Jones) 4071

Universities, tuition fees, Ontario (Hagen, S.) 4071 (Jones) 4071

University in interior (Harcourt) 4064

University in north (Boone) 4061 (Hagen, S.) 4061-2 (Harcourt) 4064 (Parker) 3494

University in Prince George (Boone) 3576, 5040 (Strachan) 3550

University libraries, sale and leaseback of (Boone) 5352 (Couvelier) 5354 (Hagen, A.) 5355 (Hagen, S.) A. 4810 (Marzari) Q. 4809-10, 5517

See also: Students

Universities Council of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Marzari) 3727

University Advisory Council

Mentioned: (Hagen, S.) 4077

University Endowment Lands

Jansen report, recommendations (Marzari) O. 5048 (Veitch) A. 5048

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 4590 (Johnston) 4900, 4906, 4907 (Stupich) 4223

University Foundations Act

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 3623 (Serwa) 3694

University Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.

Formation of (Mowat) 5001-2

Savings effected (Mowat) 5002

Shaughnessy Hospital, amalgamation with (Mowat) 5001-2

Shaughnessy site, hospice (Dueck) 5147, 5148

University of British Columbia

Chem-physics building (Hagen, S.) 4073

Faculty, retirement of and Charter of Rights (Marzari) Q. 3570 (Savage) A. 3570

Forest research facility (Bruce) 3667 (Chalmers) 3660 (Couvelier) 3625 (Jansen) 3646

Land offer to (Marzari) Q. 5040

Medical school, number graduating (Boone) 5156 (Dueck) 5157, 5158

Physiotherapists, training of (Boone) 5040 (Dueck) 5040

School of community and regional planning mentioned (Cashore) 4354

TCMTB, research on (Hanson, L.) 3995 (Lovick) 3994-5

TRIUMF. See: Tri-University Meson Facility

Mentioned: (Boone) 4956 (Brummet) 4442, 4451 (Campbell) 3948 (Clark) 4889 (Crandall) 3699 (Dueck) 4984, 5026, 5403 (Edwards) 4624 (Hagen, A.) 4957 (Hagen, S.) 4030, 4062, 4070, 4074, 4292 (Hanson, G.) 5237, 5239 (Hanson, L.) 3943, 3986 (Harcourt) 4064, 4065 (Jones) 4991 (Marzari) 4031, 4074 (Miller) 4160, 4800 (Mowat) 4312 (Parker) 4736 (Peterson) 4692 (Rose) 4845 (Skelly) 3673 (Smith, B.R.) 3735, 4579 (Strachan) 4627, 4632 (Vander Zalm) 3616 (Vans) 3730 (Weisgerber) 3544

University of Calgary

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 4957

University of Florida

Mentioned: (Guno) 4826 (Smallwood) 4677

University of Minnesota

Mentioned: (Strachan) 3772

University of Oregon

Mentioned: (Barnes) 4836

University of Regina

Mentioned: (Sihota) 4861

University of Saskatchewan

Mentioned: (Rose) 4873

University of Toronto

Mentioned: (Cashore) 5565

University of Victoria

Commonwealth Games, facilities for (Huberts) 3606

Engineering faculty, co-op program (Fraser, R.) 3504-5

Enrolment, increase in (Harcourt) 4063

Faculty, retirements (Harcourt) 4064

Fees, level of (Harcourt) 4063

Funds, funding needed (Harcourt) 4064

Funds, source of (Harcourt) 4063

Health information system, grant for development of (Dueck) 4976 (Reid) 3487 (Throne speech) 3457

Students, out-of-town students (Hagen, S.) 4070

Tularemia bacteria research and protection of public (Dueck) A. 5291 (Marzari) Q. 5251,

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 4654, 4921 (Bruce) 4007 (Brummet) 4441 (Clark) 5543 (Crandall) 3699 (Dueck) 5291 (Gran) 4164 (Hagen, A.) 4957 (Hagen, S.) 4062, 4074 (Jones) 4291 (Lovick) 4689 (Marzari) 3727 (Parker) 3494 (Rabbitt) 3467 (Serwa) 3694 (Sihota) 5363 (Smallwood) 4677, 4828 (Strachan) 4162

Unmarried mothers

Child maintenance, applications for (Smith, B.R.) 5395

Family Relations Amendment Act, 1988. See name of act

Family support homemaker services for (Marzari) 3827 (Richmond) 3827

GAIN recipients, assistance to (Smith, B.R.) 5395

Homes for (Cashore) 3740, 4127 (Dueck) 3767 (Edwards) 3773 (Richmond) 3781, 3824 (Smallwood) 3611 (Vander Zalm) 5505

Homes for, funding for (Cashore) 3850 (Marzari) 5505 (Richmond) 3850

Homes for, number of participants (Marzari) 3825 (Richmond) 3825

Support, basis for (Smith, B.R.) 5395

Support protections, transfer of to Family Relations Act (Smith, B.R.) 5287

Support services for (Marzari) 3825 (Richmond) 3781, 3824

Unwanted pregnancy

See: Pregnancy, Unwanted

Unwed mothers

See: Unmarried mothers

Upper Island Health Unit

Speech therapy, waiting-list for (Gabelmann) 5041, 5041

Upper Levels Highway

See: Highway 1


Boundary-Similkameen constituency, vote on uranium mining (Harcourt) Q. 4621, 5091-2 (Vander Zalm) A. 4621

Groundwater, uranium in (Strachan) 4680

Mining of (Boone) 4955

Mining of, moratorium on (Davis) A. 4965 (Harcourt) Q. 4620 (Smallwood) Q. 4965 (Vander Zalm) A. 4620

Mining of, plebiscite on (Harcourt) 5138 (Vander Zalm) 5140

Mining of, requirements to be met (Vander Zalm) 5140

Rock Creek area (Smallwood) 4680

Urban Transit Authority

Mentioned: (Couvelier) 4211

Urban Transportation Development Corporation

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 4941


Northern residents, moving of to urban areas (Guno) 3733

User charges

Elderly, fee increase for (Jones) 3653

Environment and Parks ministry, fees and permits, revenue (Smallwood) 4602 (Strachan) 4602

Health services, user fees for (Boone) 3678, 3680

Increase in (Clark) 3647 (Couvelier) 3626 (D’Arcy) 3671 (Hanson, G.) 3711 (Harcourt) 3707, 3708 (Mercier) 3672 (Savage) 3651-2 (Skelly) 3673 (Stupich) 3631, 4097

Revenue (Stupich) 3631

Setting of fees, responsibility for (Couvelier) 4099-4100

User fees (Brummet) 3761 (Couvelier) 3776, 4099 (Edwards) 3772-3 (Lovick) 3696 (Sihota) 3690 (Smallwood) 3769

User fees

See: User charges

UtiliCorp United Inc.

B.C. Hydro Mainland Gas division, bidding on (Clark) 4292

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., purchase of (Clark) 3519

Mentioned: (Edwards) 5255 (Hanson, G.) 5262 (Williams) 5398

Utilities Commission Act

Mentioned: (Clark) 5198, 5467 (Davis) 5407 (Strachan) 4925

Utilities Commission Amendment Act, 1988

(Bill 46) (Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R, 4948; 2R, 5408-12; C, 5472-3; 3R, 5527; RA, 5530

Amdts: Sec. 5 (Davis) 5472, 5474, approved 5473; sec. 8 (Davis) 5473, 5474, approved 5473

Speakers: Clark 5408-10, 5472, 5473; Davis 5408, 5411-2, 5472; Edwards 5410-1

B.C. Hydro, Aluminum Co. of Canada Ltd., cooperation with (Davis) 5411

B.C. Hydro, electric power, wheeling of (Davis) 5408

B.C. Hydro, electricity rates (Davis) 5411

B.C. Hydro, export company, establishment of (Clark) 5409 (Davis) 5411

B.C. Hydro, export company, function of (Davis) 5411

B.C. Hydro, natural gas, wheeling of (Davis) 4948, 5408

B.C. Hydro, power, export of (Clark) 5409 (Davis) 5411

B.C. Hydro, power, export of and price (Clark) 5409-10

B.C. Hydro, power, export of, private sector power (Clark) 5410 (Davis) 5411

B.C. Hydro, power projects, overbuilding (Davis) 5411

B.C. Hydro, privatization of (Clark) 5409

B.C. Hydro, Transalta Utilities Corp., cooperation with (Davis) 5411

B.C. Utilities Commission, powers (Davis) 4948, 5408

California, electric power generation (Clark) 5410

Electric power, co-generation, promotion of (Clark) 5409

Electric power, coal-fired thermal power (Clark) 5409

Electric power lines, regulation of (Davis) 5408

Electric power, Pacific Northwest, cost of power (Davis) 5411

Electric power, private power generation (Edwards) 5410

Electric power producers, regulation of small producers (Clark) 5472 (Davis) 5472

Electric power projects, certificates, requirements re (Davis) 5408

Electric power, small projects, promotion of (Clark) 5409

Electric power, wood waste, power generation from (Clark) 5409

McDonald Ranch and Lumber Ltd., power project (Edwards) 5410

Minister's powers under act (Edwards) 5410

Mentioned: (Clark) 5445