Province of British Columbia
34th Parliament, 2nd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
March 9, 1987 to March 11, 1988


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Economic Development Council


See: European Economic Community


See: Environment and Land Use Committee

EPF funds

See entries under Federal-provincial fiscal relations


See: Economic and regional development agreement

Eagle Ridge Hospital and Health Care Centre, Port Moody, B.C.

Emergency services (Cashore) 5018 (Dueck) 5019, 5037 (Rose) 5037

Hospice (Dueck) 5147

Mentioned: (Dueck) 4979

Early childhood education articulation committee

Mentioned: (Marzari) 4982

East Kootenay Community College

Mentioned: (Edwards) 4075

East Kootenay Health Unit

Letter quoted (Boone) 5041

East Kootenay Power Co. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Hanson, G.) 5262

East Pine River, B.C.

Bridge, redecking of (Rogers) 5066

"The East Enders"

Reference to program (Lovick) 5057)

Eastgate, B.C.

Electrical service, provision of (Blencoe) 5435-6, 5518 (Johnston) 5309, 5435, 5518 (Rabbitt) 5436

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1988. See name of act

Easton, Joan

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 5252

Easton, Paul

Mentioned: (Williams) 3752

Ebco Industries Ltd.

Exports (Campbell) 3475

Eberts, Mary

Mentioned: (Marzari) 5547

Echo Mountain Resources Ltd.

Mentioned: (Sihota) 5524


Use of (Hanson, L.) 3995

Economic and regional development agreement

Forest resource development agreement funds, use of (Kempf) 4769 (Miller) 4764 (Parker) 4769

Forest resource development agreement, renegotiation of (Bruce) 3584

Forest resource development agreement, second agreement (Bruce) 4799 (Miller) 4801 (Parker) 3493, 4800, 4802, 4806 (Vant) 3500

Industrial and tourism development agreement (Reid) 3486

Renegotiation of (Bruce) 3584 (Clark) 3523

Restructuring of (Throne speech) 3456

Tourism subagreement, funding under (Edwards) 4272 (Reid) 4272

Tourism subagreement, negotiations re (Edwards) 4271 (Reid) 4272

Economic Council of Canada

Bulletin quoted (McCarthy) 4525, 4526

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 4509

Economic Development Council

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 4489

Economic Development, Ministry of

Estimates 4481-97, 4499-4510, 4514-6

Speakers: Boone 4535, 4535-6; Clark 4489, 4533-4, 4534; McCarthy 4481-4, 4486-7, 4487, 4488, 4488-9, 4490, 4490-1, 4491, 4492, 4493-4, 4495-6, 4496, 4497, 4499, 4500, 4500-1, 4501, 4502, 4502-3, 4503, 4503-4, 4504, 4505, 4505-6, 4506, 4506-7, 4507, 4508, 4509, 4509-10, 4510, 4514, 4515, 4515-6, 4516-7, 4517, 4518, 4519, 4520, 4520-1, 4521, 4522, 4524-5, 4526, 4528, 4530, 4533, 4534, 4535; Michael 4492-3, 4526-8; Miller 4530-2, 4532-3; Rose 4521-2, 4522-4, 4525-6, 4526, 4528-30; Smith, S.D. 4516, 4517; Strachan 4536; Williams 4484-6, 4487, 4488, 4489-90, 4490, 4491-2, 4493, 4494-5, 4496, 4497, 4499, 4499-4500, 4501, 4501-2, 4502, 4503, 4504, 4505, 4506, 4507, 4507-8, 4508, 4508-9, 4509, 4510, 4514, 4514-5, 4515, 4517-8, 4518, 4518-9, 4519, 4520, 4521, 4534-5

B.C. Business Network, development of (McCarthy) 4483-4

Development loans, Langley constituency (Peterson) 3563

Future of (Williams) 3537

Ministers of state, role of and ministry (Boone) 4535 (McCarthy) 4535 (Williams) 4535

Offices, furnishings for (Couvelier) A. 4068 (McCarthy) 4499, 4502 (Williams) Q. 4068, 4499, 4499-4500, 4501-2

Offices overseas (McCarthy) 4483-4

Parliament buildings, office space (Williams) 4499

Publications (McCarthy) 4506-7

Restructuring of ministry (McCarthy) 4484

Edinburgh, Duke of

Mentioned: (Veitch) 4546


Access to (Hagen, A.) 3492

Achievement levels, evaluation of (Brummet) 4328-9

Arts education in school system (Brummet) 4440-1, 4449 (Edwards) 4439-40 (Rose) 4447, 4449

Children, inner-city schools, problems (Harcourt) 4335

Children, inner-city schools, recommendations re (Harcourt) 4335

Contracted learning services (Jones) 4069, 4396

Contracted learning services, accountability for (Jones) 4404

Contracted learning services and pupil-teacher ratio (Brummet) 4398 (Jones) 4398

Creativity and education (Edwards) 4439-40

Economy and education (Marzari) 3582

Education system (Barnes) 3539, 3764-5 (Blencoe) 3497 (Bruce) 3585, 3585, 3666 (Brummet) 3556, 3557, 4340, 4470 (Clark) 3524 (D’Arcy) 3502-3 (Dirks) 3591 (Fraser, R.) 3504-5, 4469 (Gran) 3534 (Harcourt) 4332-3 (Jones) 4330 (Peterson) 3562 (Throne speech) 3457

Education system, changes in (Brummet) 4402-3

Education system, changes in and Royal Commission on Education (Jones) 4408

Education system, confrontation in (Harcourt) 4332-3

Education system, flexibility in (Fraser, R.) 4402

Education system, governance of (Jones) 4466-7

Education system, privatization of (Hagen, A.) 3492

Home schooling. See: Domestic education

Investment in elsewhere (Harcourt) 4062

Northern B.C., education in (Guno) 4421

Pacific Rim studies (Williams) 4455

Parents and volunteers, use of in school system (Brummet) 4401, 4403 (Fraser, R.) 4405 (Jones) 4401, 4402, 4403, 4404

Restraint program and education (Jones) 4329-30 (Rose) 4447-8

Special education (Brummet) 4453 (Hagen, A.) 4453

Special needs children in north (Guno) 4421

Students, equality of opportunity for (Brummet) 4329

Education — Curricula

High school curriculum (Brummet) 4455 (Williams) 4455

“Project Business” package (Brummet) 4420 (Jones) 4419-20 (Lovick) 4689-90

Review of (Brummet) 4329

Education — Finance

Atlin, school tax (Guno) 3588, 3732-3

Auditor-general report on (Brummet) 4342, 4343 (Jones) 4342-3, 4344

Capital financing (Brummet) 4473 (Jones) 4473

Education Excellence Appropriation Repeal Act. See name of act

Funding (Blencoe) 3497 (Bruce) 3665-6 (Brummet) 3761, 3763, 4328, 4331, 4339-40, 4342 (Campbell) 3475 (Couvelier) 3777 (Crandall) 3698 (D’Arcy) 3502 (Harcourt) 3473, 4065 (Jones) 4069, 4339 (Loenen) 4340 (Messmer) 3611 (Parker) 3494 (Rabbitt) 3741 (Reid) 3488 (Rose) 4197-8 (Serwa) 3693 (Stupich) 3594, 3630 (Throne speech) 3457 (Vander Zalm) 3616-7, 5492 (Vant) 3730 (Veitch) 3704

Funding, changes in, consultation re (Brummet) 4336-7

Funding, cost-sharing (Hagen, A.) 4452-3

Funding, dispersed school funding (Boone) 4348 (Brummet) 4347, 4422

Funding, equalization system (Brummet) 4449, 4450 (Loenen) 4449

Funding, expenditure per pupil (Barnes) 3763 (Brummet) 3763 (Harcourt) 4334 (Jones) 3655, 4330-1, 4332, 4339, 4340-1

Funding, expenditure per pupil elsewhere (Jones) 4330, 4340-1

Funding, expenditure per pupil, statistics on (Brummet) 4331 (Jones) 4332, 4340-1

Funding formula (Brummet) 4339, 4345-6 (Harcourt) 4333, 4334, 4336

Funding formula, school districts in north (Guno) 4421

Funding, future funding (Brummet) 4341

Funding, increase in for staff (Brummet) 4345

Funding, percentage of personal income (Fraser, R.) 4388 (Jones) 4340

Funding, source of funds (Boone) 4346

Homeowner grant and education funding (Brummet) 4448 (Rose) 4448, 4449

Northern B.C., education costs (Guno) 4421

Public school operating costs, funding for (Brummet) 3763, 4328 (Couvelier) 3622, 4857 (D’Arcy) 3670 (Serwa) 3693

Referenda, A.J. Brummet's statement re (Jones) 4856

Referenda, use of (Brummet) 4345 (Jones) 4344, Q. 4856, 5491, 5492 (Vander Zalm) A. 4856, 5491-2

Referenda, use of, letters re (Brummet) 4349, 4350 (Jones) 4349

Referenda, use of to control costs (Brummet) A. 4069 (Jones) Q. 4069

School construction, funding for (Brummet) 4328

School debt service costs, funding for (Couvelier) 3622

School operating costs, standards for (Brummet) 4329

School tax (Couvelier) 3777 (D’Arcy) 3502 (Stupich) 4098

School tax base, erosion of (Stupich) 4200-1

School tax on business, increase in (Couvelier) 3622

School tax on commercial and industrial property (Boone) 4346 (Brummet) 4339, 4346 (Fraser, R.) 4388 (Harcourt) 4333

School tax on machinery, reduction in (Clark) 3648

School tax on non-residential property (Clark) 3684 (Jones) 3654

School tax on residential property (Harcourt) 4333-4 (Loenen) 4340 (Rose) 4198, 4449 (Stupich) 3630

School tax relief, industrial buildings (Clark) 4229 (Couvelier) 4200, 4229

Schools, costs of small schools (Brummet) 4349

Schools, fund-raising activities (Harcourt) 4334

Special aid grants (Brummet) 5420, 5421 (Jones) 5420

Special education, funding for (Brummet) 4453 (Hagen, A.) 4453

Supplementary grants, amount of (Brummet) 5420 (Jones) 5420

Supplementary grants, use of (Jones) 5421

Support services, funding for (Brummet) 4328

Voucher system, proposal re (Brummet) 4471 (Jones) 4471, 5491 (Vander Zalm) 5491

Voucher system, task force on (Jones) 5491

Education, Cooperative

Work experience (Brummet) 4389, 4396

Education, Ministry of

Estimates 4327-50, 4384-5, 4387-90, 4395-4418, 4419-30, 4433-56, 4464-77

Speakers: Barnes 4464-5, 4466; Blencoe 4475, 4475-6, 4476, 4477; Boone 4345, 4346, 4347-8, 4348; Brummet 4327-9, 4331, 4336-8, 4339, 4339-40, 4341-2, 4343, 4343-4, 4344-5, 4345-6, 4346-7, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4384, 4385, 4386, 4388-9, 4389, 4389-90, 4390, 4396, 4396-7, 4397, 4398, 4398-9, 4399, 4400, 4401, 4402, 4402-3, 4403, 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408-9, 4409-12, 4414, 4414-5, 4415-6, 4416, 4417, 4418, 4420-1, 4422, 4423, 4423-4, 4425, 4427-8, 4428-9, 4429-30, 4433-4, 4435-6, 4437-8, 4438-9, 4440-1, 4442, 4442-3, 4444-5, 4446, 4447, 4448-9, 4450, 4451, 4451-2, 4452, 4453, 4454, 4455-6, 4465-6, 4466, 4467-8, 4470, 4470-1, 4471, 4472-3, 4473, 4474, 4475, 4476, 4476-7; Cashore 4442, 4443-4, 4445-6, 4446, 4446-7; Clark 4475; Edwards 4439-40, 4441-2; Fraser, R. 4387-8, 4397, 4401-2, 4405, 4468-9; Guno 4421-2, 4422-3, 4423, 4424-5; Hagen, A. 4450-1, 4451, 4452, 4452-3; Harcourt 4332-6, 4338-9;Jones 4329-31, 4331-2, 4339, 4340-1, 4342-3, 4343, 4344, 4349, 4349-50, 4350, 4384, 4384-5, 4385, 4386, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4395-6, 4397, 4397-8, 4398, 4399, 4400, 4400-1, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4404-5, 4405, 4405-6, 4406, 4407, 4407-8, 4409, 4412, 4415, 4416, 4416-7, 4417, 4419-20, 4466-7, 4468, 4469-70, 4470, 4471, 4471-2, 4473, 4473-4; Loenen 4340, 4449-50; Lovick 4453-4, 4454; Mercier 4412-3; Rose 4348-9, 4447-8, 4449; Sihota 4425-7, 4428, 4429, 4433, 4434-5, 4436-7, 4438, 4439; Smallwood 4413-4, 4414; Williams 4454-5

Appropriation, 1988-89 fiscal year (Brummet) 4350 (Jansen) 3646 (Jones) 3655, 4350 (Loenen) 4340

Expenditures, Langley constituency (Peterson) 3563

Financial function (Brummet) 4328

Royal Commission on Education, submission to (Brummet) 4474 (Jones) 4467, 4474

School districts, role in (Brummet) 4470-1 (Jones) 4470

Staff, work of commended (Brummet) 4328

Education Excellence Appropriation Repeal Act

(Bill 15) (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations) 1R, 3627; 2R, 4194-8; C, 4215-6; 3R, 4216; RA, 4733

Speakers: Brummet 4195; Couvelier 4194, 4198, 4216; Jones 4195-7; Lovick 4194-5; Rose 4197-8; Stupich 4194, 4215-6, 4216

Education funding, reduction in (Rose) 4197-8

Education funding, transfer of to property owners (Rose) 4198

Excellence in Education fund, computer program, funds for (Brummet) 4195

Excellence in Education fund, expenditures (Jones) 4196, 4197

Excellence in Education fund, funds, source of (Jones) 4196

Excellence in Education fund, funds, transfer to operating budgets (Jones) 4196

Excellence in Education fund, purpose of (Jones) 4197

Excellence in Education fund, unexpended funds (Couvelier) 4216, 4216 (Stupich) 4215-6, 4216

Excellence in Education fund, use of (Brummet) 4195 (Jones) 4197

Excellence in Education fund, Washington State fund (Brummet) 4195

Homeowner grant, increase in (Rose) 4198

School District 68, computers, funds for (Lovick) 4194-5

Teachers, job action on 28

April, 1987, use of salary savings (Jones) 4196

Education (Interim) Finance Act

Amendments to (Smith, B.R.) 5315

Mentioned: (Brummet) 5421 (Stupich) 4200

Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority

Financial statement tabled (Couvelier) 5498

Edward Milne Secondary School, Sooke, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brummet) 4417 (Sihota) 4425

Edwards, Anne (Kootenay)

Address in Reply 3552-4

Advanced Education and Job Training ministry, estimates 4037-8, 4038, 4038-9, 4039

Agricultural and Rural Development Act, programs 4870

Agricultural land reserve land, transfer of to Forests and Lands ministry 4870

Agriculture and Fisheries ministry, estimates 4870, 4871

Alberta, tourist trade, cooperative advertising 4265

Alcoholic beverages, tax on, increase in 3773

Artreach, task force report 4321

Arts, economy and arts 4307

Arts education in school system 4439-40

Arts, employment in 4307

Arts, funding for 4321

Arts, funding for, lottery funds 4320

Arts, government support for 4439

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 3900-1, 3901, 3901-2, 3902, 3905, 3925-6, 3926, 3929

Barkerville Historic Park, admission fee, revenue 4296

Barkerville Historic Park, attendance 4296

Barkerville Historic Park, concession operators, negotiations with 4305

Barkerville Historic Park, designation as provincial heritage property 5422

Barkerville Historic Park, funding for 4296

Barkerville Historic Park, funding for, capital funds 4303

Barkerville Historic Park, interpretation programs, contractors for 4305

Barkerville Historic Park, Wendle House program, cancellation of Q. 4539

B.C. Hydro, electric division, sale of, amendment re 5396

B.C. Hydro, electric power, privately generated, purchase of 5253

B.C. Hydro, rail division, abandonment of rail line 5396-7

B.C. Hydro, rail division and coal industry 5253-4, 5396, 5397

B.C. Hydro, rail division, function of 5396

B.C. Hydro, rail division, profit 5396

B.C. Hydro, rail division, purchase of by Burlington Northern Inc. 5397

B.C. Hydro, rail division, regulation of, federal regulation 5253-4

B.C. Hydro, rail division, sale of 5396

B.C. Hydro, rail division, Thorne Ernst and Whinney study 5253, 5396

B.C. Hydro, rail division, value of 5254

B.C. Hydro, reservoirs, recreational use of 5448-9, 5475, 5476

B.C. Lottery Fund, community grants, limit on 4569

B.C. Lottery Fund, travel grants, out-of-province travel 4569, 4570

B.C. Utilities Commission fees, powers re 5410

B.C. Utilities Commission hearings, funding for interveners 5410-1

Budget debate 3772-4

Budget Stabilization Fund Act 4370, 4371

Budget stabilization fund, establishment of 3773

Budget stabilization fund, lottery funds for 3773-4, 4568, 4569, 4570

Canada's Fitweek, celebration of 4540

Canadian Pacific Railway, Midway-Penticton line, closing of 5188

Canadian Pacific Railway, service, obligations to province for 5189

Canadian Pacific Railway, V&LI track, application for abandonment of 5396

Casorso property, purchase of 4355

Cattle brands, inspection fees 4870

Chief forester, role of 5082-3, 5083

Cigarettes, tax increase 3773

Coal, export of and value of dollar 3553

Coal, free trade and coal exports 3553

Coal, sale to Ontario 3553

Coal, sale to Ontario, federal funds for 5449

Coal, sale to Ontario for thermal plants 5450

Coal, sale to Ontario, transportation costs 5450

Coal, sale to Ontario, Vancouver Island coal 5450

Coal, transportation rates 5253, 5397

Colleges and institutes, funding for 3773

Colleges, instructors, workload 4075

Columbia River Treaty 5448

Columbia River Treaty, Jack Davis quoted on 5255

Columbia River Treaty reservoirs, level of Q. 3461, 4667

Columbia River Treaty reservoirs, management of Q. 3461

Commercial River Rafting Safety Act 5175-6, 5247, 5248

Commercial River Rafting Safety Act, penalties under act 5248

Communities Against Sexual Abuse, Invermere, funding for 3929

Constitution, changes to, unanimity requirement 5562

Consumer education, school curriculum, removal from 4441

Copper processing and free trade agreement 5392

Copper processing in B.C. 5391

Coquihalla Highway, impact of on Penticton 4269

Corporations, taxation 3774

Cottonwood House, funding for, capital funds 4303

Cottonwood House, security of 4305

Court fees 3773

Craigflower Manor, admission fee, removal of 4297

Creative ability and education 4439

Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., Elko resin soap burner, appeal re 4625, 4626

Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd., Elko resin soap burner, testing re 4625

Cridge Centre for the Family, second-stage housing 3849

Crime victims, assistance to 3900, 3902, 3929, 5174

Crime victims, police-based programs 3900, 3901, 3925-6, 3929

Crime victims, reparation programs 3926, 3929

Crime victims, restitution, compensation and reconciliation program 3901

Crime victims, toll-free phone number for 3900, 3929

Crown land fund, use of to purchase wildlife habitat sites 4355

Cruise ship industry, value of 4270

Culture, expenditure on 4307

Culture, funding for 4320, 4321

Cypress Provincial Park, monitoring of operation 4671

Cypress Provincial Park, operator, contract with 4670

Cypress Provincial Park, toboggan run 4670

Development regions, regionalization of province 3554

Economic and regional development agreement, tourism subagreement, funding under 4272

Economic and regional development agreement, tourism subagreement, negotiations re 4271

Education ministry, estimates 4439-40, 4441-2

Elderly, costs for 3773

Electric power, McNaughton plan 5449

Electric power, private power generation 5410

Elk Lakes Park, campsite fees 4670

Elk Valley communities, industrial tax bases 4119

Employment, CareerTrac program 3774

Employment Plus program, park maintenance Q. 5144

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 5448-9, 5449, 5450

Environment and Parks ministry, estimates 4624, 4625, 4626, 4666, 4667, 4667-8, 4668, 4669, 4670, 4670-1, 4671, 4671-2

Environmental Laboratory, work for Tie Lake area residents 4624

Expo 86 debt, payment of 4565, 4567-8

Expo 86 debt, use of lottery funds for 4371, 4567, 4568

Federal-provincial relations 3552

Ferries, inland ferry system, privatization of 5071, 5071-2

Ferries, inland ferry system, report on 5071

Ferries, inland ferry system, tolls 5071

Ferries, Kootenay Lake ferry 5071

Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, estimates 4119

First Citizens' Fund, loan program 4358

Forest Amendment Act (1988) 5082-4, 5343, 5344, 5345

Forest fire fighters, unemployment insurance coverage for Q. 4708

Forest industry, small business program revenue, use of 5083-4

Forest industry, small operators, penalty for undercutting 5083

Forest industry, tree-farm licences 3552

Forest roads, closure of 5345

Forest roads, small business program roads, access to 5343

Forest roads, use of 5084

Forest roads, use of, charge for 5344

Forest roads, use of, users 5344

Forests and Lands ministry, decision-making process, politicization of 5083

Forests and Lands ministry, estimates 4787-8, 4788, 4789, 4789-90, 4790, 4791

Forests and Lands ministry, JobTrac funds 4789

Forests and Lands ministry, recreational section, appropriation for Q. 5049

Forests and Lands ministry, recreational staff 4789-90, 4791

Fort Steele Heritage Park, access to, hours open 4297-8

Fort Steele Heritage Park, admission fee, revenue 4296

Fort Steele Heritage Park, attendance 4296

Fort Steele Heritage Park, concession operators, negotiations with 4305

Fort Steele Heritage Park, designation as provincial heritage property 5422

Fort Steele Heritage Park, development of, additional attractions 4298

Fort Steele Heritage Park, funding for 4296

Fort Steele Heritage Park, funding for archival artifacts 4305

Fort Steele Heritage Park, funding for, capital funds 4303

Fort Steele Heritage Park, interpretation programs, contractors for 4305

Fort Steele Heritage Park, Kershaw General Store 4305

Fort Steele Heritage Park, sewing machine spindles, funds for purchase of 4305

Fort Steele Heritage Park, tourist attractions nearby 4298

Fort Steele Heritage Park, Wild Horse Theatre, admission to 4298

Free trade agreement 3552

Gold Rush Trail, promotion of 4261, 4262, 4263

Gold Rush Trail, signs for 4261

Government, decentralization 3554

Habitat conservation fund, land sales and purchases 4359

Habitat conservation fund, source of funds 4359

Hazardous wastes, plant for handling of 3553-4

Health care research, lottery funds for 4565

Health care user fees 3772-3

Health ministry, estimates 5148

Heritage sites, designation as provincial heritage properties 5422

Highway 3, logo for 4268

Highway 3, upgrading of 4269, 4270, 5070

Highway 5A, upgrading of 4270

Highway 40 4270

Highway 43, Elkford to Alberta road 4270

Highway 97 4270

Highway names, signs for 4268

Highway signs for radio frequencies 5123, 5123

Highway signs for tourist facilities 4269

Horse-racing industry 3774

Hospice care units, development of 5148

Hotel occupancy rate 4252

Hotel occupancy rate, Vancouver 4253

Hotel room tax 4272

Hotel room tax, surtax and conventions 4275

Hotel room tax, surtax, use of 4273, 4274

Hydro and Power Authority Privatization Act 5253-5, 5396-7

Hydro and Power Authority Privatization Act, bill, second reading six months hence 5376-7

Industries, property tax, single rate for 4119

Integrated resource branch, appropriation 4791

Integrated resource branch, recreation section, appropriation for 4788, 4789, 4790, 4791

Interior Provincial Exhibition, exhibitors 4315

Interior Provincial Exhibition, funding for 4315

JobTrac program 3774

JobTrac program, funding for 3720-1

Kettle Valley Railway, history of 5188

Kettle Valley Railway line, preservation of 5189

Kettle Valley Railway, tourism resource, development as 5188

Koocanusa Lake, campsite, supervision of 4668

Koocanusa Lake, fishery Q. 3461

Koocanusa Lake, level of 3553, 4666, 4667, 4787-8, 5475

Koocanusa Lake, level of and Kokanee spawning Q. 3461

Koocanusa Lake, level of and tourist industry 4250

Koocanusa Lake, range fencing in area Q. 3461, 3553, 4787

Koocanusa Lake, recreational business in area 3553

Kootenay development region, budget 4950

Kootenay development region, committees 4950

Kootenay development region, projects, time-frame for 4951

Kootenay development region, salaries 4950

Land use, integrated land use 4789

Land use, recreational lands, use of 4788

Lottery funds, transfer of to budget stabilization fund 4370

Lottery funds, use of 3773

McDonald Ranch and Lumber Ltd., power project 5410

Medical Services Plan premiums, increase in 3772

Meech Lake accord, amendments to 5561, 5561-3

Meech Lake accord and aboriginal rights 5562-3

Meech Lake accord and Charter of Rights clause 28 5563

Meech Lake accord and women's rights 5563

Meech Lake accord, process used in development of 5562

Mine reclamation programs, approval of 5393-4

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 1) (1988) 5391, 5391-2, 5392, 5393-4, 5394

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) (1988) 5422, 5422-3, 5423, 5426, 5427, 5428

Municipal Affairs ministry, estimates 4950, 4950-1

Museums, admission fee 4250, 4296

Museums, admission fee, cost of collection 4297

Museums, admission fee, revenue Q. 3981, 4296

Natural resources, use of, conflicts over 3552, 3553

New Approaches task force 4321

Newgate area, use of by campers 4668

Newgate park, establishment of 4668

Northland Utilities (B.C.) Ltd., write-off to 5426

Pacific National Exhibition, board chairperson, appointment of 5428

Pacific National Exhibition, funding for 5428

Park campsites, fee collection, honour system 4668

Park campsites, privatization of Q. 3597-8, Q. 4069, Q. 4094, 4669

Park campsites, privatization of elsewhere 3598

Park campsites, privatization of, fees 4670

Park campsites, privatization of, monitoring of contracts 4671

Park campsites, privatization of, research on Q. 3598

Park campsites, privatization of, tendering on Q. 4095

Parks, acquisition of parkland 4226

Parks and outdoor recreation branch staff, early retirements, replacements for 4668

Parks, maintenance of Q. 5145

Parks staff, auxiliary employees and privatization Q. 4095

Parks staff, decrease in 4668

Partners in Tourism program, funding for 4254

Penticton airport, jet service to 4270

Physical education, provision for in schools 4441

Placer mines, reclamation permits 5394

Point Ellice House, admission fee 4297

Pollution testing, charges for 4625, 4626

Post-secondary educational institutions, establishment of under NDP 4075

Premier's office, estimates 5475, 5476

Project Pride Task Force, report 4321

Property tax, rural property, tax increase 3773

Provincial heritage properties, status of roads on 5423

Provincial Secretary and Government Services ministry, estimates 4565, 4567-8, 4568-9, 4569, 4570, 4571

Quebec, membership in Confederation 5562

Recreation areas, back-country recreation 4789

Recreation areas, maintenance work Q. 5049

Reservoirs, level of 4787

Reservoirs, level of, advance notice re 4788

Reservoirs, level of, information re Q. 3462

Reservoirs, recreational use of 4251-2, 4787, 5448-9, 5449, 5475, 5476

Ride of a Lifetime program 4262

River rafting personnel, categories of employees 5247

River rafting safety regulations, contravention of, penalty for 5248

Roberts Bank port, access to, control over 5254

Royal British Columbia Museum, admission fee revenue Q. 3981, 4296

Royal British Columbia Museum, funding for, capital funds 4303, 4304

Royal British Columbia Museum, improvement to 4304

Royal British Columbia Museum, management of 4304

Senate, appointments to, Northwest Territories' rights re 5562

Senate, appointments to, Yukon Territory's rights re 5562

Senate, reform of 5562

Seniors' Games, complaints re 4321-2

Sheep, habitat purchase for 4355

Sitka spruce, heritage stand 4226

Small business, affiliates and venture capital investments 5304, 5305

Small business, assistance to 3554

Small business, taxation of 3774

Small Business Venture Capital Amendment Act (1988) 5304, 5304-5, 5305

Social Services and Housing ministry, estimates 3829, 3830, 3849, 3849-50

South Moresby Island, sovereignty over 3552

Special Accounts Appropriation and Control Act 4226, 4227, 4355-6, 4357, 4358, 4359

Special funds, auditor-general's recommendation re 4226

Speech therapists in school system 4441-2

Steeples Ranch, retention in agricultural land reserve 4871

Steeples Ranch, use of 4870, 4871

Strathcona Park, ministerial review, submissions to Q. 3859

Strathcona Park, ministerial review, use of findings Q. 3859

Stumpage rates, appeals 5083

Stumpage rates, information on, access to 5083

Stumpage, registrar of directives 5083

Teachers, substitute teachers, funding for 4345

Tie Lake, calcium carbonate level 4624

Tie Lake, level of 4624

Tie Lake, studies on, funding for 4624

Tourism, Recreation and Culture ministry, appropriation, 1988-89 fiscal year 3773

Tourism, Recreation and Culture ministry, estimates 4249-50, 4251-2, 4252, 4253, 4254, 4255, 4256, 4256-7, 4260-1, 4261, 4262, 4263, 4264, 4265, 4266, 4266-7, 4267, 4267-8, 4268, 4269, 4270, 4271, 4272, 4273, 4273-4, 4274, 4275, 4276, 4296, 4297-8, 4298, 4303, 4304, 4304-5, 4306-7, 4307, 4320, 4321, 4321-4

Tourism, Recreation and Culture ministry, job training, funding for Q. 3720-1

Tourist attractions, signs for 4268

Tourist industry 4250

Tourist industry and economy 4250

Tourist industry, funding for 4253

Tourist information booth, Douglas border crossing 4267

Tourist information booths 4266, 4268

Tourist information booths, directional signs for 4267

Tourist trade advertising, cooperative programs 4265, 4266

Tourist trade advertising, Super, Natural British Columbia advertisements 4265

Tourist trade, California market 4264

Tourist trade, employment programs 4250

Tourist trade, marketing, funding for 4250, 4253

Tourist trade, marketing on regional basis 4276

Tourist trade, Partners in Tourism program 3773

Tourist trade, SuperHost program 4266

Tourist trade, U.S. visitors, vehicle entries 4252

Tourist trade, visitors, number of 4250, 4252

Tourist trade, visitors, overseas visitors 4252

Trails, work on 4789

Transportation and Highways ministry, annual report 5070

Transportation and Highways ministry, appropriation, 1988-89 fiscal year 3772

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 5070, 5071, 5071-2, 5123

Travel counsellors, 800 phone number, advertising of 4263

Travel counsellors, 800 phone number, cost of 4256

Travel counsellors, 800 phone number, employees 4257

Travel counsellors, 800 phone number, expenditure on 4255, 4261

Travel counsellors, 800 phone number, information supplied 4257

Travel counsellors, 800 phone number, number of calls 4255

Tumbler Ridge, Northland Utilities (B.C.) Ltd., write-off to 5426

Unmarried mothers, homes for 3773

User fees 3772-3

Utilities Commission Amendment Act (1988) 5410-1

Utilities Commission Amendment Act, 1988, minister's powers under act 5410

Vancouver Academy of Music, students 4439

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, school concerts 4439

Venture capital corporations, exemption from limits on 5304-5

Venture capital corporations, funds raised 5305

Venture capital corporations, Lieutenant-Governor-inCouncil's powers re 5305

Venture capital, small business, eligibility of 5304, 5305

Victims' Rights and Services Act 5174

“Visitor `87”, availability of 4250

Wages, level of 3773

Water, Grand Canal scheme 5254

Water, history of use and control of 5254-5

Water, Kootenay constituency 3553

Water licences, sale of 5254-5

Water, recreational value of 4667

Water resource, protection of 5254-5

Welfare recipients, employment funding to agencies 3830

Welfare recipients, small business operators 3829

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., sale of 5255

Whistler, hotel room tax, surtax 4272

Wife abuse, involvement of children in 3850

Wife abuse, Kootenays transition house 3849

Wife abuse, transition houses, funding for 3849

Wife abuse, transition houses, number and location of 3849

Wilderness areas, decisions re 4789

Wilderness areas, policy paper on 4788, 4789

Wildlife habitat, purchase of 4355-6

Women, impact of free trade agreement on 4039

Women, impact of technology on 4038, 4038-9

Edwards, Jack

Tribute to (Couvelier) 5187

Edwards, Robert A.

Lieutenant-Governor's medal (Sihota) 5168 (Smith, B.R.) 5167-8


Surplus removal program and free trade agreement (Rose) 4894

86th Street Music Hall Ltd.

Expo site pub licence (McCarthy) 4502-3, 4503 (Williams) 4502, 4503

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 5404

Elderly persons

See: Aged

Election Act

Amendment to (Barnes) 4005, 4006

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 5279 (Brummet) 4006 (Hanson, G.) 4554 (Veitch) 4710

Election Amendment Act, 1987

Proclamation of (Harcourt) Q. 3485


By-election, Boundary-Similkameen constituency. See entries under name of constituency

Electoral commission, establishment of (Hanson, G.) 4219

Provincial election, challenge to (Harcourt) 5135, 5136, 5138

Voting age. See entries under Voting

Electoral districts

Boundaries, past committees of Legislature on (Rabbitt) 5292 (Veitch) 5291

Boundaries, special committee of Legislature on (Veitch) 5291

See also: Legislature. Special Committee on Electoral Boundaries

Electric lines

Regulation of (Davis) 5408

Electric power

California, power generation (Clark) 5410

Coal-fired thermal power (Clark) 5409

Co-generation, promotion of (Clark) 5409

Export agency, staffing (Clark) 5447 (Davis) 5447

Export of (Michael) 3722

Export power, price of (Clark) 5445, 5446 (Davis) 5446

Export, purpose-built facilities (Clark) 5445 (Davis) 5446

Industries, power for (Brummet) 3557-8

Kootenay thermal plant and environmental protection (Davis) 5446

Kootenay thermal plant, financing of (Davis) 5446

Kootenay thermal plant power, price of (Clark) 5445, 5446

McNaughton plan (Davis) 5449 (Edwards) 5449

Manitoba, power exports (Davis) 5447 (Michael) 3722

Pacific northwest, cost of power (Davis) 5411

Policy on development of (Smallwood) 5256-7

Private power generation (Edwards) 5410

Private sector power, export of (Clark) 5410 (Davis) 5411

Producers, regulation of small producers (Clark) 5472 (Davis) 5472

Projects, promotion of small projects (Clark) 5409

Projects, requirements re certificates (Davis) 5408

Requirements for (Davis) 5437

Thermal generation (Smallwood) 5257

Two-rivers policy (Jones) 5268 (Peterson) 5261 (Stupich) 5259

Water licence fee (D’Arcy) 3503 (Davis) 4208-9 (Stupich) 4208

Wood waste, power generation from (Clark) 5409


Electronics task force (McCarthy) 4483

Industry in B.C. (Chalmers) 3655

Eliot, T.S.

“The Hollow Men” quoted (Guno) 5535

Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain

Visit to British Columbia (Veitch) 4546

Elk, Roosevelt

See: Roosevelt elk

Elk Lakes Park

Campsite fees (Edwards) 4670

Elk Valley, B.C.

Communities, industrial tax bases (Edwards) 4119

Ellis, Derek

Report on sewage disposal referred to, quoted (Blencoe) 4654

Elsie, Bud

Mentioned: (Jones) 5488

Elton, R.G. (Bob)

“A Funding Allocation System for the Colleges and Institutes of British Columbia” quoted (Marzari) 5190-1

Emergency assistance

See: Assistance in emergencies

Emergency Health Services Commission

Appropriation (Dueck) 4952

Mentioned: (Dueck) 4368, 4995, 4997

See also: Ambulance service

Emergency Planning Canada

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 3957

Emergency program

See entries under Disasters

Emergency wards

See entries under Hospitals

Emerson, David

Mentioned: (Clark) 4240 (Williams) 5398, 5399

Emigration and immigration

Immigrant services, funding for (Barnes) 4323

Immigrants and immigration, history of in Canada (Sihota) 5551

Immigrants, federal funds for education of (Jones) 4416

Immigration agreement for provinces, negotiation of (Vander Zalm) 5533

Immigration agreements under Meech Lake accord (Smith, B.R.) 3601

Immigration issues (Sihota) 5552

Policy on, B.C.'s role in (Smith, S.D.) 5555

Policy on, federal powers re (Sihota) 5552

Policy on, provinces' powers re (Gabelmann) 5558 (Sihota) 5552

Policy on, Quebec's powers re (Gabelmann) 5558-9

Emily Carr College of Art and Design

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 4334 (Marzari) 4077

Emily Carr Gallery, Victoria, B.C.

Fire (Veitch) 4773

Eminent domain

Expropriation commission (Smith, B.R.) 3880

Emmott, Alan

Mentioned: (Hagen, A.) 4979

Empire Stadium, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Barnes) 4836

Employee ownership

Employee equity plan (Loenen) 3464

Employee stock ownership plan (Clark) 3887-8 (Loenen) 3886-7, 3888

Employees' investment income (Loenen) 3887

Employees, investments by (Clark) 3887

Productivity, increase in (Loenen) 3886-7

Employee Share Ownership Act

(Bill 61) (Minister of Economic Development) 1R, 5350

Employees, purchase of equity shares (Strachan) 5350

Employee stock options

Equity shares, purchase of by employees (Strachan) 5350

Employees, Transfer of

Transfer from one employer to another (Sihota) 5405-7


CareerTrac program (Edwards) 3774

Employed, number of in B.C. (Jansen) 3646

Employment and training, one-stop centre for. Nanaimo (Hagen, S.) 4046, 4047 (Lovick) 4046 (Stupich) 4046, 4047

Employment and training, one-stop centres for (Hagen, S.) 4030, 4042

Employment and training, one-stop centres for, advertising of (Hagen, S.) 4046 (Lovick) 4046

Employment Plus and JobTrac programs (Cashore) Q. 5144 (Edwards) Q. 5144 (Richmond) A. 5144 (Strachan) A. 5145

Employment Plus program, announcement of (Cashore) 5144

Employment Plus program, benefits (Richmond) 5144

Employment Plus program, park maintenance (Edwards)Q. 5144

Employment Plus program, use of (Cashore) Q. 5144 (Richmond) A. 5144

Environmental issues and jobs (Gabelmann) 4643

Federal programs (Hagen. A.) 3785-6 (Richmond) 3787

Free trade agreement and job creation (McCarthy) 4490, 4491, 4509 (Williams) 4490, 4491

Full employment (Miller) 3717

Growth rate, forecast re (Couvelier) 3622

Job creation (Hagen, A.) 3785-6

Job creation, new jobs (Campbell) 3476 (Cashore) 3546 (Couvelier) 3621-2, 3775 (Loenen) 3463 (Michael) 3580 (Parker) 3492 (Peterson) 3677 (Rabbitt) 3467 (Richmond) 3787, 3809 (Savage) 3652 (Throne speech) 3455 (Vander Zalm) 3617-8 (Weisgerber) 3542

Job creation, new jobs, source of (McCarthy) 4491 (Williams) 4491, 4492

Job creation, northeastern B.C. (Brummet) 3555 (Weisgerber) 3542-3

JobTrac program (Cashore) 3784 (Crandall) 3699 (Edwards) 3774 (Hagen, A.) 3785, 3788, 4040-1, 4042-3 (Hagen, S.) 4042, 4043 (Jones) 3654 (Rabbitt) 3742 (Richmond) 3787

JobTrac program, community program (Hagen, A.) 3786

JobTrac program, cost of (Lovick) 4045

JobTrac program, evaluation of (Hagen, A.) 4042-3

JobTrac program, funding for (Edwards) 3720-1 (Hagen, A.) 4041 (Reid) 3721

JobTrac program, information on (Hagen, A.) 4036 (Hagen, S.) 4036, 4043

JobTrac program, job creation (Hagen, A.) 4041

JobTrac program mentioned (Hagen, A.) 3975 (Jones) 4291 (Lovick) 5052 (Marzari) 4048 (Peterson) 3563 (Sihota) 3689

JobTrac program, publicity for, cost of (Hagen, S.) 4045 (Lovick) 4045

JobTrac program, staff changes for (Lovick) 4045

JobTrac program, Surrey pilot project (Hagen, A.) 3788

Port Alberni, jobs lost (Skelly) 3675-6

Program for older workers' adjustment, agreement (Hagen, S.) 4037

Programs, participation of Social Services and Housing ministry (Hagen, A.) 4047

Resource industries, jobs in (Campbell) 3476

Young entrepreneurs program, job development (Bruce) 4009

Employment Standards Amendment Act, 1988

(Bill 40) (Minister of Labour and Consumer Services) 1R, 5328

Employment standards branch

Complainants to, possible dismissal of (Gabelmann) 4000 (Hanson, L.) 4000-1

Work of (Hanson, L.) 3935

Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 3736 (Williams) 3752

End Legislated Poverty

Mentioned: (Richmond) 4809

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Ministry of

Estimates 5436-60

Speakers: Barlee 5442; Clark 5439, 5440, 5441, 5441-2, 5442, 5443, 5444, 5444-5, 5445, 5445-6, 5446, 5447, 5447-8, 5448, 5450, 5450-1, 5451, 5451-2, 5453, 5454, 5455, 5455-6, 5456, 5457, 5459; Davis 5436-8, 5438-9, 5439, 5440, 5440-1, 5441, 5442, 5443, 5443-4, 5444, 5445, 5446, 5446-7, 5447, 5448, 5449, 5449-50, 5450, 5451, 5452, 5453, 5453-4, 5454, 5454-5, 5455, 5456, 5457, 5458, 5459, 5460; Edwards 5448-9, 5449, 5450; Gabelmann 5459; Guno 5438, 5439, 5439-40, 5440, 5442-3; Lovick 5452, 5454, 5458-9, 5459, 5460; Sihota 5452-3, 5453, 5455, 5457, 5457-8, 5458, 5459, 5460; Strachan 5442

Advertising, appropriation for (Clark) 5441, 5442 (Davis) 5441, 5442

Computerization, expenditures on (Clark) 5441. (Davis) 5441

Consultants, fees for (Clark) 5440 (Davis) 5440

Employees and privatization (Sihota) 3477

Energy industry, consultation with (Davis) 5439

Energy-mines component, appropriation for (Davis) 5438

Inspection staff levels (Davis) 5440 (Guno) 5440

Joint venture board with mining industry (Williams) 3535

Joint venture boards (Davis) 5438 (Guno) 5438 (Williams) 3535

Joint venture boards, discussion paper on (Clark) 5439

Joint venture boards, membership (Davis) 5440 (Guno) 5439

Joint venture boards, reporting requirements (Davis) 5439 (Guno) 5439

Map division, privatization of (Lovick) 4840

Mineral resources publications, appropriation for (Davis) 5442

Policy development branch staff, number of (Clark) 5443 (Davis) 5443

Policy development branch, work of (Clark) 5443 (Davis) 5443

Policy formulation, industry's input into (Davis) 5440 (Guno) 5440

Project analysis branch, abolition of (Clark) 5443 (Davis) 5443

Regions, work orders for (Dirks) 3590

Staff, early retirements, number of (Clark) 5442, 5443 (Davis) 5442

Staff, early retirements, positions filled (Clark) 5442 (Davis) 5442

Staff meeting re joint venture board (Williams) 3535

Staff, number of (Clark) 5440 (Davis) 5438

Staff, shortage of (Clark) 5443

Energy Rate Stabilization Act (Manitoba)

Mentioned: (Michael) 3723

Energy resources

See: Power resources


Expertise, export of (Fraser, R.) 5258

English language

Importance of (Barnes) 5192

English language — Study and teaching

English-as-a-second-language program (Barnes) 5193 (Harcourt) 4335-6 (Jones) 4417

English-as-a-second-language program, administration of (Barnes) 5193, 5194 (Brummet) 5193, 5194

English-as-a-second- language program, expansion of (Brummet) A. 5208 (Harcourt) Q. 5208

English-as-a-second-language program, federal funds for (Barnes) 5193

English- as-a-second- language program, funding for (Barnes) 5193, 5194, Q. 5251 (Brummet) 4339, 5193, 5194 (Clark) 3647 (Hagen, S.) A. 5251

English- as-a-second-language program, rental costs (Barnes) Q. 5251 (Brummet) A. 5251

English-as-a-second-language program, sites for (Barnes) 5193, 5194 (Brummet) 5193

English-as-a-second- language program, transfer of (Barnes) Q. 4810 (Hagen, S.) A. 4810


Entrepreneurism (Vander Zalm) 3616

Envirochem Services

Plant, site for (Strachan) 3551

Environment and Land Use Committee

Agricultural land reserve, appeals re (Rose) 3570, 4867 (Savage) 4867

Agricultural land reserve exclusions, decisions on (Rose) 3512

Establishment of (Miller) 4157-8

Mandate of (Rabbitt) 4895

Representation on (Reid) 4287

Mentioned: (De Jong) 4892, 4893 (Loenen) 4888, 4889 (Rogers) 5107 (Rose) 3571, 4888, 5213 (Savage) 4892 (Strachan) 4601, 4663, 4678 (Williams) 4892, 5339

Environment and Parks, Ministry of

Estimates 4595-4618, 4622-45, 4650-8, 4662-80

Speakers: Blencoe 4653-5, 4655; Boone 4622, 4622-3, 4623, 4624; Clark 4633; Edwards 4624, 4625, 4626, 4666, 4667, 4667-8, 4668, 4669, 4670, 4670-1, 4671, 4671-2; Fraser, R. 4608-9; Gabelmann 4642-4, 4650-1, 4651; Guno 4640-1, 4641, 4642; Hagen, A. 4662-3, 4663, 4663-4, 4664, 4665; Hanson, G. 4651-2, 4653, Long 4678; Lovick 4609, 4609-10, 4610, 4611, 4611-2; Michael 4626-7; Miller 4637, 4637-8, 4638-9, 4639, 4639-40, 4640; Sihota 4674-5, 4675, 4675-6, 4676; Smallwood 4597, 4599, 4599-4600, 4601, 4602, 4602-3, 4603, 4604, 4605, 4605-6, 4606, 4606-7, 4607, 4612, 4612-3, 4613, 4614, 4615, 4616, 4617, 4618, 4622, 4627-8, 4628, 4629, 4630, 4630-1, 4631-2, 4632, 4634, 4635, 4635-6, 4636, 4656, 4657, 4657-8, 4658, 4665-6, 4672, 4673, 4674, 4677, 4677-8, 4678, 4679, 4679-80, 4680; Strachan 4595-7, 4597-9, 4599, 4600-1, 4601, 4602, 4603, 4603-4, 4604-5, 4605, 4606, 4607, 4607-8, 4609, 4610, 4611, 4612, 4613, 4613-4, 4614, 4614-5, 4615, 4616, 4616-7, 4617, 4617-8, 4618, 4622, 4623, 4623-4, 4624, 4625, 4626, 4627, 4628, 4628-9, 4629, 4629-30, 4630, 4631, 4632, 4633, 4633-4, 4634, 4634-5, 4635, 4636, 4637, 4638, 4639, 4640, 4641, 4642, 4644-5, 4650, 4651, 4652-3, 4655, 4656-7, 4657, 4658, 4662, 4663, 4664, 4664-5, 4665, 4666, 4666-7, 4667, 4668, 4668-9, 4669-70, 4670, 4671, 4672, 4672-3, 4673-4, 4675, 4676, 4676-7, 4677, 4678, 4679, 4680; Stupich 4625

Annual report, 1986-87, tabled (Strachan) 3706

Appropriation, 1988-89 fiscal year (Crandall) 3700 (Strachan) 4603 (Vant) 3729

Aquaculture industry, role in (Smallwood) 4677-8, 4679 (Strachan) 4678

CareerTrac program (Edwards) 3774

Environmental protection, data standards group (Lovick) 4611, 4612 (Strachan) 4608, 4611, 4613, 4622, 4623

Expenditures (Smallwood) 4602 (Strachan) 4602

Expenditures, Langley constituency (Peterson) 3563

Parks and outdoor recreation, funding for (Strachan) 3771

Parks, auxiliary employees and privatization (Edwards) Q. 4095 (Strachan) A. 4095

Pollution control, procedure manual (Smallwood) 4391 (Strachan) 4390

Revenue (Smallwood) 4602 (Strachan) 4602

Services of (Crandall) 3700

South Moresby National Park, area of responsibility re (Strachan) 4639

Environment Management Act

Fee regulations under act (Smallwood) 4462

Mentioned: (Guno) 4640 (Smallwood) 4634, 4677 (Strachan) 5402

Environment Management Amendment Act, 1988

(Bill 50) (Minister of Environment and Parks) 1R, 5187; 2R, 5519, 5524-6; C, 5526; 3R, 5526; RA, 5530

Speakers: Smallwood 5524; Strachan 5519, 5525-6, 5526

Commercial River Rafting Safety Act, appeals under act (Strachan) 5187

Environmental Appeal Board, appeals process, changes to (Strachan) 5187

Environmental Appeal Board, information, confidentiality of proprietary information (Strachan) 5526

Environmental Appeal Board, ombudsman's recommendations in report on (Smallwood) 5525 (Strachan) 5525

Environmental Laboratory, privatization of (Smallwood) 5525

Sections 4 and 20, retention of (Smallwood) 5524 (Strachan) 5519

Environment Week

Mentioned: (Strachan) 4639

Environmental Appeal Board

Appeals, backlog of (Guno) 4641 (Strachan) 4641

Appeals, burden of proof on appellants (Guno) 4641 (Strachan) 4641

Appeals heard, number of (Guno) 4642

Appeals process, changes to (Strachan) 5187

Appeals upheld, number of (Guno) 4642

Chairman's questionnaire to Haida nation (Guno) Q. 3719, Q. 3719 (Miller) Q. 3720 (Strachan) A. 3719

Cyanide-leaching process, decision on overruled (Smallwood) 4657-8, Q. 4327 (Strachan) A. 4369

Hearings, ombudsman's recommendation re (Smallwood)Q. 5251 (Strachan) A. 5251

Information, confidentiality of proprietary information (Strachan) 5526

Information, disclosure of to appellants (Guno) 4641, 4642 (Smallwood) 4642 (Strachan) 4641

Islands Protection Society hearing, fee for (Smallwood)Q. 5251, Q. 5497 (Strachan) A. 5251, A. 5404, A. 5497

Islands Protection Society hearings, expenditures on (Strachan) 5404

Laboratory testing services for board (Guno) 4641 (Strachan) 4641

Members, qualifications (Guno) 4641 (Strachan) 4641

Ombudsman's recommendations in report on (Smallwood) 5525 (Strachan) 4641, 5525

Purpose of (Guno) 4640 (Strachan) 4641

Queen Charlotte Islands, pesticide appeal deadline (Miller) Q. 3720 (Strachan) A. 3720

River rafting regulations, appeals re (Strachan) 4641

Role of (Strachan) 4603

Victoria, sewage disposal, permit for (Strachan) 4652, 4653

Waste management permits, requirements re information (Smallwood) 4658

Mentioned: (Miller) 4637 (Sihota) 3479 (Smallwood) 4656 (Strachan) 4626, 4637, 5050

Environmental health

Health and environmental pollution (Smallwood) 4597 (Strachan) 4598

Environmental Laboratory

Air-testing programs (Smallwood) 4612, 4613 (Strachan) 4612, 4613

Atlin-Cassiar, laboratory's responsibilities (Smallwood) 4463

Audit programs, takeover of (Smallwood) 4604 (Strachan) 4604

Audit programs, tendering on (Smallwood) 4605

Bidding on, closing date for (Strachan) 4463

Bids for (Boone) 4623 (Smallwood) 4605 (Strachan) 4623, 4624

Data standards employees, retention of (Lovick) 4611 (Strachan) 4608, 4611

Data standards group, provision for (Strachan) 4327

Privatization of (Fraser, R.) 4608 (Lovick) 4609 (Smallwood) 4462-3, 4463-4, 5525 (Strachan) 4463

Privatization of and pesticide regulations (Lovick) Q. 4709 (Strachan) A. 4709

Privatization of, auditing of private labs (Boone) 4622 (Strachan) 4622

Privatization of, problems re monopolies (Boone) 4623, 4624 (Strachan) 4624

Privatization of, savings effected (Boone) 4623 (Lovick) 4609, 4611 (Strachan) 4609, 4611, 4611, 4623

Sale of (Smallwood) Q. 4326 (Strachan) A. 4327

Sale of, conflict of interest in (Smallwood) Q. 4291 (Strachan) A. 4291

Sale of, revenue from (Lovick) 4609-10

Services (Smallwood) 4462-3, 4464, Q. 4538, 4613 (Strachan) 4463, A. 4538, 4613-4

Services, reduction in (Smallwood) 4612, 4613 (Strachan) 4612, 4613

Standards, maintenance of (Smallwood) Q. 4291, 4463 (Strachan) A. 4291, 4463

Terrace-Kitimat, laboratory's responsibilities (Smallwood) 4463

Testing, payment for by permit-holders (Lovick) 4610 (Strachan) 4609, 4610

Tie Lake area residents, work for (Edwards) 4624 (Strachan) 4624

Mentioned: (Davis) 5453 (Strachan) 4641 (Vander Zalm) 5487

Environmental monitoring

Adequacy of and cuts in services (Smallwood) Q. 4538 (Strachan) A. 4538

Environmental policy

Economy and environment, round table on (Strachan) 4596

Environmental pollution

See: Pollution

Environmental protection

Conservation strategy (Smallwood) 4597

Economic development and environment (Smallwood) 4597 (Strachan) 4598

Environment awards (Strachan) 4596

Environmental impact, ministerial responsibility for (Smallwood) 4599-4600

Federal report on (Smallwood) 4597

Freedom of information, recommendation re (Smallwood) 4642

Government decisions, public input into (Smallwood) 4599, 4600, 4642 (Strachan) 4599

Industries, assistance to and environmental protection (Smallwood) 4615

Information to public on environmental issues (Smallwood) 4600

Jobs and environmental issues (Gabelmann) 4643

Legislation on (Strachan) 3771

Legislation, public involvement in (Smallwood) 4599

Standards, compliance with (Strachan) 4614

Equity Silver Mines Ltd.

Acid generation, reclamation (Smallwood) 4635, 4635-6 (Strachan) 4635, 4636

Bonding requirement (Strachan) 4636

Eric Martin Pavilion, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Dueck) 5026 (Sihota) 5034

Erickson, Arthur

Mentioned: (Jones) 4073 (Williams) 3889


Farmland, river erosion of (Michael) 4846 (Savage) 4847

Esquimalt, B.C.

Tax rate, 1987 rate (Johnston) 4749

Tax rate on class 2 utilities property (Johnston) 5161

Esquimalt Legion

Mentioned: (Sihota) 3930

Esquimalt-Port Renfrew constituency

Beaches (Sihota) 4294

Parks (Sihota) 4294

Tourists (Sihota) 4294

Esquimalt Secondary School, Esquimalt, B.C.

Mentioned: (Reid) 3486

Esso Resources Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Guno) 5442

Estate Administration Act

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 5169

Estates (Law)

Legislation on, obsolete provisions (Smith, B.R.) 5169

Estimates of expenditures

See entries under Expenditures, Public; for estimates of individual ministries see ministries by name


Dawson Creek plant (Williams) 5131

Dawson Creek plant, assistance to (Clark) 4489

Dawson Creek plant, economics of (Brummet) 4475 (Clark) 4475, 5482, 5483

Dawson Creek plant, government participation in (Vander Zalm) 5483

Dawson Creek plant, government position on (Clark) 5482

Dawson Creek plant, Jack Davis memo quoted, referred to (Clark) 5482

Dawson Creek plant project, rejection of (Williams) 4489-90

Dawson Creek plant, shares in, purchase of by farmers (Williams) 5131

Dawson Creek plant, status of (Clark) 4475

Dawson Creek plant, studies on (Williams) 5132

Dawson Creek plant, subsidy as alternative to (Clark) 5483

Dawson Creek plant, support for (Vander Zalm) 5132

Plants elsewhere, operation of (Williams) 5132

Use of, environmental aspects (Vander Zalm) 5484

Use of, public sector use of (Clark) 5484

Eurasian water milfoil

Control, biological control (Strachan) 4627

Control, use of carp (Michael) 4626 (Strachan) 4626

Shuswap Lake, milfoil problem (Michael) 4847

European Economic Community

Agricultural subsidies (Rose) 4843 (Savage) 4848

Wine industry, support programs (Rose) 4875 (Savage) 4876

Mentioned: (Guno) 4009 (Loenen) 3465 (McCarthy) 4520, 4530 (Richmond) 3574 (Rose) 3513, 4314, 4529, 4530 (Smith, B.R.) 3601 (Williams) 4494

Evans, Robert (Bob)

Mentioned: (Boone) 4956 (Hagen, A.) 4957

Evidence (Law)

Children's evidence (Sihota) 5421 (Smith, B.R.) 5315, 5421

Evidence Act

Amendments to (Smith, B.R.) 5315

Mentioned: (Sihota) 5421


Provincial examinations (Brummet) 4471 (Jones) 4471

See also: Achievement tests

Excellence in Education fund

Abolition of (Hagen, S.) 4059 (Rose) 4059

Auditor-general's report on (Brummet) 4471 (Jones) 4470, 4471

Computers in school system, funding for (Brummet) 4195 (Jones) 4472

Education Excellence Appropriation Repeal Act. See name of act

Establishment of, opposition's position on (Fraser, R.) 4468

Expenditures (Boone) 3578 (Jones) 4196, 4197

Funds, accounting for use of (Brummet) 4470 (Jones) 4470

Funds, source of (Jones) 4196

Funds, transfer to operating budgets (Jones) 4196

Funds, unexpended funds (Couvelier) 4216, 4216 (Jones) 4330 (Stupich) 4215-6, 4216

Management of (Brummet) 4470 (Jones) 4468, 4469-70

Purpose of (Jones) 4197

Use of (Brummet) 4195, 4470 (Jones) 3654-5, 4197, 4468, 4469

Washington State fund (Brummet) 4195 (Stupich) 4199

Mentioned: (Boone) 4346 (Jones) 4408

Executive Link

Funding for (Lovick) 5487

Mentioned: (Clark) 5455 (Davis) 5455 (Lovick) 5040 (Vander Zalm) 5487

Exell, Oksana

Quoted (Blencoe) 4085

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 3862 (Richmond) 4086


Preventive health measure (Crandall) 4461

Exhibition Park, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smith, B.R.) 3880

Exhibitions, Agricultural

See: Agricultural exhibitions

Expenditures, Public

Capital projects (Couvelier) 3624 (Rabbitt) 3469

Expenditures, 1988-89 fiscal year (Couvelier) 3626 (Sihota) 3690

Langley constituency, government expenditures in (Peterson) 3563

Megaprojects, expenditures on (Marzari) 3582 (Sihota) 3477

Overruns, prevention of (Sihota) 3480

Restraint program (Miller) 3715

Restraint program and education (Jones) 4329-30 (Rose) 4447-8

Restraint program and social welfare programs (Cashore) 3782

Special accounts, financing transactions (Couvelier) 4353

Vote 74 funds, use of (Blencoe) 3639 (Stupich) 3635

Exploration Cruise Lines Inc.

Mentioned: (Reid) 4287, 4288

Expo 67, Montreal, P.Q.

Mentioned: (Harcourt) 3709 (Veitch) 4569

Expo 86, Vancouver, B.C.

Assets, disposition of (McCarthy) 4504, 4505 (Williams) 4503, 4504, 4505

Assets, disposition of, expenditure on (McCarthy) 4504, 4505 (Williams) 4504

Assets, prices for (Williams) 4505

Debt, payment of (Barnes) 3764 (D’Arcy) 4549 (Edwards) 4565, 4567-8 (Hagen, A.) 4571 (Michael) 4555 (Veitch) 4546, 4567, 4568, 4569, 4572

Debt, use of lottery funds for (Couvelier) 4370 (D’Arcy) 4587 (Edwards) 4371, 4567, 4568 (Hagen, A.) 4571, 4573 (Veitch) 4569, 4572

Job creation (Peterson) 3564

Lands. See entries under British Columbia Place, Vancouver, B. C.

Monorail, sale of (McCarthy) 5106

Rides, bids for (Vander Zalm) A. 4027 (Williams) Q. 4027

Rides, decision on disposal of (Vander Zalm) A. 4027 (Williams) Q. 4027

Rides, interest costs on (Williams) 4027, 4310, 4311

Rides, Peter Toigo's proposal for (Vander Zalm) A. 4027 (Williams) Q. 4027

Rides, price for (McCarthy) 5106 (Vander Zalm) 5105 (Williams) 5105

Site (McCarthy) 4504

Success of (Vander Zalm) 3618 (Veitch) 4568

Support for (Harcourt) 3709

Xerox Theatre mentioned (McCarthy) 5106

Mentioned: (Barnes) 3945 (Blencoe) 4722 (Bruce) 3515 (Brummet) 3558, 3761, 3762, 4347, 4411 (Couvelier) 3621, 3775, 4100, 4211, 5514 (D’Arcy) 4562 (Edwards) 4252, 4253, 4265, 4320 (Fraser, R.) 3506, 3508, 3687, 4260, 5139 (Hagen, S.) 4030 (Harcourt) 3709, 4177, 4178, 4939, 5095 (Johnston) 4947 (McCarthy) 3889, 3942, 4482, 4503 (Marzari) 3582, 5515 (Rabbitt) 3467, 3469 (Reid) 3488, 4095, 4249, 4265, 4319 (Richmond) 3867 (Rogers) 3980, 4232 (Rose) 5213 (Sihota) 4923 (Smallwood) 4680 (Smith, B.R.) 3951, 4579 (Vander Zalm) 3757, 3793, 4594, 4595, 5133 (Vant) 3731 (Veitch) 3506, 3706, 5284 (Williams) 3750, 3757, 3890, 4484, 4485, 4501, 4502, 4515, 4923, 5398

Expo 86 legacy fund

Grants (D’Arcy) 4586 (Veitch) 4552

Mentioned: (Veitch) 4556

Expo 88, Brisbane, Australia

Adventure British Columbia Theatre mentioned (Veitch) 4548

New Westminster band, travel expenses (Veitch) 4569

Opening of (Veitch) 4548

Mentioned: (Veitch) 4551, 4568, 5284

Export Assistance B.C.

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 4506

Export promotion

See: Foreign trade promotion

Export sales

Asia-Pacific marketplace (McCarthy) 4492

California market (Loenen) 3465 (McCarthy) 4484 (Strachan) 3549 (Williams) 4491-2

Farm produce, markets for (Savage) 4825

Increase in (Throne speech) 3456

Job creation and exports (Couvelier) 3621-2

Pacific Rim countries, trade with (Couvelier) 3621 (Rabbitt) 3468 (Throne speech) 3456 (Vander Zalm) 3617 (Vant) 3500

Soviet Union, trade with (D’Arcy) 3502

Trade opportunities forum, Kamloops (Smith, S.D.) 3523

Trade opportunities legislation (Throne speech) 3456

Trade policy for B.C. (Harcourt) 3472

Trading zones in B.C., development of (Boone) 3577 (Throne speech) 3456

United States, trade legislation (Richmond) 3573

United States, trade with (Dirks) 3590 (Michael) 4492, 4527, 4528 (Vant) 3500

Export tax on lumber

See entries under Lumber trade


See: Eminent domain

Extended care

See: Long-term care of the sick

Eye Bank of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Dueck) 4096