Province of British Columbia
33rd Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
June 23, 1983 to February 9, 1984


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E&N Railway

See: Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway


See: Employment-bridging assistance program

ENFOR Review

Mentioned: (Skelly) 3035

Eagle Ridge Hospital, Port Moody, B.C.

Emergency facility (Nielsen) 3074 (Rose) 3074, 3075

Facilities (Nielsen) 3078

Opening of (Nielsen) 3074 (Rose) 3074

Easingwood, Joe

Candidature for Social Credit Party (Blencoe) 671, 699

East Kootenay Community College

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 2945 (Nicolson) 1376, 3172

East Pine Provincial Park

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 6

East Side Family Place, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brown) 977

Eckardt, Lawrence S.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 2224

Ecological reserves

Expenditures on (Mitchell) Q. 414 (Brummet) A. 414

Purpose of (Brummet) 2904

Reserves created (Mitchell) Q. 414 (Brummet) A. 414

Economic assistance, American

Marshall Plan (Lea) 207

Economic conditions

Economics, laws of (Mitchell) 1032

Government repression and economic recovery (Gabelmann) 985

Planned economies (Macdonald) 925 (Nicolson) 914

World economy (Curtis) 160 (Macdonald) 922

Economic Council of Canada

Mentioned: (Curtis) 2949 (Davis) 69, 3116 (Gardom) 3167

Economic policy

Private market economy (Blencoe) 676


Reliability of (Lauk) 385 (Nielsen) 26

Economy of British Columbia

See: British Columbia — Economic conditions

Economy of Canada

See: Canada-Economic conditions

Edinburgh, Prince Philip, Duke of

Visit to British Columbia (Throne speech) 2

Edmonton Eskimos

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 1919 (Cocke) 1951 (Sanford) 1919, 1990 (Schroeder) 1919 (Skelly) 1919


Availability of, increase in (Stupich) 1530

California school system (Heinrich) 3186

Classes, size of and new programs (Michael) 656

Education, opportunities for in B.C. (Nicolson) 3174

Education personnel, salary levels (Davis) 403 (Rose) 2710

Education system (Barnes) 1180-1 (Brown) 1493 (Campbell) 100 (Dailly) 1486 (D’Arcy) 1216-8, 1562 (Gabelmann) 1547 (Hanson) 1481 (Heinrich) 3195 (Lauk) 1573, 1574 (Parks) 233 (Reynolds) 183-4 (Rose) 119, 1524, 1526 (Skelly) 1624

Education system, Canadian (Lauk) 1174-5 (Rose) 1370

Education system, centralization of (Barnes) 1555 (Barrett) 1599 (Blencoe) 685, 1541, 1585 (Brown) 1210 (Cocke) 637, 638, 1509, 1616-8, 2713-4 (Brummet) 634 (Dailly) 630-1, 632, 634 (D’Arcy) 1215, 1217, 1562, 1570, 1571, 1630 (Gabelmann) 890, 891, 1620-1 (Hanson) 1483 (Lauk) 1176, 1177, 1178-9, 1573 (Lea) 1537-8 (Lockstead) 870, 1503 (Macdonald) 1521-2, 1523, 1595, 1618-9 (Mitchell) 1166 (Nicolson) 1559, 1560 (Passarell) 649, 650, 1514 (Rose) 1524, 1527, 1603, 1605, 2585 (Sanford) 658, 1548-9 (Skelly) 1170, 1498 (Stupich) 1529, 1581 (Wallace) 645, 646

Education system, changes in (Rose) Q. 251 (Heinrich) A. 251

Education system, morale in (Blencoe) 1587 (Dailly) 1488 (D’Arcy) 1218

Education system, preservation and improvement of (Bennett) 1190

Education system, privatization of (Barnes) 1455 (Dailly) 1486

Education system, Social Credit Party's attitude to (Barnes) 1555 (Skelly) 1499, 1500

Government policy on (Rose) 3184-5

High technology and education (Rose) 1403

Liberal education (Lea) 144

Parents' role in (Barrett) 1578-9 (Rose) 3185

Post-secondary education, access to (Heinrich) 3203-4 (Rose) 1371-2, 1401-2, 1402-3, 3183, 3201-2

Post-secondary education, rural students (McGeer) 3173 (Nicolson) 3171-2, 3180 (Rose) 1371-2

Productivity in education (Rose) 116

Programs, locally developed, abolition of (Barrett) 1578-9 (Lauk) 1574, 1575

School program costs and materials (Sanford) 659-60

Special-education needs (Dailly) 1487 (Gabelmann) 890, 892 (Rose) 1526

Special-education programs (Dailly) 631, 2586

Special-education programs, appropriation (Dailly) 631, 1485 (Rose) 1608

Special-education programs, Education minister's powers re (D’Arcy) 1569 (Nicolson) 652, 653 (Stupich) 1529

Special-education programs, protection of (Parks) 897 (Strachan) 640

Special-needs children, integration of into school system (Cocke) 637, 1510 (Stupich) 1531

Students, present-day students (Rose) 1524-6

Summer school for children, elimination of (Dailly) 1486 (Lauk) 1574, 1575

United States, educational system (Brummet) 636 (Cocke) 637 (Heinrich) 3186

Wage demands (McGeer) 3173

Education — Curricula

Core curriculum (Lauk) 1178

Curriculum, revisions to (Heinrich) 3182

Curriculum, use of for partisan purposes (Lauk) 1176

Education — Finance

Appropriation for education, increase in (Campbell) 100

Budgets, three-year budgets (Rose) 3197

Costs (Blencoe) 684 (Sanford) 1549

Costs, increase in (Barnes) 1556 (Cocke) 638 (Dailly) 632 (D’Arcy) 1630 (Davis) 68 (Gabelmann) 1546-7 (Hanson) 1480 (Heinrich) 627 (Howard) 1168-9, 1170 (Lauk) 1177 (Michael) 656 (Nicolson) 1560 (Passarell) 651, 1515 (Rose) 1528, 1609-10, 2585 (Schroeder) 241 (Stupich) 1583-4 (Wallace) 644, 1534

Costs per pupil (Dailly) 1252 (Lauk) 1572 (Nicolson) 1078

Costs per pupil, costs elsewhere (Heinrich) 3201

Costs per pupil, variation in (Heinrich) 630, 3182, 3200 (Michael) 918 (Parks) 895 (Rose) 1287

Costs, salaries, wages (Veitch) 1938

Educational institutions, borrowing by, 1982-83, 1983-84 fiscal years (D’Arcy) 2106, 2175

Educational price index, proposal for (Dailly) 633

Expenditures (Lea) 2951

Expenditures per pupil (Campbell) 1447

Expenditures, restraint on (Sanford) 660 (Wallace) 2971

Finance formula (Brummet) 2586 (Dailly) 1485 (Heinrich) A. 429 (Nicolson) 654, 1559-60 (Rose) Q. 429, 1612-3

Funding of, basis for (Dailly) 633

Funding of, pre-election period (Brown) 34 (Lockstead) 868

Funding of, reduction in (Heinrich) 3186 (Lockstead) 83-4 (Mitchell) 899 (Rose) 3182, 3187 (Skelly) 356 (Stupich) 179

Provincial contribution, decline in (D’Arcy) 1217 (Heinrich) 1637 (Lockstead) 869, 1503 (Mitchell) 1972 (Nicolson) 1078, 1269 (Rose) 119, 3194 (Sanford) 1549, 3198 (Wallace) 644

Provincial grants, increase in (Reid) 279

School districts, budgets. See entries under School districts

School tax (Heinrich) 628 (Throne speech) 4

School tax, appeals against (Heinrich) 2798 (Howard) 1509 (Rose) 2798

School tax, delinquent taxes (Heinrich) 2799 (Rose) 2799

School tax, farm improvements exemption (Heinrich) 2799, 2808, 2802 (Rose) 2800, 2802

School tax, formula for (Michael) 657

School tax, increase in (Blencoe) 684-5 (D’Arcy) 1562, 1569, 1571, 1631, 1632 (Dailly) 631 (Hanson) 1483 (Lockstead) 1503 (Rose) 1372, 1610 (Sanford) 662 (Wallace) 644

School tax, level of in B.C. (Cocke) 1511 (Lauk) 1573

School tax, non-residential property (Blencoe) 685 (Dailly) 1252 (D’Arcy) 1632 (Gabelmann) 890 (Lockstead) 1503 (Rose) 1611-2 (Wallace) 1535

School tax, residential property (Brown) 684, 1353 (Dailly) 1252-3 (Lauk) 1176 (Lea) 1148 (Nicolson) 1078 (Sanford) 1277

Education, Ministry of

Estimates 3181-8, 3191-3205

Speakers: Blencoe 3204, 3204-5; Heinrich 3181-2, 3185-7, 3194-5, 3199-3201, 3203-4, 3204, 3205; Howard 3205; Passarell 3203; Rose 3182-5, 3187-8, 3191-4, 3195-7, 3201-3; Sanford 3197-9

Administration of (Gabelmann) 1547-8

“Administrative Handbook for Elementary and Secondary Schools” quoted (Rose) 1395

Appropriation, 1983-84 fiscal year, increase in (Campbell) 909, 1010-1, 1446 (Heinrich) 627, 1637, 3200 (Howard) 1507-8 (Macdonald) 1522 (Mowat) 903 (Pelton) 1458 (Reynolds) 181, 183 (Rose) 3197, 3201

Appropriation, 1983-84 fiscal year, special warrants (Rose) 3197

Deputy minister, powers of (Lauk) 1574 (Lockstead) 868, 1504 (Macdonald) 1593 (Mitchell) 899 (Rose) 1372

Deregulation of educational system (Heinrich) 3182, 3185 (Rose) 3182

Directives (Cocke) 638 (Heinrich) 2588 (Lockstead) 868 (Macdonald) 1591, 1592 (Rose) 1601, 2588, 2589, 2591

Directives, minister's powers re (Cocke) 638 (Gabelmann) 890, 891, 892 (Hanson) 1480 (Heinrich) 2587 (Howard) 1167, 1506-7 (Lockstead) 867 (Macdonald) 1520, 1522, 1591 (Mitchell) 1517 (Nicolson) 652, 654, 1558 (Rose) 1616, 2588 (Skelly) 1626 (Wallace) 1534

Jurisdiction of, change in (Nicolson) 881

Minister, powers of (Brown) 1210 (Cocke) 638, 639, 1407 (Dailly) 1373-4, 1375 (D’Arcy) 1563 (Hanson) 1480 (Lauk) 1176, 1177, 1179, 1427 (Lockstead) 871 (Macdonald) 1592 (Nicolson) 652, 655 (Passarell) 649, 1514 (Rose) 1370, 1401 (Skelly) 1170 (Stupich) 1529, 1581

Professional and special services, appropriation for (Heinrich) 3205 (Howard) 3205

“Report on Education” quoted (Wallace) 643

Staff, reduction in (Hanson) 3139, 3143

White Papers (Rose) 3184

Education (Interim) Finance Act

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1983. See name of act

Reaction to (Stupich) 1580

Sunset clause, repeal of (Cocke) 637, 639, 1509 (Howard) 1166-7, 1168, 1507, 1508 (Mitchell) 898 (Nicolson) 1558 (Sanford) 1550 (Stupich) 1528, 1581 (Wallace) 645

Mentioned: (Brown) 1273 (Nicolson) 1269 (Ritchie) 614 (Stupich) 1263

Education (Interim) Finance Amendment Act, 1983

(Bill 6) (Minister of Education) 1R, 170; 2R, 627-47, 649-63, 867-72, 898-901, 1165-84, 1210-8, 1480-1551, 1553-63, 1568-89, 1591-1638; C, 2584-91; 3R, 2792; RA, 2938

Speakers: Barnes 1179-84, 1553-8; Barrett 1575-80, 1595-1600, 1632-6; Brown 1210-5, 1489-94; Blencoe 1540-3, 1584-9, 1591; Brummet 634-6, 2586; Cocke 636-9, 1509-12, 1616-8, 2590; Dailly 630-4, 1484-9, 2586; D'Arcy 1215-8, 1561-3, 1568-71, 1628-32; Gabelmann 890-4, 1543-8, 1619-23; Hanson 1480-4; Heinrich 627-30, 1637-8, 2584, 2585-6, 2586-7, 2587, 2588, 2589-90, 2590, 2591; Howard 1166-70, 1506-9; Kempf 1553; Lauk 1174-9, 1571-5; Lea 662-3, 1536-40; Lockstead 867-72, 1501-6; Macdonald 1520-4, 1591-5, 1618-9; McGeer 1494-6; Michael 656-7; Mitchell 898-901, 1165-6, 1516-20, 2586, 2590-1; Nicolson 652-5, 1558-61; Parks 894-8; Passarell 646-7, 649-52, 1512-6, 1627-8; Rose 1524-8, 1600-16, 2584-5, 2587, 2588, 2588-9, 2589, 2590, 2591; Sanford 657-62, 1548-51; Skelly 1170-4, 1496-1501, 1623-7; Strachan 640-1; Stupich 1528-32, 1580-4; Wallace 641-6, 1532-6

Amdts: 2R (Hanson) 1484, negatived 1580; (Rose) 1616, negatived 1636; sec. l (Heinrich) 2584, approved 2587; sec. l (Heinrich) 2587, approved 2588; sec. l (Rose) 2588, negatived 2588; sec.1 (Rose) 2588, out of order 2589; sec.2 (Heinrich) 2589, approved 2591; sec.3 (Rose) 2591, negatived 2591

Divisions: 2R, 1580, 1638; 3R, 2792

Amendment to bill, proposal for (Stupich) 1583

Begin, Gary, candidature for Social Credit Party (Barrett) 1596-7 (Brown) 1214 (Stupich) 1582

Bennett, W.R., speech to Richmond Rotary Club quoted, referred to (Blencoe) 1540-1 (Passarell) 646, 647, 649, 1514-5, 1628

Bill, basis for (Barrett) 1633-4 (Gabelmann) 1620, 1623

Bill, committee of Legislature on, proposal for (Barrett) 1599 (Dailly) 1487-8 (Howard) 1507 (Macdonald) 1520, 1521, 1522, 1524 (Skelly) 1501

Bill, consultation on (Barnes) 1181 (D’Arcy) 1569 (Gabelmann) 891 (Stupich) 1584

Bill, debate on (Howard) 1506

Bill, debate on in C.C. Michael's constituency, proposal for (Macdonald) 1593

Bill, meetings re (Heinrich) 628, 629, 2584 (Lockstead) 867 (Passarell) 651, 652

Bill, provisions of and Social Credit Party election platform (Barrett) 1576, 1596 (Lockstead) 868 (Stupich) 1530

Bill, reaction to (D’Arcy) 1561 (Nicolson) 654, 1560

Bill, support for (Cocke) 637

Bill, timing of (Dailly) 633

Bill, withdrawal of, proposal for (Dailly) 632 (Passarell) 651

Birth rate, decline in (Strachan) 641

Budget, debate on (Mitchell) 1165

Campbell, Daniel R.D., statements re education referred to (Sanford) 1549-50

Campbell, Kim, remarks re act (Dailly) 631 (Heinrich) 629

Canadian Pacific Railway, decentralization of (D’Arcy) 1216

Centralization under present government, increase in (Barrett) 1634-5 (D’Arcy) 1631 (Gabelmann) 1621 (Lea) 663 (Rose) 1603, 1605, 1606

Centralized governments, organizations, failure of (D’Arcy) 1216, 1570, 1629 (Rose) 1615

Cherokee Indian tribe, literacy level (Rose) 1615

Citizenry, teaching of in school system (Lea) 1536

Class size, effect of on quality of education (Heinrich) 629

Classes, new programs and small classes (Michael) 656

Coal, northeast, borrowing for (Nicolson) 653, 655

Coal, northeast, development of (Nicolson) 655

College courses offered, curtailment of (Stupich) 1530

Colleges, boards, school board appointments to (Rose) 1610

Colleges, federal funds for construction of (Stupich) 1531

Computer instruction in school system (Nicolson) 1558

Constitution for province, proposal re (Rose) 1603

Consumer spending and lack of job security (Rose) 1605, 1609

Correspondence school courses, restriction on (Lauk) 1575

Corporations, decentralization of (Gabelmann) 1621-2 (Rose) 1615-6

Corporations, employees, reduction in number of (Rose) 1614-5

Corporations, restraint programs (Rose) 1614-5

Cost per pupil, increase in (Heinrich) 627 (Wallace) 644

Cost per pupil, variation in from district to district (Heinrich) 630 (Parks) 895 (Rose) 1287

County system, proposal for (Gabelmann) 891, 1620 (Lea) 663

Curriculum, core curriculum (Lauk) 1178

Curriculum, use of for partisan purposes (Lauk) 1176

Debt, increase in (Barrett) 1634 (Blencoe) 1586 (Heinrich) 627 (Sanford) 660

Deficit, 1983-84 fiscal year (Parks) 895

Deputy Minister of Education, powers of under act (Lauk) 1574 (Lockstead) 868, 1504 (Macdonald) 1593 (Mitchell) 899

Deputy ministers, reporting by to Premier (Gabelmann) 1622 (Lea) 1538 (Macdonald) 1521, 1592, 1593 (Rose) 1605

Directives, definition, description of (Macdonald) 1591, 1592 (Rose) 2591

Directives, Education minister's powers re (Cocke) 638 (Gabelmann) 890, 891, 892 (Hanson) 1480 (Heinrich) 2587 (Howard) 1167, 1506-7 (Lockstead) 867 (Macdonald) 1520, 1522, 1591 (Mitchell) 1517 (Nicolson) 652, 654, 1558 (Rose) 1616, 2588 (Skelly) 1626 (Wallace) 1534

Directives, limiting of to budgetary matters (Rose) 2591

Directives, overriding of by school board (Rose) 2589

Directives, publication of (Heinrich) 2588 (Rose) 1601, 2588

Directives, secrecy of (Cocke) 638 (Lockstead) 868

Economy, effect of act on (Nicolson) 653

Education, availability of, increase in (Stupich) 1530

Education costs, increase in (Heinrich) 627 (Howard) 1168-9, 1170 (Michael) 656

Education costs, increase in under act (Barnes) 1556 (Cocke) 638 (Dailly) 632 (D’Arcy) 1630 (Gabelmann) 1546-7 (Hanson) 1486 (Lauk) 1177 (Nicolson) 1560 (Passarell) 651, 1515 (Rose) 1528, 1609-10, 2585 (Stupich) 1583-4 (Wallace) 1534

Education costs, percentage of personal income (Sanford) 1549

Education costs, provincial contribution (D’Arcy) 1217 (Heinrich) 1637 (Lockstead) 869, 1503 (Sanford) 1549 (Wallace) 644

Education, expenditures on, restraint on (Sanford) 660

Education finance formula (Brummet) 2586 (Dailly) 1485 (Nicolson) 654, 1559-60 (Rose) 1612-3 (Sanford) 658

Education, funds for (Dailly) 633 (Mitchell) 899

Education, funds for in pre-election period (Lockstead) 868

Education (Interim) Finance Act, school boards' reaction to (Stupich) 1580

Education minister, powers of under act (Brown) 1210 (Cocke) 638, 639 (D’Arcy) 1563 (Hanson) 1480 (Lauk) 1176, 1177, 1179 (Lockstead) 871 (Macdonald) 1592 (Nicolson) 652, 655 (Passarell) 649, 1514 (Skelly) 1170 (Stupich) 1529, 1581

Education ministry, appropriation, 1983-84 fiscal year, increase in (Heinrich) 627, 1637 (Howard) 1170, 1507-8 (Macdonald) 1522

Education ministry, decisions of (Gabelmann) 1547-8

Education system (Barnes) 1180-1, 1555 (Dailly) 1486 (D’Arcy) 1217-8, 1562 (Hanson) 1481 (Lauk) 1573, 1574 (Rose) 1524, 1526 (Skelly) 1499, 1500

Education system, Canadian (Lauk) 1174-5

Education system, centralization of (Barnes) 1555 (Barrett) 1599 (Blencoe) 1541, 1585 (Brown) 1210 (Cocke) 637, 638, 1509, 1616-8 (Dailly) 630-1, 632, 634 (D’Arcy) 1215, 1217, 1562, 1570, 1571, 1630 (Gabelmann) 890, 891, 1620-1 (Hanson) 1483 (Lauk) 1176, 1177, 1178-9, 1573 (Lea) 1537-8 (Lockstead) 870, 1503 (Macdonald) 1521-2, 1523, 1595, 1618-9 (Mitchell) 1166 (Nicolson) 1559, 1560 (Passarell) 649, 650, 1514 (Rose) 1524, 1527, 1603, 1605, 2585 (Sanford) 658, 1548-9 (Skelly) 1170, 1498 (Stupich) 1529, 1581 (Wallace) 645, 646

Education system, centralization of, allegation re (Brummet) 634

Education system, consultative approach for (Skelly) 1624

Education system, decentralization of (Lauk) 1176

Education system, Education minister's responsibility re (D’Arcy) 1216

Education system, expenditures per pupil (Lauk) 1572

Education system, future needs of (Barnes) 1180

Education system, morale in (Blencoe) 1587 (Dailly) 1488 (D’Arcy) 1218

Education system, privatization of school system (Dailly) 1486

Education system, role of parents in (Barrett) 1578-9

Education system, standards for (Gabelmann) 1547

Education system, tenure in (Brummet) 635

Educational price index, proposal for (Dailly) 633

Elementary counselling program, elimination of (Lauk) 1574

Enrolment, decline in (Heinrich) 627 (Parks) 895 (Strachan) 641

Enrolment, 1984, 1985, increase in (Strachan) 641

Esquimalt Senior Secondary School, expansion of (Mitchell) 1517-9, 2590-1

Expenditures, increase in (Howard) 1169 (Nicolson) 652-3

Expenditures, 1983-84 fiscal year, increase in (Howard) 1169-70 (Macdonald) 1522 (Skelly) 1499

Expenditures, 1983-84 fiscal year, legislative authority for (Barrett) 1599

Expenditures, reduction in, NDP proposals for (Sanford) 660

Expenditures, restraint on (McGeer) 1496 (Skelly) 1499, 1500

Expenditures, restraint on, advertising campaign re (Blencoe) 1586

Export products, fluctuations in price of (Macdonald) 1520

Families, children, impact of legislative program on (Blencoe) 1541, 1587 (Sanford) 1550-1

Families, preservation of (Barnes) 1555, 1556

Federal contribution to post-secondary education (Lauk) 1176-7

Fines under act (Barrett) 1576, 1576-7, 1596 (Cocke) 637-8 (Hanson) 1480 (Howard) 1167 (Michael) 657 (Passarell) 650, 1515 (Rose) 1602, 1603, 1606 (Stupich) 1582

Fraser Institute, influence of on government policy (D’Arcy) 1562

Fulton, Davie, political career (Rose) 1525

Government, decentralization of (Lea) 663

Government, size of, reduction in (Lea) 662-3

Gross provincial product, decline in (D’Arcy) 1631

Growth rate, forecast re (D’Arcy) 1631

Head Bay, transportation for school children (Gabelmann) 1544

Heroin treatment program (Barrett) 1599-1600 (Skelly) 1498

Hoist of bill (Barnes) 1554, 1556 (Barrett) 1575 (Brown) 1493 (Cocke) 1509, 1512 (Dailly) 1488 (D’Arcy) 1561, 1568 (Hanson) 1484 (Lauk) 1572 (Lea) 1539 (Macdonald) 1523, 1524 (McGeer) 1496 (Mitchell) 1517 (Nicolson) 1558, 1560-1 (Passarell) 1512 (Skelly) 1498

Hospital boards, directive to re use of funds (Skelly) 1173

Human rights protection, loss of (Rose) 1606-7

Income tax, level of, and standard of living (Macdonald) 1520

Independent schools, enrolment, increase in (Gabelmann) 1544

Independent schools, grants to (Dailly) 1486-7

Investment, climate for in B.C. (Rose) 1604-5

Job creation (Lauk) 1572 (Nicolson) 653, 655

Knowledge Network, advertisement in pre-election period (Lea) 1539

Legal costs, increase in as result of act (Gabelmann) 1546 (Nicolson) 1560 (Rose) 2585

Legislation, 1983 session (Barnes) 1554-5 (Lauk) 1572 (Lockstead) 1501 (Rose) 1607 (Stupich) 1581, 1582

Legislation, 1983 session, consultation re (Barnes) 1555

Legislation, 1983 session, debate on (Barnes) 1554 (Blencoe) 1587

Legislation, 1983 session, demonstration against (Barnes) 1557 (Gabelmann) 892

Legislation, 1983 session, petition re (Barnes) 1557

Legislation, 1983 session, support for (Kempf) 1553 (Skelly) 1497

Legislature, powers of, loss of (Gabelmann) 893

Legislature, sittings of House, scheduling of (Stupich) 1582-3

Legislature, sittings of House, September 19 sitting (Stupich) 1583

Legislature, use of closure (Cocke) 1511-2

Librarians, services of in school system (Strachan) 641 (Wallace) 641

Local government, accountability, accessibility of (Blencoe) 1542

Local government, government's relationship with (Blencoe) 1585-6

McGeer, P.L., as Minister of Education (Lauk) 1573

Mining industry, expenditures on New Westminster election campaign (Cocke) 1511

Mining industry, school taxes, increase in (D’Arcy) 1217

Ministers, travel overseas (Macdonald) 1592

Music rooms in schools, inadequacy of (Rose) 1527

Nelson-Creston constituency high school, electrical system (Nicolson) 653

New Democratic Party, election platform (Brummet) 635, 636 (McGeer) 1494-5

New Democratic Party, participation of in local elections (Brummet) 635

New Democratic Party, record of election defeats (McGeer) 1496

Oliver high school, music program (Rose) 1527

Opposition, role of (Rose) 1601

Population, emigration from province (Nicolson) 653

Population, kind of people in B.C. (Nicolson) 655

Principalship, experience as school administrator (Brummet) 635

Proclamation of act (Stupich) 1528

Professors, tenure (Macdonald) 1521 (Rose) 1604

Program costs, materials and teachers' salaries (Sanford) 659-60

Programs, locally developed programs (Barrett) 1578-9 (Lauk) 1574, 1575

Protest, present-day means of (Rose) 1604

Public service employees, dismissal of, effect of (Sanford) 660-1

Pupil-teacher ratio, calculation of (Parks) 896

Pupil-teacher ratio, increase in (Brown) 1214 (Cocke) 636 (Gabelmann) 890 (Hanson) 1482 (Heinrich) 628-9 (Stupich) 1530

Pupil-teacher ratio, reduction in (Dailly) 631 (Strachan) 641

Pupil-teacher ratio, standard for (Heinrich) 628

Quebec, education cost per pupil (Wallace) 644

Reading textbooks, “Dick and Jane” (Strachan) 640

Referenda, use of (Rose) 1527

Regional districts, planning powers (Rose) 1607

Rents, increase in (Rose) 1604

Resource industries, taxation of, effect of (D’Arcy) 1217

Riondel school, construction of (Nicolson) 1559

Roads, maintenance work, local decision on (Lea) 663

Rural property tax, increase in (Passarell) 651

Savings as result of bill, use of funds (Macdonald) 1520

School Act, amendments to (Gabelmann) 890

School Act and terms of act (Howard) 1168, 1508-9

School Act, new act (Cocke) 637, 639 (Howard) 1167 (Wallace) 643

School Act, White Paper on (Cocke) 2590 (Heinrich) 2590, 2591 (Mitchell) 2590

School board elections, political partisanship in (Brummet) 635 (Cocke) 638

School boards, accountability of (Michael) 657 (Sanford) 658

School boards, autonomy of (Barnes) 1181-2, 1184 (Brown) 1210-2 (Heinrich) 629

School boards, candidates for (Cocke) 1511 (Macdonald) 1593, 1594-5 (Stupich) 1581

School boards, election of in North Island constituency (Gabelmann) 890

School boards, elimination of, proposal for (Dailly) 633 (Wallace) 644

School boards, meetings, public access to (Skelly) 1625

School boards, members (Lauk) 1177 (Nicolson) 1559 (Skelly) 1499

School boards, 1930s, pre-election school visits (Rose) 1526

School boards, powers of (Barrett) 1576 (Brown) 1210-2, 1492 (Brummet) 636 (Dailly) 631 (Gabelmann) 890 (Howard) 1167 (Lockstead) 867, 868, 870-1, 1502, 1505 (Macdonald) 1593, 1595 (Michael) 657 (Nicolson) 1558 (Parks) 896 (Passarell) 646, 649 (Rose) 1602, 1603, 1607, 1610, 2588-9 (Strachan) 641 (Stupich) 1529, 1531-2, 1584 (Wallace) 644, 645-6, 1532-3, 1534-5

School, children's reaction to burning of, case cited (D’Arcy) 1218

School District 7, budget, 1982-83 fiscal year (Skelly) 1171-2

School District 7, tax on non-residential property, loss of (Skelly) 1632

School District 7, trustees, tribute to (Skelly) 1627

School District 9, problems (D’Arcy) 1218

School District 9, tax on non-residential property, loss of (D’Arcy) 1632

School District 10, problems (Nicolson) 1558

School District 11, tax on non-residential property, loss of (D’Arcy) 1632

School District 12, enrolment and budget (Rose) 1613

School District 21, enrolment and budget (Rose) 1613

School District 26, enrolment and budget (Rose) 1612-3

School District 34, enrolment and budget (Rose) 1613

School District 37, enrolment and budget (Rose) 1613

School District 39, English-as-a-second-language students (Barnes) 1182

School District 39, special needs (Dailly) 632

School District 40, source of funds for (Cocke) 637, 1510

School District 41, adult use of school system (Brown) 1212

School District 41, budget, 1983-84 fiscal year (Brown) 1212 (Dailly) 631, 633 (Rose) 1613

School District 41, English-as-a-second-language students (Brown) 1212

School District 41, penalization of (Brown) 1213

School District 41, problem children, budgeting for (Brown) 1213

School District 41, school-building rental revenue (Brown) 1212

School District 41, school program, enrichment of (Brown) 1213

School District 41, special education, funds for (Heinrich) 2586-7

School District 41, staff, reduction in (Brown) 1213-4

School District 41, swimming lessons program (Brown) 1214

School District 43, efficiency of (Parks) 896

School District 47, funds, source of (Lockstead) 868

School District 47, letters, telegrams re act (Lockstead) 869-70, 871, 1504-5

School District 57, administration costs, personnel (Strachan) 640

School District 57, school showers, approval steps involved (Lauk) 1175

School District 57, tax on residential property (D’Arcy) 1632

School District 57, winter busing program (Strachan) 640

School District 61, budget 1982-83 fiscal year (Mitchell) 898

School District 61, deficit financing, proposal for (Mitchell) 899-900, 1517

School District 61, George Jay Elementary School, teachers (Blencoe) 1542

School District 61, Harbour View Elementary School, closing of (Mitchell) 1518-9

School District 61, S. J. Willis Junior Secondary School, closing of (Blencoe) 1542

School District 63, enrolment and budget (Rose) 1613

School District 65, busing on Highway 1 (Wallace) 645

School District 65, programs (Wallace) 645, 1533

School District 65, salaries, cost of per day (Wallace) 644

School District 68, budget, Education minister's control over (Stupich) 1583

School District 68, budget, 1983-84 fiscal year (Stupich) 1584

School District 68, Indian children, integration of (Stupich) 1530

School District 68, teachers' salaries (Michael) 656, 657

School District 71, music program (Sanford) 1549

School District 84, amalgamation of (Gabelmann) 893

School District 84, tax base, loss of (Gabelmann) 1545-6

School District 84, teachers' salaries (Gabelmann) 1545

School District 87, establishment of (Passarell) 649, 1514

School District 87, Dease Lake School (Passarell) 1627

School District 87, Kitsault School, relocation of (Passarell) 1627

School District 87, quality of education (Passarell) 650

School District 88, Stewart schools (Passarell) 1513

School District 92, capital expense, level of (Passarell) 1514

School District 92, conditions prior to establishment of (Passarell) 1513

School District 92, continuation of (Passarell) 650, 1514

School District 92, maintenance problems (Passarell) 650

School District 92, powers, loss of under act (Passarell) 649

School District 92, programs (Passarell) 1513

School District 92, schools, communities served (Passarell) 1513

School districts, accountants, employment of (Nicolson) 1560

School districts, administration costs (Barnes) 1181 (Parks) 896 (Strachan) 640

School districts, administration of (Barrett) 1633, 1634, 1635, 1636 (Passarell) 651

School districts, administration staff (Brown) 1214 (Brummet) 636 (Dailly) 632 (Gabelmann) 893 (Heinrich) 630 (Michael) 657 (Strachan) 640

School districts, budgets, allocation of funds (Brummet) 634-5 (D’Arcy) 1216 (Heinrich) 2584 (Michael) 656 (Rose) 2584-5

School districts, budgets, Education minister's powers over (Barnes) 1183 (Brown) 1210 (Dailly) 631 (D’Arcy) 1216 (Gabelmann) 891, 892 (Howard) 1168, 1170 (Lockstead) 868 (Mitchell) 901, 1517 (Nicolson) 653, 654-5 (Rose) 2585 (Skelly) 1173-4 (Stupich) 1531, 1581, 1584 (Wallace) 644

School districts, budgets, increase in (Parks) 895

School districts, budgets, 1982-83 (Skelly) 1171-2

School districts, budgets, penalization for efficiency (D’Arcy) 1217 (Lauk) 1178

School districts, consolidation of smaller districts (Gabelmann) 893 (Nicolson) 653 (Passarell) 650, 651, 1514, 1515 (Rose) 1610

School districts, costs, variations in from district to district (Barnes) 1182 (D’Arcy) 1629 (Gabelmann) 1544 (Howard) 1507 (Lauk) 1177 (Rose) 1612

School districts, funding, basis for (Brummet) 635-6 (Dailly) 633 (D’Arcy) 1630 (Lockstead) 871-2 (Rose) 1612-4

School districts, northern, added expenses (Howard) 1508 (Passarell) 650, 1514, 1515

School districts, rural and remote areas, problems (Gabelmann) 1545

School districts, special aid provisions (Howard) 1509

School districts, superintendents, dismissal of (Macdonald) 1523

School districts, superintendents, role of (Gabelmann) 1547

School districts, superintendents, salaries (Brummet) 636 (Dailly) 633 (Rose) 1607

School districts, supervisors, number of (Dailly) 632

School facilities, use of (Gabelmann) 894 (Lauk) 1575

School tax, commercial, industrial property (D’Arcy) 1632 (Gabelmann) 890 (Lockstead) 1503 (Rose) 1611-2 (Wallace) 1535

School tax, formula for (Michael) 657

School tax on property (Cocke) 1511 (Dailly) 631 (D’Arcy) 1562, 1569, 1571, 1631 (Hanson) 1483 (Heinrich) 628 (Lauk) 1573 (Lockstead) 1503 (Rose) 1610 (Sanford) 662 (Wallace) 644

School tax, residential property (Lauk) 1176

School tax, right of appeal, removal of (Howard) 1509

School year, shortening of (Wallace) 644-5

Schools, closing of, effect of act on (Gabelmann) 1546

Schools, community use of (Rose) 1610

Schools, energy efficiency, incentives for (Rose) 1610

Schools, floor space, retention of (Nicolson) 1560 (Rose) 1528

Schools, one-room schools, history of (Lauk) 1174-5

Science teaching, equipment for (Dailly) 1488

Seattle jetfoil service, expenditures on (Barrett) 1600

Social assistance, appropriation, increase in (Gabelmann) 892

Social Credit Party, 1975 election platform (Cocke) 1570-1 (D’Arcy) 1570-1 (Hanson) 1482-5 (Lockstead) 1502

Social democratic countries (Macdonald) 1522-3

Special-education facilities, decentralization of (Dailly) 631

Special-education needs (Dailly) 1487 (Gabelmann) 890, 892 (Rose) 1526

Special-education programs (Dailly) 631, 1485, 2586 (Parks) 897 (Rose) 1608 (Strachan) 640

Special-education programs, Education minister's powers re (D’Arcy) 1569 (Nicolson) 652, 653 (Stupich) 1529

Special-needs children, integration of into school system (Cocke) 637, 1510 (Stupich) 1531

Stress, reactions of people to (Barnes) 1554-5, 1555-6

Student aid, eligibility for, regulations re (Barnes) 1182

Student aid, reduction in (Skelly) 1500

Students, acquisition of information by (Rose) 1525-6

Students, English-as-a-second-language students (D’Arcy) 1629 (Rose) 1525

Students, level of accomplishment (Rose) 1524-5

Summer school program, abolition of (Dailly) 1486 (Lauk) 1574, 1575

Sunset clause (Cocke) 637, 639, 1509, 2590 (Heinrich) 2589-90 (Howard) 1166-7, 1168, 1507, 1508 (Mitchell) 898, 2590 (Nicolson) 1558 (Rose) 2590 (Sanford) 1550 (Stupich) 1528, 1581 (Wallace) 645

Teachers, collective bargaining by (Gabelmann) 893 (Macdonald) 1593 (Michael) 656-7 (Rose) 1601-2

Teachers, dedication of (Blencoe) 1542 (Brummet) 636

Teachers, dismissal of (Cocke) 637-8 (Stupich) 1582

Teachers, employment of in non-teaching functions (Strachan) 641

Teachers, employment opportunities for (Rose) 1608-9

Teachers, layoff of, cost-benefit analysis of (Sanford) 661

Teachers, morale (Blencoe) 1542, 1543 (Rose) 1604 (Sanford) 1550

Teachers, productivity (Rose) 1603

Teachers, retirement, cost of (Heinrich) 2586

Teachers, salaries (Barnes) 1554 (Brown) 1214 (Gabelmann) 894, 1545 (Lockstead) 1503-4 (Macdonald) 1593, 1594 (Michael) 657 (Nicolson) 1560 (Passarell) 649-50, 651, 1515-6 (Reid) 1550 (Rose) 1528, 1601-2, 1610, 2585 (Sanford) 661-2 (Stupich) 1583

Teachers, senior teachers, retention of (Barnes) 1554 (Cocke) 638 (Nicolson) 1560 (Rose) 2585

Teachers, stressful nature of teaching (Hanson) 1483-4 (Sanford) 1550-1 (Wallace) 1535

Title of act (Dailly) 633 (Howard) 1166-7, 1168 (Skelly) 1170-1

Unemployment, increase in (Lauk) 1572

United States, education, funds for (Brummet) 636 (Cocke) 637

Universities, teaching of vocational skills in (Lea) 1538

Vancouver, cabinet offices, occupation of (McGeer) 1494-5

Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre, expenditures on (Barrett) 1600

Whistler Mountain ski resort, expenditure on (Barrett) 1600

White Paper on act, proposal for (Barrett) 1599 (Brown) 1214 (Cocke) 1510, 1512

Workforce, effect of new technology on (Mitchell) 899

Young people, unemployment (Macdonald) 1522 (Rose) 1604

Mentioned: (Blencoe) 1079 (Nicolson) 1271

Education USA

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 3186

Eileen Corbett Reception Centre, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brown) 979

Elderly Citizen Renters Grant Act

Mentioned: (Hanson) 2113 (Nicolson) 2146

Election Act

Mentioned: (Chabot) 211

Elections 1983 election results (Blencoe) 124-5 (Cocke) 95 (Fraser, A.) 85, 86, 88 (Skelly) 192 (Waterland) 95 1983 election, voter turnout (Hewitt) 248

Political parties, candidates, 1983 election (Curtis) 816-7

Electoral districts

Changes in, proposal for (Lauk) 1000

Redistribution (Fraser, R.) 13-4 (Throne speech) 7

Electric power

Demand for, estimate of (Nicolson) 74

Development of, NDP policy on (Waterland) 93

Excess power, use of (Mitchell) 2959-60

Forest waste, power generation from (Skelly) 3035 (Waterland) 3037

Municipalities, co-generation plants (Blencoe) 2889-90

Power projects, small-scale, development of (Passarell) 51

Private production, surplus power (Passarell) 51

Railroads, electrilizing of, proposal for (McGeer) 950

Two-river policy (D’Arcy) 963

Waste of (McGeer) 950 (Rose) 951

Electrical Safety Act

Mentioned: (McClelland) 3131

Electronic Guild of B.C.

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 2848

Eli Lilly and Co.

Oraflex, use of referred to (Skelly) 1319

Eliot, T.S.

“The Rock” quoted (Barrett) 1633

Elizabeth I, Queen of Great Britain

Mentioned: (Barnes) 340

Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain

Visit to British Columbia (Throne speech) 2

Mentioned: (Closing speech) 3210 (Hanson) 1638-9 (Nicolson) 881 (Skelly) 358

Elizabeth Fry Society

Mentioned: (Smith) 3000

Elk Valley, B.C..

Burlington Northern Inc. line, use of (Rose) 786

El-Khalafawi, Bashir

Mentioned: (Wallace) 2305

El Meson, Chemainus, B.C.

Mentioned: (Wallace) 2304, 2305

El Salvador

Problems (Nicolson) 911 (Skelly) 443

Elwood, Tom

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 3204

Emergency care in hospital

See entries under Hospitals

Emergency Health Services Commission

Mentioned: (Hanson) 2497

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Quoted (Rose) 2326

Emil Anderson Construction Co. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Fraser, A.) 974

Eminent domain

Expropriation legislation, need for (Macdonald) 90

Emmott, Alan

Mentioned: (Cocke) 738

Empire Stadium, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Barnes) 932, 2146, 2915 (Johnston) 967 (Reynolds) 1046


High-technology industry, employment standards (Nicolson) 1897, 1898

Private sector employees, job security (Dailly) 2046 (D’Arcy) 1986-7 (Rose) 950-1 (Wallace) 970-1

Private sector employees, possible government action re (Cocke) 1949-50 (Lockstead) 1998, 2517 (Passarell) 2564

Private sector employees, rights of (Sanford) 2449, 2449-50

Tenure, private sector (Hewitt) 261-2 (Macdonald) 441 (Reid) 278

Employees, Dismissal of

Dismissal without cause, legislation re elsewhere (Skelly) 2242

Fast-food chain, case cited (Skelly) 2242

Notice re (Gabelmann) 2599 (McClelland) 2599

Private sector dismissals (Bennett) 1779 (Chabot) 2655 (D’Arcy) 303 (Gabelmann) 373 (Macdonald) 2661 (Nicolson) 2011 (Passarell) 1713 (Sanford) 2451 (Stupich) 2483-4, 2485

Employees' representation in management

Benefits of (Skelly) 2447-8

Industrial democracy (Lea) 2468 (Rose) 117


Deductions for employees, requirements re (Lockstead) 2191

Employment Standards Amendment Act, 1983, inequity to employers in (Gabelmann) 2231

Employers' Council of B.C.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 195 (Blencoe) 1201, 2973 (Chabot) 2642, 2654 (Cocke) 2553 (Curtis) 161, 2953 (Dailly) 2210 (D’Arcy) 1718, 2239, 2303, 2560 (Gabelmann) 985, 2229, 2743 (Gardom) 3166 (Hanson) 1482, 1675 (Michael) 775 (Nicolson) 2201 (Phillips) 2830 (Rose) 455, 953 (Sanford) 661, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 2528, 2529, 3199 (Skelly) 444 (Stupich) 2947 (Wallace) 44


Agricultural projects, funds for (Curtis) 2330

Automation, effect of (Pelton) 1998

Capital projects, funds for (Curtis) 182, 2330

Career changes, preparation for (McClelland) 3136

Employees, cost of to employer (Ree) 1024

Employment-bridging assistance program. See name of program

Employment development account. See name of account

Employment Development Act. See name of act

Employment development programs, funds for (Dailly) 236

Employment development programs, inclusion in estimates (Lea) 2331 (Stupich) 2330

Employment forecasting (Gabelmann) 3132-3 (McClelland) 3136

Export industries, employment in (Phillips) 2829

Exports, job creation (McGeer) 77

Full employment, proposal for (Mitchell) 339

Future of employment (Nicolson) 2148

Income, distribution of, middle-income group (Lea) 1005

Job creation (D’Arcy) 965 (Lauk) 1572 (Mitchell) 2959-60

Job creation, alternative energy field (Rose) 3164

Job creation, central coast area (Lockstead) 715

Job creation, federal-provincial programs (McCarthy) 129

Job creation, funds for (Curtis) 190 (Mitchell) 339

Job creation, government policy on (Stupich) 179

Job creation, government programs (Fraser, A.) 87, 974 (Fraser, R.) 14 (McCarthy) 66 (Michael) 15 (Nielsen) 28 (Parks) 232 (Pelton) 32 (Segarty) 123 (Smith) 147 (Throne speech) 3-4 (Veitch) 1037

Job creation, highway construction (Fraser, A.) 3104, 3114

Job creation, new jobs (Bennett) 1194 (Curtis) 1205, 2611, 2729

Job creation, number of jobs (McClelland) 3131 (Mowat) 903 (Throne speech) 3

Job creation, Prince Rupert (Reynolds) 710

Job creation, problems re (Brummet) 935

Job creation projects, NDP policy on (Brummet) 140-1 (Curtis) 2333 (Lea) 2331, 2332 (McClelland) 67 (Waterland) 92

Job creation, role of government in (Dailly) 235 (Macdonald) 91 (Nielsen) 26 (Reid) 40 (Stupich) 174

Job creation, role of private sector in (McGeer) 76 (Mowat) 903 (Nielsen) 26 (Sanford) 138 (Throne speech) 4

Job creation, Social Credit Party election platform on (Passarell) 944

Job creation, small business sector (Nicolson) 2010

Job loss and budget, 1983-84 fiscal year (Stupich) Q. 2611, Q. 2729 (Curtis) A. 2611, A. 2729

Job-producing companies, investment in (Mitchell) 1033

Jobs, decrease in number of (Lockstead) 245 (Stupich) 175, 179, 2729

Jobs, kinds of jobs available (Rose) 2028

Manitoba, job creation fund (Fraser, R.) 1957 (Lauk) 2006

Public works projects and recession (Lea) 204

Reduction in, forecast re (Stupich) 174

Work-sharing (Macdonald) 924

Employment action centres

Establishment of (Dailly) Q. 1360 (McClelland) A. 1360

Federal funds for (Hanson) 1699 (McClelland) A. 1301 (Michael) Q. 1338 (Mowat) Q. 1301

Federal funds for, use of (Cocke) 1381-2 (McClelland) A. 1360, A. 1920 (Parks) 1295, 1321-2, Q. 1360 (Reid) 1325 (Reynolds) Q. 1302, Q. 1337, Q. 1920 (Smith) A. 1302, A.1337

Employment-bridging assistance program

Benefits of (Mitchell) 2900

Continuance of (Nicolson) 73, Q. 80

Funds for (Nicolson) Q. 80 (McCarthy) A. 80

Job creation (Blencoe) 127 (Lockstead) 245 (McCarthy) 80

Muir Creek project (Blencoe) 127 (Mitchell) 337

Program (Brummet) 142 (Mitchell) 3053

Termination of (Lockstead) 245 (McCarthy) A. 80 (Mitchell) 337 (Passarell) 49 (Sanford) 138

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 129

Employment development account

Appropriation, 1983-84 fiscal year (Curtis) 162 (Gabelmann) Q. 1798 (McClelland) A. 1798

Funds (Fraser, A.) 3104, 3114 (Lockstead) 3108

Job creation (Curtis) 162, 167

Mentioned: (Davis) 401

Employment Development Act

(Bill 16) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 168; 2R, 2330-3; C, 2614; 3R, 2614; RA, 2938

Speakers: Cocke 2332-3; Curtis 2330, 2333; Lea 2331-2; Rogers 2331; Stupich 2330-1

Agricultural projects, funds for (Curtis) 2330

Capital investment, foreign investment, control of (Cocke) 2332

Capital works, funds for (Curtis) 2330

Diking, benefits of (Rogers) 2331

Diking, river projects, funds for (Curtis) 2330, 2333

Employment creation projects, decisions on (Curtis) 2333 (Lea) 2331, 2332

Employment initiatives, funds for (Curtis) 2330

Health care projects, funds for (Curtis) 2330

Highway construction, funds for (Curtis) 2330

Hospitals, education buildings, construction of and use (Cocke) 2332

Industry, secondary industry, need for (Cocke) 2333

Pension funds, use of (Cocke) 2332-3

Programs, inclusion of under ministerial estimates (Lea) 2331 (Stupich) 2330

Unemployed, number of young people (Cocke) 2332, 2333

Mentioned: (Curtis) 190 (Parks) 232

Employment Standards Act

Collective agreements and rights under act (Parks) 231

Enactment of (Wallace) 2245-6

Mentioned: (Brown) 2635, 2636 (Chabot) 2629, 2631, 2634 (Curtis) 2742 (Gabelmann) 3134 (Skelly) 2667

Employment Standards Amendment Act, 1983

(Bill 26) (Minister of Labour) 1R, 170; 2R, 1886-1902, 1911-6, 2185-93, 2195-2256;C, 2593-2602;3R, 2793; RA, 2938

Speakers: Barrett 2219-25; Blencoe 2249-52; Brown 2596, 2597, 2598, 2599, 2599-2600, 2600, 2600-1; Cocke 2196-2200; Dailly 2209-12; D'Arcy 2236-40; Gabelmann 2225-36, 2593, 2593-4, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2597, 2599, 2601, 2601-2, 2602; Hanson 2204-9; Howard 1892-5; Lauk 2186-90; Lea 1912-6; Lockstead 2190-3, 2195-6; McClelland 1886-7, 2253-6, 2593, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2596-7, 2597, 2597-8, 2598, 2598-9, 2599, 2600, 2601, 2602; Macdonald 2243-5; Mitchell 1899-1902, 1911-2, 2212-4; Nicolson 1896-9, 2200-4; Sanford 1887-91; Skelly 2240-3; Stupich 2214-9; Wallace 2245-8, 2598

Amdts: 2R (Lockstead) 2196, negatived 2214; (Skelly) 2243, out of order 2243; sec. 2 (McClelland) 2593, 2608, approved 2593; sec. 2 (McClelland) 2593, 2608 approved 2594; sec. 2 (McClelland) 2594, approved 2594; sec. 7 (McClelland) 2598, 2609, approved 2598; sec. 9 (McClelland) 2599, 2609, approved 2599; sec. 48 (McClelland) 2602, 2609, approved 2602

Divisions: 2R, 2214, 2256; C, 2596, 2601, 2602; 3R, 2793

Administrative procedures, improvement in (McClelland) 1886

Amendments (Lauk) 2186

Bill, basis of (Barrett) 2225 (Dailly) 2210 (Lea) 1914 (Nicolson) 2203

Bill, discussions re content of (Lockstead) 2192

Bill, purpose of (Gabelmann) 2227-8

Bill, second reading six months hence (Lockstead) 2196

Bocking, Michael, Vancouver Sun article re act quoted, referred to (Barrett) 2223-4, 2225 (Cocke) 2198 (Gabelmann) 2233 (Lockstead) 2191, 2192 (Nicolson) 2201

B.C. Government Employees' Union, effect of act on (Sanford) 1889

Cabinet Committee on Economic Development, meeting with Arthur Kube (McClelland) 2255

Centralization of power under act (Cocke) 2198, 2199 (Dailly) 2211 (Hanson) 2205 (Stupich) 2217

Collective agreement, Okanagan fruit workers, case cited (Macdonald) 2244, 2245

Collective agreements, continuance of (Gabelmann) 2229

Collective agreements, employment standards below those in act (Gabelmann) 2594 (Lauk) 2187, 2188

Collective agreements, expiry of, application of standards under act (Barrett) 2221, 2225 (Cocke) 2196, 2199 (Dailly) 2212 (Gabelmann) 2229, 2230, 2233 (Howard) 1894-5 (Lockstead) 2191 (McClelland) 1886, 2254, 2593 (Macdonald) 2244-5 (Mitchell) 1900 (Nicolson) 1896, 1896-7, 2201, 2203 (Sanford) 1888-9 (Skelly) 2241 (Wallace) 2246

Collective agreements in forest industry, negotiation of (Skelly) 2241

Collective agreements, negotiation of new agreements (D’Arcy) 2237

Collective agreements, negotiations re minimum standards (Gabelmann) 2232

Collective agreements, omissions from (Howard) 1893-4 (Lockstead) 2191, 2195 (McClelland) 1886 (Wallace) 2246

Collective agreements, precedence of over statutes (Gabelmann) 2226, 2227 (Lauk) 2189 (McClelland) 1886-7, 2253-4 (Mitchell) 1911 (Skelly) 2241

Collective bargaining and applications of standards under act (Cocke) 2198 (Dailly) 2210 (Gabelmann) 2234 (Lea) 1913 (Lockstead) 2191, 2192 (McClelland) 2593 (Nicolson) 1895 (Sanford) 1889

Collective bargaining, first agreements (D’Arcy) 2238 (Gabelmann) 2232 (Macdonald) 2244

Collective bargaining, G. V. Lauk's statement re (Lauk) 2255, 2255-6 (McClelland) 2254

Collective bargaining, third-party interference in (Gabelmann) 2228

Commission, examination of bill by, proposal for (Nicolson) 2202-3

Committee of Legislature, examination of bill by (Gabelmann) 2225-6 (Hanson) 2205, 2208-9 (Mitchell) 1912, 2213 (Wallace) 2248

Construction industry, labour problems (McClelland) 2255

Courts, recourse to in labour-management disputes (Skelly) 2242

Cowichan Valley Regional District, request re bill (Wallace) 2248

Dorsey, Jim, book in Self-Counsel series quoted (Gabelmann) 2230

Employees, termination of, fast-food chain, case cited (Skelly) 2242

Employees, termination of, notice re (Gabelmann) 2599 (McClelland) 2599

Employees, termination without cause (Skelly) 2242

Employers, inequity to in section 13 (8) (Gabelmann) 2231

Employers, requirements re deductions for employees (Lockstead) 2191

Employment Standards Act, enactment of (Wallace) 2245-6

Employment standards, administrative procedures (Gabelmann) 2227-8

Employment Standards Board, abolition of (Blencoe) 2251 (Cocke) 2198, 2199 (Dailly) 2211 (Stupich) 2215

Employment Standards Board, establishment of (Stupich) 2217, 2218

Employment Standards Board, functions, powers (Stupich) 2217-8

Employment Standards Board, jurisdiction of (Gabelmann) 2225 (Lauk) 2188 (Sanford) 1890

Employment Standards Board, role of in collective bargaining (McClelland) 1886

Employment standards director, appeals against decisions of (Gabelmann) 2597 (Lockstead) 2190

Employment standards director, appointment of (McClelland) 2254

Employment standards director, powers of (Blencoe) 2250-2 (Gabelmann) 2232, 2235, 2597 (Sanford) 1890

Employment standards, evasion of (Mitchell) 1901

Employment standards, history of (Howard) 1892

Fraser Institute, philosophy of (Lea) 1915-6

Gasoline, tax on, increase in (Barrett) 2224

Government, role of (Lea) 1915

Greenhills mine, collective agreement (Gabelmann) 2228

Heroin treatment program (Howard) 1894

High-technology industry and employment standards (Nicolson) 1897, 1898

Hoist of bill (Cocke) 2197, 2198, 2199, 2200 (Dailly) 2209 (Hanson) 2205 (Lockstead) 2196 (Mitchell) 2214

Industrial Relations Management Association seminar (Barrett) 2220

“Interested party”, definition of (McClelland) 2593, 2594 (Nicolson) 1899

International Woodworkers of America, powers of (Lauk) 2188

Labour Code of B.C., paramountcy of (Gabelmann) 2226

Labour legislation, briefs received (McClelland) 2253

Labour-management relations (Blencoe) 2250 (Lea) 1913

Labour-management relations, effect of act on (Cocke) 2199 (Mitchell) 1900 (Sanford) 1887, 1888, 1890 (Wallace) 2246

Labour-management relations, importance of (Dailly) 2211 (McClelland) 2253

Labour Relations Board, referral of bill to (Blencoe) 2252

Lawyers, fees (Barrett) 2220

Legal aid, eligibility for (Lockstead) 2190

Legislation and workforce (Lockstead) 2190, 2196

Logging operations, living conditions (Howard) 1893

MLAs, retired, proposal for use of services of (Nicolson) 2201-2

McClelland, R.H., appointment of as Labour minister (Nicolson) 1898

Maternity, pregnancy, provisions re (Barrett) 2221 (Brown) 2595, 2599-2600, 2601 (D’Arcy) 2239 (Gabelmann) 2226-7, 2231, 2594-5, 2595 (Hanson) 2207 (McClelland) 2594, 2595, 2600, 2601 (Wallace) 2247-8

Meetings, consultation re act (Cocke) 2197, 2199, 2200

Microchip industry, wage levels and competitiveness of (Lea) 1912-3

Middle class, disappearance of (Lea) 1913

New Democratic Party election campaign, trade union donations to (Lea) 1914

Nursing homes, employment standards in (Dailly) 2211

Private property, conservatives' beliefs re (Lea) 1914

Public service employees, sick leave rights, case cited (Nicolson) 1897-8

Public service unions, effect of act on bargaining by (Sanford) 1889

Right-to-work legislation (Sanford) 1887, 1890

Savings effected as result of act (Gabelmann) 2232 (Lauk) 2187, 2190 (Stupich) 2219

Social Credit Party election campaign, source of funds for (Lea) 1913-4

Special-apparel provision under act (D’Arcy) 2238 (Gabelmann) 2228-9, 2233-4 (Wallace) 2247, 2248

Statutory holidays, problems re (Mitchell) 1911

Strike-vote supervision, legislation on (Stupich) 2215-6, 2217

Time limit on act (Cocke) 2200

Trade union membership, percentage of workforce (Lauk) 2186 (McClelland) 2254

Trade union movement, meeting with, pleas for (McClelland) 2255

Trade union movement, Social Credit Party policy on (Lea) 1916 (McClelland) 2254, 2255

Trade unions, discussions, consultation with re bill (Barrett) 2224 (Blencoe) 2249-50 (McClelland) 2253 (Stupich) 2219

Trade unions, inter-union rivalry (Barrett) 2221-2

Trade unions, militant unions (Mitchell) 1901-2

Trade unions, negotiations, methods used in B.C. (McClelland) 2255

Vacation pay, entitlement to (Hanson) 2206-7

Vancouver city council, request re bill (Stupich) 2215

Wage levels in B.C. and foreign investment (Dailly) 2210-1

Wage payment orders (Brown) 2596, 2597 (McClelland) 2596, 2597

Wage payment orders, B.C.-Alberta reciprocal agreement on (McClelland) 2599

Wage payment orders, deposit requirement (Barrett) 2222-3 (D’Arcy) 2239 (Gabelmann) 2230-1 (Nicolson) 2204

Wage recovery process, administrative changes in (McClelland) 1886, 2254, 2598

Wages, non-payment of, appeals to courts (Lauk) 2188-9 (Stupich) 2215, 2217, 2218, 2219

Wages, non-payment of, bankruptcies, receiverships (D’Arcy) 2238 (Hanson) 2209 (McClelland) 2598, 2598-9 (Nicolson) 2204

Wages, non-payment of, domestic workers (Brown) 2596 (McClelland) 2596

Wages, non-payment of, fisheries industry (Brown) 2598 (McClelland) 2598

Wages, non-payment of, liability for (Gabelmann) 2599 (McClelland) 2599 (Skelly) 2242-3 (Wallace) 2248

Wages, non-payment of, problems re (Brown) 2598, 2599 (Gabelmann) 2597 (Hanson) 2207 (McClelland) 2598, 2599 (Mitchell) 1912 (Nicolson) 1898

Wages, non-payment of, recovery of costs re (McClelland) 2598

Wages, non-payment of, subcontracting firms (D’Arcy) 2236

Wages, non-payment of, time limit on collection of (Gabelmann) 2601-2, 2602 (Lauk) 2188 (Lockstead) 2191 (McClelland) 2602 (Mitchell) 1899-1900

Wages, severance pay, employer's liability for (Brown) 2599 (McClelland) 2599

White Paper on act, proposal for (Cocke) 2197 (Nicolson) 2201

Women, effect of act on (Cocke) 2197

Working conditions, eight-hour day (Lea) 1915

Working conditions, health, safety standards (Hanson) 2207 (Lea) 1915

Employment Standards Board

Abolition of (Blencoe) 2251 (Cocke) 2198, 2199 (Curtis) 164 (Dailly) 2211 (Stupich) 2215

Establishment of (Stupich) 2217, 2218

Functions, powers (Stupich) 2217-8

Jurisdiction of, Supreme Court decision on (Gabelmann) 2225 (Lauk) 2188 (Sanford) 1890

Removal of from collective bargaining process (McClelland) 1886

Employment standards branch

Director, appeals against decisions of (Gabelmann) 2597 (Lockstead) 2190

Director, appointment of (McClelland) 2254

Director, powers of (Blencoe) 2250-2 (Gabelmann) 2232, 2235, 2597 (Sanford) 1890

Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 739 (Nicolson) 398 (Skelly) 2065

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Mentioned: (Brummet) 2898

Endako Mines Ltd.

Employees laid off (D’Arcy) 423 (McGeer) 415

Mentioned: (Wallace) 2910

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Ministry of

Estimates 3154-66

Speakers: Davis 3159-60; Lockstead 3154-5, 3155, 3156-7, 3157-8, 3159; Passarell 3165; Rogers 3154, 3155, 3155-6, 3157, 3158-9, 3160, 3161, 3161-2, 3162, 3163, 3163-4, 3165, 3165-6; Rose 3164-5, 3165; Wallace 3160, 3160-1, 3161, 3162, 3162-3, 3163

Annual report (Lockstead) 3154-5

Revenue return, ministry operations (Rogers) 3154

Energy policy

Federal energy policy and prices (Brummet) 141

Energy resources

Conservation of (Rose) 3164

Energy conservation centres (Rogers) 3165 (Rose) 3164, 3165

Energy expenditures, study of (Skelly) 2427

Federal energy legislation (Lockstead) 3156

Job creation, energy field jobs (Rose) 3164

See also names of resources, e.g. Electric power


Export of engineering services (Fraser, R.) 217

Private sector engineering services, use of (Curtis) 164

Status of (Lauk) 219

Unemployment in engineering profession (Davis) 70 (Fraser, R.) 13

Engler, Gary

Quoted (Rose) 116

English language — Study and teaching

English-as-a-second-language program (Barnes) 1182 (Heinrich) 3196 (Rose) 3194, 3196

Students, English-as-a-second- language students (D’Arcy) 1629 (Rose) 1525

Enrolment, School

See: School children


Mentioned: (Nicolson) 655

Environment, Ministry of

Estimates 2906-11

Speakers: Brummet 2906-7, 2909-10, 2911; Lockstead 2911; Passarell 2910-1; Wallace 2907-9, 2910

Conservation officers, shortage of (Wallace) 2907

Deputy minister, senior staff, tribute to (Brummet) 2906

Grants, increase in (Wallace) 2907

Letters, problem re language in (Brummet) 2909

Minister's office, appropriation, increase in (Wallace) 2910

Minister's salary (Brummet) 2910 (Wallace) 2907

Minister's travel expenses, appropriation for (Wallace) 2907

Regional officers, elimination of (Curtis) 164

Staff, housing and employment development bonds for (Wallace) Q. 534 (Brummet) A. 1163

Staff, layoff of (Wallace) 2907-8

Staff, morale (Wallace) 2907

Staff, work of commended (Brummet) 2906

Environment and Land Use Act

Mentioned: (Brummet) 574 (Chabot) 2723 (Wallace) 573, 574, 1339

Environment and Land Use Committee

Dawn Development Corp., Delta land, removal of from ALR (Macdonald) 543

Gloucester Properties Ltd. land, hearing on (Barrett) 746, 833, 844

Health minister, membership on committee (Cocke) 905

Members (Cocke) 905

Regional resource management committees, elimination of (Curtis) 164 (Stupich) 177

Mentioned: (Gardom) 3166 (Hewitt) 263 (Reynolds) 155 (Rogers) 854 (Skelly) 1345, 3039 (Stupich) 520, 1228, 1229, 1230 (Waterland) 3041, 3052

Environment Management Act

Mentioned: (Brummet) 1339 (Rogers) 3157

Environmental Appeal Board

Chairman's letter, language in (Wallace) 2909

Mentioned: (Rogers) 1185

Environmental protection

Government's commitment to (Wallace) 2910

Legislation, enforcement of (Skelly) 214

Public hearings, assistance for interveners in (Wallace) 2910

See also: Waste management branch

Environmental protection areas

Timber, removal of (Brummet) A. 574 (Lea) Q. 574 (Waterland) A. 574

Epic Data Sales

Mentioned: (McGeer) 77

Eric Martin Pavilion, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Mitchell) 3013

Eriksen, Bruce

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1757

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway

Passenger service, hearings on, funding for interveners (Sanford) Q. 1339 (Fraser, A.) A. 1339

Passenger service, hearings on, intervention in (Sanford)Q. 1339, Q. 2169 (Fraser, A.) A. 1339, A. 2169

Mentioned: (Hanson) 772 (Sanford) 2890

Esquimalt Secondary School, Esquimalt, B.C.

Expansion of (Mitchell) 1517-9, 2590-1

Essential Service Disputes Act

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 2033, 2228 (Lockstead) 363

Esso (Canada) Ltd.

Mentioned: (Rose) 3075

Esso Resources Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Passarell) 3038

Estate Administration Act

Mentioned: (Curtis) 11

Estate Administration Amendment Act, 1983

(Bill M201) (Ree) 1R, 55; 2R, 1048-50; C, 1257-9; 3R, 1399; RA, 1917

Speakers: Brown 1257-8, 1258; Cocke 1050, 1257, 1258; Lauk 1048-9; Lea 1049-50; Ree 1048, 1050, 1257, 1258; Smith 1050; Wallace 1049

Amdts: sec. 1 (Cocke) 1257, negatived 1258

Divisions: 2R, 1050; C, 1258

Estates, lawyer's fees (Cocke) 1050 (Lea) 1049-50 (Ree) 1050

Intestate estates, number of (Ree) 1048 (Wallace) 1049

Men, survival rate (Brown) 1257-8

Probate, administration by court, increase in exemption (Cocke) 1050 (Lauk) 1049 (Ree) 1049

Revenue to Crown, change in (Lauk) 1048-9

Spouse, surviving spouse, share of estate (Brown) 1257-8 (Cocke) 1050, 1257, 1258 (Ree) 1048, 1257, 1258 (Smith) 1050

Wills, holograph wills, legalization of (Ree) 1050 (Wallace) 1049

Wills, holograph wills, problem re, case cited (Ree) 1050

Estimates of expenditure

See entries under Expenditures, Public

European Economic Community

Mentioned: (Phillips) 110

Evening Star, Sheffield, Eng.

Mentioned: (Campbell) 1256

Evergreen Press Ltd.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 904

Evers, Muni

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 1154


Provincial examinations (Heinrich) 3182 (Rose) 1525 (Skelly) 1172, 1500-1

Provincial examinations, benefits of (Heinrich) 3187

Provincial examinations, consultation re (Heinrich) 3195 (Rose) 3192, 3196

Provincial examinations, criticisms of (Rose) 3184, 3185, 3187-8, 3191-2

Provincial examinations, purpose of (Heinrich) 3195 (Rose) 3191-2


Salary settlements (Dailly) 25

Exell, Robert

Nishga land claims, instructions re (Passarell) Q. 2893

Mentioned: (Lockstead) 2933 (Passarell) 2926

Expenditures, Public

Accountability for (Howard) 2965

Accountability for, increase in (Curtis) 160 (Fraser, A.) 974

Capital expenditures, benefits of (Brummet) 2155

Cash reserves, expenditure of (Stupich) 63

Estimate of, 1983-84 fiscal year, overestimation of (Cocke) 903-4 (Fraser, A.) 974 (Howard) 3205 (Lea) 378, 2831 (Lockstead) 1997 (Sanford) 1026-7, 1029 (Stupich) 1064

Estimates book, information in (Hanson) 200

Estimates, format of (Cocke) 3054-5 (Curtis) 1357 (Hanson) 1356-7 (Richmond) 3056

Estimates, 1983-84 fiscal year, debate on (Dailly) 2984 (Lea) 2831 (Lockstead) 2962 (Stupich) 2548, 2984 (Wallace) 2985

Expenditures, 1963 and 1983, comparisons made (McGeer) 948

Expenditure of unbudgeted funds, provision for (Curtis) 1062 (Stupich) 1063, 1066

Expenditures, 1980 to present (Nicolson) 652-3

Expenditures, 1983-84 fiscal year, legislative authority for (Barrett) 1599

Expenditures per capita, increase in (Curtis) 163 (Johnston) 965-6

Federal spending, reduction in (Parks) 234

Financial management, government's record (Howard) Q. 1022

Government assets, loss of (Nicolson) 732

Increase in (Bennett) 1189 (Howard) 404, 936, 1169, 1942

Increase in, 1983-84 fiscal year (Barrett) 2296 (Cocke) 903 (Curtis) 162 (Davis) 925 (Gabelmann) 2125 (Howard) 404-5, 936, Q. 1021, 1169-70, 1939-40 (Macdonald) 1522 (Nicolson) 2009 (Rose) 952, 2085 (Skelly) 356, 1499 (Stupich) 1013, 1931 (Wallace) 1449

Interim supply, time covered by Supply Act (No. 1) , 1983 (Stupich) 190-1

Level of and gross provincial product (Howard) 1939-40

Level of, cabinet's control over (Stupich) 1931

Level of, taxpayer's ability to pay (McGeer) 949

Megaprojects, funds for (Dailly) 2044-5 (Nicolson) 2010

Overruns (Barrett) 196 (Wallace) 192

Public service wages, expenditures on (Chabot) 255 (Skelly) 1350, 1499, 1980, 2977-8, 2978

Reduction in, NDP proposals for (D’Arcy) 2105, 2107, 2166, 2561 (Howard) 350, 399, 937 (Lauk) 222-3, 1435, 2077 (Lockstead) 243 (Mitchell) 588, 1034 (Nicolson) 350, 399, 914, 2009 (Sanford) 283, 660, 1191, 1029 (Wallace) 2070

Reduction in, 1981-82 fiscal year, NDP proposals for (Cocke) 1951 (D’Arcy) 2301 (Howard) 1939 (Mitchell) 2019 (Stupich) 2282 (Wallace) 1967

Reduction in, 1982-83 fiscal year, NDP proposals for (Cocke) 1951 (D’Arcy) 2301 (Howard) 1939, 1940 (Mitchell) 2019 (Stupich) 2282 (Wallace) 1967

Restraint on spending, NDP policy on (McGeer) 76 (Ritchie) 45 (Smith) 148

Restraint program (Bennett) 1188-95 (Blencoe) 670, 693-4 (Brummet) 141, 143, 2154 (Campbell) 100 (Curtis) 161-2, 163, 165 (Davis) 67, 68 (Fraser, A.) 86 (Hewitt) 248 (Johnston) 59, 966-7 (Kempf) 1985 (Lauk) 1000-1, 2006 (Lea) 145-6, 205, 1006 (McClelland) 65 (McGeer) 1496 (Mowat) 58 (Parks) 1002 (Phillips) 108-9 (Reid) 38-9 (Reynolds) 155, 156, 181 (Richmond) 113 (Ritchie) 46-7 (Sanford) 136-7 (Skelly) 1499, 1500, 1981 (Smith) 1030 (Stupich) 171, 176, 179, 561, 1923, 1924 (Wallace) 575 (Waterland) 92, 993

Restraint program, advertising campaign re (Barrett) Q. 960, 1042 (Blencoe) 1586 (Brown) Q. 961, 978 (Chabot) A. 959, A. 1162, A. 1199 (Curtis) A. 959, A. 960 (Dailly) 1955, 2045 (D’Arcy) 964-5 (Hanson) Q. 959, Q. 995, Q. 1162, Q. 1198, Q. 1199 (Kempf) 981 (Lauk) 2005 (Lea) 1334 (Reynolds) 1945 (Sanford) 1029, 1992 (Stupich) 1930 (Wallace) 969

Restraint program, application of (Lea) 2951 (Lockstead) 243

Restraint program, basis for (Barrett) 1041-2 (Gabelmann) 986-7 (Sanford) 1027

Restraint program, consultation on (Bennett) 1194-5

Restraint program, defence of in Legislature (Wallace) 969

Restraint program, design of (Cocke) Q. 1197 (Bennett)A. 1198

Restraint program, effect of (Barnes) 928-9, 930, 2001 (Bennett) 1191 (D’Arcy) 962 (Stupich) 1936 (Wallace) 970, 2971-2

Restraint program, need for (Bennett) 1191 (Hewitt) 263 (Lea) 204 (Skelly) 1980-1, 1984

Restraint program, public information tours re (Brown) 978 (D’Arcy) 904-5 (Johnston) 968

Restraint program, reaction to (Veitch) 1036 (Waterland) 2077

Restraint program, savings effected (Barrett) Q. 959, Q. 960, 1040-1, 1042, 1042-3 (Bennett) 1189, 1191 (Blencoe) 1202 (Curtis) A. 959, A. 960 (Sanford) 1029

Restraint program, Social Credit Party election platform (Bennett) 1193 (Kempf) 1985 (Lockstead) 720, 721, 722-3 (Michael) 1994 (Ree) 1024 (Veitch) 1035, 1038 (Waterland) 992

Restraint program, support for (Barnes) 2000, 2915 (Brown) 2087 (Campbell) 2003 (Dailly) 2047 (D’Arcy) 1986, 2302, 2562 (Fraser, R.) 1958 (Gabelmann) 2122 (Hewitt) 2014 (Kempf) 1984 (Lauk) 1000 (Lea) 2755, 2950 (Lockstead) 1997 (Michael) 1994 (Parks) 1003 (Phillips) 1185 (Ree) 1025 (Reynolds) 1944 (Ritchie) 2884 (Skelly) 1981, 1984 (Waterland) 2077

Restraint programs elsewhere (Curtis) 1921 (Dailly) 1956 (Fraser, R.) 1957 (Stupich) 1924-5

Special funds, expenditure of (Nicolson) 350

Special warrants (Curtis) 2983

Special warrants, inclusion of under Supply Act (No. 1) , 1983 (Curtis) 190, 198 (Skelly) 192 (Stupich) 191 (Wallace) 192

Special warrants, legality of (Barrett) 590

Special warrants, use of (Barrett) 590 (Cocke) 203 (Macdonald) 201, 202 (Stupich) 191

Special warrants, use of funds (Curtis) 200-1

Spending in B.C., government share of (Johnston) 966

Spending, NDP priorities in (Lea) 145

Expo ’86

Benefits of (McClelland) 65 (Mowat) 58 (Richmond) 113 (Smith) 148

Debt (D’Arcy) 964

Importance of (Richmond) 113

Job creation (McCarthy) 208 (Waterland) 999

Opening of, date for (Richmond) 113

Participation in (Richmond) 113 (Throne speech) 2

Preparation for (Fraser, R.) 13

Revenues (Richmond) 113

Visitors expected (Throne speech) 6

Mentioned: (Closing speech) 3210 (Davis) 70, 3116 (Fraser, A.) 87 (Hanson) 3140, 3142 (Johnston) 59, 60 (McCarthy) 131 (Michael) 14 (Passarell) 2780, 2981 (Phillips) 2829 (Reid) 38, 40, 493 (Reynolds) 184 (Richmond) 3056 (Ritchie) 47 (Rose) 118 (Segarty) 123 (Skelly) 2979

Expo ’86 Corp.

Accounts receivable (Curtis) 792

Mentioned: (Stupich) 2273

Export Month

Mentioned: (Phillips) 2828

Export sales

Competitiveness of B.C. products (Bennett) 2093 (Phillips) 1186-7, 2829, 2830-1

Development of (Throne speech) 5

Employment and international trade (McGeer) 77 (Phillips) 110, 2829

Export awards to B.C. industries (Phillips) 2828

Export corporation, proposal for (Curtis) 2954 (Lea) 207, 2952-3

Export industries, financing for (Phillips) 2831

Export industries, government assistance to (D’Arcy) 1989

Export products, development of (Lea) 2832

Export products, fluctuations in price of (Macdonald) 1520

Exports, increase in (Phillips) 1186-7

Importance of (Bennett) 1441, 1707 (McGeer) 3173

Increase in (Bennett) 1441 (Phillips) 2829

Japan, exports to (Reid) 40

Markets, new markets for B.C. products (Phillips) 1187, 2830-1

Pacific Rim countries, trade with (Lauk) 152 (Stupich) 180

Promotion of, government activities (Phillips) 2828

Trading partners, relations with (Brummet) 142

See also: Trade missions

Expropriation of property

See: Eminent domain

Extended care

Beds, provision of (Throne speech) 7

Cedarview extended-care facility (Throne speech) 7

Rate, per diem rate, increase in (Curtis) 166

Exxon Corp.

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1416, 2333

Eyres, Leslie Harvey

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 2