Province of British Columbia
32nd Parliament, 4th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
November 23, 1981 to October 7, 1982


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M-B Journal

Quoted (Sanford) 8583

M Creek, B.C.

Bridge, replacement of (Lockstead) 6731, 6845


See: Legislature — Members


See: Metro Transit Operating Co.

MURB program

See: Multiple-unit residential building program

McAlary, Richard

Quoted (Heinrich) 6974

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 6898

McAllister, Peter

Mentioned: (King) 7589

McAlpine, John

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 8335

McAlpine, Roberts and Hordo

Rogers, C.S., letter to law firm re Prince George ALR exclusion (Lea) Q. 7230

McAskill, Al R.

Letter quoted (King) 6775-6

McBride, Sir Richard

Mentioned: (Williams) 8746

See also: Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia

McCarthy, Hon. Grace M., (Vancouver-Little Mountain) Minister of Human Resources

Address in reply 6718-22

Alcoholism, treatment programs, ministerial responsibility for 8284

B.C. Place, benefits of 6719

B.C. Place, benefits of, job creation 6719, 7060

B.C. Place, urban renewal project 7060

B.C. Teachers Federation, politicization of 9537

Budget debate 7058-61, 7163-5

Cabinet Committee on Employment Development 7163

Cabinet Committee on Employment Development, establishment of 9636

Cabinet Committee on Employment Development, funds 8584

Cabinet Committee on Employment Development, funds, programs, placing of under committee 8286

Cabinet Committee on Employment Development, meetings with other levels of government 8586

Cabinet Committee on Employment Development, responsibilities of 8277, 8584

Capital spending, government program 8585

Captain Cook Bicentennial celebration 8725

Chance program 8222, 8284, 9536

Chance program, need for, case of Melissa referred to 8284-5

Chance program, number of aides 8253

Chance program, number of aides, increase in 8253

Chance program, number of children 8253

Chance program, success of 8253

Chance program, retention of in Human Resources ministry 8275

Child abuse, increase in awareness of 8284

Child apprehension, data re parents of children apprehended, 1979 to present, A. 8316

Children, involvement of legal system in dealing with 8262, 8269

Children, legal services for, provision of by Attorney General ministry 8252, 8275

Children, severely disabled, review of services to, report on 8252

Children, sexual abuse of, Helpline for Children 8267

Children, sexual abuse of, Human Resources ministry training program 8267

Children's Hospital, completion and opening of 7058

Coal, northeast, development of, benefits 7060

Coal, northeast, job creation 6719, 7060, 7482

Colleges, institutes established under present government 9538

Community recovery program 9637

Compensation Stabilization Act 7480-2

Constitution, patriation of, role of W.R. Bennett in meetings re 6718

Council of the 80s, meetings, number of, where held and numbers attending, A. 8314

Council of the 80s members, A. 8314-5

Council of the 80s members, payments to, remuneration, expenses, A. 8315

Council of the 80s members, place of residence, A. 8314-5

Dawson, Isabel, tribute to 8223

Day-care centres, government cheques, delays in receipt of 8292

Day-care facilities, number of new spaces created 8248

Day care, integration of special needs children 8222, 8253

Day care, national conference on, attendance at 8292 (Brown) 8290

Day-care program 6721

Day care, special needs day care 8222, 8252

Day-care subsidy, eligibility for 6721

Day-care subsidy, increase in 8225, 8248

Day-care subsidy, increase in allowable income level 8225, 8248

Day-care vacancies, Victoria 6721

Debt under former government 7163

Demonstration against Human Resources ministry policies 8279, 8280-1

Drug use review program 8223

Eagle Rock Ranch, allegations re owner 8267, 8277

Eagle Rock Ranch, allegations re owner, investigation into 8274

Economic blueprint for B.C. 9369-70

Economic conditions and people's loss of confidence 9369

Economy of B.C. 7480-1

Education costs, operating cost per pupil in B.C. 9538

Education, government priority for 9537-8

Elderly, bus passes for 8223

Elderly, bus passes, increase in cost of 6718

Elderly, counsellors for, development of program 8223

Elderly, housing programs for 6718

Elderly, information service for, development of 6718, 8223

Elderly, programs for 8222-3

Elderly, services to 6718-9

Employment Development Act 8584-6

Expo 86 and Vancouver centennial celebration 8724

Expo 86, benefits of 7061, 7728-9

Expo 86, job creation 7728

Expo 86, lottery, establishment of 7061

Family Relations Act, amendments to 8248

Forest industries, employment-bridging assistance program 8585, 8586

Forest industries, employment-bridging assistance program, funding for 8286

GAIN, handicapped recipients, eligibility of for Christmas bonus 8284

GAIN, handicapped recipients, receipt of cheques prior to Christmas, A. 6671

GAIN program for elderly 8222

GAIN rates, increase in 7058

GAIN rates, increase in and cost-of-living increases 8286

Handicapped, achievement centres, increase in appropriation 8253

Handicapped, achievement centres, pay levels 8253

Handicapped, integration of into school system 9536

Handicapped, life-skills training program 8222

Helpline for Children 8267, 8284

Helpline for Children, advertisement of 8284

Helpline for Children, analysis of calls to, 1979 to present, A. 8315-6

Helpline for Children, success of 8248

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act 9261-3

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act, timing of 9261

Homeowner interest assistance program, benefit to house construction industry 9262

Homeowner interest assistance program, benefits of 9262

Homeowner interest assistance program, benefits of to first-time homeowners 9262

Homeowner interest assistance program, establishment of 9637

Homeowner interest assistance program, funds made available by, use of 9262

Homeowner interest assistance program, repayment 9261-2

Hospitals, Vancouver-Little Mountain constituency, number of and parking problems 9587-8

Housing, employment development funds for 8284

Housing initiative program, establishment of 9637

Housing situation in B.C. 8585

Human Resources ministry, allocation of time to 8291-2 (Brown) 8290, 8291

Human Resources ministry, appropriation, increase in 8222

Human Resources ministry cases, number of professionals involved in 8262

Human Resources ministry, estimates 8222-5, 8247-8, 8251-3, 8257, 8257-8, 8261-2, 8267-9, 8274, 8275, 8277, 8278-9, 8280-1, 8283-5, 8286, 8287, 8291-2

Human Resources ministry, investigation into five individuals 8278-9

Human Resources ministry, investigation into five individuals, ombudsman report on 8278, 8279

Human Resources ministry, politicization of, allegation re 8268

Human Resources ministry, Port Hardy district facilities, NDP tour of 8268

Human Resources ministry, Port Hardy district office, NDP press release re 8268

Human Resources ministry staff, tribute to 8248, 8284

Income assistance program, accounting procedures manual, A. 8533

Income assistance program, auditor-general's audit of, A. 8532-3

Income assistance program, cost-sharing agreements, problems re, A. 8533

Individual Opportunity Plan clients, number of 8224

Individual Opportunity Plan clients, placement of in employment 8261-2

Individual Opportunity Plan, programs 8224

Individual Opportunity Plan, report on 8261

Individual Opportunity Plan, success of 6719, 6720, 8223-4, 8257, 8261

Individual Opportunity Plan, success of, cases cited 7059-60

Industry, high-technology, job creation in 8585

Infant development program, Port Hardy area, establishment of 8267

Infant development program, Port Hardy area, press release re program 8267

Infant development program, success of 8252

Infant development program, transfer of to Health ministry 8275

Interest rate, decline in and need for homeowner interest assistance program 9262

International Year of Disabled Persons, provincial contribution 8222

Job action program 8257, 8258

Job action program, appropriation, increase in 8258

Job action program, number of recipients 8261

Job action program, placement of participants in employment 8258

Job creation 7164, 9370

Job Creation Council of British Columbia Act 9636-8

Job-creation program, number of jobs, A. 9405

Job-creation programs 9637

Job training 8585-6

Kelly, Isabel, appointment of 8248

Lions Gate Bridge, lighting of for centennial, proposal for 8725

McCarthy, R.B., allegations re unpaid municipal taxes 8169

Maintenance orders, enforcement of 7164, 8248, 8292

Maintenance unit, establishment of 8248

Manpower planning and training 8585

Members, conduct of in House, use of personal attacks 8169-70

Mentally handicapped, institutions, program for depopulation of 8252

Mentally handicapped, number of in receipt of government assistance 8253

Mentally handicapped, Powell River, need for full-time coordinator 8285

Mentally handicapped, residential program for, appropriation 8252

Mentally handicapped, residential program for, development of 8222, 8252-3

Mentally handicapped, residential program for, increased costs and number served 8253

Mentally handicapped, skills-training program 8252

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1982) 8577

Municipal Amendment Act (No. 2) , (1982) 8169-70

Municipal works project, NDP proposal for 9637

Office, appropriation, reduction in (Brown) 8291

Parking, identification cards for cars, legality of, A. 9588

Parking, identification cards for visitors' cars, issuing of, A. 9587

Pharmacare 8223

Pharmacare, number of persons in receipt of payments, 1977 to present, A. 8317

Pharmacare, total cost of drugs, 1977 to present, A. 8317

Pharmacare, total payments to patients, 1977 to date, A. 8317

Pharmacare, total payments to pharmacists, 1977 to date, A. 8317

Productivity, decrease in 7481

Provincial rehabilitation and employment program, reason for failure of 6720

Provincial rehabilitation and employment program, replacement of by Individual Opportunity Program 8676

Public service employees, job security 7480

Public service, wage levels 7482

Public service, women, wage levels and income assistance rates 7481

Salary, reduction in (Brown) 8291

School children, enrolment, decline in 9538

School Services (Interim) Act 9536-9

School Services (Interim) Act, criticism of 9536

Service industry, assistance to 9370

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program, increase in maximum allowable rent 8222-3, 8253

Skilled labour, training of 7164

Small Business Development Act 9369-71

Small Business Development Act, debate on, presence of opposition members for 9370

Small Business Development Act, job creation under act 9370

Social assistance applicants, waiting period for appointments 9507

Social assistance, eligibility for, increased strictness in guidelines for, A. 9650

Social assistance, fraud cases, number of, convictions and amount involved, 1976 to present, A. 8613

Social assistance, fraud inspectors, names, salaries, previous occupations and location of, A. 8613

Social assistance, fraud investigation, administrative staff, number of, A. 8613

Social assistance, fraud investigation, cost of, A. 8613

Social assistance rates, increase in 8225

Social assistance recipients, change in policy re 7059

Social assistance recipients, complaints re possible fraud, investigation into 8278-9

Social assistance recipients, counselling for 8261

Social assistance recipients, earnings exemption, increase in 8286

Social assistance recipients, earnings exemption increase, pilot project 8286

Social assistance recipients, employable recipients 6719-20

Social assistance recipients, employable single parents 6719-20, 7059, 8261

Social assistance recipients, employable single parents, training of for employment 6721-2

Social assistance recipients, job action program, success of 6720-1

Social assistance recipients, long-term recipients 8287

Social assistance recipients, number moving off welfare 7059, 8224, 8284

Social assistance recipients, number of 8261

Social assistance recipients, number of placed in employment, 1976 to present, A. 8614

Social assistance recipients, placement of in employment, subsidization of, A. 8614

Social assistance recipients, placement of in employment through federal Department of Employment and Immigration, A. 8614

Social assistance recipients, second- and third-generation recipients 6722

Social assistance, restriction on eligibility based on place of residence 8284

Superintendent of child welfare, full-time superintendent, provision of 8252, 8253

Taxes, payment of 7164

Teachers, increase in number employed and decline in enrolment 9538

Teachers, job protection under School Services (Interim) Act 9537, 9539

Teachers, non-instructional days, loss of pay for 9539

Teachers, salaries, increase in 9537, 9538-9

Transpo 86 Corporation Amendment Act (1982) 7728-9

Travel, Ottawa-Vancouver trip, use of first-class, A. 8054, A. 8078 (Hall) Q. 8054, Q. 8078

Travel, use of first-class (Brown) 8291

Tribute to (Jordan) 8293

Unemployment 7058-9, 8587

Unemployment insurance benefits, delay in and need for social assistance 8284

United Nations World Assembly on Aging, B.C. programs 8222

Vancouver Canucks, newspaper ads re success of, expenditure on, A. 7468

Vancouver, centennial celebration 8724-5

Vancouver Centennial Celebration Act 8724-5

Vancouver convention centre, benefits of 6719

Vancouver convention centre, benefits of, job creation 7061

Vancouver convention centre, revenue from (McCarthy) 7061

Vancouver convention centre, trade shows, convention business sold 6719

Vancouver stadium, construction of, job creation 7060

Vancouver transit, ALRT system 6719

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, job creation 7061

Vancouver ward system, NDP vote on amendment re 8724

Wages, private sector wages, restraint programs 7480

Women's non-traditional employment program, establishment of 8586

Work-sharing, wage-sharing, case cited 7481

Youth employment program 8584-5

Youth employment program, criteria for programs 8277

McCarthy, J.L.

Wildlife Act, hearings on (Nicolson) 8430 (Rogers) 8514 (Skelly) 8526

McCarthy, Joseph

Mentioned: (Barber) 8843

McCarthy, Raymond Blake

Creston municipal taxes, payment of (Lauk) 7304 (Nicolson) Q. 7291, 7305

Government aircraft, use of (Passarell) Q. 8231-2 (Fraser) A. 8232, A. 8428

Municipal taxes, unpaid, allegations re (Barber) 8167-8 (Howard) 8170-1 (McCarthy) 8169

Terrace municipal taxes, late payment of (Howard) Q. 7150 (Vander Zalm) A. 7150

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 7304

McClelland, Hon. Robert H., (Langley) Minister of Labour*

Address in reply 6732-5

Agricultural Land Commission, terms of reference re industrial land, A. 7191

Amax of Canada Ltd., mine tailings, disposal of, inquiries into 7836

Automobile conversion to natural gas use, training program 7731

Barrett, David, China trip during premiership 8502

Barrett, David, Japan trip during premiership 8502

Barrett, David, office during premiership, overruns 7374

Bonds, B.C. bonds, rating of 7375, 7721, 7803

Bonner, Robert, salary 7373

B.C. Coal Ltd., Greenhills mine 7730

B.C. Hydro, accountability of 7726, 7743, 7798

B.C. Hydro, annual reports, 1980-81, 1981-82, copies printed, A. 8450

B.C. Hydro, annual reports, 1980-81, 1981-82, production and distribution costs, A. 8450

B.C. Hydro, annual reports, recipients of, A. 8450

B.C. Hydro assets, sale of, government's intentions re 7799

B.C. Hydro, board of directors 7726, 7740, 7803

B.C. Hydro, borrowing, approval of by Minister of Finance 7747-8, 7798

B.C. Hydro, borrowing, increase in during NDP administration 7725, 7803

B.C. Hydro, borrowing, increase in, use of funds 7742, 7798

B.C. Hydro, borrowing needs, reduction in 7721

B.C. Hydro, borrowing power, increase in 7721

B.C. Hydro, borrowing power, increase in and provision of cushion for future 7721, 7747

B.C. Hydro, Burrard Inlet power plant, use of 7725

B.C. Hydro debt, interest on, percentage of user's Hydro bill for 7798, 7799

B.C. Hydro debt, percentage of gross provincial product 7721, 7798

B.C. Hydro, Dunsmuir substation, sabotage of 7903

B.C. Hydro, Dunsmuir substation, sabotage of, investigation into 7903

B.C. Hydro, “Energy Blueprint, 1981”, and 1982, printing and distribution costs, A. 8491

B.C. Hydro, geothermal studies, borrowing for 7742, 7748

B.C. Hydro, Hat Creek power project, borrowing for 7742, 7748

B.C. Hydro, Homathko River power project, engineering studies for 7748

B.C. Hydro, Homathko River studies, borrowing for 7742, 7748

B.C. Hydro, Keenleyside Dam, petition re 7923

B.C. Hydro, Keenleyside Dam, petition re, tabling of 7819

B.C. Hydro leases, payments for, guarantee of by province 7741, 7750

B.C. Hydro, management of 7743

B.C. Hydro, Murphy Creek dam, petition re 7923

B.C. Hydro, natural gas distribution system, borrowing for 7748

B.C. Hydro, natural gas rate 7744, 7751-2

B.C. Hydro, natural gas services, capital requirements for 7721

B.C. Hydro operating costs, increased efficiency and reduction in 7726, 7740, 7749, 7803

B.C. Hydro power projects, expenditures on unapproved developments 7750-1

B.C. Hydropower projects, plan for, examination of 7750, 7751

B.C. Hydro power projects, preliminary work for 8808

B.C. Hydro power projects, waste in construction of 7742

B.C. Hydro power, sale of to Point Roberts, Hyder in Alaska 7726, 7803

B.C. Hydro power, sale of to U.S. 7725-6, 7803

B.C. Hydro railway service, upgrading of, borrowing for 7742, 7748

B.C. Hydro rates, hearings on 8755

B.C. Hydro rates, increase in, B.C. Utilities Commission hearings on 7751

B.C. Hydro rates, increase in, industrial customers, A. 6864

B.C. Hydro rates, increase in, interim rate increase 7726

B.C. Hydro rates, increase in, 1966 to present 7798

B.C. Hydro rates, regulation of by B.C. Utilities Commission 7726, 7740, 7798

B.C. Hydro, regulation of by B.C. Utilities Commission 7740, 7803

B.C. Hydro, research centre in Burnaby, visit to 7962

B.C. Hydro revenues, use of, rate-stabilization fund 7726, 7799, 7803

B.C. Hydro sinking funds, contributions to 7721, 7799

B.C. Hydro staff, audit and supervision of 7803

B.C. Hydro, system plan, review of by B.C. Utilities Commission 7836-7

B.C. Hydro, Texada Island reactor, damage to 7903

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, borrowing for 7740, 7742, 7748

B.C. Place, construction of 6734

B.C. Utilities Commission, appropriation, reduction in 8039

B.C. Utilities Commission, establishment of 8753

B.C. Utilities Commission, office expenses, furniture, appropriation for 8039

B.C. Utilities Commission, travel, appropriation for 8040

Carolin Mines Ltd., culvert, construction of 7840, 7968

Carolin Mines Ltd., cyanide spill, charges laid 7840, 7968

Carolin Mines Ltd., metal-mines guidelines process 7840, 7968

Carolin Mines Ltd., metal-mines guidelines process, public hearings 7840

Carolin Mines Ltd., metal-mines guidelines, stage 2 assessment, representations re, A. 7370

Carolin Mines Ltd., violation of Mining Regulation Act, charges re 7840

Carolin Mines Ltd., visit to 7968

Cassiar Asbestos Corp., use of Cottonwood River for power development 7837

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 7, amendment to (Motion 34) 9306-8

Cinola gold-mine, public hearing, funds for research and brief for 7842-3

Coal Amendment Act, 1982 (Bill 78) 1R, 9057

Coal development, guidelines for, implementation of 7731

Coal, guidelines for coal development projects, public hearings held, A. 7329

Coal, guidelines for coal development projects, prospectuses filed, A. 7328

Coal, guidelines for coal development projects, reports, A. 7328-9

Coal, guidelines for coal development projects, stage 3 licensing stage, A. 7329

Coal liquefaction programs, funding for 7731

Coal liquefaction research, funding for 7731

Coal, northeast, development of, benefits of 6734-5

Coal, northeast, development of, financing of 6734

Coal, northeast, development of, opposition's position on 6734

Coal, northeast, job creation, number of jobs 9259

Coal, northeast, surcharge on 6734-5

Columbia River Treaty, dam projects, financing of, A. 8491

Columbia River Treaty, generation, transmission and storage facilities, expenditures on, A. 8491

Columbia River Treaty, power development, expenditures on, A. 8491

Cominco Ltd., exemption from regulation of as utility 9058, 9059

Cominco Ltd., loss on operation reported 9058

Cominco Ltd., plant modernization and energy efficiency 7725

Cominco Ltd., power, export of 9058

Cominco Ltd., reopening of, recall of employers 9058

Cominco Ltd., Trail operation, commitment re future of 9059

Cominco Ltd., Trail operation, source of funds for 9059

Cominco Ltd., water-licence increase, economic-impact assessment of, A. 6862

Committee on Crown Corporations meeting, consumption of wine by Frank Howard, Q. 8272

Compensation Stabilization Act 7373-5

Compensation Stabilization Act, Crown corporations, inclusion of under act 7373

Compensation stabilization program, announcement of by Premier 7374

Constitution, patriation of, role of W.R. Bennett in meetings re 6733-4

Crows Nest Resources Ltd., Line Creek coal project 7329, 7730

Deficit financing, rejection of 7372

Denison Mines Ltd., Quintette property 7730

Dome Petroleum Ltd., selection of for LNG export 8804

Dome Petroleum Ltd., Western LNG Project, benefits of to B.C., 1986 to 2005 8004, A. 8847, 8847

Dome Petroleum Ltd., Western LNG Project, B.C. partner in 8804

Dome Petroleum Ltd., Western LNG Project plant, construction of, employment in 8804

Dome Petroleum Ltd., Western LNG Project plant, employment in 8804

Dome Petroleum Ltd., Western LNG Project plant, location of 8804

Dome Petroleum Ltd., Western LNG Project, recommendation re selection of 8919

Duncan Dam, storage, generation transformation, transmission facilities, expenditures on, A. 8491

Dunsky Advertising Ltd. contracts during NDP administration 7374-5

Dynamite, availability of to criminal element 7903

Economic planning 6734

Electric power, conservation of by industry, modernization of machinery 7962

Electric power, demand for, moderation of 7962

Electric power, development of in western North America, proposal for 7961

Electric power, development of, private producers 7731

Electric power developments, alternatives to large dams 7837, 7963

Electric power, fluidized-bed combustion development, borrowing for 7742, 7748

Electric power, hydroelectric facilities, demonstration projects 7731

Electric power, hydroelectric sites, NDP's list of sites for development 7969

Electric power, hydroelectricity as energy source 7962

Electric power, private production, encouragement of new developments, technologies 8753

Electric power, private production, government expertise, financial assistance for 8753

Electric power, private production, price-setting and mediation mechanism for 8753

Electric power, private production, sale of surplus power 8753, 8756

Electric power requirements, forecast of 7747

Electric power, wasted power, recapture of 7725

Electric power, wood waste as source of 7963

Employment Standards Act, provision for VDT operators, A. 9468

Energy agreement, Canada-B.C. agreement 6733, 7731, 7963, 7969

Energy conservation, industrial 7731

Energy conservation, promotion of 7731

Energy conservation, tax concessions for 7962

Energy education projects 7981

Energy information displays, projects 7781-2

Energy matters, hearings on, appointment of a single commissioner for 8754

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 7730-2, 7833, 7834, 7835, 7836-7, 7837, 7839-40, 7842-3, 7957-8, 7960-3, 7968-70, 7976, 7977, 7977-8, 7978, 7981-2, 7984, 7985, 7989, 7989-90, 7991, 8039

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Ministry of, Amendment Act (Bill 77) 1R, 9057

Energy needs, forecasting of 7731

Energy policy 7963

Energy policy, implementation of 7960-1

Energy program, federal, criticisms of 7714-5, 7731-2, 7963

Energy program, federal, effect of on B.C. 7730

Energy project and removal certificates, government's adherence to commitments re 8808

Energy project and removal certificates, limit on powers to vary 8808

Energy project and removal certificates, minister's powers to call for applications 8754

Energy projects, approval of, approval process 7731

Energy resources, pricing of, studies on 7731

Energy sources, alternative sources 7731

Equity Silver Mines Ltd. spill near Houston 7840

Equity Silver Mines Ltd., visit to 7968

Expenditures, restraint on, NDP policy on 7374

Expense account vouchers, access to 7976, 7977 (Barrett) 7941, 7942 (Howard) 7977, 7982 (King) 7946, 7993 (Mussallem) 7947

Expropriation statute, need for 9307

Fording Coal Ltd., mine expansion 7730

“Free and Easy: Low- and No-Cost Household Energy Saving Tips” 7981

Gambier Island mine 7840

Geothermal energy, use of elsewhere 7698

Geothermal Resources Act (Bill 5) 1R, 6711; 7698-9, 7714-5

Geothermal resources, development of 7732, 7963, 7981

Geothermal resources, development of by B.C. Hydro 7715

Geothermal resources, development of by private sector 7714

Geothermal resources, exploration for by private sector 7698

Geothermal resources, exploration operations, regulation of by province 7698

Geothermal resources, exploration permits, issuing of by public tender 7699

Geothermal resources, Meager Creek area, exploration of 7698

Geothermal resources, production plans, requirement for 7698-9

Geothermal resources, recreational use, protection of 7699

Geothermal resources, rights, availability of through competitive bidding system 7698

Geothermal resources, rights, settlement of conflicts re 7699

Geothermal resources, royalties, provision for 7699

Geothermal resources, use of, approval of by B.C. Utilities

Commission 7699

Geothermal resources, use of, electric-power generation 7698

Geothermal resources, use of, industrial processes 7698

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, ELUC hearing on, A. 7191

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, value as agricultural land, A. 7191

Government, discretionary powers, use of by NDP administration 8394

Greenhouse conservation project 7981

Home ownership, level of in B.C. 9307

Hospitals, statement re (Cocke) Q. 8388 (Nielsen) A. 8388

House-renovation manual for energy efficiency 7981

Houses, businesses, insulation of 7962

Housing, low-energy, demonstration projects 7981

Hydro and Power Authority Amendment Act, 1982 (Bill 40) 1R, 7504; 7721, 7725-6, 7740-1, 7741, 7742, 7743, 7744, 7747-8, 7749, 7750-1, 7751, 7751-2, 7809-10

Hydro and Power Authority Amendment Act, 1982, title of act 7809

Industrial development, planning for 6734

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd. shares, purchase of by TMA Western Resources, A. 6964

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., TMA Western Resources Ltd. takeover bid and consumers' interests 8811, 8813

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., takeover of 7837, 8810

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., takeover of, B.C. Utilities Commission decision on 8756, 8814

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., takeover of, hearings on 7751

Job creation 6734

Job creation, government construction projects 6735

Job creation, government's record re, A. 9259, A. 9260

Job creation, new jobs, A. 9468

Keenleyside Dam, Murphy Creek dam, petition re 7809-10, 7810

Keenleyside Dam, storage, generation transformation, transmission facilities, expenditures on, A. 8491

Legislature, bells, working condition of 8423-4

Liard River power project, borrowing for 7748

Libby Reservoir, expenditures to date, funds required for completion 8491

Lime kiln, Port Alberni, wood-waste wet-cell burner 7981

Loretto, Ainslie, campaign work, A. 7190

Lornex Mining Corp. Ltd., copper mine 7730

Medicine, holistic medicine 7961

Megaprojects, NDP policy on and job loss 7374

Merit Oil Co. Ltd., purchase of by federal government 7715

Metal-mines guidelines review process 7731

Mica Creek Dam, storage, generation and transmission facilities, expenditures on, A. 8491

Mine employees laid off 7730, 7834

Mine employees laid off, industry's action re benefits for 7834

Mineral Amendment Act, 1982 (Bill 33) 1R, 6964; 2R discharged 8039

Mineral Amendment Act, 1982, withdrawal of work requirements 7835

Mineral production, value of 7730

Miners, occupational health and safety 7730

Miners, training of 7730-1

Mines coming into production 7730

Mines, new mines opened 6734

Mines, visits to 7958

Mining, claim-staking 7730

Mining exploration, expenditures on 7730

Mining, free-miner's certificate, increased cost of, A. 6896, A. 6897, 7835

Mining, free-miner's certificate, increased cost of, revenue raised 7835

Mining, free-miner's certificate, number issued 7835

Mining industry, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry services to 7834

Mining (Placer) Act, amendments to 7835

Mining, skilled labour, training of 7730-1

Ministers, travel by during NDP administration 7969-70

Murphy Creek power project, borrowing for 7742, 7748

Natural gas, export of, National Energy Board hearings 7731

Natural gas, export of, U.S. exports, 1990 to 1999, dollar benefits to B.C. 8804

Natural gas, export price, price to Japan, U.S., difference in, A. 8847

Natural gas, federal tax on export of 6733, 7715, 7963

Natural gas, federal tax on domestic consumption 7732

Natural gas, fertilizer production from, proposal for 8804

Natural gas, liquefied, export of, proposals for 7833

Natural gas, liquefied, export of to Japan, details re 8918

Natural gas, liquefied, export of to Japan, proposals for 8804

Natural gas, liquefied, shipbuilding for 7833, 8918-9

Natural gas, liquefied, shipment of in Canadian-built ships 7833, A. 8918-9

Natural gas, petrochemical industry, proposals for 8804

Natural gas, petroleum fees and rentals, cabinet's powers to change 8394

Natural gas, petroleum fees and rentals, increase in, revenue anticipated 8393

Natural gas price, field and wholesale price, formula for 7731

Natural gas price, wellhead price, increase in 7732

Natural gas rate, variations in 8755

Natural gas resource, George Govier report on 8803

Natural gas service to customers, Peace River area, extension of 7958

Natural gas, surplus gas, availability of 8803

Natural gas, surplus gas, inquiry into 7732

Natural gas, surplus gas, use of 7732, 8803

Natural gas, use of to produce electric power, environmental problems 7725

Natural gas, Vancouver Island, industrial customers' access to 7834

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, applications from companies re 7731, 7834

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, B.C. Utilities Commission hearings on 7731, 7834

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, company briefs on 7748

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, hearings on 7741

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, hearings on, appointment of commissioner 8756, 8807

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline studies, borrowing for 7748, 7751

Natural resources, development of 7732

Natural resources, ownership of, NDP position on 7969

The New Frontier, changes in from 1977 report, A. 9219

The New Frontier, resemblance of to 1977 report, A. 9219

New York trip 7972-3 (Howard) 7973-4 (Lea) 7958

New York trip, expense account vouchers, approval of, A. 8021 (Howard) Q. 8021

New York trip, expenses incurred 7973, A. 8021 (Barber) 7952 (Barrett) 7941 (Howard) 7982, 7995, Q. 8021, 8856 (King) 8856

New York trip, expenses incurred, authorization for (Barrett) 7988-9, 7990-1 (Howard) 7973

New York trip, expenses incurred, procedure re (Lauk) Q. 8054 (Curtis) A. 8054

New York trip, expenses incurred, statement to House re (Howard) 7973-4 (Speaker) 8076

New York trip, purpose of 7972, 7989

New York trip, schedule followed 7972

New York trip, theatre, choice of show visited 7976, 7991

New York trip, theatre tickets, arrangements for 7973, 7991 (Barrett) 7991, 7992 (Macdonald) 7978

New York trip, theatre tickets, cost of 7973 (Barrett) 7941, 7942, 7943, 7944 (Howard) Q. 7924

New York trip, theatre tickets, payment for 7973, 7976, 7978, 7991 (Barrett) 7988, 7991-2 (Hewitt) 7992 (Howard) 7974, 7982 (King) 7993 (Macdonald) 7976, 7977, 7978

New York trip, theatre tickets, purchase of through scalper (Howard) Q. 7924

New York trip, use of limousine (Barrett) 7941 (D’Arcy) 7944 (Howard) Q. 7924, 7983 (King) 7946, 7993-4 (Levi) 7945

New York trip, use of limousine, arrangements for 7972-3, 7990 (Howard) 7994-5

New York trip, use of limousine, cost of 7973 (Howard) Q. 7924, 7982

New York trip, use of limousine, payment for 7973 (King) 7994

New York trip, use of limousine, tip for 7990 (Barrett) 7942-3, 7944, 7990 (King) 7946 (Levi) 7945

Nuclear power 7961

Nuclear reactor, planning for during NDP administration 7961

Ocelot Industries Ltd., methanol plant in Kitimat 6734

O'Donnel River, placer operations 7836

Office, appropriation for (Barber) 7938 (Howard) 7939, 7957

Office, appropriation, reduction in (D’Arcy) 7937 (Howard) 7984

Office expenses, increase in (Barrett) 7357

Office expenses, review of in future 7973

Office furniture 7958, 8502

Offshore resources, development of (McClelland) 6733, 7732

Peace River, Site C dam, borrowing for 7742, 7748

Peace River, Site C dam, B.C. Utilities Commission hearings on 7731, 7836

Petro-Canada, payment for 7715

Petrofina, purchase of by federal government 7715

Petroleum and Natural Gas Amendment Act, 1982 (Bill 56) 1R, 8312; 8393, 8393-4, 8567

Petroleum and Natural Gas Amendment Act, 1982, implementation of 8393

Petroleum industry, Canadianization of, federal policy on 7731-2

Petroleum industry, incentive taxes, payment of by federal government 6733

Petroleum industry revenue, decline in 7730

Petroleum industry, trade regulation, ministerial responsibility for 8753, 8756

Petroleum permits, leases, fees and rentals for, increase in 8393

Petroleum products, emergency regulation of, ministerial responsibility for 8753

Petroleum resources division, cost of and revenue from fees and rentals 8567

Petroleum, tertiary recovery methods, examination of 7731

Photographs; inclusion of ministerial assistants in pictures (Lea) Q. 8164

Photographs, use of an outside photographer for, A. 8163 (Lea) Q. 8163, Q. 8164

Pier B-C project, job creation in construction of 6735

Privilege-statement attributed to by D.G. Cocke 8391

Privilege-statement to Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economic Affairs re access to ministerial expense vouchers 7865

Property, ownership of, NDP policy on 9306, 9307

Property, right to 9306-8

Property rights, inclusion of in constitution, role of federal NDP 9307

Prospectors' assistance grant, reduction in, A. 6862-3

Quebec, provincial debt 7373

Resignation, proposal for 7985 (Howard) 7985, 8021

Revelstoke Canyon Dam, borrowing for 7742, 7748

Sawmills, kiln-drying, use of wood waste for 7962

Social programs, expenditures on and restraint program 7373

Solar energy, demonstration projects 7962

Solar energy, water-heating projects 7981

Solar-heating projects 7981, 7982

Stikine River power project, borrowing for 7748

Task Force on Single Industry Towns 7836

Taxation, increase in, rejection of 7373

Teck Corp., Bullmoose property 7730

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 8502

Travel, appropriation, increase in 7958 (Barrett) 7941-2 (D’Arcy) 7944, 7978 (Howard) 7939, 7957 (King) 7946 (Lea) 7959 (Skelly) 7944

Travel, appropriation, increase in, increased cost of travel 7958

Travel, expenditure on (Barber) 7951 (Bennett) 7978-80 (Brummet) 7938-9 (Howard) 7983 (Levi) 7945 (Skelly) 7944-5

Travel in B.C. 7960-1, 7968 (Skelly) 7966-7 (Vander Zalm) 7964

Travel, mines visited 7958 (Lea) 7958 (Skelly) 7966-7

Travel outside B.C. (Vander Zalm) 7964

Travel, visits to Fort St. John 7958

Tribute to (Bennett) 7980

Tumbler Ridge, district-heating by coal, proposal for 7982

Tumbler Ridge, establishment of 7730

Tumbler Ridge, problems of 7730

Ucluelet, power supply to, reliability of 7747

Unemployment, forest industries, A. 9260

Utilities Commission Act, amendment to, proposal for 7731

Utilities Commission Act, amendment to re co-generation of power 7747, 7749

Utilities Commission Amendment Act, 1982 (Bill 66) 1R, 8694; 8753-4, 8755-6, 8807, 8808, 8809-10, 8811, 8813, 8813-4, 8814

Utilities Commission Amendment Act, 1982, proclamation of 8756

Utilities companies, capital, approval for raising of 8753

Utilities companies, share ownership in excess of 20 percent, approval of 8753

Utilities companies, shares, transfer of, regulation of 8811

Utilities companies, takeovers and mergers, scrutiny of and recommendations re 8753

Vancouver convention centre, job creation in construction of 6735

W.A.C. Bennett Dam, habitat-damage mitigation, projects, expenditures, A. 7330

W.A.C. Bennett Dam, habitat-damage mitigation, study of, A. 7330

Wage-price controls, NDP program, announcement of 7374

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., B.C. Utilities Commission hearings 9058

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., Cominco Ltd. equity in, reduction in 9058

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., Cominco Ltd. power, guarantees re 9058

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., exemption from Utilities Commission Act 7834

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., hydroelectric plants, financing purchase of 9058

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., hydroelectric plants, purchase of 9058-9

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., hydroelectric plants, purchase price for 9058

West Kootenay Power and Light Co. Ltd., report on waterlicensing rate and exemption application, release of, A. 7713

Wind-farm project, Queen Charlotte Islands 7982

Wind power, energy source on farms 7962

Windmill demonstration project at Rocky Point 7962

Windmill program, Fort St. John 7981

Wood waste and non-commercial forest species, alcohol production from 7731

Wood waste, source of electric power 7725, 7982

Wood waste, utilization of for energy production 7982

Workers Compensation Board, hospital surcharge, elimination of, A. 9613

Workers Compensation Board, hospital surcharge, 6 percent limit on, A. 9613

* Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources to August 10, 1982

McCook, Eric

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315

McCoon, Lloyd

Mentioned: (Barber) 8135

Macdonald, A.D.

Mentioned: (King) 8204

Macdonald, Alexander B. (Vancouver East)

Address in reply 6697-6701

Agricultural Land Commission, government support for 7858

Agricultural land reserve, establishment of, NDP's purpose in 7858

Agricultural land reserve, liquidation of 7410

Agriculture and Food ministry, estimates 7858-61

Anderson, FJ., land on Highway 17, ownership of 7083

Anderson, F.J., relationship to Social Credit Party 7082

Anderson, F.J., role of in Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd. takeover 7082-5, 8808-9

Arms race 8161

Attorney-General ministry, administration and support services, appropriation, reduction in 8408

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 8332-3, 8334-6, 8336-7, 8379, 8407-8, 8408

Attorney-General ministry, legal services to government, appropriation, reduction in 8408

Attorney-General ministry, secretiveness in administration of ministry 8332, 8333, 8334, 8335

Attorney-General ministry, travel, office expenses, office furniture, appropriation, increase in 8408

Automobile drivers, licence suspension, awareness of 8033

Barrett, David, salary as premier 7408

Beer, price of, deregulation of 8679

Bennett, W.R., libel case 7408

B.C. Hydro, natural gas division 7082, 8809

B.C. Hydro, privatization of, plan for 7084, 8809

B.C. Place, transportation facilities for 6698

B.C. Police Commission, head of, appointment to position 8943

B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension 6699

B.C. Research Council, staff commended 7410

B.C. Resources Investment Corp. shares, free shares 9266

B.C. Transit Authority buses, sale and leaseback of 9560

B.C. Utilities Commission, hearing on Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd. takeover 7082

Budget debate 7081-5

Campaign funds, limits on and disclosure of 6701

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, increase in number of challenges as result of 7702

Chilliwack Community Correctional Centre inmates, employment in ship-conversion work, Q. 7027

Coal, alternative energy source to gasoline, petroleum 6697

Coal leases, granting of 6701

Coal, northeast, Anzac line, cost of 6699

Coal, northeast, Anzac line tunnel 7081

Coal, northeast, Denison Mines Ltd. investment, guarantee of 7081

Coal, northeast, development of and southeast coal 6699

Coal, northeast, development of, cost-benefit analysis of 7081

Coal, northeast, development of, management of 7081

Coal, northeast, port charges for 6699-6700

Coal, northeast, Quintette Coal Ltd., guarantee of investment by province 7081

Coal, northeast, surcharge revenue and B.C. Railway debt 9560

Coal, northeast, transport of, losses on 6699

Coal Task Force report 6700, 6701

Commercial Appeals Commission Act 9287

Compensation Stabilization Act 7408-10, 7535, 7574-5, 7575-6

Compensation Stabilization Act, basis for, P.E. Truedeau's request for wage restrictions 7409, 7410

Compensation Stabilization Act, basis for, political basis 7410, 7535

Compensation stabilization program, guidelines for compensation 7535, 7575-6

Compensation stabilization program, guidelines for compensation, Premier's statements re 7575

Constituency boundaries, setting of 6701

Constitutional Question Amendment Act (1982) 7702

Court of Appeal Act 7672

Court of Appeal appeals, hearing of by justices of appeal 7672

Court of Appeal, costs, reviewing of by registrar 7672

Court Order Interest Amendment Act (1982) 8660, 8661

Crofton Manor, sale and resale of, profit on 7410

Crown counsel, dismissal of, L.A. Williams' remarks re 8333

Crown counsel, intimidation of, L.A. Williams' remarks, Q. 7785

Crown counsel, suspension of, guidelines for, Q. 7371

Davidson, K. Walter, Sun Mask Petroleum Corp. share ownership 7084, 8809

Davis, Jack, expense account case, similarity to P.S. Hyndman's case, Q. 7901, Q. 8205, Q. 8206, Q. 8389, Q. 8997

Davis, Jack, expense account, opportunity to make refund prior to criminal investigation into, Q. 7866

Dawn Development Corp., board of directors 7084

Debt under former government, alleged debt 7081

Docksteader, Don, Main and Terminal property, profit on sale of 8111

Docksteader, Don, Main and Terminal property, purchase of 8111

Drinking drivers, funding for educational program for, Q. 9405

Education system, damage to 9560

Election Amendment Act (1982) 8679-80

Election expenses, limitation on, legislation elsewhere 8679, 8680

Election expenses, limitation on, need for 8678

Election funds, public disclosure of, legislation elsewhere 8679

Election funds, public disclosure of, need for 8679, 8680

Elections, 1979 election, allegations re 8680

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 7837, 7976, 7977, 7978, 7980-1

Expropriation, compensation for, replacement value 8658

Expropriation provisions, advance payment provision 8658

Expropriation statute, preparation of during NDP administration 8658

Expropriation statute, proposal for 8658

Federal Republic of Germany, interest rate and economy 9266

Fine payments, jail terms in lieu of, increase in, Q. 8806

Fire insurance companies, investment income, use of 8766

Fire insurance companies, overhead and profit 8765

Fire insurance premiums, tax rate on, setting of 8765

Fire Services Amendment Act (1982) 8765-6

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, profit on sale of 7861

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, removal of from ALR, Q. 7190

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, removal of from ALR, appeal re 7859

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, removal of from ALR, capital gain involved, Q. 7190

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, removal of from ALR, ELUC meeting re, Q. 7190, 7859, 7860-1

Gloucester Properties Ltd., Langley land, value of as agricultural land, Q. 7229

Government information, provision for freedom of information 6700

Health ministry, estimates 8980

Hoem, A.K., dismissal of 8333

Hoem, A.K., dismissal of, reason for, Q 7785

Hoem, A.K., investigation into, Q. 7371

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act 9265-6

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act, regulations 9266

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act, timing of 9265

Horse-racing industry and possible amendments to Criminal Code of Canada 8334

Horse-racing industry, review of, release of report 8332-3

Horse-racing industry, review of, release of report, ombudsman's investigation 8333, 8334

Horse-racing industry, review of, release of report, reasons for non-disclosure 8333, 8334

Housing Corp. of B.C., abolition of 6698, 9266

Housing Corp. of B.C., dividend paid into provincial treasury 7081

Hyndman, P.S., Arizona trip, arrangements prior to, Q. 8995, Q. 8996

Hyndman, P.S., Arizona trip, expenses, Q. 7784, 9108

Hyndman, P.S., Arizona trip, expenses, investigation into 8336

Hyndman, P.S., Arizona trip, meeting with Walter Sterling, Q. 9031

Hyndman, P.S., Arizona trip, meetings with government people, Q. 8996, Q. 9031

Hyndman, P.S., Arizona trip, plans and reservations for, purpose of, Q. 7784

Hyndman, P.S., contravention of section 25 of Constitution Act 9108

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, alleged change in invoice, Q. 8205

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, Clark Davey dinner, investigation into 8336

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, inquiry into, Q. 7901

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, interview with auditor-general re matter of, Q. 7865

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, investigation into by criminal justice division 8336

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, letter to acting comptroller general re matter of, Q. 7865

Hyndman, P. S., expenses, letter to auditor-general re matter of, Q. 7865

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, meeting with Premier re, Q. 7901, Q. 8055

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, refund following meeting with Premier, Q. 9032

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, refund to acting comptroller general, Q. 7866

Hyndman, P.S., expenses, refund to acting comptroller general, discussions re, Q. 7901

Hyndman, P.S., Montreal hotel room, cost of, Q. 8996

Hyndman, P.S., resignation of, request for, Q. 8997

Hyndman, P.S., vacating of seat by 9108

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., order-in-council 769, timing of, Q. 8761

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., rate increase application, government intervention in, Q. 9467

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., rate increase application, Premier's awareness of, Q. 9467

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., shares, price of 7085

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., shares, purchase of by R.J. Bennett 7082

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., shares, purchase of by TMA Western Resources, Q. 6964, Q. 6965

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., takeover of 7082-5, 7837, 8808-9, 8810-1

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., takeover of by Trans Mountain Pipe Line Co. Ltd., adjournment to debate 9614

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., takeover of, intervention of Attorney-General ministry 8811, 8812

Insurance Corp. of B.C., administrative costs 8765

Insurance Corp. of B.C., fire insurance business, share of 8765

Interest rate, decline in 9265

Judgments, interest, disputes over amount of 8661

Judgments, pre-judgment interest rate 8660

Junior League of Vancouver, photocopier donation to, authorization of by Premier, Q. 7971

Junior League of Vancouver, photocopier donation to by P.S. Hyndman, Q. 7971

Junior League of Vancouver, photocopier donation to, interview with auditor-general re, Q. 7971

Kinsella, Patrick, appointment of 6697

Kinsella, Patrick, role of in conduct of election campaign, Q. 6711

Land Title Amendment Act (1982) 8944-5, 8978-9, 8980

Land titles, registrar's authority to refuse a title search 8944-5, 8978-9

Land titles, registrar's decisions on title searches, appeal from 8944-5

Lawyers, criticism of, case cited 6700

Legal aid in criminal cases, restriction on and breach of legislation, Q. 9220

Legal aid, user fee, imposition of, Q. 9219, Q. 9220

Liberal Party members in B.C. 7409

Liquor licences, appeals to cabinet re 9287

Lovat Tunnel Equipment Inc. mole, use of for ALRT system tunnel 8122

McClelland, R.H., New York trip, tickets to theatre, arrangements for 7978

McClelland, R.H., New York trip, tickets to theatre, payment for 7976, 7977, 7978

Macdonald, Ben, relationship to Social Credit Party 7082

Macdonald, Ben, role of in Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd. takeover 7082-5, 8808-9

Medicine, preventive, priority for 8980

Ministers, expense account vouchers, ruling re examination of, Q. 8509

Ministers, expense account vouchers, ruling re security of, Q. 8508

Ministers, travel appropriation, increase in 7409

Ministers, travel by, expenditures on 7981

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3) , (1982) 9592

Moran, Mickey, charge against, inquiry into dropping of 8335

Motion 22, debate on 7171

Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2) , (1982) 9110

Multiple-unit residential building program, tax benefits 6697-8

Municipal Affairs ministry, 8110-3, 8114-5, 8122

Native court workers program, cutbacks in, Q. 9509

Natural gas, use as alternative to gasoline 6697

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, cost of 6699, 6700

Natural gas, Vancouver Island pipeline, postponement of 6699

Nielsen, J.A., expenses, change in invoice for Inn of the North lunch, investigation into 8336

Nuclear disarmament, support for 8161

O&K Tract Development Ltd., formation of 8111

O&K Tract Development Ltd., Main Street property 8112

Ocean Construction Supplies Ltd., Main Street property 8111

Offence Amendment Act (1982) 8033

Olma brothers, Main and Terminal property, purchase of 8111

Olma brothers, pub licence 7083

Olma brothers, support for Social Credit Party 8114

Olson case, public inquest, Attorney-General's powers re 8332, 8335

Olson case, public inquest, holding of, Q. 8165, 8332, 8335

Pacific National Exhibition, management of 6697

Pacific National Exhibition, ousting of minor hockey 6697

Pacific National Exhibition, referring of to court for declaratory judgment 8379

Pacific National Exhibition trust case, intervention of Attorney-General in 8379

Parking, identification cards for cars, issuing of by political party's constituency office, Q. 9588

Phillips, D.M., travel, expenditures on 7410

Police Amendment Act (1982) 8942-3, 8975, 8976

Police boards, appointments to, consultation re 8942, 8943, 8975, 8976

Pub licences, neighbourhood, hearings on 7083

Pubs, neighbourhood, licensing of 6700

Public ethics, need fr code of 6700-1

Public money, use of for partisan political purposes 6700

Public service, control of patronage in 6700

Public service, wage increases, past increases 7410

Real estate transactions, profits on 7410

Renters, assistance to 9266

Rigg, Andrew, impaired-driving charge, inquiry into handling of 8335

Rigg, Andrew, Les Bewley's statements re 8335

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, policing costs to municipalities 8943

Savings and Trust Corporation of British Columbia Act, proclamation of 9266

School districts, non-shareable capital funds, use of to meet operating costs 9560

School Services (Interim) Act 9559-61

School Services (Interim) Act, consultation re 9559

School tax base, non-residential tax base, loss of 9559

Special Appropriation Act 8006

Special-education programs, preservation of 9560

Spetifore, George, Delta property, mortgaging of 7083-4

Spetifore, George, Delta property, possible use of as LNG terminal 7084

Spetifore, George, Delta property, profit on sale of 7859

Spetifore, George, Delta property, profit on sale of, minister's awareness of, Q. 7711

Spetifore, George, Delta property, removal of from ALR 7083-4, 7858-9

Spetifore, George, Delta property, removal of from ALR, Walter Davidson's representations re 7859

Spetifore, George, Delta property, return of to ALR, Q. 7712

Spetifore, George, Delta property, use of for luxury housing, minister's awareness of, Q. 7711-2

Spetifore, George, Delta property, written representations from Walter Davidson re, Q. 7711

Spetifore, George, loan to 7859

Succession duties, abolition of 6698

Sun Mask Petroleum Corp., board of directors 7084

Sweden, unemployment rate 9266

Transpo `86 board, city of Vancouver appointments to, Q. 7609

Transpo `86, site for 6698

Trials, length and cost of, narcotics trial mentioned 8339

Urban Transit Authority Amendment Act (1982) 8658

Utilities Commission Act, section 61, amendment to 7837

Utilities Commission Amendment Act (1982) 8808-9, 8810-1, 8811, 8812

Utilities Commission Amendment Act, 1982, retroactivity of 8809, 8814

Vancouver convention centre, construction of 6698

Vancouver convention centre, transportation facilities for 6698

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, Commercial and Broadway section 8122

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, Commercial Drive section, tunnel proposal 8006

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, Main and Terminal station, agreement re 8112, 8114

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, Main and Terminal station, location of 8113

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, Main and Terminal station, purchase of site 8114

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, stations, commercial development 8111, 8112

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, stations, public ownership of air rights 8111, 8112

Vancouver transit, ALRT system, tunnels for 8658

Vancouver, ward system, representations to Municipal Affairs ministry re, Q. 7505

Vancouver, ward system, role of Michael Harcourt in, Q. 7505

Wage controls, effect of on inflation rate 7409

Williams, L.A., office appropriation, reduction in 8408

Macdonald, Ben

Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., takeover of, role in (Macdonald) 7082-5, 8808-9

Social Credit Party, relationship to (Macdonald) 7082

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 6964, 7025, 7084, 7834, 8761, 8811, 9467, 9614

Macdonald, Dorothy (Mrs. A.B.)

Mentioned: (Fraser) 8428

McDonald, Hugh

Quoted (Levi) 7618-9

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 8950, 8951

McDonald, Jim

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8613

McDonald's Hamburgers

Bun contract, preference to B.C. company (Wallace) Q. 9259 (Schroeder) A. 9259

Bun contract to Seattle bakery and McGavin Foods Ltd. jobs (Leggatt) 9355 (Schroeder) A. 9259 (Wallace) Q. 9259

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 8006

Macdonell, James

Quoted (Gardom) 8920

MacEachen, Allen J.

Telex to quoted (Curtis) 8312

Mentioned: (Barrett) 6792, 7353, 7354, 7357, 8414, 9463 (Cocke) 6806 (Curtis) 7639, 8245, 8147, 8902, 8903 (D’Arcy) 9432 (Davis) 8640 (Gabelmann) 6640, 6642, 7371 (Gardom) 8920, 8921 (Hewitt) 7388 (Howard) 7385, 8898, 9421, 9423, 9434, 9435 (Lea) 6637, 9335 (Lorimer) 9412 (McClelland) 8393 (Macdonald) 7575 (Strachan) 6651, 6653 (Stupich) 9386 (Vander Zalm) 8098

McEachern, Allan

Quoted (Levi) 7675

McEachern, Bill

Mentioned: (Hall) 7879

McFadyen, Keith A.

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8613

McGarry, Robert

Letter quoted (Hanson) 8881

McGavin Foods Ltd.

McDonald's restaurant bun contract and jobs (Leggatt) 9355 (Schroeder) A. 9259 (Wallace) Q. 9259

McGeer, Gerald

Mentioned: (Barrett) 6792

McGeer, Hon. Patrick L., (Vancouver-Point Grey) Minister of Universities, Science and Communications

Absenteeism and competitiveness of industry 8830

Absenteeism, MLA's obligations re setting example 3831

Address in reply 6691-6, 6754-7

Adjournment of House, motion to adjourn 6807-8

Adjournment under standing order 35, use of motion by opposition 8677

Agriculture and Food ministry, estimates 7887-8

Alsands project, cost of 7637

Argentina, economic problems 6754-5, 6756, 7406

Automobiles, conversion of to alternative-fuel use, cost of 7637

Automobiles, conversion of to dual-fuel use 7636

Automobiles using natural gas, production of in Canada 7636

Barrett, David, Ottawa hotel accommodation 7405

Barrett, David, salary as premier, increase in 7405

Bennett, W.R., salary, limiting of as restraint measure, proposal for 7408

B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd. hearings, intervention in, application for funding 8876

Budget debate 6923-6

Cable companies, non-broadcast operations, jurisdiction over, court action re 8738

Canadian Broadcasting Corp. productions, subcontracting of, proposal for 8875

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, receivership, prediction re 8630

Coal, alternative energy source to gasoline, petroleum 6696

Coal, northeast, development of, NDP policy on 6696, 6755

Colleges, women's access programs 8875

Communications, deregulation of, policy re 8738

Communications, jurisdiction over, problems re 8864

Communications policy 8875

Communications satellites, developments in and associated industries 6924-5

Compensation Stabilization Act 7405-8, 7535-6, 7814-5

Compensation stabilization program, guidelines for compensation, lower limit, absence of 7535

Compensation stabilization program, guidelines for compensation, upper limit 7535

David Thompson University Centre, establishment of 8866

Debt, federal, and payments for OPEC petroleum 6925

Debt, federal and provincial debt, comparisons to Poland's debt 8841, 8864

Debt, federal debt, 1982 deficit 8631

Discovery parks 9342

Economy of B.C. 8864

Economy of B.C. during NDP administration 9341

Economy of B.C., NDP policies on control of 6755

Economy, private sector, public sector, balance between 7406

Education costs, salary cost per pupil, increase in 9501

Education, funds for, increase in 9501

Education ministry, estimates 8085

Education, post-secondary, growth of 8864

Education, post-secondary, students from non-metropolitan areas 8866, 8867

Election, 1972, election of NDP 9341

Electric power projects, NDP policy on 6691, 6694

Electric power, surplus, sale of to U.S. 6691

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 7985-7

Energy policy, federal, criticisms of 8630-1

Expenditures, restraint on 6924

Expenditures, restraint on, government program 7406

Expenditures, restraint on, NDP policy on 7406

Expense account, expenditures on entertainment 8866

Federal-provincial shared-cost programs 6756

Forest industry 6695

Gaglardi, P.A., California trip, vouchers for expenses on 7987

Gallium arsenide devices, manufacture of in B.C. 6924

Gasoline, alternative fuels for, distribution network 7636

Gasoline, price of, increase in 7405

Gasoline Tax Amendment Act (1982) 7635-8

Gasoline Tax Amendment Act, 1982, enactment of, role in (Curtis) 7633

Hat Creek power project 6691, 6694, 6755

High-technology manufacturing industry, employment in 9342

High-technology manufacturing industry, expansion of 9343

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act 9252

Hydro and Power Authority Amendment Act (1982) 7810-1

Hydro and Power Authority Amendment Act, 1982, title of act 7811

Hydrogen, production of for use as fuel 7637-8

Independent schools, aid to, NDP stand on 8085

Industries, high-technology industry 6757, 8864-5

Inflation, cause of 6695

Insurance Corp. of B.C., debt during NDP administration 7887

Insurance Corp. of B.C., public opinion survey 7888

Interest rate, decline in, prediction re 9252

Interest rate, high rate, cause of 9252

Interest rate, high rate, effect of 6695, 7406

Iskut River, damming of 6691, 6693

Kane, Julius, retention of position as professor at University of B.C., A. 8739, A. 9107

Knowledge Network commended 8874

Knowledge Network, funding for 8874

Knowledge Network, transponder, payment for 8874

Labour ministry, estimates 8830-1

Liard River, damming of 6691, 6693

MLAs, conduct of in House 7985

Methane as motor vehicle fuel, conference on 7636

Methane, availability of supply for converted automobiles 7636

Methane, safety of 7637

Methane, supply of 7637

Microchip technology, developments in 9343

Microtel Pacific Research Centre, establishment of 9342-3

Ministers, expense account vouchers, access to 7986, 7987

Money, hierarchy in economic value of to society 8631-2

Natural gas, federal tax on 8630

Natural gas, federal tax on, use of revenue 7636

Natural gas, liquefied 6693

Natural gas, use as alternative to gasoline 6695, 6926

Natural gas, use as replacement for petroleum 6695

Natural gas, use of in fishboats 7637

New Democratic Party, election of in 1972, 9502

New Democratic Party, policies 6808

New Democratic Party policies, adoption of by federal government 8630

New Democratic Party, record of election defeats 6694, 6754, 6926, 7408, 8841-2, 9502

New Democratic Party, relationship to labour movement 7814-5

Office appropriation, reduction in (Nicolson) 8866

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and world inflation 6695

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, cost of to B.C. 6695

Petroleum, federal policy on 6925-6

Petroleum, OPEC supply, dependence on 6925-6, 7635

Petroleum price, Shiek Yamani's statement re 7635-6

Petroleum purchases, federal expenditures on 8630

Propane, supply of 7637

Provincial Debt Refinancing Act (1982) 8841-2

Revelstoke Canyon Dam, power supply and power needs 6694

Salary, offer to match David Barrett's salary cut by half as much again 8500

Satellite channels, leasing of to U.S. organizations 6925

Satellites, use of for mineral prospecting 6924

School attendance records, keeping of and increased attendance 8830

School District 44, administrators' salaries 9501

School District 61, heating in schools 9501

School Services (Interim) Act 9500-2

Simon Fraser University day-care centre, funding for 8875

Small Business Development Act 9341-3

Stikine River, damming of 6691, 6693

Student aid program 8874

Students, earning power and value of a degree 8874

Supply Act (No. 2) , (1982) 8630-2

Taxpayer and the public service, relationship between 7814

Teachers, salaries, average salary 9501

Teachers, salaries, increase in 9501

Teachers, workload 9501

Technology, United States, Canada's dependence on 8865

Telecommunications, new developments 6924

Television, European 8875

Television, pay TV, jurisdiction over, court action re 8738

Television programming, production of in Canada, B.C. 8875

Television receiver 8875 (Leggatt) 8871

Television reception in remote areas, problems re 8867-8

Tenure, position on 9221

Transportation and Highways ministry, administration and services department appropriation, reduction in 8500

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 8500

Travel, appropriation for, overrun (Howard) 7108

Travel, expenditures on (Howard) 7386

Universities, access to 8874

Universities Act, amendments to 9107

Universities Act, dismissal of faculty, procedure under act 9107

Universities, appropriation for, increase in, 1975 to present 8866

Universities, faculty, powers of arbitration panel re dismissal of, A. 9107

Universities, faculty salaries 6926

Universities, financial support for 8864

Universities, funds for 6926

Universities, Science and Communications ministry, estimates 8864-5, 8866, 8867, 8867-8, 8874-5, 8876

Universities, tuition fees 6926

Universities, women's programs 8875

University of B.C., engineering faculty, student publications, entertainments 8875

University of B.C., highway to 8874

University of B.C., leave of absence from and possible conflict of interest (Nicolson) Q. 9220 (McGeer) A. 9220

University of B.C., tenured position on faculty (Dailly) Q. 9221 (McGeer) A. 9221

McGill, Bryan

Mentioned: (Jordan) 8732

MacGillis and Gibbs Ltd.

Social Credit Party, contribution to (Howard) Q. 9152

Terrace plant, reopening of and timber supply (Howard) Q. 9152

Timber rights, price paid for (Howard) Q. 9152

Timber rights, sale of (Howard) Q. 9152

McGillivray, Don

Quoted (Barrett) 7348, 7349

McInerney, John

Mentioned: (Passarell) 7836

McInnis, Gary

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 6822

MacIntosh, R.M.

Mentioned: (Curtis) 7653

MacIntyre, David

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 8793

McKay, Ellen

Mentioned: (King) 8689, 8690

Mackay, Harry

Mentioned: (Brown) 8290

McKay, Ruby

Mentioned: (Brown) 8254

McKay-Ward building, Creston, B.C.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 7305

McKenna, J.A.J.

Mentioned: (Williams) 8746

See also: Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia

McKenna-McBride commission on Indian affairs

See: Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia

Mackenzie, B.C.

Airstrip, upgrading of (Fraser) 9028

Unemployment, work-sharing program (Heinrich) 8364

Mackenzie and District Hospital, Mackenzie, B.C.

Closure of (Cocke) Q. 7504 (Nielsen) A. 7523-4

Closure of, D.G. Cocke's statement re (Nielsen) 8959

Cutbacks in services, proposals for (Nielsen) 7524

Operating room, closure of and status of hospital (Cocke) 7524

Mackenzie and District Hospital Advisory Committee

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 7524

Mackenzie constituency

Bella Coola, transfer of to Cariboo constituency (Fraser) 9194

Mackenzie-Grease Trail

Dedication of (Chabot) 8665

Mentioned: (Kempf) 8673

Mackey, Donna

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315

McKim Advertising Ltd.

Government advertising, monopoly on (Dailly) Q. 7758 (Wolfe) A. 7758, 7759

Vice-president's political affiliations and hiring of agency (Dailly) Q. 7758

McKinsey and Co.

Mentioned: (McClelland) 7972

Macklin, Fred

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 8659

MacLaren, C. Woody

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315


Mentioned: (Rogers) 7053

McLeod, M.H.

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8613

McLeod Crane Service Ltd.

Mentioned: (Lockstead) 8402

McLintock, Barbara

Quoted (Heinrich) 6974 (Mussallem) 6969

McLoughlin, Shirley

Mentioned: (Howard) 9434 (Nicolson) 7439

McLuhan, Marshall

Mentioned: (Skelly) 7070

McMaster University

Mentioned: (Gardom) 6921 (Sanford) 8554 (Wallace) 8549

McMath, Robert

Commission, recommendations (Gabelmann) 7220 (Lauk) 6979, 6980, 7195, 7203 (Leggatt) 7244 (Sanford) 6851

MacMillan, H.R.

Mentioned: (Skelly) 7263

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.

Chemainus mill, closure of (Wallace) 8193, 8194 (Waterland) 8195

Chemainus mill employees, problems of in mill closure (Wallace) 8194

Chemainus mill, laid-off workers, protection of jobs (King) Q. 8020 (Waterland) A. 8020

Chemainus mill log supply, transporting of elsewhere (Wallace) 8194

Chemainus mill, reopening of (King) Q. 8020 (Wallace) 8194 (Waterland) A. 8020, 8195

Chemainus mill, upgrading of (Wallace) 8193

Chemainus mill, upgrading of, disposition of funds for (Wallace) Q. 8552

Chemainus mill, wood supply, guarantee re (King) Q. 8020 (Waterland) A. 8020

Employees laid off (Lockstead) 8186

Investment in Alabama operations (Skelly) 8633

Liner board imports, effect of on unemployment, welfare payments (Skelly) Q. 8552

Liner board requirements, import of from U.S. (Skelly) Q. 8552 (Waterland) A. 8552

Log export to China, application for (King) Q. 8551 (Waterland) A. 8551

Log export to China, employment involved in (King) Q. 8551 (Waterland) A. 8551

Logs from taxation tree farm 19, export of (Waterland) 8551

Lois Lake floodgates, opening of and resultant damage (Lockstead) 8564 (Rogers) 8564

Mackenzie constituency plant, shutdowns (Lockstead) 7063

Noranda Mines Ltd., purchase of shares by (Levi) 8202 (Skelly) 8633 (Wallace) 8193 (Waterland) 8203

Operations, moving of to Alabama (Lockstead) 8564

Ownership of (Skelly) 8633

Plant shutdowns, permanency of (Lockstead) Q. 8021 (Waterland) A. 8021

Powell River division employees, eligibility of for employment program (Lockstead) Q. 8021 (Waterland) A. 8021

Powell River division, employees laid off (Lockstead) Q. 8020 (Waterland) A. 8021

Powell River, water-licence fee, increase in (Lockstead) 7414

Quebec Pension Plan, operation of company by (Skelly) 8633

Shares, decline in value of (Bennett) 9206

Zeballos pulp mill, picketing of (Gabelmann) 9025 (Heinrich) 9019

Mentioned: (Barber) 6855, 8139, 8156, 8157, 8158, 8165, 9003 (Barrett) 6790 (Heinrich) 9018, 9019 (Howard) 6997 (King) 6972, 8149, 8211, 9394 (Lea) 6910 (Levi) 7067, 9366 (Lockstead) 6729, 6842 (McClelland) 7962 (Nicolson) 9425 (Sanford) 6738, 8152, 8583 (Skelly) 6819, 7262, 8374, 8481, 9212, 9215, 9599 (Wallace) 8193, 8549 (Waterland) 6745 (Wolfe) 7463

MacMinn, E. George

Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia quoted (Chairman and Deputy Chairman) 9128 (Howard) 7576

Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia mentioned (Barrett) 9322 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 7226, 7428

MacMunn, W.

Mentioned: (Barber) 8853 (Howard) 9031 (Macdonald) 7971

McMurdo, Michael

Admission to Children's Hospital, case cited (Cocke) 8931, 8985

McMurty, T.S.G.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 9099

M'Naghten rule

Mentioned: (Levi) 8341

McNelly, Peter

Mentioned: (McGeer) 6693

McNiven, Helen J.

Mentioned: (Jordan) 9234

McPhee, David

Mentioned: (Gardom) 8920, 8925

MacPherson, Al

Mentioned: (Levi) 8202 (Waterland) 8203

McPherson Park Junior Secondary School, Burnaby, B.C.

Harrison-Lillooet Goldrush Trail, clearing of (Brown) 8664, 8665, 8715 (Chabot) 8664

McRae, R.N.

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 7084

McRuer, J.C.

Mentioned: (Levi) 8341

McTaggart, Ted

Mentioned: (King) 9022

McTaggart-Cowan, Ian

Mentioned: (Rogers) 8430, 8527

Madame Runge Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Gardom) 9436 (Hon. member) 9199 (Vander Zalm) 7691

Madison, James

Quoted (Gardom) 9299

Mahovlich, Mike

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 8700

Mahrt, Erik

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315

Maides, Ron

Mentioned: (Lauk) 8073

Mailhot, Francine

Mentioned: (Hall) 8730

Maintenance (Domestic relations)

See: Separate maintenance

Mair, Rafe

Quoted (Cocke) 7147, 8933

Mentioned: (Barnes) 7117 (Barrett) 7800 (Davis) 7419 (Gabelmann) 9642 (King) 9232 (Lockstead) 9086 (Nicolson) 8430 (Skelly) 8514, 8525, 8526

Makita, Hisao

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 7671 (Phillips) 7671

Malaspina College, Nanaimo, B.C.

Board, appointments to (Smith) 8056 (Wallace) 8056

Employment development account funds (Smith) 8067 (Stupich) 8065

Fees, increase in (Lockstead) 8057

Funds for, increase in (Smith) 8067

Lake Cowichan students, housing grant for (Wallace) 8056

Living allowances for students (Stupich) 8065

Programs offered, changes in (Lockstead) 8057 (Smith) 8056 (Wallace) 8056

Mentioned: (Stupich) 7376, 8064

Malcolm Island, B.C.

Forest land, management of by Forests ministry, opposition to (Gabelmann) 8197

Manco Home Systems Ltd.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 6791


Mentioned: (Lea) 7670


Megaprojects cancelled (Bennett) 9036

Taxes, increase in (Bennett) 9035-6

Treasury bills issued (Curtis) 9386

Manly, Jim

Mentioned: (McClelland) 7810

Mann, Eva

Mentioned: (Barber) 8137

Mann, Lillian

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 8659

Manning, Paul

Mentioned: (King) 6973, 7489 (Leggatt) 7444 (Macdonald) 7409 (Mitchell) 7449 (Skelly) 7474

Manning Park Lodge, Manning Park, B.C.

Rates, increase in (Wallace) 7139

Manson, Alexander

Mentioned: (Levi) 7675

Maple Ridge, B.C.

Revenue-sharing grant, loss to in change in (Barber) 7497

Maple Ridge Amateur Athletic Association

Mentioned: (King) 8709

Maple Ridge Hospital, Maple Ridge, B.C.

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 9013

Maple Ridge School District

See: School District 42

The Maples, Burnaby, B.C.

Beds, new beds (Brown) 8971 (Nielsen) 8983

Eleven-year-old patient, continued treatment for (Wallace) Q. 8762 (Nielsen) A. 8807

Opening of (Brown) 8342

Mentioned: (Lockstead) 7062

March, Ray

Royal Columbian Hospital, allegations re operating rooms, equipment (Nielsen) 8018-20

Mentioned: (Barber) 7615 (Cocke) 8020 (Levi) 7620 (Macdonald) 6700


Establishment of industry, proposal for (Barber) 6856

Promotion of (Lockstead) 6731

Stewart, sea-farming in area (Passarell) 6666

Vancouver Island, development of mariculture (Hanson 6690

Waterfront leases for mariculture (Lockstead) 856; (Rogers) 8564

Waterfront leases for mariculture and TFL in area, problem re (Chabot) 8607 (Lockstead) 8606


Growers, deer repellants, success of (Rogers) 8512-3


Breakwaters, construction of (Nicolson) 8609

Foreshore leases, collections for past trespass (Chabot: 8609

Foreshore leases, increase in, advance payments of (Cha hot) 8609 (Kempf) 8610-1 (Nicolson) 8608

Foreshore leases, increase in, moratorium on (Nicolson; Q. 8207

Foreshore leases, increase in, number of increases (Nicol son) Q. 8207

Foreshore leases, rent-in-advance requirement, number of leases agreed to (Nicolson) Q. 8207

Kokanee Creek Provincial Park marina lease, increase it and advance payment of (Nicolson) 8608

Marine resources

Marine products, marketing strategy for (Barber) 6856

Maritime School of Social Work, Halifax, N.S.

Mentioned: (McClelland) 7375 (Waterland) 7036

Marketing boards

Operation of (Gardom) 7162

Marr, L. Brian

Letter quoted (King) 8989


Licence fee, increase in (Strachan) 7157 (Wallace) 7138

Marriage Act

Licence fee, increase in (Hall) 9456

Marsh, Bruce

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8613

Marshall, Bill

Mentioned: (Brown) 9634

Marshall, Sarjit

Thanked (Phillips) 8757

Marshall Plan

See: Economic assistance, American

Martel, Jimmy

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 9316

Martin, Linda

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 7897

Martin, Norris

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315

Martin, Paul

Mentioned: (Davis) 6831

Martin, Willard

Mentioned: (King) 8464

Martin-Smith, Bernard

Telex quoted (Nielsen) 8949-50

Marubeni Corp.

Mentioned: (Hanson) 7128

Masico Home Systems Ltd.

Mentioned: (Phillips) 9033

Maslove, Allan M.

Wage Controls in Canada, 1975-78: A Study of Public Decision-Making quoted (Barrett) 7348

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 8772


Mentioned: (Lauk) 9409 (Lea) 8624, 8777 (Leggatt) 9354, 9400

Massey Tunnel

See entries under Highway 99

Mathematics-Study and teaching

Curriculum, improvements in (Smith) 8051

Matheson, Brian

Quoted (Howard) 9584

Matkin, James

Tribute to (Smith) 6741

Mentioned: (Curtis) 7543 (Gardom) 8920 (King) 7643, 9022 (Lauk) 7404

Matthews, Keith

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315

Maunder, Brian

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315

Maurer, Kurt

Mentioned: (Hyndman) 8851

May, Sir Thomas Erskine

Parliamentary Practice quoted (Barber) 6629-30 (Chairman and Deputy Chairman) 7810, 8285 (Lauk) 9116 (Nicolson) 7727, 8034, 9122, 9125, 9127 (Speaker and

Deputy Speaker) 6708, 6880, 6985, 7108, 7134, 7357, 7923, 7997, 8035, 8187, 8535-6, 8631, 8680, 9173

Parliamentary Practice mentioned (Barrett) 7923, 9322 (Howard) 7107, 7108 (McGeer) 7810 (Nicolson) 7252, 8029 (Skelly) 7820 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 6692, 6770, 6778, 7252, 7276, 7310, 7311, 7428, 7524, 7677, 7844, 8036, 8076, 8151, 8188, 8392, 8690, 9116, 9174, 9611

Mayse, Arthur

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 6821

Mazankowski, Don

Mentioned: (Lea) 8721

Meager Creek, B.C.

Power project, waste in, allegations re (Dailly) 7743

Meares Island, B.C.

Mentioned: (Passarell) 8647

Meat Inspection Act

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 7699

Mediation and Arbitration Board

Mentioned: (McClelland) 7699

Mediation and conciliation, Industrial

Mediation board, establishment of (Mitchell) 7448-9, 7452-3

Mediation board, police force presentation to (Mitchell) 7448-9, 7453

Mediation commission, imposition of (Gabelmann) 7366 (Hall) 7384

Mediation services, work of (Heinrich) 8793

Medical care

Cancer patient, cataract operation for, delay in, case cited (Stupich) 8620

Cardiac case, citing of by opposition and resolving of problem re (Nielsen) 8961

Cariboo constituency, health care (Fraser) 9027-8

Case cited by D.G. Cocke, facts re case and family's anxiety (Cocke) 8962 (Nielsen) 8960

Cases cited, confidentiality of information re (Nielsen) 8928

Cases, citing of for political purposes (Brummet) 8936-7 (Fraser) 9027 (Kempf) 8986 (Nielsen) 8948, 8960-1 (Phillips) 8973 (Ritchie) 8963-4

Cases, citing of, reason for (Mitchell) 9014

Cases, problem cases, Health ministry's assistance in matters of (Nielsen) 8948

Children, funds for health care and restraint program (Brown) 8968

Children with Pierre Robin syndrome, case cited (Mitchell) 9014

Consultation with delivery system, lack of (Cocke) 8930

Criticisms of, role of emotionalism in (Nielsen) 8928

Dangerous Health Practices Act. See name of act

Dease Lake health facility (Passarell) 6841, 9012

Expenditures on, limit on increases in (Ritchie) 9043

Expenditures on, percentage of gross national product (Cocke) 8929

Federal funds for (Cocke) 8930

Federal funds, possible diversion of to other uses (Cocke) 8930

Federal-provincial agreements, provision for demographics of B.C. population (Nielsen) 8926

Federal tax points transfer and grants for health care, value of (Cocke) 7529

Health care (Kempf) 8985-6

Health care and restraint program (Cocke) 8958 (King) 9094

Health care, cost of, predictions re (Nielsen) 8932

Health care, cost of programs (Nielsen) 6984, 8926

Health care, cost of to province (Cocke) 7761 (Nielsen) 7761

Health care, costs, increase in (Heinrich) 6975

Health care, costs per citizen, Health ministry provision for (Nielsen) 8926

Health care, costs, problem with evaluation of (Nielsen) 7796-7

Health care during NDP administration (Brummet) 8936

Health care, expenditures on (Curtis) 6871 (Davis) 8969-70 (Kempf) 8987 (Phillips) 8973

Health-care expenditures, restraint on (Barrett) 7350 (Mussallem) 7364

Health care, funds for, cutbacks in (Cocke) 7361-3

Health care, funds for, source of (Cocke) 7761 (Nielsen) 7762

Health care, government action re (Cocke) Q. 8164

Health care, government's management of (Cocke) 7146-7

Health care, level of in B.C. (Curtis) 6871 (Mussallem) 7364 (Nielsen) 6983, 6985

Health care, level of in B.C. compared to other provinces (Nielsen) 8926

Health care, level of in B.C., improvement in (Brummet) 8937, 9013-4

Health care programs, cutbacks in (Cocke) 7043

Health care, quality of, concern re (Lockstead) 9086

Health care, right to (Cocke) Q. 8078, 8931 (Nielsen) A. 8078

Health care, right to, government policy on (Cocke) 8929

Health-care services, hiring freeze (Cocke) 7147

Health-care services, payment for through income tax, proposal for (Cocke) 7145

Health-care system commended (Fraser) 9027

Health-care system, effect of restraint program on (Barber) 7614-8 (Brown) 7625-8 (Hanson) 7666 (Howard) 7658-9 (Lea) 7622 (Levi) 7618-9, 7620, 7640-1 (Sanford) 7629-30 (Wallace) 7662-4

Health-care system, effect of restraint program on, cancer case cited (Wallace) 7428

Health-care system, future of (Brummet) 8936

Health-care system, planning for (Cocke) 8933

Health-care system, preservation of (Bennett) 9037, 9038

Health-care system, satisfaction with (Nielsen) 8932

Health cost stabilization account, establishment of (Curtis) 6871 (Stupich) 6891

Health Cost Stabilization Act. See name of act

Health practices, dangerous, information to public re (Mussallem) 9100

Health practices, dangerous, provision of advice on by Health ministry (Mussallem) 9100

Health service, executive staff, salary levels (Fraser) 8423

Holistic medicine (Lea) 7959 (McClelland) 7961

Home nursing for patients released from acute-care hospitals (Hall) 6675-6

Houston, health facility, criticism of concept (Kempf) 8988

MLAs, intervention by to expedite treatment for patients (Brown) 8966-7 (Cocke) 8985, 9045 (Wallace) 9012

Medical Services Plan premiums, revenue from (Cocke) 8930

Megaprojects, funds for and funds for health care (Cocke) 8640 (Lea) 8778

Northern B.C., health care, staff vacancies (Passarell) 6841

Objectives of government, commitment to (Barrett) 9098

Premiums, fees, increase in (Cocke) 7144 (Dailly) 6935 (Hall) 9456

Prevention of illness and emphasis on curative aspects (Nielsen) 8981

Revelstoke doctors' clinic, closing of (King) 8989

Rural health corps (Passarell) 6666, 6841, 9013

Socialized medicine (Barrett) 9098

Staff layoffs in health-care field (Cocke) 8956, 8958, 9415

Surgery, delay in, intervention by MLA, case cited (Brown) 8966 (Ritchie) 8964, 9043

Treatment, decisions re, government's role in (Nielsen) 8927

Treatment, priorities in, decisions on (Nielsen) 8927-8

United States, health-care system (Fraser) 9029

User fees, revenue (Cocke) 8930

Winfield health clinic, establishment of (Barrett) 6799-6800 (Jordan) 6824

Medical care, Prepaid

Socialized medicine (Barrett) 9098

Medical personnel

Health occupations legislation (Levi) 9007, 9009 (Nielsen) 9008-9

Health occupations legislation, opportunity for hearings on (Levi) 9009

Quebec, health occupations legislation (Nielsen) 9009

Medical Services Commission

Mentioned: (Barrett) 9098, 9099

Medical Services Plan

Premiums for elderly, payment of (Curtis) 7169

Premiums, increase in (Cocke) 7761 (Gabelmann) 7095-6 (Stupich) 9381 (Wallace) 7138

Premiums, low-income families, payment of (Curtis) 7169

Premiums, revenue (Cocke) 8930

Premiums, subsidization of, delay in (Wallace) 9010

Medicare premiums

See entries under Medical Services Plan

Medicine, Preventive

Illness, prevention of and emphasis on curative aspects (Nielsen) 8981

Personnel for preventive health care, shortage of (Cocke) 7147, 8957, 9096-7 (Nielsen) 8981

Priority for preventive medicine (Cocke) 8957 (Macdonald) 8980 (Nielsen) 8928, 8981

Problems re (Nielsen) 8981

Medicine, Rural

Rural health corps (Passarell) 6666, 6841, 9013

Meeks, Gordon

Mentioned: (Gardom) 9114

Meighen, Arthur

Mentioned: (Levi) 8748

Members of Legislature

See: Legislature — Members

Mencken, H.L.

Quoted (Nicolson) 9163

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 6941

Mental Health Act

Mentioned: (Levi) 8337 (Williams) 8340

Mentally handicapped

Achievement centres, appropriation, increase in (McCarthy) 8253

Achievement centres, pay levels (Brown) 8250 (McCarthy) 8253

Care of (Throne speech) 6612

Housing, eligibility under National Housing Act (Gabelmann) 8669

Housing units for, need for (Brown) 8669

Institutions, depopulation of, program for (Brown) 8249 (McCarthy) 8252

Ministerial responsibility for, Human Resources ministry (Brown) 8249-50

Number of in receipt of government assistance (Brown) 8249 (McCarthy) 8253

Powell River, need for full-time Human Resources ministry coordinator (Lockstead) 8282 (McCarthy) 8285

Residential program for, appropriation (Brown) 8249 (McCarthy) 8252

Residential program for, development of (McCarthy) 8222, 8252-3

Residential program for, increase in costs and number of people served (McCarthy) 8253

Skills-training program for (McCarthy) 8252

Skills-training program for, number of participants (Brown) 8250

Merchant marine

Canadian merchant marine (Phillips) 7001-2, 8772

Development of (Fraser) 8497 (Lockstead) 8497 (Mitchell) 7011

Development of, NDP policy on (Lockstead) 8468

Merchant seamen

Homeowner grant, eligibility for (Levi) 8119

Support for (Mitchell) 9340

Mercier, Elmer

Quoted (Barber) 7281

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 8659

Merit Employment Success Inc.

Mentioned: (Brown) 6716

Merit Oil Co. Ltd

Purchase of by federal government (McClelland) 7715

Merrill Lynch Royal Securities Ltd.

Quoted (Stupich) 6888

Merritt, B.C.

Airstrip, work on (Fraser) 9028

Metal industries

See: Mineral industries


Alcohol and Drug Commission policy on use of (Levi) 9007

Health ministry's policy on methadone program (Levi) 9007 (Nielsen) 9008


Availability of supply for converted automobiles (McGeer) 7636

Conference on (McGeer) 7636 (Ritchie) 6622

Supply of (McGeer) 7637 (Stupich) 7638


Kitimat plant (Brummet) 6668 (Segarty) 6906

Methyl alcohol

See: Wood-alcohol

Metro-Canada Ltd.

Mentioned: (Davis) 8005

Metro Goldwyn Mayer

Mentioned: (McClelland) 7976

Metro Transit Operating Co.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 8103 (Vander Zalm) 8097

Mica Creek, B.C.

Grizzly bear problem (king) 8559

Mica Dam

Storage, generation and transmission facilities, expenditures on (Stupich) Q. 8490 (McClelland) A. 8491

Waste in construction of, allegations re (King) 7741

Mentioned: (Davis) 6831 (King) 7741

Michael, C.C. (Cliff)

Mentioned: (King) 7262, 8069

Mickleburgh, Rod

Quoted (Heinrich) 9019, 9020

Microchip technology

Developments in (McGeer) 9343

Microtel Pacific Research Centre, Burnaby, B.C.

Establishment of (McGeer) 9342-3 (Phillips) 9330


Legal use of (Passarell) 6666

Migratory Birds Act (Canada)

Mentioned: (Sanford) 8438

Mika, John

Mentioned: (Barber) 9075 (McGeer) 6693

Mike's Marina, Christina Lake, B.C.

Lease, increase in, advance payment of (Nicolson) 8608


Okanagan Lake, use of 2, 4-D, advisory committee on (Rogers) 8919

Okanagan Lake, use of 2, 4-D, phasing out of (Skelly) Q. 8888

Okanagan Lake, use of 2, 4-D, review of (Skelly) Q. 8888 (Rogers) A. 8919

Shuswap Lake, control stations, funding for (King) 8558-9 (Rogers) 8560

Shuswap Lake, milfoil infestation (Rogers) 8560

Military policy

Arms race (Gardom) 8161 (Macdonald) 8161 (Nicolson) 6655 (Sanford) 6736

Nuclear disarmament (Lauk) 7402


Sales of, increase in (Hewitt) 7768

Miller, Ann

Mentioned: (McClelland) 7976

Miller Contracting Ltd.

Mentioned: (Fraser) 7098

Millstream Road, Langford, B.C.

See entries under Langford, B.C.

Mine safety

Safety and inspection standards above and below ground, uniformity in (D’Arcy) 7733

Mineral Act

Fees, licences under act, increase in (Hall) 9456 (Wallace) 7138

Mentioned: (Dailly) 6934 (D’Arcy) 8393 (Rogers) 8516 (Skelly) 8516 (Smith) 9238

Mineral Amendment Act, 1982

(Bill 33) (Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources) 1R, 6964; 2R discharged 8039

Work requirements, withdrawal of (McClelland) 7835

Mineral industries

Bulldozer blades, manufacture of, case cited (Phillips) 9330

Coal-mining industry, manufacture of products for (Phillips) 9329-30

Loans to metal products industry (Phillips) 9329-30

Metal-processing industries for B.C. (Phillips) 8781

Mineral Royalties Act

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 9488


Occupational health and safety (McClelland) 7730

Training of to meet need for skilled labour (McClelland) 7730-1

Mines, Ministry of (proposed)

Re-establishment of Mines ministry (D’Arcy) 7734

Mines Act

Fees, licences under act, increase in (Wallace) 7138

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 7733

Mines and mineral resources

Exploration, expenditures on (McClelland) 7730

Metal-mines guidelines, review process (McClelland) 7731

Mineral discoveries, role of junior companies in (D’Arcy) 7734

Mineral production, value of (McClelland) 7730

Mines, visits to (Lea) 7958 (McClelland) 7958

Mining, open-pit mining, Canadian expertise in (Nicolson) 9165

Northwest B.C., mining properties, development of (D’Arcy) 7734

Mining Association of B.C.

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 7733 (McClelland) 6897 (Smith) 8048

Mining claims

Claim-staking (McClelland) 7730

Mining industry and finance

Companies, decline in production due to ore-depletion (D’Arcy) 7734

Employees laid off (D’Arcy) 7834 (McClelland) 7730, 7834

Employees laid off, industry's actions re benefits for (McClelland) 7834

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, services to industry (D’Arcy) 7733, 7834 (McClelland) 7834

Fees, licences, increase in (D’Arcy) 7732 (Wallace) 7138-9

Free miner's certificate, cost of, effect of increase in (Kempf) 7835

Free miner's certificate, cost of, increase in (Barrett) 6994 (D’Arcy) Q. 6896, Q. 6897 (Hewitt) 6898 (Kempf) 7835 (McClelland) A. 6896, A. 6897, 7835 (Passarell) 6927 (Stupich) 6885

Free miner's certificate, cost of, proposal for reduction in (Kempf) 7835 (Passarell) 7836

Free miner's certificate, cost of, revenue raised from increase in (Kempf) 7835 (McClelland) 7835

Free miner's certificates, number issued (Kempf) 7835 (McClelland) 7835

Government assistance to (D’Arcy) 7834

Investment in (Phillips) 6645

Mine closures (Skelly) 7967-8

Mineral discoveries, role of junior companies in (D’Arcy) 7734

Mines coming into production (McClelland) 7730

Mines, new mines (McClelland) 6734 (Waterland) 6744

Mining camps, inspection of (Cocke) 8571, 8575 (Gabelmann) 8573

Mining industry (Barrett) 6993 (Hewitt) 6711 (Phillips) 6999 (Richmond) 9410

Mining industry during NDP administration (Brummet) 9336 (Fraser) 7434 (Heinrich) 7447 (Kempf) 9357 (Phillips) 6999 (Waterland) 7034

Mining industry, problems of (Kempf) 7424

New Democratic Party proposals for development in mining industry (Stupich) 6892-3

Occupational health and safety (McClelland) 7730

Placer mining fees, increase in (Barrett) 6994 (Passarell) 6927 (Stupich) 6885 (Wallace) 7138-9

Refineries, smelters in B.C., technological superiority of (Davis) 8782

Revenue, decline in (D’Arcy) 7733

Royalties, mistaken policy of NDP on (Leggatt) 9353

Skilled labour, training of (McClelland) 7730-1

Taxation system under Social Credit Party government (Barrett) 6993

Unemployment (Howard) 6998

Water-licence fee, deferment of increase in (D’Arcy) Q. 9404 (Smith) A. 9404

Water-licence fee, increase in, effect of (D’Arcy) 7834

Water-licence fee, policy on (D’Arcy) Q. 9404, Q. 9444 (Curtis) A. 9444

Women, employment of in mines (Passarell) 6841

Workers' Compensation Board fees, increase in (D’Arcy) 7733

Mining (Placer) Act

Amendments to (McClelland) 7835

Designation-area clause, elimination of (Kempf) 7835

Fees, licences under act, increase in (Wallace) 7138-9

Mentioned: (Rogers) 8516 (Skelly) 8516

Miranda case

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 8355 (Williams) 8355

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1982

(Bill 53) (Attorney-General) 1R, 8271; 2R, 8536; C, 8568-73, 8575-81; 3R, 8581; RA, 8650

Speakers: Brown 8568-9, 8570, 8577, 8578, 8579, 8580; Cocke 8570-2, 8572, 8573, 8575; Dailly 8575-6; Gabelmann 8572-3; Heinrich 8577; Hyndman 8577-8, 8578, 8579, 8580; King 8577; Levi 8577, 8578, 8579, 8580; McCarthy 8577; Nielsen 8569-70, 8572; Sanford 8577; Wolfe 8576-7

Divisions: C, 8571, 8572, 8575, 8577

Community-care facilities, inspection of (Nielsen) 8570

Community-care facilities, inspection of, need for (Cocke) 8571

Community-care facilities, inspections of, medical health officers' flexibility re (Cocke) 8571 (Nielsen) 8570

Day-care centres, qualifications of employees, lowering of standards (Brown) 8569

Day-care facilities, inspection of (Brown) 8568, 8570

Day care, family day-care facilities in B.C., number of (Brown) 8568

Day care, family day-care facilities, need for inspection of (Brown) 8568-9

Day care, private for-profit corporations in B.C. (Brown) 8569

Labour ministry, deputy minister responsible for women, activities of (Brown) 8577 (Heinrich) 8577

Labour ministry, deputy ministers, number of (Heinrich) 8577 (King) 8577

Libraries, estimates of expenditures, approval of (Dailly) 8576 (Wolfe) 8576

Library Act, amendments to, lack of consultation re (Dailly) 8576

Library Act, amendments to, recommendations re (Wolfe) 8576, 8577

Library boards, municipal council appointees, dismissal of (Dailly) 8576 (Wolfe) 8577

Logging camps, mining camps, inspection of (Cocke) 8571, 8575 (Gabelmann) 8573

Nelson Family Day Care Society, survey of family daycare facilities (Brown) 8568

Public health inspectors, shortage of (Cocke) 8573, 8575 (Gabelmann) 8573

Public health inspectors, source of funds for cost of (Cocke) 8572 (Nielsen) 8572

Residential Tenancy Act, amendments to requested by tenants' groups (Brown) 8580

Residential Tenancy Act sections, and sections of Commercial Tenancy Act (Brown) 8578, 8579, 8580 (Hyndman) 8578, 8579, 8580 (Levi) 8578, 8579

Restaurants, inspections, charge for (Cocke) 8571

Second reading, division of into component parts for (Howard) 8273-4 (Speaker) 8361

Swimming pools, inspection of, charge for (Cocke) 8572

Tenancy, termination of under Commercial Tenancy Act (Hyndman) 8580

Mentioned: (Rogers) 8661

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1982

(Bill 76) (Attorney-General) 1R, 9113; 2R, 9285; C, 9312-6; 3R, 9316; RA, 9545

Speakers: Brown 9312; Brummet 9313, 9314; Chabot 9314; Cocke 9314; Hanson 9313; Hewitt 9315; King 9312; Mitchell 9313-4; Nicolson 9316; Phillips 9315-6; Rogers 9316; Waterland 9312; Williams 9285, 9312, 9315

Contractor clause advisory committees, establishment of (Waterland) 9312

Forest Research Council, establishment of (King) 9312 (Waterland) 9312

Grazing lease land, access to (Hanson) 9313 (Hewitt) 9315 (Phillips) 9315-6

Grazing lease land, access to and rights of leaseholders (Phillips) 9316

Grazing lease land, access to for recreational purposes (Brummet) 9314 (Mitchell) 9313-4 (Williams) 9315

Grazing lease land, access to, restriction of to hunters, anglers (Brummet) 9314 (Mitchell) 9313-4

Grazing lease land, code of conduct for outdoorsmen (Brummet) 9313 (Hewitt) 9315 (Williams) 9315

Grazing leases, renewal of (Chabot) 9314

Grazing leases, use of for collateral (Waterland) 9313

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3) , 1982

(Bill 88) (Attorney-General) 1R, 9427; 2R, 9509; C, 9592-4; 3R, 9619; RA, 9660

Speakers: Barber 9592, 9593; Hewitt 9593; Howard 9593; Macdonald 9592; Williams 9509, 9592, 9593, 9593-4

Amdts: sec. 47 (Williams) 9592, 9608, approved 9593; sec. 48 (Williams) 9593, 9608, approved 9594

B.C. Utilities Commission, costs of, consultants costs (Howard) 9593 (Williams) 9592, 9593

Community-care facilities, annual inspection of, requirement re (Brown) 9592

Fines, imprisonment for non-payment of, amendments re (Williams) 9509

Travel agencies, failure of, class of persons protected under Travel Agents Act (Barber) 9593 (Hewitt) 9593

Utilities Commission Act amendment, proclamation of, restriction on (Williams) 9593-4

Mission, B.C.

Industrial park (Bennett) 6764

Revenue-sharing grant, loss to in change in (Barber) 7497 (Vander Zalm) 7508

Mission Memorial Hospital, Mission, B.C.

Mentioned: (Mussallem) 9013

Mission School District

See: School District 75

Mitchell, Claude

Motorcycle, insurance rates, discount on (Hall) 7885

Mitchell, Frank J. (Esquimalt-Port Renfrew)

Address in reply 6684-7

Adjournment of House, motion to adjourn 6833-5

Aikman, Harvey, land in Millstream Road extension area 8486-7, 8496

Apprenticeship training program 7010

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 8402-4

Automobile drivers, driving with suspended licences 8028

Automobile drivers, driving with suspended licences, penalties for 8028

Automobile drivers, impaired drivers 8027

Automobile drivers, impaired drivers, blood test for alcohol level 8027-8, 9112

Automobile drivers, licence suspensions, cases cited 8026-7

Automobile drivers, licence suspensions for defaulted ICBC payments 8026

Automobile drivers, licences, identification marker for restrictions on 8302

Automobile drivers, licences, restrictions on and need to drive at work 8305

Automobile drivers, licences, retesting for, manner used by testing personnel 8304

Automobile drivers, point system, review of 8027

Automobile drivers, restriction of to rural areas, testing of drivers 8302

Banks, chartered, taxation of 7011

Beer, price of, increase in 6687

B.C. Ferry Corp., fares, increase in, future increase 7877

B.C. Ferry Corp., subsidy, reduction in 7877

B.C. Ferry Corp. vessels, sale of 7877

B.C. Forest Products Ltd., employees laid off 6834

B.C. Hydro, meter-readers, reward system for reporting on use of premises 7011-2

B.C. Hydro, rates, commercial rate to homes used for business 7011

B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd. employees, layoff of, justification for, Q. 8467

B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd. employees, layoff of, loss to economy, Q. 8468

B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd. hearings, intervention in, application for funding 8876

B.C. Telephone Co. Ltd. hearings, intervention in commended 8868

Budget debate 7009-12

Cable companies, non-broadcast operations, jurisdiction over, court action re 8738-9

Child custody, notice to parent re custody orders 8403-4

Child custody, use of police in custody cases 8403-4

Child custody, Victoria case cited 8403-4

Coal, northeast, transport of in Canadian ships 7011

Columbia River Treaty, cost of to B.C. 7808

Columbia River Treaty, criticisms of 6833

Columbia River Treaty, power recovery, notice re 7808-9

Cominco Ltd., high-technology industry 8868

Communications, provincial jurisdiction over 8868, 8869

Compensation Stabilization Act 7448-9, 7452-4

Compensation Stabilization Act, basis for, P.E. Trudeau's request for wage restrictions 7448, 7452

Compensation Stabilization Act, collective bargaining process, interference in 7452

Compensation Stabilization Act, influence of Liberal Party as basis for 7452

County system, establishment of 9564

Debt, provincial debt, increase in 7753, 7809

Driving regulations, Sweden 8027

Drummond McCall Inc., relocation of 6835

Education costs, provincial contribution to, comparisons to other provinces 9564, 9655

Education (Interim) Finance Act 7265-6

Education (Interim) Finance Act, delay in presentation of 7266

Education (Interim) Finance Act, Finance minister's powers 7266

Education minister, powers of under Education (Interim) Finance Act 7265

Education ministry, centralization of power in 7264

Education ministry directives, provision for 7265

Education ministry directives, use of 7265

Education ministry, estimates 8068-9

Education system, centralization of 9564

Elderly, Langford housing development for 7010

Energy program, federal 9340

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway right-of-way, purchase of 8122

Esquimalt Senior Secondary School, new facilities for 8068, 8069

Expenditures, 1981-82, reduction in votes proposed by NDP 7449, 9655

Expenditures, restraint on, government program 9014

Extended-care facilities, need for 7010

Fees, increase in 7011

Ferries, use of by cabinet ministers 7877

Ferry Corporation Amendment Act (1982) 7877-8

Fisheries, purse-seiners in Juan de Fuca Strait, fishing practices 6834

Flood-control programs, funding for 8238

Forest industries, unemployment 6833-4

Forest management, employment in 6834

French-immersion program, School District 61, proposal for 8069

Furniture container seals broken, furniture damage, redress for 8486

Gasoline Tax Act, fines, minimum fine 7788

Gasoline Tax Act, fines, use of as revenue-producer 7788

Gasoline Tax Amendment Act (1982) 7788, 7789

George Jay School, addition to, cost of 8069

Gorge Road Hospital, beds closed 9014

Government telecommunications, appropriation, reduction in 8877

Grazing lease land, access to for recreational purposes 9313-4

Grazing lease land, access to, restriction of to hunters, anglers 9313-4

Happy Valley Timber Ltd. development, public consultation re 8713-4, 8714

Hat Creek power project, cost of 7808

Health ministry, estimates 9014-5

Highlands area roads, funds for 8485

Homeowner grant, eligibility of persons taking early retirement 8121

Hospitals, admission to, citing of cases 9014

Hospitals, emergency departments, problems with injured drunken drivers 9015

Housing, affordable, need for program 7010

Housing, affordable, shortage of 6684

Housing and employment development bonds, funds for municipal, regional district capital projects 8238

Housing and employment development bonds, job creation, distribution of 8238-9

Housing and Employment Development Financing Act 8238-9

Housing, low-cost, availability of land for 6685

Hydro and Power Authority Amendment Act (1982) 7752, 7753, 7754, 7807-9

Industrial land, Victoria, availability of 6835

Jordan River-Port Renfrew road, new alignment for 8485-6

Juveniles, age limit for, change in 8403

Labatt Breweries of B.C. Ltd., Victoria brewery, closing of 6686-7

Labatt Breweries of B.C. Ltd., Victoria brewery, proposed moratorium on closing of 6687

Labatt Breweries of B.C. Ltd., Victoria brewery, proposed operation of by employees 6687

Lampson Street school, use of for cultural centre 8712-3, 8714

Land banking under former government 6684

Land, vacant land, taxation of, proposal for 6685

Langford, Millstream Road extension 8486-8, 8496

Langford, Millstream Road, meeting re 8487

Lawson, Ed, brief to mediation board 7448-9, 7453

Manitoba, Alcan project, cancellation of 9340

Mediation board, establishment of 7448-9, 7452-3

Mediation board, police force presentation to 7448-9, 7453

Merchant marine, development of in Canada 7011

Merchant marine, support for 9340

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2) , (1982) 9313-4

Mobile-home parks, closing of, Esquimalt-Port Renfrew constituency 6686

Mobile-home parks, closing of, eviction of tenants 6686

Mobile homes built prior to 1974, moving of 6686

Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (1982) 8026-8, 8302, 8304, 8305

Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 1982, public information campaign re 8305

Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2) , (1982) 9112, 9133

Municipal Affairs ministry, estimates 8121-2, 8122

Municipal waste management plans and community plans 8374-5

Murder investigation committee, proposal for 8402, 8403

Murphy Creek, development of, cost of 7808

Olson case, police investigation into, changes as a result of 8402

Olson family, payment to 8402-3

Panco Poultry Ltd., closing down of 6687

Panco Poultry Ltd., purchase of by former government 6687

Panco Poultry Ltd., sale of 6687

Peace River, Site C dam, cost of 7808

Pensions, committee of Legislature to study, proposal for 8712

Pensions, Green Paper on 8712

Pensions, indexing of 8712

Pensions, industrial accident victims, decrease in 7009, 7448, 7453

Pensions, portability of, study of 8712

Pierre Robin syndrome in family, case cited 9014

Property tax, non-residential tax base, provincial takeover of 7265

Provincial Secretary and Government Services ministry, estimates 8714, 8715

Public service employees, morale of and productivity 7453-4

Public service, wage controls, use of for one sector of society 7448, 7453

Public service, women, wage levels and income assistance rates 7449, 7453

Recreational vehicle business, loan foreclosure, case cited 7011

Rent, increases in 6834

Roads, secondary roads, policy on funds for 8485

Sales tax, front-end loaders, exemption for 7266, 8000

Sales tax, 1979 reduction in 9339

San Juan River, rehabilitation of, proposal for 6834

School District 61, Esquimalt area middle school 8068

School District 61, new schools, location of 8069

School District 61, Victoria West, Esquimalt area schools, organization of 8068

School District 62, anti-vandalism program, loss of coordinator for 9565

School District 62, borrowing to meet current costs 7266

School District 62, busing of children living in unsafe-road areas 9564

School District 62, non-residential tax base, loss of 7265

School District 62, Port Renfrew school, special education program cut 9564, 9658

School District 62, Port Renfrew school, teachers laid off 9563

School District 62, preparation of budget 9562-3

School District 62, staff, cuts in 9563

School District 62, teachers laid off 9563

School districts, borrowing by to meet current costs 7266

School Services (Interim) Act 9562-5, 9655, 9658

School Services (Interim) Act, section 3, purpose of 9655

Septic tanks, regulations re perc tests 9014-5

Small Business Development Act 9339-41

Small business foreclosure, recreational trailer manufacturer, case cited 9340

Small business foreclosures, provision for owner's appearance in court 9339-40

Small business, NDP task force on problems of 7010

Small business protection act, proposal for 7010-1

Small business, protection of, need for 7010-1, 9339, 9340-1

Social Service Tax Amendment Act (1982) 7999-8000

Sooke Road, relocation of 8486

Special-education programs, preservation of 9658

Technological innovations, impact of on workforce 8868

Television, pay TV, jurisdiction over, court action re 8738-9

Television receiving station, cost of construction of 6833

Tobacco Tax Act, court proceedings under act, pre-sentence reports 7613

Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1982) 7613

Transportation and Highways ministry, estimates 8485-8, 8496

Unemployment 7010

Universities, Science and Communications ministry, estimates 8868-9, 8876, 8877

Universities, Science and Communications ministry, travel appropriation 8877

Victor G. Brodeur School, proposal for 8069

Victoria General Hospital, Helmcken Road hospital, fire department service for 9015

Victoria West Elementary School, new construction, approval for 8069

Video-game parlours, establishment and operation of 8403

Wage controls and controls over costs for wage earners 7448, 7453

Waste Management Act 8374-5

Waste Management Act, consideration of by committee of House 8375

Western Community, flooding problem 8121-2, 8122

Western Community, incorporation of 8122

Western Community, north-south roads 8121

Western Community, transit 8122

Windsor Machine Co. Ltd., employees laid off 6834

Young Offenders Act, age limit under act 8403

Mitchell, Margaret

Mentioned: (Hall) 7885 (McClelland) 7810

Mitchell, Marnie

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 8815

Mitchell, Pat

Mentioned: (Brown) 6717

Mitchell, Valerie

Mentioned: (King) 8276

Mitsubishi Bank

Mentioned: (Phillips) 8530

Mitsubishi Inc.

Northeast coal contract (Leggatt) 7845

Mentioned: (Phillips) 7868

Mitsui Bank

Mentioned: (Phillips) 8530

Mitsui Mining Co. Ltd.

Northeast coal interests, sale of to steel mills (Lauk) Q. 7025-6 (Leggatt) Q. 7026 (Phillips) A. 7026

Mentioned: (Phillips) 8530

Mitterand, Francoise Maurice Marie

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 9425 (Richmond) 7073

Mobile homes

Coquitlam, Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd. land (Chabot) 8662, 8663 (Levi) 8661-2, 8662-3

Coquitlam, Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd. land, smoke easement (Chabot) 8662 (Levi) 8662

Coquitlam, Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd. land, value of (Chabot) 8662

Coquitlam mobile-home park, alternative site for (Chabot) 8662, 8663

Homeowner interest assistance program, eligibility for (Brummet) 9288

Mobile homes built prior to 1974, moving of (Mitchell) 6686

Parks, closing of, Esquimalt-Port Renfrew constituency (Mitchell) 6686

Parks, closing of, eviction of tenants (Mitchell) 6686

Parks, development of, interest rate to local governments for (Chabot) 8594

Modern Times

Mentioned: (Barrett) 9040

Moduline Industries Ltd.

Mentioned: (Phillips) 9033

Moffat family

Prince George property, ownership of, length of time owned (Hewitt) 7772

Prince George property, removal of from ALR (Wallace) 7770

Prince George property, use of in past (Hewitt) 7772

Social Credit Party campaign contribution (Lea) Q. 7254

Mentioned: (Barber) 9077, 9081 (Barrett) 7778 (Rogers) 8550 (Wallace) 7771, 8548

Molson Brewery B.C. Ltd.

Mentioned: (Hyndman) 7647 (Levi) 7647

Molson Hop Farm, Kamloops, B.C.

Use of for industrial park (Hewitt) 7772

Monetary policy

Federal monetary policy (Ritchie) 8241 (Stupich) 6884

Federal monetary policy, government support for (Barrett) 7353, 8313 (Cocke) 7360 (Gabelmann) 7371 (Stupich) 7376

Monetarism, adoption of in Canada (Lea) 6636-9, 8243, 8621-3


Dollars, hierarchy in economic value of to society (Leggatt) 8635 (Levi) 8635 (McGeer) 8631-2


See: Down's syndrome

Montgomery, John

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 8589

Montreal Stock Exchange

Montreal as international tax haven (Hyndman) 8852

Mentioned: (Ree) 8655

Montreal Trust Co.

Mentioned: (Skelly) 9599

Moody's Investors Service Inc.

Mentioned: (Curtis) 8017

Moore, Audrey

Mentioned: (Barber) 9052

Moore, Evelyn

Mentioned: (Gardom) 9114

Moran, Michael Ernest (Mickey)

Charge against, dropping of, inquiry into (Macdonald) 8335

Morgantown, West Va.

Personal rapid transit system (Lorimer) 8104

Moribito case

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 8355 (Williams) 8355

Morley, John

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 8561

Morris, J. W.

Mentioned: (Wallace) 8490

Morrison, Barbara

Mentioned: (Lea) 7670

Morrison, Erma

Mentioned: (Barrett) 9464 (Macdonald) 7972, 7973

See also: Auditor-general

Morrison, Herbert

Quoted (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 6776

Morrison, Newell

Mentioned: (Barber) 6855

Morrison, William Shepherd

Quoted (Nicolson) 8034

Morse, Alison

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 8996

Mortgage Brokers Act

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 9280 (Howard) 9141 (Hyndman) 9274 (Lauk) 9143 (Levi) 9138

Mortgage foreclosures

See entries under Mortgages


Foreclosure and possible assistance, case cited (Brummet) 9291 (King) 9291

Foreclosures (Leggatt) 7155 (Lockstead) 7899

Foreclosures, bank review committees for (Hyndman) 8850, 9106

Foreclosures, Comox constituency (Sanford) 6915

Foreclosures, concern re (Barrett) Q. 7757 (Chabot) A. 7757

Foreclosures, consultation with Junior League re (Lea) Q. 9106

Foreclosures, foreclosure actions (Chabot) 8273 (Curtis) 9105

Foreclosures, foreclosure actions, increase in (Gabelmann) 8670

Foreclosures, increase in (Gabelmann) 7607

Foreclosures, increase in and government action re interest rate (Gabelmann) Q. 7757

Foreclosures, legislation re, government plans for (Gabelmann) Q. 7608 (Chabot) A. 7608

Foreclosures, liability for balance owing, protection re (Lea) Q. 9105, Q. 9106 (Curtis) A. 9105

Foreclosures, Manitoba, number of (Chabot) 8117

Foreclosures, moratorium on, program for (Lea) Q. 8118 (Chabot) A. 8118

Foreclosures, mortgage assistance program (Gabelmann) Q. 8163 (Lea) Q. 8117

Foreclosures, number of (Gabelmann) Q. 8163 (Lea) Q. 8117 (Chabot) A. 8117, A. 8273

Foreclosures, number of, information re (Chabot) 7758

Foreclosures, prevention of, legislation for (Hall) 9251-2

Foreclosures, problem of (Barber) 8158-9

Foreclosures, protection against (Brown) 9257

Foreclosures, Saskatchewan moratorium on (Barber) 8156 (Leggatt) 7155 (Stupich) 6888

Foreclosures, second mortgages, number of (Chabot) 8273

Foreclosures, Vancouver area (Chabot) 7757

Home purchasing, problem of future payments (Ritchie) 7016

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act. See name of act

Housing initiative program. See entries under name of program

Interest rate on and interest rate to race-horse owners (Gabelmann) 8670

Interest rate on, federal policy on lowering (Barber) 8158

Interest rate on, homeowners benefiting from change in (Barber) 8157

Interest rate on, National Housing Act interest rate (Chabot) 8167

Interest rate on second mortgages, lowering of (Barber) 8156-7, 8166 (Chabot) 8154

Interest-rate relief program (Lea) Q. 8467 (Curtis) A. 8467

Interest rate, Saskatchewan program for mitigation of high rate (Barber) 6855 (Barrett) 6803 (Lea) 6788

Interest rates (Gabelmann) 6640 (Lorimer) 6821 (Sanford) 6915 (Stupich) 6888 (Wallace) 6773

Interest rates, moratorium on, proposal for (Barber) 6855-6

Interest rates, subsidization of, proposal for (Smith) 6739 (Vander Zalm) 6780-1

Interest reimbursement program, criticisms of (Schroeder) 9265

Lending institution, NDP proposal for, cost of (Ritchie) 7131

Mortgage fund, proposal for (Ritchie) 7132

Mortgage payments, interest payments and reduction of principal (King) 7487

Payments, deferment of under NDP and deficit financing (Williams) 9255

Payments, increase in under high interest rate (Schroeder) 9265

Savings and trust program, proposal for (Gabelmann) 6643 (Stupich) 6888

Second-mortgage program, expansion of (Gabelmann) 6642

Second-mortgage program, increase in (Chabot) 9250

Second-mortgage program, interest rate (Chabot) 9250

Subsidization of by surcharge on liquor, proposal for (Jordan) 6931 (Strachan) 6652 (Vander Zalm) 6781

Trade unions, strike funds, use of to lower mortgage interest rates (Brummet) 8644

Mortifee Munshaw Ltd.

Mentioned: (Hanson) 6690, 6829

Morton, David

Mentioned: (Mitchell) 9340

Morton, John

Mentioned: (Brown) 7826

Morton, Ken

Mentioned: (Cocke) 9168, 9178 (Skelly) 9213

Moser, Karl

Telephone number on campaign literature (Vander Zalm) 9589

Mother Jones

Quoted (Wallace) 8549

Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

Mentioned: (Levi) 8012 (Williams) 9111


Adjournment motion (Wolfe) 6769, approved 6856.

Speakers: Barber 6852-6; Barnes 6846-50; Barrett 6789-6804; Brown 6781-5; Brummet 6835-6; Cocke 6804-7; Dailly 6808-11; Davis 6830-3; Gabelmann 6836-40; Gardom 6773; Hanson 6826-30; Jordan 6823-6; King 6774-8; Lea 6785-9; Lockstead 6842-6; Lorimer 6820-3; McGeer 6807-8; Mitchell 6833-5; Passarell 6840-2; Phillips 6811-5; Sanford 6850-2; Skelly 6815-20; Vander Zalm 6778-81; Wallace 6773-4

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 7, amendment to (Motion 34) (Gardom) 9299, approved 9309. Speakers: Barber 9304-5; Bennett 9300-2; Chabot 9303; Cocke 9300; Davis 9305-6; Gardom 9299-9300, 9308-9; King 9302-3; Lauk 9308; McClelland 9306-8

Nuclear disarmament, support for (Gardom) 8161, approved 8161. Speakers: Gardom 8161; Macdonald 8161

Reaffirmation of commitment to Canada (Gardom) 7047-8 (Howard) 7048

Motive Fuel Use Tax Amendment Act, 1982

(Bill 23) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 6874; 2R, 7639-40; C, 7790-1; 3R, 7791; RA, 8037

Speakers: Wallace 7791

Divisions: C, 7791

Fines under act, minimum fines (Wallace) 7791

Motor Carrier Act

Regulatory powers, removal of (Davis) 8463

Mentioned: (Kempf) 9277

Motor Carrier Commission

Appeals, hearing of by Commercial Appeals Commission (Hyndman) 9273-4, 9276

Commissioners (Fraser) 8457

Inspectors, increase in number of (Fraser) 8473

Licences, granting of, appeals to cabinet (Fraser) 8457 (Lockstead) 8448, 8457

Licensing process, complaints re (Lockstead) 8448

Policing functions, inadequacy of staff for (Davis) 8463

Reorganization of (Fraser) 8457

Roadside checks, increase in (Fraser) 8457

Shippers, consideration of in dealings with motor-carrier industry (Fraser) 8464

Staff, increase in (Fraser) 8457

Mentioned: (Fraser) 8472

Motor Dealer Act

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 9137, 9280 (Howard) 9140, 9141


Inspection of (Fraser) 8440

Motor-carrier industry, appeals to cabinet (Lockstead) 9277 (Williams) 9278

Motor-carrier industry, competition, lack of and prices charged (Kempf) 9276

Motor-carrier industry, deregulation of (Hewitt) 9279 (Kempf) 9276-7 (Lockstead) 9277 (Williams) 9278

Motor-carrier industry, deregulation of elsewhere (Davis) 8463

Motor-carrier industry licensing, rates, deregulation of (Davis) 8463 Motor-carrier industry, rates, deregulation of (Fraser) 8464

Motor-carrier industry, regulation of (Davis) 8463

Motor-carrier industry, service to remote areas, obligations re (Fraser) 8464

Motor Vehicle Act

Fines, minimum fines under act (Williams) 7975-6

Mentioned: (Fraser) 8440 (Hewitt) 7832 (Lauk) 7647, 8007 (Leggatt) 7908 (Strachan) 7022 (Williams) 7975

Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 1982

(Bill 4) (Minister of Transportation and Highways) 1R, 6732; 2R, 7974-5, 8011-4, 8022-32; C, 8298-8306; 3R, 8365; RA, 8466

Speakers: Brown 8303-4; Cocke 8025-6; Dailly 8299-8300;Fraser 7974-5, 8031-2, 8300, 8302, 8303, 8304; Hall 8298-9; Hewitt 8301; Kempf 8030; Lauk 8024-5; Lea 8300-1; Leggatt 8030-1; Levi 8011-4; Lockstead 8022-4, 8298, 8302-3, 8304, 8305, 8306; Lorimer 8011; Mitchell 8026-8, 8302, 8304, 8305; Nicolson 8028-30; Wallace 8298, 8301-2, 8303, 8305; Waterland 8302

Amdts: sec. 5 (Fraser) 8298, 8317, approved 8298; sec. 6 (Fraser) 8302, 8318, approved 8302; sec. 6 (Lockstead) 8302, 8319, negatived 8303; sec. 12 (Fraser) 8303, 8318, approved 8303; sec. 15 (Fraser) 8304, 8318, approved 8304; sec. 17 (Fraser) 8304, 8318, approved 8304; sec. 18 (Fraser) 8304, 8318, approved 8304; sec. 18 (Fraser) 8304, 8318-9, approved 8304; sec. 18 (Lockstead) 8304, 8319, negatived 8305; sec. 18 (Lockstead) 8305, 8318-9, negatived 8305; sec. 29 (Lockstead) 8306, 8320, negatived 8306; sec. 31 (Fraser) 8306, 8319, approved 8306; sec. 40 (Fraser) 8306, 8319, approved 8306

Associated Driving Schools of B.C., representations re act (Fraser) 8032 (Lockstead) 8022, 8023

Automobile drivers, driving with suspended licences (Levi) 8013 (Mitchell) 8028

Automobile drivers, driving with suspended licences, penalties for (Fraser) 7974-5 (Mitchell) 8028

Automobile drivers, impaired drivers (Cocke) 8025-6 (Kempf) 8030 (Lauk) 8024 (Mitchell) 8027

Automobile drivers, impaired drivers, alcohol-related accidents (Fraser) 8031 (Lockstead) 8023

Automobile drivers, impaired drivers, blood test for alcohol level (Cocke) 8025 (Fraser) 8031 (Mitchell) 8027-8

Automobile drivers, impaired drivers, reduction in allowable alcohol level (Leggatt) 8031

Automobile drivers, impaired driving, penalties (Kempf) 8030 (Leggatt) 8030-1

Automobile drivers, licence suspension and need to drive on industrial roads (Fraser) 8032 (Lockstead) 8023

Automobile drivers, licence suspensions, awareness of, problem re (Lauk) 8025 (Lockstead) 8022-3, 8302

Automobile drivers, licence suspensions, cases cited (Mitchell) 8026-7

Automobile drivers, licence suspensions, conditions for restoration of licence (Lockstead) 8298

Automobile drivers, licence suspensions for defaulted

ICBC payments (Fraser) 8303 (Lockstead) 8023, 8302-3 (Lorimer) 8011 (Mitchell) 8026 (Wallace) 8303

Automobile drivers, licences, issuing of, use of to collect money owing to ICBC (Fraser) 8303

Automobile drivers, licences, raising testing standards for (Dailly) 8300 (Fraser) 8300

Automobile drivers, licences, restrictions on and need to drive at work (Fraser) 8302 (Mitchell) 8305 (Wallace) 8301 (Waterland) 8302

Automobile drivers, licences, retesting for, manner used by testing personnel (Mitchell) 8304

Automobile drivers, new drivers, testing of, proposal for (Lockstead) 8023

Automobile drivers, point system, effectiveness of (Fraser) 7974

Automobile drivers, point system, review of (Mitchell) 8027

Automobile drivers, points, driving with excessive number of (Lockstead) 8024 (Nicolson) 8029

Automobile drivers, points, driving with six or more points (Nicolson) 8029

Automobile drivers, points, information-retrieval system for (Nicolson) 8029

Automobile drivers, points, penalty for accumulation of (Fraser) 8031 (Lorimer) 8011 (Nicolson) 8029-30

Automobile drivers, restricted licences, identification marking for (Fraser) 8302 (Mitchell) 8302

Automobile drivers, restriction of to rural areas, testing of (Fraser) 8302 (Mitchell) 8302

BATmobiles, proposals for (Nicolson) 8030

Capital Regional Safety Council, motorcyclists, education of (Fraser) 8302

Children, car seat for, design of (Brown) 8304 (Fraser) 8304

Children, use of seatbelts, car seats (Brown) 8303-4 (Fraser) 8304

Civil Liberties Association of B.C., representations re act (Lockstead) 8022

Committee of House, hearings on act, proposal for (Fraser) 8031 (Nicolson) 8028

Courts, decisions of in traffic-law violations (Fraser) 8031 (Kempf) 8030

Courts, powers re sentencing, prohibiting driving (Fraser) 7974

Driver-education course as prerequisite for licence (Dailly) 8299, 8300

Driver safety, public hearings on, proposal for (Fraser) 8031 (Levi) 8011, 8012, 8013-4

Driving age, proposals for change in (Leggatt) 8031 (Lockstead) 8023

Highway safety program, traffic signals, guardrails (Fraser) 8032

Insurance Corp. of B.C., rates, rebates for driver-training course participants (Dailly) 8299 (Fraser) 8300

International Woodworkers of America, representations re act (Lockstead) 8022, 8023

Justice system, additional load on with changes in act (Fraser) 8031

Liquor, advertising of on the air, criticism of (Lauk) 8024-5 (Leggatt) 8030, 8031

Liquor, advertising of on the air, government policy on (Fraser) 8032

Liquor outlets, responsibility of proprietor for patrons' behaviour (Levi) 8014

Motor Vehicle Task Force, recommendations (Fraser) 7974, 8031 (Lockstead) 8023, 8306

Motorcycle drivers' licences, restrictions on (Fraser) 8302 (Wallace) 8301

Natural justice, concern re and consequences of act (Lockstead) 8022, 8023, 8024

Offence Amendment Act, 1982, relationship to (Williams) 7975

Penalties for infractions of motor vehicle laws (Cocke) 8026 (Fraser) 7974-5, 8031

Public information campaign to explain changes in act (Hall) 8299 (Mitchell) 8305

Radar detector devices, Motor Vehicle Task Force recommendation re (Lockstead) 8306

Roads, paving of roads, road shoulders (Fraser) 8032

Roads, private roads as part of highway system (Lorimer) 8011

Roads, state of and number of accidents (Fraser) 8032 (Levi) 8012, 8013

Scandinavian countries, driving regulations referred to (Cocke) 8026

Seatbelts, use of (Dailly) 8299 (Fraser) 8304

Superintendent of motor vehicles, discretionary powers under act (Lockstead) 8298 (Lorimer) 8011 (Wallace) 8298

Superintendent of motor vehicles, meeting with re act (Fraser) 8031 (Nicolson) 8028

Sweden, driving regulations referred to (Lockstead) 8023 (Mitchell) 8027

Traffic accidents, deaths, injuries, number of (Fraser) 7974 (Levi) 8012 (Lockstead) 8022

Traffic accidents, 1956 accident involving teenagers (Lauk) 8024-5

Traffic accidents, statistics on accident locations (Fraser) 8032

Traffic accidents, Vancouver, First and Clark intersection (Levi) 8012

Traffic laws, enforcement of changes in Fraser 7975

Traffic rules, violators of, measures for control of (Fraser) 7974

Young drivers, accident rate (Dailly) 8299

Young drivers, number of good drivers (Fraser) 8300

Young drivers, parents' obligations (Lea) 8300 (Levi) 8014

Young drivers, parents' right to cancel licences of (Lea) 8300

Young drivers, probationary licences (Fraser) 7974, 8031 (Leggatt) 8031 (Levi) 8014

Young drivers, restriction on use of licences (Fraser) 7974, 8300 (Hewitt) 8301

Mentioned: (Cocke) 8476

Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1982

(Bill 69) (Minister of Transportation and Highways) 1R, 9051; 2R, 9109-12; C, 9131-5; 3R, 9258; RA, 9545

Speakers: Cocke 9109, 9134, 9135; Fraser 9109, 9112, 9135; Gardom 9132; Hewitt 9110, 9131; Leggatt 9111, 9132; Levi 9133-4; Lockstead 9131-2; Mitchell 9112, 9133; Schroeder 9132-3; Williams 9110-1, 9134-5, 9135

Alcohol levels, determination of by physical factors (Mitchell) 9133

Automobile accidents, alcohol-related accidents (Rogers) 9111

Automobile accidents, alcohol-related accidents, deaths in (Hewitt) 9131

Automobile accidents, increase in, statistics on (Lockstead) 9132

Blood-test certificate, cross-examination of person responsible for (Lockstead) 9132 (Williams) 9134

Blood-testing, alcohol level permissible, possible change in (Schroeder) 9133

Blood-testing, mandatory testing for alcohol level (Cocke) 9110

Blood-testing, mandatory testing for alcohol level and Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Williams) 9111, 9134

Blood-testing, mandatory testing for alcohol level and civil liberties (Cocke) 9109 (Hewitt) 9110 (Williams) 9111

Blood-testing, mandatory testing for alcohol level in other jurisdictions (Williams) 9110

Blood-testing, mandatory testing for alcohol level, legal challenge of act (Leggatt) 9132

Blood-testing, provision of methods for collection of evidence (Mitchell) 9112

Blood-testing, use of information in treatment of injured (Williams) 9110

Blood tests, class of persons designated for making tests, problem re (Williams) 9135

Breathalyser, problem with (Williams) 9110

Committee on Crown Corporations, recommendations (Fraser) 9135 (Levi) 9133 (Lockstead) 9131-2

Criminal Code, possible use of amendments to (Williams) 9111

Driving regulations, Scandinavian countries (Cocke) 9109

Drunken driving, penalties for (Hewitt) 9131 (Levi) 9134

Drunken driving, penalties for elsewhere (Levi) 9134

Drunken driving, programs for dealing with (Fraser) 9109

Education of public re blood-alcohol levels (Mitchell) 9133

Evidence Act, amendment to, suggested alternative to act (Macdonald) 9110 (Williams) 9110

Licence applicants, consent for blood test as prerequisite for licence (Leggatt) 9111, 9132 (Williams) 9134

Proclamation of (Cocke) 9134, 9135 (Williams) 9135

Safety commission, proposal for establishment of (Levi) 9134

Second reading, adjournment of bill (Williams) 9110

Motor vehicle branch

Superintendent of motor vehicles, discretionary powers (Lockstead) 8298 (Lorimer) 8011 (Wallace) 8298

Motor Vehicle Task Force

Committee (Fraser) 9135

Recommendations (Fraser) 7974, 8031 (Lockstead) 8023, 8306


Drivers' licences, restrictions on (Fraser) 8302 (Wallace) 8301

Insurance Corp. of B.C. rates, discount for elderly motorcyclists (Hall) 7886

Motorcyclists, education of (Fraser) 8302

Mount Edziza Provincial Park

Mentioned: (Chabot) 8648

Mount Revelstoke National Park

Mentioned: (King) 8559

Mount Washington, B.C.

Ski resort development (Jordan) 6826 (Phillips) 8773, 9377

Mountain sheep

Sheep in upper Kechika area, number of (Brummet) 8547

Moving, Household

Container seals broken, furniture damage, redress for (Fraser) 8488 (Mitchell) 8486

Moving pictures

Hope, filming of picture in (Waterland) 6744

Mowat, Farley

Criticism of (Kempf) 8555

Mentioned: (Kempf) 7893, 8434 (Skelly) 8564

Mowatt, Douglas

Tribute to (McCarthy) 8222 (Smith) 9177

Mullock, Bob

Quoted (Davis) 8397, 8398

Mentioned: (Davis) 8397 (Williams) 8400


Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, report, recommendations (Wolfe) 8700

Multiple Access v. McCutcheon

Mentioned: (Williams) 9134

Multiple-unit residential building program

Program (Richmond) 6663 (Strachan) 6651

Program, failure of (Leggatt) 8242

Tax benefits under program (Macdonald) 6697-8

Mentioned: (Hall) 9252 (Ritchie) 7132

Municipal Act

Nuclear disarmament, municipal referendum on (Leggatt) 8119-20 (Vander Zalm) 8120

Property tax, unpaid tax, amendment to provide for increase in interest rate on (Howard) 7533

Mentioned: (Barber) 7684, 7717, 8086, 8094, 8139, 8142, 9082 (Cocke) 7319 (Davis) 8461 (Hanson) 7666 (Howard) 7532, 7533 (Nicolson) 7184 (Skelly) 7355, 8373 (Vander Zalm) 8093 (Wallace) 7795

Municipal Act Review Committee

Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 8110

Municipal Affairs, Ministry of

Estimates 8093-9, 8101-16, 8119-43

Speakers: Barber 8094-7, 8101-3, 8123-6, 8129-31, 8131-2, 8132, 8133, 8133-4, 8134, 8134-5, 8135, 8136, 8136-7, 8137, 8137-8, 8138, 8139, 8139-40, 8140, 8140-1, 8141, 8141-2, 8142, 8143; Davis 8106-8, 8115-6, 8126-7, 8135, 8135-6; Gabelmann 8108-10; Leggatt 8119-20, 8120, 8120-1, 8131; Levi 8119; Lorimer 8097, 8103-5, 8106, 8108, 8115; Macdonald 8110-3, 8114-5, 8122; Mitchell 8121-2, 8122; Nielsen 8127-9; Segarty 8142; Vander Zalm 8093, 8097-9, 8105-6, 8110, 8113-4, 8115, 8119, 8120, 8122, 8122-3, 8132, 8133, 8134, 8135, 8136, 8137, 8138, 8138-9, 8139, 8140, 8141, 8142

Functions of ministry (Vander Zalm) 8093

Minister's office, appropriation, increase in (Barber) Q. 6923

Minister's office, overrun (Wallace) 6959

Operations and administration, appropriation, reduction in (Barber) 8143

Staff thanked (Vander Zalm) 8093

Municipal Amendment Act, 1982

(Bill 10) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 6747; 2R, 7697; C, 7697-8; 3R, 7698; RA, 8037

Speakers: Barber 7697, 7697-8, 7698; Vander Zalm 7697, 7698

Companies affected by act (Barber) 7697 (Vander Zalm) 7697, 7698

Municipalities, advising of re tax benefit (Barber) 7698 (Vander Zalm) 7698

Municipalities benefiting from act (Vander Zalm) 7697

Transmission pipelines, municipal taxation of (Vander Zalm) 7697

Union of B.C. Municipalities, support for act (Vander Zalm) 7697

Municipal Amendment Act (No. 2) , 1982

(Bill 49) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 8099; 2R, 8167-72; C, 8208; 3R, 8208; RA, 8466

Speakers: Barber 8167-9; Howard 8170-1; McCarthy 8169-70; Vander Zalm 8167, 8171-2

Business licences, original intent of and present rates (Vander Zalm) 8171

Indian bands, agreements with for municipal services (Howard) 8171 (Vander Zalm) 8167, 8172

Indians, reserve land, leasing of to non-Indians and right to levy taxes (Howard) 8171

LIP grants, applicants for (Vander Zalm) 8172

Landlords, interest paid on security deposits (Barber) 8168-9

McCarthy, R.B., allegations re unpaid municipal taxes (Barber) 8167-8 (Howard) 8170-1 (McCarthy) 8169

Municipal taxes, unpaid, discussions with Union of B.C. Municipalities re (Vander Zalm) 8171

Municipal taxes, unpaid, interest rate on (Vander Zalm) 8167

Municipal taxes, unpaid, penalty for (Vander Zalm) 8171

Municipal taxes, unpaid, profiting from low interest rate on (Barber) 8167-8 (Howard) 8170-1

New Democratic Party, use of funds from sale of lottery tickets (Vander Zalm) 8172

Regional district bylaws, ratepayers' right to challenge (Vander Zalm) 8167, 8172

Union of B.C. Municipalities, support for act (Vander Zalm) 8167, 8172

Municipal elections

Recounts, policy on (Barber) 8136, 8137 (Vander Zalm) 8136, 8137

Municipal Expenditure Restraint Act

(Bill 32) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 6875; 2R, 7511-8; C. 7682-96, 7704-9, 7715-21; 3R, 7721; RA, 8037

Speakers: Barber 7511-3, 7682-6, 7687-8, 7695, 7704, 7705, 7715, 7716, 7716-7, 7718, 7719, 7720; Barrett 7705, 7706-7, 7707, 7707-8; Brown 7689-90; Dailly 7691-2, 7708; Hanson 7709; Howard 7513, 7693-4, 7717-8; Leggatt 7516-7; Lorimer 7688-9; Mussallem 7514, 7688; Phillips 7692-3; Skelly 7719-20; Vander Zalm 7511, 7517-8, 7686-7, 7690-.1, 7694, 7695, 7695-6, 7704, 7704-5, 7705, 77056, 7707, 7716, 7718, 7719, 7720; Wallace 7514-6, 7694

Divisions: 2R, 7518

Basis for act (Dailly) 7708 (Lorimer) 7688-9

Burnaby, debt and receivership of municipality (Mussallem) 7514

Burnaby, municipal budget, preparation of (Brown) 7690 (Dailly) 7692

Cowichan Community Centre, restraint on expenditure and revenue generated (Wallace) 7515-6

Directives, use of under act (Barber) 7718, 7719, 7720 (Howard) 7513, 7717-8 (Leggatt) 7517 (Skelly) 7719-20 (Vander Zalm) 7718, 7720

Exemptions from provisions of act (Barrett) 7707 (Vander Zalm) 7707

Exemptions from provisions of act, applications for (Vander Zalm) 7511

Exemptions from provisions of act, basis for (Vander Zalm) 7511

Expenditures, 1981-82, reduction in votes proposed by NDP (Howard) 7693 (Leggatt) 7517

Expenditures, unauthorized, penalty under act (Barber) 7716, 7716-7 (Vander Zalm) 7716

Hyndman, P. S., wine purchases, justification for (Mussallem) 7514

Inspector of municipalities, powers of and commissioner of compensation stabilization (Barber) 7705 (Barrett) 7706-7, 7708 (Vander Zalm) 7705, 7707

Ministers' expenditures (Barber) 7512, 7684 (Dailly) 7692

Minister's powers under act (Stupich) 6887

Municipal councils, Social Credit Party members on (Barber) 7718, 7719 (Vander Zalm) 7719

Municipal councils, support for act (Barber) 7717 (Howard) 7693-4 (Mussallem) 7688 (Vander Zalm) 7686-7, 7690

Municipal governments, autonomy of under present government (Barber) 7511 (Howard) 7513 (Leggatt) 7516-7 (Vander Zalm) 7518 (Wallace) 7514-5

Municipal governments, competence of (Barber) 7511

Municipal operating budgets, minister's control over (Barber) 7682-6, 7687-8 (Brown) 7689-90 (Dailly) 7691, 7692 (Howard) 7513 (Lorimer) 7688 (Mussallem) 7688

Municipalities, expenditures 1975-80, increase in (Hanson) 7709

Municipalities, expenditures, responsibility of aldermen, mayors re (Barber) 7683-6, 7687-8 (Brown) 7690 (Leggatt) 7516-7 (Vander Zalm) 7518

Municipalities practising economies, punishment of under act (Leggatt) 7517 (Vander Zalm) 7694 (Wallace) 7694

“Operating expenditures”, definition of under act (Barber) 7704 (Vander Zalm) 7704, 7704-5

Orders-in-council, change in procedure under former government (Barber) 7718, 7720 (Skelly) 7719

Overrun under present government, 1981-82 fiscal year (Barber) 7683, 7684, 7685, 7688, 7705 (Brown) 7689

Percentage limit, changes in, minister's powers re (Barber) 7695 (Wallace) 7694

Percentage limit, lack of specific percentage in act (Barber) 7687, 7695 (Vander Zalm) 7690, 7694 (Wallace) 7694

Percentage limit, 1982 limit (Vander Zalm) 7691

Percentage limit, 1983 limit (Barber) 7695 (Vander Zalm) 7695-6

Phillips, D.M., expenditures, cuts in proposed by NDP (Howard) 7693

Police, possible exemption from limits under act (Barrett) 7705

Power, centralization of in Victoria under present government (Barber) 7683

Powers under act, discretionary powers (Leggatt) 7517

Regional districts, expenditures by, minister's authority over (Wallace) 7515

Regulation Act, exemption from provisions of (Barber) 7718, 7719, 7720 (Howard) 7717 (Skelly) 7719

Restraint, need for (Mussallem) 7514

Restraint on expenditures, government program (Phillips) 7692-3 (Vander Zalm) 7686

Royal Canadian Mounted Police contract, negotiation of (Vander Zalm) 7704

Rural areas, increase in tax and restraint program (Wallace) 7515

Social Credit Party, influence of Liberal Party on (Howard) 7513-4, 7717-8

Time limit on act, two-year limit (Barber) 7695 (Vander Zalm) 7695

Union of B.C. Municipalities, support for act (Barber) 7684, 7687, 7688 (Brown) 7690 (Vander Zalm) 7687, 7690, 7706

Vancouver Canucks, ads re success of team, expenditure on (Barber) 7512 (Leggatt) 7517

Vander Zalm, W.N., candidature for House of Commons as Liberal (Barber) 7684 (Howard) 7513-4

Vander Zalm, W.N., office appropriation, overrun on (Barber) 7512, 7686, 7705, (Brown) 7689, 7690

Wage increases above guideline limit, problem re (Barber) 7704 (Barrett) 7706-7, 7707 (Vander Zalm) 7704, 7707

Municipal finance

Budgets, minister's control over (Barber) 7682-6, 7687-8, 9081 (Brown) 7689-90 (Dailly) 7691, 7692 (Howard) 7513 (Lorimer) 7688 (Mussallem) 7688

Conditional grants programs, changes in (Vander Zalm) 7178

Education (Interim) Finance Act, effect of on revenue (Lockstead) 7242

Expenditures, limit on and increased costs (Stupich) 7376-7

Expenditures, 1975-80, increase in (Hanson) 7709

Expenditures, percentage limit on (Barber) 7687, 7695 (Vander Zalm) 7690, 7694 (Wallace) 7694

Expenditures, percentage limit on, minister's powers re changes in (Barber) 7695 (Wallace) 7694

Expenditures, percentage limit on, 1983 limit (Barber) 7695 (Vander Zalm) 7695-6

Expenditures, responsibility of aldermen, mayors re (Barber) 7683-6, 7687-8 (Brown) 7690 (Leggatt) 7516-7 (Vander Zalm) 7518

Fees levied, restraint on increase in (Stupich) 9446

Grants, subsidies, reduction in (Passarell) 6928

Grants to municipalities under 5, 000 population, increase in (Vander Zalm) 7339

Investment income, loss of, special grants for (Barber) 8139 (Vander Zalm) 8139

Municipal Amendment Act, 1982, municipalities benefiting from (Vander Zalm) 7697

Municipal Expenditure Restraint Act. See name of act

Municipalities practising economies, punishment of under Municipal Expenditure Restraint Act (Leggatt) 7517 (Vander Zalm) 7694 (Wallace) 7694

Provincial contribution, calculation of (Barber) 7496 (Vander Zalm) 7508

Provincial contribution, decrease in (Hall) 7284 (Lorimer) 7335 (Stupich) 7283

Provincial contribution, increase in (Stupich) 7283 (Vander Zalm) 7106, 7277

Revenue Sharing Amendment Act, 1982, and possible tax increases (Wallace) 7321

Revenue Sharing Amendment Act, 1982, effect of on municipalities under 5, 000 population (Lorimer) 7336 (Vander Zalm) 7339

Revenue Sharing Fund, appropriation, reduction in (Stupich) 6882 (Vander Zalm) 7340

Revenue Sharing Fund, payments into fund (Curtis) 6871

Revenue Sharing Fund, programs financed under fund (Curtis) 6870 (Stupich) 6882

Revenue Sharing Fund, reduction in (Barber) 7166 (Brown) 7100

Revenue Sharing Fund, reduction in and municipal budgets (Barber) Q. 7149-50 (Vander Zalm) A. 7150

Revenue-sharing grants and municipal tax increases (Stupich) Q. 8553 (Curtis) A. 8553

Revenue-sharing grants, change in and municipal budgets (Barber) 7279

Revenue-sharing grants, increase in to prevent small business bankruptcies (Curtis) A. 8233 (Leggatt) Q. 8206, Q. 8233 (Phillips) A. 8206

Revenue-sharing grants, increase in to relieve commercial sector tax burden (Stupich) Q. 8364 (Curtis) A. 8364-5

Revenue-sharing grants, reduction in and restraint program (Brummet) 7322 (King) 7326 (Lorimer) 7335 (Mussallem) 7334-5

Revenue-sharing grants, unconditional grants, reduction in (Barber) 7279, 7282, 7283 (Stupich) 7283 (Vander Zalm) 7277

Revenue-sharing program (Stupich) 7927 (Vander Zalm) 8271

Revenue-sharing program during NDP administration (Barber) 7507

Revenue-sharing program, reduction in (Barber) 7279 (Brown) 7286-7 (Cocke) 7319-20 (Hall) 7284 (King) 7326 (Levi) 7314-5 (Lockstead) 7309 (Sanford) 7316-9 (Stupich) 7283

Sewer program, transfer of to municipalities (Brown) 7100 (Vander Zalm) 7106

Taxation levels, municipal councils' control over (Stupich) 8620

Welfare costs (Levi) 7314

Welfare costs, future costs (Cocke) 7319, 7320 (Sanford) 7318-9 (Stupich) 7284

Welfare costs, increase in under present government (Levi) 7313

Welfare costs, reduction in (Barber) 7279, 7280 (Levi) 7313 (Lorimer) 7335 (Vander Zalm) 7106, 7278, 7340

Welfare costs, removal of (Barber) 7279 (Curtis) 6870-1 (King) 7326 (Lorimer) 7336 (Stupich) 6882, 7283 (Vander Zalm) 7277-8, 7338, 7341, 7508 (Wallace) 7320

Welfare costs, responsibility for (Brown) 7100

Welfare costs, responsibility for and Revenue Sharing Fund (Barrett) 6995

Municipal government

Autonomy of under present government (Barber) 7511 (Howard) 7513 (Leggatt) 7516-7 (Vander Zalm) 7518 (Wallace) 7514-5

Competence of (Barber) 7511

Councils, Social Credit Party members on (Barber) 7718, 7719 (Vander Zalm) 7719

Ward systems, position on (Vander Zalm) 7505

Municipal Labour Relations Association

Mentioned: (Curtis) 7640

Municipal officials and employees

Employees, dismissal of, disclosure of reason for to individuals (Vander Zalm) 8139

Employees, executives, salary levels (Fraser) 8423

Employees, wage demands, cost of (Ree) 7479

Municipal Expenditure Restraint Act. See name of act

Wage increases above guideline limit, problems re (Barber) 7704 (Barrett) 7706-7, 7707 (Vander Zalm) 7704, 7707


Boundary changes, extensions, incorporations (Vander Zalm) 8093

Fees levied, restraint on increase in (Stupich) 9446

Housing and employment development bonds, funds for capital projects (Curtis) 8239 (Mitchell) 8238

Indian bands, agreements with for municipal services (Howard) 8171 (Vander Zalm) 8167, 8172

Inspector of municipalities, discretionary powers (Barber) 7494

Revenue Sharing Amendment Act, 1982, job loss as result of (King) 7325

Works projects, NDP proposal for (Bennett) 9389-90 (Hewitt) 9395, 9397 (Kempf) 9407 (Lauk) 9408, 9409 (Leggatt) 9523 (Lorimer) 9412 (McCarthy) 9637 (Mussallem) 9419 (Phillips) 9522 (Richmond) 9410, 9411

Works projects, NDP proposal for, source of funds for (Cocke) 9415 (Heinrich) 9487 (Hyndman) 9534 (Mussallem) 9419 (Richmond) 9410 (Ritchie) 9517 (Vander Zalm) 9590 (Waterland) 9414

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Amendment Act, 1982

(Bill 8) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 6747; 2R, 7697; C, 7713; 3R, 7713; RA, 8037 105

Mile Ranch Ltd., developments, legal status of (Vander Zalm) 7697 105

Mile Ranch Ltd., land-use contract, validation of (Vander Zalm) 7697

Munro' Jack

Mentioned: (Phillips) 7471 (Segarty) 7778

Munro, John

Mentioned: (Williams) 8747

Munroe, Don

Mentioned: (Heinrich) 8793 (King) 7642 (Sanford) 7629

Murchie, John

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 8315


Murder investigation committee, proposal for (Mitchell) 8402, 8403

Murphy, Ed

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 7785

Murphy Creek, B.C.

Power project. See entries under British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority

Murray, Anne

Mentioned: (Lauk) 7205

Murray, Margaret (Ma)

Death of (Bennett) 9403

Tribute to (Bennett) 9403 (Gardom) 9403 (Howard) 9403 (Waterland) 9403

Murray River, B.C.

Kinuseo Falls, description of (Phillips) 8759

Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada

Letter quoted (Gabelmann) 8669-70


Smaller communities, funds for museums, libraries (Brummet) 8908

Mussallem, George (Dewdney)

Address in reply 6726-9

Agricultural land reserve, effect of on land prices 6729

Agricultural land reserve, non-agricultural land in reserve 6729

Agriculture and Food ministry, estimates 7899

Auditor-general, appointment of 6727

Bankruptcies, increase in, cause of 6968

Beer, sale of in grocery stores 6727

Bells, operation of 9148

B.C. Ferry Corp., ferry system commended 7873

B.C. Ferry Corp., subsidy 7873

B.C. Hydro, assets and level of debt 6967-8

B.C. Hydro, borrowing, use of funds 7724

B.C. Hydro, debt 6967

B.C. Hydro, power, sale of to U.S. 7724

B.C. Hydro, power supply, increased disruptions in 7749

B.C. Hydro, restraint program and corporation 7748

B.C. Hydro staff, maintenance staff, tribute to 7749

B.C. Place, benefits of 6726

B.C. Railway, debt 6968

Budget address, televising of 6966-7

Budget debate 6966-70

Burnaby, debt and receivership of municipality 7514

Burnaby-Edmonds constituency, Social Credit Party candidate 6726

Child abuse, increase in 8282

Coal, northeast, development of 7335

Coal, northeast, development of, benefits 6968-9

Coal, northeast, development of, job creation 6968-9

Committee on Crown Corporations, value of 6727

Compensation Stabilization Act 7363-5, 7543-4, 7599-7600

Compensation stabilization program, guidelines for compensation, Premier's statements re 7544, 7600

Compensation stabilization program, time limit on application of 7544

Constitution, patriation of, role of W.R. Bennett in meetings re 6726

Courts, night courts, need for 6727

Crown corporations, debt, guaranteed debt 6967-8

Dangerous Health Practices Act (Bill M201) 1R, 6630; 9100

Debt, federal debt, cost of 6728

Debt, federal debt, retirement of, proposal for 6968

Debt, federal debt, role of NDP in increase in 6728

Debt, long-term borrowing as cause of inflation 7363-4

Debt, Ontario, Quebec debt 6968, 7334

Debt, provincial debt, avoidance of 7364-5

Debt under former government 6728

Discovery Park program 6729

Economic conditions and people's loss of confidence 9417, 9418, 9419

Economic programs 9419-20

Economy of B.C. 6728

Education (Interim) Finance Act 7239-40, 7304

Education (Interim) Finance Act, financing formula 7239-40

Electric power development, need for 7748

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 7947-8

Expenditures, restraint on, government program 9418

Expenditures, restraint on, need for 7514

Ferries, inland ferries, free use of 7874

Ferry Corporation Amendment Act (1982) 7873-4

Financial Administration Amendment Act (No. 2) , (1982) 9417-20

Forest industries, unemployment 9418

Forest industries, union contract, cost of to industry 9420

Free enterprise system 6969-70

Gasoline, illegal use of, losses on 7789

Gasoline Tax Amendment Act (1982) 7789

“Gold-dust twins”, use of term by Norman Levi 7947

Health-care expenditures, restraint on 7364

Health care, level of in B.C. 7364

Health-care system, improvements in 9013-4

Health ministry, estimates 9013-4, 9099

Health practices, dangerous, information to public re 9 100

Health practices, dangerous, provision of advice on by Health ministry 9100

Helpline for Children 8282

Highway 7, four-laning of 6727

Holidays, statutory holidays, decrease in number of 9420

Home ownership, NDP policy on 9268

Home ownership, policy on 9268-9

Homemaker service, increase in 9013

Homeowner Interest Assistance Act 9268-9

Homeowner interest assistance program, benefit of to economy 9269

Hospitals, bed closures 7364, 7544

Human Resources ministry, estimates 8282

Hydro and Power Authority Amendment Act (1982) 7724, 7748-9

Hyndman, P.S., wine purchases, justification for 7514

Inflation, creation of by debt 6728

Insurance Corp. of B.C., claims centres, improvements to 7899

Insurance Corp. of B.C., size of criticized 7899

Insurance Corp. of B.C. staff, tribute to 7899

Japan, industrial development 9419

Jet engine, development of 9419

Kinsella, Patrick, tribute to 6726-7

Labour ministry, estimates 8817-8

Labour relations climate, effect of W.S. King's speech on 8817-8

Lumber trade, improvement in 6728

McClelland, R.H., expense account vouchers, access to 7947

Municipal Expenditure Restraint Act 7514, 7688

Municipal Expenditure Restraint Act, municipal councils' support for 7688

Municipal works projects, NDP proposal for 9419

Municipal works projects, NDP proposal for, source of funds 9419

Municipalities, operating budgets, minister's control over 7688

Municipalities, revenue-sharing cuts and restraint program 7334-5

Neoprene, development of 9418-9

New Westminster, benefits to under present government 8708

Ombudsman, appointment of 6727

Provincial Secretary and Government Services ministry, estimates 8608

Public service, wage levels 7600

Public service, wages increases, restraint on 7364

Quebec, provincial debt 7363, 7365

Quebec, public employees, salaries 7363

Revenue Sharing Amendment Act (1982) 7327, 7333-5

Royal Columbian Hospital, construction of 7333-4

School District 41, school closures 7240

School District 42, savings on expenditures 7240

School District 75, savings on expenditures 7240

School districts, cutbacks per pupil relative to total cost 7239

Smoking, health hazard 7612

Social welfare programs, funds for 6967

Socialism 6969

Steel industry, construction of Ungava rail line 6968

Sunny Hill Hospital commended 9013

Surgery, elective surgery 7364

Tariff, reduction in, proposal for 6968

Taxation, lack of increase in 6966

Teachers, pay increase, criticisms of 9420

Tobacco Advertising Restraint Act, repeal of 7612

Tobacco products, sale of 7612

Tobacco Tax Amendment Act (1982) 7612-3

Transit, lower mainland, use of CPR right-of-way 6727

Treasury bills, accountability for to Legislature 9418

Ucluelet, power supply to, reliability of 7748-9

Unemployment insurance benefits, delay in and need for social assistance 8282

Unemployment rate 9417

The Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend (Bill PR402) 1R, 8409

The Vancouver Charter, An Act to Amend, petition 8099

Voters, enumeration of 6727

Williston Lake, fish production 7724

Wine, sale of in grocery stores 6727


Culture, research into (Rogers) 8539

Mussolini, Benito

Mentioned: (Barrett) 7344, 7348 (Howard) 7578, 7717