Province of British Columbia
30th Parliament, 4th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
August 9, 1974, November 1 to November 26, 1974


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Tree farm licences


Mentioned: (Smith) 4456


Increase in (Phillips) 4512

Taxation Act

Mentioned: (Select Standing Committee on Municipal Affairs and Housing, report) 4380

Taylor, Donna

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 4955

Taylor, Len

Article quoted (Wallace) 4592

Teacher-pupil ratio

See: Class size


Coquitlam, withdrawal of service (Wallace) 4730 (McGeer) 4813 (Jordan) 4814 (Dailly) 4814

Port Alberni, withdrawal of service (Wallace) 4730

Strike action (Wallace) 4730-1

Withdrawal of services, salary deduction for (McGeer) 4813 (Dailly) 4813, 4814 (Jordan) 4814

See also: British Columbia Teachers' Federation

Teamsters Union

See: International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America


See entries under Landlord and tenant

Terrace, B.C.

Assessment and tax increases (Dent) 4662-3 (Barrett) 4719

Terrace Ratepayers' Association, Terrace, B.C.

Letter quoted (Curtis) 4648

Textile industry and fabrics

Safety standards, consultation with federal government on, Q. (Wallace) 4789. A. (Young) 4789


Definition in Forest Act (Gibson) 4968, 5033 (Phillips) 4968 (Smith) 5009

Definition of (Phillips) 4963, 4964, 5007-8, 5013-4, 5016 (Jordan) 4965, 4966, 4969-71, 5010-1 (Chabot) 4966-7, 5008-9, 5012, 5017-8 (Bennett) 4967-8, 5007, 5009-10, 5014-5, 5017 (Gibson) 4968, 5009, 5013, 5033 (Lewis) 4971 (Smith) 5009, 5013 (Wallace) 5011-2 (Williams, R.A.) 5012 (Williams, L.A.) 5015-6

Timber Products Stabilization Act

(Bill 171) (Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources) I R, 4733; Amdts, 4940; 2R, 4822-50, 4851-75, 4880-4903; C, 4940, 4957-72, 5007-40, 5051-55; 3R, 5055-6; RA, 5071

Speakers: (2R) Anderson, D.A. 4864-7; Bennett 4828-31; Chabot 4867-71; Cummings 4890; Curtis 4890-1; Dent 4844; Fraser 4839-44; Gibson 4831-8; Hartley 4856-9; Jordan 4859-64; Kelly 4871-3; Lewis 4898-4900; McClelland 4892-8; Morrison 4889-90; Phillips 4873-5, 4880-8; Rolston 4838-9; Schroeder 4888-9; Smith 4851-6; Wallace 4846-50; Williams, L.A. 4844-6; Williams, R.A. 4822-8, 4900-3

Speakers: (C) Anderson, D.A. 5032-3, 5039-40, 5051, 5052; Bennett 4957-8, 4967-8, 5007, 5009-10, 5014-5, 5017, 5020, 5021, 5024; Chabot 4966-7, 5008-9, 5012-3, 5017-8, 5031, 5055; Fraser 5021; Gardom 4964-5; Gibson 4968, 5009, 5022-3, 5023, 5030, 5033, 5034, 5035, 5036, 5038, 5039, 5052; Jordan 4965-6, 4968-71, 5010-1, 50212.; Kelly 4971-2; McGeer 5036-7; Phillips 4962-4, 4968, 5007, 5007-8, 5013-4, 5016-7, 5018-20, 5020-1, 5026-9, 5032, 5034, 5035-6, 5037-8, 5052-4; Smith 4959-60, 5009, 5013, 5033; Wallace 4960-2, 5011, 5023-4, 5029-30, 5032, 5034, 5036, 5038, 5055; Williams, L.A. 4958-9, 5015-6, 5024-5, 5031, 5032, 5037, 5038; Williams, R.A. 4958, 5012, 5023, 5031, 5033, 5034-5, 5039, 5051-2

Amdts: (C) sec. 1 (Strachan for Williams, R.A.) 4957, 5072, approved 4967; sec. 1 (Bennett) 5007, negatived 5018; sec. 2 (Williams, R.A.) 5018, 5041, 5072, approved 5019; sec. 2 (Bennett) 5020, negatived 5022; sec. 2 (Gibson) 5023, negatived 5024; sec. 2 (Gibson) 5024, out of order 5024; sec. 3 (Williams, R.A.) 5026, 5041, 5072, approved 5026; sec. 4 (Williams, R.A.) 5029, 5041, 5072, approved 5029; sec. 4 (Wallace) 5030, 5040, 5072-3, negatived 5030; sec. 4 (Gibson) 5030, negatived 5030; sec. 7 (Gibson) 5033, 5073, negatived 5033; sec. 7 (Smith) 5033, out of order 5033; sec. 8 (Williams, R.A.) 5034, 5041, 5072, approved 5041; sec. 8 (Phillips) 5034, negatived 5034; sec. 10 (Phillips) 5035, negatived 5035; sec. 11 (Phillips) 5035, negatived 5036; sec. 12 (Williams, R.A.) 5036, 5072, approved 5036; sec. 12 (Gibson) 5036, out of order 5036; sec. 13 (Phillips) 5038, negatived 5038; sec. 15 (Williams, R.A.) 5038, 5041, 5072, approved 5038; sec. 16 (Wallace) 5038, 5040, 5073, negatived 5038; sec. 19 (Gibson) 5039, negatived 5039; sec. 20 (Williams, R.A.) 5039, 5041, 5072, approved 5039; sec. 20 (Anderson, D.A.) 5040, 5051, negatived 5052; sec. 20 (Gibson) 5054, negatived 5054; title (Wallace) 5040, 5055, 5073, negatived 5055

Divisions: (2R) 4903; (C) 5018, 5022, 5024, 5025, 5029, 5030, 5030-1, 5031, 5031-2, 5033. 5034, 5037, 5038-9, 5039, 5054, 5055, 5056

Administration of Act, financing of (Anderson, D.A.) 5039-40, 5051, 5052 (Williams, R.A.) 5051-2

Appeal, provisions for (Phillips) 4888 (McClelland) 4893, 4894, 4895, 4896

Aspen, utilization of (Phillips) 4882-3

British Columbia Forest Products Board, amdt. to change name (Williams, L.A.) 4959 (Jordan) 4965

British Columbia Research Council, wood chip prices study (Williams, R.A.) 4825, 4901 (Wallace) 4847 (Anderson, D.A.) 4865-6 (Phillips) 4886-7, 5019 (McClelland) 4894-5

Canadian Cellulose Co. Ltd., chip prices (Williams, R.A.) 4824 (Bennett) 4830-1 (Gibson) 4832-3 (Fraser) 4842, 4843 (Dent) 4844 (Wallace) 4847 (Smith) 4853-4, 4856, 4960 (Anderson, D.A.) 4864 (Chabot) 4870 (Phillips) 4884, 5019 (Williams, L.A.) 5024-5

Chips, minimum price (Wallace) 4847

Chips, price of (Williams, R.A.) 4824-6, 4900, 4901, 4903 (Bennett) 4830 (Gibson) 4832 (Rolston) 4838, 4839 (Fraser) 4841, 4842, 4843-4 (Williams, L.A.) 4844 (Wallace) 4846, 4847, 4850 (Smith) 4852-4 (Jordan) 4860, 4863 (Anderson, D.A.) 4864-6 (Kelly) 4872 (Phillips) 4880, 4884 (McClelland) 4892

Chips, price of, determination by provisions of Arbitration Act of B.C. (Bennett) 5024

Chips, price of, determination on basis of lower coast market (Gibson) 5023 (Williams, R.A.) 5023 (Wallace) 5023-4

Chips, price of, formula for determining (Phillips) 5020

Chips, price of, increase and increased stumpage (Wallace) 4848 (Smith) 4954, 4960 (Gibson) 5022-3

Chips, price of, setting by Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council (Williams, L.A.) 5025

Commerce department, University of British Columbia, study of chip price (Williams, R.A.) 4901

Contracts, breaking of under Act (Fraser) 4840 (Schroeder) 4888, 4889 (Phillips) 5018

Control of forest industry (Bennett) 4830 (Fraser) 4840, 4843, (Williams, L.A.) 4845, 5015 (Wallace) 4848, 4849 (Phillips) 4885, 5016, 5027 (Morrison) 4890

Cost-trend factors, change in (Williams, R.A.) 4824

Cutting permits, approval of (Gibson) 4834 (Fraser) 4842 (Phillips) 4884

Disclosure of documents, financial statements, etc. o f companies, individuals (Fraser) 4840 (Wallace) 4849, 5034 (Morrison) 4890 (Williams, R.A.) 5034-5

Drafting of bill (Smith) 4960 (Jordan) 4966, 5010

Employment in forest industry (Phillips) 4887

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, accountability to Legislature (Jordan) 4862 (Curtis) 4891 (Phillips) 5026, 5052-3 (Gibson) 5052, 5054

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, basis of intervention in log market (Gibson) 4962

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, borrowing powers (Williams, L.A.) 4959 (Phillips) 5026, 5027-8, 5035, 5038

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, directors, appointment of (Fraser) 4841 (Chabot) 4870, 5031 (Phillips) 4883, 5026-7 (McClelland) 4893 (Wallace) 5030

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, directors, appointment of MLAs (Gibson) 4834-5, 5030 (Wallace) 4848, 5029

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, directors, appointments approved by forestry committee of Legislature (Phillips) 5027-9

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, directors, member of Forest Service (Wallace) 5029

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, directors, number of (Gibson) 4837 (Wallace) 4848 (Jordan) 4861

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, exemptions from Companies Act (Gibson) 4836-7 (Jordan) 4861, 4862 (Wallace) 5032 (Phillips) 5032 (Williams, L.A.) 5032

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, exports, control of (Gibson) 4837, 5034

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, finances, accountability to Legislature (Gibson) 5036 (Wallace) 5036, 5038 (McGeer) 5036-7 (Williams, L.A.) 5037

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, financing of (Williams, L.A.) 4845, 5038 (Smith) 4855 (Anderson, D.A.) 4866 (Phillips) 4883, 5035

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, fiscal year ending March 31, 1976 (Gibson) 4837, 5052, 5054 (Fraser) 4842 (Wallace) 5036, 5038 (Williams, R.A.) 5052

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, information derived from private companies (Wallace) 5034 (Williams, R.A.) 5034-5

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, investment in foreign currencies (Smith) 4855, 4856

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, marketing (Williams, L.A.) 4845-6, 4959 (Wallace) 4846-7, 4849

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, objects of board (Wallace) 4849, 4961 (Phillips) 4962-4 (Smith) 5033

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, obligations re regulations of Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council (Williams, L.A.) 5031, 5032

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, power to acquire companies (Gibson) 5038

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, power to control markets (Gibson) 4835, 4836 (Fraser) 4841

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, powers (Bennett) 4830, 4831 (Fraser) 4840, 4842 (Williams, L.A.) 4845 (Wallace) 4846, 4848, 4961 (Smith) 4852, 4855 (Curtis) 4891 (Gibson) 4962 (Phillips) 5026-9 (Anderson, D.A.) 5052

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, recommendations of, making public, public hearings on (Phillips) 5034

Forest Products Board of British Columbia, revenue, income (Williams, L.A.) 5038 (Wallace) 5038

Forest Products Board of British Columbia mentioned (Bennett) 4828

Forest products, definition of, amdt. to change (Bennett) 4957 (Williams, L.A.) 4958 (Smith) 4960 (Wallace) 4961 (Phillips) 4962

Forest Service (Fraser) 4842 (Williams, L.A.) 4845 (Wallace) 4848 (Chabot) 4871

Hog fuel, utilization (Fraser) 4842

Indians, hiring of by forest industries (Williams, R.A.) 4901

Integrated companies (Williams, R.A.) 4822

Introduction of bill, timing of (Gibson) 4832

Investment in forest industry in B.C. (Bennett) 4831, 5010, 5015 (Fraser) 4843 (Wallace) 4850, 4961 (Smith) 4853 (Jordan) 4860 (Chabot) 4869, 5012-3, 5018 (Kelly) 4872 (Phillips) 4875, 5013 (Williams, R.A.) 5012

Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, orders under Act, termination date (Bennett) 5020, 5021 (Phillips) 5020-1 (Fraser) 5021 (Jordan) 5021-2

Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, powers under Act (Gibson) 4835, 5039 (Anderson, D.A.) 4866 (McClelland) 4893

Log market on lower coast (Williams, R.A.) 4826-7, 4902

Logging guidelines, changes in (Gibson) 4833

Logs, control of under Act (Wallace) 4961, 5011 (Gibson) 4962

Logs, marketing of (Williams, R.A.) 5012

Lumber market, decline in (Williams, R.A.) 4822 (Gibson) 4833 (Fraser) 4841 (Williams, L.A.) 4845

Lumber recovery factors, study of (Williams, R.A.) 4824

Marketing organization in forest industry (Williams, L.A.) 4845-6

Pearse, Peter, task force report mentioned, quoted (Williams, R.A.) 4826, 4827, 4901, 5074 (Gibson) 4835-6 (Wallace) 4846, 4848 (Anderson, D.A.) 4865 (Phillips) 4885-6 (Williams, L.A.) 5016 (Smith) 5033

Pollution control standards (Rolston) 4838

Proclamation of Act (Chabot) 5055

Pulp industry, offer to open books for chip prices study (Phillips) 4886 (McClelland) 4895

Pulp industry, return on investment (Phillips) 4886-7, 5019

Pulp prices (Williams, R.A.) 4824-5, 4901

Regulations under Act, expiry of (Gibson) 5039

Rehabilitation of NSR land (Gibson) 4834

Retroactive provisions in Act (Fraser) 4840

Rim Forest Products Ltd., closing of mill (Gibson) 4833, 4836 (Williams, L.A.) 4844 (Anderson, D.A.) 4864 (Chabot) 4869-70 (Phillips) 4888 (McClelland) 4895-6 (Williams, R.A.) 4901

Road building, employment in (Gibson) 4834 (Rolston) 4839

Sawmills, decline in numbers (Williams, R.A.) 4823, 4828, 4900 (Bennett) 4828, 4829 (Fraser) 4840-1 (Hartley) 4859 (Phillips) 4887-8 (McClelland) 4893 (Williams, L.A.) 4959

Stumpage assessments (Smith) 4854 (Williams, L.A.) 5025

Stumpage, change in (Williams, R.A.) 4824 (Bennett) 4830 (Gibson) 4833 (Fraser) 4841, 4842, 4843 (Smith) 4954, 4960

Stumpage revenue (Gibson) 4834 (Fraser) 4843

Takeover of forest industry (Bennett) 4830, 4831, 5010, 5015 (Gibson) 4832 (Fraser) 4840, 4843 (Wallace) 4850 (Smith) 4852, 4960, 5009 (Jordan) 4860, 4861, 4863, 5011 (Chabot) 4867-8 (Phillips) 4873, 4874, 4880, 4882, 4883, 4885, 5008 (McClelland) 4896-8

Timber, definition of (Phillips) 4963, 4964, 5007 (Jordan) 4965, 4966, 4969-71 (Chabot) 4966-7 (Bennett) 4967-8 (Gibson) 4968 (Lewis) 4971 amdt. to define as forest products (Bennett) 5007, 5009-10, 5014-5, 5017 (Phillips) 5007-8, 5013-4, 5016 (Chabot) 5008-9, 5012, 5017-8 (Smith) 5009, 5013 (Gibson) 5009, 5013 (Jordan) 5010-1 (Wallace) 5011-2 (Williams, R.A.) 5012 (Williams, L.A.) 5015-6

Timber, definition of, amdt. to define as forest products (Gibson) 5033

Title, amdt. to change (Wallace) 5055

Unemployment in industry (Williams, R.A.) 4823, 4828 (Bennett) 4829, 4831, 4957, 4958, 5015 (Gibson) 4833, 4962 (Fraser) 4841, 4843 (Anderson, D.A.) 4864, (Phillips) 5014 (Chabot) 5018

Utilization policy based on Sloan report (Bennett) 4829-30 (Fraser) 4840-1 (Phillips) 4887 (McClelland) 4893-4

Utilization policy, change in (Williams, R.A.) 4826 (Wallace) 4847 (Smith) 4854

Wood products, competition elsewhere in world (Gibson) 4835

Timmis, Dennis

Quoted (Phillips) 4880

Mentioned: (Jordan) 4861 (McClelland) 4898

Ting, Larry

Mentioned: (Select Standing Committee on Municipal Affairs and Housing, report) 4380

Toronto, Ont.

Housing problem (Macdonald) 4636-7

Tourist trade

Information booth in Golden (Chabot) 4509

Trade Practices Act

Long-term service contracts, investigation into, Q. (Wallace) 4761. A. (Young) 4761

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 5052

Trade regulation

Long-term service contracts, report on investigation into, Q. (Wallace) 4761: A. (Young) 4761

Traffic accidents

Hit-and-run victims, payment of judgments, Q. (Gardom) 4485, 4519. A. (Macdonald) 4519

Uninsured motorists, payment of claims against; Q. (Gardom) 4485, 4704

Traffic Victims Indemnity Fund

Claims, hit-and-run accidents, uninsured motorists (Gardom) Q. 4519, Q. 4704, 4917-8, 4924-5, 4926-7, 4952-4, 4974-5 (Macdonald) A. 4520, A. 4704 (Chabot) 4907 (Hall) 4907, 4909 (Williams, L.A.) 4908, 4909-10, 4947-50 (Hartley) 4908-9 (Jordan) 4909, 4950-2 (Smith) 4910, 4918-20, 4945-7, 4975 (Anderson, D.A.) 4921-2, 4954-6 (Strachan) 4922-4, 4925, 4927, 4945-7, 4973-4 (Wallace) 4926-7, 4975 (Lea) 4976

Driver's licence cancelled for unpaid debt (McClelland) 4987, 5000

Trail, B.C.

Taxes, reductions, increases (Liden) 4658

Trans-Canada Highway

See: Highway 1

Transit Services Act

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 5052

Tree farm licences

Improvements, taxing of (Williams, R.A.) 4979 (Gibson) 4979, 4980

Trevino, Bebe

Mentioned: (King) 4736

Trudeau, Rt. Hon. Pierre Elliott

Mentioned: (Gibson) 4521 (Hon. Member) 4621

Trustees, School

See: School boards; also British Columbia School Trustees' Association

Tsawwassen Tennis Club

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 5080


Boycott on Russian turbines, Q. (Gardom) 5045

Turner, Hon. John

Mentioned: (Jordan) 4616