Province of British Columbia
30th Parliament, 4th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
August 9, 1974, November 1 to November 26, 1974


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Abbey Glen Property Corp.

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 4586, 4587

Aberdeen Private Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

30-day contract imposed on patients, Q. (Wallace) 4704


Programme (Cocke) 4524, 4547 (McClelland) 4524 (Jordan) 4537

Adams, Neale

Mentioned: (Gibson) 4578

Adams, Robert V.

Contract documents, filing in House, Q. (Gardom) 4671, 4672, 4734. A. (Strachan) 4672

Administration of Justice Act

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 5051


McLeod, Ian, report on standards, Q. (Wallace) 4762. A. (Young) 4762

Agricultural credit

Farm loan applications received, approved, total guaranteed, Q. (Wallace) 5084. A. (Stupich) 5084

Agricultural produce

See: Farm produce


Employment in agricultural industry (Smith) 4451, 4457

Aguirre, Miguel

Letter quoted (Curtis) 4648-50

Aikins, J.S.

Insurance Corp. of B.C. decision (Strachan) 4801

Air West Sky Ferry

Mentioned: (Hon. Member) 4458


Peace River site 1 project, task force on, Q. (Wallace) 5079. A. (Williams, R.A.) 5079

Rental accommodation, vacancy rate (Phillips) 4566 (McClelland) 4570 (Gibson) 4576 (Schroeder) 4597 (Smith) 4608-9

Albertini, Kenneth

Mentioned: (King) 4343


See: Aluminum Co. of Canada

Allmand, Hon. Warren

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 4483

Allotment of land

Rent-a-garden sites, funds for preparation and operation, Q. (Bennett) 4785. A. (Stupich) 4785

Alpine Village Estates Ltd.

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 5081

Aluminum Co. of Canada

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 5074


Ambulance service (McClelland) 4528 (Cocke) 4546

Ambulance service, ambulances purchased, cost, Q. (McClelland) 4760. A. (Cocke) 4760

Ambulance service, expenditures to date, Q. (McClelland) 4760. A. (Cocke) 4760

Anchor Bay Marina, Port Alberni, B.C.

Mentioned: (Curtis) 4652

Anderson, David Alexander (Victoria)

Arbitration, compulsory 4346, 4370-1

Assessment Amendment Act (1974) 4695-7

Assessments, full-value 4696

Assessments, 1974 roll 4696

Beef cattle marketing commission 4810

British Columbia Marketing Board, consumer representation on 4770

British Columbia Marketing Board, powers 4478

British Columbia Marketing Board, producer representation on 4770

British Columbia Railway extension construction, environmental damage, Q. 4914

British Columbia Research Council, wood chip prices study 4865-6

Canadian Cellulose Co. Ltd., chip prices 4864

Cattle Industry Improvement Act, levies under Act 4810

Central Mortgage and Housing Corp., loans in B.C. 4623

Chairman's ruling challenged 4372

Chronic care hospitals 4530

Civil service, citizenship requirement 4982, 4983

Cragg, John, report 4622

Drivers' licences, cancellation for non-payment of insurance premium debt 4987, 4988-9, 4991-2, 4996-7, 5059-61, 5066-7

Egg producers' income assurance programme, Q. 4483

Essential Services Continuation Act 4345-6, 4365, 4370-1

Farm income problem 4478

Firemen, council of trade unions 4365

Forest industry, unemployment in 4864

Forest Products Board of B.C., financing of 4866

Forest Products Board of B.C., powers 5052

Health care costs 4529

Health department budget, overruns 4529

Health department, decentralization 4530

Health department, Deputy Minister 4530

Health, Department of, Amendment Act (1974) 4528-31

Health department, special warrants 4529

Health Minister's duties, delegation of 4530

Health Security Programme Project, reorganization recommendations 4529-30

Insurance Corp. of B.C., agents, credit unions 4977

Insurance Corp. of B.C., agents on strike, adjournment to discuss 4603, 4669

Insurance Corp. of B.C., claims, hit-and-run accidents, uninsured motorists 4921-2, 4954-6

Insurance Corp. of B.C., computer, dropping of vehicles, drivers from rolls, Q. 4879

Insurance Corp. of B.C., computer replacement, Q. 4606

Insurance Corp. of B.C., head office in Royal Centre 4992

Insurance premiums, benefits, determination on basis of sex 4980, 4981

International Woodworkers of America, membership of independent contractors, Q. 4604

Jones, Mary Margaret, coroner's report on death of, Q. 5044

Kemano II development, environmental studies on, Q. 4780 , Kovachich case 4485, 4487, 4488, 4495, 4496, Q. 4484

Landlord and Tenant Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) 4621-4, 4932, 4933

Legislation, provision for retroactivity of 4678

Marketing boards 4495

Marketing boards, control of 4495

Marketing boards, quota systems 4479

Milk quota system, cost in B.C. 4479

Municipal Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) 4674

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act, An Act to Amend (Bill 177) 1R, 4763

Natural Products Marketing (British Columbia) Act 4478-9, 4485, 4494-7, 4770, 4795, 4796, 4808, 4809, 4810

Natural Products Marketing (British Columbia) Act, origins of 4485, 4494-7

Natural Products Marketing (British Columbia) Act, retroactive provisions 4795, 4796, 4809

Pearse, Peter, task force report 4865

Premier's office, investigation into forged letter, Q. 4385

Public Schools Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) 4678-9, 4706-7, 4708

Public Schools Interim Arbitration Procedure Act 4814, 4815, 4816, 4817-8

Public Schools Interim Arbitration Procedure Act, retroactivity of 4814

Rent control, mobility of population 4623

Rent Review Commission, power to review rents 4932, 4933

Rental accommodation, key money 4622

Rental accommodation, new, rent control free period 4621-2, 4624

Rim Forest Products Ltd., closing of mill 4864

Royal Bank, fee to agents for insurance premium loans 5059

Royal. Bank, official bank for Insurance Corp. of B.C. 4996, 5060

School district election results, possible challenges 4678, 4708

School district elections, voters' eligibility 4678

Statute Law Amendment Act, 1974 (No. 2) 4921-2, 4954-6, 4977, 4979, 4980, 4981, 4982, 4983, 4987, 4988-9, 4991-2, 4996-7, 5059-61, 5066-7

Strikes in essential services 4345

Sub judice matter, debate on 4485-9, 4493-4

Sugar, restriction on intake 4530

Teacher-trustee contract dispute, arbitration of, Q. 4790

Teacher-trustee contract dispute, arbitrators, appointment of 4816, 4817-8

Timber Products Stabilization Act 4864-7, 5032-3, 5039-40, 5051, 5052

Timber Products Stabilization Act, financing of administration 5039-40, 5051, 5052

Timber Products Stabilization Act, power of Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council under 4866

Trans-Canada Highway closure, business losses, Q. 4521

Tree farm licences, renewal of 4979

Voters, eligibility of in municipal elections 4674

Voters, eligibility of in rural areas 4674

Wood chips, price of 4864-6

Anderson, Gerald Hamilton (Kamloops)

Beef, grass-fed, sale, Q. 4521

British Columbia Marketing Board, consumer representation on 4501

Farm investment return 4501

Farmers' organizations 4502

Natural Products Marketing (British Columbia) Act 4501-2


See: Real property — Valuation

Arbitration, Industrial

Compulsory arbitration (Anderson, D.A.) 4346, 4370-1 (Wallace) 4348, 4747 (Williams, L.A.) 4359 (King) 4362, 4750 (Smith) 4738-9

Arbitration Act of British Columbia

Mentioned: (Bennett) 5024

Armor Elevator Co.

Collective agreement (King) 4903

Mentioned: (King) 4736 (Williams, L.A.) 4744

Ash, Terry

Mentioned: (Chabot) 4415


Utilization of (Phillips) 4882-3

Assessment Act

Mentioned: (Curtis) 4654 (Wallace) 4984

Assessment Amendment Act, 1974

(Bill 170) (Minister of Finance) 1R, 4418, Amdt. 4734; 2R, 4637-9, 4641-67, 4679-4702, 4708-21; C, 4904-7; 3R, 5007; RA, 5071

Speakers: (2R) Anderson, D.A. 4695-7; Barrett 4637-9, 4716-21; Bennett 4712-3; Chabot 4709-12; Curtis 4641-57; Dent 4662-3; Fraser 4686-90; Gibson 4716; Jordan 4699-4702, 4708-9; Liden 4657-9; Lorimer 4685-6; McClelland 4691-5; McGeer 4681-2; Phillips 4664-7, 4679-81; Rolston 4713-6; Sanford 4690-1; Smith 4697-9; Wallace 4682-5; Williams, L.A. 4659-62

Speakers: (C) Curtis 4904-5, 4905, 4906-7; Lorimer 4905, 4906, 4907

Amdts: (C) sec. 1 (Lorimer for Barrett) 4904, approved 4904; sec. 1 (Curtis) 4906, out of order 4907

Divisions: (2R) 4721 (3R) 5007

Appeals against assessments (Curtis) 4653-4, 4906 (Fraser) 4690

Appeals against assessments, cost of (Curtis) 4906 (Lorimer) 4906

Appeals against 1974 assessments (Curtis) 4655, 4656, 4906 (Fraser) 4688-9 (McClelland) 4693 (Chabot) 4710 (Lorimer) 4906

Appraisers, shortage of (Curtis) 4653

Assessment areas (Curtis) 4905 (Lorimer) 4905

Assessment authority (Phillips) 4680-1 (McClelland) 4695

Assessment authority, financing of (Barrett) 4721

Assessment authority, staff (Curtis) 4904-5 (Lorimer) 4905

Assessment commissioner, power to reduce assessments (Barrett) 4638 (Wallace) 4684 (McClelland) 4693 (Curtis) 4905 (Lorimer) 4906

Assessment commissioner, terms of reference (Curtis) 4653 (Phillips) 4681

Assessment of new properties (Barrett) 4638

Assessment rolls, use of dual rolls maintained (Barrett) 4638

Assessments, increase limits since 1966 (Liden) 4657 (Dent) 4662 (McGeer) 4681-2 (Wallace) 4682-3 (Rolston) 4715 (Barrett) 4718

Assessments, increases exceeding 10 per cent (Wallace) 4684

Bureaucracy, growth of (McClelland) 4693

Churches, tax exemption (Fraser) 4689 (Rolston) 4715

Classification of property for assessment purposes (Williams, L.A.) 4661

Commission to review assessment and property taxation (Barrett) 4638

Courts of revision (Liden) 4658 (Williams, L.A.) 4661 (Barrett) 4721

Courts of revision, ombudsman for (Curtis) 4655-6, 4906-7

Crown corporations, tax exemptions (Fraser) 4689 (Smith) 4697 (Rolston) 4715

Electoral areas, services to residents (Rolston) 4714

Electoral areas, tax-sharing agreements (Smith) 4698

Farms, definition of for assessment purposes (Rolston) 4715

Full-value assessment (Curtis) 4654-5, 4656 (Williams, L.A.) 4660 (Dent) 4663 (Wallace) 4684 (Lorimer) 4685 (Fraser) 4688 (Anderson, D.A.) 4696 (Bennett) 4712 (Rolston) 4714-5 (Barrett) 4718-9

Full-value assessment, committee to study (Lorimer) 4686 (Fraser) 4689 (Sanford) 4690

Full-value assessment, public education (Jordan) 4701 (Curtis) 4905 (Lorimer) 4905

Hardship cases, review of (Curtis) 4653 (Liden) 4657 (Fraser) 4688-9 (Sanford) 4690

Improvement, definition of (Rolston) 4714

Improvements to property (Dent) 4663

Industrial, commercial properties, assessment of (Barrett) 4638 (Williams, L.A.) 4659, 4660 (Wallace) 4683 (Bennett) 4712

Industries, municipal tax concessions to (Fraser) 4686 (Chabot) 4711

Letters protesting tax increases quoted (Curtis) 4644-52

Letters received re assessments (Phillips) 4666 (McClelland) 4691 (Chabot) 4710

Mill rate, setting under full-value assessment (Wallace) 4683 (Fraser) 4689

Municipal Act, sections contradictory to Act (Curtis) 4905 (Lorimer) 4905

Municipal Affairs department, consultation with (Curtis) 4905 (Lorimer) 4905

Municipal financing (Phillips) 4679-80

Municipalities, difficulties in budgeting (Williams, L.A.) 4662

1973 assessment roll, return to (Wallace) 4684, 4685 (Barrett) 4720

1974 assessment roll (Curtis) 4643, 4655 (Williams, L.A.) 4660 (Fraser) 4688 (McClelland) 4692 (Anderson, D.A.) 4696 (Rolston) 4715-6

1974 assessment roll, mill rate reduction (Fraser) 4689

1974 assessment roll, reductions, increases in taxes (Liden) 4658-9 (Williams, L.A.) 4660 1974 assessment roll, retention of (Barrett) 4638, 4720 (Williams, L.A.) 4660

Non-profit organizations, tax relief for (Barrett) 4711, 4717, 4718 (Chabot) 4711

Ontario study of full-value assessments (Liden) 4658 (Lorimer) 4685 (Jordan) 4700 (Rolston) 4713

Property taxes, services (Rolston) 4714

Residential property, five-acre limit on (McClelland) 4694 (Barrett) 4721

Resorts, assessment increases (Sanford) 4690

Revenue-sharing formula (Phillips) 4680, 4681 (Fraser) 4689 (Bennett) 4712-3

School tax removal and resources grant (Curtis) 4656 (McClelland) 4693 (Bennett) 4712

Site-value taxation (Fraser) 4687 (Sanford) 4690-1

Small businesses, tax increase for (Wallace) 4683, 4684 (Fraser) 4686 (McClelland) 4692 (Chabot) 4709, 4710 (Barrett) 4718

Tax deferral for elderly (Phillips) 4680 (Wallace) 4683 (Bennett) 4712

Tax legislation, changes in (Williams, L.A.) 4660, 4661 (Wallace) 4683, 4684 (Fraser) 4688 (Chabot) 4709, 4712

Taxable properties (Rolston) 4713 (Barrett) 4721

Taxes, due date for payment (Curtis) 4656

Taxes paid, homeowner-commercial proportions (Phillips) 4664 (Fraser) 4688

Union of British Columbia Municipalities, consultation with (Chabot) 4711-2

Vacant land, assessment increase on (Fraser) 4687 (Rolston) 4713

Vacant land, tax credit on (Barrett) 4720

Assessment Appeal Board

Chairman, members, remuneration paid to, Q. (Bennett) 4943. A. (Barrett) 4943

Assessment Authority of British Columbia

Assessment revision undertaken (Curtis) 4654

Select Standing Committee on Municipal Affairs and Housing, meeting with (Curtis) 4654 (Sanford) 4691 (McClelland) 4691

Assessment Authority of British Columbia Act

Legislation to adjust operating revenues, Q. (Curtis) 4521. A. (Barrett) 4521

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 5052

Assessment Equalization Act, an Act to Amend

Mentioned: (Barrett) 4638, 4716, 4717, 4718, 4719, 4720, 4721 (Curtis) 4645, 4646, 4652, 4653 (Williams, L.A.) 4660, 4661 (Dent) 4663 (Phillips) 4665, 4666, 4680 (Lorimer) 4685 (Fraser) 4686, 4687, 4688, 4689, 4690 (McClelland) 4691, 4692 (Anderson, D.A.) 4696, 4697 (Smith) 4698 (Jordan) 4699, 4700, 4702, 4708 (Chabot) 4709, 4710, 4711 (Rolston) 4713

Assessment of land for taxation purposes

See: Land value taxation

Attlee, Clement

Mentioned: (Wallace) 4850

Attorney-General, Department of

Coroners' inquests, overrun in expenditures (Barrett) 4943

Automobile drivers' licences

Cancellation of (McClelland) 4991, 4994, 4995, 5000

Cancellation of and consumer protection (McClelland) 4988, 4991, 4994, 5000 (Phillips) 4989, 4990 (Chabot) 4993-4

Cancellation of at discretion of Superintendent of Motor Vehicles (Strachan) 5063, 5064 (Gardom) 5063-4, 5064, 5065

Cancellation of for non-payment of insurance premium debt (Anderson, D.A.) 4987, 4988-9, 4991-2, 4996-7, 5059-61, 5066-7 (Strachan) 4987, 4988, 5062-3 (McClelland) 4987-8, 4988, 4991, 4994-5, 5000-1 (Wallace) 4989 (Phillips) 4989-91, 4993-4, 4995, 4997-5000 (Gardom) 4992-3 (Bennett) 4995 (Chabot) 4995-6 (Hall) 5063

Automobiles — Maintenance and repair

“Wheelers and Dealers”, slander on repair shops. Q. (Williams, L.A.) 4822

Automobiles, Secondhand

See: Used car trade

Automobiles, Used

See: Used car trade


See: Insurance Corp. of B.C.