The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Twelve o’clock p.m.
Prayers by Mr. Hunt.
The Hon. L. Reid (Speaker) tabled the following documents:
Auditor General Report: The Status of Government’s General Computing Controls: 2014, December 2015;
Representative for Children and Youth Report, B.C. Adoption Update, December 2015;
Representative for Children and Youth and Ministry of Children and Family Development, A Joint Special Report, The Placement of Children and Youth in Care in Hotels in British Columbia, January 2016;
Registrar of Lobbyists Investigation Report 15-13, Lobbyist: Dave Kennedy, December 23, 2015;
Registrar of Lobbyists Investigation Report 15-12, Lobbyist: Peter Walters, December 17, 2015;
Registrar of Lobbyists Investigation Report 15-11, Lobbyist: Sarah Beuhler, October 14, 2015;
Registrar of Lobbyists Investigation Report 15-10, Lobbyist: Robert Lindstrom, October 20, 2015; and,
Legislative Assembly of British Columbia Accountability Report, 2014-15 and Summary Report, 2014-15, December 2015.
By leave, the Hon. M. de Jong moved —
That the written agreements between the Government House Leader, the Hon. M. de Jong and the Opposition House Leader, Mr. Farnworth effective January 7, 2016 and January 27, 2016 be ratified, setting forth the following changes to the membership of various Select Standing Committees for the 4th Session of the 40th Parliament:
Jackie Tegart shall replace the Hon. M. Morris as a Member of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services;
John Martin shall replace the Hon. M. Morris as a Member of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts;
Jackie Tegart shall replace the Hon. M. Bernier as Convener of the Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs;
Marvin Hunt shall replace the Hon. M. Morris as Convener of the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations; and,
Laurie Throness shall replace the Hon. M. Bernier as a Member of the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations.
Motion agreed to.
The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of the Province, having entered the House, took her seat on the Throne and was pleased to deliver the following gracious speech:
Madame Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly:
In closing this fourth session of the Fortieth Parliament of British Columbia, on behalf of all British Columbians, I note that in this session we enacted 42 bills covering areas of substance and importance to the people of this Province. I wish to express my appreciation for the care and attention you have given to your deliberations and the service you have provided to our great and beautiful province. I now relieve you of your duties. Splendor sine occasu.
Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor was then pleased to retire.
The Hon. S. Anton (Minister of Justice) then said:
Madame Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly:
It is Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor’s will and pleasure that the Legislative Assembly be prorogued until 2:00 p.m. today, and this Legislative Assembly is hereby prorogued accordingly.
The following reports were received by the Office of the Clerk during adjournment:
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Major Capital Project Plan: Highway 1 – Monte Creek to Pritchard Budget Transparency and Accountability Act Disclosure; and,
Quarterly Report (Second), November 2015.
And then the House prorogued at 12.11 p.m.
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