42nd Parliament – 2022
Parliamentary Committee Transcripts
Health Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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McCrea, Jennifer
- Education and Child Care Ministry
McDonald, Melanie
McDonald, Shannon
McDougall, Jenny
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Professionals for Ethical Engagement of Peers and People with Lived and Living Experience (BCCDC and BCCSU Joint Committee) 22:1135-1145, 22:1205-1215
McLeod, Harvey
McMillan, Grant
MacNeil, Kathy
Maddeux, Ryan
Massey, Christine
- Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
Mathias, Steve
Mead, Annabel
Medgyesi, Mark
Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
- Briefing to committee 5:0900-1010, 5:1020-1025, 5:1035-1105
- Briefing to committee, speakers (Campbell, D.) 5:1040, 5:1105, 5:1120, 5:1225 (Massey, C.) 5:0900-1010, 5:1020-1025, 5:1035-1130, 5:1140-1205, 5:1225-1230 (Sturtevant, D.) 5:1025, 5:1140-1145
Mercier, Mike
Mérette, Sandrine
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Provincial Toxicology Centre 8:1335, 8:1345-1350
Métis Nation B.C. See also Jones, Jillian; Mercier, Mike; Thomson, Stephen
Minhas, Chelsea
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Covenant House Vancouver 12:0900-0955
Moms Stop the Harm See also Bailey, Deb
Montgomerie, Andrew
- Presentation to committee on behalf of WorkSafeBC 23:1700-1730
Morris, Jonny
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Canadian Mental Health Association, B.C. division 9:1000-1055
Morrison, Billy
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Professionals for Ethical Engagement of Peers and People with Lived and Living Experience (BCCDC and BCCSU Joint Committee) 22:1125-1130
Motions and resolutions
- Motion on appointment of subcommittee on agenda and procedure, approved 1:1205
- Motion to elect Chair, approved 1:1200
- Motion to elect Deputy Chair, approved 1:1205
Mullins, Garth
Mumford, Sherry
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Addiction Recovery Association 14:1300-1350
Munroe, Flora
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