42nd Parliament – 2022
Parliamentary Committee Transcripts
Health Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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Baergen, Jeffrey
Bailey, Deb
Barker, Brittany
Basedow, Christina
Baspaly, Dave
Bayes, Shawn
BCCDC joint committee
BCCSU joint committee
Bell, Michelle
Bird, Lorna
Blyth, Sarah
Bolster, Jennifer
Bond, Shirley (Prince George–Valemount)
Booth, Katyanna
Bradley, Jasmine
Brar, Rupi
The Bridge Youth and Family Services
British Columbia Addiction Recovery Association
British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police
British Columbia Association of People on Opioid Maintenance
British Columbia Association of Social Workers
British Columbia Building and Construction Trades Council
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use
British Columbia College of Family Physicians
British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives
British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons
British Columbia Corrections
British Columbia Emergency Health Services
British Columbia Métis Federation
British Columbia Nurses Union
British Columbia Pharmacy Association
British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters Association
Brown, Stephen
Brown, Susan
Bruce, Robert
Burmeister, Charlene
Byres, David
Cadieux, Katherine
Cadieux, Stephanie (Surrey South)
Calpas, Howard
Cameron, Fred
Campbell, Darrion
Canada Research Chair in Substance Use
Canada Research Chair in Substance Use and Health Policy Research
Canada Research Chair in substance use and health systems
Canadian Mental Health Association
Carey, Paul
Casimer, Cheryl
Castel-Branco Goulão, João
Central Interior Native Health Society
Chant, Susie (North Vancouver–Seymour)
Charlesworth, Jennifer
Chenard, Carol Anne
Chief coroner
Children and Family Development Ministry
Choisil, Paul
Christian, Michael
Clark, Lee
Coalition of Substance Users of the North
Cocker, Samantha
College of Pharmacists of British Columbia
College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia
Compton, Miranda
Construction Industry Steering Committee on the Opioid Epidemic
Cooke, Angela
Cooksey, Jessica
Cool Aid Society
Council of Construction Associations
Covenant House Vancouver
Crawford, Michael
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of British Columbia
Halford, Trevor (Surrey–White Rock)
Hall, Steven
Hamm, Dave
Harm Reduction Nurses Association
Harry, Katrina
Headley, Deborah
Health authorities
See particular health authorities
Health Canada
Health Committee
Health Ministry
Helten, Trey
Henry, Bonnie
Henry, Drake
Henry, Kevin
Hogarth, Susan
Holmquist, Shane
Hughes, Trevor
Labour Ministry
Lamb, Jessica
Lapointe, Lisa
Last Door Recovery Society
Lax, Lee
Legal Aid B.C.
Lekei, Alex
Leon, Char
Lesser, Jason
Li, Johanna
Littlewood, Tom
Livingstone, Chris
Loftus, Lee
Louden, Jeff
McCrea, Jennifer
McDonald, Melanie
McDonald, Shannon
McDougall, Jenny
McLeod, Harvey
McMillan, Grant
MacNeil, Kathy
Maddeux, Ryan
Massey, Christine
Mathias, Steve
Mead, Annabel
Medgyesi, Mark
Mental Health and Addictions Ministry
Mercier, Mike
Mérette, Sandrine
Métis Nation B.C.
Minhas, Chelsea
Moms Stop the Harm
Montgomerie, Andrew
Morris, Jonny
Morrison, Billy
Motions and resolutions
Mullins, Garth
Mumford, Sherry
Munroe, Flora
PACE Society
Pacific AIDS Network
Pacific Association of First Nations Women
Pacific Community Resources Society
Pacifica Housing
Page, Nikki
Pain B.C.
Parents Advocating Collectively for Kin
Parnham, Lyric
Patterson, Justine
Pedlar, Shannon
Peers Victoria Resources Society
Pennock, Jennifer
People with Lived and Living Experience
Perrin, Benjamin
Peters, Norm
Peterson, Hawkfeather
PHS Community Services Society
Pivot Legal Society
Planet Youth
Planet Youth Lanark County
Plant, Brenda
Pollock, Sue
Poulton, Brenda
Professionals for Ethical Engagement of Peers and People with Lived and Living Experience (BCCDC and BCCSU Joint Committee)
See also Burmeister, Charlene; Cadieux, Katherine; Cameron, Fred; Choisil, Paul; Lamb, Jessica; McDougall, Jenny; Morrison, Billy; Oldenburger, Tanis; Parnham, Lyric; Peterson, Hawkfeather; Sedgemore, Kali; Shaver, Laura; Wood, Shawn
Providence Health Care
Provincial health officer
Provincial Health Services Authority
Provincial Toxicology Centre
Public Health Association of British Columbia
Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
Salters, Kate
Salvation Army
Sandhu, Harwinder (Vernon-Monashee)
Sandhu, Jat
Sandler, Michael
Sedgemore, Kali
Seethapathy, Vijay
Select standing committees
Serr, Mike
Shadow, Shelley
Shane, Caitlin
Shapiro, Aaron
Sharma, Niki (Vancouver-Hastings)
Sharma, Shobha
Shaver, Laura
Shendruk, Diane
Simpson, Christina
Singh, Christine
Singh, Kulpreet
Social Development and Poverty Reduction Ministry
Sogomonian, Artour
Solven, Suzanne
Somppi, David
South Asian Mental Health Alliance
Starchuk, Mike (Surrey-Cloverdale)
Stewart, Paula
Still Here
Stinson, Kathy
Strang, Lorinda
Streukens, Amber
Students Overcoming Substance Use Disorder and Addictions
Sturtevant, Darryl
Subcommittee on agenda and procedure
Substance use and addiction
Substance use support and employment program
Sutherland, Christy
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