42nd Parliament – 2020-21
Parliamentary Committee Transcripts
Children and Youth Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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Paddon, Kelli (Chilliwack-Kent)
- Children and youth
- special needs children
- system of services 2:1040
- system of services and advocacy for change 3:1035
- transition to adult services 3:1035
- Community Living B.C.
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- children and youth impact and supports
- special needs children and youth 3:1035
- Disabled persons
- developmentally disabled persons, STADD program and reporting 2:1040
- Education
- special education and special needs
- service levels and eligibility 3:1035
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- children and youth, ASD and FASD diagnoses 2:1115
- Representative for Children and Youth
- reports
- annual report and service plan 2:1040
- injuries and deaths of First Nations children and youth 2:1115
- services for special needs children and youth during COVID-19 3:1035
A Parent's Duty: Government's Obligation to Youth Transitioning into Adulthood, December 2020 See Reports, youth transition out of care under Representative for Children and Youth
Pathway to Hope initiative See Mental health and addiction, government strategy under Mental health
Post-secondary education
- Accessibility and support for former youth in care See also Financial assistance, tuition waivers below
- automatic enrolment proposal (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1120
- Financial assistance
- tuition waivers for youth transitioning out of government care (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1120-1125
- Tuition waivers for youth transitioning out of government care See Financial assistance above
Provincial health officer
- COVID-19 response (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1045
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