42nd Parliament – 2020-21
Parliamentary Committee Transcripts
Children and Youth Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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McParland, Katherine
- Experience as youth in care and remembrance (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1125
- Work on youth homelessness and death (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1020-1025
Markwart, Alan
- Child protection system
- community involvement and support 3:1135
- youth transitioning out of care, support and transition out of care 3:1135
- Children and youth
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- child protection system, community involvement 3:1135
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- Representative for Children and Youth
- budget and operations 2:1050
- reports
- involuntary detention of children and youth 3:1005-1010
- youth transition out of care 3:1135
- statutory review 2:1035
Mental health
- Facilities, discharge practices (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1140
- Mental health and addiction
- government strategy and Pathway to Hope initiative (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1125
- terminology and stigma (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1150
- Mental health of children and youth
- advocacy (Chant) 3:1010 (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1010 (Hyman, C.) 3:1010
- advocacy and impacts of COVID-19 and climate change (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1050 (Oakes) 2:1045-1050
- community-based care and post-discharge services (Chant) 2:1145 (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1140
- COVID-19 impact See Impact under COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- data collection (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1135-1140
- diagnosis and referral for services (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1005 (Donnelly) 3:1000 (Markwart, A.) 3:1005-1010
- involuntary detention and rights (Chant) 3:1010 (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1130-1150, 3:1005-1010 (Donnelly) 3:1000-1005 (Easton, D.) 2:1155 (Hyman, C.) 2:1150, 3:1010 (Markwart, A.) 3:1005-1010 (Rice) 2:1150-1155 (Yao) 2:1145
- mental health and addiction services (Charlesworth, J.) 3:1125
- services for Indigenous children and youth (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1100-1110
- system and services (Chant) 2:1145 (Charlesworth, J.) 2:1135-1145
Mental Health Act
Mitchell, Blair
- Children and youth
- special needs children
- access to services and role of families 3:1035-1055
- children in government care and special needs agreements 3:1055
- involvement of child protection system 3:1050-1055
- system of services and advocacy for change 3:1040
- transition to adult services 3:1040
- Children and Youth Committee
- recommendations, legislative amendments 3:1040
- Community Living B.C.
- service levels and eligibility 3:1040
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- children and youth impact and supports
- Education
- special education and special needs
- Humphreys, Tracy
- comments on special needs services in education system 3:1035
- Representative for Children and Youth
- advocacy role, committee recommendations 3:1040
- reports
- services for special needs children and youth during COVID-19 3:1035-1055
Morgan, Jenn
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- children and youth, injuries and deaths 2:1125
- Sexual violence
- sexualized violence against and sexual exploitation of children and youth 2:1125
Morris, Mike (Prince George–Mackenzie)
- Children and youth
- special needs children
- cross-ministry approach and information-sharing 3:1100
- Children and Youth Committee
- election of Chair and Deputy Chair 1:0900
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) pandemic
- children and youth impact and supports
- special needs children and youth 3:1100
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Oakes, Coralee
- election as Deputy Chair of Children and Youth Committee 1:0900
- Representative for Children and Youth
- reports
- injuries and deaths of First Nations children and youth 2:1120-1125
- services for special needs children and youth during COVID-19 3:1100
Motions and resolutions
- Motion to elect Chair, approved 1:0900
- Motion to elect Deputy Chair, approved 1:0900
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