41st Parliament – 2020
Parliamentary Committee Proceedings
Reforming the Police Act Special Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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- Community safety
- issues and response (Butterworth-Carr, B.) 4:0920
- Public safety See also Community safety above
Sieben, Mark
- First Nations Justice Council
- Police and policing
- services in Indigenous and off-reserve communities 2:0900
- systemic racism 2:0910
- Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry
- Reforming the Police Act Special Committee
- presentations to committee 2:0805
- witnesses, Indigenous organizations 2:0900
Simons, Hon. Nicholas (Powell River–Sunshine Coast)
- Reforming the Police Act Special Committee
Simons, Nicholas (Powell River–Sunshine Coast)
- As subject
- election as Chair of Reforming the Police Act Special Committee (Riarh) 1:0820
- Canada
- systemic racism in policing 1:0820
- Discrimination and racism
- Black Lives Matter movement 1:0820
- Floyd, George
- death in police custody 1:0820
- Johal, Jas
- election as Deputy Chair of Reforming the Police Act Special Committee 1:0820
- Moore, Chantel
- death in police custody 1:0820
- Police Act
- alignment with Indigenous rights declaration legislation 1:0825
- reforms 1:0825
- Police and policing
- Reforming the Police Act Special Committee
- election of Chair and Deputy Chair 1:0820
- in-camera proceedings 1:0825
- information for members, compilation of inquiry recommendations 2:0910
- terms of reference 1:0825
- witnesses, Indigenous organizations 2:0905
- work of committee 2:0925
- U.S.
- systemic racism in policing 1:0820
Singh, Rachna (Surrey–Green Timbers)
Special committees
Stilwell, Michelle (Parksville-Qualicum)
- Police and policing
- governance and service delivery model 2:0920
- systemic racism 2:0920
- Police Complaint Process Review Special Committee
- report and recommendations 2:0920
- Reforming the Police Act Special Committee
Systemic racism in policing See Police and policing
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