41st Parliament – 2020
Parliamentary Committee Transcripts
Children and Youth Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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McParland, Katherine
- As subject
- Child protection system
- child protection workers, relationship with youth 35:0925-0930
- children in government care, support for youth and transition out of care 35:0850-0855, 35:0925
- cultural supports and opportunities 35:0900
- Children and youth
- Discrimination and racism
- Families
- Foster care
- Homelessness, youth homelessness
- Housing
- Income assistance
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth, mental health and addiction issues and services 35:0850, 35:0900
- Representative for Children and Youth
- Youth Against Youth Homelessness B.C., youth forums on homelessness 35:0845
Markwart, Alan
- Representative for Children and Youth
- reports
- youth substance use services 37:1435
- Substance use and addiction
- services and supports for youth
Mental health
- Mental health and addiction services for children and youth
- funding (Charlesworth, J.) 37:1415
- treatment beds (Charlesworth, J.) 37:1425
- Mental health of children and youth
Mitchell, Blair
- Child protection system
- Families
- supports for families and early intervention 35:0930
- Family court
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- child protection system
- family support and child safety at home 35:0935
- Homelessness
- youth homelessness, prevention 35:0930
- Representative for Children and Youth
- advocacy activities, caseload and outcomes 35:0825-0830
- relationship with Children and Family Development Ministry and social workers 35:0830-0835
- reports
- work of office, update and priorities 35:0825-0835
- Substance use and addiction
- services and supports for youth
Morgan, Jenn
- Children and youth
- deaths and critical injuries
- non-suicidal self-injury 38:1125
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth
- Métis
- Representative for Children and Youth
Motions and resolutions
- Motion for Chair to present annual report to House at earliest opportunity, approved 37:1500
- Motion to adopt annual report, approved 37:1500
- Motion to elect Chair, approved 35:0805
- Motion to elect Deputy Chair, approved 35:0805
- Motion to go in camera, approved 35:0945, 36:0835, 37:1450
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