Fifth Session, 41st Parliament (2020)

Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth

Virtual Meeting

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Issue No. 36

The HTML transcript is provided for informational purposes only.
The PDF transcript remains the official digital version.



Nicholas Simons (Powell River–Sunshine Coast, NDP)

Deputy Chair:

Michelle Stilwell (Parksville-Qualicum, BC Liberal)


Rick Glumac (Port Moody–Coquitlam, NDP)

Ronna-Rae Leonard (Courtenay-Comox, NDP)

Adam Olsen (Saanich North and the Islands, BC Green Party)

Ellis Ross (Skeena, BC Liberal)

Rachna Singh (Surrey–Green Timbers, NDP)

Laurie Throness (Chilliwack-Kent, BC Liberal)

Teresa Wat (Richmond North Centre, BC Liberal)


Jennifer Arril


Special Project


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

8:30 a.m.

Virtual Meeting

Present: Nicholas Simons, MLA (Chair); Michelle Stilwell, MLA (Deputy Chair); Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA; Adam Olsen, MLA; Ellis Ross, MLA; Rachna Singh, MLA; Laurie Throness, MLA; Teresa Wat, MLA
Unavoidably Absent: Rick Glumac, MLA
The Chair called the Committee to order at 8:38 a.m.
Resolved, that the Committee meet in camera to discuss and plan the upcoming work of the Committee. (Michelle Stilwell, MLA)
The Committee met in camera from 8:39 a.m. to 9:19 a.m.
The Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair at 9:21 a.m.
Nicholas Simons, MLA
Jennifer Arril
Clerk to the Committee


The committee met at 8:38 a.m.

[N. Simons in the chair.]

Special Project

N. Simons (Chair): We are now on the air. We have a few discussions ahead of us this morning.

First of all, thanks for joining us, and thanks for everyone at Hansard and the Clerk’s office for all they’re doing to make this possible.

It’s nice to connect with everybody. I hope everyone is feeling okay and doing what they can in these circumstances.

With that, I’ll ask Michelle if she could make the motion….

M. Stilwell (Deputy Chair): I’d like to put a motion forward to go in camera.

Motion approved.

The committee continued in camera from 8:39 a.m. to 9:19 a.m.

[N. Simons in the chair.]

N. Simons (Chair): We are back. We are now out of in camera.

Thank you very much, Members. Thank you to the Clerk’s office. Thank you to Hansard for making this all possible. I think we’ve had some good discussion.

I just want to acknowledge that as the Children and Youth Committee, we deal mostly with programs and policies put out by government. In this current situation, I think our message to the families and to the children in the province is that these are unusual times. I think we know how parents are meeting this challenge, doing their best to meet this challenge.

[9:20 a.m.]

We’re thinking of the parents and the kids and caregivers out there who are struggling through, as many people are.

I’d like to acknowledge those families with children who maybe have special needs, neurodiverse special needs, the challenges that we heard when we were going around the province, talking about specific family challenges. We know that those must be possibly exacerbated at this time, and we hope that people find the resources they need to help them through.

I appreciate all members’ time today. Thank you very much for being here.

Any closing comments from the members?

Seeing none, I request a motion to adjourn.

M. Stilwell (Deputy Chair): So moved.

N. Simons (Chair): Michelle, thank you for that motion. Seconded by Ellis.

Motion approved.

The committee adjourned at 9:21 a.m.