41st Parliament – 2019
Parliamentary Committee Proceedings
Public Accounts Committee
speeches by Members, committee staff and witnesses; topics raised
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
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CAAF See Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation
Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation
Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees
- 2019 conference in Niagara-on-the-Lake, B.C. delegation (Bellringer, C.) 19:1525 (Bond) 17:1520-1525, 19:1520, 19:1540 (Dean) 19:1525 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 17:1520 (Yap) 19:1535
- 2020 conference in B.C. (Begg) 23:1305 (Bellringer, C.) 17:1520-1525, 19:1525 (Bond) 15:1215, 17:1520-1525, 19:1520-1540, 23:1300-1305 (Dean) 19:1525, 23:1300-1305 (Ma) 23:1305 (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 17:1525, 19:1525-1540, 23:1300-1305 (Thornthwaite) 19:1530, 23:1300 (Yap) 23:1300-1305
- 2020 conference in B.C., meeting proposal (Bond) 19:1525
- Letter of welcome to new public accounts committees (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 19:1535 (Yap) 19:1535
- Website hosting (Ryan-Lloyd, K.) 19:1535
Cavanaugh, Lynda
- B.C. Sheriff Service
- Justice system, sheriffs
- Substance use and addiction, opioid overdoses, response and services 23:1140-1145
CCPAC See Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees
CCR See Compliance, controls and research group under Auditor General
Cellular phones See Information and communications technology
Chiang, Ada
- B.C. Hydro, cybersecurity management
Chief information officer
Child care
- Facilities, drinking water safety, guidelines on lead in drinking water (Hrycuik, L.) 23:0930
Child protection system
- Children in government care
- Indigenous system See First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Residential services, contracted services
- Auditor General review (Begg) 20:1245-1250 (Bellringer, C.) 20:1200, 20:1300 (Bond) 20:1245, 20:1310-1320 (Dean) 20:1300-1305 (Dodds, S.) 20:1205, 20:1245 (Glumac) 20:1230-1245 (Hart, A.) 20:1205-1215 (Sultan) 20:1250-1300 (Thornthwaite) 20:1225-1230
- Auditor General review and action plan progress assessment (Bond) 23:1255
- Auditor General review, government response (Bond, A.) 20:1215-1320 (Byers, R.) 20:1240
- Auditor General review, Indigenous representation (Dean) 20:1305 (Dodds, S.) 20:1310
- compliance issues (Bond, A.) 20:1305 (Dean) 20:1305
- contract management (Bond, A.) 20:1225, 20:1305 (Dodds, S.) 20:1245 (Hart, A.) 20:1210-1215
- delegated Aboriginal agencies See First Nations and Indigenous persons
- government strategy (Bond, A.) 20:1215-1220 (Hart, A.) 20:1205-1210
- integrated case management (Bond, A.) 20:1235-1240 (Byers, R.) 20:1240 (Dodds, S.) 20:1245
- internal audits (Begg) 20:1245 (Bond, A.) 20:1245-1250
- number of children and youth in care (Bellringer, C.) 20:1300 (Bond) 20:1310 (Bond, A.) 20:1250-1255, 20:1310-1315 (Hart, A.) 20:1205 (Sultan) 20:1250-1300
- oversight (Bond, A.) 20:1215-1225, 20:1300-1305 (Dean) 20:1300-1305 (Dodds, S.) 20:1205 (Hart, A.) 20:1205-1215
- placement in hotels See Children in government care above
- placement mapper tool and technology issues (Bond) 20:1245 (Bond, A.) 20:1235-1240 (Byers, R.) 20:1240 (Glumac) 20:1235-1240
- quality assurance (Bond, A.) 20:1220-1230 (Hart, A.) 20:1210
- standards (Hart, A.) 20:1210
- youth experiences and input (Bond, A.) 20:1230 (Thornthwaite) 20:1225-1230
Children and youth
Choudhury, Paul
- B.C. Hydro, cybersecurity management
- Energy, hydroelectric power system
Columbia Power Corporation
Community corrections See also Corrections system
- Auditor General review and action plan progress assessment (Begg) 20:1150 (Bellringer, C.) 20:1130-1135 (Bond) 20:1125-1130, 20:1150-1155 (Ma) 20:1135-1140 (Sultan) 20:1145 (Thornthwaite) 20:1140-1145, 21:1140
- Auditor General review and action plan progress assessment, government response (Arend, E.) 20:1100-1125, 20:1135-1150 (Greiner, L.) 20:1150 (Small, B.) 20:1140
- Auditor General review and action plan progress assessment, information request (Bond) 21:1140
- Case management system (Arend, E.) 20:1110-1115
- Caseloads and staffing (Arend, E.) 20:1120-1125, 20:1140, 20:1150 (Begg) 20:1150 (Bellringer, C.) 20:1135-1140 (Greiner, L.) 20:1150 (Ma) 20:1135-1140 (Small, B.) 20:1140
- Drug court program See Vancouver, B.C.
- Effectiveness and quality assurance (Arend, E.) 20:1105-1115
- Enforcement and breaches (Arend, E.) 20:1110
- Prevention of repeat offences See Repeat offenders, prevention under Corrections system
- Probation officers See Corrections system
- System and goals (Arend, E.) 20:1100
Community paramedicine See Paramedics
Comox Valley
Comptroller general
Core Policy and Procedures Manual
- Procurement component See Procurement practices and system, policy under Government
Corrado, Paul
- B.C. Sheriff Service
- Justice system, sheriffs
- Vancouver
Corrections system See also Justice system
- Auditor General review and progress audit See Adult custody division under B.C. corrections branch
- Class action lawsuit re sexual assault (Sultan) 20:1000
- Community corrections See Community corrections
- Community corrections, Auditor General review and action plan progress assessment (Bond) 19:1505 (Fischer, C.) 19:1500 (Pierce, L.) 19:1455
- Correctional facilities
- capacity and capital planning (Arend, E.) 20:0925-0930
- capacity and safety issues (Arend, E.) 20:0920-0925 (Pierce, L.) 20:0910
- capacity and staffing (Arend, E.) 20:0920, 20:0940, 20:0955-1000, 20:1020-1030, 20:1125 (Begg) 20:1020 (Bond) 20:1020-1025 (Ma) 20:1025-1030 (Macpherson, S.) 20:1020 (Sultan) 20:0955-1000 (Tadla, D.) 20:1025-1030 (Yap) 20:0950
- double-bunking See also capacity above
- housing of sentenced and non-sentenced inmates together (Arend, E.) 20:0935 (Pierce, L.) 20:0910
- management and planning (Gaston, M.) 20:0905
- safety and critical incidents (Ma) 20:1035 (Macpherson, S.) 20:1035
- safety and reporting (Arend, E.) 20:0925-0930 (Macpherson, S.) 20:1005
- safety and specialized units (Arend, E.) 20:0925, 20:0935, 20:1045-1050 (Bond) 20:1045 (Macpherson, S.) 20:1045
- safety and violence prevention programs (Arend, E.) 20:1005-1015, 20:1040-1050 (Bond) 20:1040-1045 (Dean) 20:1005-1010 (Greiner, L.) 20:1010
- segregation of inmates and reform project (Arend, E.) 20:0920, 20:0930-0940
- violent incidents See safety above
- Corrections branch See B.C. corrections branch
- Funding (Arend, E.) 20:1000 (Sultan) 20:0955-1000
- Funding, comparison with other jurisdictions (Arend, E.) 20:0950 (Yap) 20:0950
- Prisoners See also Repeat offenders below
- access to programs and services (Pierce, L.) 20:0910
- classification and case management (Arend, E.) 20:0930-0940 (Pierce, L.) 20:0910
- demographics (Arend, E.) 20:0915-0920
- Indigenous persons (Arend, E.) 20:0920
- inmates sentenced for sexual assault (Arend, E.) 20:1035 (Ma) 20:1030
- integrated case planning (Arend, E.) 20:0920, 20:0930-0940 (Bond) 20:1050 (McLean, K.) 20:1050
- program effectiveness and performance measurement (Arend, E.) 20:0920-0930, 20:1115-1120 (Pierce, L.) 20:0910
- Prisoners, mentally ill and addicted inmates
- Probation officers See also Community corrections
- Probation officers, training (Arend, E.) 20:1105
- Repeat offenders and recidivism (Arend, E.) 20:1010-1015 (Begg) 20:1010-1015
- Repeat offenders, prevention
- effectiveness of programs and contracted services (Arend, E.) 20:1115-1120 (Bellringer, C.) 20:1130
- recidivism and publication of data (Arend, E.) 20:1105
- System, analysis (Arend, E.) 20:1015-1020 (Begg) 20:1015-1020
Courts and court services See Justice system
Credit rating
- Agencies and position on government accounting practices (Fischer, C.) 19:0945 (Sultan) 19:0945
Curry, Sean
- Oil and gas
- hydraulic fracturing
- risks and scientific panel report recommendations 17:1355
- management of non-operating oil and gas sites
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