Province of British Columbia
41st Parliament – 2018
Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth
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Thomas, Dawn
- As subject
- role as deputy representative (Charlesworth, J.) 12:1210-1215 (Isaacs) 12:1225
- secondment to First Nations Leadership Council (Richard, B.) 8:1005
Throness, Laurie (Chilliwack-Kent)
- Adoption
- Child protection system
- Children and youth
- deaths and critical injuries
- access to information by opposition and proposal for legislative changes 8:1005
- rights
- awareness and protection 6:1455
- special needs children and youth
- Children and Youth Committee
- casting vote by Chair 7:1055
- meeting schedule 8:1150
- projects
- reports
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- delegated Aboriginal agencies
- Foster care
- care for youth with substance use issues 15:1035
- contracted services and funding 8:1025
- foster parents
- foster parents, recruitment and retention 8:1130
- system 14:1240-1245
- Gervais, Alex
- placement, services and death while in government care 9:0905-0910
- Mental health
- mental illness
- institutionalization history 8:1030
- Representative for Children and Youth
- Substance use and addiction
- harm reduction services for youth 15:1005
- treatment and recovery services
- UN convention on the rights of the child
Time to Listen: Youth Voices on Substance Use report See Reports, youth substance use report under Representative for Children and Youth
Turpel-Lafond, Mary Ellen
- As subject
- background and work as Representative for Children and Youth 6:1410 (Simons) 6:1405
- Child protection system
- Children and youth
- children in government care
- support for youth and transition out of care 6:1510
- deaths and critical injuries
- programs and services for children and families
- rights
- Education
- First Nations and Indigenous persons
- Hughes, Ted
- recommendations on role and responsibilities of Representative for Children and Youth 6:1410-1420
- Provincial health officer
- collaboration with Representative for Children and Youth 6:1435
- Representative for Children and Youth
- UN convention on the rights of the child
- UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples
- Violence
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