Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2015
Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth
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VACFASS See Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society
van Leeuwen, Alayna
- Children and Youth Committee
- reports and recommendations
- report on child and youth mental health special project 23:0835
van Samang, Ocean
- Anxiety treatment 21:1555-1605
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, treatment 21:1555-1605
- Education, mental health services in schools
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder 21:1610-1615
- Mental health
- mental health of children and youth, awareness and education 21:1550-1615
- mental health services for children and youth, early intervention and mental health promotion, programs 21:1550-1610
- Violence, bullying and violence at school, ERASE Bullying strategy 21:1550-1555, 21:1610
Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society
- Culturally relevant urban wellness program (Abma, D.) 22:1410
- Referrals (Schiffer, J.) 22:1420
Vancouver, B.C.
- Downtown Eastside
- child protection and social services (Dalton) 25:1245 (James) 25:1220 (Naughton, B.) 25:1255 (Plecas) 25:1430 (Rice) 25:1250-1255 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 25:1110-1125, 25:1140-1145, 25:1215-1225, 25:1240-1245, 25:1255-1305
- child protection and social services, rapid response team (Thomas-Wightman, D.) 25:1205 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 25:1145, 25:1215-1220, 25:1305
- "pathway" issue (James) 25:1220 (Martin) 25:1300 (Naughton, B.) 25:1255 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 25:1150, 25:1200, 25:1225, 25:1305
- Granville Street youth clinic, services (Mathias, S.) 22:1135
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Vancouver Foundation
- Administration of youth education fund (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 25:1030
Victoria Youth Clinic, Victoria, B.C.
Vincent, Barb
- Presentation to committee on behalf of RCMP E division 22:1005-1040
- Fraser Health Authority, protocol on wait-times for mental health cases 22:1015
- Health care system, emergency services, use by child and youth mental health cases
- Justice system, involvement with child and youth mental health cases 22:1020
- Mental health services for children and youth
- Police and policing
- police handling of domestic violence cases 22:1025
- police involvement with child and youth mental health cases 22:1010-1040
- police involvement with mental health cases, review 22:1020-1030
- RCMP E division
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police, mental health liaison officers 22:1020
- Bullying and violence
- Bullying and violence at school
- Domestic violence
- homicide cases (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 15:0840
- prevention and government strategy (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 15:0840-0845
- role of police See Police handling of domestic violence cases under Police and policing
- Violence against aboriginal girls and women, prevention (Kelly, D.) 22:1200
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