Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2013
Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts
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James, Craig
- Role in Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees (Ralston) 1:1200 (Sullivan) 1:1200
Jane Basin
- Disposal of sludge in area See Water treatment plant project, sludge treatment under Britannia mine
Jane Creek
- Watershed, remediation of site See Remediation of site under Britannia mine
Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, Ministry of
- Relationship with economic development initiative trusts (Mason, S.) 6:1445
Joint solutions request for proposals See Alternative service delivery agreements under Government
Jones, Russ
- Orientation briefing to committee 2:1350-1420
- Accountants
- accounting standards, changes 4:0950
- Accountants, accounting standards
- Auditor General
- audit follow-up 5:1605
- audit follow-up and agency self-assessments 2:1100, 2:1340-1345, 2:1415
- audit follow-up process and agency self-assessment 3:1135
- audit services
- auditor rotation and term limits 4:0935, 4:0950-0955
- availability of information and monitoring issues 5:1405, 5:1505
- confidentiality 5:1030
- coverage of entities outside government control 6:1435, 6:1510
- coverage of post-secondary institutions 4:1000
- coverage of school districts 4:0920-0935, 4:1005-1010, 4:1020-1025
- Crown corporations 4:0925-0930
- discussion of draft audit findings and differences of opinion 5:1020, 5:1030, 5:1045
- financial audits 2:1355-1400
- government response to audits 5:1045
- impact of accounting standards differences 4:0950
- impact of government core review 4:1020
- levels of auditor involvement 4:0925-0930, 4:0940
- levels of auditor involvement, changes 4:0955-1000
- non-government reporting entities 4:0940, 4:1005
- performance audits 2:1400, 5:1020, 5:1030, 5:1045
- performance audits and selection criteria 3:1510
- performance audits for public-private partnerships 4:1440
- performance audits, handling of policy issues 2:1135, 5:0950
- performance audits of alternative service delivery agreements 5:1345, 5:1405, 5:1505
- performance audits of public-private partnerships 4:1035-1040, 4:1140-1155, 4:1305-1310, 4:1335-1345, 4:1400, 5:1405
- priorities 4:1005-1010
- priorities, requests 4:0920, 4:0940
- prioritization and risk management 2:1345
- process and techniques 6:1100
- services 4:1015
- budget and funding 2:1035, 2:1355
- budget, potential risks to budget 4:0935, 4:0950
- financial statement audit coverage plan 2:1325, 2:1355, 4:0900-0905, 4:0920-1025
- guide on government financial reporting 2:1040, 2:1405
- history 2:1430
- management letters 2:1045, 3:1150, 6:1150-1155, 6:1320-1325, 6:1335-1340
- performance measurement, survey feedback 4:1010
- publications, Audits are Important: A discussion of the qualified audit opinion on B.C.'s 2012/13 Summary Financial Statements 6:1000
- recommendations 2:1155
- recommendations, government implementation 3:1350
- relationship with comptroller general 4:0950
- relationship with government 2:1035, 2:1145, 3:0950
- reports and publications 2:1340, 2:1400-1405
- reports and reviews, timelines for reports on public accounts 6:0935-0940
- role and responsibilities 2:1350-1355, 5:0950
- role and work of auditors 6:1055
- staffing, capacity 4:0935-0940
- staffing, contracted services 4:0925-0930, 4:0940, 4:0955
- staffing, contracted services, costs 4:1020
- Britannia mine
- water treatment plant project, review by Auditor General 4:1035-1040
- B.C. Hydro
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 2:1340, 4:0925-0930
- financial reporting, use of rate-regulated accounting and deferral accounts 4:0925, 6:1135
- B.C. Lottery Corporation
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 4:0925
- B.C. School Trustees Association
- meetings with Auditor General staff 6:1600
- B.C. Transit
- review by Auditor General 2:1405
- B.C. Utilities Commission
- regulation of electricity rates, independence 6:1135
- Budgets
- balanced-budget legislation, impact on financial management and reporting 6:1410-1415
- budget information in estimates and public accounts 6:1420
- budget process, forecasting 6:1040
- budget process, role of Auditor General 6:1045
- role of contractual obligations 6:1140-1145
- Business
- public-private partnerships
- Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors
- work on infrastructure project auditing issues 4:1035-1040
- Community Living B.C.
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 4:0925
- Corrections system
- CORNET case management system, review by Auditor General 3:0905
- Credit rating
- B.C. rating, process and role of Auditor General review of government financial reporting 6:1050
- Crown corporations
- Destination B.C.
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 4:0920
- Economy
- economic development initiative trusts
- Education, school districts and boards of education
- Environment
- biodiversity, conservation management, review by Auditor General 3:1400, 3:1510, 3:1545
- environmental assessment process, consideration of cumulative impacts 3:1545
- Environment Ministry
- climate action secretariat, Auditor General oversight 5:1300
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- review of Auditor General budget 4:0905
- Financial instruments
- Forests and forest industry
- stumpage system, review by Auditor General 2:1115
- Fraser Health Authority
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 4:0925
- Government
- accounting practices
- agencies and boards, governance practices and oversight 6:1335-1340
- alternative service delivery agreements
- oversight, role of Auditor General and comptroller general 5:1535
- capital lease obligations 6:1350
- carbon neutrality, review by Auditor General 5:0900, 5:0950, 5:1020-1030, 5:1045, 5:1145, 5:1300-1305, 5:1335-1340
- core review 4:1020
- financial management of working capital by SUCH sector entities 6:1410-1415
- financial reporting
- accountability and transparency 6:1400-1405
- audit committees 6:1155, 6:1320
- contractual obligations 6:1140-1145, 6:1355
- government business enterprises 6:1145
- government reporting entity 4:1005
- public accounts 6:0920, 6:0930, 6:0940, 6:1325
- reporting of contributions 4:0950
- review by Auditor General for 2011-12 6:0940-0945, 6:1000, 6:1025-1100, 6:1125-1155, 6:1300-1310, 6:1320-1325, 6:1335-1425
- review by Auditor General for 2012-13 6:1150
- reviews by Auditor General 6:1300-1310
- reviews by Auditor General and comptroller general 6:0930
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General
- information technology
- information technology controls
- performance measurement, policy issues 2:1135
- public accounts, review by Auditor General 2:1035
- security of electronic information, review by Auditor General 2:1400-1405
- Highway 99
- Sea to Sky Highway improvement project
- Justice Ministry
- information systems branch, relationship with Auditor General 3:0950
- liquor distribution branch, governance and status 6:1335
- Justice system
- information management systems, reviews by Auditor General 3:0905
- JUSTIN information system
- Maximus B.C. Health Inc.
- government contract
- costs and risk transfer, dispute and change order 5:1435, 5:1550
- extension 5:1345, 5:1530
- extension, cost and comparison with other service providers 5:1455
- gain sharing and profit sharing 5:1415
- management and oversight 5:1345
- reporting 5:1540-1545
- review by Auditor General 5:1345, 5:1405, 5:1415, 5:1425-1435, 5:1455, 5:1505, 5:1530-1550, 5:1600
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Darkwoods forest management project, affidavit on project timeline 5:1145, 5:1305
- Oil and gas
- deep well and royalty credits, financial reporting 6:1300-1310
- Pacific Carbon Trust
- transfer of responsibilities 4:1020
- Partnerships B.C.
- Auditor General oversight 4:0945
- Police and policing
- PRIME information system, review by Auditor General 3:1055
- Post-secondary education, universities, colleges and institutes
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 4:1000
- Public Accounts Committee
- Public Sector Accounting Board
- project on public-private partnership accounting 4:1040
- role 4:0950
- School district 35 (Langley)
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 4:0925
- Sea to Sky Highway Investment Limited Partnership
- South Coast B.C. Transportation Authority, Evergreen line project 4:1440
- Speaker
- handling of statutory officer reports 2:1050
- Sydor, Morris, work as assistant Auditor General 3:1400
- Transportation Investment Corporation
- financial reporting 6:1145
- governance 6:1335
- governance status and role of revenues 6:1345
- Treasury Board
- role in Evergreen line project decision-making 4:1510
- UN declaration of Decade on Biodiversity 3:1400
- U.S.
- Patriot Act, application to Canadian subsidiaries of American companies 5:1425
- Waste management
- contaminated sites, liabilities
- Winn, Ray
- work for Auditor General on Evergreen line project performance audit 4:1445
- WorkSafe B.C.
- financial reporting, review by Auditor General 4:0920, 4:0940
JSRFP See Alternative service delivery agreements, joint solutions request for proposals under Government
Justice, Ministry of
- Budget and staffing (Eby) 3:1045 (Sadler, B.) 3:1045
- Culture (Hughes, J.) 3:0955-1000 (Huntington) 3:0955 (Ralston) 3:1000 (Sadler, B.) 3:0955
- Deputy Attorney General See Fyfe, Richard
- Deputy ministers (Ralston) 3:0955 (Sadler, B.) 3:0955
- Information management See Information management under Justice system
- Information systems branch
- chief information officer position and staff (Sadler, B.) 3:0935, 3:0955
- relationship with Auditor General (Heyman) 3:0945-0950 (Jones, R.) 3:0950 (Kyllo) 3:1040, 3:1145 (Mah, C.) 3:0950 (Sadler, B.) 3:0925, 3:1145
- relationship with chief information officer for government (Mah, C.) 3:1030 (Sadler, B.) 3:1030
- relationship with Information and Privacy Commissioner (Hughes, J.) 3:0945
- role (Sadler, B.) 3:0920
- Liquor distribution branch, governance and status (Jones, R.) 6:1335
- Staff, training (Sadler, B.) 3:0930, 3:1130
Justice system See also Corrections system; Crime and criminals
- Criminal justice system, information management
- disclosure packages and handling (Eby) 3:1015 (Hughes, J.) 3:0945, 3:1015
- information management (Sadler, B.) 3:0920
- information management and privacy protection (Corrigan) 3:0940, 3:1050 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0905, 3:0945 (Hughes, J.) 3:0940-0945, 3:1000, 3:1015, 3:1030 (Letnick) 3:1025-1030
- information management systems See Information management systems below under this main heading; particular systems
- reports to Crown counsel (Hamilton, P.) 3:0905-0915, 3:0950, 3:1120-1125 (Letnick) 3:1025 (Mah, C.) 3:0950 (Ralston) 3:0910 (Sadler, B.) 3:0930
- Crown counsel, information management and reports to Crown counsel See Criminal justice system, information management above under this main heading
- Information management systems See also particular systems
- data encryption (Hughes, J.) 3:1000, 3:1030 (Letnick) 3:1030 (Mah, C.) 3:1010
- information security program (Sadler, B.) 3:0935
- reviews by Auditor General (Jones, R.) 3:0905
- security (Eby) 3:1045 (Hughes, J.) 3:0955-1000 (Huntington) 3:0955 (Ralston) 3:1000 (Sadler, B.) 3:0955, 3:1045
- server migration and network security redesign (Heyman) 3:1030 (Mah, C.) 3:1025-1030, 3:1040 (Ralston) 3:1040-1045 (Reimer) 3:1040 (Sadler, B.) 3:0925-0930
- staffing changes and leadership (Hughes, J.) 3:1000 (Huntington) 3:1000 (Sadler, B.) 3:1000
- JUSTIN information system
- access and security See JUSTIN information system security below under this main heading
- comparison to systems in other jurisdictions (Dalton) 3:0955 (Jones, R.) 3:1040 (Letnick) 3:0940 (Reimer) 3:1040 (Sadler, B.) 3:0955, 3:1040
- development (Mah, C.) 3:1055 (Sullivan) 3:1055
- relationship to PRIME system (Corrigan) 3:1050-1055 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0905 (Hughes, J.) 3:1055 (Mah, C.) 3:1010
- review by Auditor General See JUSTIN information system security, review by Auditor General below under this main heading
- scope of information in system (Corrigan) 3:0940 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0905-0910 (Hughes, J.) 3:0940, 3:1025-1030 (Sadler, B.) 3:0920
- JUSTIN information system security
- access and security controls (Corrigan) 3:0940-0945 (Dover, C.) 3:1030 (Gibson) 3:1005-1010 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0905-0915 (Kyllo) 3:1035-1040 (Newton, S.) 3:1030 (Sadler, B.) 3:0920-0935, 3:0955, 3:1005, 3:1030 (Throness) 3:1005
- attempts at unauthorized access (Corrigan) 3:1120-1125, 3:1135-1140 (Mah, C.) 3:1035, 3:1125, 3:1135-1140 (Robinson) 3:1035
- breaches, government awareness and handling (Corrigan) 3:0940-0945, 3:1015-1020 (Dover, C.) 3:1015, 3:1100 (Eby) 3:1015 (Gibson) 3:1055-1100 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0915, 3:0940 (Hughes, J.) 3:0945, 3:1015, 3:1050 (Mah, C.) 3:1015, 3:1035, 3:1100 (Ralston) 3:1015 (Robinson) 3:1035 (Sadler, B.) 3:0945, 3:1005 (Throness) 3:1005
- contractor and employee access (Corrigan) 3:1020, 3:1125 (Mah, C.) 3:1005, 3:1020 (Sadler, B.) 3:0925-0930, 3:1130
- criminal access (Corrigan) 3:1020, 3:1125 (Eby) 3:1015 (Hughes, J.) 3:1050 (Morris) 3:1050 (Sadler, B.) 3:1005 (Throness) 3:1005
- employee access (Hughes, J.) 3:1050 (Morris) 3:1050 (Ralston) 3:0925 (Robinson) 3:1000-1005
- impact of Auditor General report release (Corrigan) 3:1120-1125 (Dover, C.) 3:1125 (Mah, C.) 3:1125
- impact of Auditor General review of CORNET system See CORNET case management system under Corrections system
- internal and external access (Dover, C.) 3:1100, 3:1125 (Gibson) 3:1055-1100 (Mah, C.) 3:1125
- management committee (Sadler, B.) 3:0920
- monitoring of activity (Gibson) 3:1010 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0910, 3:0950, 3:1120 (Mah, C.) 3:1010, 3:1125, 3:1140 (Sadler, B.) 3:0930-0935
- need-to-know access (Corrigan) 3:1125 (Hamilton, P.) 3:1115, 3:1125 (Mah, C.) 3:1125 (Sadler, B.) 3:0930
- police access (Corrigan) 3:1055 (Eby) 3:1015 (Gibson) 3:1010 (Hughes, J.) 3:1015, 3:1055 (Mah, C.) 3:1010, 3:1035, 3:1055 (Ralston) 3:1010
- printing of information (Hamilton, P.) 3:0950 (Mah, C.) 3:0950
- protection of personal information (Hamilton, P.) 3:0910 (Hughes, J.) 3:1025-1030 (Letnick) 3:1025-1030 (Ralston) 3:0910
- remote and wireless access (Gibson) 3:1010 (Mah, C.) 3:1010 (Ralston) 3:1010
- review by Auditor General See JUSTIN information system security, review by Auditor General below under this main heading
- risk management (Heyman) 3:0945-0950 (Mah, C.) 3:0950
- secure access gateway (Sadler, B.) 3:0925
- security access matrix (Hamilton, P.) 3:0910-0915, 3:1120 (Ralston) 3:0910-0915, 3:1130 (Sadler, B.) 3:0930, 3:1120
- server migration See Information management systems above under this main heading
- system-to-system access (Huntington) 3:1030-1035 (Mah, C.) 3:1010, 3:1035
- testing (Corrigan) 3:1020 (Mah, C.) 3:1020 (Sadler, B.) 3:0930
- training (Sadler, B.) 3:0930, 3:1130
- JUSTIN information system security, review by Auditor General
- confidential recommendations See management letter and recommendations below under this subheading
- government response (Hughes, J.) 3:0940-0945, 3:0955-1000, 3:1015, 3:1025-1030, 3:1050-1055 (Mah, C.) 3:0950, 3:1000-1040, 3:1055-1100, 3:1125, 3:1135-1140 (Sadler, B.) 3:0920-0945, 3:0955-1005, 3:1025-1030, 3:1040, 3:1130
- implementation of recommendations
- management letter and recommendations (Corrigan) 3:1140 (Dover, C.) 3:1125, 3:1140 (Eby) 3:1045 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0915, 3:1140 (Jones, R.) 3:0900 (Kyllo) 3:1140 (Ralston) 3:0905, 3:1140 (Sadler, B.) 3:1045 (Simpson) 3:1115
- review (Corrigan) 3:0940-0945, 3:1015-1025, 3:1050-1055, 3:1120-1140 (Dalton) 3:0955 (Dover, C.) 3:0940, 3:1015, 3:1030, 3:1100, 3:1115, 3:1125 (Eby) 3:1015 (Gaston, M.) 2:1410 (Gibson) 3:1005-1010, 3:1055-1100 (Hamilton, P.) 3:0905-0915, 3:0940, 3:0950, 3:1115-1125 (Heyman) 3:0945-0950, 3:1030 (Huntington) 3:0955-1000, 3:1030-1035 (Jones, R.) 2:1400, 3:0900-0905, 3:1040, 3:1055 (Kyllo) 3:1035-1040 (Letnick) 3:1025-1030 (Morris) 3:1050 (Newton, S.) 3:1030 (Ralston) 3:0905-0915, 3:0925, 3:1000, 3:1010-1015, 3:1035-1045, 3:1130 (Reimer) 3:1040 (Robinson) 3:1000-1005 (Sullivan) 3:1055
- review, application across government (Huntington) 3:1000 (Letnick) 3:0935-0940 (Ralston) 3:1000 (Sadler, B.) 3:1000
- review, follow-up (Kyllo) 3:1145 (Sadler, B.) 3:1145 (Throness) 3:1005
- review, follow-up and self-assessment (Dover, C.) 3:1005 (Jones, R.) 3:0950, 3:1135 (Mah, C.) 3:0950 (Ralston) 3:1135
- Prosecution system See Criminal justice system above under this main heading
JUSTIN system See Justice system
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