Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2013
Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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Wachiay Friendship Centre, Courtenay, B.C. See also Colclough, Michael; Kishi, Roger
Wages and salaries See also Income
- Living wage, impact on economy (Montani, A.) 3:1440
- Minimum wage (Montani, A.) 3:1440, 3:1450
Walker, Darryl
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Government and Service Employees Union 5:0900-0915
- Alberta, sheriffs 5:0905-0910
- Alcohol
- liquor sales, pricing and revenues to government 5:0915
- liquor stores, government and private stores 5:0915
- liquor stores, proposal for expanded operations 5:0905, 5:0915
- B.C. Government and Service Employees Union
- Civil service
- collective agreements, funding for wage increases 5:0905
- staffing levels and working conditions 5:0900-0910
- Environment, stewardship 5:0905
- Forests and forest industry, stumpage system 5:0905
- Government
- ministries, natural resource ministries funding and staffing 5:0900-0910
- revenues and revenue sources 5:0905-0915
- Justice system, sheriffs, expansion of role 5:0905-0910
- Oil and gas, natural gas revenues to government 5:0905
- Resources and resource industries
- Riverview Hospital, reinstatement as mental health facility 5:0905
- Welfare, social programs and services, funding and staff resources 5:0905
Wallin, Gail
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Invasive Species Council of B.C. 18:1600-1610
- Automobiles
- all-terrain vehicles, regulation and invasive species control 18:1610
- tires, tax proposal 18:1610
- Boats and boating
- boat inspection program and funding 18:1605
- boat licence program proposal 18:1610
- Invasive species
- Invasive Species Council of B.C.
- Plants, invasive species, economic and environmental impacts 18:1605
- Resources and resource industries, development, disturbance tax proposal 18:1610
- Shipping industry, container ship inspection 18:1610
Wallis, Graeme
- Presentation to committee 18:1710-1715
- Economy, productivity and economic plan for province 18:1710-1715
- Employment, government job strategy and role of skills training 18:1710-1715
- Exports, conditions 18:1710
- Resources and resource industries, skilled worker supply 18:1710-1715
- Skills training, apprenticeship and supply of skilled workers 18:1710-1715
Walls, David
- Presentation to committee on behalf of College of the Rockies 10:1310-1315, 10:1325
- College of the Rockies
- distance education and on-line learning 10:1325
- enrolment 10:1325
- role in regional and provincial economy 10:1315
- Post-secondary education, universities, colleges and institutes
- financial reporting, inclusion of institutions in government reporting entity 10:1325
- role of colleges 10:1315
- Skills training, supply of skilled workers, role of post-secondary education 10:1315
Walters, Tim
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Okanagan College Faculty Association 13:0940-0955
- Okanagan College
- Okanagan College Faculty Association
- membership 13:0940
- recommendations on post-secondary education 13:0950
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary education, funding
- Post-secondary education, universities, colleges and institutes
- Skills training, supply of skilled workers, role of post-secondary education 13:0945
Warcup, Margaret
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Kitimat Child Development Centre Association 21:1105-1110
- B.C., northwest B.C., services for children and youth 21:1105-1110
- Children
- programs and services for children and families, service agencies, government contract management 21:1105-1110
- special needs children and youth, funding for services 21:1105
- special needs children and youth, service provider accreditation and contracts, multi-year contracts 21:1110
- Social workers, community social services workers, funding for wage increases 21:1105
Washington State
- Liquor privatization initiative (Westcott, J.) 12:1605
Waste management
- Drinking water
- government responsibilities (Richmond, A.) 18:1650
- purification, use of filtration and disinfection (Foster) 13:0810 (Hrasko, B.) 13:0805
- standards (Hrasko, B.) 13:0805
- Floods See Floods and floodplains
- Management, funding and role of local communities (Jones, N.) 6:1735-1740
- Monitoring and treatment (Elmore) 3:1345-1350 (Salas, C.) 3:1345-1350
- Monitoring of groundwater and surface water (Jones, N.) 6:1730
- Protection and stewardship (Jones, N.) 6:1725-1740 (Martin, A.) 9:1250-1255
- Water systems and infrastructure See Infrastructure
Water Act
WaterWealth Project See also Jones, Natalie
Watson, Tammy
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Saulteau First Nations 16:1305-1315
- First Nations
- First Nations Health Council, work of organization 16:1310-1315
- Northern First Nations Health Partnership Committee, work of organization 16:1315
Weed control See Invasive species control under Plants
Weed Control Act
- Community social services sector See also Social programs and services below under this main heading
- Consultation by government on social policy (Matusicky, C.) 9:1025
- Endowment fund proposal (Chambers, R.) 7:1030
- Income assistance See Income assistance
- Social policy framework proposal (Matusicky, C.) 9:1025
- Social programs and services
- bidding process for contracted services, local bids (Wyant, M.) 5:1045
- funding (Davidoff, A.) 11:1020-1025
- funding and staff resources (Walker, D.) 5:0905
- preventive role and impact on social costs (Matusicky, C.) 9:1020-1025 (Roze, D.) 17:1030
- service delivery models (Wyant, M.) 5:1035-1040
- Social service providers See also Social workers
- Social service providers, service delivery (Montani, A.) 3:1435
- Support system for vulnerable persons (Power, N.) 5:1220-1225 (Santiago, R.) 5:1220-1225
Wellness in Northern B.C. Task Force See also Kelly, Bert; Payne, Geoff; Pousette, Anne
- Presentation to committee 17:0910-0925
- Organization and mission (Kelly, B.) 17:0910-0915
- Proposal for centre of excellence in health promotion and research (Payne, G.) 17:0915
West Kootenays See Kootenay area
Westcott, Jan
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Spirits Canada 12:1600-1615
- Alcohol
- Beer, markup rates, policy 12:1605-1610
- Spirits Canada, recommendations on alcohol policy 12:1605-1610
- Spirits, markup rates, policy 12:1605-1610
- Washington State, liquor privatization initiative 12:1605
- Wine
Western, Nola
- Elections
- by-elections, electoral administration costs and comparison with general election 2:1120
- enumeration, report on 2013 enumeration and outreach project 2:1130
- general election, May 14, 2013, electoral administration costs 2:1120
- municipal elections, administration in other jurisdictions 2:1120
- municipal elections, legislation 2:1110, 26:1120
- municipal elections, preparations 26:1120
- voter information 26:1115
- voters list
- Elections B.C.
- budget and operations
- budget process and components 2:1105-1110
- mandate, inclusion of oversight of municipal election campaign financing and advertising 2:1110, 26:1120
- public education activities 26:1115
- Marijuana
- enforcement of laws, initiative petition campaign 2:1110
- Westside-Kelowna constituency and area
- by-election, July 10, 2013, electoral administration costs 2:1110
Westside-Kelowna constituency and area
Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.
- Operations in Okanagan-Similkameen area (Hope, B.) 8:1600-1610
Wharves See Docks under Boats and boating
Whistler, B.C.
- Bid to host triathlon event (Sieben, B.) 13:1045
Whitemarsh, M.J.
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Common Ground Alliance 14:1655-1700
- B.C. Common Ground Alliance
- Communities, community gaming grants 14:1700
- Infrastructure, underground infrastructure, digging awareness and safety 14:1655-1700
Whitevalley Community Resource Centre, Lumby, B.C. See also Jewitt, Gay
Wier, Josette
- Presentation to committee 19:0915-0925
- Climate change, costs 19:0915
- Economy, balance with environmental values 19:0915
- Fuel, fossil fuels, prices 19:0915
- Hawken, Paul, comments on natural resource development 19:0915
- Oil and gas
- industry, impact on environment 19:0915-0920
- liquefied natural gas development
- Oxford Energy Group, comments on natural resource development 19:0920
- Resources and resource industries, development, impact on environment 19:0915-0920
- Stern, Nicholas, comments on climate change 19:0915
- Deer, urban deer management, funding (Stetski, W.) 10:1415
- Hunting See Hunting
- Wildlife management, funding (Martin, A.) 9:1250
- Wildlife management, inventories (Martin, A.) 9:1300 (Popham) 9:1300
Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce See also Ryll, Jason
Williams Lake, B.C.
Wilson, Chris
- Presentation to committee on behalf of KidSport B.C. 5:1235-1245
- As subject
- Sports
- benefits and role in communities 5:1235-1245
- children's sports, KidSport B.C. program 5:1240
- government funding and support 5:1240
- role models, ESTEEM Team initiative 5:1235
- Tri-Cities area, KidSport B.C. program
Wilson, Elizabeth
- Presentation to committee on behalf of North Coast Literacy Now 20:1515-1530
- Arts and culture, cultural and historical literacy 20:1530
- B.C., north coast
- Decoda Literacy Solutions Society, funding and role 20:1515, 20:1525
- Literacy
- Nass Valley News, funding, community literacy funding 20:1520
- North Coast Literacy Now
WINBC See Wellness in Northern B.C. Task Force
- Cellared in Canada wine and Vintners Quality Alliance wine (Hunt) 12:1610 (Westcott, J.) 12:1610
- Industry, invasive plant control (Elmore) 12:1735 (Scott, L.) 12:1730-1735
- Industry, regulation and reporting requirements (Denesiuk, C.) 12:1720
- Markup rates, policy (Westcott, J.) 12:1605, 12:1615
Winter, Alan
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Genome B.C. 3:1350-1410
- Bees, research on population health, funding 3:1410
- Economy, bioeconomy 3:1350
- Genome B.C.
- Genome Canada, funding 3:1355, 3:1405
- Health research, role of genomics 3:1355-1400
- Oil and gas, oil spills, research 3:1405
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, projections for bioeconomy 3:1350
- Science and technology
- Waste management, contaminated sites, research into cleanup 3:1400-1405
Winter, John
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Chamber of Commerce 3:1550-1600
- B.C. Chamber of Commerce
- B.C. Liberal Party government, action on stated goals 3:1550
- Budgets, balanced budgets 3:1555-1600
- Business costs 3:1555
- Economy, conditions 3:1550
- Government
- local government revenues, review of financial sustainability 3:1555
- spending, review and reductions 3:1550, 3:1600
- Oil and gas, liquefied natural gas development, prosperity fund proposal 3:1555-1600
- Public debt, paydown of debt 3:1550
- Sales tax
- exemptions, production machinery and equipment 3:1555
- reinstatement of sales tax system, loss of input tax credits 3:1555
- Value-added taxes, B.C. value-added tax proposal 3:1555
Wolf, Lauren
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Library Trustees Association 5:1000-1010
- B.C. Library Trustees Association
- Employment and unemployment, job searches and preparation, role of libraries 5:1010
- Libraries
Wood Corners
Wood, Josiah
- Review of police complaint process See Police complaint process, review and report under Police and policing
Woolsey, Jim
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver 5:1030
- Property transfer tax 5:1030
Work B.C.
Working Together for Students document See Government plan under Education
Workplace safety See Occupational health and safety
A World of Looks See Film locations under Film industry
Wu, Jingwei (Javid)
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Okanagan College Students Union 13:0900-0915
- Okanagan College
- Okanagan College Students Union
- Post-secondary education
Wyant, Martin
- Presentation to committee on behalf of SHARE Family and Community Services 5:1030-1045
- Government programs and services, service delivery, changes 5:1035
- SHARE Family and Community Services
- contracts with Children and Family Development Ministry 5:1040
- funding and service delivery, alternative approach proposal 5:1035-1045
- programs and services, Better at Home program 5:1035
- programs and services, services for seniors 5:1045
- Welfare, social programs and services
- bidding process for contracted services, local bids 5:1045
- service delivery models 5:1035-1040
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