Province of British Columbia
40th Parliament – 2013
Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
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Railways and rail services
- Role in shipping of goods and capacity in northern B.C. (Veldman, K.) 20:1555-1605
Rainbow Tobacco International
Raise-a-Reader campaign See Literacy
Ramsey, Kathy
- Presentation to committee on behalf of ArtsBC 14:1630-1640
- Arts and culture
- employment and jobs 14:1635
- government funding, funding and support 14:1635
- role in economy and society 14:1635
- ArtsBC
- funding of arts organizations 14:1640
- members and role 14:1630
- recommendations on government budget 14:1635
- B.C. Arts Council, funding 14:1635
- Campbell River Community Arts Council, membership and role 14:1640
- Gabriola Arts Council, funding and role 14:1635
- Gabriola Island, arts and culture 14:1635
- Vancouver Island, arts council 14:1640
Ranching industry See Livestock industry; Rangeland
Ranching Task Force See Livestock industry
RAR See Habitat protection, riparian areas regulation under Fish
Ray, Christie
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Prince George Chamber of Commerce 17:1100-1105
- Budgets, 2014-15 budget principles 17:1105
- Prince George Chamber of Commerce, organization and presentation to Finance Committee 17:1100-1105
Reader, Cheyla
Reader, Martin
Reading See Early learning and literacy under Children – Early childhood development; Literacy
Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver See also Permut, Harriet; Woolsey, Jim
- Presentation to committee 5:1020-1030
- Organization (Permut, H.) 5:1020
- Recommendations on government budget and policies (Permut, H.) 5:1025
Real estate industry
- Conditions (de Jong) 2:1315-1320
- Residential housing market
- Product stewardship programs for packaging and printed paper, impact on agriculture industry (Popham) 4:1635
- Product stewardship programs for packaging and printed paper, impact on small business (Klassen, M.) 4:1630-1635
Red Cross Society
- Agreement with government on disaster response (Nemrava, K.) 9:1010
- Bullying prevention programs (Nemrava, K.) 9:1010-1015
- Health programs (Nemrava, K.) 9:1010-1015
- Response to Alberta floods (Nemrava, K.) 9:1005-1010
- Work of organization (Nemrava, K.) 9:1005-1015
- Work with First Nations (Holman) 9:1015 (Nemrava, K.) 9:1015
Red Seal certification See Trades training under Skills training
Reed, Jim
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Colleges 9:1040-1055
- B.C. Colleges
- B.C., northern and rural B.C., post-secondary education 9:1045
- Computer technology, high-speed Internet service for remote and rural communities 9:1045
- Labour market, projections 9:1045-1055
- Post-secondary education
- Skills training, supply of skilled workers, role of college 9:1040-1045
- Workers, competitiveness of B.C. workers 9:1045
Rees, Richard
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Chartered Professional Accountants of B.C. 3:1450-1510
- Accountants, chartered professional accountants, designation, legislation and regulation 3:1455
- An Act to Amend the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (federal), provisions on financial literacy 3:1505
- Auditor General, report on government summary financial statements and accounting practices 3:1505
- Budget Transparency and Accountability Act, review 3:1500
- Budgets, balanced budget legislation 3:1500-1505
- Business climate 3:1455
- Chartered Professional Accountants of B.C.
- Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, presentation and publications on financial literacy 3:1505
- Consumers, debt load 3:1455-1500
- Economy, conditions 3:1455
- Employment and unemployment 3:1455
- Exports and imports, exports, conditions 3:1455
- Government accounting practices, generally accepted accounting principles, changes 3:1500-1505
- Literacy, financial literacy 3:1500-1505
- Oil and gas, liquefied natural gas development, taxation strategy 3:1455-1510
- Sales tax
- administration and collection 3:1500
- changes, impact on revenues to government 3:1505
- reinstatement of sales tax system, loss of input tax credits 3:1500
- Value-added taxes, B.C. value-added tax proposal 3:1500
Refugees See Immigration
Regional district of Cariboo See Cariboo regional district
Regional district of East Kootenay See East Kootenay regional district
Regional district of Okanagan-Similkameen See Okanagan-Similkameen regional district
Regional district of Peace River See Peace River regional district
Regional district of Thompson-Nicola See Thompson-Nicola regional district
Regional districts See Government – Local government; particular districts
Regional workforce tables See Employment and unemployment; particular areas
Registered education savings plans
- Government contributions, training and education savings grant program (Fraser, J.) 20:1500
Reid, Allen
- Comments on farmland protection and food security (Brynne, A.) 11:1045
Reiter, Nathan
- Presentation to committee 12:1820-1830
- As subject
- Sports
- athletes, competitive sports 12:1830
- athletes, performance and training 12:1825
- coaches and coaching, funding and role 12:1820-1830
- government funding and support, multi-year funding 12:1820-1830
- health and social benefits 12:1825
Relocating Mental Health Care in British Columbia: Riverview Hospital Redevelopment, Regionalization and Gender in Psychiatric and Social Care report See Deinstitutionalization of mentally ill, report under Mental health
Rental housing See Housing – Rental housing
Renzie, Jessie
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Nurses Union, West Kootenay region 11:0940-0955
- B.C., northern and rural B.C.
- health care services in rural communities 11:0940-0950
- nurse and physician recruitment and incentive programs 11:0950-0955
- B.C. Nurses Union, West Kootenay region, recommendations on government budget and health policies 11:0950
- Crawford Bay, community nursing services 11:0945
- Health care system
- Health Ministry, mandate letter 11:0945
- Interior Health Authority, services in Kootenay area 11:0940-0950
- Kootenay area, West Kootenays, health care services 11:0940-0955
- Nurses
- collective agreement, implementation by health authorities 11:0950
- community nursing services and impact on acute care system 11:0945-0950
- isolation pay 11:0955
- role in rural communities and health system reforms 11:0945-0955
- Victorian Community Health Centre
- emergency services changes and role of health authority 11:0940-0955
- emergency services changes, report 11:0945
Replant program See Tree fruit industry under Food industry
Representative for Children and Youth See also Turpel-Lafond, Mary Ellen
- Advocacy and outreach
- Advocacy and outreach services (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0905-0910
- Auditing and monitoring activities (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0910-0920
- Budget and operations (Hunt) 27:0925-0930 (Tegart) 27:0930-0935 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0900-0905, 27:0920-0935
- Budget and operations, equipment (Foster) 27:0955 (McNally-Dawes, T.) 27:0955 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0955
- Budget and operations, supplementary funding request (Hamilton) 2:1215 (Holman) 2:1155 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1145-1155
- Budget approval, role of Finance Committee (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1155
- Budget, capital funding (Elmore) 27:0925 (McNally-Dawes, T.) 27:0925
- Budget, research grants (Greschner, J.) 27:0930 (McNally-Dawes, T.) 27:0930
- Caseload (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1150, 2:1205
- Investigation of child injuries and deaths (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0920
- Mandate See Role below under this main heading
- Professional services contracts (Greschner, J.) 27:0930
- Relationship and work with First Nations (Holman) 27:0935 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0935-0945
- Relationship with Children and Youth Committee (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0905
- Reports
- report on care plans for children in government care (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0915
- report on child tasering incident and child protection system (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0905-0910
- report on programs and services for First Nations children and families (Foster) 27:0945 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0930-0940
- report on Schoenborn children deaths and family violence prevention (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0920
- Role, expansion to cover youth aged 19 to 24 transitioning out of care (Elmore) 2:1155 (Hunt) 2:1210 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1145-1210
- Staffing, new staff (Ashton) 2:1215 (Holman) 2:1155 (Hunt) 2:1205 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 2:1155, 2:1205-1210
- Work of office (Elmore) 27:0925 (Turpel-Lafond, M.) 27:0935
Research and development
Research Universities Council of B.C. See also Cahoon, Allan; Cassels, Jamie
Research Universities Council of British Columbia
- Recommendations to 2012 budget consultation (Petter, A.) 4:1425
- Study on B.C. labour market (Earl, J.) 16:1405-1410
Residential care facilities See Housing – Residential care facilities
- Resort municipality initiative (McSkimming, D.) 10:1450
- Resort municipality initiative fund (Sieben, B.) 13:1045
Resources and resource industries
- Development
- Integrated resource management (Karjala, M.) 17:0825-0830
- Ministries responsible See Ministries, natural resource ministries under Government
- Permitting process See also particular industries
- Regulation, consultation services requirements and role of government (Arcand, M.) 17:0935 (Elmore) 17:0935
- Resource revenue-sharing (Elmore) 17:0820 (Holman) 17:0950 (McSkimming, D.) 10:1450-1455 (Nobels, D.) 20:1505 (Oland, H.) 17:0820
- Resource revenue-sharing, allocation to educational institutions (Holman) 20:1545
- Revenues to government (de Jong) 2:1310 (Hadland, A.) 21:1130-1135 (Staples, E.) 8:1545
- Skilled worker supply (Wallis, G.) 18:1710-1715
- Sustainability, oversight board proposal See Environmental protection and sustainability, natural resources board proposal under Environment
Resources North Association See also Karjala, Melanie
Retail industry See Sales
Reynolds, Margaret
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Association of Book Publishers of B.C. 4:1330-1345
- Arts and culture, creative sector, cross-sectoral development 4:1330-1335
- B.C. Association of Farmers Markets, recommendations on government budget 4:1355
- Education, school libraries, procurement of books 4:1340
- Ferries and ferry services, gift stores on ferries as venue for B.C. cultural products 4:1340
- Publishing industry
Rezansoff, Teresa
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. School Trustees Association 9:1415-1425
- Education
- Education, school districts and boards of education
Rice, Jennifer (North Coast)
- As subject
- attendance at Finance Committee public hearing in Prince Rupert (Ashton) 20:1500
Richmond, Al
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Cariboo regional district 18:1645-1655
- Canadian Federation of Independent Business, comments on local government spending 18:1655
- Consumers, taxes 18:1655
- Finance and Government Services Committee, prebudget consultation process 18:1645
- Government, local government
- Oil and gas, liquefied natural gas development, rural dividend for communities in northwest B.C. 18:1655
- Property tax system reform 18:1645-1650
- Resources and resource industries, development and role in economy 18:1655
- Union of B.C. Municipalities, Strong Fiscal Futures report 18:1645-1655
- Water, drinking water, government responsibilities 18:1650
Richmond, B.C.
Richmond school district See School district 38 (Richmond)
Rick Hansen Foundation See also Ewart, Colin
Rick Hansen Institute See Blusson Spinal Cord Centre under Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.
Ricketts, Jeff
- Presentation to committee 13:1140-1145
- As subject
- Agricultural land reserve
- removal of land from reserve, development pressures 13:1140
- Agriculture
- Education curriculum, agriculture and food systems 13:1140
- Food security 13:1145
- Okanagan area, agriculture and farmland, protection fund proposal 13:1140
Rights See Human rights
Rio Tinto Alcan Inc.
- Kitimat smelter emissions (Knox, G.) 21:1100
Riverview Hospital, Port Coquitlam, B.C.
- Future of lands (Marsden, D.) 5:1110-1115
- Reinstatement as mental health facility, proposal (Walker, D.) 5:0905
- Report on deinstitutionalization of mentally ill See Deinstitutionalization of mentally ill, report under Mental health
RMI See Resort municipality initiative under Resorts
Road pricing See Highways and roads
Roads See Highways and roads
Robert, Line
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Island Coastal Economic Trust 14:1740-1745
- Island Coastal Economic Trust
- Vancouver Island, economic development 14:1740
Robertson, Bob
Robinson, Jay
- Presentation to committee on behalf of B.C. Chiropractic Association 6:1805-1815
- B.C. Chiropractic Association, activities and partnerships 6:1805-1810
- Chiropractors
- chiropractic approaches and techniques 6:1810
- proposal for B.C. school of chiropractic 6:1810
- role in education and health systems 6:1805-1810
- Health
- Occupational health and safety, lifting-injury prevention program 6:1810
- University of B.C., chiropractic research professorship 6:1805
Ross, John
Rourke, David
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Faculty Association of the College of New Caledonia 17:0940-0955
- B.C., rural B.C., access to post-secondary education 17:0940-0945
- Budgets, 2014-15 budget priorities 17:0945-0950
- College of New Caledonia
- Post-secondary education
- benefits 17:0940
- international education 17:0950
- student financial assistance, grant programs 17:0945
- students, international students 17:0945
- Post-secondary education, funding
- Post-secondary education, universities, colleges and institutes
- public institutions, independence 17:0945
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Memorandum of understanding with Police Complaint Commissioner See Review of complaints, memorandum of understanding with Royal Canadian Mounted Police under Police Complaint Commissioner
Royal Roads University, Victoria, B.C.
- Designation as special purpose teaching university (Hunt) 9:0925
- Operations and approach to education (Cahoon, A.) 9:0920-0925
Roze, Darrell
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Child Development Centre of Prince George and District 17:1025-1040
- Child Development Centre of Prince George and District Association
- Children
- child vulnerability and children at risk, incidence and causes 17:1035-1040
- special needs children and youth, early intervention services 17:1025-1030
- Children, early childhood development
- Mental health of children and youth, early intervention services 17:1035
- Social workers, community social services workers, funding for wage increases 17:1030
- Welfare, social programs and services, preventive role and impact on social costs 17:1030
Rural B.C. See Northern and rural B.C. under British Columbia
Rural Health Services Research Network of B.C.
- Role in community consultation re health services in Princeton See Health care services, community consultation under Princeton, B.C.
Ryan-Lloyd, Kate
- Ashton, Dan
- election as Chair of Finance and Government Services Committee 1:1200-1205
- Elections B.C.
- budget and operations, supplementary funding request 1:1210
- Finance and Government Services Committee
- appointment of audit firm for audit of Auditor General office 1:1205-1210
- election of Chair and Deputy Chair 1:1200-1205
- meeting schedule 1:1210-1215
- meeting schedule, meetings in Vancouver 1:1210
- prebudget consultation
- proceedings, recording and availability 1:1220-1225
- public hearings
- reports
- budget consultation report 1:1205
- statutory officers report 28:0925
- review of statutory officers, process 1:1205
- review of statutory officers, supplementary funding requests 1:1210
- terms of reference 1:1205-1210
- work of committee, timeline 1:1205-1215
- Hansard Services
- Police Complaint Commissioner
- letter re quarterly update on legal expenses 1:1230
- Union of B.C. Municipalities
Ryll, Jason
- Presentation to committee on behalf of Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce 18:1730-1740
- Alcohol, liquor licensing process, case 18:1730-1735
- Boats and boating, dock removal permitting, case 18:1730
- B.C., northern and rural B.C., education and nurse recruitment 18:1735
- Computer technology, high-speed Internet service for school districts 18:1735
- Education, textbooks 18:1735
- Forests and forest industry, tenure system and access to fibre 18:1730
- Government, bureaucracy 18:1730
- Government, permitting process 18:1730-1735
- Investment climate and role in economy 18:1730-1735
- Land use, development and maintenance activities, permitting process 18:1730
- Nurses, staffing levels 18:1735
- Teachers, access to resources 18:1735
- Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce, members' issues 18:1730-1740
- Williams Lake, government permitting process, cases 18:1730-1735
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