Fourth Session, 41st Parliament – 2019
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
bills, estimates, question periods; parliamentary business
References are linked to time stamps in the transcript: e.g.,
73B:1435 = Issue 73, 2:35 p.m.
Bill abbreviations: Amdts. - Amendments; sec. - section; 1R - First reading;
2R - Second reading; C - Committee stage; 3R - Third reading; RA - Royal Assent
Index updated regularly during session.
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Casting votes by Speaker or Chair 229B:1820
Ceremony Regarding the Introduction of Bill 41 — Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Persons Act
Children and Family Development Ministry
- Estimates
- debate 214A:1110-1145, 215A:1335-1815, 216A:1440-1845, 217A:1110-1140, 218A:1335-1600
- speakers (Barnett) 215A:1410-1415 (Bond) 215A:1715-1725 (Chen) 216A:1810-1845, 217A:1115-1140, 218A:1340-1600 (Clovechok) 216A:1445-1525, 216A:1540-1545 (Conroy) 214A:1110-1145, 215A:1335-1815, 216A:1440-1755 (Furstenau) 215A:1500-1605, 215A:1630-1650 (Paton) 216A:1525-1535 (Ross) 215A:1335-1405 (Rustad) 215A:1420-1430 (Tegart) 215A:1430-1440 (Thornthwaite) 215A:1405-1410 (Throness) 214A:1120-1140, 215A:1440-1500, 215A:1610-1625, 215A:1650-1710, 215A:1725-1810, 216A:1555-1845, 217A:1110-1140, 218A:1335-1600
- 2018-19 Supplementary estimates
Citizens' Services Ministry
- Estimates
- debate 221A:1115-1150, 222A:1335-1820
- speakers (Barnett) 222A:1700-1715 (Bond) 222A:1500-1530, 222A:1550-1605 (Redies) 222A:1425-1500, 222A:1545 (Sims) 221A:1115-1150, 222A:1335-1820 (Stewart) 221A:1145, 222A:1335-1345, 222A:1405-1420, 222A:1610-1615, 222A:1745-1800 (Thomson) 221A:1130-1140, 222A:1350-1405, 222A:1620-1700, 222A:1720-1725, 222A:1815
- 2018-19 Supplementary estimates
Civil Forfeiture Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 11)
- (Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General) 1R, 214B:1030; 2R, 220B:1745-1820, 230B:1440-1645; C, 255A:1445-1450; 3R, 255B:1450; RA, 260B:1735
- Debate, speakers (Clovechok) 230B:1530-1540 (Coleman) 230B:1615-1640 (Dix) 230B:1645 (Farnworth) 214B:1030, 220B:1745-1755, 255A:1445-1450 (Heyman) 230B:1545-1555 (Hunt) 230B:1555-1605 (Milobar) 230B:1455-1515 (Morris) 220B:1755-1805, 255A:1445-1450 (Shypitka) 230B:1605-1615 (Simons) 230B:1605 (Sims) 230B:1515-1530 (Weaver) 220B:1805-1820, 230B:1440-1450
Climate Change Accountability Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 38)
- (Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy) 1R, 286B:1345-1350; 2R, 290B:1555-1820, 291B:1100-1150, 292B:1335-1415; C, 295B:1620-1745; 3R, 295B:1745; RA, 301B:1120-1125
- Debate, speakers (Chandra Herbert) 290B:1800-1805 (Coleman) 290B:1620-1635 (Furstenau) 292B:1345-1405 (Gibson) 290B:1740-1745 (Heyman) 286B:1345, 290B:1555-1615, 292B:1405-1415, 295B:1620-1745 (Ma) 291B:1145-1150, 292B:1335-1340 (Malcolmson) 290B:1725-1740 (Milobar) 290B:1805-1820, 291B:1100-1145, 295B:1620-1740 (Olsen) 290B:1745-1800 (Weaver) 290B:1635-1725
Coastal Ferry Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 25)
- (Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure) 1R, 230B:1350; 2R, 238B:1100-1155, 239B:1335-1535; C, 241A:1510-1750; 3R, 241B:1750; RA, 260B:1735
- Debate, speakers (Dean) 238B:1135-1145 (Gibson) 239B:1515-1530 (Malcolmson) 239B:1420-1440 (Olsen) 238B:1145-1155, 241A:1530, 241A:1605-1615 (Rice) 239B:1440-1500 (Simons) 239B:1335-1350 (Stewart) 239B:1350-1420 (Sturdy) 238B:1115-1135, 241A:1510-1555, 241A:1615-1745 (Sultan) 239B:1500-1515, 241A:1555-1605 (Trevena) 230B:1350, 238B:1100-1115, 239B:1530-1535, 241A:1510-1750
Community Safety Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 13)
- (Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General) 1R, 231B:1010; 2R, 244B:1440-1530; C, 269B:1440; 3R, 269B:1555; RA, 288B:1700
- Debate, speakers (Brar) 244B:1500-1505 (Coleman) 244B:1505-1525, 269B:1445-1520, 269B:1540-1545, 269B:1555 (Farnworth) 231B:1010, 244B:1440-1445, 244B:1525-1530, 269B:1445-1555 (Morris) 244B:1445-1455, 269B:1440-1445, 269B:1520-1540, 269B:1550-1555
Control of Foreign Funding and Electoral Influence Act (Bill M222)
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