Province of British Columbia
1st Session, 36th Parliament
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
June 25, 1996 to March 24, 1997
Hansard Sittings by Page Number
Zirnhelt, Hon. David (Cariboo South) Minister of Forests
- Aboriginal Affairs ministry, estimates debate 1804
- Agriculture industry, land available for commercial use 549
- BC Forest Renewal Amendment Act, 1996, change re priority hiring for workers "from within the local area" 900-2
- BC Forest Renewal Amendment Act, 1996, debate 529, 781, 783-4, 893-904, 921-6
- BC Forest Renewal Amendment Act, 1996, eligibility criteria 901, 923-4
- BC Forest Renewal Amendment Act, 1996, forest worker, definition 783-4, 893-4, 897-8
- Budget debate 219-21
- Cariboo area, forest renewal revenues, reinvestment in area 530
- Cariboo South constituency, issues and concerns 219
- Clayoquot Sound area, timber harvest levels 1401
- Crown land activities, user restrictions in innovative forest practices areas 548-9
- Finance and Corporate Relations ministry, role in forecasting of forest revenues 1284-5, 1288-92
- Fishing industry practices, impact on fishery 896
- Forest Act administrative provisions, changes 451
- Forest Act, amendments 300
- Forest Act, forest practices provisions 545
- Forest Appeals Commission, annual report tabled 203
- Forest development plan, approval process 576
- Forest development plan, environmental approval requirement 574-5
- Forest district boundaries, electronic mapping system 573-4
- Forest district managers, delegation of powers and duties 574
- Forest industry, annual allowable cut determinations by chief forester, appeals 547
- Forest industry, annual allowable cut increases 548
- Forest industry, Chezacut supply block, future harvestlevels 543
- Forest industry, cutting permits in sensitive areas on Vancouver Island 1402
- Forest industry, employment targets 1359
- Forest industry, employment targets and incentives to industry 1245-6
- Forest industry, government policies and future of industry 220-1
- Forest industry, harvest level targets 1328-9
- Forest industry, harvest level targets and employment targets 1330-2
- Forest industry, harvesting guidelines 1294
- Forest industry, impact of annual allowable cut reductions 1358-62
- Forest industry, impact of tariffs 1393
- Forest industry, job opportunities 529, 781, 783-4, 897-9
- Forest industry, job opportunities and reduced forest activity 894-5
- Forest industry, job opportunities for local workers 899-902
- Forest industry, job protection for existing forest workers 924-5
- Forest industry, lumber credit system 1400
- Forest industry, participation in innovative forest practices program 547-8
- Forest industry revenue to province, shortfall, impact on budget 1287-8
- Forest industry, salvage operations on woodlots 1394-5
- Forest industry, salvage operations policy 1393-5
- Forest industry salvage policy, eligible categories of timber 549
- Forest industry, salvageable timber, access by independent contractors 570-2
- Forest industry, salvageable timber, removal in advance of harvest 569-71
- Forest industry, salvageable timber, removal rights and responsibilities 549-52, 572-3
- Forest industry, salvageable timber, stumpage payments 571-2
- Forest industry, stumpage rates, calculation 1295-6
- Forest industry, stumpage revenues, calculation 1294-5
- Forest industry, timber harvest levels in Clayoquot Sound area 1401
- Forest industry, timber sale licences, non-replaceable licences, extensions to compensate for reductions in harvest levels 541-3
- Forest industry, timber supply reviews 1245, 1329-30
- Forest industry, value-added industry 1246, 1330
- Forest jobs commissioner, work 1401
- Forest Land Commission, 1995 annual report tabled 807
- Forest land reserve, establishment 1245
- Forest licences, non-replaceable licences, extensions to compensate for harvest level reductions 541-3
- Forest Practices Board, 1995 annual report tabled 807
- Forest Practices Board, accountability 1275, 1324-5
- Forest Practices Board, audit staff 1247, 1325
- Forest Practices Board, auditing role 1247-8
- Forest Practices Board, budget 1250, 1275, 1323-4
- Forest Practices Board, complaints process 1247
- Forest Practices Board, complaints process, public involvement 1249-50
- Forest Practices Board, investigations, reporting 1250
- Forest Practices Board, mandate 1247, 1325
- Forest Practices Board, meetings of board 1250-1
- Forest Practices Board, oversight role 1249
- Forest Practices Board, staffing of board 1251
- Forest Practices Code, amendments 300
- Forest Practices Code, compliance and enforcement, role of Forests ministry 1276-8
- Forest Practices Code, enforcement staff 1277
- Forest Practices Code, impact 1250, 1326, 1351
- Forest Practices Code, implementation 220-1, 1244-5
- Forest Practices Code, implementation and administration issues 450
- Forest Practices Code, implementation, costs 1350-1
- Forest Practices Code, implementation, responsibility 1275, 1278
- Forest Practices Code, implementation, role of Forest Practices Board 1275-6
- Forest Practices Code, penalties 1278-9
- Forest Practices Code, penalties, appeal process 1279-80
- Forest Practices Code, provision re admissibility of documentary evidence 575-6
- Forest Practices Code, role of Forest Practices Board 1249
- Forest Renewal B.C., 1994-95 annual report tabled 1994
- Forest Renewal B.C., 1996-97 business plan tabled 1994
- Forest Renewal B.C., achievement of objectives 356, 395
- Forest Renewal B.C. and Science Council of B.C., application by Silvacom Industries 1389
- Forest Renewal B.C., board issues 1363
- Forest Renewal B.C., board meetings 432
- Forest Renewal B.C. board, powers 898
- Forest Renewal B.C., budget for contracted programs 1327-8
- Forest Renewal B.C., budget for silviculture programs 1326-7
- Forest Renewal B.C., budget for training programs 1392
- Forest Renewal B.C., contract with Ministry of Environment, funding 1392
- Forest Renewal B.C., financial statements as at March 31, 1996, tabled 1994
- Forest Renewal B.C., funding 631-2
- Forest Renewal B.C., funding for Chapman Creek-Gray Creek watershed restoration project 1391
- Forest Renewal B.C., funding of innovative forestry projects 546
- Forest Renewal B.C., funding priorities for local employment projects 1390-1
- Forest Renewal B.C., funds for retraining forest workers 894, 1362, 1391
- Forest Renewal B.C. funds, redirecting surplus to general revenue 1364-5
- Forest Renewal B.C. funds, redirecting surplus to general revenue, Doug McArthur's role 1349
- Forest Renewal B.C. funds, redirecting surplus to general revenue, letter from Forests and Environment ministers 1348-50
- Forest Renewal B.C. funds, surplus 1365-8
- Forest Renewal B.C. funds, use 530, 1392, 2078-9
- Forest Renewal B.C., investments 1245
- Forest Renewal B.C., loan guarantee program 1391
- Forest Renewal B.C., local employment projects 1368
- Forest Renewal B.C., local resource management plans 1368-9
- Forest Renewal B.C., program continuity fund 530
- Forest Renewal B.C., program objectives 1365-8
- Forest Renewal B.C., program review 433
- Forest Renewal B.C. projects, first-priority hiring for displaced forest workers 529, 781, 783-4, 893-904, 921-5
- Forest Renewal B.C., seed orchard project 899
- Forest Renewal B.C., staffing 1327
- Forest Renewal B.C., staffing in Forests ministry 1392
- Forest Renewal B.C., utilization study 220
- Forest renewal plan, incrementality provisions 544
- Forest renewal plan, objectives 546-7
- Forest resource development agreement, funding 1281
- Forest resource, productivity improvements 450, 543-9
- Forest resource, productivity improvements, salvage incentives 571-2
- Forest resource, productivity improvements, yield increase projections 547-9
- Forest resource, sustainability 1245
- Forest roads, deactivation 575
- Forest roads, use permits 575
- Forest Sector Strategy Advisory Committee, mandate 1329
- Forest worker agency, matching of jobs and eligible workers 529, 781, 901-4, 921-5
- Forest-dependent communities, future 631-2
- Forestry, innovative forest practices 1395
- Forestry, innovative forest practices agreements 300, 450, 543-9
- Forestry, reforestation projects 899
- Forestry, woodlot licence holders, ineligibility to own or lease a wood-processing facility 540
- Forestry, woodlot licences, transfers 540-1
- Forestry, woodlot program 1402
- Forests ministry, aboriginal affairs branch, programs 1352-3
- Forests ministry, aboriginal affairs branch, role in treaty process 1353-4
- Forests ministry, aboriginal affairs branch, staffing 1352
- Forests ministry, aboriginal rights policy 1356-7
- Forests ministry, aboriginal rights policy, involvement of Indians 1353, 1357
- Forests ministry, allocation for range development program 1293
- Forests ministry, annual report for year ended March 31, 1995, tabled 1902
- Forests ministry, budget 1280-1
- Forests ministry, estimates debate 1244-51, 1275-98, 1323-33, 1348-69, 1389-405
- Forests ministry, estimates process 1284-5
- Forests ministry, fiscal challenges 1245
- Forests ministry, forecasting of forest revenues 1285-9, 1292, 1297-8
- Forests ministry, goals 1245
- Forests ministry, interim measures agreements with Indians 1357-8
- Forests ministry, Pendleton report on ministry operations 1284, 1402-3
- Forests ministry, relationship with Indians 1245
- Forests ministry, studies on traditional forest use by Indians 1352-3
- Forests ministry, stumpage loss write-off or non-collection 1296-7
- Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 1996, debate 300, 450-1, 540-52, 569-76
- Forests Statutes Amendment Act, 1996, special forest products, use of term 570
- Government, cost of government 221
- Government program review 219
- Government spending, capital spending freeze and review 221
- Indians, aboriginal rights 1804
- Indians and forest-related issues 1352-8
- Island Highway construction project, local hiring policies 900
- Job creation 219-20
- Land use planning, impact on communities 1245
- NDP government commitments 219
- Nisga'a forest licences, impact on annual allowable cut 1354-6
- Protected-areas committee, membership 1403
- Protected-areas committee recommendations, impact on timber supply areas 1403-4
- Protected-areas strategy, impact on timber supply areas 1404
- Range Act, amendments 300
- Rangeland, impact of innovative forest practices program 549
- Select Standing Committee on Forests, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, responsibilities 2080
- Silviculture operations, hiring requirements 893-4, 897-9, 923-5
- Small business forest enterprise program 1282-3
- Small business forest enterprise program, cutting permits, backlog 87
- Small business forest enterprise program, impact of Forest Practices Code 1350-1
- Social Credit Party, fishery policies 896
- Softwood lumber agreement, provincial quotas 1332-3, 1396-400
- Spotted owl conservation areas, impact on timber supply areas 1405
- Spotted owl conservation areas, public input into report 1405
- Supply Act (No. 1), 1996, debate 87
- Tourism industry jobs 220
- Watersheds, community watershed within forest development plan area 574-5
- Wildlife, winter habitat for mule deer 543
- Municipal Affairs ministry role (Hansen) 1742 (Miller) 1699, 1742
- Regulations, need (Miller) 1737
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