Province of British Columbia
32nd Parliament, 3rd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
December 4th, 1980 to July 7th, 1981
See: University of B.C.
See: Union of B.C. Municipalities
See: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
See: United Transportation Development Corp.
Ucluelet, B.C.
Spring Cove road, paving of (Fraser) 5797 (Skelly) 5793
Unclaimed Money Act
Mentioned: (Curtis) 4416
Underdeveloped areas, Aid to
Appropriation, increase in (Wallace) 5221
Appropriation, 1980, expenditure of (Hewitt) 5221 (Wallace) 5221
Funds, applications for (Wallace) 5221
Program, report for (Hewitt) 5221 (Wallace) 5221
Projects assisted under program (Hewitt) 5221
Effect of on mortality, social problems (Stupich) 4424
Employment, increase in (Bennett) 6558
Increase in (Gabelmann) 4544
Increase in, forecast of (Stupich) 4424
Job creation, new jobs (Bennett) 6564 (Brummet) 4627 (Curtis) 4400, 4408 (Heinrich) 4315-6 (Levi) 4266 (McCarthy) 4458 (McClelland) 4439 (Phillips) 4276-7, 4278, 5824 (Ritchie) 4246 (Throne speech) 4218
Rate in B.C. (McCarthy) 4380
Rate in B.C., decrease in (Hewitt) 4301 (Phillips) 4278 (Strachan) 4254
Unemployment, Technological
Clerical workers, impact of technological revolution on (Brown) 5200, 5216
High-technology research, impact of on workforce (McGeer) 4802 (Nicolson) 4801
Insurance Corp. of B.C., redundant employees, retraining of (Brown) 5217
Microelectronics industry, development of and unemployment (Mitchell) 4386-7
Plywood and sawmill industries, technological change, inquiry into (Heinrich) 6485
Technological revolution, impact of (Hewitt) 5217
Women office workers, retraining of (Brown) 6468
Unger, Eldon
Mentioned: (Hanson) 4500, 4503, 5304, 5305 (Vander Zalm) 5310
Union Carbide Canada Ltd.
Mentioned: (Skelly) 6007
Union Club, Victoria, B.C.
Mentioned: (Lauk) 5449
Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs
Medical care in remote areas, brief on (Cocke) 4245
Union of B.C. Municipalities
Mentioned: (Barber) 4838, 4844, 4849 (Barrett) 4895 (Chabot) 6119 (Fraser) 5701 (King) 5327 (Lockstead) 5529, 5698 (Rogers) 6060 (Vander Zalm) 4836, 5008, 5041, 6073, 6425
Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ
Lottery funds for (Hewitt) 5336
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 6408
Union Oil Co. of California
Mentioned: (Lockstead) 5530 (McClelland) 5534
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the U.S. and Canada
Mentioned: (Heinrich) 5929
United Church of Canada
Mentioned: (Bennett) 5617 (Hall) 5153 (Hewitt) 5221
United Community Services
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 4271
United Injured and Disabled Workers Association
Meeting with (Sanford) Q. 6354 (Heinrich) A. 6354
Membership, increase in (Sanford) 6431
Newsletter (Sanford) 6439
Workers' Compensation Board, commitment re inquiry into (Sanford) Q. 6353, Q. 6354 (Bennett) A. 6353 (Heinrich) A. 6354
Mentioned: (Sanford) 6438, 6446
United Keno Hill Mines Ltd.
Mentioned: (McClelland) 5489 (Passarell) 6043
United Leasehold Owners Association
Mentioned: (Lauk) 5097
United Mine Workers
Mentioned: (King) 4601
United Nations
Disabled persons' declaration quoted (Hanson) 6208
Mentioned: (Barnes) 4283 (Brown) 4295, 5678, 5680, 5681 (Brummet) 4230 (Curtis) 4405 (Gabelmann) 4954 (McCarthy) 4377, 4464 (Throne speech) 4218 (Williams) 6331
United Nations — General Assembly
Mentioned: (Skelly) 5476
United Nations Conference on Human Settlements
Mentioned: (Vander Zalm) 4836
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Mentioned: (Skelly) 4591
United Native Nations
Local 143, request for group home for Lower Post (McCarthy) 5969 (Passarell) 5960
Mentioned: (Passarell) 6285
United States — Atomic Energy Commission
Mentioned: (Davis) 4819
United States — Civilian Conservation Corps
Mentioned: (Barrett) 6396
United States — Coast Guard
Mentioned: (Hanson) 4314
United States — Congress
Hearings quoted (Wallace) 5316
Mentioned: (Mitchell) 4387
United States — Environmental Protection Agency
Mentioned: (Nicolson) 5723, 5724
United States — Health, Education and Welfare, Department of
Mentioned: (Barrett) 4524 (Wallace) 6483
United States — Labour, Department of
Mentioned: (Mitchell) 4387
United States — Securities and Exchange Commission
Mentioned: (Davis) 5772 (Howard) 4565 (Passarell) 5564 (Skelly) 4250
United States — Senate
United States — Transportation, Department of
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration mentioned (Hall) 5193
United States Animal Health Association
Mentioned: (Hewitt) 5171
United States Supreme Court
Mentioned: (Mair) 4357
United Steelworkers of America
Statement quoted (Passarell) 6433
United Transportation Development Corp.
Vancouver transit system, contract for (Lauk) 4892
Mentioned: (Dailly) 4889 (Lauk) 4890 (Vander Zalm) 4885, 4889, 4891
United Way
Brief on day care quoted (Dailly) 5935
Report quoted (Gabelmann) 5935
Mentioned: (Brown) 4491, 4492, 5895, 5962, 5963 (Dailly) 4454, 5936 (Gabelmann) 4273 (McClelland) 6013
Universities and colleges
College boards, appointments to (Lauk) 5654 (Smith) 5655
College boards, government control over (Lauk) 5653
College budgets, formula for (Lauk) 5653 (Smith) 5655
College councils, abolition of and creation of single board, proposal for (Smith) 5655
College councils, review of functions of (Smith) 5589
College students, cost-of-living problems for (D’Arcy) 4640
Colleges and institutes, appropriation for (Curtis) 4409 (Strachan) 4473
Colleges and institutes, operating budgets, increase in (Smith) 5589, 5624
Colleges and institutes, travel, office and furniture appropriation, reduction in (Lauk) 5657
Colleges and institutes, travel, office and furniture expenses, increase in (Lauk) 5656-7
Colleges, asbestos hazard, possibility of (Hanson) 5656
Colleges, enrolment statistics, problems with (Sanford) 5618
Colleges, flexibility and changes in programs (Smith) 5624
Colleges, funding of (Lauk) 5652, Q. 5988 (Smith) 5654-5, A. 5988
Colleges, living allowances for students (Smith) 5624 (Wallace) 5624
Colleges, programs, changes in (Smith) 6427
Colleges, regional, initiation of by Social Credit Party government (Bennett) 4532
Colleges, school boards' role in (Lauk) 5652-3, 5654
Colleges, student fees, percentage of operating costs (Smith) 5655
Colleges, vocational education (Davis) 4820
Colleges, women's access programs (Brown) 5635 (Lauk) 5641 (Smith) 5637
Colleges, women's access programs, funding of (Brown) 5635, 5652 (Smith) 5589, 5652
Disabled, access to educational institutions (Hanson) 5659 (Smith) 5659
Discovery parks at universities (Davis) 4820
Interior of province, post-secondary educational facilities (Bennett) 4531
Ontario college system (Davis) 4819
Private post-secondary institutions, aid to (Bennett) 5617
Universities, enrolment, decline in (Davis) 4818 (Lauk) 4795
Universities, foreign students (Brown) 4820
Universities, funds for, increase in (Davis) 4818 (McGeer) 4786
Universities, tuition fees (McGeer) 4786, 4821
Universities, tuition fees, elimination of, proposal for (McGeer) 4798
Universities, tuition fees, foreign students (Davis) 4819-20
Universities, tuition fees, indexing of (Stupich) 6081
Universities, tuition fees, level of (Davis) 4819
Universities, tuition fees, percentage of operating costs (Davis) 4819
University education, availability of (Lauk) 4798-9
University graduates, employment of in fields unrelated to studies (Lauk) 4797 (McGeer) 4798
University graduates, fields of study and employment opportunities (McGeer) 4821
University residences, funds for (McGeer) 4798
University students, postgraduate work, emphasis on (Lauk) 4797
Vancouver Island colleges, cooperative investigation into enrolment, course completion (Sanford) 5616 (Smith) 5618
Universities Council of B.C.
Mentioned: (McGeer) 4807
Universities, Science and Communications, Ministry of
Estimates 4786-8, 4794-4812, 4814-29
Speakers: Barber 4809-11, 4826-7; Brown 4820-1; Cocke 4807, 4822; Davis 4818-20; Kempf 4803-4; King 4824-5; Lauk 4788, 4795-7, 4798-4800, 4816, 4817, 4822, 4823, 4824, 4827-8, 4828-9; Lea 4825-6; Leggatt 4809; McGeer 4786-8, 4794, 4798, 4802-3, 4803, 4807-8, 4809, 4811-2, 4815-6, 4816-7 4821-2, 4822-3, 4824, 4825, 4828; Mitchell 4804-6; Mussallem 4806-7; Nicolson 4800-2; 4803, 4816, 4828; Ritchie 4808-9, 4816; Wallace 4814-5
Administration, appropriation, increase in (Lauk) 4817
Building occupancy charges, increase in (Barber) 4826 (King) 4824-5 (Lauk) 4824 (Lea) 4825-6 (McGeer) 4825
Building occupancy, source of space (Barber) 4826-7
Communications system development and regulation branch, appropriation, increase in (Lauk) 4823
Computer and consulting charges, appropriation, increase in (Lauk) 4827-8, 4828 (McGeer) 4828 (Nicolson) 4828
Computer projects (McGeer) 4828
Minister's office, appropriation, increase in (Lauk) 4816 (McGeer) 4817
Staff, housing of, consolidation of accommodation (Barber) 4826 (King) 4828 (Lea) 4825, 4826 (McGeer) 4824, 4825
Telecommunications services branch, advertising appropriation, increase in (Lauk) 4822 (Lea) 4823 (McGeer) 4823-4
Travel, appropriation, increase in (Lauk) 4816, 4817
University Hospital, Edmonton, Alta.
Mentioned: (Hanson) 6214
University of B.C.
Employees, commuting to Fraser Valley communities (Gabelmann) 6229, 6239
Faculty of agriculture, fieldwork (McGeer) 4815
Faculty of agriculture, relocation of in lower mainland, proposal for (Ritchie) 4808-9
Faculty of agriculture, women students (Hewitt) 5228 (Wallace) 5228
Faculty positions, effect of house prices on possible applicants (Gabelmann) 6229
TRIUMF. See Tri-Universities Meson Facility
Mentioned: (Barrett) 5763, 6503 (Brown) 4856; 5897, 5953, 6149, 6384, 6571 (Cocke) 5031, 6124 (Curtis) 4411 (Davis) 4818, 4819, 4820, 5711 (Gabelmann) 6229 (Hewitt) 5168 (Howard) 5573 (Hyndman) 5437 (King) 4681, 6350 (Lauk) 4323, 4824, (Levi) 5396, 5422 (McClelland) 6013 (McGeer) 4787, 798 (Mitchell) 5358 (Mussallem) 5859 (Nicolson) 4802 (Ritchie) 4388 (Smith) 4989 (Wallace) 5123, 5624 (Williams) 6387 (Wolfe) 5297
University of B.C. Endowment Lands
Cooperative housing, proposals for (Chabot) 6242 (Gabelmann) 6239
Faculty, staff members, land for housing (Chabot) 6242
Improvements, payment for (Curtis) 5790 (Nicolson) 5790
Municipal status, proposal for (Chabot) 6242 (Gabelmann) 6239
Regional park, establishment of (Chabot) 6242
University of B.C. Medical School
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, average patient-days, September, October (Cocke) 4243
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, construction of (Cocke) 6136-9
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, emergency facilities, use of (Cocke) 6138 (Nielsen) 6140
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, importance of (Mussallem) 6140
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, intensive-care unit, use of (Cocke) 4243
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, location of (Cocke) 6139
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, open house (Cocke) 5752
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, operating costs per patient-day (Cocke) 6138
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, scanners (Cocke) 4243
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, staff (Cocke) 4243
Health Sciences Centre Hospital staff, facilities, tribute to (Nielsen) 6140
Health Sciences Centre Hospital, use of (Cocke) 6136-9 (Nielsen) 6140
Health Sciences Centre Hospital mentioned (Cocke) 4485
University of Manitoba
Mentioned: (McClelland) 6013
University of Toronto
Mentioned: (Levi) 6247 (McGeer) 4807
University of Victoria
Engineering faculty, proposal for (Mussallem) 4806
Optometry school, proposal for (Barber) 6220
Mentioned: (Barber) 5007, 5075, 5373 (Brown) 5962 (Cocke) 6138 (Davis) 4818, 4819 (Hanson) 5303 (Levi) 4264 (McCarthy) 5947 (McGeer) 4794, 4798 (Nicolson) 4816 (Wallace) 4433
University of Washington
Mentioned: (Levi) 6206
University of Washington Hospital, Seattle, Wash.
Mentioned: (Cocke) 6137
Unruh, M.
Mentioned: (Kempf) 6349
Upper Island Union Board of Health
Hiring freeze, effect of (Gabelmann) 6215
Quoted (Gabelmann) 6158
The Upper Islander, Campbell River, B.C.
Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 6036
Upper Levels Highway
See: Highway 1
Moratorium on exploration and mining (McClelland) 6605 (Passarell) 6604
Placer Development Ltd., Atlin mine, uranium production (Passarell) 6042
Sale of by Premier on visit to Commission of the European Communities (Barrett) 6555
Transportation of through province, government action on (Rogers) 6000 (Skelly) 5999
Transportation, storage, provincial policy on (Skelly) 6000
Uranium Exploration and Mining, An Act to Prevent. See name of act
Uranium Exploration and Mining, An Act to Prevent
(Bill M201) (Passarell) 1R, 4307; 2R, 6604-5
Speakers: McClelland 6605; Passarell 6604-5
Amax of Canada Ltd. disposal of uranium in ocean (Passarell) 6605
Moratorium on uranium exploration and mining (McClelland) 6605 (Passarell) 6604
Placer Development Ltd., uranium production and storage (Passarell) 6605
Urban Transit Authority
Appropriation (Vander Zalm) 4837, 4998
Borrowing power, increase in (Stupich) 6533
Bus passes for elderly, handicapped (Brown) 4861-2
Bus passes for elderly, handicapped, transferability of (Brown) 4861-2 (Vander Zalm) 4862
Changes in, need for (Barber) 4845
Custom transit, funds for, transfer of from Human Resources ministry (Lorimer) 4992-3
Establishment of (Bennett) 6572-3 (Curtis) 4405-6 (Throne speech) 4220
Secretary, issuing of bus passes by (Brown) 6533
Structure of (Barber) 4845, 4846, 4852 (Lorimer) 4992
Mentioned: (Barber) 4880, 4900, 5816 (Brown) 4855, 6572, 6575 (Curtis) 5674 (Hanson) 4503 (Lauk) 4466 (Stupich) 5758, 6103, 6178 (Vander Zalm) 4834, 4835, 4855, 5040
Urban Transit Authority Act
Mentioned: (Barber) 4871 (Lauk) 4466 (Mussallem) 4887 (Vander Zalm) 4897
Urban Transit Fund
Transit funding, increase in (Curtis) 4406
Urea formaldehyde
School District 88, urea formaldehyde in portables (Smith) 5848
School insulation, presence in (Cocke) Q. 5890 (Lauk) Q. 5546 (Smith) A. 5848, A. 5990
Use in wallboard in portable classrooms (Nielsen) 6205
Use of for home insulation (Passarell) 6043 (Rogers) 6045
Use of for home insulation, case cited (Lorimer) 6217-8
Use of for home insulation, federal-provincial cost-sharing arrangement for removal of (Hall) Q. 6354 (Gardom) A. 6355
Use of for home insulation, health hazard (Levi) 6202-3 (Mussallem) 6207
Use of for home insulation, National Research Council report quoted (Levi) 6202
Use of for home insulation, testing for hazardous conditions (Levi) 6203-4, 6206 (Nielsen) 6204-5
Use of for home insulation, Vancouver case cited (Levi) 6202-3
Utah Development Co.
Coal tax, royalties, study on (Phillips) 5874-5
Utah Mines Ltd.
Discharge of effluent by, 1971 hearings on (Hall) 4320
Rupert Inlet water, loss of life-sustaining value, payment for (Skelly) 6001
Rupert Inlet, tailings in inlet (Gabelmann) 5525, 6037 (McClelland) 5522-3, 5528 (Passarell) 5506, 5517 (Sanford) 4597
Mentioned: (Chabot) 6289 (Sanford) 6288
Utilities Commission
See: British Columbia Utilities Commission
Utilities Commission Act
Amendments to (D’Arcy) 5581 (Davis) 5500 (McClelland) 5501
Criticisms of (D’Arcy) 5580
Mentioned: (Howard) 4328, 5537 (Lockstead) 5528 (McClelland) 5485, 5539 (Macdonald) 4610 (Strachan) 4254