Province of British Columbia
32nd Parliament, 1st Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
June 6, 1979 to August 2, 1979


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

McBride, Sir Richard

Mentioned: (Smith) 80, 82

McCarthy, Hon. Grace M., Deputy Premier and Minister of Human Resources (Vancouver-Little Mountain)

Adoption process, speeding up of 896-7

Adoption, parents' refusal to release children for 884, 916

Arnett, John, employment of, A. 861

Automobile Insurance Non-Discrimination Act (Bill 33) 1R, 833; 1099-1100, 1101

Brown, Rosemary, letter re election campaign 215-6

Bus passes, free, letter re, A. 416

Captain Cook Bicentennial celebration 914-5

Child abuse, mandatory reporting of 884

Child abuse, reporting of, Zenith line for 895, 914

Child-abuse manual, production and distribution of 884

Children, dental care, special needs, appropriation for 915

Children, home-care program for 896

Children in care by court order, limiting time of 884

Children in care, report on 916

Children in foster care, adoption of by foster parents 916

Children in foster care, permanent adoption placement of 884, 916

Children in foster care, problems of 916

Children, programs for 883

Children, retarded and autistic children 881

Children, sexual abuse of 896, 897

Children, sexual abuse of, TRACY report on, A. 371, 896, 897

Children, studies on, coordination of 915

Children's rehabilitation resources, appropriation for 895

Community health and human resources clinics, A. 601

Convention centres, benefit of to tourist trade 174-5

Convention centres, employment, construction industry 175

Day-care centres, closing of 897

Day care, subsidy for 896

Diet counselling, basic nutrition 914

Elderly, counselling service for 881

Family and children's services Act, provisions of 883-4

Family and children's services Act, submissions on 883, 896

Family and children's services Act, White Paper on 883, 896

Family homemaker service, appropriation for 896

Family life, deterioration in 880

Family support workers service, funding, staff of 896

“Good Times '79” booklet, distribution of, A. 416

Gould, Ed, present employment of, A. 1030

Guaranteed annual income 883

Handicapped, building access, provision for 881

Handicapped, sheltered workshops, appropriation for 895

Human Resources ministry staff, tribute to 880

Human Resources ministry, estimates 880-4, 894-8, 898-9, 903, 913-7, 921

Income assistance, expenditure on 915

Income Tax Amendment Act (1979) 214-6

Insurance Corp. of B.C. claims, victims of impaired drivers, A. 373

Insurance Corp. of B.C., debt under former government 1101

Insurance Corp. of B.C. directors, appointment of MLAs 1112

Insurance Corp. of B.C. directors, appointment of to meet special needs 1112

Insurance Corp. of B.C. directors, limiting number of 1112

Insurance Corp. of B.C. directors, payments to 1113

Insurance Corp. of B.C. directors, payments to, 1976 to 1978, A. 1028

Insurance Corp. of B.C._ impaired drivers, change in subrogation rules, A. 373-4

Insurance Corp. of B.C., P.L. McGeer, expenses claimed 1116

Insurance Corp. of B.C. rates, discrimination in based on age and sex 1099

Insurance Corp. of B.C. rates, discrimination in based on geographic location 1100

Insurance Corp. of B.C. rates, discrimination in, elimination of 1099-1100

Insurance Corp. of B.C. reserves fund, payments in 1979 for years 1974 to 1977, A. 925

Lake Cowichan Activity Centre, funding for 916-7

Living Independently for Equality program 881

Long-term care program 896

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1979) 1112, 1113, 1116

Municipalities, welfare costs, cost-sharing formula, amounts paid, A. 926

New Democratic Party, contributions to 215-6

Nichols, Norm, letter to Burnaby teachers 215-6

PREP, success of 881, 882

Pharmacare, number of persons receiving payment, total paid, A. 927

Pharmacare, pharmacists' prescription fees, A. 927

Select Standing Committee on Health, Education and Human Resources, member 442

Smith, S. Douglas, appointment of as director of B.C. Development Corp., A. 834

Social assistance, expenditure on 915

Social assistance, fraud charges laid, convictions, money involved, A. 925

Social assistance, fraud investigations, administrative staff for, A. 926

Social assistance, fraud investigators, names, salaries, previous occupations, A. 925

Social assistance, fraud investigators, salaries of and money recovered 921

Social assistance, fraud investigators, work of 881

Social assistance rates, increase in 882, 903, 914

Social assistance recipients, employment of, appeal by letter to employers for 881-2

Social assistance recipients, employment of, incentive allowance for 882

Social assistance recipients, hydro bill backlogs and power cutoffs 915-6

Social assistance, shelter allowance, increase in 882, 903

Social assistance, special needs category, change in 903

Social services in Vancouver, study of 880

Travel industry 174-5

Travel industry revenue and social programs 175

Unemployment insurance cheques, problems for recipients of 916

United Way, report 915

Vancouver and Victoria Trade and Convention Centres Fund Act 174-6

Vancouver convention centre, design of 175

Vancouver convention centre, trade shows 175-6

Welfare work volunteers, tribute to 880

Woodlands School, camping program 895

Woodlands School, camping, daytime trips 895

Woodlands School, renovation program 881

Year of the Child and the Family, appropriation for 903

Year of the Child and the Family, declaration of 1135

Year of the Child and the Family, family-less children 897

Year of the Child and the Family, flags, buttons for 914

Year of the Child and the Family, press release on 894

Year of the Child and the Family, symbol for 897

Youth services program, Davie Street program 897-8

McClelland, Hon. Robert H., Minister of Health (Langley)

Acupuncture, practice of by acupuncturists 632

Acupuncture, practice of by doctors 632

Air ambulance service 820-1

Air ambulance use, increase in 793

Air ambulance, emergency flights, priority of 814

Alcoholism, costs of 877-8

Alcoholism, employee assistance program 843

Alcoholism, Indian treatment centre, Round Lake 843

Alcoholism, New Westminster residential treatment centre 874

Alcoholism, problem of in isolated areas 865

Alcoholism treatment, appropriation for 879

Alcoholism, treatment services for 878, 879

Alert Bay, advisor-coordinator appointed 795-6, 865

Alert Bay, medical care problem, continued dissatisfaction 865

Alert Bay, medical inquiry, A. 210

Alert Bay, medical inquiry, recommendations 795-6

Alert Bay, medical services, public inquiry into, A. 255

Altman, Jack, previous employment of 874, 875

Ambulance attendants, alleged shortage of, A. 187, A. 281, 814

Ambulance attendants, training of 793, 813, 814

Ambulance rate, increase in 871

Ambulance service, alleged return of to private sector 814

Ambulances, communications system for 814

Ambulances, obsolete, replacement of 814

Barbecued pork, Chinatown, sale of 843

Black, W.D., report on medical manpower, release of, A. 44, 864-5, A. 1094

Budget debate 30-2

Bulkley Lodge, day rate and nursing service, agreement on 866

Burnaby General Hospital, administration commended 814 , Burnaby General Hospital budget, increase in 820

Burnaby General Hospital, EEG service 820, 865

Burnaby General Hospital, nuclear medicine service 820

Burnaby General Hospital, obstetric cases, transfer of 814

Burnaby General Hospital, paediatric cases, transfer of 814

Burnaby General Hospital staff, increase in 820

Cancer detection, scanners, purchase and location of 793

Children's Hospital, Health Resources Fund 670

Chiropractors, service to patients 871

College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C., employees, liability of 630

College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C., investigating committees 629, 703

College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C., members, suspension of 629, 632, 702, 703

Dease Lake, emergency nurse services for 865

Debt under former government, interest on 30

Denticare program 31

Denticare program, cost of 871

Detoxification centre, Vancouver, programs 874

Detoxification centre, Vancouver, site 873-4

Dialysis service, development of 813

Dieticians, registration Act, proposal for 871

Drugs, prescribing of 632

Expenditures, increase in 30

First aid, life support skills, training in 793, 813

Foreign control of B.C. companies 30

Glengarry Hospital staff, cutback in, A. 96

Glengarry Hospital, staff report, A. 96

Health care costs, increase in 31, 794, 800

Health care system, NDP advertisements during election campaign 792

Health ministry, building occupancy charges 879

Health ministry, computer costs 879

Health ministry, computer programmers, advertisement for 879

Health ministry, estimates 791-6, 813-4, 820-1, 842-5, 863, 864-5, 866, 870-1, 872, 872-3, 873-4, 874, 875, 876, 877, 877-8, 878, 879

Health promotion 792

Health Resources Fund, B.C. application for funds from, A. 670

Heroin Treatment Program 843-5, 863, 877

Heroin Treatment Program, appropriation for 876

Heroin Treatment Program, cost of 844, 876

Heroin Treatment Program, evaluation panels 843

Heroin Treatment Program patient, case history cited 844-5

Heroin Treatment Program patients, confidentiality of criminal records of 874

Heroin Treatment Program patients, number of 843

Homemaker service, increase in 795

Hospital budgets, ceiling on increase in, A. 96, 800

Hospital care, married couples requiring different levels of 872

Hospital construction program 31, 97, 794, 821

Hospital deficits, appropriation for 260

Hospital, Port Hardy, replacement of 796

Hospital, Port McNeill 796

Hospital services and programs, analysis of 794

Hospitals, administrative procedures, cost savings in 794

Hospitals, appropriation for 793

Hospitals, appropriation for, special funds 260, 262

Hospitals, financing, analysis of 794

Hospitals, general, long-term care patients 795

Hospitals, payments to 30-1

Hospitals, staff positions and budget cuts, A. 6-7

Hyperalimentation, use of 793

Investments under former government 30

Long-term care program 31, 793, 795, 821

Long-term care, rates for 865

Lottery funds for health care research 876

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., alcohol and drug counselling program 845

Medical Amendment Act, 1979 (Bill 15) 1R, 457; 629-30, 632-3, 701, 702, 703

Medical School, UBC, director of undergraduate clinical clerkship program 702

Medical Services Plan terms, agreement on 795, 820

Medical Services Plan, computer charges 879

Medicare in Canada, history of 820

Medicare program 31

Medicine, illegal practice of, penalties for 630

Medicine, professions exempted from prosecution for practice of 630, 632

Memorial Pavilion, veterans' accommodation 872

Mental health programs and services, survey of, A. 790, A. 791, 870

Mentally handicapped, boarding home program, field staff 870

Mentally handicapped, boarding homes, closing of 870

Mentally handicapped, boarding homes, day programs for residents 870

Mentally handicapped, boarding homes, funding of 870

Mentally handicapped, boarding homes, medication in, supervision of 870

Mentally handicapped, boarding homes, problems 870

Midwifery course 260

Nurse-practitioners, 'payment to 793

Panco Poultry Ltd., sale of 30

Powell, Eric, appointment of 795-6, 865

Powell, Eric, education, career 795-6

Powell, Eric, terms of reference for 796

Practical nurses, employment problems of 871

Prenatal care, advertising campaign, cost of, A. 1091

Public health engineers, services of 871

Royal Jubilee Hospital, heart surgery, A. 532-3

Royal Jubilee Hospital, modernization program 794, 821

Royal Jubilee Hospital, renovation budget, A. 6

St. Paul's Hospital, budget 800-1

Salary reduced by $1, M. (Cocke) 818, negatived 863

Select Standing Committee on Environment and Resources, member 442

Select Standing Committee on Health, Education and Human Resources, member 442

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economic Affairs, member 442

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, member 442

Shaughnessy Hospital, extended-care unit 872

Social services, increase in 31

Special Purpose Appropriation Act (1979) 260, 261, 262

Speech pathologists, hiring of 871

Speech pathology graduates, University of B.C., hiring of 871

Spinal, cord unit, use of 872-3

Trinity Western College Act, An Act to Amend 1145

Trinity Western College faculty members, signing of statement of belief by 1145

University of B.C. Medical School hospital, construction of 821

University of B.C. Medical School hospital, operating costs 865

Vancouver General Hospital Act, amending of 800

Vancouver General Hospital, advisory board 800

Vancouver General Hospital, construction program 794-5, 821

Vancouver General Hospital, problems 800 West Fraser Mills Ltd. 30

Whistler Resort Association bill, L.A. Williams' vote on 1088

X-rays, use of, study on safety procedures for, A. 461

Zeballos medical clinic, A. 371-2

Zeballos, mobile medical unit 796

McCrae, W.

Payments to, 1976 to 1978 (Phillips) 1091

McDiarmid, Neil

Mentioned: (Gardom) 485, 487

Macdonald, Alexander B. (Vancouver East)

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 485-7, 488, 499-500

B.C. Government News, April issue, distribution of, Q. 71, Q. 187, Q. 373

B.C. Hydro, Hat Creek coal project, environmental pollution, Q. 860

B.C. Petroleum Corp., revenue 86

Budget debate 86-7

Children, kidnapping of by parents 499-500

Committee on Crown Corporations, member 442

Delta police investigation and Tsawwassen Beach disturbance, Q. 1031

Drunken driving, fatalities, reduced charges in 486-7, 488

Election campaign contributions, tax credit for, members' vote on 218

Election campaign contributions, tax credit for, retroactivity 218-9

Environment ministry, estimates 695, 696

Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, recreational grant to 1041

Hat Creek coal, statement re use of for gasoline, Q. 861

Hospital employees, x-raying of, Q. 671

Immigrants, enrichment of Canada by 1098

Income Tax Amendment Act (1979) 218

Insurance Corp. of B.C. directors, appointment of MLAs 1112

Insurance Corp. of B.C., W.N. Vander Zalm's statements re, Q. 955

Kaiser Resources Ltd., profits of 87

Kaiser Resources Ltd., profits, taxes of 552

Law offices, community, work of 1105

Legal aid, appropriation for 1105

Legal aid, eligibility of groups for 1105

Legal aid offices, work of lay people in 1104

Legal Services Society Act 1104-5, 1106

Lower Mainland Stadium Fund Act 256

McFayden children, kidnapping of 499-500

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1979) 1112

Natural gas export, increase in and energy policy, Q. 669

Natural gas export, increase in, decision on, Q. 669

Natural gas export, increase in, emergency debate on 671

Natural gas export, increase in, terminal date, Q. 669

Natural gas export, submission to National Energy Board, Q. 929

Obsolete Statutes Repeal Act, responsibility for error in 1172-3

Panco Poultry Ltd., quotas 87

Paralegals, appearances before tribunals 1105

Paralegals, appearances in small claims court 1106

Penticton Fish and Game and Gun Club property, public access to, Q. 629

Phillips, D.M., trips to Japan 86

Provincial Secretary and Government Services ministry, estimates 1041

Refugee Settlement Program of British Columbia Act 1097-8

Religious cults, investigation into, Q. 1123

Repeal of the Obsolete Statutes Repeal Act 1172-3

Resort Municipality of Whistler Amendment Act (1979) 1130

Resources, foreign control over 87

Sales tax reduction, effect on economy 102

Sales tax reduction, implementation prior to legislation 102

Second Narrows Bridge, Cassiar Street cloverleaf, Q. 43

Select Standing Committee on Labour and Justice, member 442

Senate, change in, provincial appointments to, proposals for 695, 696

Senate, hearings on change in, B.C. intervention in 499

Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1979) 102

Social Services Tax Amendment Act, retroactivity of 102

Stadium, site of 256

Whistler Resort Association bill, L.A. Williams' vote on 1088

Whistler Resort Association, weighted voting in 1130

Withdrawal of from House for one sitting day (Speaker) 418

Wolfe, E.M., resignation of 1172-3

X-rays, use of, study on safety procedures for, Q. 461

McDonald, Glen

Report quoted (McClelland) 255

Mentioned: (Gabelmann) 255 (Leggatt) 57, 261

McDonald, Hugh

Mentioned: (Cocke) 798

Macdonald, John

“Higher Education in British Columbia and a Plan for the Future” quoted (Hyndman) 1146

Macdonald, John A.

Mentioned: (Davis) 405

MacDonald, Kenneth N.

Retirement of (Curtis) 1032-3 (Hall) 1034

McDonald's Hamburgers

Mentioned: (Brown) 1143 (Leggatt) 559

McDonald's Ranch and Lumber Co.

Mentioned: (Segarty) 768

McEachern, Allan J.

Mentioned: (Gardom) 524

McFayden, Keith

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 926

Macfarlane, Alan

Mentioned: (Smith) 80

McFayden, Lee

Children kidnapped and taken to U.S. (Macdonald) 499-500

McGeer, Hon. Patrick L., Minister of Education, Science and Technology (Vancouver-Point Grey)

Alberni students, disciplinary measures against 612, 614

Assessment change, impact of on school districts 269-70, 271

Assessment, change in under present government 270

Assessment change, reimbursement for loss to school districts 284

Assessments, reduction in value of 264

Bennett, Jim, qualifications of 607, 607-8

Bonner, Robert, statement of re nuclear power, A. 279

B.C. Discovery Trust Fund 263-4

B.C. Institute of Technology programs via satellite 585-6, 606

B.C. Medical Centre, planning of 838

B.C. Research Council, report on 263

British Columbia Resources Investment Corporation Amendment Act (1979) 146-7

Caldwell, Margaret, dismissal of, board of inquiry decision on 590, 611

Children, handicapped, educational facilities for 585

China, educational problems of 589-90

Chinese scholars, visit of to Canada 590

Chinese students, wheat scholarships for, proposal for 590

Colleges and institutes, accounting system 586

Colleges and institutes, appropriation for 585

Colleges, physical facilities, funds for 586

Core curriculum, national, development of 584

Deaf children, education of, funds for 623

Discovery Park, proposed Patricia Bay branch 597

Discovery Parks Inc., property for 263

Education, academic accountability 584

Education, administrative costs of 584

Education, Science and Technology ministry, annual report 589

Education, Science and Technology ministry, estimates 583-7, 589-90, 590, 591-2, 594-5, 595-6, 597, 606-7, 607-8, 610-11, 612-3, 613, 614-5, 616-7, 621, 622, 623, 624

Education, Science and Technology ministry, scope of 584

Education Statutes Amendment Act, 1979 (Bill 18) 1R, 484; 643, 641-3, 715-6, 717, 718, 719, 720

Education Today, international awards for 613

Educational programs, special, funding of 614

Examinations, standardized, for grade 12 584

Farmland, absentee foreign owners, restriction on tax relief 271-2

Farmland, assessment of, reduction in 264

Farmland, removal from land reserve and repayment of tax benefits 284

Fish-processing industry research 263-4

Foulkes, Richard G., Health Security Program Project report 838

Gifted children, education of 621

Gifted children, pilot program for 584

Gillen, Ralph, relationship to 1115

Hat Creek coal, use of, A. 861

Health ministry, estimates 838-9

Hospital construction program 839

Illiteracy 623

Income Tax Amendment Act (1979) 219-20

Independent school accreditation authority, sale of 642

Independent school grants, figures used as basis for 718

Independent school grants, use of 718

Independent school, possible purchase of by Moonies 642

Independent schools, capital financing of 642, 715-6, 717

Independent schools, circulation of letter re in election campaign 643, 668, 717

Independent schools, health services 611

Indian languages, study of 597

Indians, education of 590

Indians, educational material on 597

Industries, high-technology, development of 587

Insurance Corp. of B.C. directors, payments to 1114

Insurance Corp. of B.C., expenses claimed (Barber) 1116 (Barrett) 1116 (McCarthy) 1116

Insurance Corp. of B.C., Heerspink case 594

Insurance Corp. of B.C., losses under former government 114

Investment, participation in 146

Long-term care program 839

Marine resources, high-technology industry in Victoria area 597

Medical schools, admission to, B.C. students 586

Members, opposition members, increase in staff for 1081

Metric conversion, progress of in U.S. 1137

Metric system, labelling, use of both systems 616

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1979) 1113-4, 1115, 1116

Music programs in schools 621

Music schools, community, funding of 621

Native Indian Teaching Education Program 597

New Democratic Party, contributions to 219-20

North Island College, principal, board, tribute to 608

North Island College, program of 608

Open Learning Institute courses, use of correspondence branch 606

Open Learning Institute, educational satellite, use of 585-6

Open Learning Institute, methods, equipment, facilities 585-6

Open Learning Institute, opposition to 606

Open Learning Institute, purpose of 585

Open University, Great Britain, materials, purchase of 608

Politics in Paradise mentioned (King) 1115 (Levi) 110 (Barrett) 273

Post-Secondary Education in British Columbia, booklet 589

Post-Secondary Education in British Columbia, timing of distribution of 591-2

Provincial Learning Assessment Program 584

Public Schools Amendment Act, 1979 (Bill 13) 1R, 40; 264, 269-70, 271, 271-2, 283-4

Religious colleges, public funding of 623

Research in B.C., brochure on 263

Revenue Surplus of 1977-78 Appropriation Act (1979) 166, 167

St. Thomas Aquinas High School, alleged discriminatory practices, investigation of 594, 595-6, 611, 623

St. Thomas Aquinas High School, funding of and alleged discrimination by 592, 596

Scholarships, sports bursaries 608

School budgets, five-year forecasts 585

School District 69, boundary dispute with School District 68 610

School District 87, Indian advisory committee 616

School District 87, maintenance work on schools 617

School District 87, students leaving for schools in Yukon 617

School District 92, high-school graduating class 590, 617

School districts, administration costs of 607

School districts, debentures guaranteed by Crown 720

School districts, number of, reduction in 607

School Districts 65, 66, 69, 70, impact of assessment change on 269

School mill rate, decrease in and homeowner grant increase 590

School principals, return of to classroom 612

School principals, role of 612-3

School superintendents, appointment of 585, 641-2

School tax burden, homes, businesses, increase in 269

Schools, construction of, priorities in 585

Schools, construction, renovation of 585

Schools, enrolment figures, submission of 720

Schools, promotion and grading standards, preparation of 584

Science and Research, cost of 590

Science and Research, distribution of 589, 590

Science and technology, emphasis on (Sanford) 587

Science policy, seminar on 262-3

Select Standing Committee on Health, Education and Human Resources, member 442

Special Purpose Appropriation Act (1979) 262-3, 263-4, 264

“Steps to Maturity” program 610

Student counselling and guidance services, report on 622

Students, ombudsman for, proposal for 613

Teachers, drug offences and teaching licences 595

Teachers, security of tenure 642

Teachers, transfer of, transfer procedures 642, 719

Teachers, versatility of in teaching exceptional children 615, 621

Television, educational, TAGER system in Dallas 606

Trinity Western College, academic standards, test of the marketplace for 1140, 1143

Trinity Western College Act, An Act to Amend 1143

Trinity Western College, federal funds for 1140

Trinity Western College, provincial funds for, Universities Council's role in 1140

Trinity Western College students, loan assistance to 623

Universities, buildings under construction 587

Vocational education, opportunities for 586

Whistler Resort Association bill, L.A. Williams' vote on 1088

McGill University

Mentioned: (McClelland) 875

McGillivray, M.

Payments to, 1976 to 1978 (Phillips) 1091

McGrath, James

Mentioned: (Howard) 943 (Mair) 254, 681

Mackenzie, Alexander

Mackenzie grease trail (Chabot) 952

Mackenzie, Cortland J.G.

Mentioned: (Jordan) 658 (Skelly) 661

McKenzie, Lloyd G.

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 538

Mackenzie, B.C.

Industrial development, population (Heinrich) 8-9

McKenzie Royal Commission on the British Columbia Railway

See: Royal Commission on the British Columbia Railway

McKinlay, Alan

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 322

MacLean, Fraser

Mentioned: (Fraser) 1049

McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass

Mentioned: (McClelland) 875

Maclean Is

Mentioned: (McClelland) 800

McLeod, Myles

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 926

McLeod, Young, Weir, and Co.

Mentioned: (Howard) 159

McMath, Robert

Commission report mentioned (Sanford) 588

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.

Albemi plant, electric power for (Hewitt) 462 (Skelly) 454

Alcohol and drug counselling program (McClelland) 845

Profits and employees (Wallace) 54

Shares, purchase of by B.C. Resources Investment Corp. (Barber) Q. 1123 (Bennett) A. 1123

Takeover by Canadian Pacific Investments (Barber) 423 (Barrett) 362 (Bennett) 362-3 (Leggatt) 404 (Levi) 133, 421

Mentioned: (Barber) 428 (Bennett) 366 (Chabot) 961 (Cocke) 996 (Hanson) 959 (Howard) 139, 241 (Hyndman) 74 (King) 746, 755 (Lea) 143 (Leggatt) 1170 (Levi) 109 (Lockstead) 770 (McClelland) 844, 1088 (Phillips) 554 (Skelly) 1069 (Stupich) 435, 555 (Waterland) 311, 730, 748, 772 (Wolfe) 333

McFarland, Brian

Report on children in care mentioned, quoted (McCarthy) 916

McQueen, Ray S.

Mentioned: (Gardom) 1031

McWhinney, Edward

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 695 (Mair) 695, 696

Madill, Charles

Mentioned: (Skelly) 463

Maintenance (Domestic relations)

See: Separate maintenance

Mair, Hon. K. Rafe, Minister of Environment (Kamloops)

Air pollution standards 665, 688

Bates inquiry, funding of public interest groups, A. 373

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, environmental impact report on 689

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, environmental protection, A. 700

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, environmental studies of, A. 700

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, meeting with area residents on, A. 762

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, public hearing on, A. 699

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, reports on, A. 789

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, route of, A. 700

B.C. Hydro, Vancouver Island transmission line, Shaffer report on A. 761, A. 762, A. 1002, A. 1003, A. 1029

Campbell River estuary report 682

Cargill Nutrena Feeds Ltd. hog farm, effluent disposal 676

Cowichan River estuary, consultant re needs of industry, A. 71

Cowichan River estuary, task force reports on 668, 678

Creston Valley Wildlife Management Authority 666

Crown land, jurisdiction over 648

Environment ministry, estimates 644-5, 648-9, 651, 654-5, 655, 659-60, 661-2, 665-6, 668, 673-4, 674, 675-6, 677-8, 680-1, 682, 685-6, 688-9, 689, 691, 692-3, 694, 694-5, 695-6, 696

Environment ministry regions 644

Environment ministry regions, inter-ministry uniformity of 666

Environment ministry, reorganization of 644

Environment, preservation of, and development 644

Environmental advisory councils, proposal for 649

Environmental problems, ministry's role in solutions to 666

Environmental protection, citizen involvement in 648

Environmental protection, federal-provincial cooperation on 692

Environmental protection philosophy, factors in 648, 649

Environmental protection, policy statement on 648

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, pesticide application permit 651

Estuary program for province 692

Estuary protection, legislation on 692-3

Fish and wildlife branch regional director, Kootenay region 666

Fish and wildlife branch, status of 644

Fish processing licences, issuing of, A. 253, 685-6

Fisheries, federal-provincial cooperation on 681

Fishing industry, foreign investment in, control over 685

Fishing industry, foreign ownership of, A. 254

Fishing industry problems, federal-provincial discussion on, A. 254

Garbage disposal, Nelson, sites for 666

Garbage recovery operations, energy production from 689

Gardom Lake, aircraft on lake 685

Herring process licences, ungraded roe exports, A. 253

Income Tax Amendment Act (1979) 199, 219

Indian women, discrimination against under Indian Act, A. 701

Indian women, status, loss of on marriage to non-Indian, A. 700

Kitimat oilport 694

Kitimat pipeline, government policy on 691

Kokanee salmon habitat, preservation of 666

Lacana Mining Co. exploration permit, A. 374

Lagoon subdivision, sewer outfall for 673

Land Commission, administrative changes in 692

Land, jurisdiction over 648

Lemon Creek problem, investigation of 666

Milfoil control, alternative controls 661-2

Milfoil control, introduction of grass carp 659, 661-2

Paradise Valley Resort, trailer site 685

Pepin-Robarts report 695-6

Pesticide Control Act regulations re private land, A. 416

Pesticide permits, appeals, procedure for 651

Pesticide permits, procedure in granting of 660

Pesticides, controls on use of 660

Pesticides, harmlessness of, onus of proof on applicator 659

Pesticides, philosophy re 651

Petroleum, tankers, dangers of 691

Pollution control branch, name change, proposal for 689

Princess Louisa Inlet, logging in area of 685

Revelstoke Dam, hearings on 649

Revelstoke Dam, hearings on, funding of public interest groups 685

Salmon industry, report on, A. 1196

Salmon processing licences, export of processed salmon, A. 253

Salmon rivers, damage to 681

Salmon rivers, jurisdiction over streambed of 681

Salmonid Enhancement Program 644, 681

Salmonid Enhancement Program, federal funds for 666, 673

Salmonid Enhancement Program, provincial funds for 666, 673

Select Standing Committee on Environment and Resources, member 442

Select Standing Committee on Labour and Justice, member 442

Select Standing Committee on Transportation and Communications, member 442

Sewage, dryland disposal of 673, 674

Sewer outfalls, policy on 673-4

Sewer outfalls, pollution of ocean 673

Shawnigan Lake water, quality of 692

Shellfish industry, development of 686

Shuswap Lake, water diversion into Okanagan Lake system 685

Six-Mile Lake, water skiers on 685

Skagit Valley, flooding of and Ross Dam 695

Smelters, refineries, discharge of sulphur dioxide by 688

Smith, S. Douglas, appointment of as director of B.C. Development Corp., A. 835

Steelhead trout runs, Vancouver Island, enhancement of 681

Sulphur dioxide pollution of atmosphere 688

Tordon 22-K, use of 654-5

Townsend River, waste disposal in 666

Traps, leg-hold, ban on and demand for furs 678, 682 2, 4-D, milfoil control 659 2, 4-D; milfoil control, Kalamalka Lake 654, 659 2, 4-D, milfoil control, Kootenay Lake 666 2, 4-D, milfoil control, lower mainland, Vancouver

Island 654 2, 4-D, milfoil control, Wood Lake 654 2, 4, 5-T, use of in province 659 2, 4, 5-TP, use of in province 654, 659

Uranium exploration permit, Adams River 685

Water Act, proclamation of groundwater sections in 692

Water. licences, granting of for power projects 649

Water quality agreement, west coast, proposal for 665

Weyerhaueser pulp mill, Kamloops, waste disposal 676

Wildlife management hearings 648

Wolves, control of, use of lithium chloride for, A. 254

Wolves, poisoning of, A. 254, A. 255, 678

Wolves, poisoning of, U.S. policy on, A. 254

Wolves, predation by 678

Malibu Lodge, Princess Louisa Inlet

Mentioned: (Chabot) 961


Management jobs, percentage of in B.C. (Cocke) 561


Electric power dam construction (Bennett) 368

Manning, N.M.

Payments to, 1976 to 1978 (Barber) 1113 (McCarthy) 1028

Manning Park, B.C.

Mentioned: (Hanson) 963


Manufactured goods, two-price system for (Davis) 405-6

Maple Bay Ratepayers Association

Letter quoted (Wallace) 971

Maple Ridge, B.C.

Bridge link to Langley (Mussallem) 1049

Maple Ridge Hospital, Maple Ridge, B.C.

Beds, closing of (Cocke) 801 (Mussallem) 803

Staff cutbacks and assistant administrator (Cocke) 101 (Mussallem) 101

Maquinna Park

Tourist facilities (Skelly) 973

Marathon Realty Ltd.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 369 (Howard) 429 (King) 362 (Rogers) 178

Marchand, Len

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 691 (Mair) 692

Margaret Frances Hobbs Act

Mentioned: (Hanson) 1103

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Mentioned: (Hanson) 992

Maritime Museum of the Pacific

Proposal for (Curtis) 994 (Hanson) 992-3, 1039

Markova, Anna

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 513, 514

Marr, Ben

Tribute to (Mair) 644

Marsh, Bruce

Mentioned: (McCarthy) 926

Marshall, Bunkey

Tribute to (McCarthy) 916

Martin, E.H.

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 305

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mentioned: (Cocke) 561

Massey Tunnel

See entries under Highway 99

Matkin, James

Mentioned: (Williams) 932

Matsqui Correctional Institute, Matsqui, B.C.

Program, success of (Howard) 862

Max Turyk Elementary School, Fernie, B.C.

Mentioned: (Segarty) 56

May, Sir Thomas Erskine

Parliamentary Practice quoted (Chairman and Deputy Chairman) 200, 218, 219, 400, 515, 589, 717, 1033 (Macdonald) 218 (Nicolson) 787, 1087 (Speaker and Deputy Speaker) 156, 697, 711, 1087, 1089

Parliamentary Practice mentioned (Barrett) 201, 299 (Chairman and Deputy Chairman) 218, 508, 719, 732, 980 (Howard) 190 (King) 1089 (Lauk) 1033, 1088 (Lockstead) 833 (Macdonald) 218, 1088 (Nicolson) 198

Mayhew, Barry

Tribute to (Barber) 572

Mentioned: (Barber) 573 (Phillips) 574

Medical Act

Mentioned: (McClelland) 260

Medical Amendment Act, 1979

(Bill 15) (Minister of Health) 1R, 457; 2R, 629-33; C, 701-3; 3R, 703; RA, 1090

Speakers: Brown 702; Cocke 630-2, 701, 702, 702-3, 703; McClelland 629-30, 632-3, 701, 702, 703; Stupich 703

Acupuncture, pain clinics (Cocke) 630

Acupuncture, practice of by acupuncturists (Cocke) 630-1 (McClelland) 632

Acupuncture, practice of by doctors (Cocke) 631 (McClelland) 632

College of Physicians and Surgeons employees, liability protection for (Cocke) 630 (McClelland) 630

Doctors, suspension of pending hearings (Cocke) 702, 703 (McClelland) 629, 632, 702, 703

Drugs, prescribing of (Cocke) 631 (McClelland) 632

Health-food store proprietors, liability of under Act (Stupich) 703

Investigating committees, appointment of (Cocke) 630 (McClelland) 629

Investigating committees, lay member on (Brown) 702 (Cocke) 702 (McClelland) 703

Practice of medicine, illegal, penalties for (Cocke) 631 (McClelland) 630

Practice of medicine, professions exempted from (Cocke) 630 (McClelland) 630, 632

“Preregistration hospital training”, use of term (Brown) 702 (Cocke) 701

Medical care

Alberta, health services, level of (Brown) 830

Alert Bay medical inquiry. See entries under Alert Bay, B.C.

Atlin constituency, health care services, inadequacy of (Passarell) 824-5

Atlin constituency, medical facilities (Passarell) 45

Black commission report, release of (Gabelmann) Q. 210, 864 (Hall) Q. 44, 854, Q. 1094 (McClelland) A. 44, 864-5, A. 1094

Cassiar, first aid station (Passarell) 824

Dease Lake, emergency nurse services for (McClelland) 865

Dease Lake, first aid station, need for (Passarell) 824

Dease Lake, medical services (Passarell) 45

Eddontenajon, problems in providing health services (Passarell) 825

Great Britain, level of medical care in (Jordan) 811, 812

Health care costs (Cocke) 258

Health care costs, increase in (Cocke) 797 (Dailly) 818 (Hyndman) 829-30 (McClelland) 31, 794, 800

Health care costs, proportion of gross national product (Cocke) 797

Health care in B.C. (Mussallem) 802

Health care program (Throne speech) 2

Health services, appropriation for (Wolfe) 92

Kootenay constituency, health care services (Segarty) 55

Legislation, umbrella-type Act, proposal for (Cocke) 703

Medicare in Canada, history of (Dailly) 818 (McClelland) 820

Northern B.C., federal-provincial cooperation on health services (Passarell) 824-5

Northern B.C., medical services (Leggatt) 57

Northern Vancouver Island, health care (Gabelmann) 77

Nurse-practitioners, payment to (McClelland) 793

Paramedics, training of, interprovincial cooperation on (Bennett) 367

Physicians opting out of provincial medicare systems (Hyndman) 829

Physicians, northern areas, provision of housing for (Passarell) 824

Prince George, health care facilities (Heinrich) 9

Referral service, efficiency of (Jordan) 812

Rural areas, needs and funds for (Gabelmann) 864

United States, health care, cost of (Jordan) 812

Zeballos medical clinic (Gabelmann) 77-8, Q. 371-2 (McClelland) A. 371-2

Zeballos, mobile medical unit (Gabelmann) 864 (McClelland) 796

Medical care, Prepaid

Medical Services Plan terms, agreement on (Cocke) 817 (McClelland) 795, 820 (Wallace) 849

Medicare in Canada, history of (Dailly) 818 (McClelland) 820

Medicare program (McClelland) 31

Medicare system (Levi) 65

Physicians, special billing by elsewhere in Canada (Hyndman) 829

Provincial systems, physicians opting out of (Hyndman) 829

Medical research

Lottery funds for health care research (McClelland) 876

Medical schools

Admission to, B.C. students and immigrant doctors (McGeer) 586

Medical Services Act

Nurse-practitioners, payment to (McClelland) 793

Medical Services Commission

Appropriation, underspending (Stupich) 99

Medical Services Plan

Computer charges (McClelland) 879

Terms, agreement on (Cocke) 817 (McClelland) 795, 820 (Wallace) 849


See: Medical care, Prepaid

Melnychuk, Jeanette

Orthodontic problem (Barnes) 913 (McCarthy) 915

Members of Legislature

See: Legislature — Members

Memorial Arena, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Barber) 228

Mental health

Community health teams (Brown) 867

Northern Vancouver Island, mental-health services (Gabelmann) 77

Survey of programs and services (Barrett) Q. 791 (Brown) Q. 790, 867-70 (McClelland) A. 790, A. 791, 870

Willowhaven Private Hospital, mental-health patients (Nicolson) 82-3

Mental Patients Association

Mentioned: (Brown) 870

Mentally handicapped

Boarding home program, field staff (Brown) 868-9 (McClelland) 870

Boarding home program, licensing standards (Brown) 869

Boarding homes, closing of (Brown) 867 (McClelland) 870

Boarding homes, day programs for residents (Brown) 868 (McClelland) 870

Boarding homes, funding of (Brown) 868 (McClelland) 870

Boarding homes, medication in, supervision of (Brown) 868 (McClelland) 870

Boarding homes, problems of (McClelland) 870

Boarding homes, recommendations re (Brown) 868-70

Boarding homes, report on (Brown) 867-70

Children, retarded and autistic children (McCarthy) 881

Ministerial responsibility for (Brown) 868, 869, 870

Mentally ill

Community education program (Brown) 870

Meredith, Drew

Telegram quoted (Vander Zalm) 1128

Meredith, John

Tribute to (McGeer) 584


Hog manure, production from (Wallace) 675


See: Wood alcohol

Metric system

Consumer protection in conversion to metric system (Smith) 615

Conversion to (Mussallem) 618

Labelling, use of both systems in (McGeer) 616 (Smith) 615

Land, measurement and sale of (Smith) 615

Mailing costs, increase in under metric system (Smith) 1137

United States, conversion to metric system by (Smith) 615

United States, progress in metric conversion (McGeer) 1137 (Smith) 1137

Metro Transit Operating Co.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 980

Metro Transit Operating Company Act

(Bill 26) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 624; 2R, 781-7; C, 1109-10; 3R, 1110; RA, 1150

Speakers: Barber 786; Brown 785-6; Dailly 785; Lea 783-4; Lorimer 782-3; Nicolson 786; Vander Zalm 781-2, 786-7

Amdts: Sec. 2 (Vander Zalm) 1110, 1120, approved 1110; sec. 12 (Vander Zalm) 1110, 1120, approved 1110; schedule 2 (Vander Zalm) 1110, 1120, approved 1110

Divisions: 2R, 787; C, 1110

B.C. Hydro assets, transfer of (Lorimer) 782 (Vander Zalm) 781

B.C. Hydro assets, transfer of and possible long-term bond redemption (Lorimer) 782 (Nicolson) 786 (Vander Zalm) 786

B.C. Hydro employees, transfer of (Lorimer) 782 (Vander Zalm) 781

Burnaby, transit problems (Brown) 785 (Dailly) 785 (Lea) 784

Development, planning of and transportation (Lea) 783 (Vander Zalm) 786

Fixed-rail transit, government policy on (Lea) 783-4 (Vander Zalm) 786

Greater Vancouver Regional District, study on property tax formula (Dailly) 785 (Vander Zalm) 876

Greater Vancouver, transit problems (Lea) 783-4

Maintenance of equipment (Lorimer) 782

New vehicles, purchase of (Lorimer) 782

Transit, financing of by new taxes (Barber) 786

Transit, transfer of cost to homeowners (Brown) 786 (Dailly) 785 (Lorimer) 782

Miard, H. Thomas

Ferries, report on, release of (Fraser) A. 670 (Lockstead) 1046, 1049 (Nicolson) Q. 670

Mica Creek, B.C.

Campsite, closure of (King) 176, 575 (Phillips) 576

Mica Dam

Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 464 (King) 291, 292

Michaud, A.L.

Fees and expenses of (Fraser) 999

Midland Doherty Ltd.

Letter to employees (Barber) 225 (Howard) 224 (King) 222-3

Mentioned: (Barber) 131

Mid-Mountain Realty Ltd.

Mentioned: (King) 1050


Control of, alternative controls (Mair) 661-2 (Skelly) 661 (Wallace) 657

Control of, government role in (Jordan) 658

Control of, introduction of grass carp (Cocke) 658-9 (Mair) 659, 661-2 (Skelly) 661

Control, use of 2, 4-D for, lower mainland, Vancouver Island (Mair) 654 (Skelly) 653

Kalamalka Lake, use of 2, 4-D in (Mair) 654, 659 (Wallace) 657

Kootenay Lake, use of 2, 4-D in (Mair) 666 (Nicolson) 662

Lower mainland, Vancouver Island, use of 2, 4-D in (Mair) 654 (Skelly) 653

Okanagan Lake, use of 2, 4-D in (Skelly) 653

Skaha Lake, infestation of (Cocke) 658

Spread of, prevention of (Skelly) 661

Tennessee Valley Authority, use of 2, 4-D by (Cocke) 658 (Skelly) 661 2, 4-D, use of (Cocke) 658 (Mair) 659

Wood Lake, use of 2, 4-D in (Mair) 654


Milk Industry Amendment Act, 1979. See name of act

Processing plants, milk supply to (Wallace) 581

Production, increase in (Hewitt) 445

Surplus milk products, removal of (Hewitt) 581

Surplus quota for B.C. (Hewitt) 582 (Wallace) 581-2

Milk Industry Amendment Act, 1979

(Bill 14) (Minister of Agriculture) 1R, 341; 2R, 581-2; C, 601; 3R, 601; RA, 1090

Speakers: Hewitt 581, 582; Wallace 581-2

Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, collection of levies by (Hewitt) 581

Delay in introduction of bill (Hewitt) 582 (Wallace) 581

Milk processing plants, milk supply to (Wallace) 581

Milk products, surplus, removal of (Hewitt) 581

Milk surplus quota for B.C. (Hewitt) 582 (Wallace) 581-2

Miller, Corliss

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 86

Milligan, John W.

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 305


See entries under Income, Guaranteed

Mineral Act

Mentioned: (Nielsen) 549

Mineral Royalties Act

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 625

Mines Right-of-way Act

Abolition of (Hyndman) 75

Mining industry and finance

Custom milling, smelting, study of (Hewitt) 478 (Nicolson) 476-7

Mining industry developments (Bennett) 354

Mining industry, capital developments and employment (Hewitt) 46

New Democratic Party, mining policy of (Bennett) 363

Smelters, refineries, discharge of sulphur dioxide by (Davis) 686 (Mair) 688

Taxation, federal-provincial study (Wolfe) 323

Mining Tax Act

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 98, 322

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1979

(Bill 30) (Attorney-General) 1R, 861; 2R, 907; C, 1111-19, 1125-6; 3R, 1126; recommitted 1149; C, 1149; 3R, 1149; RA, 1150

Speakers: Barber 1112, 1113, 1116, 1125, 1126; Barrett 1116-7, 1118; King 1114-5, 1115; McCarthy 1112, 1113, 1116; Macdonald 1112; McGeer 1113-4, 1115, 1116; Nicolson 1111-2, 1112; Vander Zalm 1126

Amdt: Sec. 16 (Chabot) 1111, 1120, approved 1111; sec. 19 (Nicolson) 1111, negatived 1113; sec. 50 (Vander Zalm) 1126, 1152, approved 1126; sec. 58 (Vander Zalm) 1126, 1152, approved 1126; sec. 61 (Williams for McGeer) 1149, approved 1149

Divisions: C, 1113

Insurance Corp. of B.C., directors, appointment of (Barrett) 1116

Insurance Corp. of B.C., directors, appointment of MLAs (McCarthy) 1112 (Macdonald) 1112

Insurance Corp. of B.C., directors, appointment of to meet special needs (McCarthy) 1112

Insurance Corp. of B.C., directors, limiting number of to 12 (Barber) 1112 (McCarthy) 1112 (Nicolson) 1111-2

Insurance Corp. of B.C., directors, payments to (Barber) 1113 (King) 1115 (McCarthy) 1113 (McGeer) 1114

Insurance Corp. of B.C., directors, per diem payments to (Barber) 1112

Insurance Corp. of B.C., losses of under former government (McGeer) 1114

Insurance Corp. of B.C., P.L. McGeer, expenses claimed by (Barber) 1116 (Barrett) 1116 (McCarthy) 1116

Municipal business tax on provincial operations, grant in lieu of (Barber) 1126 (Vander Zalm) 1126

Municipal business tax on provincial operations, payment of (Barber) 1125 (Vander Zalm) 1126

Mission, B.C.

Bridge at, completion of (Mussallem) 1049

Mitchell, Frank J. (Esquimalt-Port Renfrew)

AHOP home purchasers, protection of 14

Address in reply 13-4

Attorney-General ministry, estimates 527-8

Beer, sales tax on 103-4

British Columbia Resources Investment Corporation Amendment Act (1979) 241-2

B.C. Resources Investment Corp., shares, voting rights 241-2

Denticare program 14

Environment ministry, estimates 672-3, 674

Forest industry, small operators, timber supply for 14, 738-9

Forests ministry, estimates 738-9

Health ministry, estimates 855-6

Highlands area, rezoning of 44 acres in 968

Homeowner grant, War Veterans Allowance recipients, ineligibility of 583

Hospital budgets, ceiling on increase in 855-6

Hospital nurses, back injuries, increase in 855

Juvenile delinquents, potential, identification and treatment of 528

Lagoon subdivision, sewer outfall 672-3

Lampson Street School, use of as arts and crafts centre 1035

Lands, Parks and Housing ministry, estimates 967-8, 968

Liquor, markup on 103

Liquor, sales tax on 103-4

Mobile-home parks 968

Mobile-home parks, closing of, relocation of residents 967-8

Oil tank farms, Victoria, relocation of 14

Police, training of 527-8

Provincial Homeowner Grant Amendment Act (1979) 583

Provincial Secretary and Government Services ministry, estimates 1035

Royal Jubilee Hospital wards, closing of and shortage of nurses 855

Royal Jubilee Hospital, open-heart operations, limit on 855

Select Standing Committee on Transportation and Communications, member 442

Sewer outfalls, applications for 673

Sewer outfalls, policy on 673, 674

Sewer outfalls, pollution of ocean 673, 674

Social assistance recipients, hydro bill backlogs and power cutoffs 910

Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1979) 103-4

Sooke Forest Products Ltd., timber supply for 14, 738

Speaker, election of lady 14

Transportation needs, Esquimalt-Port Renfrew 14

Unemployment 14

Vernon hospital administrator's salary 855

Wood pulp, use of sawlogs for 738

Mitchell, W.D.

Mentioned: (Hewitt) 305

Mitlenatch Island, B.C.

Naturalists in residence (Chabot) 967 (Sanford) 967

Mobile Home Act

Amendment to re transfer of title (Stupich) 971-2

Revision of (Chabot) 972

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 322

Mobile homes

Assessment of (Nicolson) 348 (Wolfe) 348

Mobile-home parks, closing of and relocation of residents (Mitchell) 967-8

Mobile-home parks, development of (Chabot) 968 (Mitchell) 968

Title transfers, cost of probate (Stupich) 971-2

Montreal Stock Exchange

B.C. Resources Investment Corp. shares, listing of (Barber) Q. 343 (Bennett) A. 343

Montreal Trust Co.

Mentioned: (Howard) 1087

Moonen, Fred

Mentioned: (Waterland) 771


See: Unification Church

Moore, Jack

Mentioned: (Wolfe) 323

Moore, W.D.

Fees and expenses of (Fraser) 999

Morrison, Erma

Mentioned: (Davis) 1062 (King) 90 (Leggatt) 118 (Skelly) 104

See also: Auditor-general

Morrison, Newell

Payments to, 1976 to 1978 (Phillips) 1091

Mentioned: (Barrett) 361

Morrison, W.E.

Mentioned: (Barber) 827

Morrison Knudsen Co.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 314


Homes in agricultural land reserve, mortgages for (Skelly) 268

Mortimer, Geoffrey

Mentioned: (Gardom) 485

Morton, John

Quoted (Lockstead) 1046

Morton, K.L.

Letter quoted (Clerk-Assistant) 1-2, 41

Patterson, R.A., relationship to (Barber) 1038 (Curtis) 1038

Moseley, Mark

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 929

Mossouk, Elvin

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 739


British Columbia Games, televising of (No. 1) (Hall for Barnes) 1133-4, adjourned 1134. Speakers: Curtis 1133-4; Hall 1133

International Year of the Child, endorsement by House of United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child (No. 3) (Brown) 1134-5, approved 1135. Speakers: Brown 1135; McCarthy 1135

Legal advertising, conveyancing fees and prepaid legal care, special committee of House to inquire into (No. 2) (Hyndman) 1134, adjourned 1134. Speakers: Gardom 1134; Hyndman 1134

Metric conversion, federal legislation to protect consumer (No. 6) (Smith) 1136-7, adjourned 1137. Speakers: McGeer 1137; Smith 1136-7

Pensions of British citizens resident in B.C., indexing of (No. 4) (Barber) 1135-6, adjourned 1136. Speakers: Barber 1135-6; Curtis 1136

Select Committee on Statute Revision, authorization for sitting of (No. 7) (Curtis) 907, 925, approved 907

Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economic Affairs, first report, adoption of (No. 10) (Hall) 1149, approved 1149

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, third report, adoption of (No. 8) (Mussallem) 1137-42, approved 1142. Speakers: Barber 1141-2; Dailly 1138-9; Hall 1137-8; Hanson 1140; Hyndman 1139-40; McGeer 1140-1; Mussallem 1137

Select standing committees, special or select committees, naming of members to fill vacancies (No. 9) (Curtis) 1148-9, approved 1149. Speakers: Curtis 1148; Nicolson 1149

Motor Carrier Act

Mentioned: (Fraser) 1043

Motor Carrier Commission

Racehorse transport licence (Dailly) Q. 5

Mentioned: (Fraser) 1043

Motor Dealers Licensing Act

Mentioned: (Levi) 545 (Nielsen) 543

Motor trucks

Interprovincial trucking (Bennett) 355, 367

Motor Vehicle Act

Mentioned: (Fraser) 1043

Motor Vehicle Transportation Act

Mentioned: (Fraser) 1043

Motor vehicles

Task force committee on (Gardom) 493

Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park

Expansion of (Chabot) 963

Mentioned: (Chabot) 960

Mount Seymour Provincial Park

Mentioned: (Fraser) 1073

Mount Tolmie Hospital, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Hanson) 872

Mount Washington, B.C.

Ski area (Phillips) 578

Mountenay, Tom

Report on children in care mentioned, quoted (McCarthy) 916

Mowat, Farley

Mentioned: (Mair) 678

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mentioned: (Barrett) 378

Mulholland, J.

Payment to (D’Arcy) Q. 250 (Hewitt) A. 250, 251


Multiculturalism in B.C. (Curtis) 1039 (Hanson) 1039

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

Lottery grant to (Curtis) 988

Municipal Act

Amending and revising of (Vander Zalm) 976

Revision of (Barber) 980

Mentioned: (Chabot) 709 (Hall) 351 (Lauk) 1126 (Levi) 1024 (McGeer) 284 (Vander Zalm) 781, 1086

Municipal Affairs, Ministry of

Estimates 975-81, 983-4

Speakers: Barber 976-80, 984; Barrett 983; Lorimer 980-1; Vander Zalm 975-6, 983, 984

Administrative services (Vander Zalm) 976

Assistant deputy ministers, responsibilities of (Lorimer) 780 (Vander Zalm) 780

Change in, purpose of (Barber) 775, 779

Computer and consulting charges (Barber) 984 (Vander Zalm) 984

Consultants to, experts or specialists; engagement of (Barber) 779, 781 (Vander Zalm) 779, 781

Financial management division (Vander Zalm) 976

Municipal Affairs and Transit ministry, proposed name change (Barber) 775, 776

Planning services division (Vander Zalm) 976

Reorganization of (Barber) 777, 778 (Lorimer) 779

Staff, adequacy of (Barber) 777 (Vander Zalm) 778

Staff, tribute to (Vander Zalm) 975

Municipal Affairs, Ministry of, Act

(Bill 25) (Minister of Municipal Affairs) 1R, 624; 2R, 774-7; C, 777-81; 3R, 781; RA, 1090

Speakers: Barber 774-7, 777-8, 778, 778-9, 779, 780, 781; Leggatt 779; Levi 778, 780, 781; Lorimer 779; Vander Zalm 774, 778, 780, 781

Assistant deputy minister, responsibilities of (Lorimer) 780 (Vander Zalm) 780

Bylaw approval procedure, slowness of (Barber) 777

Consultants, experts or specialists, engagement of (Barber) 779, 781 (Vander Zalm) 779, 781

Government Reorganization Act, provision for change in ministry (Barber) 774, 775, 777, 778 (Vander Zalm) 778

Highways 401 and 99, fast-bus lanes, cost studies of (Leggatt) 779

Housing, separation of from Municipal Affairs ministry (Barber) 774, 775

Inspector of municipalities, appointment of (Levi) 781

Local government, means of communication with ministry (Barber) 776, 776-7

Ministry, purpose of change in (Barber) 775, 779

Monorail proposal, study of (Barber) 779

Municipal Affairs and Transit ministry, proposed name change (Barber) 775, 776

Reorganization of ministry (Barber) 777, 778 (Lorimer) 779

Repeal of previous Act (Levi) 778

Royal commission on local government (Barber) 776, 780

Staff, adequacy of (Barber) 777 (Vander Zalm) 778

Transit, failure to provide for in bill (Barber) 775

Transit policy, need for (Barber) 776

Transit, responsibility for (Levi) 780 (Vander Zalm) 780

Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of, Act

Mentioned: (Chabot) 709, 710

Municipal finance

Budgets, increase in, ceiling on (Barber) 977 (Vander Zalm) 975

Business tax on provincial operations, grant in lieu of (Barber) 1126 (Vander Zalm) 1126

Business tax on provincial operations, payment of (Barber) 1125 (Vander Zalm) 1126

Capital programs, borrowing for (Vander Zalm) 976

Financial management division (Vander Zalm) 976

Government property, payment of municipal taxes on (Vander Zalm) 975

Muncipalities, appropriation for (Wolfe) 24

Revenue-sharing program (Vander Zalm) 975 (Wolfe) 322

Social assistance costs, reduction in share of (Vander Zalm) 975

University land, tax on (Smith) 81

Municipal government

Bylaw approval procedure (Barber) 777

Ministry, means of communication with (Barber) 776, 776-7

Royal commission on (Barber) 776, 780

Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act

Revision of (Vander Zalm) 976

Munro, John

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 489

Murphy, Winnifred

Mentioned: (Leggatt) 669

Murray, Alan

Mentioned: (Dailly) 677 (Mair) 644

Museum train

See entries under Railroads-Trains


Good Times Express, spring schedule (Curtis) 1037 (Hanson) 1035

See also names of museums, e.g. British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C.

Music — Instruction and study

Music education, importance of (Barber) 618-9

Music programs in schools (McGeer) 621

Prince George schools, Suzuki program in (Barber) 619

Music education

See: Music — Instruction and study

Music schools

See: Conservatories of music

Mussallem, George (Dewdney)

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1979) 312-4

B.C. Hydro dams, flood control 312

B.C. Hydro, export of power by 312-3

B.C. Hydro rate structure 312

Coal, Hat Creek, power generation 475

Coal, Kootenays, export of for power generation 475

Committee on Crown Corporations, member 442

Education, Science and Technology ministry, estimates 618

Electric power development, northern rivers 475

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources ministry, estimates 475-6

Energy sources, alternate 475

Ferry staff, courtesy of 1049

Health care in B.C. 802

Health ministry, estimates 802-3

Highway 7, Haney-Mission section, four-laning 1049

Hospital budgets, ceiling on increase in 802-3

Hospital budgets, cutback in 101

Income Tax Amendment Act (1979) 193-4, 219

Land, private ownership of, NDP policy on 711-2

Lands, Parks and Housing, Ministry of, Act 711-2

Maple Ridge, bridge link to Langley 1049

Maple Ridge Hospital beds, closing of 803

Maple Ridge Hospital, staff cutbacks and assistant administrator 101

Members, opposition members, increase in staff for 1078-9

Members, opposition members, staff, appropriation for 1078

Metric system, conversion to 618

Mission bridge, completion of 1049

New Democratic Party, contributions to 219

Nichols, Norm, letter to Burnaby teachers 194, 219

Nuclear power, alternatives to, development of 475

Nuclear power in province 475

Pitt River bridge 1049

Political parties, contributions to, tax credit for, bribery allegation 198

Resort Municipality of Whistler Amendment Act (1979) 1013-4, 1130

Resort Municipality of Whistler Amendment Act, 1979, purpose of 1013-4

Sales tax, increase to 7 percent 101

Sales tax reduction, savings to individual families 101

Sedro Woolley nuclear plant 475, 476

Select Standing Committee on Agriculture, member 442

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, member 442

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, reports 598, 814-5, 1084

Skagit Valley, flooding of 475

Social programs under present government 102

Social Services Tax Amendment Act (1979) 100-2

Solar energy 313

Students, vocational training for 618

Transportation, Communications and Highways ministry, estimates 1049

Trinity Western College Act, An Act to Amend, petition 598

Vitamins, sales tax exemption 101

Whistler Resort Association, amalgamation with municipal jurisdiction 1013

Whistler Resort Association and provisions of Societies Act 1014

Whistler Resort Association, investors in, protection of 1013-4

Whistler Resort Association, weighted voting in 113C

Wood waste, energy source 475