Province of British Columbia
30th Parliament, 5th Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
February 18 to June 26, 1975


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


See: Housing and Urban Development Association of Canada


Grant for (Cocke) 2807

Haggen, Lois

Mentioned: (Levi) 1439

Haig-Brown, Roderick L.

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 1540

Halcrow, J.Y.

Mentioned: (Rolston) 1835

Hall, Albert

Quoted (Gibson) 2027

Hall, Hon. Ernest, Provincial Secretary & Minister of Travel Industry (Surrey)

Address in reply 139-45

Agent-General, London, appointment of replacement 3875

Agent-General, London, function of 1683, 3874, 3875-6

Agent-General, London, increase in allocation for 1683

Agent-General, London, revenue 1683

Archaeological site record 3881

Arts Access committee 3957, 3959

Arts Access conference 141-2

Arts board, regional 3957, 3957-8

Arts council 3959

Banquets, policy on government payment for 1703-4

Barkerville 1677, 1696

B.C. Cultural Fund, endowment 142

B.C. Cultural Fund, grants 141-2

B.C. Ferry Authority, cleaners, discrimination in pay, A. 716

B.C. Government Employees Union Agreement, discussions on, A. 3214

B.C. Government Employees Government Union, information exchange with Public Service Commission, A. 1231

B.C. Government Employees' Union, use of Public Service Commission meeting room, A. 1231

British Columbia Government News, cost of 3956

B.C. Railway, accounting procedures, CTC regulations 3641

British Columbia Railway Construction Loan Amendment Act (1975) 3640-3

Broom, Eric, appointment of 3958, 4010

Broom, Eric, report, implementation 1695

Budget debate 387-9

Cabinet committees 1699

Cabinet, planning adviser to 1677, 1684

Campsites, government, charge for 4008

Capital Improvement District Commission, co-operation with 1686

Capital Improvement District Commission, expansion of area 3877

Capital Improvement District Commission, redefinition of area 1686

Carr, Emily, works, acquisition of 1686

Carr, Emily, works, display of in Emily Carr House 1686

Carr, Emily, works missing from Provincial Archives 1685-6

Carr, Emily, works, number of in government collections 1686

Carr, Emily, works, reproduction of 3874

Chief Maquinna, commemoration of by erection of statue 3813

Clydesdale horses 1676-7

College Pension Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 115) 18, 3462;3700

College pensions, transfer of credit for service 3700

Community recreation branch 4010

Cultural development in B.C. 141-2

Debtor's assistance, inquiries into debtor's background 3919

Education department, research and development staff, grievance procedure 1682, 1692

Election districts, redistribution commission 1698, 3883-4

Elections, fixed dates for 3884

Eliesen, Marcus, appointment, method of 1693

Eliesen, Marcus, Minister responsible to 1693

Eliesen, Marcus, position of 1677-8

Emergencies programme, 1698, A. 3425

Emergencies, role of volunteers 3882-3

Emergencies, training of volunteers 3883

Emergency Programme Act (Bill 61) I R, 2134; order discharged 4062

Emergency Programme Act, withdrawal of, A. 3424

Epp, E.W., reason for leave of absence, A. 3726

Errington, Gene 141, 3951

Ferries, brochures, contract on 1701-2, 2 136

Film industry, policy on domestic content in B.C. theatres, A. 3834

Film industry, protection of and Ontario legislation, A. 3833-4

Fine arts, teaching, performing centre for 1703

Fire prevention, enforcement of municipal regulations, A, 3889

Fire prevention, fire-fighting, funds for improvement in, A. 3889

Firefighting services, Keenleyside report, recommendations 3889

First Citizens' Fund 1677

Forest Museum, Duncan 1696

Fort Steele, railroad concession, replacement of steam engineer, A. 3889, A. 4031-2

Fryer, John, speech to B.C. Government Employees' Union 3748

Golden, tourist information centre, location of 1706-7

Health Sciences Associations of B.C., employees 3699

Historic houses, entrance fee 1691

Hockey, social insurance number for minor league players 4009-10

Housing Minister, delegation of authority to sign land registry documents 3919

Indian Advisory Act, repeal of 3876

Information service, government 1701

Inner Harbour, agency to oversee development 3879

Inner Harbour, Ministerial authority over 3879

Inner Harbour, service station site, ownership of 3877, 3878

Insurance Corp. of B.C., administration costs 139

International Woodworkers of America, wage agreement 388

Knight, Stanley, appeal, A. 192

Landing strips, emergency 1697

Legislature, publications, funds for distribution 1701

Library Development Commission 1678, 1682

Library districts 1678

Library service, Cariboo Regional District vote on 1678

Library service, mill rate for 1678

Library service, Thompson-Nicola Regional District system 1678

Library systems, future developments 1678

Liquor Administration Branch employees, commuting to relocated head office, A. 3726

Liquor Administration Branch, head office, relocation in Vancouver, A. 3726

Liquor Control and Licensing Branch, location of head office 3726

Liquor store smokeshop employees, status of, salaries, A. 3216

Medical and health facilities, construction of 3918

Members' pensions 3966

Metric system, conversion to 142-4

Mill Bay oil spill, cleanup of, A. 3104

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 142) 1R, 3813; 3863, 3918-9, 3919, 3935, 3936, 4062, 4065

Municipal employees, income at retirement, calculation of 3699

Municipal Superannuation Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 113) 1R, 3462; 3699

Nash, Joyce, employment of, A. 2972, A. 3370

Oil spill cleanup, responsibility for A. 3 104

Oil spills programme 1697, 3882, 3967

Parliament Buildings, plaques in rotunda, bilingual replacements, A. 1768

Pensions, adjustments to 3699

Pensions, examination of 3701

Pensions, surviving spouse, provisions for employment 3699

Physicians, government, exclusion from Public Service Labour Relations Act 1692

Point Ellice House, entrance fee 1691

Point Ellice House, purchase price, maintenance 1691

Provincial Archives, inventory control 1685

Provincial Secretary, Department of, estimates 1676-9, 1682-4, 1685-6, 1692-3, 1694-5, 1696-7, 1698-9, 1701-2, 1703-4, 1706-7, 3874, 3874-5, 3875, 3875-6, 3876, 3877, 3878, 3879, 3880, 3881, 3881-2, 3882-3, 3883-4, 3884-5, 3885, 3886, 3949-50, 3951, 3955, 3956, 3957, 3957-8, 3958, 3959, 3959-60, 3960, 3961, 3962, 3963, 3963-4, 3964, 3965, 3966, 3967

Public Inquiries Act, inquiries under Act 3885, 3886

Public Service Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 136) 1R, 3462; 3702, 3901

Public Service, bargaining components, number of 1691, 1692

Public service benefits trust, employee contribution to 3964, 3965

Public service, citizenship, hiring policy on 1693

Public Service Commission, increase in number of commissioners 3702

Public Service Commission, workload 3702

Public Service, dismissal for just cause 1692-3

Public service, dismissals 1692-3

Public service employees excluded from collective agreement, salaries 3960

Public service employees, wages, salaries in past 144-5

Public service, federal and provincial wage scales 1703

Public service grievance board, A. 192, A. 494

Public service grievance board, appointment to 1682, 1692, 1693

Public service grievance board, establishment of 3963, 3963-4

Public service, grievances, appeal procedure 3963

Public service, grievances heard by Public Service Commission 1692

Public Service Group Insurance Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 117) 1R, 3462; 3700, 3701, 3742, 3742-3, 3743

Public service group insurance, extension of coverage 3700

Public service group insurance, position of common law partners 3742-3

Public Service Labour Relations Act, exclusions from 1684, 3701

Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 135) 1R, 3462; 3701-2, 3748-9

Public service, master agreements concluded 3701

Public service, medical insurance coverage, extension of 3700

Public Service Medical Plan Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 116) 1R, 3462; 3 700

Public service, morale 1692

Public service, out-of-country employment 1683

Public service, pensions, cost-of-living increases 1686

Public service, pensions, monthly payments 1686

Public service, pensions, recalculation 1686

Public service, professional employees, collective bargaining 1683-4

Public service, resignations 1692

Public service, retiring allowances 3962

Public service, salary contingencies 1151, A. 1323

Public Service Superannuation Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 112) 1R, 3462; 3699

Public service, supervisors, pay scales 1683

Public service, wage negotiations, A. 11, A. 1151, 1691

Public service, wage settlements 144, 387-9, A. 1289, A. 1322, 1691-2, 3748

Public service, wage settlements, cost-of-living clause 1691, 1698-9

Public service, wage settlements, export industry wages 1698-9

Public Works department, arts policy 3958

Public Works department, leasing of real property 3919

Publications, government 1701

Recreation and Conservation department, annual report 3935

Recreation centres, family-oriented 1695

Recreation, departmental responsibility for 1695

Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association, employees 3699

Resort owners, problems 4008

Riverview Hospital, wage rates 388

Royal Hudson, capital cost, operation 1696

Royal Hudson, insurance on 4007

Royal Hudson, ownership of 3967, 4007

Royal Hudson, payment for use of B.C. Railway track 4007

Royal Hudson, purchase of 4007

Royal Hudson, restoration work, companies involved 3967

San Francisco, trade development office 1683

Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills, member 640

Ski industry, promotion of 1704

Skiing, brochure on 1704

Social Assistance Act, amendments to repealed section 4065

Sports team, travel funds for 1676, 1695

Summer resorts, student employment 4010-1

Surrey, problems 140

Surrey, provincial funds, grants to 140

Surrey, recreational facilities 140

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act, 1975 (Bill 114) 1R, 3462; 3 700

Teachers' pensions, male and female, equality of treatment 3700

Teachers' pensions, report on 1686

Teachers' pensions, transfer of credit for service 3700

Tourist season, extension of 1676, 4008

Tourist trade development, grants to regions 1676

Tourist trade revenue 1676, 4007

Tourists in recreational vehicles, contribution to industry 1707

Train, tourist attraction, Vancouver Island 1696

Travel industry, California offices 4011

Travel Industry department, estimates 3967, 4007, 4008, 4009, 4009-10, 4010-1, 4011, 4011-2

Travel industry, Tokyo office 4009, 4011, 4011-2

Vancouver Island Tourist Services Ltd., motel operators' payments to, A. 2136

Victoria Flying Services, relocation of 3880

Voters lists 3884

Wage settlements, B.C. shipyards 388

Wage settlements, construction industry 388

Wages, cost-of-living adjustments 1703

Western Canada Lottery, commission on ticket sales 142, 1694-5

Western Canada Lottery, financial statement, tabling in House, A. 3675

Western Canada Lottery revenue 142, 3950

Western Canada Lottery, revenue, use of 1676, 1695, 3950

Western Canada Lottery, transfer of funds from consolidated revenue, A. 3675

Wiretapping, eavesdropping in parliament buildings 1691

Women, discriminatory legislation 141

Women, employment opportunities 141

Women in the public service, equal opportunities for 3961

Women, status of women programme 141, 1701, 3951

Yale, plans for 1676, 1707, 3881-2

Yale, properties purchased 3881

Halliwell, John

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 1284

Hally, Connie

Mentioned: (Levi) 3801

Hamilton, John F.

Quoted (Strachan) 2646-7

Mentioned: (Strachan) 2836

Hamilton, Stanley

Mentioned: (Lorimer) 324

Hamilton, William

Mentioned: (Gibson) 227 (D’Arcy) 335 (Hall) 1699

Hampton, R.O.

Mentioned: (Sanford) 232


Advisory committee on (Levi) 529

Advisory committee, recommendations, implementation of (Levi) 3792 (Wallace) 3799

Aid to (Wallace) 2802-3

Brief to Human Resources Minister (McClelland) 3790 (Levi) 3792

British Columbia Lions Society for Crippled Children, contribution to (Anderson, D.A.) Q. 2365, Q. 2366 (Levi) A. 2365, A. 2366

Children, special-need centres (Levi) 1440

Problems (Wallace) 3776 (McClelland) 3790 (Levi) 3792

Public buildings, entrance to, facilities (Cocke) 2804

Schools, public buildings, access to (Curtis) 1928-9, 1986-7 (Dailly) 1929, 1987

See also: Mentally handicapped

Handicapped — Employment

Consumer Services department (Young) 1099

Counselling for employees, employers (McClelland) 3086 (King) 3087

Employment opportunities (McClelland) 3086 (King) 3087

Minimum wage for handicapped (Wallace) 3088 (King) 3088

Retraining of handicapped (Wallace) 2803

Handicapped Persons' Act

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 3946

Haney Correctional Institute, Haney, B.C.

Closing of (Smith) 2611 (Rolston) 2618 (McClelland) Q. 3423 (Macdonald) A. 3423

Costs per inmate (Macdonald) 2622

Inmates, transfer of, Terrace property purchase (Smith) Q. 1673

Inmates, transfer to other centres (Smith) Q. 1673 (Macdonald) A. 1673, A. 1809 (McClelland) Q. 1809

Staff, job security for (McClelland) Q. 3423 (Macdonald) A. 3423-4

Mentioned: (Rolston) 26 (Levi) 1438 (McClelland) 3670


Government-owned, number, use of (Strachan) 1801

Victoria airport, hangar purchase, price, reason for (Morrison) 1799 (Strachan) 1801

Hanrahan, George T.

B.C. Railway, Dease Lake extension, report on (Barrett) 3173, 3486, 3489 (Anderson, D.A.) 3485

Mentioned: (Bennett) 3687


Blues, release to media (Anderson, D.A.) 2341 (Speaker) 2341-2

Correction to (Anderson, D.A.) 343 (Gardom) 380 (Bennett) 1726 (Phillips) 2280-1 (Chabot) 2281 (Speaker) 2281, 2282

Correction to information in (Chabot) 2525

Cost of subscription (Anderson, D.A.) 3956 (Hall) 3956

Distribution of (Anderson, D.A.) 3956 (Curtis) 4092

Institution of in Legislature (Gardom) 210 (Speaker) 210 (Stupich) 571

Members speaking from their seats, not recorded (Chairman) 733

Printed Hansard, delay in delivery to subscribers (Curtis) 4092 (Speaker) 4093

Quoted (Anderson, D.A.) 317, 838, 864, 2514, 3527, 3792, 3794 (Barrett) 798, 890, 893, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3473 (Bennett) 930, 1716, 1726 (Chabot) 859, 983, 3601 (Curtis) 203, 204, 651, 860, 1563, 1684-5, 1986-7, 2046, 3644 (Dent) 156 (Gardom) 959, 1780, 1782 (Jordan) 2167, 2222 (King) 3564, 3634 (Liden) 458-9 (McClelland) 175, 3459-60 (McGeer) 2408 (Nicolson) 407 (Phillips) 34, 94-5, 216-7, 695, 966, 2477, 3250, 3553 (Sanford) 325 (Smith) 150, 568 (Speaker) 3366 (Wallace) 305, 1651, 1787

Recording of debate when Member's microphone fails (Gardom) 1048-9

Recording of debate when Minister's microphone is down (Gardom) 1029 (Speaker) 1029

Recording or transcribing of debate when Speaker or Chairman has risen (Gardom) 1498 (Speaker) 1498-9

Reprints of Members' speeches, availability of (Gabelmann) 597-8

Staff, tribute to (Wallace) 4092 (Curtis) 4092 (Anderson, D.A.) 4093 (Speaker) 4093 (Dailly) 4093

Subscription, cost of (Anderson, D.A.) 4093

Tapes, master tape for verification of broadcast tape (Speaker) 2375

Tapes, preservation of in archives (McClelland) 42 (Speaker) 42

Tapes, release of at request of Member (Williams, L.A.) 2403 (Speaker) 2403

Tapes, release to media (Anderson, D.A.) 2341 (Speaker) 2341, 2344, 2344-5 (McGeer) 2344

Tapes, release to media and Members' immunity (Chabot) 2345 (Speaker) 2345 (McClelland) 2375 (Gardom) 2375

Tapes, release to media, Members' approval for release (McGeer) 2374 (Speaker) 2374 (McClelland) 2375

Tapes, release to press, Premier's remarks in oral question period (McClelland) 2373

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 431, 698, 1304, 1332, 1416, 1680, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2245, 2246, 2515, 3177, 3178, 3507, 3953, 4013 (Anderson, G.H.) 3339 (Barrett) 92, 270, 671, 680, 844, 943, 970, 976, 977, 978, 1005, 1321, 1357, 1358, 2481, 2574, 2699, 2993, 3067, 3169, 3175, 3217, 3226, 3227, 3237, 3501 (Bennett) 669, 671, 930, 1386, 3326, 3333, 3931 (Chabot) 63, 544 (Chairman) 913, 1734, 1786, 1945, 4013, 4025 (Cocke) 2423, 2900 (Cummings) 102 (Curtis) 401, 1537, 2401, 3237, 3574, 3836, 3837, 3838 (Dailly) 1880, 1945, 1951 (Deputy Speaker) 3443 (Fraser) 1470, 3014 (Gardom) 372, 593, 2376, 2379, 3427 (Gibson) 188, 761, 2250, 2365, 2380, 2543, 2605, 2700, 3842 (Hall) 1029, 1151, 3640 (Hartley) 1569, 1724 (Hon. Member) 12, 282 (Jordan) 1141, 1625, 1627, 2163, 2164, 2221, 2964, 2966, 3180, 3215, 3221, 3430 (King) 2869, 3551, 3553, 3596, 3618, 3632, 3649, 3683 (Lauk) 876, 1209 (Lea) 1621, 2332 (Lewis) 520, 2220 (Liden) 458 (Lorimer) 1551, 2574 (McClelland) 175, 176, 408, 1191, 2175, 2176, 28179, 3464, 4084 (Macdonald) 2885, 3297 (McGeer) 893, 1596, 3398 (Morrison) 1802 (Nicolson) 2004 (Phillips) 215, 531, 738, 967, 2001, 2006, 2021, 2732, 2854, 2855, 3130, 3162, 3387, 3449, 3594, 3596 (Rolston) 2401 (Smith) 2481, 2988, 3461 (Speaker) 38, 39, 40, 1323, 2245, 2308, 2365, 2384, 2693, 3289, 3328, 3725 (Strachan) 1802, 1803, 2542, 2646, 2836, 3422, 4079 (Stupich) 612, 2214, 3971 (Wallace) 120, 123, 125, 135, 137, 1589, 2713, 3841 (Webster) 1310 (Williams, L.A.) 551, 851, 901, 1558, 2857, 3392 (Williams, R.A.) 3006, 3010

Hansard (House of Commons Debates — Official Report)

Quoted: (Skelly) 18, 19 (Speaker) 524-5

Hanson, Paul

Mentioned: (Phillips) 2065

Happy Valley, B.C.

Bus service (Wallace) 3583-4 (Lorimer) 3585-6


Ports, planning, administration by province (Lauk) 2762

See also: subdivision Harbour under names of cities, e.g. Vancouver, B.C. — Harbour

Harder, Jim

Prince George property, expropriation of (Phillips) 3417 (Lea) 3417

Harding, Randolph

Stipend (Chabot) 1968 (Dailly) 1969

Mentioned: (Barrett) 680, 2573

Hardwick, Walter

Mentioned: (Dailly) 1977 (Lorimer) 188A

Hargitt, Joseph E.

Cheque, acceptance by Human Resources Minister (Levi) 606 (Curtis) 606-7, 608-9, 639, 726, 756-7 (Anderson, D.A.) 607-8, 649, 724, 725 (Barrett) 607-8 (McClelland) 623-4, 717-9, 769-70 (McGeer) 770-1

Letter to Gary Bannerman quoted (Curtis) 756-7

Telegram quoted (Curtis) 607

Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.

Fine arts, performing and teaching centre (Rolston) 1702-3 (Hall) 1703

Harrison Hotel, Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.

Insurance Corp. of B.C., management meetings (Phillips) 1772 (Strachan) 1775

Harry, Irving

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 3004

Hart, David

Mentioned: (McClelland) 1443

Hart, John

Mentioned: (Phillips) 93

Hart Highway

See: Highway 97

Hartley, Hon. William Leonard, Minister of Public Works (Yale-Lillooet)

Agriculture department, estimates 2213

Assessment Authority of B.C., office space for 1731

Ballot, preferential voting 638-9

Beef growers, income assurance programme 2213

Belmont Building, lease of 1727

Bralorne Resources Ltd. 1526

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (1964) Amendment Act (1975) 2566

B.C. Hydro, Bay Street property, sale of 1726, 3926

B.C. Hydro, experimental farm, sale of 1726-7

Budget debate 634-9

Cabinet table, tabling of information on, Q. 319

Canadian Cellulose Co. Ltd. 637-8

Canadian Cellulose Co. Ltd., subsidization of province 3933

Conservation officers 637

Construction, tenders on 1734

Consumer Services department 635-6

Consumer Services department, estimates 1122, 1139

Consumer Services department, salaries, salary contingencies 1139

Copper production 1526-7

Cosens Bay, acquisition of Coldstream Ranch 1715

Crown corporations, lease of land, office space to 3922, 3930

Dawson Creek courthouse, flowers for opening of, A. 3290, A. 3291-2

Dawson Creek, government building, landscaping of 4019-20

Electrical inspection, study of 1713

Fish and Wildlife Branch, appropriation 636-7

Glendale Lodge laundry operation 4021, 4022

Glenshiel Hotel, appraisals, purchase price 1714, 1715

Glenshiel Hotel, profitability of 3827

Glenshiel Hotel, purchase of 3926

Golden, tourist information centre 634-5, 1712-3

Greenbelt acquisitions by former government 1715, 1716

Harvey, Donald, mural for Nelson government building 4015

Inner Harbour, service station site, purchase of 4012, 4013

Inner Harbour, service station site, use of 4013-4

Insurance Corp. of B.C., leasing of office space to 3922

Insurance Corp. of B.C., rates 635

Kelowna, provincial-municipal office building 1731

Kimberley, government building, tender on construction of, A. 2137, 4018

Lands, Forests and Water Resources department, estimates 3043-4

Law courts building renovations, use of addition to, A. 3049

Legislative precinct, plan for 1733

Milk Producers, income assurance programme 2213

Milk production, increase in 635

Mineral royalty 1526

Mines and Petroleum Resources department, estimates 1525-7

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1975) 3922, 3925-6, 3926, 3927, 3927-8, 3930, 3933

Moving companies, non-union, use of 4018

North Vancouver, expropriated land 636

Office building, Cadboro Bay Road, Oak Bay, cost of 1733-4

Office building, Courtney Street, Victoria, construction of 1734

Office space, buildings, lease of 3927-8

Office space, Ellery Street, Esquimalt, lease of 1724

Office space, lease of in advance of occupancy 1723-5

Office space, McLaren Building, Burnaby, lease of 1724

Office space, Marine Building, Vancouver, lease of, A. 2134-5

Office space, 10675, 10679

King George Highway, Surrey, lease of, A. 1319, A. 1569, 1723-4

Office space, 10344-56 137A Street, Surrey, lease of, A. 1386, 1724

Office space, Oxford Building, Prince George, lease of, A. 918, A. 1319-20

Office space, policy on leasing, ownership 1733

Office space, Scotia Bank Building, Prince George, lease of, A. 783, A. 784

Office space, 3876

Norland Ave., Burnaby, lease of 1724, 1726

Okanagan Regional College, use of Harvey Farm 1731

Opposition leader's office, furniture for 1731

Opposition leader's office, redesigning of 634

Opposition leader's Office, renovations to 1722, 1723

Parliament Buildings, car-parking in front of, A. 3727, 4016, 4019

Parliament Buildings, caucus rooms 4020

Parliament Buildings, Conservative Party leader's office 4020

Parliament Buildings, east wing, protection of floor during renovations, A. 2692

Parliament Buildings, restoration of 1713

Parliament Buildings, restoration, cost of 4019

Parliament Buildings, rotunda floor, preservation of, A. 3727

Parliament Buildings, visitors to 1713-4

Privilege — James R. Chabot's statement re treatment by Stampede Cafe owner 1739

Public transit 636

Public Works department, art purchases 4015, 4016

Public Works department, cost control studies 4020

Public Works department, estimates 1711-6, 1720-5, 1726-7, 1731, 1733-4, 1734, 4012, 4013-4, 4015-6, 4018-9, 4019, 4019-20, 4020, 4020-1, 4021, 4022

Public Works department, heavy equipment, purchase of 4021

Public Works department, leasing of real property 3922

Public Works department, projects planned under construction 1711-2, 4020-1

Public Works department, rental contingency 4021

Public Works department, superintendents, responsibilities 1724

Rent, appropriation for 1720-2

St. Eugene Mission School, renovation of 4018

Salary reduced by $23, 988.51, M. (Bennett) 4014, negatived 4014-5

Select Standing Committee on Transport and Communications, member 640

Vancouver, Blocks 51, 61 and 71 1712, 1733

Vancouver Community College, leasing of 1190

Melville Street A. 2528, A. 2970

Victoria General Hospital, Humboldt Street property, A. 3889

Victoria, preservation of old courthouse 1726

Wilderness area, Squamish-Lillooet area 3043-4

Harvard Business Review

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 1665 (Strachan) 1775

Harvey, Donald

Mural for Nelson government building (Wallace) 4015 (Hartley) 4015 (Chabot) 4017-8

Hat Creek, B.C.

Coal deposit, fly ash alumina (Lauk) 1 168

Coal deposit, surveys (Barrett) 2559

Coal deposit, use for power generation (Barrett) 2473, 2482, 2698 (Gibson) 2474, 2697

Hatherly, Chuck

Responsibilities (Phillips) 1700

Hatler, Dave

Quoted (Anderson, D.A.) 1817

Hatley Castle, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Gorst) 3107

Hatter, James

Mentioned: (Gardom) 595

Hatzic Island, B.C.

Community plan (Rolston) 1562

Hawker-Siddeley Co.

Railcar purchase from company (Phillips) Q. 11 (Barrett) A. 73

Hawthornthwaites, J.H.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 278


Beef cattle producers, problem for (Anderson, D.A.) Q. 1285 (Stupich) A. 1285 (Fraser) Q. 1385

Hayes, Jack

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 1282

Hazard, Leland

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 433, 1665

Hazelton, B.C.

Hospital (Dent) 488

Mill rate increase (Curtis) 2652

Headley, Stewart

Mentioned: (Fraser) 1578, 2916

Headquarters Road Irrigation District

Mentioned: (Sanford) 1059

Health, Department of

Estimates 1388-1421, 2107-2129, 2799-2806, 2807-24, 2841-51. Speakers: Anderson, D.A. 1415-8; Brown 1407-9; Chabot 1419-20, 2124-5, 2821, 2842-3, 2843; Cocke 1388-9, 1393-5, 1400-1, 1405-7, 1409-10, 1414-5, 1418-9, 1420-1, 2108-9, 2114-7, 2118, 2119-20, 2121, 2123-4, 2125, 2126-7, 2128-9, 2799-2800, 2800, 2801, 2801-2, 2802, 2804, 2805-6, 2807, 2808, 2809, 2809-10, 2810-1, 2812, 2813-4, 2814-5, 2815, 2816, 2817, 2818, 2819, 2819-20, 2820, 2821, 2822, 2823, 2823-4, 2824, 2841-2, 2842, 2843, 2843-4, 2844, 2845, 2845-6, 2848-9, 2851; Curtis 1401 ; Fraser 2845, 2846; Gibson 2124; Jordan 1410-4, 2117-8, 2118-9, 2121-2, 2800, 2801, 2802, 2804-5, 2806, 2811-2, 2812; McClelland 1389-93, 2107-8, 2120-1, 2807-8, 2809, 2810, 2812, 2816, 2817-8, 2819, 2820, 2821, 2822, 2844, 2849-51, 2851; McGeer 1395-1400, 2821; Morrison 2801; Phillips 2123, 2823, 2824, 2841, 2842; Rolston 2808-9, 2814; Smith 2127-8, 2799, 2820; Wallace 1401-5, 2109-12, 2125-6, 2800, 2800-1, 2802-4, 2804, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809, 28 10, 2812-3, 2815, 2816-7, 2817, 2818, 2818-9, 2820, 2821-2, 2822-3, 2824, 2843, 2844-5, 2846-8; Williams, L.A. 2112-4

Accounting division (Jordan) 2800 (Cocke) 2800

Alternative-care programmes (Wallace) 2804 (Cocke) 2804

Appropriation, Budget address (Barrett) 266-7

Fitness programme (Morrison) 2801 (Cocke) 2801-2

Health advisory council (McClelland) 1390 (Cocke) 1394, 2800 (Wallace) 2800 (Jordan) 2800

Local health services, motor vehicles, maintenance, operation (Wallace) 2809 (Cocke) 2810

Medical officers, salary increases (Anderson, D.A.) Q. 1534 (Cocke) A. 1534

Mental health services, meat cutters (Wallace) 2821 (Cocke) 2822

Minister, consultant to (McClelland) 1390 (Cocke) 1394, 2799 (Smith) 2799

Physicians, unionization of (McClelland) 1390-2 (Cocke) 1394

Salary contingencies (Chabot) 2821 (McClelland) 2821 (Cocke) 2821

Venereal disease control division, medical services (Wallace) 2815 (Cocke) 2815

Health Act

Mentioned: (Cocke) 1532, 2297 (Jordan) 3546

Health Act, An Act to Amend

(Bill 120) (Wallace) 1R, 2969

Health advisory council

See entries under Health, Department of

Health agencies

See: Charities, Medical

Health care

See: Medical care

Health Care Services Upjohn Ltd.,

Mentioned: (Wallace) 2112 (Cocke) 2117

Health officers

Recruitment of (Rolston) 2808 (Cocke) 2809

Salaries (McClelland) 2807 (Cocke) 2807

Salary increases (Anderson, D.A.) Q. 1534 (Cocke) A. 1534

Health Sciences Association of B.C.

Employees (Hall) 3699

Health Security Programme Project

Cost of (McClelland) 1390

Health Statutes Amendment Act, 1975

(Bill 102) (Minister of Health) 1R, 2969 2R, 3077-9; C, 3728; 3R, 3728; RA, 4096

Speakers: (2R) Anderson, D.A. 3078; Cocke 3077-8, 3079; McClelland 3078; Wallace 3078-9

Cancer Control Agency (Cocke) 3077

Hospitals, borrowing power (Cocke) 3078

Metropolitan boards of health, borrowing power (Cocke) 3077

Royal Jubilee Hospital board, Royal Canadian Legion representatives (Cocke) 3077 (McClelland) 3078 (Wallace) 3078

Veterans' Hospital, Victoria, takeover by province (Cocke) 3077

Veterans, priority on admission (Wallace) 3079 (Cocke) 3079

Veterans, standard of care in Royal Jubilee Hospital (Anderson, D. A.) 3078 (Cocke) 3079


Pilot project, audiometric testing, hearing aids (Cocke) 2805, 2808, 2809, 2809-10 (Wallace) 2809

Speech and hearing aides, training requirement (Wallace) 2808

See also: Deafness

Hearing aids, Mechanical

Hearing aid dealers (Jordan) 2804-5 (Cocke) 2805 (Wallace) 2806

Provision of at cost (McClelland) 2809 (Cocke) 2809

Telephone device for use of deaf and deaf-mutes in emergencies (Jordan) Q. 3106 (Cocke) A. 3106


Oil and gas furnaces, equity in heating costs (Gibson) 975 (Barrett) 980

Heavy water

See: Deuterium oxide

Helmcken House, Victoria, B. ('.

Mentioned: (Hall) 1691

Helping Hand Club

Investigation of (McClelland) Q. 1388 (Macdonald) A. 1388 (Young) A. 1995

Hempsall, Leslie C.

Resignation of (Lauk) 2753

Severance pay (Chabot) Q. 1997. 2749, 2754-5 (Lauk) A. 1997

Steel mill site committee member, replacement of (Chabot) Q. 568 (Lauk) A. 568

Tribute to (Chabot) 1 160

Mentioned: (Phillips) 364

Henry, Pete

Mentioned: (Levi) 667

Herbal pills

See: Materia medica, Vegetable


Use of (Jordan) 2228 (Stupich) 2228

Heritage buildings

See: Historic houses, etc.


Problem, programmes (Levi) 3720-1

Trafficking (Macdonald) 1367, 1373 (Gardom) 1371, 1372 (Wallace) 1374

Herridge, Tolmie and Co.

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 3913


Herring season (Levi) 2305, 2307-8 (Anderson, D.A.) 2307

Herring fisheries

Air-sea rescue services (Wallace) Q. 1810 (Cocke) A. 1810

Higgins, R.D.

Tribute to (Hall) 3702

Mentioned: (Hall) 144

Highland Water Control Act

(Bill 22) (Liden) 1R, 129; 2R, 2420-2; out of order, 2422

Speakers: (2R) Liden 2420-2

Committee to examine watershed areas (Liden) 2421

Developments in highland areas (Liden) 2420

Flooding of agricultural land (Liden) 2421

Highlands district, Victoria, B.C.

See entries under Victoria, B.C.

Highway 1

Cypress Creek to Taylor Way, project 2127, contract, cost (Williams, R.A.) 1619

Cypress Creek to Taylor Way, traffic hazards (Williams, L.A.) 1619

Duncan bypass (Lea) 3516

Fairby tunnel, work on (Fraser) 1608

Fraser Canyon, closures for repairs (Fraser) 1608 (Lea) 1615, 3411 (Anderson, D.A.) 3410

Fraser Canyon, condition of (Jordan) 3520

Fraser Canyon, Jackass Mountain section, rockscaling (Anderson, D.A.) Q. 3728 (Lea) A. 3834

Highway signs (Skelly) 17 (Strachan) 440

Horseshoe Bay to Cypress Creek, project 1715, contract, cost (Williams, L.A.) 1619

Kicking Horse Canyon portion, reconstruction (Chabot) 1623, 3514 (Lea) 1627

Langley, bypass for (McClelland) 3667 (Lea) 3667

Repairs to (Fraser) 3204

Seymour area, North Vancouver, road link to (Gabelmann) 423

Spences Bridge to Cache Creek, condition of road (Fraser) 1607

Terminus, relocation to ferry dock (Morrison) Q. 1673

Upper Levels Highway, Lonsdale intersection (Gibson) 185, 1628 (Lea) 1628

Upper Levels Highway, Westview intersection (Gibson) 185, 1628 (Lea) 1628

Vancouver to Agassiz turnoff, speed limit on (Fraser) 1607

Highway 3

Fatal accident, report on (Lea) 2338-9

Hope-Princeton Highway, condition of road (Fraser) 1607

Hope-Princeton Highway, widening near Manning Park (Jordan) 3520

Repairs needed, warning signs (Wallace) Q. 2240 (Lea) A. 2338-9

Highway 5

Construction (Anderson, G.H.) 221

Highway 6

Lumby to Cherryville, improvement of (Jordan) 1625

Lumby to Vernon, location of (Jordan) 1625, 3524

Vernon, linking street as secondary route (Jordan) 3524

Highway 7

Widening of at Haney (Wallace) 3528

Highway 9

Rosedale-Agassiz bridge, flaws in natural gas pipeline (Rolston) Q. 3674 (Strachan) A. 3674

Highway 10

Cloverdale, passing lane for hill (McClelland) 3667 (Lea) 3667

Shannon Heights Christian School; posting as school zone (McClelland) 3668 (Lea) 3668

Highway 13

Signs for Aldergrove (McClelland) 3666 (Lea) 3667

Highway 16

Prince George to Prince Rupert, upgrading of (Phillips) Q. 2634 (Lea) A. 2634

Road link to Stewart-Cassiar Highway (Dent) 489

Upgrading, Budget address (Barrett) 268

Highway 17

Airport, link to (Curtis) 3517-8

Concrete barriers (Curtis) 3518 (Lea) 35 19

Highway 19

Extension to Port Hardy, Budget address (Barrett) 268 (Sanford) 326

Sayward to Wass road, construction of (Wallace) 3528 (Lea) 3529

Highway 20

Williams Lake to Bella Coola, improvement of (Fraser) 3207, 3407

Highway 37

Bridges, improvement of (Calder) 498

Paving (Calder) 498

Road link to Highway 16 (Dent) 489

Stewart-Kitwanga section, year-round use (Calder) 498

Stewart-Terrace, year-round use (Calder) 498

Traffic increase on (Calder) 498

Highway 93-95

St. Mary-Mission bridge (Chabot) 3512 (Lea) 3512

Wasa bridge (Chabot) 1624, 3512 (Lea) 3512

Highway 95

Canal Flats, access road to (Chabot) 3668 (Lea) 3668

Golden to 16 miles south, improvement (Chabot) 1623, 3512 (Lea) 1627, 3512

Wasa to Skookumchuck, level crossings, single-lane bridge (Chabot) 1624 (Lea) 2627

Highway 95A

Blarchmont Hill road (Chabot) 1623 (Lea) 1627

Kimberly to Cranbrook road, improvement (Chabot) 1624, 3512 (Lea) 3512

Wycliffe bridge, replacement of (Chabot) 1624

Highway 97

Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek, repair, drainage problem (Phillips) 3416 (Lea) 3416

Alaska Highway, paving of (Wallace) 1826

Alaska Highway, plan for in northern development (Wallace) 1826

Alaska Highway, takeover by province (Phillips) 1629

Alaska Highway, upgrading of (Phillips) Q. 2634 (Lea) A. 2634

Cache Creek to Prince George, shouldering programme and repaving (Fraser) 3406-7, 3665 (Chabot) 3511-2, 3513, 3514 (Lea) 3665

Communities, built-up areas, local traffic problems (Fraser) 1608 (Bennett) 1618 (Lea) 1618-9 (Jordan) 1624-5

Condition of (Fraser) 1607 (Lea) 1615 (Bennett) 1618

Farmland, use of by highway (Wallace) 1058 (Stupich) 1062

Hart Highway, condition of (Phillips) 1630, 3418

Hart Highway, upgrading (Phillips) Q. 2634 (Lea) A. 2634

Kelowna-Armstrong area, development of (Jordan) 3522 (Lea) 3525

Oyama, overhead crosswalk (Jordan) 1626

Penticton bypass, route of (Anderson, D.A.) 3409-10 (Lea) 3410

Shouldering programme (Fraser) 1607 (Lea) 1615

Summerland bypass (Bennett) 1618

Vernon bypass (Jordan) 3524

Vernon, Mission Hill, pedestrian crossing (Jordan) 1626

Westbank bypass (Bennett) 1618 , Westbank, traffic light (Bennett) 1618

Winfield, bypass (Bennett) 1618

Winfield crosswalk (Jordan) 1626, 3522-3

Winfield to Ellison Lake, commercial access (Jordan) 3521

Winfield, traffic light at Beaver Lake Road (Jordan) 1626

Woods Lake, greenbelt area (Jordan) 1625, 3521

Mentioned: (Dent) 489 (Calder) 498

Highway 97B

Slide near Chase (Wallace) Q. 2240 (Lea) A. 2240

Highway 99

George Massey Tunnel, lighting (Liden) 3414 (Lea) 3415, 3416

George Massey Tunnel, speed zones in area (Fraser) 3406 (Lea) 3409

George Massey Tunnel, use by bicyclists (Barnes) 480 (Gibson) 1628

George Massey Tunnel, washing machine for tunnel (Liden) 3414 (Lea) 3415

Highway 401

Clearbrook on-ramp (McClelland) 3667 (Lea) 3667

Highway safety

See: Traffic safety


See: Roads; see also highways by number, e.g. Highway 1

Highways, Department of

Estimates 1606-31, 3204-10, 3404-20, 3511 3665-71. Speakers: Anderson, D.A. 3409-10, 3524-5, 3525-7; Bennett 1617-8; Chabot 1621-4, 3511-2, 3513, 3513-4, 3666, 3667-8, 3668; Curtis 3517-8, 3518, 3519; Fraser 1606-9, 3204-7, 3404, 3406-8, 3665, 3665-6, 3668; Gibson 1627-8; Jordan 1624-7, 3519-_'4; Lea 1614-7, 1618-9, 1621, 1627, 1628-9, 3207, 3208-10, 3404-6, 3408-9, 3410-2, 3413-4, 3415-6, 3511, 3512-3, 3513, 3515-7, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3525, 3527, 3528-9, 3665, 3667, 3668, 3669; Lewis 3514-5, 3517; Liden 3514-5; McClelland 3666-7, 3668; McGeer 1609-11; Phillips 1629-31, 3416-20, 3668-9. 3669; Smith 3412-3; Wallace 1612-4, 3207-8, 3527-8, 3665

Appropriation, Budget address (Barrett) 268

Appropriation, increase in (Fraser) 1606 (Lea) 1614 (Chabot) 1621-2 (Smith) 3412

Appropriation, percentage of budget (Fraser) 3_'04 (Lea) 3207

Burning of Maple Ridge buildings (Phillips) Q. 3970

Capital construction, appropriation for (Fraser) 3204

Communications department in proposed cabinet reorganization (Anderson, D.A.) 648

Consultation with local residents (Jordan) 1624 (Lea) 1627

Contracts under former government, investigation into (Anderson, G.H.) 3340

Curtailment of work due to Human Resources department overrun (Phillips) 967 (Barrett) 971

Day labour allocation (Fraser) 3205-6, 3407 (Lea) 3209, 3408, 3409 , 3413-4 (Smith) 3412

Employees, efficiency of and political affiliations (Bennett) 1617-8 (Lea) 1621

Employees, freeze on hiring (Fraser) 3407 (Lea) 3408

Employees, reclassification of (Jordan) 237, 3961-2

Employees, temporary assistance, increase in (Fraser) 3665-6 (Lea) 3606

Employees, tribute to (Jordan) 3519-20

Employment opportunities in North Okanagan (Jordan) 1627

Equipment, appropriation for purchases (Fraser) 1608, 3206 (Lea) 1616, 3209

Equipment, 1974 purchases (Fraser) 3407

Equipment purchases (Fraser) 3668

Equipment purchases for north and interior (Fraser) 3407

Farmland, use for highway construction (Wallace) 1058 (Stupich) 1062

Ferries, allocation of funds for (Chabot) 1622 (Lea) 1627

Gasoline tax revenue, use of (Fraser) 1606 (McGeer) 1611 (Lea) A. 1616

Government aircraft attached to department (Morrison) Q. 1437 (Lea) A. 1437

Highway districts (Lea) 3210

Highway regions (Fraser) 3204, 3408 (Lea) 3210

Highway safety engineer (Lea) 468

Highways, planning of (Lea) 468

Logging roads, takeover of (Fraser) 1608-9 (Lea) 1615

Maintenance budget (Throne speech) 4

Maintenance buildings in Cariboo (Fraser) 3206, 3406 (Lea) 3408

Maintenance, emphasis on (Lea) 468

Maintenance of roads (Lea) 1615, 3209, 3408-9 (Bennett) 1617 (Phillips) 1630 (Fraser) 3204

Management maintenance programme (Lea) 3666

Mileage, total, roads paved (Fraser) 1606

Minister, helicopter trips (Chabot) 3511 (Lea) 3512-3

Paving projects, North Okanagan, cancellation of (Jordan) Q. 3890 (Lea) A. 3890

Property settlements (Fraser) 3665 (Lea) 3665

Repair shop, Lillooet (Fraser) 3206

Roads, condition of, need for repairs (Phillips) 2497-8

Salary contingency (Phillips) 1009

Salary increases (Fraser) 3204

Signs on construction projects (Wallace) 1613-4 (Lea) 1617

Student employment (Jordan) 3524

Subdivision approval, jurisdiction over (Fraser) 1607-8 (Lea) 1615, 3515-6, 3519 (Lewis) 3515, 3517 (Curtis) 3517, 3519 (Jordan) 3520

Subdivision approval, transfer of jurisdiction (Curtis) 3574 (Lorimer) 3574 (Fraser) 3575-6

Truck driver's death, responsibility in (Wallace) 1613 (Lea) 1617

Vehicle damage claims (Chabot) 3667-8 (Lea) 3668

Voucher payments, delay in (Phillips) Q. 2279 (Lea) A. 2279

Zoning, planning, control over (Fraser) 512, 1546, 1547 (Lorimer) 1548

Hill, James

Mentioned: (Richter) 3439, 3440

Hill, T.J.

Mentioned: (Bennett) 1381

Hillcrest Properties Ltd.

Petition re services on property (Jordan) 1567

Hilliker, John A.C.

Letter quoted (Barrett) 3 133

Mentioned: (Barrett) 3137

Hills, Nick

Article quoted (Gibson) 2271

Hind, S.

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 2003

Hinkins, Ken

Mentioned: (Smith) 1878

Hinkson, Edward E.

Judgment (Anderson, D.A.) 103

Quoted (McClelland) 175

Mentioned: (McClelland) 945 (Anderson, D.A.) 2143, 2149, 2150, 2153, 2155, 2157, 2 158

Hiram Walker-Gooderham and Worts Ltd,

Mentioned: (Jordan) 3522

Historic houses, etc.

Designation of and compensation to owners (Wallace) 1551 (Lorimer) 1553

Entrance fee (Hall) 1691

See also names of houses, e.g. Point Ellice House, Victoria, B.C.

Hitchen, Brian

Mentioned: (Steves) 581

Hitchen, Violet

Mentioned: (Steves) 581

Hobbs, George

Mentioned: (Barrett) 680, 2573, 2574

Hobbs, Gerald

Quoted (Nimsick) 1506, 1507

Mentioned: (Nimsick) 1513

Hobenshiels family

Mentioned: (Williams, R.A.) 3273


Minor league players, social insurance number for (McClelland) 4009 (Hall) 4009-10

Hodges, Nancy

Mentioned: (Webster) 146

Hodgkinson, C.

Mentioned: (Dailly) 3865

Hodgson, Alan

Mentioned: (Hartley) 1731

Hoffmeister, B.M.

Mentioned: (Jordan) 3008, 3009

Hogarth, John

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 1393, 2291, 2293, 2454

Hogenberry Holdings

Lease fee increase (Phillips) 2034

Holiday Inns

See: Commonwealth Holiday Inns of Canada Ltd.


Shipping costs, increase in (Curtis) Q. 2828 (Stupich) A. 2828

Holmes Smith Properties Ltd.

Mentioned: (Steves) 3034

Holt, Simma

Mentioned: (Cummings) 2701 (Anderson, D.A.) 2701

Home Buyers' Protection Act

(Bill 43) (Jordan) 1R, 1025; withdrawn 1868

Home care of the sick

See: Home nursing

Home nursing

Duplication of services, Health and Human Resources departments (Wallace) 2112, 2804 (Cocke) 2117, 2804

Home-care programme (McClelland) 1389, 2108

Home-care programme, financing of (Wallace) 1403, 2808

Home-care programme, medical aspects (Cocke) 2808

Home-care programme, operation through present organizations (Williams, L.A.) 2113

Home Oil Co.

Mentioned: (Fraser) 3829

Homemaker service

See: Visiting housekeepers

Homeowner assistance

Advertising concerning homeowner grants, ambiguity in (Curtis) Q. 920 (Nicolson) A. 921

Grants in 1975 (Curtis) Q. 668

Home acquisition grants, number of and total sum granted (Bennett) Q. 1421 (Barrett) A. 1421

Homeowner grants (Anderson, G.H.) 483-4

Homeowner grants, Budget address (Barrett) 275

Homeowner grants, grants paid to municipalities (Bennett) Q. 1426 (Barrett) A, 1426


Producers, marketing board for (Jordan) 2300 (Stupich) 2301

See also: Bee culture; Bees


See: Bees

Hoodoos, B.C.

Purchase and preservation (Chabot) 1706

Hope, B.C.

Mill rate increase (Curtis) 2653

Hope-Princeton Highway

See: Highway 3

Horizon Corp.

Property purchases, complaints re cancellation of agreements (Wallace) Q. 2279 (Young) A. 3533

Horn, Hart

Appointment (Chabot) 3830, 3831

Mentioned: (Smith) 1509, 3296, 3854 (Fraser) 1521 (Nimsick) 3481

Horse racing

Sunday racing, request for (McClelland) Q. 3674 (Lorimer) A. 3674


Clydesdales (Fraser) 1675 (Hall) 1676

Horseshoe Bay, B.C.

Ferry terminal, construction work by Highways department (Williams, L.A.) 1620 (Lea) 1621

Hospital Act

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 3

Hospital Amendment Act, 1975

(Bill 91) (Minister of Health) 1R, 2689; 2R, 2793-5; C, 2838-41; 3R, 3841; RA, 3265

Speakers: (2R) Cocke 2793-4, 2795; McClelland 2794-5; Speakers: (C) Chabot 2839-40, 2840-1, 2841; Cocke 2838-9, 2839, 2840, 2841; Wallace 2838, 2839

Death, confirmation of by medical practitioner (Cocke) 2793, 2839 (Wallace) 2839

Doctors, privileges, decisions of appeal boards (Cocke) 2794 (McClelland) 2794-5

Hospitals, borrowing by, approval for (Cocke) 2793

Hospitals, public trustee, appointment of (Cocke) 2794 (McClelland) 2794 (Chabot) 2839-40

Personal care, definition of (Cocke) 2793, 2838 (Wallace) 2838

Private hospitals, monopolies in (Cocke) 2794

Private hospitals, mortgaging of and per diem rates (Cocke) 2793-4

Private hospitals, superintendents, probationary period (Cocke) 2793

Private hospitals, transfer of (Cocke) 2793

Society-owned hospitals, financial affairs of (McClelland) 2795

Hospital insurance

See: British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service

Hospital Insurance Act

Mentioned: (Cocke) 2903

Hospital Insurance Amendment Act

(Bill 98) (Minister of Health) 1R, 2825; 2R, 2902-4; C, 3069; 3R, 3069; RA, 3265

Speakers: (2R) Cocke 2902-3, 2904; Wallace 2903-4

Debt costs, payment of provincial share (Cocke) 2903

“Diagnostic and treatment centre", use of term in Act (Cocke) 2902

Eligibility, residence requirement (Cocke) 2902

Federal cost-sharing (Wallace) 2903 (Cocke) 2904

Outpatient services, definition of (Cocke) 2902, 2904 (Wallace) 2903

Premium sections, repeal of (Cocke) 2902, 2903

Tissue, organ transplants, hospital costs of donor, patient (Cocke) 2903 (Wallace) 2903

Tissue, organ transplants, costs of (Wallace) 2903-4 (Cocke) 2904

Hospitality Personnel Services Ltd.

Client's problem with, case cited (Brown) 447


Acute and extended-care units (Throne speech) 2

Alcoholic drinks, provision of to patients (Macdonald) 3545, 3546 (McClelland) 3545, 3545-6, 3546 (Jordan) 3545, 3546 (Williams, L.A.) 3545

Appropriation, Budget address (Barrett) 263

Borrowing, approval for (Cocke) 2793

Centralization of facilities (McClelland) 1392 (Cocke) 1395

Children's hospital, B.C. Medical Centre (McClelland) 1391 (Cocke) 1395 (McGeer) 1398

Chronic care. See entries beginning Intermediate care

Construction (Dent) 84 (Anderson, G.H.) 482

Construction, funds for (Cocke) 1419

Construction, number of beds (Bennett) 46

Costs per patient per day (Fraser) 2845 (Cocke) 2845

Debt costs, payment of provincial share (Cocke) 2903

Duncan, extended-care beds (Strachan) 441

Extended-care beds, construction projects (Cocke) 1419, 2109

Extended-care, beds needed, estimate of (Cocke) 2115

Extended-care facilities (Anderson, D.A.) 100

Extended-care hospital at UBC (McGeer) 1400 (Cocke) 2109

Extended-care patients in acute-care beds (Wallace) 2846

Extended-care patients, Mincome payments to (Wallace) 1457 (Levi) 1461

Federal cost-sharing (Wallace) 2846 (Cocke) 2848-9

Hazelton hospital (Dent) 488

Hospital Amendment Act, 1975. See name of act

Intermediate care (Throne speech) 3 (Wallace) 118-9, 305-6, 745-6, 1402-3, 1789, 2109-11, 2817 (Cocke) 337, 1393-4, 1406, 1419, 2108-9, 2114-5 (Anderson, G.H.) 482 (Williams, L.A.) 551, 2112-4 (Rolston) 558 (McClelland) 619, 1389-90, 1393, 2107-8, 2817-8 (Barrett) 746 (Jordan) 1413 (Anderson, D.A.) 1416-8 (Levi) 1461

Intermediate care, beds needed, estimate of (Cocke) 2114-5

Intermediate care, beds needed, — Greater Vancouver Regional District (McClelland) 2849

Intermediate care, beds, number of (McClelland) 2108

Intermediate care, contracting for in private facilities (Williams, L.A.) 2113 (Cocke) 2115

Intermediate care, costs per month, private facilities (Wallace) 2 110

Intermediate care, criteria for (Williams, L.A.) 2113 (Cocke) 2115

Intermediate care, employment in implementation of (Wallace) 394

Intermediate-care facility, Fort St. John (Smith) 3797-8 (Levi) 3798

Intermediate care, federal cost-sharing (McClelland) 2108 (Cocke) 2109, 2114, 2115

Intermediate care, Human Resources department funds for (McClelland) 2108 (Cocke) 2108-9, 2114

Interns and residents, bargaining system for (Wallace) 1405 (Cocke) 1407

Kamloops, hospitals (Anderson, G.H.) 221, 482

Maternity facility, B. C. Medical Centre (McClelland) 1391 (Cocke) 1395

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1975. See name of act

Patient care in Professional Association of Residents and Interns dispute (Cocke) 917-8 (McClelland) 918

Private hospitals, monopolies in (Cocke) 2794

Private hospitals, mortgaging of and per diem rates (Cocke) 2793-4

Private hospitals, superintendents, probationary period (Cocke) 2793

Private hospitals, supervision of (Wallace) Q. 405 (Cocke) A. 405

Private hospitals, transfer of (Cocke) 2793

Public trustee, appointment of (Cocke) 2794 (McClelland) 2794 (Chabot) 2839-40

Referral facilities (Cocke) 338, 339

Saanich Peninsula hospital, planning of (Wallace) Q. 1188 (Cocke) A. 1188

Sales tax increase, use of (Wallace) 2596

Skeena constituency (Dent) 1819-20

Society-owned hospitals, financial affairs of (McClelland) 2795

Sparwood hospital (Nimsick) 612

Terrace hospital (Dent) 488

University of B.C. School of Medicine, teaching hospital (McGeer) 1399

Vancouver , hospital for east side (McGeer) 1398 (Cocke) 1400

Victoria hospital services (Cocke) A. 1188 (Wallace) Q.1188

Hospitals — Rates

Charges to patient for hospital care (Wallace) 2110-1, 2847-8 (Cocke) 2115, 2849 (McClelland) 2849-50

Extended-care patients (Wallace) 1403

Mincome recipients, charges to (Wallace) 2111 (Cocke) 2114

Private hospitals, rates for patients under care of province (McClelland) 4065 (Levi) 4065, 4065-6

Hospitals — Salaries, pensions, etc.

Wage settlements (Wallace) 2847 (Cocke) 2849

Host Rent-A-Car

Mentioned (Schroeder) 2640


Youth hostels in agricultural areas (Levi) 3797

Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Phillips) 1772

Hotels, taverns, etc.

Hotel residents, eviction following television filming of room (Gibson) Q. 2828 (Macdonald) A. 2828

Hotel residents, rent control coverage (Wallace) 2726

Hotel room tax (Skelly) 630-1

Neighbourhood pubs, closing time (Brown) 1381 (Macdonald) 1382

Residential hotels with beer parlor licences (Barnes) 3940 (Williams, L.A.) 3947

Under-age drinking (Wallace) Q. 320 (Macdonald) A. 320, A. 344

Hotels, taverns, etc. — Fires and fire prevention

Vancouver hotels, fire safety standards (Williams, L.A.) 2675


Mentioned: (Bennett) 37 (Cocke) 2845

Hours of Work Act

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 2 (Select Standing Committee on Labour and Justice, report) 1227, 1229 (King) 3088 (Chabot) 3885

House of Concord, Langley, B.C.

Mentioned: (McClelland) 3670

Household Finance Corp.

Mentioned: (Levi) 667 (Young) 1128


See: Dwellings


Apartment buildings, maintenance of (Anderson, D.A.) 2739 (Macdonald) 2739

Apartment buildings, 99-year lease conversions (Steves) 581-2

Basic houses (Wallace) 1489, 2047 (Nicolson) 1495, 2048

Budget, amdt. to (Schroeder) 360, negatived 436

Building permits, value of, decline in (Schroeder) 356-7

Building permits, value of in Victoria (Richter) 362 362

Burnaby public housing project (Lorimer) 395

Capital investment in (Bennett) 290

Castlegar, housing development (Chabot) 1481 (Nicolson) 1483

Conversion mortgage programme (Nicolson) 1476

Co-operative housing (Nicolson) 172-3, 1475 (Brown) 198 (Barrett) 267 (Cocke) 411 (Rolston) 558 (Steves) 579-80

Costs (Schroeder) 357 (Steves) 427, 577-8 (Chabot) 1478

Cranbrook housing development (Nicolson) 1483-4

Crown land, servicing and sale of (Phillips) 2039, 2052-3 (Bennett) 2057

Crown land, servicing of, Budget address (Barrett) 267

Developers, profits (Brown) 197

Developments, municipal regulations re size, services (Phillips) Q. 3533, Q. 3534 (Nicolson) A. 3533-4

Duplexing, conversion of older housing (Steves) 580

Elderly, federal funds for (Williams, L.A.) 1485 (Nicolson) 1488

Elderly, housing for (Barrett) 267 (Nicolson) 1475

Elderly, housing units under construction (Nicolson) 172

False Creek area, social housing (Brown) 445

Federal funds (Wallace) 118

Fort Nelson, development, mobile home pads (Chabot) 1480 (Nicolson) 1483

Funds for (Wallace) 118

Funds for and CMHC funds (Wallace) 2047 (Nicolson) 2048

Golden, housing programme (Chabot) 1481 (Nicolson) 1483

Granger Industries Development, townhouse project (Chabot) 416

Houses, owner-constructed (Rolston) 558

Housing conference, Vancouver (Nicolson) 1478, 1488 (Williams, L.A.) 1484

Housing conference, Vancouver, Members' attendance as observers (Gibson) Q. 3887 (Nicolson) A.3887

Housing conference, Vancouver, reason for (Phillips) Q.3887 (Nicolson) A. 3887

Housing conference, Vancouver, role of private sector (Phillips) Q.3887 (Nicolson) A. 3887

Housing corporation for province (Bennett) 46-7, 48, 296, 382 (Jordan) 235

Housing starts, decline in (Anderson, D.A.) 74-5, Q.3534, 3945 (Phillips) 217, 1496, 2035 (Nicolson) 406-7, 1475, 2015, 2029, A.3534-5 (Gibson) 514, 2025, 20_'9 (Steves) 578 (Chabot) 1478 (Williams, L.A.) 1484

Housing under previous government (Lorimer) 395-6

Housing units (Throne speech) 4 (Gibson) 187, 385-6 (Lewis) 417

Housing units completed, under construction, planned (Nicolson) 172, 1475, 2028 (Barrett) 267

Housing units needed (Wallace) 2013, 2046 (Nicolson) 2015, 2048 (Gibson) 2025

Housing units needed, lower mainland (Williams, L.A.) 1484

Housing units needed, survey of (Wallace) 2013 (Nicolson) 2015

Housing units, number initiated, purchased by government (Wallace) 1492 (Nicolson) 1496

Housing units under construction (Gibson) 182

Incentives for construction (Wallace) 118

Invermere, housing programme (Chabot) 1481 (Nicolson) 1483

Investment in, funds for (Nicolson) 1475

Kamloops, housing construction by Dunhill Development Corp. (Bennett) 2057 (Nicolson) 2057-8

Kamloops, housing developments (Anderson, G.H.) 1494 (Phillips) 2086-7 (Nicolson) 2087

Kitimat subdivision, development of (Dent) 485-6

Land assembly, interest costs (Wallace) 1492

Land assembly projects (Throne speech) 4 (Dent) 489

Land, availability of (Gibson) 187

Land purchases (Cocke) 413

Land purchases by government, effect on price (Phillips) 2035, 2036-9, 2088

Land-use planning and regulation (Wallace) 116

Leased land, lease-to-purchase option (Wallace) 1490 (Nicolson) 1495

Leased land programme (Bennett) 47 (Nicolson) 2048, 2059, 2073 (Fraser) 2055-6 (Phillips) 2060 (Anderson, G.H.) 2072 (Chabot) 2075-6

Leased lots, Oak Hills (Anderson, G.H.) 2072

Leasehold mortgage programme (Nicolson) 1476

Limited-dividend housing -projects (Wallace) 2016 (Nicolson) 2017, 2028 (Gibson) 2025-6

Log houses, cost, source of logs (Chabot) 1481

Lots, development of (Throne speech) 4

Lots, serviced (Nicolson) 173, 1476

Mobile homes. See: Mobile homes

Mortgages, interest rate (Nicolson) 1475

Municipalities, consultation with (Wallace) 1491-2

Municipalities, co-operation of (Nicolson) 1477

Municipalities, funds for land servicing (Phillips) 2053, Q. 3534 (Nicolson) A. 3534

Municipalities, growth grants to (Gibson) 2027

Municipalities, impost charges (Curtis) Q. 1435 (Lorimer) A. 1435, 1564 (Rolston) 1562

Municipalities, impost fees, delays in developments (Lorimer) 322, A. 1387 (Gibson) 386, 2026 (Wallace) 390, 2113-4 (Fraser) 397, 512 (Steves) 580 (Curtis) 655

Municipalities, regulations on house, lot sizes (Wallace) 2047

Municipalities, revenue sources (Wallace) 2013-4 (Nicolson) 2016

Municipalities' role in (Bennett) 48, 381, 3696 (Wallace) 116-7, 2013-4 (Gibson) 187, 386, 516 (Brown) 198, 378 (Steves) 580 (Nicolson) 2016 (Curtis) 2046, 2056-7

Natural gas revenue, use for housing (Anderson, D.A.) 3698

Northern B.C., problem, needs (Calder) 495-7

Prefabricated houses (Wallace) 1489, 2042 (Nicolson) 1495, 2042-3

Price of in B.C. (Gibson) 2025 (Bennett) 2051-2 (Nicolson) 2054

Private enterprise (Anderson, D.A.) 99 (Wallace) 116, 392 (Brown) 197-8, 445 (Richter) 362 (Anderson, G.H.) 367 (McClelland) 411 (Gibson) 516

Projects, policy on purchasing (McGeer) Q. 135

Public housing, operating subsidies (Nicolson) 401

Public housing programme (Nicolson) 173

Remote area housing programme, federal funds for (Chabot) 1480-1 (Nicolson) 1483 (Williams, L.A.) 1484

Rent control, effect on rental construction (Gibson) 2027 (Wallace) 2046

Rent, subsidization of (Gibson) 2027

Rent supplements, federal (Nicolson) 1477

Rental housing (Steves) 578

Rental housing, cost per square foot (Wallace) 1492

Rental housing, investment in (Smith) 451 (Wallace) 2047 (Nicolson) 2048

Rental units (Barrett) 267 (Gibson) 386, 516

Rental units, construction of (Nicolson) 1477 (Wallace) 1492 (Anderson, D.A.) 2738

Research on (Steves) 580

Roscoe Bay, housing programme (Chabot) 1481 (Nicolson) 1483

Saanich, Marigold project (Nicolson) 2044 (Curtis) 2044, 2045 (Bennett) 2045

Saanich, Roy Road housing development (Curtis) 2043-4, 2044 (Nicolson) 2044

Scandinavia, housing finance system (Nicolson) 1477

Servicing of land, Budget address (Barrett) 267

Shortage (Steves) 577-81

Shuswap, housing needs (Lewis) 523

Social housing, CMHC funds for (Nicolson) 2048

Squamish duplexes vacant (Chabot) 1479 (Nicolson) 1483

Squamish, housing development (Chabot) 1479 (Nicolson) 1483

Surrey, cost of growth (Gibson) 2026

Tenants (Brown) 196-7

Vancouver-Burrard constituency (Brown) 196-7, 445

Vancouver, infill housing (Brown) 445

Vancouver, inventory of completed, unoccupied housing (Gibson) 2025 (Nicolson) 2054

Vancouver, land available (Gibson) 387 (Phillips) 2053

Vancouver townhouses, 13th and Laurel (Chabot) 1481 (Nicolson) 1484

Zoning, restrictive, by municipalities (Lorimer) 322-3

See also: Aged — Housing; Dwellings; Mobile homes; Mortgages

Housing, Department of

Estimates 1475-96, 1998-2027, 2034-67, 2069-91, 2097-2107;

Speakers: Anderson, D.A. 2002-4, 2009-10, 2011; Anderson, G.H. 1493-5, 2071-2; Bennett 2041-2, 2045, 2051-2, 2057; Chabot 1478-82, 2070-1, 2075-6, 2080-1, 2084, 2084-5, 2085; Curtis 2043-4, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2056-7, 2074, 2075; Fraser 2055-6; Gardom 2017-8, 2019-20, 2020-1; Gibson 2024-7; Jordan 2102-4, 2104-5; McClelland 2105-6, 2107; Nicolson 1475-8, 1482-4, 1488-9, 1495-6, 2004-5, 2008-9, 2010-1, 2015-6, 2017, 2018-9, 2020, 2021, 2024, 2027-9, 2040, 2041, 2042-3, 2043, 2044, 2044-5, 2045-6, 2048, 2050, 2054-5, 2057-60, 2063-4, 2072-4, 2074-5, 2075, 2079-80, 2084, 2085, 2085-6, 2087, 2088-9, 2090-1, 2091, 2099-2100, 2101-2, 2104, 2105, 2107; Phillips 1496, 1998-2002, 2006-8, 2021-4, 2034-40, 2041, 2048-50, 2050-1, 2052-4, 2060-3, 2064-7, 2069-70, 2077-9, 2085, 2086-7, 2087-8, 2091, 2097-9; Rolston 2081-3; Smith 2100-1; Wallace 1489-93, 2011-5, 2016-7, 2042, 2046-8, 2089-90; Williams, L.A. 1484-8

Accomplishments (Lea) 464-5

Administration, cost of (Wallace) 2089 (Nicolson) 2090-1 (Phillips) 2097 (Smith) 2100-1

Advertising, printing, publications (Wallace) 2089, 2090 (Nicolson) 2091, 2100 (Phillips) 2097, 2098-9 (Smith) 2 101

Appropriation (Barrett) 267 (McGeer) 301-2 (Gibson) 514 (Lewis) 518-9 (Williams, L.A.) 551

British Columbia Association of Strata Corporations, grant to (Anderson, D.A.) Q. 1089, Q. 1150, Q. 1531, (Nicolson) A. 1 150

Consultive services (Wallace) 2089 (Nicolson) 2091 (Phillips) 2079, 2099

Conversion loan programme (Nicolson) 1476

Criticized (Wallace) 116 (Bennett) 291 (Phillips) 365 (Anderson, D.A.) 431 (Jordan) 476

Cumberland, land purchase (Phillips) 2062 (Nicolson) 2063

Department in proposed cabinet reorganization (Anderson, D.A.) 647

Deputy Minister, Associate Deputy Ministers (Wallace) 2090 (Phillips) 2091 (Nicolson) 2091

Development branch (Nicolson) 2101-2

Duncan, land purchase (Phillips) 2087-8 (Nicolson) 2088-9

Dunhill Development Corp. staff, employment of (Wallace) 2090

Elderly citizens renters grant programme (Smith) 2 100 (Nicolson) 2 101

Home acquisition branch (Nicolson) 2 101

“Housing for People” (Nicolson) 2091, 2 100

Housing projects, partially completed, purchase of (Chabot) 1481 (Nicolson) 1484, 1496, 2017 (Wallace) 1492, 2014

Housing projects, purchase of (Bennett) 382

Housing units, construction of (Nicolson) 172 (Gibson) 182 (Sanford) 326 (Schroeder) 356 (Steves) 579

Housing units, construction of by department, number, value of (Bennett) Q. 1429 (Nicolson) A. 1429

Housing units, number initiated, purchased (Wallace) 1492 (Nicolson) 1496

Housing units planned (Nicolson) 172

Indians, housing grants to (Nicolson) 2 101

Kamloops duplexes, press release on (Morrison) Q. 1028-9 (Nicolson) A. 1029

Land assembly (Throne speech) 4 (Dent) 489

Land assembly, interest costs (Wallace) 1492

Land bank purchases, identity of vendors, price per acre, total cost (Bennett) Q. 1427 (Nicolson) A. 1427-8

Land, purchasing of (Cocke) 413 (Smith) 454

Leased land, lease-to-purchase option (Wallace) 1490 (Nicolson) 1495

Leasehold mortgage programme (Nicolson) 1476

Lots serviced, servicing underway, servicing planned (Nicolson) 1476

Lumber purchases, cost of (Bennett) Q. 1318 (Nicolson) A. 1318

Maple Ridge property, purchase of (Phillips) 2040 (Nicolson) 2040

Meadowbrook project. See entries under Coquitlam, B.C.

Minister, delegation of authority to sign land registry documents (Hall) 3919 (Phillips) 3919 (Nicolson) 3919

Minister's salary reduced by $1, M. (Chabot) 1482. Negatived 2039

Mobile home pads (Nicolson) 1476

Mortgages (Chabot) 3134, 3 157

Municipalities, consultation, co-operation with (Nicolson) 1477 (Wallace) 1491-2

Northern B.C., programmes for (Calder) 496

Planning by department to meet needs (Wallace) 2012-3, 2046

Prince George property, purchase of (Phillips) 2040-1 (Nicolson) 2040-1

Programmes (Rolston) 558 (Steves) 577-80

Property negotiator, salary (Phillips) 2091 (Nicolson) 2091

Rental housing, cost per square foot (Wallace) 1492

Revelstoke land purchase (Chabot) 1480, 2076 (Nicolson) 1483, 2080

Staff, increase in (Wallace) 2089-90 (Nicolson) 2090, 2099-2100 (Phillips) 2091, 2097 (Smith) 2100-1

Terrace property, purchase of (Phillips) 2040 (Nicolson) 2040, 2041

Vancouver housing shortage, conference on (Nicolson) 1478, 1488 (Williams, L.A.) 1484

Vanderhoof land purchases (Phillips) 775-7, Q. 819

Vanderhoof land purchases, press release on (Phillips) Q. 819 (Nicolson) A. 819, A. 1028

Housing, Department of, Act

Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (1975) . See name of act

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 4 (Nicolson) 2090 (McClelland) 2831 (Gardom) 3428

Housing Act

Mentioned: (Throne speech) 4

Housing and Urban Development Association of Canada

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 174, 2028, 3887

Housing Incentive Fund Act

Mentioned: (Nicolson) 2090

Houston, B.C.

Community resources board election (McClelland) Q. 1769 (Cocke) A. 1769-70

Hospital board, replacement of (McClelland) Q. 1770 (Cocke) A. 1770

Howard, Frank

Advisory role, salary (Fraser) 3770 (Levi) 3771

Mentioned: (Bennett) 50 (Chabot) 549, 3445 (Gardom) 848

Howe, Clarence Decatur

Mentioned: (Chabot) 1006

Howe Sound, B.C.

Pollution of (McGeer) 2929, 2932, 3359-60, 3360 (Williams, R.A.) 2931, 3360

Howell, Norma 99-year lease, foreclosure of property (Smith) 2670-1, 2671-2 (Macdonald) 2671, 2672

Hubbard, Gary

Mentioned: (Gibson) 1518

Hudson, Claude

See also: Economic study of British Columbia Tree Fruit Industry

Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Co.

Officials of, meeting with Premier (Morrison) Q. 2778 (McGeer) Q. 2827 (Nimsick) A. 2827

Human Resources, Department of

Estimates 1437-73, 3669-71, 3705-24, 3788-3812.

Speakers: Anderson, D.A. 3710-4, 3719, 3792-3, 3794-5, 3803-4, 3804-5, 3811-2; Brown 1468-70; Fraser 1470, 3770-1; Gardom 1472-3; Gibson 1448-51, 1454; Jordan 1463-7; Levi 1438-41, 1447-8, 1451-3, 1454, 1459-63, 1467-8, 1473, 3706-8, 3708-10, 3714-9, 3719, 3719-21, 3771-3, 1776-80, 3788, 3790-2, 3793-4, 3796-7, 3800-3, 3803, 3804, 3805-6, 3807, 3808, 3809, 3810, 3811, 3812; Lewis 3810-1; McClelland 1441-6, 3669-71, 3705-6, 3708, 3780-4, 3788, 3788-90, 3806, 3807, 3808-9, 3809-10, 3812; Macdonald 1446; McGeer 3795-6; Rolston 1470-2; Sanford 3780; Smith 3797-8, 3798; Wallace 1454-9, 3721-4, 3773-6, 3798-3800, 3803, 3807-8, 3811

Accounting method (Levi) 3715, 3796

Administration costs, increase in (Wallace) 1455 (Levi) 1463

Annual report (Anderson, D.A.) 3711 (Wallace) 3721, 3722

Appropriation (Barrett) 266 (McGeer) 302 (D’Arcy) 334 (Brown) 448 (Chabot) 542 (Williams, L.A.) 551

Appropriation, increase in (McClelland) 1444-5 (Levi) 1462-3

Comptroller for department (Levi) 3715-6

Criticized (Wallace) 116

Family aides (Wallace) 1455-6, 1457 (Levi) 1459-60

Handicapped, advisory committee on (Levi) 529

Intermediate care (Levi) 1461

Intermediate care, funds for (McClelland) 2108 (Cocke) 2108-9, 2114

Minister's office 542

Minister's speech, cost of reproduction and distribution (Anderson, D.A.) 3710-1 (Levi) 3719

Overrun (Chabot) 58 (Williams, L.A.) 239 (King) 628 (Anderson, D.A.) 1031, 3710 (McGeer) 1032, 1041, 042, 1046 (McClelland) 1444 (Levi) 1461-2, 3715-6 (Jordan) 1464 (Wallace) 3721

Overrun in current year (McGeer) 3796 (Levi) 3796

Overrun, municipal share, collection of (Anderson, D.A.) 3713 (Levi) 3716

Overruns under previous government (Levi) 535-7

Policies of department (Jordan) Q. 192 (Levi) A. 192

Programme manager (McClelland) 1445 (Levi) 1447

Programmes, appropriations for (Levi) 533-5

Programmes, cutbacks in (McClelland) 3789-90

Salary contingencies (Morrison) 1000 (Anderson, D.A.) 3812 (Levi) 3812

Victoria offices, relocation during strike-lockout (Wallace) Q. 954

Human rights

See: Civil rights

Human Rights Act

Mentioned: (Jordan) 471 (Hall) 1693 (Macdonald) 3182 (Anderson, D.A.) 3953

Human Rights Branch

Staff, funds (Anderson, D.A.) 3953

Staff, increase in (Wallace) 3085 (King) 3085

Human Rights Code

Section 8, suspension request (Anderson, D.A.) Q. 1568, Q. 1636 (King) A. 1636

Human Rights Code of British Columbia Amendment Act

(Bill 145) (Anderson, D.A.) 1R, 4029

Hume, Jim

Article in Daily Colonist quoted (Anderson, D.A.) 3682

Mentioned: (King) 3679 (Richter) 3680

Hunsberger, Garrett

Charges against (Wallace) 1377 (Macdonald) 1378

Hunt, H.L.

Mentioned: (Barrett) 845

Hunter, Frank

Mentioned: (Wallace) 3087, 3088

Hunter Creek correctional camp

Future of (McClelland) 3706, 3708 (Levi) 3709-10


Antlerless animal season (Kelly) 1758

Non-resident hunters, decrease in numbers of (Chabot) 1745 (Radford) 1749

Permits, issuing to welfare cases (Kelly) 504

Prepaid trophy system, effect on guiding industry (Chabot) 1745-6

Safety programme (Gardom) 595

Sustenance permits (Kelly) 1759 (Radford) 1763-4

Restriction on in Omineca (Kelly) 503

Hunting guides

See: Guides for hunters, fishermen, etc.

Hutchison, Tom

Employment of (Chabot) 1954 (Dailly) 1954

Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, B.C.

Mentioned: (Phillips) 1772

Hydraulic mining

Regulations of (Nimsick) 3298

Hydrofoil boats

Hydrofoil ferries, costs (Curtis) 4071

Tests; economic feasibility (Strachan) 4071, 4072

Hyndman, Peter

Mentioned: (Macdonald) 250