Province of British Columbia
30th Parliament, 2nd Session
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
January 25, 1973 to April 18, 1973


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UBC Reports

Article by Peter Thompson, reference to (Wallace) 1209

Udall, Stewart

The Quiet Crisis quoted on land (Lauk) 1712, 1714


Additions to expenditures to stimulate employment and the economy, budget address (Barrett) 357

Aggravated by uncertainty (Phillips) 50-1 (Fraser) 143

Budget, stimulus to employment and economy (Macdonald) 396

Challenges to find job and control cost of living (Wallace) 717

Co-operative training programme for people moving to north (Barrett) 778

Economic growth rate and unemployment (McGeer) 59

Effect on municipalities (Fraser) 565

Employment expectations in 1973 (Anderson, D.A.) 1083C (Macdonald) 1083D

Employment of young people in environment preservation (Williams, L.A.) 55

Expenditures on job creation (Barrett) 777, 853

Federal fiscal and monetary policies and unemployment (Radford) 278

Government action and unemployment (Anderson, D.A.) 643-5

Government programmes, actions re unemployment criticized (Phillips) 765 (Chabot) 851 (Jordan) 1084

Government programmes for tax changes, other measures to relieve unemployment, qu. (Anderson, D.A.) 2950

Highway development programme to reduce unemployment (Wallace) 42

Indian people and unemployment (Nunweiler) 254

Job-creating areas, budget comparisons 1972 and 1973 (Morrison) 374

Job creation, assistance to private industry (Anderson) 40

Job creation by small business and tax increases (Jordan) 694

Job creation measures, park development, reforestation (Morrison) 374

Job creation programme needed (Chabot) 48-9

Job creation programmes in budget (Radford) 541

Job creation programmes under former government (Jordan) 730-1

Job finding agency needed (McClelland) 52

Jobs available in rural and remote areas (Phillips) 770, 771

Jobs decreasing in resource industries (McGeer) 1079

Labour content in job creation programmes (Chabot) 851

Multinational corporations and the employment of Canadians (Strachan) 58

Natural resources and unemployment (Lea) 299

New jobs needed (Macdonald) 1059

Overtime and unemployment (Radford) 280

Problem, debate in the House (Anderson, D.A.) 1084, 1086

Reforestation programme to reduce unemployment (Wallace) 42

Regional plans by Department of Trade and Industry (Barrett) 1085-6

Restoration of economic viability to the north-eastern section of the province and restoring job activity within B.C. Subamdt. (Phillips) 671

Sources of statistics on numbers (Chabot) 344

Surplus funds for job creation (Barrett) 788, 853

Surpluses, immediate use to further employment, question (McGeer) 865

Tax policies and jobs in Peace River area (Chabot) 698

Taxation and unemployment (Wallace) 383 (Brousson) 568 (McClelland) 677-80 (Chabot) 697 (Anderson, D.A.) 702

Trudeau, Rt. Hon. P.E., wired re unemployment and shipbuilding subsidy (Barrett) 45

Unemployed, retraining programmes needed (Wallace) 41

Unemployed young people, solutions suggested (Rolston) 516

Unemployed young people in Dewdney area (Rolston) 157

Unemployment and economic climate (Richter) 187

Unemployment and industrial expansion (McGeer) 115-6

Unemployment and lack of confidence in economy (Schroeder) 91-2

Unemployment' and population growth (Macdonald) 123-4

Unemployment and the budget (Morrison) 374 (Phillips) 505 (Richter) 537, 540

Unemployment and the federal government (Barrett) 44-6

Unemployment and the growth rate (McGeer) 112

Unemployment in B.C. (Jordan) 29-30, 34-7 (Anderson, D.A.) 37, 703-4 (Chabot) 46-9 (Phillips) 838-9

Unemployment problem, budget address (Barrett) 356

Unemployment record worst in Canada (McGeer) 376-7

Winter works and reforestation projects (Chabot) 787

Unemployment insurance

See: Insurance, Unemployment

Union Club, Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Smith) 634 (Williams, R.A.) 629

Union Dues

See: Trade unions — Finance

Union of British Columbia Municipalities

Brief on Land Commission Act quoted (Fraser) 1721

Recommendations (Phillips) 1269

Statement on Land Commission Act referred to, quoted (Phillips) 1484-6

Support for farmland subdivision freeze (Stupich) 214

Union Oil Company

Drilling programme cancelled or suspended (Morrison) 701

Telegram, sentence quoted (McGeer) 719

United Air Lines

Mentioned: (Barrett) 2725

United Auto Workers

Mentioned: (Radford) 1399 (Gabelmann) 1402

United Church of Canada

Brief asking for social assistance increase referred to (Barrett) 2116

Letter re Land Commission Act quoted (Liden) 1529 (Richter) 1692-3 (Smith) 1767; referred to (Barrett) 1706

United Community Services, Vancouver

Inquiry into financial and administrative operations, qu. (Williams, L.A.) 2638

Reports of the Social Policy and Research Committee quoted (Gabelmann) 720-1

United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union

Prince Rupert fishermen members (Lea) 299

United Fruit Company

Mentioned: (Barrett) 2329, 2342

United Mortgage Ltd., Victoria, B.C.

Mentioned: (Brousson) 574

United Pulp and Paper Makers

Overtime exemptions, elimination requested (Radford) 279-80

United States — Court of Appeals

Decision on Alaska pipeline route (Anderson, D.A.) 646

United Steelworkers of America

Control of membership by Canadian Workers Union at Cominco (Chabot) 341

Mentioned: (McGeer) 1379 (Gabelmann) 1402

United Transportation Union

Mentioned: (Nunweiler) 612-3

Universities and colleges

Community College Act possible (Dailly) 425

Community colleges should include both academic and vocational (Dailly) 1091

Discrimination in grants to independent col 1114

New structure for presentation of university budgets (Dailly) 1092

Regional college for Pacific northwest (Lea) 1168

Universities, operating grants, budget address (Barrett) 357

Universities and colleges — Administration

Provincial university concept as a credit bank for students (Brousson) 1100

Universities and colleges — Entrance requirements

Consultation and co-operation with post-secondary institutions re student entrance (Dailly) 428

Universities and colleges — Finance

Capital costs for community colleges funded by government (Dailly) 430

Universities Real Estate Development Corporation

See: University of British Columbia Endowment Lands

University Act

Changes in legislation, reference to (Dailly) 1090

Revision of Act under consideration by Commission on post-secondary education (Dailly) 425

University Endowment Lands Act

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 70

University of British Columbia

Access roads (McGeer) 1351

Budget adjustment (McGeer) 1112 (Anderson, D.A.) 1164

Budget and justification of expenditure, relevance of programmes (Dailly) 1113

Budgetary allotment, justification of need (Dailly) 1168

Campus, architecture, development (Jordan) 1879-80

Campus not to expand onto endowment lands (Williams, R.A.) 1879

Day care centres for students' children (McGeer) 1111

Department of Audiology, reference to (Cocke) 1219

Discrimination against women (Brown) 1106

Discrimination in salaries, etc. of women (Webster) 433

Equalization of costs for students from remote areas (McGeer) 1111

Health Science Centre Hospital (Cocke) 1189-90

Hospital needed (McGeer) 1187

LIP day care centre (Levi) 2177

Programme cuts, economics (McGeer) 1111

Residence fees, increase, qu. (Wallace) 1206

Residence fees not being increased (Dailly) 1206

University of British Columbia Endowment Lands

Design committee (Williams, R.A.) 1881

Design committee's orientation (McGeer) 1880

Endowment lands, potential (Williams, R.A.) 1878-9

Endowment lands and UBC (McGeer) 1877-8

Golf course fence (McGeer) 1878

Housing plan for endowment lands (Lauk) 2030

Mentioned: (McGeer) 931, 1877-8

Science city suggested for endowment lands (Webster) 95

University campus not to expand (Williams, R.A.) 1879

University of British Columbia School of Medicine

Applicants, places available (McGeer) 1112-3

University of Victoria

Budget allotment, effect on students' learning environment (Dailly) 1092

Mentioned: (Brown) 1107 (McGeer) 1112

Operating costs (Curtis) 1091

Reference to budget (Anderson, D.A.) 1164

Reference to budget and programmes (Dailly) 1113

Upper Levels Highway

Widening, tribute to Highways department staff (Williams, L.A.) 1347

Urban Development Institute

Document on Land Commission Act quoted (Smith) 1786

Letter referred to, quoted (Phillips) 1487-8

Urban planning

See: Cities and towns — Planning

Utah Construction and Mining Company

Mentioned: (Anderson, D.A.) 2430